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Evening Emptybox.


Had a nice meal, cut some spuds up and made them into small slices to boil and sauté.

Took a breast and a leg and wing off a cooked chicken O/H had cooked earlier.

Made 1/2 pint curry sauce to pour over it.

Also fried sliced up mushrooms.


Just watching The Hairy Bikers, will look at the £100k house after this.


Have taken a piece of salted cod from the freezer and put into water for morning.

strange the way fish with salt brine inside won't freeze.


Afternoon Everyone.


I saw that program Emptybox about the £100k house, quite a nice area.


Why on earth did she buy it if it wasn't fit, very strange.


Been to Costco, got lots of fruit, meat for curry, Crabs legs & big crab claws, they have brought the price of the legs down to £24 a kilo now.£10 less than it was.

We just had a claw each, lots of love;y flesh in them.

Got a big box of figs, plums, Nectarines, Banana's

Got 2 big chickens, will give them to my lad.


Very cloudy here today, no sun yet.


Hi Hicky.

Misty to start with here, but turned into a sunny afternoon.


Yes that lady was daft to pay £100k for that prefab house in the state it was in. It does have a big garden at the back of it though. 

It was amazing that she could build a new house for not much more than £50k.

The bit at the end where she invites her neighbours in. I've worked for some of them.


Here it is on iplayer, if Mollie or Frodo want a look-see.


Does salted fish not freeze Hicky? That's strange, cos the sea freezes if it's cold enough. But I suppose the more salt in it, the lower the temp needed to freeze it.


I notice the Lotto tickets are going up to £2 from 5th Oct. Will you have to re-jig your online account Hicky.

I take three lines at the moment, but I'm going to cut down to just one, so I'll actually save money.


Evening Emptybox.


That lady was lucky to get her house at all, considering she nothing about anything.


The salted fish didn't freeze at all, and that was at -18C, think i'll try to keep some out of the freezer, just in salt, after this latest lot comes out of the fridge.


Yes the lotto going up is a problem, i do it online same with the Euro one and the Health one. just do 1 line for 2 days and 4 weeks at a time.


Just had 2 King Crab legs, don't mind now they aren't so dear.

Had one of the Figs, they are very good, you get 10 in a box, going to give my neighbour a few, his O/H likes them.


Just made a big dish of fresh fruit, Strawberries, Banana & Plums, with cream.


Finished another Fig Tub, only 1 to go now, but no hurry.


Picked a few Raspberries as i was passing the canes.


It's something to do with it being opened to the public. National Trust I think?

Hazel said she was going as well.

(that's Sophie Anderton and Nicola McLean in your pic, in case you were wondering )

Last edited by emptybox

Just found out, saw this tweet.

Dan Neal Official ‏@DanNealOfficial 6h

Looking forward to going back in to the @bbuk house tonight for the @NTlovesLondon Gala Opening #bbuk



Not sure what thats about though.


Evening Everyone.


Evening Emptybox.


Had a nice day today, sunny all day.


Picked a load of Raspberries and gave them to my neighbour with 4 figs & 4 big Nectarines from Costco.

She has the big 'C' come back after 30 years, which is bad news.


Watching 'Strictly Come Dancing' at the mo.


Eaten the rest of the crab legs, made a Rendang curry


I wonder if we will get some video from then being in the house?


Didn't realise Nikki was there, it seemed a pretty random selection, maybe many couldn't make it.


Hi Hicky.

Glad you got the sun today.

It was dull and sometimes drizzly here, but quite muggy. Got some work done anyway.


Not sure how they chose who was at the National Trust BB open day. Mostly the latest bunch plus a few others including Nikki. 

Seemingly there are guided tours today and tomorrow that sold out very quickly. There's been a few news reports, plus I saw a video with Nikki and Josie being interviewed


Chanelle has posted a preview of her calendar.

She looks very healthy.

Not sure if it can be pre-ordered yet?


Hope Mollie and Frodo are well.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.


Was just going to post that link of Nikki, just watched it.

This one;


Probably the same one.


I'll have to get that Calendar of Chanelle's, not ordered my 2014 ones yet.

This year i have Amy Childs & a Gardening one.


Strictly was good, for a first night with some of them, wow, so good.



From Gina.


OMG just finished my first day filming my reality show! xxxx


Hello all

so good to be things seem to be sorted..looking forward to the happy times again and hope you are all well


The weather here has been fantastic for the last few days Indian Summer comes to mind...Is the house all lovely and ship shape nah still all in a kerfuffle like me 

who cares will be sorted when I feel like It.


Did anyone see Sky with the Big Brother house?  Nikki AND Josie were on ,wow Josie seems gaunt and the accent she used was really cider country ..over the top 

only my opinion though ..she really has lost some weight and good on her.


Things needed sorting but missed you all ,the food from Hicky especially and emptybox's irony ..hope your mum Is doing well Mollie and that the memory isn't getting worse ,truly hope the job situation for your OH Is good.and your daughter has come to some decision about Uni and you are feeling better.

I have been watching Strictly Come Dancing and loving It also X Factor .


Can't believe we are are at the end of September almost the C word  



sees youxx


Just ordered online cos Its easier some new plates mugs etc the whole caboodle 

sick of eating off a plate etc that really needs replacing



err not Dalton etc the everyday kind 


I'm on a roll today ...sort of read back on most things, got to agree with Mollie though about Cheryl Cole perhaps in future I'll say how I feel instead of shirking It  cos I have realised on here good to speak your mind without being told off ,

hope you are well all 


I'll be back 


Evening Frodo.


Looking forward to tv tonight.

Pointless, Strictly, X Factor, Through the Keyhole.


Not been bad today.

Glad your family problems are sorted.


Had a nice brekkie, 4 thick sausages and a big tin toms, then a fillet of Haddock, then a bowl of cherries, then a bowl of plums, then a bowl of curry & rice.

Was eating Raspberries when i was cutting the grass.


Here is a great twitter to follow, very interest indeed.


I didn't see Sky, but saw Nikki on a news video or something.



Big Brother 

house has been on Sky News all day Its a National Trust House dontcha know!!

suppose Its part of bringing It to young people


They keep saying and so do the producers that Its a young people show  I so wish they would wake up and realise BB has a cult following ....age just doesn't come in to It...I have followed them all from day one ,as same as you and still I'm a fan ...enjoying X factor &SCD...I'm a Celeb to look forward too 


night all 


I haven't had Haddock for ages love It and kippers yummy poached egg on the haddock and some bread to soak up the juices heaven 



Last edited by Former Member

Hi Hicky and Frodo.

Lovely sunny day here. As you say Frodo, almost an Indian Summer.

Think it's supposed to be good for another couple of days.


Glad your family stuff is sorted Frodo. Hope things are more tranquil for a while.

Hope you like your new crockery. I've got more mugs than I know what to do with here.  Some of them still even have handles.


We saw the video of Nikki and Josie being interviewed. I agree that Josie plays up the Bristolian thing, but I don't mind her.


Hi Hicky. I watched X-Factor now Through The Keyhole. I've recorded that Atlantis thing on BBC1.


That might be an interesting twitter Hicky.

However, I scrolled down and couldn't find a single fact about sausages. A serious omission, I feel.


Hello Mollie 

hope you are well and your mum too sorry I haven't been on for a while but I hope you are coping and things are turning in your favour and that all Is working out on the job front and university for your daughter.


no further on with the decorating ,but other things seem to be on the mend..bit of a down since BB finished but other things to look forward too .


see you soon


Good Morning everyone.


Good Morning Frodo & Emptybox.

Not too bad a weekend.

Had brekkie out yesterday, only the usual.


Had a nice lamb leg roast yesterday, TV ok at the mo now at the weekend.

Enjoy the dancing & X Factor, not the seat swapping though, that is cruel.



Hello all

I hope everyone Is well.Ewwww that was rather cruel on X Factor picking six out and them thinking they were through ,only to swap again nasty ,not my Idea of easy watching .Anyone been watching Fried Chicken Shop (probably got the title wrong but I am enjoying the series same goes for Educating Yorkshire and Gogglebox ..not everyone's cup of tea but I like them ,watching Whitechapel too .

loving Downton .


Thinking about  you Mollie and how stressful It must be.. If you get a chance to read  really hoping your mum Is not getting any worse with her memory and you are coping ,not to mention the stress of OH working away .


will get back later take care all xx    anyone else plagued by these tiny midges ?




Hello again 


for my £23 pounds plus had to pay for post...four each of Dinner plates,tea plates desert or pudding bowls,mugs,knives ,forks ,spoons ..coasters and place mats 


not posh but really delicate pattern they were in the sale ,didn't post the link in case It wasn't allowed  

Last edited by Former Member

Good Afternoon Frodo


I was thinking the same about X Factor, what a nightmare for those on the bench.


I've seen a couple of the chicken shop, depends on what else is on.


Are the midges in the house?, if so they are probably fruit flies, have you any fruit/skins/stones/pips or anything, if you put them in a waste bin in the house they need to be emptied each day.


Can't think what else they are, but if they are outside they seem to gather, must be flirting.


Opened the wheelie bin the other night and it was alive with hundreds of grubs, wow, and the lid is kept shut, one fly must get in and lay hundreds of eggs then fly out when the lid is opened.


That was quite a good set you bought, a complete 4 seat dining service, cutlery included.


we get through some as well, if a plate or cup/mug gets a chip is is thrown out straight away, i got rid of all the cutlery and O/H bought a new 8 place set form Sainsbury's, very good quality, i'm made up, she needed the type with the wide handle to make it easier to hold as she has bad Arthritis in her joints.




Do you know I have never shopped online ...pots pans clothes Etc yes but then I pay by phone .Twice I have paid by card ..for this forum and for BB online for Ch 4 that was my first foray ..took me ages to finally get It sorted .

Am I old and decrepit nah but I am sort of wanting to do shopping for goodies online shopping where I can indulge instead of the humdrum way any tips

 on talking me through It ..would be good 


Hicky sorry to hear about your OH Arthritis must be frustrating ,here we seem to go in fits of pot smashing..had some deep porridge /cereal bowls one left and they were easy for left overs baked beans etc cling film ..presto use the next day .


Smashing times all seem to happen at once my kitchen is pale blue ,and black with all black crockery which my son refuses to use I'm changing the plates etc ,to be honest I am not fussy ..but a change Is as good as a rest



Not bad day here, a bit windy.

Got a bit of a sore throat. Bit of a nuisance.


Glad you like your new crockery Frodo.

I've bought quite a lot online, mainly from Ebay and Amazon, but also other places. I pay for small stuff with Paypal, which is linked to my bank account.

When I use a credit card online it's one with a relatively low credit limit.

I would make sure you stick to well known sites and just always be a bit wary.

But by and large, it's as safe as using a credit card in a shop.


Hi Hicky. Yes I'm sometimes bothered by flies in the wheelie bin, as I'm just myself, so stuff often stays in there a few weeks before it's emptied.

I quite liked the X-Factor format. I'm sure the contestants were all aware they could lose their seats. Made for good telly anyway.


Looking forward to Under The Dome tonight.


Hello all 

again just made a Shepherd's Pie  with Quorn ,not everyone's cup of tea ..I like It though

Hope your sore throat eases emptybox much talking  nah not you 

seems to be a few folks complaining about the pesky little flies Googled them .



Still no Mollie ...but no news Is good at the moment ...sending loving vibes your way anyhows (and  when you feel ready not before mind)  take care all 




I like Shepherd's Pie Frodo.

Never tried quorn myself though.


My throat's not too bad.

No I don't really go in for a lot of talking.


Hicky (or anyone else) here's the link where you can order Chanelle's calendar

It's £14.48 including delivery, which is maybe a bit pricy? I've ordered one anyway.



very dull here to-day and the grass has been cut before It rains  or so they say !

we have been so lucky with the weather so I'm not complaining,and even tho' Its overcast Its still quite warm.


Hard to believe Its the first of October ..Shepherds Pie with Quorn was really nice 

not for meat eaters though ,unless you feel like a change but good for folks like me not that keen on red meat each to their own .


Taken a look at Chanelle's calender ,to be honest I didn't recognise her at first with the dark hair ,but she Is so very pretty and might I add good luck to her she has certainly dissed the 15 minutes of fame .Is she with that Jack person still ,yuck he Is a complete waste of time imo.


Garden winding down now Hicky or are you enjoying a bumper Autumn harvest ?

pain comes when the cold nights come in ...tried growing chillies in the porch which Is a sun trap but they were plagued with green fly again .


One of my favourite things are peppers the sweet ones I can eat them like an apple ...Green .Yellow or the ripe Red for me they are indispensable for pasta,currys etc but I suppose they are an acquired taste.


If this weather keeps up empty box you could be cutting the grass all year round any news of Aiseleyne lately she sure has kept her career going .


Well toodle loo ...sure goes without saying missing Mollie and her long and lovely posts and her family's goings on with the hustle and bustle ..really nice to take a peek into It ....ta ta for now xx to all




sorry I have not been around in ages. Such bad timing that things that went wrong as soon as OH went away for work. Daughter's lappy broke,mine has got worse, my phone broke too, and daughter upset as she decided she could not take up Uni offer for various reasons. Think she may of gone if the threat of us having to move hours away from the Uni hadn't cropped up, Son had to change some college times too.

OH had to stay in 4 different hotels/BB's so far as Sept was too still busy  where he is working. Hopefully things will calm down a bit now and I can get to post here, and watch some tv again. Haven't been able to watch anything lately.


off to start reading back now.

to you all.

Last edited by *mollie*


managed to read back at last.

so feel happier about that.



sounds like you are still busy in your garden, no wonder the littlies love to come and play in it, and eat the fruit at the same time,

So sad about your neighbour's illness returning.

Did your OH enjoy the Chinese meal? t looked a lovely place from the link you gave us. Our fave place is still Red Hot, shame it is so far away for us though. Does your OH's arthritus get worse in winter, or does weather not affect it?



thanks for your link to the tv show from around your area, I will look forward to seeing that when I get chance. Hopefully with the good weather we have been having recently, you are fairly up to date work wise? HOpe the car/van is running ok.



so glad your family problems have eased.

I love those quorn cottage pie meals.

How are your dogs? Have you heard how pup in getting on?  Hope you managed to settle the flea problems. Our doggies injection reminder has just come through, I try and leave it as long as I can though as I read it is best not to have them too close together and she is usually off when she has it.

You have now given me the urge to buy a new plate set. Ours is real old and doesn't match now, I too never pay much for them though as the dish washer seems quick to damage them with the amount we need to put in each day.


We don't have wheely bins here, just a black bag fortnight collection, but we do have recycling every week.

The food has to go in the little degradable bags in the food bin, I have only seen those horrid flies/maggots things once, but they are .  I try and swill the food bin out with white vinegar to stop them, as I believe they don't like that.


Thanks for the BB house link,    how nice to see Nikkie and Josie talking about the BB house open day,     I would of loved to have gone to see that. No wonder the tickets went quick.


We have had a difficult couple of weeks, but luckily last night we had tickets to see Jeward. I went with son and daughter, They were great.   Full of noisy fun and craziness. They were half hour late starting though, which unfortunately meant we had to miss a bit at the end, as we had to catch train. Never mind, at least we enjoyed what we saw.


OH did not like last BB at all, but is happier with the one I found for this week, although it does cost a bit more. £16 a week more, am trying another one next week.


Am watching The Wrong Man on bbc2 with James Cordon. Anyone watch it last week? I enjoyed it.


have a good evening all xxx

hopefully I am back regularly again.


Evening Everyone.


It's been cooler today, not too bad.


Bought one of these saws from B&Q today, they let me use my Diamond card if i spent enough.


I bought some wood as well.

Am thinking of making a roof inside the gazebo for the winter so i can take the canvas cover off and get it replaced or repaired, found a place that can do that.


My new Salamander grill could be coming this week.


Mollie, sorry to hear of the BB problems, you can do without that.

Hope things get better for you.


We all loved the meal at the Chinese on the 20th, it's a lovely place.


We are all going to Red Hot this month for my Lads Birthday, haven't been at night so looking forward to it.


O/H's Arthritis will be worse in winter, mine isn't so good either.

Hers is Osteo, her knees are bad.


Emptybox, will order that calendar, i order one os the BBer's each year.


Yes Frodo, Garden winding down, some leaves falling off, one of the vines is doing ok this year, the grapes are sweet and ready now, gave a bunch to my neighbour.

I've had loads of Chillies and Peppers, so many tomato's, been giving loads of Raspberries away for weeks, the plants are still growing as well.




Hi all.

Very dull here as well, but not cold, and at least it stayed dry.

Sore throat seems a bit better today, but I've had a tickly cough.


Hi Mollie. Nice to see you again. Pity all your devices decided to pack up at once.

Hope things calm down for you now.

Glad you enjoyed Jedward.


Did you say you maybe have to move again, or did I pick that up wrong?

I guess your daughter can always try for uni again in a year, if she wants.

Hope you find a nice B&B for your OH soon.

How is your Mum doing?


Hi Frodo.

Yes it's strange that it's October already.


Chanelle's natural colour is light brown hair, but she's tried just about every hue.

I particularly liked it when she went red a couple of years ago. There's just something about red hair.....

Not sure if you follow her on twitter? But she runs a cake making business in Wakefield where she designs and makes cakes for weddings, Birthdays etc. There's talk of her getting a baking show on one of the minor channels.


Aisleyne is doing great as well. The low-budget horror film Serial Kaller is coming out soon, and she is filming another movie at the moment, plus she's got parts in a couple of other films. So she can definitely consider herself an actress now.

Think she's just flown off to New York for a short break?

(ETA: It's LA, but at least I was on the right continent )


Watched 'My Big Fat Gypsy Christening'.

There's something compelling about these big fat gypsies.


Oh hi Hicky, didn't see you there.

What sort of saw did you buy at B&Q?

Last edited by emptybox

Afternoon all 

Ah Mollie good to have you back,lets hope THIS Is the start of good things to come for you ,you must be worn out ,I truly hope things are taking a turn for the better ,will things get easier for your OH now that the Summer Season is over,no chance of a small bedsit ? where he can please himself ,the travelling must be horrendous .


No I haven't had much news of Morse he will be four months old now ,the odd photo so i'm not too happy...of course I don't want to intrude but she (the owner pestered me to bits for him ; when he was half promised to someone



these are the plates I bought I need to get some more bowls for soup etc though


Just been looking at Poundland WOW their chocolate bars are cheap costs a fortune at Halloween ..not to mention I like eating them too 


Yes the flea situation seems to be calming down ,vets sure know how to charge one injection (not the yearly one £50)


If I dont answer all Its difficult reading back so forgive If I miss anything


Emptybox  yes she does look nice with red hair Channelle that Is ,yes I knew she had a cake making thing going Is It hers solely or does she lend her name to It ? either way good luck to her.


Glad to here Ash Is doing well too ,Is It January when the new CBB starts I'm A Celeb  first though.I love watching that .Christmas will be here before we know It .


Hicky sorry to hear about your Arthritis and your OHs too ,you always seem to be dashing around , good idea about the Gazebo I'll bet It looks very pretty lit up .


Never got to hear what you had to eat at your Chinese hearing about all the different dishes,,,I love spring rolls with mine the bigger the better .


take care all  






 shall we dig in 


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Back again.


rained most of the day and been very dark and miserable ,so It was lucky the grass was done yesterday ,hedges need a trim though and just a tidy up ,but we have been lucky here I don't think I have had the heating on for more than an hour or so lately


I had my yearly bill from British gas for the Boiler ,Water,and Electric insurance  and It seems to cover everything just over £25 pounds a month It was more but when I read on their site It was cheaper , I rang and was told that was after you paid the first £99 of the call out be fair she said she would give me a 25% discount ...her words 'as I have been with them so long'

I haven't a clue but I do know I need to be insured .


Mollie got a large bag of QUORN  I love It and those dishes you can freeze  things in.... a pound for six large ones (they are kind of perspex ) from the pound shop  I have had the Chicken Quorn too ,I'm wanting to try Polenta ,have you? 


Just made my pies with carrots onions etc and veggie granules with spuds of course yummy ,of course I would be fibbing If I was dedicated like you ,I eat fish and Chicken  the latter not often but I do like prawns a lot ,I'm getting there ,,,will you move from where you are Mollie to be near your OH or stay put ,whatever you decide take care ,how Is your little dog and yes the vets upset them ,the worst part ever was the micro chip for mine that really upset them ,my female dog Is very gentle and loving ,but then we have had her from a puppy ,the male mm mm loving with us but has been that ill treated 

we have to be careful 


enough rambling take care all     I'll be back 

Last edited by Former Member


Fairly dreich here as well, although it was largely dry, so I got some gardening done.


Nice looking crockery Frodo.

Yes Chanelle does it all herself. She makes all the cakes in her own kitchen, although she's looking for bigger premises, as she's expanding.


Watched 'The House that £100k Built', now watching 'Grand Designs'.


Hello emptybox 


the plates etc are not posh by any means  but I thought they were quite good for the price ,we seem to be breeding mugs though ,how come they seem to remain intact ,need some soup bowls ,I like the little deep ones not the large where you have to scoop away with the spoon all delicate    the ones that you can get some crusty bread in with grated cheese on top ,seem to have had a smashing time with those lately ..Oh didn't know Channelle was that into baking and doing aIl herself.


Loved her diary room moments and when Laura was evicted It was priceless 

also the chicken dinner and Carols home





hope you are pleased with the grill when it comes.

A roof for the gazebo... that sounds like another project that will keep you busy. Glad you enjoyed the Chinese meal, I know you will enjoy Red Hot, especially in the evening. We much prefer the evening menu choice, there is quite a lot of extra choice, and I get my fave veggie lasagne in the evenings.

Sorry to hear your OH's knees are bad, and also that arthritis bothers you too. Is it in your knees too?

Leaves are now falling off in our garden too now. Glad to hear your crop of food still doing well.



glad your sore throat is easing, and hope the cough clears up soon.

Yes we might move if OH's work continues around the area he is now, as work is in short supply round here now. My mum continues to be as forgetful as ever, so I have to keep ringing her to remind her to do stuff, Luckily she doesn't cook now, so wont' forget to turn cooker off, the meals on wheels are great for her, so I only have to sort a small snack out for her in the week. Yes I think the red hair looks good on Chanelle.



Aaaww that is a shame that you don't get many reports on Morse, but at least you know he went to a dog loving family. yes those security needles for the dogs are really nasty, I read in a dog mag that you need to check they have not moved before yoru dog has a vaccination. Gosh that was expensive for the flea injection. I really like your plate set, it certainly includes a lot for the money.   Our problem is that there are 5 of us, and at times 6, when mum comes, so a set of 4, which most are, is not enough for us. Our little dog seems to be eating a lot more recently, I think the hot summer weather gave her a smaller appetite.


Anyone watch Gogglebox on channel 4 at 10pm? It is so funny, I haven't had much time to watch tv lately, so it was nice to sit and watch that.

Me and daughter got caught in a huge downpour in town today... luckily we didn't have to walk far to find a building to shelter under, but my feet were skwelching.


Goodnight all,  xxx

time for me to tidy up the kitchen before I can go to bed, my mag Heat was delivered today, so I look forward to a read in bed. I get it for free as I use my tescos vouchers to subscribe to it.





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