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Evening All.


Had a nice tea.

Had a sort of strange concoction for tea.

Made it in 10 minutes.

a good handful of egg noodles.
A good handful of rice noodles.
2 x 1.5cm thick slices of a good Haggis
A few tablespoons of roasted sesame oil
A little olive oil.
a small bowl of beef Rendang curry.
In separate frying pans fry the noodles & Haggis with a little oil.
(had to thaw the Haggis first)
Heated the curry in the micro.

Put the egg noodles on 1/4 of the plate
The rice noodles on another quarter.
The fried Haggis on another
Put the curried beef on the last quarter.

Tasty meal..

Just wanted to use the left over curry and left over noodles.
Had the slice Costco Haggis a while.



Hope Ron goes and not Courtney.


Going to make a small platform for each of my plant tubs,

Now i know the watering can work, it ill be t sections of wood with 4 sections across them.

I need a 50cm square section to rest the saucer on and to be able to level it.

If the saucer isn't level then the amount of water it holds is greatly reduced which means i need to water more often.

I can't level the plastic saucers as they can twist or break, they need support.

It means i need 44 lengths of decking and 500-off 40mm plated screws.


Evening Hicky.

That was a concoction that you had for supper? Waste not, want not?


Felt like Autumn today. Dull windy with spitting rain at times. Got enough done though.


Yes, rasps can grow like crazy. One cane can turn into 10 or 15. Remember to cut off all but the 5 strongest in each plant for next year.


Eviction on now. Really hope it's Ron. Thank goodness.

I thought Courtney would have had more support than Lauren?


Good evening all



at your mix of food tonight, at least you can't say your diet is boring.   My pizza, beans and jacket potato sounds dead boring next to your menu.

Glad to hear you managed to do your forums at work and livefeed, as well as getting those invoices done.

at your neighbours wishing you would go back to Portugal, so they can enjoy your garden produce. I never knew you could have tomatoes without seeds. That is so good for your neighbour that you could give them some like that.



I have never heard of the concrete cows in Milton Keynes either.   The Grommits in Bristol are sold off in aid of local kiddies hospital after they have spent a few months displayed throughout the city in Bristol, so a good thing all round... see link here....

Are you enough up to date work wise to give yourself the weekend off work? Hope so.


OH has been offerred the job in Devon.   It should be a good interesting contract, but it means he will have to stay away in the week,   But that is the life of a contractor at times I guess, you have to go where the work is. I loved the part of the world he will be working in, so hope to go down there as much as I can whilst he is working there.


Like you will be Hicky, I am so pleased to see Courtenay stay.   She seems to be such a sweetie, and such an interesting HM. She was so kind and tactful with Lauren tonight I thought when she explained why she hadn't chosen her to for the treat. And at Lauren trying to give Courtenay pills, even if they were only stomach pills.  Shows how naive Lauren is. 



did your toe nail problem clear up after the 3 months on the tablets? My son has taken them for nearly 3 months and due to go back to docs Monday to get 3 months more, as it looks like it hasn't cleared, But it is hard to tell because one of his toenails has fallen off, and the other one is black, bleeding and horrid, so he went to see nurse and she put iodine dressing on it today. Told him that one will drop off too. It has now been several months since he dropped scenery on it, and still plays him up.  


Another eviction due Wednesday Emma just said, wonder who will be next?


Have a good evening all xxx


Hi Mollie.

Congrats to your OH for getting the contract.

That'll be a load off your minds, but I understand that it's tempered by the fact that he'll have to be away during the week.

Will he rent a flat, or stay in a hotel or B&B?


Yeah, I've come to like Courtney as well. Even voted a couple of times for her, when she was in the bottom three.


That's interesting about the grommits being sold off for charity. The concrete cows have been in MK since the 70's I think. They ain't going nowhere.


As regards my toes. After 3 months they showed a small improvement, but I decided not to get any more tablets. They continued improving for another 3 months at least after I stopped taking the tablets.

They've still got a little sign of thickening on the big toes, but I can't be bothered to do anything more at the moment. They're definitely better than they were.


That was for thickening and discolouration due to fungal nail infection though. If your son's nails are black and bleeding due to dropping scenery on them, that's a different thing entirely? Or did he have fungal problems before he dropped the scenery on them?


Evening All.


Not too bad a day, a bit windy but sunny.


Gave my neighbour some more Raspberries and seedless toms'


went to B&Q, decking was still on offer but also decking tiles were, at 60cm x 60cm and being offered at 50% off it worked out cheaper than me making them so i bought 30 of them @ ÂĢ3.50.

Haven't worked out how i put them in yet.


Have ordered Kosher Salt & Cheesecloth to make my own Saltfish.

Haven't got the Cod yet.


Yes Emptybox, with the raspberry plants being so vigorous i'm going to have to take them all up and redo as a single row or else just leave 1 row and take one out.

You're right about the 5 strong canes.

I didn't realise that each cane would have branches of 2 or 3 feet each.

It's like a jungle.




Mollie, glad your O/H got the job, not local but as he said, contracting is often away from home.


I would think if your lad is going to be lifting stage equipment and carrying it maybe he should have the proper clothing, which would include Steel Toecap Safety boots.



Just had sausages and bacon with a tin of toms for brekkie, had a plaice ealier i did in the oven, then had a Ribeye steak with onion and mushrooms, had some jelly, a Nectarine, had a bowl of cherries, yummy, going to have fruit & cream soon, have got a tub of anchovies for later as well.


A few pics from The complex.



Images (6)
  • 2013-Portugal-0026: Sidd in the pool
  • 2013-Portugal-0001: Looking out from the Balcony
  • 2013-Portugal-0015: My lad and is 3 in the water
  • 2013-Portugal-0019: The front of our block, we were on the right, 1st floor.
  • 2013-Portugal-0020: Front entrance of the main block
  • 2013-Portugal-0022: My lad taking a picture of his Mrs with the 2 lads.
Last edited by Hicky

Hi Hicky.

Was all that food for brekkie?


That was a bargain price for decking. Have you got any areas that you haven't already decked over?


Lovely photos of your apartment etc. Everything looks bright and clean and sunny.


Not bad weather here. Got my own grass cut anyway.

Enjoyed X-Factor. Sharon was quite fun.


Pity if Courtney wants to go. Hope she doesn't walk.


Evening Emptybox.


Only the sausages (3) bacon (3) and large tin of Italian toms, with 2 rounds of brown toast for brekkie.


I never stop eating all day when i'm at home.


The decking tiles are only to put under the plant tubs so i can level them.


The apartments were lovely, not keen on the bed, we have special ones at home so you don't roll into the middle, they didn't have.


I enjoyed XFactor, going to be a good one i can feel it.


Don't want Courtney to go either.


Off to bed now.


Hi guys.

Dull windy and colder today. Really feels like September.


Ah I see. That's why you wanted more decking tiles Hicky. I thought you were perhaps extending into the street or something?


Looking forward to X-Factor then BB. I also record Once Upon a Time on CH5 and watch it later.


I'll have to get my car seen to soon. The noise from the broken front spring is annoying me. A bit embarrassing when I'm manoeuvring in the supermarket car park.


Good evening all


I hadn't disappeared, but couldn't call in yesterday as our net allowance ran out again.   And as it was the last day of the month we were due a new one today, so didn't bother buying extra for one day. Son's games seem to eat up our allowance even though OH said the 100 thingies we are allowed is quite a lot.


Haven't had chance to read back yet as was out last night at charity singing thingie in local theatre.... very good. But have had a lot of tv to catch up on after eating dinner. eg.. CBB and X factor,    and I had a headache most of the day from drinking a few wines and a cranberry juice and vodka on an empty stomach (too busy to get own tea as had to see to mum's) , I am not used to alchohol, don;t think I will bother next time.


Hope all is well with both of you. xx


I can see Hicky has posted some piccies, am off to look at them now, can't wait.


be back soon


Evening All.


A miserable day here, very little sun, windy as well.


Hope the broken spring isn't going to cost too much Emptybox.


Mollie, the games your son is playing will no doubt use up a lot of your allowance.


Easy on the Vodka.


Have got a few more pics but not very exciting.



Must tell you this.

My 2yr old grandson was by his dad, his dad could smell something, he said to the lad "have you filled your nappy?, the lad said "what do you think"?

Later he was sitting a suitcase that was going to put away in the loft, used for the holiday, the lad was just sitting on it, his mum appeared and said to him, "what are you doing?", his reply "I'm sitting here"



Forgot to watch the XFactor, been watching the Dragons.


Morning Everyone.


Last nights Live Feed.


Had a nice brekkie, bacon, egg, sausage, beans & toast.

Felt a lot better after that.


I see there are 5 up for eviction this week.

Bruce, Courtney, Lauren, Louie & Sophie.


Lauren must have been blazing, she's been cleaning like mad so they couldn't possibly nominate her this week.

She really is a nightmare HM.



The early years as a boy.


Last edited by Hicky

Good afternoon both xxx



glad the tablets eased your problem, without you having to take them for too long. My son had the fungal problems before he dropped the scenery on his toes, so I think one thing aggravated the other. One toe was quite nasty last week, so he saw the nurse Friday and she dressed it with iodine, and gave us some dressings to use at home and she told him the nail will drop off soon. The nail on the other big toe has now dropped off, so it looks better. He is seeing doc later today too for more tablets. Shame the noise in your car is so bad, hope it doesn't cost a packet to get it seen to now. You have spent enough recently on your vehicles.

Yes I too enjoyed X factor on Saturday, good to see Sharon back, but I got bored Sunday, too much repetition from the Saturday, If they do this every week I will record and skip through the 2nd show.



what lovely family holiday photos.   As Emptybox says, it looks good there, nice and bright, clean and sunny, and the pool looks ideal for the kiddies.   Aaawww little Sid with his huge sun glasses looks so cute in that piccie. The answers he gave to his mum and dads' questions are so funny, but I guess he says it how it is   .... no complications involved there with his answers.  

That is the trouble when you go away, the beds are never as comfy as your own bed.

That is good that you got a deal on some cheap decking tiles.

That sounds like a great idea for my lad to get steel toe caps for when he is in the theatre. He needs to protect these new nails when they grow back.

Thanks for the livefeed link, I keep forgetting it is on for CBB.


Glad you got a nice brekkie in.   Is the canteen open at work again now after the summer hols?  When do the littlies in your family go back to school? I think they go back this week here and college a week or so after. Daughter due at Uni end of month, but now she is saying she still doesn't know if she wants to go. I can't say what is best for her to do really, as it is so much debt with no guarantee at the end of it, but also good to get a degree.


Not sure who my fave is on CBB yet, will go and look at the Lauren video in a minute  Hicky, Lauren is a strange one, and from what she says, she rarely mixes outside her immediate family, but I guess she was real keen to go on CBB, as she has been on BBOT quite a few times.


New series of Doc Martin tonight, I have enjoyed all the past series of these. A couple of years ago we went to the part of Cornwall it is filmed in, it is so pretty there.


Been helping OH go through his new contract, I hate doing that as it is so complicated, but we have sent it off for insurance people to check now. They want him there 2 weeks today.


Have to take lad to college to register for college tonight, he passed last years course, so is automatically allowed onto year 2 now. He is looking forward to it. 


have a good day all, xx


Last edited by *mollie*


Much warmer today here, but quite windy.


Took the car down to the garage today and left it for them to look at and fix. Was nice and sunny for the walk home.

Got some grass cut this afternoon.


The two year old sounds like a real character Hicky.

I think Bruce or Sophie is favourite to go on Wed.


Hi Mollie. Haven't watched Doc Martin.

Don't blame you, not liking going through the complicated contract, for your OH's job.


Hope your daughter decides soon about Uni, or the term will have started. But I realize it's a big commitment to make, if she's not sure it's what she wants to do.

I never had a clue what I wanted to do, so I was grateful to have 3 years at uni, not having to decide on a job.

(I still haven't decided what I want to do when I grow up, truth be told)

Last edited by emptybox

Evening All.


The decking Tiles are great Mollie, just got to work out how to fit them, the tubs are so heavy, will probably have to wait till later in the year when they require less water.

I've fitted 2, the pots were smaller, the principle works, i could then level the tiles.

The wooden decking tiles are 600 x 600 x 44.


The food caravan has reopened as normal, but there's no sitting area, i could go to the old canteen, thats still open but the staff are down in the portacabin kitchen.


Not sure when the little ones go back to school.


Hope your daughter makes her mind up about Uni, these opportunities don't come every day.


Like Courtney best, think Sophie will go.


Hope the car doesn't cost too much, do you know the price of the springs?


I cut my grass yesterday, thought i'd get it cut before it rained again.


Looking at buying a Salamander Grill, but there are so many and the price range is crazy, my lad doesn't think an electric one would be hot or quick enough.

The gas ones are more expensive, my lad said he would put the gas pipe in.


hello all 

yes I do tend to disappear...sorry you three are welcome to my e-mail address 

anytime a dm on twitter to emptybox and i'm there ...just say you are welcom


First of all this CBB without reading back Charlotte really put me off with the

antics she got up too... and I just could not get into this CBB best to stay away..sorry for that .


The floors need doing sanding machines seem to ruin floors ,,by the way if anyone knows different please say these are old floorboards Its painstaking and taking up lots of time.


We have had to get a vets opinion on the dogs and Its a flea allergy anything to ease things but costing a fortune ...nightmare 


so CELEB BB my likes love Courtney ...Lauren I feel strangely sorry for ....Charlotte am I the only one who thinks Its impolite putting your bodily functions on display (sheesh to put It mildly ) does not amuse me is It Abz


he seems to be on his way to becoming high up in the betting ...he has uttered three or four words he Is a sure fire winner..DOH.


I hope you are all well take care e-mail address If I go off again Is welcome 


but you three are buddies anyhows but take care 


love to all


oh forgot to say Sky offered me 12 months at half price back on for a while ..Carol Is certainly growing old disgracefully ...not sure Its doing her any favours though 


Sweet peppers onions courgettes tomatoes garlic... spuds I have roasted to-night   .. with prawns not to keen on meat (i'm a hypocrite) love fish and prawns ...yum yum ...night all x

Last edited by Former Member

Hello again Frodo. Nice to see you.


These floors are turning into a mammoth job, aren't they?


It's not been the best CBB IMO. I don't really have a favourite.

I don't mind Charlotte, although I think she puts on a lot of the Geordie Shore stuff for the cameras (bed wetting included).

I quite like Courtney, but she's a bit shrill, and it annoys me that she wants to go home.

I quite like Mario, but he can be a bit bitchy behind people's backs.

I don't mind Louis and Carole and Vicky.

Sophie looks great, but isn't very nice.

Gone off Dustin and Abz and Bruce.


Half price Sky sounds OK, as long as you are getting the channels that you want, and couldn't get for free.


Hi Hicky.

No idea what the job on the car will cost? I guess they might ring me before they go ahead and order, but it shouldn't be too bad anyway.


What's a Salamander grill BTW?

Originally Posted by Hicky:

Evening All.


A miserable day here, very little sun, windy as well.


Hope the broken spring isn't going to cost too much Emptybox.


Mollie, the games your son is playing will no doubt use up a lot of your allowance.


Easy on the Vodka.


Have got a few more pics but not very exciting.



Must tell you this.

My 2yr old grandson was by his dad, his dad could smell something, he said to the lad "have you filled your nappy?, the lad said "what do you think"?

Later he was sitting a suitcase that was going to put away in the loft, used for the holiday, the lad was just sitting on it, his mum appeared and said to him, "what are you doing?", his reply "I'm sitting here"



Forgot to watch the XFactor, been watching the Dragons.


your grandson sounds adorable your posts any photo's of him 

out of the mouths of babes ...


Lovely to hear about your family x


ello all Mollie

good to hear your OH has got a new contract even though It means he will be away in the week ..good news will there be any chance of you staying with him for a few days?

Carol has had a bad edit to-night she Is so bitchy,good stirring things up..but

she Is nasty .


I'm still liking Courtney but in my opinion ..being paid and moaning about wanting to go home all the time ...boring.


If I have told you this sorry for repeating .Last quarter my leccy bill was ÂĢ400+ overpaid this quarter ÂĢ596-63p so I rang and asked If I could have   some back, better in my bank than theirs I was allowed ÂĢ400 anymore she had to get permission from her boss she said ,my bill has been reduced by &50 per month.


I seem to have most programmes emptybox no footy or films they are always extra...still loads to be done with the floors .


frozen fish to-day for tea (of course I cooked It first ).


Don't want to spoil anything for Mollie but do you believe what Mr Big says

on the website...wish they would find some new tasks shutting people away is getting boring .


Courtney's husband Is on BBOTS he seems really nice .



night all





Hi Frodo.

Yes they've been bad for moaning about wanting to go home this year. Kinda spoils the series.


Really gone off Mario and Carol in this task. They're the ones getting the luxuries, yet they are moaning about the others.


Yes Courtney's hubby seems like a nice guy, and he actually seems to have taken an interest in the series.


Sounds like you have been paying over the odds for your electric. Good job they gave you a refund.

I pay monthly by direct debit, and they adjust it up or down depending on whether I'm in credit or debt. Think it's ÂĢ74 per month at the mo. They send me an email when they want me to read the meter.


Morning afternoon all

funnily now I have Sky back I find that I have got used to the other programmes watched The Great British Bake Off, followed by The Midwives on BBC 2 last night.Les Dennis has been good too on Celeb Master Chef ,I don't watch X Factor though only when the finals come up.


I'm not keen on Carol on CBB or Charlotte ,sorry but the first is sloshed every night (i like a tipple) but this show Is not doing her any favours at all .the public must see It differently as she Is second fav so I am in the minority .


Yes emptybox I pay monthly by D.Debit and It kept saying on your annual review if you are ÂĢ100 pounds in credit or more we will refund It as I have said they have lowered my payment. The thing Is I cook in bulk now and just reheat in the micro ..cooker Is electric.


Lovely sunny day here cut the grass yesterday ,one thing with this weather the grass has been almost static .


I hope you are all keeping well eviction to-night wonder who will go by for now.




Good Afternoon Everyone.

Just popped while i have a minute on here, it let me on and let me post, can't be bad.


1 boss still on Hols but 1 here.


Other staff are back.


I thought i had posted but can't see it.

Thats probably the problem with posting on different sites and threads.


Weather not too bad, should be nice for the weekend.

Hope either Sophie or Bruce go tonight.


Thats a lot of electric you seem to be using Frodo?, we pay a lot as well, think it's ÂĢ100 for electric and the same for gas.


I like Courtney, not bothered about the rest, some are awful.


I like the great british bakeoff but why do they make them bake so many of each item?, thats crazy.


The little one Sidd is lovely, and he's coming on well with his sentences.

Yes, we had a great time, pity is goes so quick, i was a bit bothered about my garden though, so many things can go wrong.

I used 5 computers to control the watering and they are all battery powered so the electric going off wouldn't effect the watering, it could have got a leak of a pipe could have pulled out of a joint, and there's a lot of them, plus 3 sizes of pipe.


Emptybox, I find they usually want to go home when they are bored stiff, which is one of the main problems in the house.

They are going to get paid anyway, they know they aren't going to win so there's no sense in them remaining in the house really, thats how they see it.


If you want to keep disappearing Frodo thats up to you, you do whatever you think best.

We are always here, hopefully.



Hi Hicky 

no I don't use that much electric thats the thing ,how they have let this build up crikey knows...anyhow I have a little windfall and I am still in credit ,i have both gas & electric with British gas,the gas bill was ÂĢ12 in credit I say I cook in bulk and microwave ...probably this will change as my son has fallen out with his girlfriend again ....surprising how one person leaving every light on radio blasting out with the window open can jar on your nerves ,even though you love them .so expecting a larger bill ,not to mention this warm summer ,cavity wall etc has made this house like an oven and the walls are thick 


Yes guilty of not posting sometimes but I needed a break with my friend,with two dogs (by the way they are my sons) to look after Its not easy,and I was Big Brothered up with this series ...I have got into It now... when Charlotte wet the bed It really put me off . Am I a prude nah but that shocked me ,why I don't know on her programme Geordie Shore they have sex with all and sundry ,watched It a couple of times on MTV.


sees you


I always felt comfortable popping in and out you three have been friends for yonks .


forgot to say my son has made a massive pan of stir fry and never offered any ...sheesh kids bye for now

Last edited by Former Member

Hello Mollie seems to be my day for posting ,I am sort of reading back and taking things in .


So your daughter Isn't sure about uni ,I haven't a clue how old she but young and unsure ,sounds to me  she Is sensible like her mum and weighing up the options ,young enough to explore all other options ..and you caring enough to support her good luck whatever she chooses .Sorry like I have said for not posting all the time ...Lucky you you have such uncomplicated daughters, sons


tata for now       






good to see you call in again.   That is the trouble with this direct debit stuff, crafty devils use it as a method to stock pile the cash off us.   Same things happened to me a while back.

I know what you mean about this series of CBB. It is a shame that after such a good series of BB, this CBB is so poor. Such whingy HM's whose sole aim seems to be to get out of the house asap. (collecting their nice earnings on route)..   And I too do not like Charlotte and her attitude either, I think she puts stuff on.. this wee'ing the bed rubbish, I am guessing she put that on, because she thinks the public will find it amusing. I certainly didn't

How are your doggies? Are they still having the flea problems? I know how difficult this awful critters are to get rid of.



Glad you are getting good weather too. I bet you are well up to date garden wise this year, compared to last year. HOpe the car cost is not a shock when you hear. Can't remember if I told you, but son got given another 3 months supply of tablets, not keen on him taking stuff this long, but his toes were very bad. And he has been given more iodine dressings. Doc said if the tablets don't clear it, he will refer to skin specialist, hope it doesn't come to that though. Good job yours carried on improving after you stopped the tablets.



yes I am sure Sidd sounds so cute now he is starting to talk, he is at such a lovely age, and he sounds (and looks in his piccies), such a funny little character.

What is a salamander grill, that you fancy getting?

Do you have to eat at your office chair now there are no seats in the food caravan?


As weather was so nice we went to the Wetland place at Slimbrige today. We saw the otters being fed, they were so sweet.   and we fed the geese by hand.


Think we have nearly sorted OH's contract out now, just a few alterations to be made.

Haven't had much chance to watch tv, but like to sit and relax at end of the day and watch CBB, even if I am not so keen on the HM's this year. I do like Courtenay and Vicky though, I think Vicky was very wise to warn Bruce as a friend to calm his temper a bit.


Have a good evening all xxx



Hello Mollie again


I am a Vicky fan ...she has been invisible this series a shame really 


Dustin Abz also the same I could not live with Charlotte ...what does her mum think ..about her antics....Scary 


thanks for understanding about the breaks bit like going on holiday need to charge up sometimes 


next time will certainly say I am off for a while OKEY DOKEY  putting a laugh on but sometimes

Last edited by Former Member

Hello all.

Nice day again.

Not nearly as hot as with you Frodo, I don't think?

Surprised that the grass by you isn't growing much. It's boosting like mad here.

We had the hot dry spell, but then we had a very wet spell, and now it's warm again.

Warm + wet = crazy grass growth.


Got the car back this morning. They replaced the near-side coil spring and the bearing - cost ÂĢ150. They probably should have done both front springs, but that would have been more expensive. Wouldn't surprise me if it went soon though, as the rear ones were replaced in May, and they're all the same age.


The wetland place sounds nice Mollie. Wouldn't fancy trying to hand feed geese though. They might take it literally.

Glad you've almost sorted your OH's contract.


Hope your son's toes improve. As I said, mine aren't perfect now, but at least I wouldn't be embarrassed on a beach long as the sand was deep enough.


Hi Hicky.

I understand the celeb HMs are doing it for the money, and it can be boring in there, but they're supposed to be professionals. They should at least be trying to enjoy themselves in there and be a bit entertaining.

Hope worries about your watering system didn't keep you awake at night in Portugal?


I like Vicky as well Frodo. I've never watched Corrie, but she seems OK, and one of the more real ones.

Hope you enjoyed your break with your friend?


Hello emptybox 

first cut since the mower was up and running cuts like a dream (for a change )

up north eh both of us ..service charge was high but Its been cutting a few neighbours lawns for ages 


AAHHHHHH Sophie Is out and Carol back in ...I'm lost for words and will she nominate how boring 


Hello emptybox can only speak for our grass ..for the amount of time not bad at all

Last edited by Former Member

HI again

so another nom from someone who has been in luxury more than most drinks all the booze ..and Imo Is a favoured one  Carol that Is ...not my fav


Mollie the  dogs are so so this allergy Is hateful ...for all animal lovers a pain for them injection plus consultation plus flea treatment ...shudders at the price It must vary from vet to vet absolute nightmare for the animals ..staggering cost for owners...the injections seem to be working 



night to all x


Hello all 

so Sophie Is out..never really took to her and usually I only base my judgement on how they are in the house...but I still don't think she deserved the skits about botox etc.


Sorry about moaning about the floor emptybox ,the reason It Is taking so long Is that I'm trying not to use a sander and using wire wool and white spirits ..years of underlay + plus carpet Is time consuming ,upstairs Is fine a doddle .

Mollie you have Sky ever thought of ringing and saying 'hey any offers for me'

I got free broadband for a year  ..they generally give loyal customers a deal 

cos BT Is on the warpath ,you probably caught on to that though.


Still liking Courtney and I think we need a lesson on how to treat our friends across the pond ,in case the noms aren't common knowledge I won't comment ..I don't want to spoil It.


Emptybox forecast rain here overnight otherwise hardly any wet weather at all .been looking for warm coloured rugs (have to be washable on the internet


the shaggy type

Last edited by Former Member

This was from yesterday, it didn't go for some reason.

Morning Everyone.

Not sure how a sanding machine can ruin a floor Frodo, thought they just sanded it which is what you are trying to do.
By sanding it it will also level out the warped boards.

It would take a long time by hand either using a hand sander or sand paper.

It is normal for Sky to offer 50% off as they are desperate, they are losing so many customers, they charge a crazy price.
BT now gives a lot of the matches free, the O/H gets them on her Lappy.

I posted a few pics up the page, they are attachments.

A Salamanda Grill is the one most of the Restaurants and food places use to grill food, they range from a few hundred to thousands.
But there are thousands, gas/electric whatever you want.

The betting.

Loving all the HM's at the mo, like Courtney the best.


first of all I am in awe of your garden and the time and effort you must have put in Hicky  you could almost eat It, or imagine you are doing wonderful.


Yes I suppose you are right about the sander,the floorboards upstairs are immaculate but the room downstairs,looks as though they are pretty old and I wanted to preserve the stressed look thats all Its not a massive room ,funnily enough the kitchen has a concrete floor underneath the covering.


yes Sky are getting desperate but I have not signed a contract ,so I'm using them too I may switch over to BT haven't decided yet.


I wonder why Courtney odds are around 40/1 to win yet she Is popular on all the sites...not keen on Carol she seems nasty after a drink .Dustin Abz are almost invisible ..I like Vicky but yes Courtney is my fav 


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