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Hello All

sorry for the lapse ,but I have been busy trying to get someone out to skim over the room ,Its sorted now  


Do you know I didn't watch all of the final,Its not that I'm a bad loser ,I just lost interest.I will read back to see how you all felt, I think If Carol hadn't been included lots of others may have come out of their shells ,apparently Abz had a few words on the last day with her  perhaps If he had done this sooner ,he may have won.


Lots of remarks about Lauren but I like her and Vicky.


I'm almost sure they were saying another CBB around Christmas but I could be wrong .

So sad Mollie to hear about your mum but It could be forgetfulness ,If I could tell you the things I put in wrong drawers ,twice I have had to re-order my debit,credit cards hiding them and then had to ring up and re-order


I am a celeb not that far away ,Downton Abbey ,and wet cold windy nights all to look forward too  


One of the dogs rolled in some kind of offering this morning ,and yesterday I had cleaned everywhere ,the stench was out of this world ,Hey ho she was in the dog house.and in the bath.     Takeaway last night ,but probably ordered It too early I always have chips then king prawn ,peppers in black-bean sauce , other dishes were Duck Chefs special,spare ribs,mini spring rolls and fried rice.

Its been raining here nonstop and I'm trying to get a rug dry ,I do not own a tumble dryer ,but I'm seriously thinking about getting one .


You know I wouldn't have minded Charlotte winning ,but the bed wetting ,etc etc just put me off ......and before anyone thinks I'm a prude nah ,love a good laugh and  all that ,anyhows Its over now ,and here's to the next .


hope you are all well ,xx



glad you realise that Its just fun , this thread Is one of the nicest (Is that a word)

I have read.... and certainly no disrespect for others ,but I love It on here


So sometimes If I feel a little 'off'  Its nice too be amongst friends that don't mind that if I am feeling low you don't mind  do you ....I do go on other threads sometimes 

but this Is 


sees you xx


Evening Everyone.


Evening Frodo & El Loro.


Had sun all day, only 15C though.

Had a nice brekkie, Saltfish (cod), sausages & Bacon.

Had some curry sauce left over so put a pack of king prawns in it and had it over a few chips.

Made a nice pudding, sliced strawberries & banana with broken Meringue with double cream over it.

Had 2 Ripe Nectarines, yummy.

Just had a tub of mixed olives & Greek feta.


Gave 2 pints of Raspberries to my neighbour.


Have ordered more cod, jellied eels & Haddock for the Fish Society, delivered Tuesday.


Enjoyed the final cbb night, wasn't too bothered who won as it was the publics choice.


Not bothered about the bed wetting, she was drunk and asleep, could have even been dreaming that she was on the toilet.


That takeaway sounds good Frodo, love all that food, not sure what you mean when you say you ordered it too early.


Will your Rug go in a tumble dryer?, i suppose it would if it crunches up, most Rugs are pretty stiff.

You should only wash it when you can hang it outside, you need some wind as well.


Glad you think this thread is one of the nicest, we like it that way, no point in arguing is there?


On the codeword, i think the answer given by El Loro is probably correct.


Have been watching Stepping out, now X Factor, next through The Keyhole.


Hope Mollie is OK, probably seeing to Mum.




ordered a takeaway around around 9-30ish last week but this just after they opened ,last week It was yummy ...this week just after they opened we ordered,you could tell the chips had been refried hard as a rock and the rest was the same  been up with a poorly tummy all night ..binned the rice .


the rugs I am speaking about funnily enough where given to me by a lovely friend 

they are a palish cream and wash easily ...quite large too a sort of loop kind they look quite lovely when down ,i am after the same in caramel. pinkish ,and pale green ...


love to all xx


Good evening all



good to see you call back here again. But sorry to hear you have an upset tum, ....that is bad that the food was not up to scratch. Hope you manage to find the rug you are after. I am hunting for some new cushions, I washed the covers on ours, then realised the insides were all lumpy, so time to find some new ones. Went to Ikea today, but couldn't find any I liked, think I will try Dunelm, as they are usually reasonably priced there.

Glad you like it around here. Even if we have  difference of opinion on any subject, we all respect each others' views, and never argue. That is why I like it here. I would never waste my precious free time on forums where real arguments occur. I know if I feel bogged down with problems, I can safely call in here to relax and unwind. I love my dear friends' sense of humour and friendly chat here.

How horrible that the dog bought in a big smell. That was some extra work you could of done without. As it was a nice day, OH trimmed our doggie in the garden, I bribed her with pieces of chicken whilst he did so, to try and keep her a bit stiller. Then she had a nice shower, so is all soft and fluffy now.

As you know I too did not want Charlotte to win, far too crude for my liking. But I can understand why Vicky did not do well. (although I did like her). Vicky did not come across well during the argument with Charlotte, although most of what she said about Charlotte was correct. Vicky was rather OTT, (due to drinking too much?), and the way she pulled the "respect your elders" card made me cringe. That phrase is something I do not like. I think you should not be expected to respect someone purely because they are older than you. Respect has to be earnt, and older does not always mean wiser. Shame because Vicky was doing well earlier on in the game. I hated the way the crowd booed poor Lauren too. Shame Abz did not win, but at least he got 2nd in the end.

It would really help you I am sure if you could get a tumble drier with winter coming up soon. I only use mine when I have to, but it is so useful if in winter I can half dry, then finish off in the drier, or if it is raining, I know I can get it dry straight away.



Glad to hear you have enjoyed a good variety of food today, your desert sounds dellcious.   Me and OH went out for brekkie today, in our local 70's style cafe. Nice big portions, fresh cooked and hot, but cheap.

That is very interesting stats about landrover you gave me. OH is definately considering one for winter as he has so much driving to do. I too watched X factor and now Through the Keyhole. I like both shows, keith funny on this show.   And i like a quick nose round celebs houses.  



hope you enjoyed your sphag bol. Did you have a beer with it today? Did you watch the Celeb Spa, I enjoyed it. (not as much as BB though).


Been a lovely sunny day here today, but there is a chill in the air tonight. Am not looking forward to tomorrow as OH has to go to new job and wont' be back till Friday.   The poor dog will be looking out of the window for him all night tomorrow.


My mum just phoned me and said her tv had gone off. (understandably she finds it difficult to work out now they have gone digital.). She asked if ours had gone off and when I said "no", she said that was good, because at least she knew we had not gone to war, as she didn't want that to happen again.  We had to  . (although we know it is sad really how her mind is working now), we can't do anything about it, so just have to try and keep our patience with it all.


Goodnight all xxx




Nice warm day here. Got quite a bit done, and also got my own grass cut, because there are supposed to be high winds and rain for the next few days.


Didn't mind that Charlotte won BB. (not much else to say really)


I watched Celeb Super Spa. Basically a British version of the Irish show 'Celebrity Salon' that Aisleyne was on a couple of years ago (and Nikki last year). There's some tie up I think? Perhaps Channel 5 bought the concept but changed it a bit?
As you say not as good as BB, but Helen Flanagan might be fun, in a random sort of a way? But she got a bit wearing on IAC, if I remember right.


I like Keith Lemon's version of Through The Keyhole. Couldn't believe Kerry Katona's house? Why did she have that huge table?


Sorry you got a bad stomach from a takeaway Frodo. Hope you are OK now?


Hi Mollie. It mustn't be nice for you and your OH, the prospect of him being away all week.

I see your Mum can still say some profound things despite her memory loss?

Bit of a silly question, asking if I had a beer with my spag bol?


Hi Hicky. Great that you've got all the spare rasps.

Dug the first shaw of my potatoes today. Looks like I'll have a reasonable crop.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Everyone.


Frodo, Sorry to hear got tummy ache, maybe the first meals out aren't up to par?


Mollie, Had brekkie out, yummy, just had a chicken roast i cooked, then pouched some pears, these conference are so hard, 2 fell off in the wind, it's been terrible today.

Loads of raspberries on the plants but wasn't worth picking them.


Keith was good, bit of a nutter mind.

Watch surprise surprise tonight, now X Factor.


Strange what your mum said, but with mine she couldn't remember today but could remember a long way back, thats what your mum was doing.


Emptybox, I was happy Charlotte won, purely as she entertained me.


Didn't enjoy Super Spa.


That house of Kerry's was strange, the dining room had never been used, or the pool.


Glad you potato's are ok, didn't have the room this year, and spuds are so cheap, and you can't pick them and eat them in the garden.


Hello you three

very late to be posting of those nights you just can't sleep?

Hello Mollie I agree with almost everything you say  but Carol did tend to be the boss and I did not like her one bit


You know what I do like on here we express our opinions without malice 


My cushion pads are rubbish really I could do with replacing them ,in time so much going on ,but where I got my cushion covers



you buy two get two free takes eight for my unit and just the one in a different colour ,I try and get the cheapest and please If you find any ,let ne know.


Do you think the crowd were chanting was awful ,why do they allow that especially final night ,in my mind the interviews need some thinking over.


Emma has looked fabulous on every show ,she Is lovely ,stunning ,gowns, looks etc ..but she keaves me cold in her interviewing style .


I know I am in the minority so please bear with me 


Its been a bit of an unhappy time family things at the moment ,you just cannot confide on an open forum If I don't post for a while , I hope you will understand and take care all





A waste of a good bum. That's what I think of that Hicky.


Windy and wet here this morning, but not as bad as you, by the sound of it.

Hope your fig tree is OK?

Turned into a nice sunny afternoon. Wind still quite high though.


Looks like it's going to be colder this week, with temperatures perhaps picking up again next weekend? Just hope it's not too wet for work.


Hi Frodo. Hope the family stuff turns out OK.


Emma is gorgeous. I hear she is going to take over from Holly Willoughby as presenter on The Voice.

Still going to do BB though.


Good Morning Everyone.


Dreadful weather here still.


Am watching them raise the Concordia, they are going to get it upright on underwater platforms.


Hi Frodo.

Sorry to hear you have family problems, just pop in when you feel like it.


Those cushions are a good price.


I agree about the tattoo, very overbearing, she must be mad, it took between 35 and 55 hours to do, crazy.



Hope it's ok for you to get some work done, it's awful here again.


Yes Emma is doing al-sorts at the mo, the voice job isn't much though.

Holly has the new show on Sunday, Surprise Surprise.


Roll on Brekkie at 10am.


Hi Hicky.

Very windy here and cold, but mostly dry, so I got some work done. Been raining since though.


I saw that on the news about the Costa Concordia. A huge operation.

Sad about another shooting in Washington.


I looked at that BiggBoss link Hicky, not sure I'll watch much though?

Watching Celeb Super Spa now.





sorry to hear the fig tree blew over, hope it did not ruin it. We too have had strong winds the last couple of days , but it has been great for drying all my washing.

Yes my mum can hardly remember anything short term now, but seems to remember lots of stuff from when she was very young. I have to tell her the same thing over and over. Hope you enjoyed work brekkie and that it kept you going ok.

Yes Kerry's house was strange and as they said, very elaborate for someone who has been bankrupt twice so recently.



sorry to hear you have family problems.   Hope things get sorted soon. Yes the booing and shouting was awful for a final night.

I agree Emma always looks lovely, she used to be a model didnt' she?

Your cushions are a good price, lots of places ask that price for one.


And at Cheryl Cole's bum, it just looks so OTT and tasteless. I really cant' stand her though, think she has a pretty face, and that is it. Don't think she has a good singing voice and I think she is short tempered if angered, eg she has that criminal convictiion from the past.



Glad it was dry enough for you to get some work done. I haven't seen the Big Boss, but did watch Celeb Spa, I though Rusty was so funny the way she was laughing at the bum waxing.   What is the Big boss about?


OH's job went ok today, but he is not keen on the B and B we booked in a rush, so daughter and I have decided to go on train to try  and hunt out another b and b for him for a long term let. Lucky we got cheap train fares, and can stay in his hotel room for free this week. So I am extra busy now preparing for going away for few days and looking at B and B's.

We all really miss OH already, especially  as he has been around home for  months all day, whilst he looked for a new contract. We all went to wave him off from home yesterday, and I burst into tears when we got back in house. Lucky daughter was lovely and hugged me and kept me occupied rest of the day. I know I am upset at the thought of her leaving for Uni soon too. She is still saying she doesn't know if she really wants to go,I expect she has got nerves as well as money worries from it.


goodnight all. x

will try and call in tomorrow but if i don't for a few days, it is because I am away till friday. Have to get some shopping in for the boys , my mum and the pets before I go, and find a list of suitable B and B's for us to check out.


Afternoon Everyone.


Wind has stopped at last.


I re-supported the other fig tree as well, no damage was done, due to the branches being flexible.

Will have to get bigger Tubs, they are in 80litre but think they need 125litre.



All the pears blew off and 1 apple, picked some raspberries and made a big crumble.


Mollie, good luck with finding a better B&B, having stayed in dozens myself i know what it's like.


The Big Boss is the Indian Big Brother.


Emptybox, I watched a lot of the Concordia lifting operation, there was 500 working in different jobs for 1 year, a 600m dollar operation.


Didn't watch Celeb Super Spa, it didn't seem interesting enough for me.


I was going to buy a Parry 1872 Salamander electric oven last night, was filling the details in and realised the Mastercard expiry date had expired, it transpired that a letter in my address postcode had changed years ago when the council changed out 'L' to 'CH' so my card new card had been returned to Natwest.

Got to wait for a new one to be sent out now.



Nice day here, no wind.


Glad your fig tree didn't come to any harm Hicky.

That's strange that your postcode has changed. I thought they were fixed things? Still your card provider should have known.


I saw an item on the news showing the Concordia being raised. Very impressive, but the ship looked a mess unsurprisingly.


Watched Celeb Super Spa and am now watching the recording of Posh Pawn. Some fantastic stuff rich people pawn.


Lovely sunny autumn day here, so got a lot done.

Hope everybody well.


Celeb Super Spa I suppose? Or there's Science Britannica with Brian Cox on BBC2?


Think I'll have a pork chop, potatoes and sprouts tonight?


Hope Mollie is having a productive time, finding a suitable B&B. And I hope Frodo's family stuff works out?


Evening Everyone.


Evening Emptybox.

I was lucky the Fig tree didn't suffer much damage, i lost 1ft from a side branch.

The branches are so flexible.


The figs seem to be growing at an alarming rate.


Am buying what is needed to make 3 replacement tubs for the figs.


It was when the council or government changed the electoral boundaries, we changed from the Liverpool area to the Cheshire one.


But we aren't in Cheshire, we are in Merseyside, but the House address isn't it's in Wirral.


Might watch Brian Cox tonight.


Had a Sainbury's ready meal, Biryani, called in at B&Q for some big plastic drain pipes and some tree stakes and overflows for the new tubs.


Hope Mollie is having some luck finding digs.


Hope Frodo can sort out her family issues.


Aisleyne at The TV reality Awards.

Last edited by Hicky

Hi Hicky.

Yes, I think Ash looks fabulous there....until her hairstyle started to unravel.


I see Ash and Chanelle exchanging tweets today. Didn't think I'd see that. I always thought Chanelle didn't like Aisleyne.


Bit confusing with your postcode and address. I suppose as long as you know where you live, that's the important thing?


Evening Emptybox.


Not too good a day here, rained a lot, not too heavy mind.


The new Tubs coming tomorrow by courier.

I can start sorting out the internal water reservoir and feed pipe and overflow.


Going to make some more Saltfish, will use 3 of the fillets that came Tuesday.

Will cut the take sections off and have them for brekkie in the morning.


Gave some beefsteak Toms to my neighbour, her hubby told me her Cancer has come back, she first got it 30 years ago, so is devastated now.


Strange Ash & Chanelle getting on, must have buried the hatchet.


Going out tomorrow night to that Chinese Restaurant in Liverpool, O/H fancies that, about the only type she likes apart from standard English food.


Hi Hicky.

Wet here as well, so no work done. Got some ironing done and did last month's accounts.


Hope your tubs come tomorrow.

Very sad news about your neighbour.


I suppose Aisleyne and Chanelle are both friends with Nicola McLean, so that's why they are tweeting?


Should be a good Celeb Juice tonight, with Charlotte a guest?


Hi Emptybox.


Just salted 3 cod fillets, will leave them for a day or 2 before the next stage.


Watching Celeb Juice at the mo.

Good Job you reminded me.


Don't need the Tubs yet really, probably got till Feb/March to make them, but like to get ahead.


Awful about my neighbour, problem is when it comes back it's usually for good.


Pity you couldn't get any work done, my grass wants cutting & edging.


Awful about the baby who was killed on the conveyor at Spanish airport.


She placed the child inside a baby carrier on a stationary outsize baggage collection belt which was  activated by the weight, setting it in motion, and watched on in horror as he was whisked off.





Much better day here, and warmer too. Got enough done.


Can't understand why anyone would put a toddler on a baggage belt? Tragic.


Watched the David Attenborough prog, then Alan Carr. Now going to watch Later with Jools Holland.


Hope your salted fish turn out OK.


I see Chanelle is bringing out a calendar for next year. That's the first one since she had Blakely.


Evening Emptybox.


Having some fun on DS.


Well, it's Gina's Car & Gina's house, not too confusing really.

Both just pressies from mummy.


Not been too bad a day here, plenty of sun.

Had little one here, been feeding him raspberries straight from the bushes.


Been making up some components of the new tubs, the base section that will comprise the water reservoir, will ave to get the electric rotary power saw out to cut the 3.5" sections of plastic drain pipe which form the water deck, that then has layers of plastic & sacking to retain the weight of the JI3 compost.


There's no hurry as i can't repot them until they are dormant, but it gives me something to do.

Just watched ITV tonight.


My neighbour gave me a jar of tomato chutney he made, and also 2 lovely jam and cream scones he had made, he made the jam from 3 pints of raspberries i gave him.


I've just ordered a Parry electric 1872 Salamander grill for the kitchen, it can go on top of the big fan oven, always wanted a big grill.


Probably go out for brekkie in the morning.


Last edited by Hicky

Hope everybody is having a nice Sunday?


Warm and sunny day here, getting a bit cloudy now though. Hope the warmer weather continues into the week.


I see you're busy on your new tubs already Hicky.

It's nice that your neighbour is repaying you for the rasps etc with some of his produce.


Yes, it was X-Factor and Through the Keyhole for me as well last night.

Probably ITV again tonight?


You'll have to paint me as a little more sceptical than you about Gina Hicky.

Good luck to the girl though, if her Mum really can afford to gift her a mansion?


Evening Everyone.


Evening Emptybox.


It was a nice warm day today, did go out for brekkie, it was very nice as usual.


It says 28C here tomorrow, i'm working though.


The little ones came round this afternoon, they love it here, they run round with 2.5L spray bottles spraying everything with water.


And eating the raspberries of the plants, & toms.


Did more work on the new tubs, cut the mez floor sections and cut all the plastic drain pipe i need into 3.5" pices, need 21 pieces per tub.


The grapes on one of the vines are just about ready, the Brix value is 18 all ready, which means they are sweet enough to use.


Another of the vines has grapes but they are very small, it's a wine grape so i might cut the plant off and graft a more successful 2 buds on from my better vine.


X Factor again, early night tonight, work in the morning.


Gina doesn't have a lot of cash, except what she has been given from her parents, and of course she earns some.

I don't think there's any doubt about her car and house, she was given them after all.


sorry, not been able to post, hardly had a minute to myself.... got back from devon, really difficult finding B and B's this month, even though we went down there, have still had to spend hours on net to find b and b's to book in advance.  Also still having problems sorting daugther and uni out, she has been very upset, and now need to help sort son and his college out, and usual demands from looking after mum.... and am way behind with paperwork, houseowrk  and washing etc,

Hopefully will call back and read back tommorrow, when I get chance. 


I hope you are all well, have missed you all.


OH left home for work 5am Monday but at least he did not have to pay for accomm on Sunday night, and got there for 8am.


take care all xxx


Hi guys.

Quite warm today, but dull and misty. Got some grass cut, but it was heavy going with the grass so wet.


Sounds like you've a lot on your plate at the mo Mollie. Hope you are still able to relax and read here.


Those puff pastry cakes sound delicious Hicky.


If you want to see what my area looks like watch BBC2 at 8pm tomorrow - 'The House That ÂĢ100K Built'.

The house featured is about 5 miles from me in Kirk Yetholm, and I used to do the garden next door to it, plus quite a few others round about. Plus I knew the old couple that owned the prefabricated house before the present owner.

So you could say it was on my patch. It's a lovely little village.


I got rid of my old mowers and some other junk this morning when a scrap merchant called. He comes to my neighbour every couple of months, although I haven't given anything to him before. He gave me 6 eggs as payment.

I suppose it's a risk letting someone poke around and see what you've got? (I noticed him eyeing up an old diesel cement mixer that my Dad had)

Saved me a trip to the dump anyway, so I'm grateful for that. 


Watched My Big Fat Gypsy Ladies Day.

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Afternoon Mollie & ~Emptybox.

Thats awful Mollie running round looking for digs, i've done it myself as well.

Used to keep a little note pad with places to stay, but when it was a new town you had to start from scratch, but there was usually people from our place already staying there which made it easier.


No hurry Mollie, you sort yourself out first.


Hello Emptybox.


Is it BBC2 tonight then?, i'll take a look if it is.


Wish these threads said the date & time instead of say 14hrs ago.


I taped My Big Fat Gypsy Ladies Day as there was already a program to watch.


Pretty quiet here again, 1 boss gone to London, not sure what for.


Look at these children.


Here's Courtney again, wow.



Afternoon Hicky.

Wet here today.


Yes that programme is on BBC2 8pm tonight (Wednesday). Quite interesting, although I can't say the house she built would be to my taste, although it's miles better than the horrible prefab that was there before. Cardboard Cottage was well named.

I drove past there last week, and there's still no external cladding on the house.

The prog lets you see the countryside around here anyway.


Little kids. jumbo guitars. A strange combination Hicky. But they're well trained.


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