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wow, your fruit just looks like A1 quality, and so yummy, I bet it tastes lovely too.   you can see what hard work you put into it all.



let's hope that ÂĢ150 you have just had to spend on the car, is the last you have to spend on them for a while now. I am sure all this changeable weather is keeping you busy with your grass cutting now.

I agree, ,you would think the HM's would make at least some effort to be entertaining for the public who have helped make them famous in the first place... and after all the money they have been paid to go in there.   This lot this year are a real disappointment with their don't care attitude.

Seems Courtenay is the fave with all 4 of us here this year,  I am a Corrie fan, but would like Vicky any way, as she seems to be nice in the house and fair with others.



no wonder you feel tired and down trying to do the sanding by hand. That must be exhausting. Take it easy, and think about trying the easy way as Hicky suggests.

Yes we too got a good deal with Sky last December when we got a new box, and I think it is a good idea of yours to try and get a new deal off them when this one ends, because they are expensive, but I do like some of the Sky Britains Top model, and 4 Weddings, and OH loves the footie on it.

That is a great deal that you got with sky, now you have free broadband, hope you are pleased with it.

Sorry to hear this flea problem has been so expensive and uncomfy for the poor dogs, I bet the hot weather did not help. Hope they are ok soon.


Another lovely sunny day here today, so got lots of washing dried.


Nearly forgot to tell you what I did in Belgium, will try and find a link to show you. I was real nervous, so nervous I nearly backed out, it lasted an hour, and involved me being in charge of a vehicle...   If anyone watches Coach Trip, they did it on this.


Nearly CBB time.

Not keen on Carole getting to nominate.


have a good evening all xxx


Hello again

this Is what I read ...let me stress my house Is not grand at all http://www.buildingconservatio...loor/timberfloor.htm


but the boards are original in the room so I wanted to keep the look but clean them up and use warm coloured rugs etc to alter It ,perhaps I have taken too much on and a sander will do the job .


I certainly am thankful for the advice will certainly follow It 


The fruit jumps out of the page and makes my mouth water never ever tried figs ,you should be chuffed  Hicky ,wonderful ever thought of showing them?


YES Mollie I have missed some Sky things but they need to bring prices down people just can't afford It these days .


Love Vicky and how she met her husband (he was the prop master on Corrie

and they moved in together after the first date and are inseparable.


Courtney's husband was the evil guard in The Green Mile '

see you later






Hi Frodo.


I suppose what should be done with the floor boards depends on what wood it is, i assume it's the normal pine.


When i was an apprentice i actually worked in some very expensive posh houses and all the wood was Oak, the windows, doors and frames, also the floors, which were oak block flooring which was fastened down with pitch, then sanded with an industrial sander than vacuumed the polished with Bees Wax, that was it.


Sainsbury's are selling fresh figs now, 99p for a pack of 4.


Never thought of showing the fruit or veg, don't want the pressure.


Hello again Hicky


I have decided to use a sander ,Its not a grand house and lifes too short to be faffing around,no way are these oak floorboards so will take your advice.


Watching CBB on +1 as I wanted to watch Celebrity Masterchef .the final to-morrow... kudos to Les Dennis for getting this far overcoming his nerves and his lack of believing in himself ...his confidence building as the show has gone on has been a joy to watch all three are worthy winners.


Please don't let Courtney be evicted to-morrow I love watching her and I hope Vicky stays 

night all


wood floor ads are following me lol hope they give me some tips 

Last edited by Former Member


Dry day here, but dull and a bit cooler. Got a lot done though. Mowing, strimming and hedgecutting. Picked up a possible new customer as well.


Lovely looking fruit Hicky. And thanks for the explanation of the salamander grill.

That's interesting about your apprentice days. What did you train as? (sorry if you've told us before)


Good luck with those floors Frodo, and well done getting that deal from Sky.


Hi Mollie. charge of a vehicle?

You still haven't said what it was though?

Glad you got the good weather for your washing.


I think Vicky is actually my current fave in there. Gone off Courtney a bit.


morning all

chucking It down here .there Is a gap in the back porch that the little cat can get through and when I looked out thought the rain had put he/she off ,but there It was in the back porch waiting ,seems excited to see me but will not let me too close .


Yes I have been rather a pain moaning about the floors ,but even without the treatment It looks rather nice and I can still use the vac still never mind yoU WIll be sorry I came back If I keep this up LOL.


I haven't gone off Courtney I just think she Is 19 homesick and a lot more sensible than Charlotte .Is It only me but throwing up talking about oral sex and that Is what she does on Geordie Shore plus wetting the bed ,I can't warm to her or Carol obviously I'm wrong as they are first and second favourite,still If we all liked the same there wouldn't be any programme .


Yes It Is a good deal from Sky but like Hicky says if you had the full deal at the normal price with Movies and Sport you are talking ÂĢ50 pounds a month .


About time they had some decent competition and B.T.Is socking I too em.about time too

thinking of moving back myself I am a ditherer always have been .


Awww sorry about your toes and Mollies son's  too ,glad business is doing well and you may have another customer .


Wonder who will go to-night maybe Dustin .Bruce or Courtney 


see you later


Morning Frodo. Raining here as well, so can't get out.

That's a nice relationship you have with the little cat.

Wonder if it would still come round if food wasn't on offer?


I still like Charlotte. Think she's a nice girl if you can get beyond the Geordie Shore stuff. But Courtney's OK as well.

I think you're right, and it's those three in danger of going.


Those are nice pictures. Vicky looks tiny. Doesn't look like her wedding was that long ago?


Hi emptybox

just Googled Vicky 2002 she got married ,do I think the little cat would still come round no to be honest ,It used to sit on the path just staring looking thin,and sorry for Itself,before this we had a ginger stray that looked as If It had been in the wars really battered and old .my neighbour fed It and found It dead 2 years before at the top of her garden (she had tried to catch It )had to alter that was not last year.

 As I have said boring If we all liked the same I don't really dislike Charlotte I just think there Is a gang of four Mario , Carol,Charlotte and Louie who rule the roost and think they are invincible and only in my opinion come across as the chosen ones.


sees you later

Last edited by Former Member

Afternoon Everyone.


Not a good day here, cloudy and wet, not too wet, but miserable wet.


I am enjoying all the HM's so can't really say i don't like any thats left.


I expect Bruce & Dustin to go.

The betting is as here.


To be evicted odds as @ 6th Sep 2013,  15:52 hrs

Bruce=4/6, Dustin=11/8, Courtney=28/1, Vicky=28/1, Abz=35/1, Louie=35/1, Lauren=66/1.


Like the picture of Courtney.


Picked Toms, Cucumber, Beetroot, Raspberries, Rhubarb for my back neighbour to take to his Daughter this afternoon/
They love my garden, mind you i mainly grow it just to see if i can, we have some of the stuff but there's usually far too much.


I gave my neighbour the big Fig (she loves Figs), have picked the next one to ripen for myself.


Having a Ribeye Steak for tea, just have it with fried onion & mushrooms.

Have moved my salt cod back into the fridge after cleaning washing and drying then wrapping in cheese cloth, got to leave it on a wire rack over a tray to collect any drips, will take 2 weeks in the fridge.




I started as an Apprentice Electrician, never looked back, after that got into working in factories which i have always done, and for the last 50 years have worked in car factories.


Live Feed from last night.





Lauren as a barmaid in the task.



Emma's video Blog.


 Todays Task details.


Day 16: The Only Way Is Geordie in today's task

1 hour ago

There's not been much romance in the Celebrity Big Brother House this year. But that's all about to change.

For today's task, Big Brother is setting Dustin and Courtney up on a hot date. But if there's going to be love in the air, our American pair will need to be dressed to impress.  Enter Charlotte and Mario...

BB has asked the two young'uns to give Dustin and Courtney a makeover for their meeting, in the way they know best. Charlotte will have to transform Courtney into a typical Geordie lass – hair extensions, fake tan, the lot. Meanwhile, Mario will turn Dustin into a proper Essex geezer, reem and ready for a night on the tiles.

But it won't just be their appearance getting a makeover. A personality change is in order too, which means the reality stars will have to teach their protÃĐgÃĐes the Geordie and TOWIE lingo.

Mario and Charlotte will then have to create a disastrous dating scene based on their own turbulent TV relationships, devising a bombshell that only their respective clients will know about.

Could Dustin end up with a glass of fizz in his face? Or will he and Courtney end up 'tashing on'?

All will be revealed when they head to Elstree hotspot Lauren's Bar for their romantic rendezvous.


Last edited by Hicky

Hello Hicky.thats really nice treating your neighbours nothing like fresh produce straight from the back garden.

I'm a freezer freak if there is anything that Isn't being used I freeze(providing It can be of course)

I don't dislike anyone in the house ,but they seem to...for instance Sophie never been that fond of her ,but some of them were vicious ,so she had botox not many celebs that haven't ,if she wanted to deny It that Is up to her .


Do you know I would not mind at all If Lauren won .Basing on how they are in the house and not past history .Charlotte Is acting out Geordie Shore to me.


bye the way LOL bet you wished I had stayed away ..with my opinions and blathering on here is something to get rid of me.







Originally Posted by Hicky:

Lauren as a barmaid in the task.



Emma's video Blog.


 Todays Task details.


Day 16: The Only Way Is Geordie in today's task

1 hour ago

There's not been much romance in the Celebrity Big Brother House this year. But that's all about to change.

For today's task, Big Brother is setting Dustin and Courtney up on a hot date. But if there's going to be love in the air, our American pair will need to be dressed to impress.  Enter Charlotte and Mario...

BB has asked the two young'uns to give Dustin and Courtney a makeover for their meeting, in the way they know best. Charlotte will have to transform Courtney into a typical Geordie lass – hair extensions, fake tan, the lot. Meanwhile, Mario will turn Dustin into a proper Essex geezer, reem and ready for a night on the tiles.

But it won't just be their appearance getting a makeover. A personality change is in order too, which means the reality stars will have to teach their protÃĐgÃĐes the Geordie and TOWIE lingo.

Mario and Charlotte will then have to create a disastrous dating scene based on their own turbulent TV relationships, devising a bombshell that only their respective clients will know about.

Could Dustin end up with a glass of fizz in his face? Or will he and Courtney end up 'tashing on'?

All will be revealed when they head to Elstree hotspot Lauren's Bar for their romantic rendezvous.


this looks hilarious thanks HICKY missed It



I think the right two went tonight.


Hi Hicky. I thought it was probably as an electrician, but I was confused by your talk of wood panels etc.


Hi Frodo. 2002 for Vicky's wedding? She hasn't changed much then.


Rained all day here, so I didn't get anything done apart fom some invoicing. I'll have to work tomorrow, if it's dry.


Afternoon Everyone.


Had a lot of rain overnight, all my 6 buckets are full, they take the water from the gazebo roof.


Just going to watch F1 qualifying from Italy.


Had one of my Figs last night, also had a very big Plum, very few on the tree this year, may be with so many last year.


This new Strimmer is doing a good job, it can turn side on and trim along the plastic divider, grass/stone, here's a picture taken this morning.









Images (3)
  • Garden-Sep-2013-0013: Taken from 1st floor
  • Garden-Sep-2013-0015: Left Side
  • Garden-Sep-2013-0014: Right Side
Last edited by Hicky

hi all .

lovely pictures of your garden Hicky ,very peaceful and the summer house Is lovely sitting there on a summers evening bliss


I have eaten fig biscuits one of my favourites ,the care you have put into your plants is impressive ,and I do not just dole out the praise Iwould like to wander round there ,to far away but pictures tell a story.


Off to buy the sander you have shown Monday and anything else needed so thanks ...speak later ..hi to Mollie and emptybox  x




hicky can I ask are the trees covered and why ? at the base I mean ...Is this because of the watering system , and how did you even think of this and lastly err 

no I may have other questions ...where and how did you figure this watering system .


When you were abroad could the electrics have gone wrong did you fathom all this out .completely fascinated how you do all this ,in a nice way


Afternoon Hicky and Frodo.

Not bad day here, with a bit of sunshine.

Got a couple of jobs done anyway.


Very neat looking Hicky.

I've noticed this year there are not as many of some things, but more of others.

Everybody seems to have a bumper crop of apples for instance.


Hi Frodo. Have you caught up on BB yet? Do you think the right ones went?

I don't think I'll miss Dustin or Bruce.


Hope Mollie pops back soon. I'm dying to know what vehicle she drove in Belgium?


Hi emptybox

I'm about to watch on 5* on at 7-35  yes I think the right one's went 

Les put me off he went off on one at Lauren and Dustin seemed to be edited out,

I didn't really get to know him also I think the editing can make or break a housemate.


No little cat this morning I'm hoping Its ok ,I have an apple tree and haven't had any fruit for ages I haven't a clue where I'm going wrong.


I'm taking to lauren some evil threads out there (not on this site) but I like her 


Still not keen on Carol and her gang at all they seem to take the mickey out of people in a snidey way. 


Yes I miss Mollie very much but seeing as I go awol loads of times I can understand ,family concerns come first ,really sad that Mr Mollie has to be apart from his family ,I'm fond of you all but a newcomer ,so just glad to be included.


I tape every episode of the BB  and Cbb series am I sad or what taping It now .


Spag Bol to-day for you I had some pasta earlier ,like you I freeze into portions

the sauce that Is

see you later 


Evening everyone.


Evening Frodo. & Emptybox.


Frodo, to answer your questions.

1. The pots on the tree's are covered so the a control the watering, i don't want the rain to wash out the nutrients i put into the compost from the top.

I want the roots to reach down to the water in the saucers or in the case of the figs the water is stored in the bottom of the tub inside and topped up from the black tube in the side of the tub.


2. I have been trying different watering systems for about 35 years, but auto controlled systems used to be my job, i used to design automatic controlled material handling systems using PLC logic controllers, so anything like this is a walk in the park to me.


3. When i was abroad the things that could have gone wrong were mainly if a joint in the watering pipework came apart, i had to secure all the joints when i did it because in the hot days of summer the sun beating down on the pipework could make the joints loose as the plastic pipes got hot, it wouldn't be a problem to me if i was home but as noone was actually watching whether it was ok or not it could have had a problem and i could do nothing.

My neighbour came in but only to pick the ripe fruit, they wouldn't come during the watering period.


All the control timers are battery operated so they work even if there's a power cut.

There is a standby bypass tap so if the timer broke i could always use the manual system.

The watering controls can be changed at any time, i can turn the dial to use a different program.


Emptybox, I have moved the 2 plants either side of the opening to the far decking, they are in another position as they needed larger tubs and couldn't stay were they were.


I have added a lot of tubs on the right hand side, will have to change the layout next year as the vines have grown and the toms etc will have to move.


Went out for brekki as we are having lunch out tomorrow so won't be able to have a big brekkie as we will be eating at 1pm.


I think Courtney will be out next, but at least she's have a proper interview, not like those on the last day.



back again, ...been rushed off my feet again, so have hardly been on lappy, other than to do stuff for the accountant, or try and sort accomm for OH for when he has to work away.


We went out for day yesterday to Bristol again as daughter wanted to try and find some more of the Grommit figures round Bristol. We were walking for 5 hours round the city in all.. but we have managed to see nearly half of the 80 of them now. Got back just in time to see CBB last night.  

Daughter full of stress about Uni so the day out did her good. OH stressed about starting new job 3 hours away, son stressed about new college year, and me stressed about all of them, including me mother whose memory gets worse and worse and I have to keep telling her the same thing over and over, and as well as doing all her usual jobs me and OH spend hours each week hunting for stuff she has lost.


Never mind that's life and I have still managed to fit in CBB each night.


am gong to read back over your posts now my friends, but thought I would post this to show I was still around, incase i didn't get chance later.

(as it is nearly CBB time)..

hope you are all well. xxx





that is interesting what you said about how Vicky met her hubby, I really like Vicky.   Loved her on Corrie too.Thanks for posting the wedding pic.

I think that is so really nice of you how you look after the cat, hope she is ok as she didn't come today. Did you get that sander? Try not to overdo it again. How is your leg now? I bet it is still sensitive even if it has healed ok. Aaaww that is sweet how you say you missed me whilst I was busy the last couple of days, I miss you too when you go away, so hope you don't too often.

Yes I am very sad that OH has to work away this time, but he has been lucky over the last few years that he has been able to work local, but we knew the way jobs were going, this wouldn't last. The only good thing is that he has not had to go to London for work, which he did not fancy at all.


I too still like Courtenay, thinks she is such an interesting HM, and is a nice girl. And I think she can be a bit silly at times as she is only 19. I know what Emptybox means about Charlotte probably being a nice girl, but i still can't get over her tasteless Georgdie shore type stuff, so she is not a fave of mine at all. 

I too wouldn't mind seeing Lauren win, she has grown on me, and does not seem to be mean or calculating to the others at all.

Maybe Abz could be one to watch, a bit like Sam,the nice guy creeping almost unoticed towards the winning post again, maybe?



Congratulations on reaching your half a century in the car industry. I bet you have a real knowledge in your field now. Your neighbours are so lucky getting to eat your lovely garden produce.

that was a lot of rain you got, but I guess it does your garden produce good. They kept promising us rain, but we only had one quick shower today. Glad you are pleased with your strimmer. and what lovely garden pics again. It all looks so neat and well organised.  

Are you going out with the rest of the family when you go for lunch tomorrow? It is my mums birthday tomorrow, so we are doing a nice birthday tea for her, as she doesn't feel like going out to eat. (she doesn't eat much).



Glad you got nice weather too today and so you got a few jobs done.   Good news that you picked up another customer too.   Was it on personal recommendation? Hope you enjoyed your sphag bol. It will soon be time for you to check your oil supply?  have the prices gone up much since last year?


Oh yes forget about my vehicle in Brussels, I just can't believe I did this....., only did it so daughter wouldn't miss out, as I hate driving...I even get nervous driving our car down the local roads to our little local town, I won't even back it off the drive, and ever park between 2 cars.   So in Belgioum, I was shaking when the guys were teaching us in Bruges how to use this thing.... both mentioned how nervous I was, I certainly took a bit of training time to learn it.   I nearly backed out when the guy made me sign a disclaimer form for 3rd party claims and injury claims before we set off round the Bruges roads on our vehicles. But am glad I faced up to my fears.

off to get the link....


have a good evening all xxx

don't know when I will be able to pop in tomorrow, have to go with daughter to archery, do my own jobs and mums housework too and do birthday tea with daughter for mum.



Emptybox....Found the link, here it is...

that vehicle thingie is called a Segway, and I first saw these things on that Coach Trip programme on Channel 4. We had to wear those green vest things, and follow the man, it was just him leading, them me, then daughter, It was fun after I got over my nerves. Lucky the guy watched for gaps in the traffic and warned us to keep well away from kerbs. He took us to see interesting sights, many we would not of found ourselves and he explained the history about things, and took photos of us on our camera for us. People stared at us sometimes or waved to us.   I was so nervous about staying upright, don't think I heard a thing about the 1st site we stopped to view.   Lucky the man held my handle though when we were stationary......, the one occasion he let go, I nearly crashed into daughter;s wheels and he told me that was a sure way to make me and her fall off them.





Lovely day here.


Ah Segway Mollie. Wouldn't have guessed that. Always fancied a go on one of them. They're quite tricky to control I think?

I see the fellow in that video link pronounced the place as "Broojes"? I always thought it was just "Brooj", but I guess he would know?

Hope your Mum enjoys her Birthday.


I haven't needed any heating yet, but hopefully the oil I've got will last till Christmas.

I wouldn't say the new customer was through personal recommendation. I was sitting in the van eating my lunch, and she came up to the window and asked if I had a mower in the back. She obviously wasn't fussy.

They've just moved in next door to one I do, so not sure how much work I'll get out of them?


Hi Frodo. Not sure why you don't get any apples? Maybe something to do with pollination? It's just that I've noticed a lot of apples on trees this year, and I've got a couple of crab apple trees that seem to have more fruit than usual.

Might just be up here though?

Hope the effects of last night's tipple have worn off now?


Hi Hicky. Enjoy your family lunch out.




loved your story ,lol at the antics you got up too , good for you for having a go 

looks fantastic'


probably said this before but I can't ride a bike...trying not to be gushing in case people think you are fake ,but I love listening to things people get up too .


Told you about the Chinese takaway last night ,the lady on the phone was probably scared cos I could not understand her , chips Is my thing with prawns in black bean sauce, chow mein and spare ribs plus spring rolls  for my son...a new place the rolls were tiny not greasy lovely and so was the rest ...but I over did the vodka and my head is suffering ....only at weekends do I indulge ,I deserve to suffer


believe me I am  ...


Message from Lori to Frodo. She tried to send you a PM/dialog but can't as you've put a block on receiving any.

She says not to put anything in the coupon box (there are no coupons available) and that your Halifax Visa card should work assuming that it has the normal 16 digits on credit cards.

Hope this helps you. If it doesn't then you will need to through the menu Manage - Your Account - Personal Settings, untick "Prevent New Dialogs From Being Sent To You", Update Settings. Then let me know, I'll let Lori know, and then she can open a private dialog with you.



El Loro

hello El loro 

thank you you are kind ,can't tell you how many times I have tried to

pay ...all does go well ,then they ask for the coupon number ,makes no sense cos I would be making a total fool of myself If my VISA was out of date etc 


thank you for your info a gentleman and so kind ,I need to think now but thank  you three or more times ...Is a pain asking to be VIP .take care xx


Evening All.


Had a lovely lunch out, just the norm, there was 10 of us.



Sorry to hear your getting stressed with all the family getting stressed, not a good time for you with your Mum as well.


Loved the Segway, wouldn't mind a go on them, looks so simple.

Travelling on the Bruges roads on those would seem a bit risky.



I suppose if you have too much Vodka you can suffer the next day, you probably should drink an equal amount of water at the same time, it stops you body getting dehydrated, the lack of water getting to the brain in the blood gives you the head ache.


Not sure what this Coupon Number is you mention Frodo, it sounds as though you are trying to enlist/join the wrong section using other than the Card.

Untick what Lori said and then she can run through the process with you.



I agree with what you said to Frodo, if she doesn't have a self fertile tree then you won't get fruit without a pollinator tree.


All mine are self fertile.

I believe crab apple trees are good pollinators.


It is Bruges, but it's the same place as Brugge, not sure why 2 names.


Hazel for the Jungle.






I looked it up.

The Dutch speaking Flemands pronounce it "Brooguh" or Broochuh".

The French speaking Walloons pronounce it "Brooj" (as I thought).


However nobody seems to pronounce it "Broojes", apart from the guy in Mollie's video? Perhaps he's had a Segway run over his head one too many times?


I saw that about hazel for IAC Hicky. I'll believe it when I see it. But it's a fantastic pic of her at the top of that article.


Gin is my spirit Frodo. But for the last few years I've only had a glass at New Year.

Last edited by emptybox

morning all 

re the card my visa I was using asked first and last name address etc the long number on the front and then my three digit security on the back all goes well then It asks me for a coupon number ,which I ignored fully expected It to go through but nothing ,I probably will try again as I like this site ,nice people on It .

If I have said this before smack me in the living room(we only have one ) with a very largekitchen come eating area anyhow we have the most awful artex in the room ..looks as IF someone got bored of doing fans on the ceiling and did squiggles instead and the walls are a different pattern ,so I'm having It skimmed over ,funny really my bedroom is very large two windows in It ,my laptop is playing silly beggars when I try and delete It keeps going blue .

usually up and about for ages but I'm having a lazy morning 








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