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Hello emptybox


yes very disappointing ,,Dex & Gina have made the show for me 


Congrats to Sams fans but I'm switching over  Film 4  to see my mate again Gollum


and Frodo again  bad luck about your phone ...don't you have a landline .that.s a pain for you


I'm not going to watch Sam's interview , he didn't do anything for ages he's only been awake this last week insult Dex (I'm a bad loser)


Yes It has been hard work don't even mention carpet grippers a nightmare trying to get them up


night all


Good morning all



sorry to hear you are having phone problems, hope they sort it ok, bit of a worry as it is your landline, incase it goes on to give you internet problems. How is work? Are you up to date?



hope you have recovered from all your recent hard physical work sorting out the floors. Is your leg ok now?


well last night's BB... 

first of all, ridiculous to have a final not only on a Monday night, but a whole hour gap between announcing the winners, making it so late before the winner was announced. I could see how it was going, so couldn't even be bothered waiting up for the 11pm show. Watched the recording this morning.


Now we have a winner who did virtually nothing all through the series.

Such a shame as this had been a good series.

Dexter deserved the win last night imo. But from last night's show I suspect the producers did not want that, so did all they could to encourage all the evictees to slate him in their interviews, whilst voting was still ongoing.

Without Gina and Dexter, they would not of had much of a show imo. So hope they both do well out of the show.


Nice day here today, so busy washing.

Me and daughter are going away for few days Thursday, as last chance before Uni. Got a cheap last minute train trip to Bruges, so will be extra busy sorting that now. Unfortunately I'll miss launch night of CBB, but will record and view when home.

So it will be just Emptybox and Fredo keeping this place going for a few days.


Have a good day both. xxx





Morning Mollie emptybox and Hicky away in the sun


Mollie I was trying to put the final into words ,you did It for me ,I agree with everything you say could not have stated It better,how Dexter has taken the abuse and been a gracious loser...(well not a loser to us) I will never know... how he coped with all the vitriol and came out so happy he a little lets hope we see more of him.


Thanks for all yor kind words thinking about me Mollie you too emptybox but I haven't had half of what you have been through Mollie and the leg Is almost healed


Lawn Mower ready next Tuesday ÂĢ100 and some pence ,which I don't think Is too bad ..what do you think emptybox?


I hope Hicks Is having a whale of a time It will be good to have him back 23rd

If I remember right and we have CBB on Thursday to look forward too.


This was on one of the forums last night so I borrowed It




see you later.....byeee xx have a great day...but Dex had the last laugh

Last edited by Former Member

Its me again


watched some of bbbots last night when Dex and the others were on. Never liked Rylan,but I take It back ...he was good and fair a lot more impartial than Emma has been on there even though I like her ,she needs to take a leaf out of his book and remain impartial and fair.


So I am beginning to warm to Rylan he was quite funny last night



My internet is still on, but some sites are very slow to load.

Had to go as far as the nearest town before I got a strong enough mobile signal to report my landline problem.

The fella said it would take up to 4 working days, so phone might not be back on till after weekend.


Enjoy your trip away to Bruges Mollie. Presumably that means you daughter has decided on uni?


Hi Frodo Glad the leg is almost healed.

That's not too bad for the lawnmower, but I suppose it depends what was wrong?

Cheap if they had to replace the engine, but steep if they just had to replce a cable.

But then even a cable requires you to dismantle the mower to fit it.


hello emptybox


I hope your landline Is soon OK ,,,thinking of you and me  (how selfish)am I but but but...I will be on my own     you can not be serious 


I haven't a clue what was wrong with the lawnmower...bare in mind cutting ours which is large next doors ...steps all the way like living on a bliddy cliff..hauling It in a car to cut a relatives grass ..It had had enough and decided to sit It out for a while. Not everyone Is like you emptybox a rare commodity in the business world minded but fair ,but to be honest this company have always been fair  to collect to service and bring back ...can't say what was wrong until I

have seen the invoice


last night on one of the twins twitter accounts Jack I think said' thanks for following us but we should have come second, not Dexter ' this morning he Is saying his account was hacked and backtracking ...oooh takes all sorts in this world .


sees you 





Last edited by Former Member
Frodo will take the journey alone .....must go Samwise has jumped into the water oh I must say this The Mail Is shite not another word to say about them...If I get a telling off for this fair enough...showing a snake eating live mice and one mouse trying to save the other was sick ...they do this all the time without warning and It makes my blood boil ..yes animals eat to live ....but in a zoo can't they be humane
Last edited by Former Member

Oh right.

That's strange on two counts.


One, I wouldn't have thought the mouse would have the capacity to try to save it's companion?


Two, it's unusual for the keepers to allow a mouse to bite at the snake, because it could do it damage.


As I said, some snakes only like to eat live prey, but you can sometimes get round that by feeding freshly killed ones that the keeper wiggles in front of the snake to fool it.

But that might have been a deadly snake, so too dangerous for the keeper to do that.

Or they might just be inhumane in Chinese zoos?


I don't know any of that from personal experience. I just googled.


Good afternoon all



glad you got your mower back, hope it is ok for a long time to come now. And take care whilst I am away, you have already had your fair share of leg/back accidents haven't you? 



hope your phone is ok now. Wonder why you keep having this problem with the lines?


I thought Dexter came over great on BBOT and on his eviction interview.


I am full of nerves about taking daughter away now, beginning to regret it, as much to organise and I worry about my mum because she panicked enough when I was only going to London.   OH has sorted some pre-paid time on an old phone so I am just going to ring her a few times each day as I normally would, and pretend I am only food shopping locally or walking dog. OH will go round to see her whilst I am away too.


well must get off and pack and sort paperwork out.

hope Hicky has had a lovely holiday.

Hope you all enjoy the launch of CBB, will catch up as soon as I get back.


Good bye for a few days. xxx 

Last edited by *mollie*

Hi Emptbox and Fredo

hope you have had a good day ,I have been very busy, but am all packed now. OH helped with mum's jobs, so she is ok. Fingers crossed I can ring her ok from Belgium ,and she doesn't realise I am not at home. And I hope the dog eats, she often won't eat when I am away, so OH has to feed her bits of chicken by hand to keep her going.


I am taking 3 pairs of shoes with me, in addition to the sandals I will be travelling in, and about 10 pairs of leggings, (just incase) , 3 dresses, 4 T shirts, 2 pairs of jogging pants, 3 cardigans, 2 jackets and a blouse.  We are only staying for 3 nights. But I never know what I fancy wearing till I get there, because of the weather.

if it is not too late and I am not too exhausted i will call in Sunday, if not, I'll be back Monday.


looking forward to seeing Hicky back here and hearing about his hols when I come home.


Be good, enjoy the rest of the week xx


Evening guys.

Nice day here. But everything was wet first thing, so there must have been rain overnight.


Enjoy your trip Mollie, and try not to worry about your Mum.

Good idea about the phone calls, to keep her mind at rest.

You're certainly taking enough clobber with you?


My phone is still off. Might not be on till the begining of next week. The guy I spoke to was in a call centre in India, so I've no confidence that anything will be done.

The lines round here have been bad for ages. They really need replacing, but who knows when that might happen?


Been catching up with recordings the last couple of nights, but looking forward to BB again tomorrow.


Morning Everyone.


Have a good time Mollie.


Very hot here spend all my time trying to keep cool.


Disappointed with BB result really.

Sam got the sympathy vote.


Looking forward to cbb, will miss the opening, but will see it on catchup.


Have been kept up to date by my friend on DS.


Home tomorrow anyway.

Will catch up with you then.




Lovely day here. Got plenty done.

No sign of the phone being fixed yet though.


Hi Hicky, Nice to hear from you again.

Didn't realize your holiday was almost over? I thought we had at least another week of peace yet.

I think the UK is supposed to be hot on Friday, so you might just be exchanging one hot place for another.

Enjoy the last day of your hols anyway.


Looking forward to the CBB launch later. Nae doot I'll have some thoughts on it for you.


Hi Frodo. You're very quiet? Hope everything is OK?

I notice Aisleyne quite often puts scottish words on her twitter. She quite often says that she "canny wait", and tonight she says she's going out on the "toon". I think that's because she's good friends with a couple of Scottish models.



Not bad day. A bit dull, but warm enough. Absolutely pouring down now though.


Two Openreach engineers called at 9am. They made sure the fault was external, then plugged a bit of equipment into my master socket, to identify the line, then went off leaving this gadget here. They didn't come back till 1.30pm, so I had to wait in all that time.


The phone is fixed now though. They said the line had been nibbled by rodents along the road side. Seemingly it's not even in a duct, but just laying in a ditch.

They have re-routed my cable through a different existing ducted part, but I think that must have added a couple of miles to the distance between me and the exchange (as the cable travels), because my broadband speed has halved from about 4 Mb/s to 2Mb/s.

He said that he'd ask for the original line to be put in a duct, but as that would be costly, there's no telling when that might be done, so in the meantime I've got to put up with slower speeds.


I suppose I can put up with that if the connection is going to be more stable, and won't keep failing every few months.

Can't see them ever putting in fibre this far out in the wilds.


Hope you get back home safely Hicky, and enjoy your recording of the CBB launch.


Hi Hicky. Welcome back.

I suppose it will seem cool here after Portugal.

How did your garden fare, in your absence?


A lot of rain here overnight, and dull and misty this morning.

I should try and get some work done, but the grass is soaking wet at the moment.


I might have been too hasty talking about my broadband speed. It seems to be back to 3.5Mb/s today. Perhaps because it was cut off when they were fiddling about with the line, then it needed a readjustment period? I'll keep an eye on it.


The housemate's seem OK so far. I quite like the Irish girl Danielle, and Sophie Anderton and that Dustin 'screech' bloke. 

I also quite like Charlotte from Geordie Shore, but I didn't like the way she punched that cake.

That American girl's voice goes right through you.

I honestly don't think Lauren Harries is quite right though? I expect she'll struggle.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Everyone.


Evening Emptybox.


Been walking around the garden with the little ones eating pea's, Toms and Raspberries.


The watering system worked fine, very pleased, gave the plants maybe too much water, but with them all having their own water supply, any excess just runs away, i had to time the length of watering for the most needy.


Everything has really grown while i was away, amazing in so short a time.


Two of the Fig Tree's has got loads of Figs on them, and they are getting quite big now.


Got loads of big Toms, when they are ripe i will have an excess.

Had some off all ready, the cucumber plant is over 6' and still making fruit.


Like all the HM's, always love the Females anyway.


Had to put a jumper on though today. and a pair of socks, still got shorts on though.


My connection speed for broadband is 18.0 kbps, the connection speed is sorted each time you connect the hub to the isp, it then tries to synchronise to the fastest speed the line can take on a continuous stream.

All connection speeds are variable, not fixed, so it can change.


Evening All.


Weather not too bad, not hot, 20C today, down to 16C at tea time, but had some sun.


Had a nice quiet day, nice brekkie, sausage with toms from the garden, these big ones don't have seeds, beefsteak type.


Bought a new electric strimmer, Flymo, cuts brill, double cord type, got a wheel to do the edges, works fine.


Bought a couple of chilli plants as the peas have finished.


Little one came round, great fun,

Made a nice chicken roast with cabbage, carrots, roasties, stuffing & gravy.


Hope Mollie is having a good time, no sign yet, tomorrow it will be now.


Hope your broadband has improved Emptybox.


Where is Frodo? 4 days now.


My O/H was watching the Liverpool match last night on her Lappy, beamed from Oz on Skype by my lad who was watching the match on his TV at 3.30am.


Hi Hicky.

It was a bit dull this morning, but turned into a nice sunny warm afternoon.


Glad your watering system worked while you were away, and your plants have done well.

I've been very disappointed with my tomatoes this year. There's some large ones but they're staying resolutely green, and refusing to ripen. Out of 4 plants I've had less than 10 to eat so far.


That strimmer sounds good Hicky. Should do the job anyway.

That seems a very round about way for your OH to watch a footie match?


I think my broaband speed is back to more or less normal, although I haven't checked it today


Hope Mollie has had a good time in Bruges.

Not sure why Frodo hasn't popped in for a while?


About BB. I think I've gone off Sophie, she's a pain. Plus I like Mario now.

I hope people give Danielle a chance.

Last edited by emptybox
Hi Hicky. Yes, I was talking to my uncle in Norfolk, and he said his tomatos aren't ripening quickly either.
You'd think with the warm weather that they'd be quicker this year, but I suppose something must be slowing them down?

Lovely hot day here, so got plenty done, although the grass is very lush and damp at the moment.

I see on twitter that Hazel and Charlie are supposed to be moving in together tomorrow. Hazel has been staying with Charlie and Jackie since she got back from Ireland. She wants to base herself here for a few months at least, so I guess it makes sense kf they get a flat together.
I think Charlie and Dexter are still seeing each other, though not sure how real that is.

The CBB live feed was good last night, with Vicky and Danielle pretending to be commandos attacking Louis with pretend guns and grenades.

Do you go back to work tomorrow, or do you have another day off?
Don't  think it was technically a bank holiday in Scotland? But I didn't get any papers or post anyway? I just treated it as a working day anyhow.

Hope Mollie is back safe and sound now?

Evening All.


Day off today, Bank Hol.


I've had a few ripe toms Emptybox, tons still growing though.

Gave a neighbour a bowl of raspberries.


Been a nice day, clear skies, sunny slight breeze.


Hazel always said she would stay with Charlie after she offered.


I think Charlie & Dexter are real, well as real as you can get.


Mollie should be back now all being well.

Will put a few pics up tomorrow night, didn't take many though.


Last nights live feed anyway.



all xx


back here at last...

and it is good to see you back from hols too Hicky.   Did you like the place as much as the one you stayed in last year? Did you viist anywhere of interest, or just relax in the sun by the pool/beach. I hope the rest of the family enjoyed it. Did you notice how much more expensive it is now for us Brits go to to Europe since the value of the ÂĢ dropped?  I certainly notice how little we got for our money now, compared to the last time we were in Europe.Looking forward to seeing your pics.

Glad to hear your garden was fine and that your food plants are growing well. LOL at your OH watching the football by skype from Oz.   What was the quality of it like?  Bet you lad was tired having to stay up all night to watch that. OH skypped me whilst we were in Belgium, the videos he sent were really clear. I rang my mum a lot using a cheap mobile provider (Giff Gaff) and it was so clear, she didn't even have a clue I was out of the country.   I had to take a UK tv guide with me, so I could ring her and tell her what to watch on tv each night.



glad you got your landline back, and it has not slowed down too much now. I can't stand dealing with that Outreach company ,it is hopeless getting to speak to anyone with their Indian call centres, they were forever telling me they would ring me back, then never did.   Our landlines aren't fast here either and sometimes gets so slow my lad moans he can't play his games, This is usually evenings.


Managed to catch up and watch the launch of CBB and the first show at last, but still have a few shows to catch up with, because I have been very busy since I got home sorting washing, my mum, and paperwork out. Bruges was very pretty place, full of history on the canals, but it was a very tiring journey.... further than I thought, as i didn't realise we had to change at Brussels    ....  so I was exhausted after the 22 hour round journey and all the walking we did. I managed to climb the 366 steep steps of the clock tower on a hot day, but rewarded myself with some of their delicous chips covered in mayo after.


I am loving the CBB shows I have seen so far. What a character Louis is, and Carole too, should make interesting HM's. I think the Barbie American girl will also prove to be interesting. Don't like Geordie girl so far..., foul mouthed when she came in and ridiculous punching the cake and guzzling the wine before any of the others had chance to get a glass. Great to see 2 well known Corrie characters on the show too. Sophie still very pretty, and as you say, Emptybox Lauren is a strange one.


Off to do some jobs, must try and find time to catch up with CBB shows tonight,


have a good day both. xx


shame Fredo has disappeared again, hope she is ok and comes back soon.


Afternoon Everyone.


Yes Mollie, back at last.

Loved the place, only went into the town once, too expensive.

O/H went around some shops but could walk far with her bad knee.


We were in a complex this year, a nice apartment, could sit on the balcony at night, it was cooler there.



The little ones loved the pool, it was a good size and well looked after.


I thought everything was expensive, 1.50 for a packet of crisps or ice cream, some 3.00, coffee 1.50, food from 6.50 to 24.00 euro.

Money went nowhere at all, we didn't do too bad though.


I bet you were worn out Mollie after all that travelling, walking, climbing.

Take it easy now.


I'm enjoying CBB as well, like them all so far.

It takes all sorts and thats what they have.


I only used to pass by the outskirts of Bruges when travelling along the coast from Calais to  either Belgium or Germany, we used to take the E40, many times.


I noticed in Belgium they don't have vinegar, Mayo on everything, flavoured as well, they didn't know what vinegar was even.

One person brought me Tabasco sauce instead.


Evening all.


Just made a rather tasty Laksa soup with chicken, coconut milk, chilli's from the garden and noodles.


Finished off with a tub of mixed olives.


Had a quiet day at work with 2 off on holiday, will be even worse when i go in Friday as 1 boss went to Spain today and the other goes to America Friday, so i will be on my own.


Saw some of last nights live feed but was a bit too busy.

They have left me lots of invoicing to do Friday.


Have just ordered 6 jars of Laksa, Rendang and 12 tins of Coconut milk.


Will be making a Rendang curry tomorrow,



Another lovely warm day here. Got plenty done.


Hi Mollie. Nice to see you back. Sounds like you had a great time, but fairly exhausting.

Is it a tradition to climb the clock tower in Bruges?

Medern technology is great, with international mobile phones and skype etc.


With the call centres. I find if I get the Indian one they just want to go through the motions, but if you get through to Ireland they are more helpful. Not sure why that is?

Having said that, I only had to call once this time, so that was OK.


Hi Hicky. Trust your bosses to go off and leave you with all the invoicing?

You really go a bundle on this Laksa and Rendang stuff? Still, I suppose if you know what you like, then it's sensible to order in bulk.


Keep changing my mind on the HMs.

I liked Danielle, but she didn't react well to being nominated.

I liked Charlotte, and think she's a nice girl, but I don't like it when she plays up to her Geordie Shore image.

I liked Sophie, and then went off her, but think she's probably OK now.

Think Mario is probably the best bloke in there.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening All.


Was entertaining a 2 yr old for an hour this afternoon, he spent it eating tomato's off the cherry tomato plant, then he went on to the raspberry plant, they are massive, like small strawberries, he was eating them as quick as i could get them off the plant.

No wonder he likes my garden.


A picture of the gym equip that my lad in Oz has had install for himself, he has put it in a spare area of his huge garage.

Gym equipment

Think Danielle is a gonner tonight, Charlotte is now fave to win.


Went out for brekkie this morning, fantastic


Good evening both xx



So glad to hear you and the family stayed in a nice place, and had a lovely enjoyable holiday despite the high costs. Hope your OH's bad knee didn't bother her too much whilst away, but with prices so high abroad for us Brits now, I think it was wise of you all not to go to town/shops too often there. We too found this, so didn't really go round shops much, or eat out other than chips covered in mayo (delicous) and a pizza, but we took some rolls from the hotel brekkie to eat for lunch, so we wouldn;t waste time eating out, or waste money either. I bet it was so exciting for the kiddies to have a lovely pool to play in every day too.   Did you or OH go in it at all?

That is interesting what you say about vinegar in Belgium, now you mention it, the chip shop never offerred us vinegar on our chips. But i did really enjoy the mayo and their extra crisp chips.   Hope you don't find yourself too overworked on Friday with all the invoicing to do. Sounds like you may need to take some sandwiches with you, can't have you going hungry as you are going to be the only one there.

at the little fella eating all your garden produce. At least it is nice and healthy for him.

that is some gym your lad has there. Very nice.

You were right about Danielle going. I guess the main reason would be that she was unknown here.



Glad you got a nice day weather wise, so got plenty done. Let's hope your phone holds up now, with no need for you to ring them again.

I know what you mean about changing your mind on the HM. i do too.   But what a real interesting mix of HM's we have in there this year.

Do you know when the show finishes? I will really miss BB when it is all over, after having CBB straight after BB.


Nearly end of summer and back to college and Uni time looms for my family, so we decided to make most of nice weather and went to Bristol today to look at the giant fibre glass Grommit figures that are placed around the city. There are 80 in all, we managed to find 18 in a couple of hours, so that was quite good, it would take ages to locate all of them as they cover such a large area. Each figure is different and done by a different artist, and had a theme, and were lovely and bright, so we took lots of piccies.

That reminds me, hope we can see some of your holiday snaps soon Hicky


well bed time for me, feeling tired all this week after our few days away.

Goodnight both xxx





Duller and cooler today, and there was rain overnight so the grass was wet all day. Still got quite a lot cut though.


That looks like a smashing gym Hicky. Your lad must go in for weight lifting?


Hi Mollie. Glad you enjoyed your trip to Bristol.

So Milton Keynes has it's fibre-glass cows, and Bristol has it's Grommits?


Charlie has had a new hairdo. I think it looks fantastic.

Why oh why did she not have it like that in the house, instead of the two-tone effort?


Good evening all



glad you got a lot done despite the rain. It was a bit drizzly here today, but not too bad. Well I never knew that Milton Keynes had fibre glass cows. I agree that Charlie looks good with her hair like that, I was not keen on the 2 tone.



wow, those apartments and huge swimming pool looks great.   I think a nice relax round the pool in the sun there, would be wonderful.


Had a pretty boring day really, catching up with jobs and helping mum out, but at least no complaints, as nothing went wrong.


Shame Danielle had to go, think she would of provided us with some good funny entertainment, the way she blatently winds up the others. I thought she looked very smart in her lime green dress she left in.

I am enjoying CBB, what an eccentric lot they are.

wonder who will go next?

Think X Factor starts this Saturday? So we will be busy fitting in all our tv shows.

Have a good evening all. xxx


Hi guys.

Nicer day here, sunny and dry.


I looked it up, abd the cows in Milton Keynes are actually concrete.

You still haven't explained why Bristol has all those Grommits though?


Is it X-Factor again? Oh well, that'll give us something else to watch.


Your apartment looks good there Hicky.


There are 5 up on Friday, so I don't know who will go?


Afternoon Everyone.


On my own in the office.

Have been busy, still managed to get some posting time and watch last nights live feed.

Can put it on the corner of the big monitor and work at the side of it.

Did 15 Invoices anyway.


Think Ron may go tonight, but Courtney is close as well, then Louie.


Danielle came alive too late, if she had been more active maybe she could have got liked.


Looking forward to Xfactor.


Last nights live feed here.


The neighbour that came in the garden to see if any fruit was ready, or veg said ;ast night, can you go back to Portugal, we had some lovely tomato's off the plants, the big ones are seedless.

He said his wife, who has a few problems at the mo can't have seeds, he has to take them all out for her.

I'll have to supply him with beef steak toms as they go red, there are loads. they are massive even now and at 6ft high.


I'm going to redo the raspberry patch, far too many plants, instead of 2 rows i'll have 1 row, it's getting hard to harvest the crop, there are so may raspberries it's crazy.

Had no idea they grew like this.


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