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Good evening Emptybox and Fredo


Aaawww no HIcky for awhile, I will miss him.   But good for him, as he is away on hols with the family. Hope he had a good journey and they like the apartments they are staying in.

As you say Fredo, let's hope he has access to his plentiful brekkies as he needs them, and hope his neighbour copes with his garden.



glad you got some nice weather there, as I know how busy you are at this time of year. That is a nice piccie of the balloon festival from facebook. Is it Faye  from BB? if so, she looks different in that piccie. We saw a lot of balloons lift off, but didn't stay to see the nightglow balloons because we were tired and fed up of the crowds by then, and it started to rain, and even by not staying for that, we were still over an hour queuing to get out of the car park.   That reminds me, have you heard anything about Aaron's bar in wsm? Only we walked past it last week and it is still there, but the name has changed since Aaron took it over.

Glad your menu for your visitors went down well and also good news that it sounds like the car problem is not as bad as you first thought.



oh dear, sorry to hear you hurt your back lifting the lawnmower, hope it eases soon, especially after all you have been through with your poor leg too. Sorry to hear you are having trouble with frontline, I am not keen on frontline, it makes my dog sick, but she is one of those dogs who does have a sensitive stomach. I get something else from the vets now. Can't remember what it is called, think it is about same price as frontline. But I do have to try and keep her away from long grass especially whilst we have so many critters around at this time of year. Even the sand on the beach seems to be full of sand flies this year.   Have your dogs been going anywhere like long grass that attracts lots of fleas?  We have to watch for snakes too in the valleys areas around here, they often come out to sunbathe on the paths in summer. I met a guy one year walking up the hills with his camera looking for them to take piccies of them.


Still not caught up with my paperwork, but will attempt it tomorrow, managed to get the washing dry in the sunny weather though.


Forgot to tell you that when we went to Devon for OH's interview, we took a lovely boat trip over to Cornwall. So pretty, lots of little shallow bays, so safe for littlies to go in the sea.   Like a different world, with painted cottages overlooking these little beaches, with their front doors left open. Most wore the standard Cornish flip flops and shorts.  


nearly time for this weeks BB, I think Dexter and Gina are the ones who deserve to be in the final the most, as they have provided the most entertainment in this series. Dexter is the choice of winner for me. I think it a shame that Dan was thrown out so early though. (even though I was not keen on him, he was an entertaining HM). Wish Sophie was next out, don't know why she is so popular, she is such a misery whiny girl and likes to stir trouble, and it also looks like she cheated now. I'd much prefer Charlie to her, but think I am in a minority, so she will last longer than Charlie.


Goodnight both xx


Morning Mollie.

Yes, typing on this tablet keyboard is tricky.


That boat trip to Cornwall sounds lovely. Wish it was still shorts weather up here.


Yes that's Faye from BB. She and Aaron are still together I think, but the bar didn't work out, and there must be someone else there now.

She and Aaron have other jobs now. He works in an office, not sure what Faye deos, but it's not showbiz related. Think they recently moved house.


Morning Mollie,emptybox and a wave to Hicky 


Oh didn't realise he was staying In an Apartment /or Villa even better you can suit yourself and eat in or out ,hope they have a lorry to transport his food

because we know he has hollow legs  sorry Hicks .


Sounds wonderful Mollie where you went simply can't imagine leaving a door open around here ...spit spot everything would be gone ,so glad you enjoyed It


You really have snakes sheesh that would terrify me harmless ones I hope 

but then you have the lovely beach to stroll on (sighs with envy).


Now about Big Brother still no phone lines open Is It something to do with the money this big surprise Emma keeps on about ..who knows .


I love Dexter and I don't know If you kept up with BB?..while you were away but Gina seems to have had a personality transplant lately thats why she's slipping in the betting .third favourite now..Dexter is 2nd fav and Sam the fav.


Going back to Gina I'M CONVINCED SHE Is part of the Secret &Lies and she rightly deserves her place in the final  shs and Dexter have made the show for me .


Yes Sophie Is all you say I'm not keen on the twins though ...nice to agree innit...but even If we didn't still  you three ..hey Its BB  fun to have differences.


My cushion covers came this morning cream they are and very inexpensive no point in buying those that cost a fortune they still need replacing and I need eight


Hello emptybox ..xx very warm to-day ,by the way the phone that went in the Canal was only cheap ..good job too.


Any word of Aiseleyne why don't they put her in Celeb BB ..hey we have that to look forward too .

I watched a Documentary on Channel 4 last night about the little boy with the brain tumour ..his mum had gone missing with him ,she didn't want him to have the chemo....they gave his father temporary custody ..It made me cry

anyhow  It ended on a happier note although he still had to have more treatment in a year  he was in remission (sorry for rambling)


sees you both later xxxxxx






Hi guys.

Not bad day. Quite warm and dry, so got a lot done.

I only wear shorts about the house or in my own garden Frodo, but it's got a bit too chilly for that up here now.


Here's a nice pic of Ash out last night, to the premiere of the horror film 'You're Next'.


I don't see them having her on celeb BB somehow Frodo.


I think the twist tonight must be something to do with the prize money right enough. And as they haven't opened the voting, perhaps one of the nominated ones gets a chance to take half the prize money, but has to leave there and then?

Or maybe something completely different?


I saw that documentary last night as well Frodo. The mother had some strange ideas. And also that woman with the bright orange hair.

But it was good that it seemed to end up OK for the little boy, although he's more treatment yet to come.


Good evening all  



you never know, we might get some hot weather again, and you will be able to get your shorts out again. Glad you managed to get some work done today. That is interesting about Aaron and Fay. But I am not surprised Aaron's bar did not work out because it was not well situated. Wonder what he does in the office? I used to work in the council office there. Nice pic of Ais there.


I know you both Fredo and Emptybox are both fans of Ais, but as Emptybox knows me and him, both agree to disagree over Ais because for me the thought of her on CBB, no thank you!!  I really disliked her on BB, so could not bear to hear all that ghetto "you betta know yourself little girl" talk again, and see all that crying again. I think though that I would prefer no ex BB person going into CBB, because it would we nice if we got some real well known celebs this year. (if C5 can afford them though)..     As the 2 shows are so close together this year though, I wonder if they will take the winner of this BB into CBB, like they did before? It didn't work out though did it last time, so don't think they would try it again.

Let;s hope the press do not tell us anyone who is going in CBB, because I don't like to know beforehand because I think it spoils launch night.



yes Hicky said they have 2 family apartments, so let's hope the supermarket is well stocked for him.   Glad you are pleased with your cushion covers, they are great for brightening up your house.

I so hope this "twist" does not mean goodbye to Dexter or Gina, as the most entertaining, they both deserve their place in the final.


been busy today, nearly finished vat stuff, what a bind it has been this quarter, and I had to quickly book train tickets for OH as he has to go to London on Monday about a contract. Took ages to search for the cheapest deal, but worth taking the time to do so.


enjoy the BB show all xxx


BB show just started and i had to LOL at the twins in the rescue squad petrified over the wasp.   (not that I am a fan of their really though). But I think the tasks have been great this year.


Last edited by *mollie*
Originally Posted by frodo:

Yes the Mum was a little scary was really scared to say It in case I got shot down


see you later




Aaawww Fredo


  Don't be scared to say what you think here, none of us would "shoot you down" for having different views,  ....For example from my post about Ais above, you can see our views on tv shows and who we like on them, often vary, but we still remain good supportive friends here, and I still love Emptybox and Hicky, no matter who they like or don't like on tv. In fact I find it interesting in how we see things differently. And we are of course, so pleased to have you here now posting with us. I really enjoy reading your posts and seeing your piccies.


Last edited by *mollie*

Hi Mollie.

I think someone said it might get hotter again next week. Hope so.


Glad you've now broken the back of your VAT.

Hope your OH has some luck in London.


Well that twist was a bit of a damp squib. It's already happened online.

I'll not say what it was yet.


Actually I must admit I find the twins funny sometimes. And I can almost tell them apart now.

They seem to know about TV progs that were on before they were born?



that is good news if the summer has not left us yet.   So don't bother shoving away those shorts just yet.

I managed to book OH a train seat with a tv in the back. I love those tv seats. Daughter and I had great fun when we had one, messing about with all the channels on offer.


That is a shame if there is a twist that is a damp squib. I didn't hear them mention one on the main show, but I did keep getting interrupted with putting the dog out and then feeding her.   I expect we will see it all properly on tomorrow's show when they open the lines, so thanks for not giving it away, but sounds like I shouldn't get too excited about it.


Goodnight both, I am off to bed to read my magazines, I like reading New because it has lots of BB stuff in it.


oh yes, nearly forgot... I managed to find this site, it is Hicky's apartments and it gives the weather forecast for him on it,... it is great weather too.   Temperatures in the 30's and all sun forecast. Hope he is having fun.

fficial%26biw%3D1366%26bih%3D580" target="_blank">



Good morning both x

and thinking of our Hicky lapping up that 30 degree plus sunshine.



hope all goes well with the nurse, and that your leg is improving.   Is your leg still painfull now? I expect you have to be very careful when showering. Glad you realised you would never get shot down on this thread. I know some forums like disagreeing, so I keep well away from them. Always felt comfy in here though, so I am sure that is why you do too.

What a shame you too know the BB surprise, luckily I never go the the home page, so can still look forward to enjoying tonight's main show as it unfolds.  

Yes i did not like Ais in BB at all, I liked Nikki though, but of course I enjoy seeing Emptybox's pics and news of Ais now.  I always like to hear what ex BB HM's are up to after they have left.



heard on weather there is some rain in your area this morning, Hope it clears and doesn't hold you up workwise for too long. How is the car now? Hope it isn't giving problems.


It was rainy here first thing, but cleared enough later for us to take doggie a nice walk.   Has your bad leg meant you can't take doggies out Fredo? Or does your son normally take them?


A friend of mine is coming over soon, she likes the brekkie of cheese and tomatoes on toast I make her. Her son is due to start uni next month, like my daughter is, so she understands how much I will miss daughter, and am dreading it.   


Must then finish the vat stuff, then do mum's housework and make her sandwiches after friend goes.


catch you both later, looking forward to tonight's BB show.

I had to at last night's silly task. Looks like C5 have been spending a bit of money on the tasks this year, which is good as I love good tasks.


Have a good day both xx


Hello Mollie emptybox


been taking carpets up to-day....firstly the nurse came honestly they are lovely but I am up at the crack of dawn...well sixish to make sure all Is clean .one last visit she said ...really Mollie Its my own fault It needed stitching ..


back to the carpets going to sand the floorboards they are in lovely condition and the upstairs too ,but need a new stair carpet 


I don't think you would be any the wiser about CBB Its all guesswork anyhow I haven't heard of half the names being bandied around, like you I'll wait and see.


I wonder If CH4 will bring back Hotel  I loved Mark must google to see how he Is

they were silly letting BB go Its up 6% this year on one of the sites ,must say I have really enjoyed this series 


mollie emptybox see you later shattered moving furniture etc .


ah so Hicky has ordered two flats best way , I hope he Is enjoying himself 

bye for now xxxxx


Good evening both



had a busy garden day today? How is your mower holding up?



I love the video of Dexter.    What a character he is. I still think he deserves to win, so entertaining, and Gina second. Those 2 have made this years show for me too, and look at the amount of times they have both been nominated.....and unlike some of the other HM's, both of them never went OTT moaning when they found themselves nominated all those times. Yes a great series this year has been, helped along by the humourous well thought out tasks. My fave one was the remote control one, so funny.   The worse episode for me was that tasteless pair, Daley and Hazel and their horrid antics....still they both got their just rewards.


should you really be moving furniture with your leg still not healed and your recent bad back? Take care if you do.

at you getting up to clean before the nurse arrives. I am sure she is not coming to check you have done your housework, you know.   (by the way as my kids would tell you, I would be just the same)...

that would be lovely if they bought back The Hotel, the last one with Mark in it was so funny.

Looking forward to BB now.

Son at guitar lesson now, daughter shopping with OH.. so very quiet, but not for long.

It is my and OH's anniversary tommorrow, so I have booked a surprise late deal overnight stay in a posh Cardiff hotel, it even has a swimming pool. I will use my Tescos vouchers for us to have a meal out, and OH won't have to drive for once, so we can share a bottle of wine.

So i won't be around for a little while.

Only downside is I will miss watching live eviction with daughter, but will record and catch up when I get home Saturday.


have a good evening both xx

see you soon.

hope Hicky having fun.


Just a quick post  .....evening you two  I knew about the twist saw the home page this morning ,Dexter can't do right for doing wrong...inadvertently put some navy shorts in with pale pink cushion covers and some whites ....only on a warm wash 

and they weren't colour fast  so will put them on a long wash to-morrow


EMMA ON BOTS trying to get the crowd against Dexter cos of the money ,they wouldn't have It though...she sure shows bias sometimes   ..or Is It me cos Dexter can do no wrong for me ...she's at It again

hope you are well emptybox  been watching the highlights thread quick for me but funny..


before I say night Mollie a lovely friend have a lovely day to-morrow xxxx








A bit dull and cool today, but it stayed dry to allow me to get some work done.

It's been raining this evening though.


The mower is OK, but the drive hasn't got much power, so it takes more effort to use.

My car still needs the front springs replaced, but I'm trying to let the dust settle on the previous bills, before I get it done.


That sounds like a lot of effort Frodo, moving furniture and taking up carpets? Hope the result will be worth it.


Had a problem with one of my Windows 8 computers after an update, and I had to reinstall. That's the second computer running Windows 8 that's had the same problem. I just don't think Windows 8 is as stable as Windows 7 was.


Also, after my nephew had gone on Saturday, I found that he'd installed all sorts of silly programs to my other computer, which took ages to get rid of.

He knows he's not allowed to do that. He'll have to be supervised more closely another time, the little monkey.


Hi Mollie. Enjoy your anniversary treat tomorrow.

Did you ever get down to finish your VAT?


Hi Frodo. That's a pity about your washing. Hope you manage to restore the colours.

I'm probably hoping Dexter wins now. Can't say he cuts a very macho figure in your gif though?


Afternoon emptybox  no Mollie or Hicky to-day 


just you and me  carpet up and out and the coffee table .It was one of those massive ones like a pirates chest kind of thing ..with a lid at each side and everything bar the kitchen sink was thrown in  must admit the floor boards are in great shape ,need a sander now and then some palish wood stain.


Looks like I have a washer full of bluey coloured clothes ,this Is the third wash

and they still look a mess ,could kick myself


Wow that outburst from Sam has done him few favours at the onset he was 40/1 to go he Is now 5/2  and 15/8 with some bookies ,It was a spiteful outburst quite uncalled for .


I see another young person has committed suicide  , because of bullying on the internet ,what on earth Is the world coming too when people are hurt so much they feel there Is no other way forward ,so sad .


Lovely day here and looking forward to to-nights eviction in my opinion Its too close to call .


Dexter and his onesies LOL least he can have some peace to-night.


Shame about your computers emptybox ,was the air blue (like my washing)

sugar I have some really good things spoilt 


My laptop went funny this morning so I just left It to play up ,gave It a few slaps and It came back on after sulking for a couple of hours 





tata for now HAPPY FRIDAY   See you later xxx



I hope Mollie and her OH are having a lovely day




Last edited by Former Member

Good Afternoon Everyone


Hello from the Algarve in Portugal.

Hving trouble with this strange keyboard, canÂīt find things.


So hot here, 29 or 30 every day, from morning till night, no let up, no cloud.

Having a cool day today, wow, canÂīt get out of the heat.


IE wouldnÂīt let me on but Firefox did.


A FM on DS has been messaging me what is going on in BB, but i can grt the BB Live tweets as well on my phone.


O\H and the gang have gone to the old town by Taxi but itÂīs too hot to walk round so i stayed in the complex, plenty of food and drink and 2 pools, locely 3* place.


IÂīll try and get back on tomorrow after the eviction tonight, canÂīt get C5 on thew TV here.

Have a good day all.

Originally Posted by Hicky:


So hot here, 29 or 30 every day, from morning till night, no let up, no cloud.

Having a cool day today, wow, canÂīt get out of the heat.



My heart bleeds for you Hicky, so it does.


Didn't think we'd hear from you. Hope the internet access isn't costing a fortune?

Glad you're enjoying your self and getting the great weather anyway.


Not bad day here. Quite warm, but raining now. Still I got done what was needed, so I can have the weekend off.


Hi Frodo.

Is this you doing away with the carpets for good, or are you just having a spring-clean?

The coffee table sounds like it was a heavy one to move?


Must say I really hope Sam goes tonight, because if he stays, I think he's a good chance of winning over Dexter.

And much as I don't want Gina to win, I wouldn't support Sam because he hasn't done enough in there.


Hope your lappy continues to play ball Frodo.

I must admit, I doswear at my computers when they are playing up.

Do you keep coming back and adding more of those dancing doughnuts (or whatever they are)? I could swear there were only two of them, and now there are four?



the carpets are gone for good easy wood or laminate floors to for the dogs... the frontline is not working terriers =fleas besides It looks and feels cleaner without the carpet a sander and than varnish pale...hopefully will solve the problem... a large unit in my home so I have eight supposed to be pale pink cushion covers always have nine but that Is always a different colour ...make sense  naah 

but the blue won't go away ....and I have just broken an ornament that was given to me for Morse......sssssssssssshte.


I have never known a house as warm as this outside can be cool.. you come in and Its like a sauna very thick walls but sheesh were they not supposed to cool you down too .


Sun Is in a funny position here back and front most of the day ...what do you call those things that tell you South ,East etc 


My son has done a great thing he Is brilliant ....ripped up half the stair carpet and left two strips of nails on the side and the stair above .



What with the washing being blue .the broken vase and the nails in the stairs

sheesh I give up  

Last edited by Former Member

Bliddy hell I keep repeating myself like a broken record  perhaps a few too many gin and tonics ..or I'm shattered been up since before 6am watched telly for a while and then started the onslaught of underlay stuck to the floor the cleaning etc ...shattered  bigging myself up LOL


night emptybox will stay up obviously to watch this but wont post anymore 


take care ...wonder who will go xxxx nice to have friends that can take your weirdness ...erm not weird just not normal 


Hi Frodo. Yes you've got my beard down to a T with that photo.


I think wood floors look wonderful. I'm all carpets here, but it's rented, and the floorboards aren't up to much.

Pity about your broken ornament.


So Sam survives?

I don't like Sophie much, but she was no threat for the final, but unfortunatly Sam is? 

I think all the Mums and Grans who only watch casually, will vote for "that nice Welsh lad with the hair".


Last edited by emptybox

hello all just a quick post shattered to-day been trying to get the carpet grippers up ....had to resort to youtube 


Washing a little better but still blue so I have had to send for another set of cushion covers the pale pink ones look funny now 


see you soon take care all ...deleted my  last post twas boring I do ramble on     xxxxx


going to be truthful every time I have had a new carpet the old underlay has stayed down ,Its been a pain getting that up too ,decided to stain the stairs

here are a few ideas


LOL there Isn't a house to compare to mine they are all too grand ,I haven't a hallway for a start a porch then a tiny hallway straight up the stairs ,

but some good ideas ...Googled how to sand and stain floors too .really good ideas that don't cost the earth ,cos I don't have that kind of money 



see you x

Last edited by Former Member

Hi Frodo.

Wet here most of the day, but it turned into a sunny evening.


Some great ideas for painted stairs there. Would they not be a bit clattery though?

Beige carpet here.


I'm hoping it's dry tomorrow, as my grass could do with a cut.


Looking forward to BB. Tomorrow night should be more interesting though, as they've had a press conference task, with some of the former HMs taking part.


What a wonderful word clattery....mmm suppose so but you could wear  slippers

as I do in the house


The whole point of this (please Hicky do not read)Is to make lives easier healthier for the dogs...the vet Is telling me or advising me about  the cycle of fleas get rid of the dogs or try and solve the problem ...frontline bathing keeping them on the lead Is not working ...believe me I have rung the Vet spry ÂĢ20 plus flea bombs, Frontline, ,,baby shampoo.... so carpets are up now  hardwood  floors or sanding and staining the floorboards 


please anyone with another view give me a shout all the years I have had dogs never had this problem  ...tell me  off if you think I am doing something wrong etc costing a fortune at the vets and taking up the carpets 

byeee take care all

Last edited by Former Member

quick hi from me, as am off to sit in a field for a few hours in a minute...(whilst daughter does archery) me a bit of a rest though.


haven't had chance to read back properly here yet, but lovely to see Hicky pop in. Good to see he is having nice warm weather and is not going short of food.


BB...Glad to see Sophie went, as I think she could be quite unpleasant,


can't believe this series is nearly over....


had lovely overnight stay in hotel for our anniversary. Nice food and wine on the evening, without any driving to worry about.


must go and peg washing out, then do mum some dinner.


to you and Emptybox,hope you are both having a good weekend, will be back later.


Dexter to win for me. Have loved this series thanks to him, Gina and the great tasks.


Hi Mollie.

Glad you enjoyed your little anniversary break.


If you are going to sit in a field where they are doing archery, just make sure you sit at the right end.


Mixture of sunshine and showers here.

I still haven't got the grass cut. Just have to whip over it during the week.


Just back from the supermarket, and am looking forward to BB later.

Haven't voted yet cos I'm swithering between Dexter and Charlie? I guess Dexter is more likely to win (and prevent Gina from doing so).

Or maybe the twins derserve a vote?

Originally Posted by emptybox:

If you are going to sit in a field where they are doing archery, just make sure you sit at the right end.


Now that is very wise advice Emptybox.  


Glad you were able to take the weekend off work. Don't blame you not bothering to do your own garden, else that is not really like having a weekend off work is it? 


I had to LOL at your mischief of a nephew messing with stuff on your pc. Wonder if he knew you would find out after what he had done? I bet at the time you thought he was being too quiet?

Gosh when I was glad Sophie went, I never thought that this might not of been the best final outcome, as it gives Sam a chance of winning. I too don't want him to win.


Looking forward to tonight's show, can't believe it finishes tommorrow, Monday seems a strange day to bring the series to an end.










thanks for the Anniversary flowers pic. Very pretty.


What a shame about your boo boo with the washing, hope the colours come better with a few more washes. 

I like natural floors instead of carpet, so I am sure yours looks lovely, but what a lot of hard work for you. Like Emptybox, we are renting so stuck with typical renters horrible beige carpets. Terrible to keep clean with pets. Is your leg ok now?

Sorry to hear you broke that Morse ornament too.


Hope Hicky is enjoying his fun in the sun holiday.


Had a nice rest sitting in the field watching the archery, then OH went to chippie to buy fish and chips and gravey for tea.

I had to cook for mum at lunch time, so was glad I didn't need to cook again this evening.


OH is off to London early tomorrow about a job and will also meet his friend. Must remember to make his sandwiches as British rail are so expensive.


Nearly time for BB,I really do prefer it when it is on at 9pm.


Good Morning Everyone.

Spending time looking for keys on thiaÂŦs funny keyboard.


Very hot here, hard to get any cool, no wind just boiling decks and red hot above.

Food good and plenty, you book your sunbeds at 9am. well you lay a towel down.

Can get twitter and emails so not cut off, pity i will miss final.

Not sure if i could get it on here from live feed, itÂīs only 4 euro an hour.

But nÂŦbeing in Portugal doesnÂīt help.


ItÂīs not much fun watching the minutes count down either.

Eveb to get the @ symbol is Ctrl+Alt+2.


Hope my garden is ok? (couldnÂīt find question mark)


Happy ÃĢnniversary Mollie, a bit late maybe.


This is a 3Star place, bought some bread etc to eat in, have coffee & tea and milk, itÂīs not a bad Restaurant really, do takeaway as well.

Everywhere pretty dear though, good job not staying long.


Bye for now. waves.




lovely to see you call in.   (even though you are struggling with the keyboard).

Pity you are going to miss the final, but at least you have some good weather and are not going short on the food.

Yes I guess it is more expensive for us to go abroad since our clever g'ment and their banking friends have managed to devalue sterling so much.

Hopefully your garden will be ok as we have had a bit of rain whilst you were away and it is not so hot as it has been.

Enjoy the rest of your hols.


Good afternoon Emptybox and Fredo

well BB final day is upon us already.

I hope Dexter wins, or 2nd choice Gina. I really don't think Sam deserves to win as he has not really entertained the viewers, and I am not keen on the twins.


Nice sunny day with a good breeze, so have loads of washing drying nicely. Doggie enjoyed her walk this morning too. OH in London for interview, he also met his friend for coffee.


Hope you enjoy tonight's show. I am looking forward to it.


Hello Mollie emptybox and a big wave to Hicky


final to-night Dexter or Gina for me prefer the first but would be glad for the second...I hope yoy have enjoyed your trip Mollie you deserve It


If I don't come back on to-night have a lovely evening ,Its not the lifting of carpets but the moving of drawers that are full of things and Its been shattering...must do something though for the dogs this summer has been awful  I'm looking forward to stained floors for a change,only one more bedroom to do.......have a lovely evening either see you later or to-morrow...


Is It Thursday  CELEB BB ? we have that to look forward too 


bye for now xxxx


meant to tell you Mollie I got that Pillow Mist ...Camomile & Lavender smells lovely


Forgot to tell you...the stray cat I feed there must be two one very dark brown and one black... really can't tell them apart he/she wasn't sat on the wall and I was worried ...but another came running round so not sure who I fed yesterday


It was back on the wall to-day waiting for me,and I know I shouldn't feed It 


but what can you do .


cold weather soon what Is with some people?they seem to get animals and abandon them ..around here they seem to anyhows.



Not even looked to see who Is on CBB so that will be a nice surprise ,I hope they keep live feed as I watch It the day after ....really bye now xx


Hi Mollie, Frodo and Hicky.

Not bad day here. Quite sunny.


Well, I'm glad Gina didn't win, but it's between Dexter and Sam now, and Sam is the favourite.


For some reason my phone has stopped working, so I can't put on any votes. The internet is still on, but there's no signal or dial tone. The blasted thing seems to go down every few months.

I can't get a mobile signal either for some reason,


Glad you're having a great time in Portugal Hicky.

I suppose you must be using a computer in an internet cafe? Hence the strange keyboard.


Hi Mollie. Hope your OH does well at his interview.


Hi Frodo. Don't work too hard lugging that furniture around.


Hopefully my internet will stay on, but if it doesn't, then you'll know what's happened if I don't call in.

Unfortunately I can't even report the problem at the mo, as I can't get a mobile signal.


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