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Nice day here, but clouding over now.


Pity your leg is still bothering you Frodo.

Hazel is my favourite by default I think. I don't like the way she has been treated so I'm moved to defend her. But I think I'd be a bit scared of her in real life.

She certainly fills my TV screen admirably though.


I would imagine Hazel is as tired of having the twins constantly pawing at her, as I am of watching it, but she hasn't got anyone else to play with at the moment.


There's quite a few things that can go twang on a mower, and I would imagine they've all happened to me at one time or another.


Hi Hicky. Hope your sandwich was worth the wait.

Yeah I don't think Charlie's bad really, but she does say the wrong things and discuss everybody with everybody else, which can look bitchy.

And when she's said something, she tries to deflect the blame from herself.


Hello emptybox 

yes the lawnmower did go twang thing Is you feel sorry for folks cut their grass ...cos you can more or less do It in any weather ,its an izzy honda  the last one chugged away for yonks 


My weight can fluctuate ask any woman (well most) but I try and control It 

sometimes ...but seriously why would a mum say to their sons *you are losing weight* as they did  when they entered the BB house  .


Big Brother rewarding them with cream cakes cream and punishing the others for them scoffing the Pizza ETC a sin


Its a sin LOL AND SO WAS CAROL in bb8 (the nut roast lol)






Originally Posted by emptybox:


Nice day here, but clouding over now.


Pity your leg is still bothering you Frodo.

Hazel is my favourite by default I think. I don't like the way she has been treated so I'm moved to defend her. But I think I'd be a bit scared of her in real life.

She certainly fills my TV screen admirably though.


I would imagine Hazel is as tired of having the twins constantly pawing at her, as I am of watching it, but she hasn't got anyone else to play with at the moment.


There's quite a few things that can go twang on a mower, and I would imagine they've all happened to me at one time or another.


Hi Hicky. Hope your sandwich was worth the wait.

Yeah I don't think Charlie's bad really, but she does say the wrong things and discuss everybody with everybody else, which can look bitchy.

And when she's said something, she tries to deflect the blame from herself.

I agree with most things you say emptybox and jackie Is a ditherer ..Callum was something else though ..truly he lost the plot and would simply not take no for an answer ...he nominated his so called best friend Wolfy and his friend at the beginning Dexter in the f to face noms just to stay in the frame you know I ask myself sometimes why I get so immersed in a game show as big brother ,,,,like you ,Mollie Hicks and many others we have been involved from day one true fans of the show ..and long may It last...thousands like us LOL  love It and as I say time and time again ...only my opinion ....about who I like Dexter my fav Gina second ...If Sam were to win for me a travesty ..only my opinion 

Last edited by Former Member

Good  evening all


Aaawww Fredo

so sorry your leg is still not right, hope it has calmed down a little when the nurse comes tomorrow.   I can see your piccie of Morse, how cute he is. I am so pleased you are hearing how he is from the new owners, and how well they are looking after him.



glad to hear you are still getting those sandwiches at work. Sounds like your produce is still doing well in your garden. Hope your neighbour looks after it all well when you go away.



fingers crossed your brother can help advise you on the car, such a shame this has happened to it now. Is your well travelled nephew coming too?  If he is, he may have some tales to tell.


Sorry but I really cannot stand Hazel, I see her as foul mouthed, intelligent but sly.  Hazel successfully managed to deflect the fact she got most of the noms, not Charlie last night.    Charlie I don't think is manipulative, just a bit feather headed. My like for Dexter stands firm, I have found him interesting and enertainlng all through, I have also found Gina entertaining, but it is a shame she has now sided with Hazel over Charlie. But her and Dexter, and Charlie deserve to be in the final imo, hope Hazel is out this week.

Don't think Sam or Sophie have done enough to warrant a place, and I do not like something about the twins.


Been busy again today, still not done the VAT yet, but have made a start.


Yesterday we went to wsm for the day, We saw the sand sculpture exhibition, really good we like to go each year, sculpturers come from all over the world to do this. We also saw the One Show who had an exhbition there, and I saw that Dermot fella who used to do the business show on BBC2, and was thrilled to see Larry Lamb, but didn't get chance to pounce on him to take his piccie as they were filming for tonight's show. Remember his son doing BBLB? (George Lamb)...


Daughter and I have invited ourselves to OH's interview tomorrow.  
OH was planning doing the 6 hour round drive in one day, could be a lot longer if traffic bad, I was not happy with this, so told him I had found a little B and B and booked me and daughter into there.  So he has to stay overnight now. OH is relieved at least that he won't have to drive in his suit now and can shower in B and B when we get there, the owners told me we could book in early when I told them he had an interview.


The B and B is close to sea front, so should be nice for us. Daughter and I will be able to watch BB in the B and B, couldn't have us missing out on that, could we?  


I am trying to put to the back of my mind that come Sept daughter will be going to Uni and OH may be working away... I will miss both of them.   daughter still undecided though...


see you when I get back in a couple of days.

have a good evening all.


let us know how the nurses's visit goes Fredo, good luck.






Hi Frodo.

My last mower was a Honda Izy. They're good but quite complicated. I would imagine it's the drive cable that's snapped? That's usually the first thing to go.


Hi Mollie.

Enjoy your trip and good luck to your OH.

No my eldest nephew isn't coming. He's got a shift at work, plus he's hardly been at home since he passed his driving test. He's been a' ower (all over).


Yes I've noticed you don't like girls that swear. I think 16 years behind a bar inured me to that.


I quite like Dexter now. I think he's probably my winner (presuming Hazel has gone). Don't like Gina at all. As far as I'm concerned she's the master manipulator in there.

The twins? Well I still can't tell them apart, but they do talk about quite grown up topics for 18 year olds.

Last edited by emptybox


just ordered some nightwear and all I keep seeing Is adds for nightwear LOL,

Anyone watched live feed ? asking in case It was good .


You know I was on the verge of liking Hazel ,I never blamed her for the Daley stuff although she was teasing him when he asked her not to come near him for (apparent reasons ) and then got a smirk when nature took Its course and that was what really put me off her .


The nurse has been and says *brilliant doing fine* still need to come back though and not sure about the lump ,thinking It was all the muck that got in .

they the nurses have been wonderful to me cos I feel guilty having them visit .


one thing they say keep the plaster on for a week in this weather Its impossible I need to shower bathe wash etc and to put smelly things on  do that often thats my one downfall the smellies good ones of course lol spray everywhere .oh sorry back to Big Brother ...If I had a magic wand the twins would be out 




they really are a spiteful pair .


Mollie enjoy your trip and I'm sure things will work out for you  all you have been through with your health deserve some luck and I'm routing for you  

I don't expect to be as close as you three you have been friends for yonks ..been through a lot to-gether but Its nice to be a part of It  very unsettling when birds fly the nest Mollie and go off to uni etc ,but from what I have gathered about your offspring (can't say children they are almost grown ) they will be back 

LOL ...some times Its nice to have peace and time for you 

Still feeding this cat It will not come near me and looks only young It sits outside from around 6-30am and yes I do get up early dread to think of the winter although I must say my garden is thick with hedgerows etc and left wild at the back loads of safe havens ,but I'm tempted to call someone we'll see .


Hello Hicky hope you are well Is It just you and your other half on the Holidays I haven't read back so I'm clueless ,self catering or inan Hotel anyhows hope you have a great time 


 Hy emptybox about to go and raid the freezer mmm what to have think I may go for the pasta haven't decided yet ,keep making things and stuffing them in there 

those cheese tortalina things (please forgive the spelling ) just this once oh tortellini (b',,ger )had to correct myself are yummy .


Not a word from the lawnmower man hasn't turned up so will have to go to the usual who costs an arm and leg


the dogs are looking me up and down as If to say FEEEEEEEEEEED ME so I must ta ta for now 



Last edited by Former Member

Back again for a short while think I may join the dogs and have a nap they have full tummies ,lots of good food to eat yum yum woof  been up since early o'clock making sure the house was spit spot for the nurse 


Gina is slipping in the betting ,silly girl the crowd has gone to her head one of my favourites too ,so silly to think you are invincible her boyfriend should have kept schtum ...and most people hate to see others being picked on no matter how they have behaved ...only my opinion as ever ..I got bought this glorious jar of a candle massive ...not a yankee one ,complete with lid over the moon with It I have these candles but never light them lol I for real nahhhh                    



Evening Everyone.


Latest odds for weviction

Housemate to be evicted odds as @ 8th Aug 2013,  20:27 hrs

Hazel = 1/50
Charlie = 22/1
Sophie = 25/1
J&J =50/1
Dexter = 50/1


Have a good break away Mollie, hope the interview goes well.


Frodo, I'm going on Hols with my O/H my Lad and his O/H with 3 children.

A hope there's light at the end of the tunnel with your leg.


I decided that it was too much to expect my neighbour to spend so much time looking after the garden, it had 12 taps, i cut those down by pipework changes to 3 taps, i have now over-ridden the 3 taps with 3 computer timing units, will put a master timer on the feed line so the main water lines aren't on line all day but only live during the watering period.

My neighbour will have a key and can take any fruit or veg thats ready to eat during that period.


I bought a load of stuff today from B&Q so i could get on with the watering system work.

I bought 2 watering timers, both proved broken, one had a button jammed in and the other had broken casing.

I took them back and got a different type.

I've done some testing, they are pretty simple to get to work.


It sure looks like Hazel will go, at 1/50 thats about the highest i've seen the betting to evict.





Lovely day here. Actually quite hot again.

Got plenty done anyway.


Went to the supermarket this evening, to get provisions for my visitors on Saturday.

I'm going to make them chicken with a Peking lemon sauce. Never trid it before, so it'll probably be horrible.


I see there's been ructions in the house today, with a big row between Gina and Hazel. Gina called Hazel some horrible things, but unfortunately it won't be shown till tomorrow night, so will be too late to save Hazel, but hopefully it'll mean that Gina won't win the show.

I agree with you Frodo about power going to her head.

Hazel and Charlie seem to have made up as well.


That's clever of you Hicky; altering your watering system to make it easier for your neighbour.

Those odds don't look good, do they.


Hi Frodo. Hope you get your lawnmower sorted.

And glad the nurse is pleased with your progress.

My garden would look wild as well, if I didn't hack it down with a strimmer every now and again.


                            Its FRIDAY YIPEE


                      Butterflies glitter graphics



I have just watched last nights show again very uncomfortable viewing 


Gina has been my second favourite after Dexter (love him) but her odds are tumbling and rightly so after last night.


Hazel Is a cert to go although Jackies odds are shortening ,did anyone watch live feed ...may have a look later to see what went on 


see you all later



wow must go and see

Last edited by Former Member

Afternoon/Evening all.


Hazel is 1/40 at the mo to go.


Have finished the work on the automatic system for the garden, 1 master control to turn the main supply on at 6.45pm, 1st valve opens at 7pm for 5 minutes, 2nd valve opens at 7.15pm for 5 minutes, 3rd valve opens at 7.30pm for 15 minutes as 1 off the fig tree's needs 2 gallon of water.

The control for the birdbath remains the same, it supplies fresh water ever 6hrs eg: 6.10am, 12.10pm, 18.19pm 00.10am each time for 2 minutes but the amount of water is controlled by a tap in the line.


As you all say, Gina isn't doing herself any favours at the mo.

She's let Sam jump ahead again. no way she can win now.


Chicken & Peking Sauce, not sure i've had that, but as i eat anything i'm sure it will taste great.


It's going to be interesting tonight anyway.



hello Hicky 


just been saying on another thread on this site how Gina has always been my second favourite after Dexter .


Gina has blown her chances sorry to say ,and It would need some pretty good editing to bring her back ...the cheers and chanting have gone to her head and I hope she gets some boos to-night to bring her back to reality ,sorry but that's how I feel..the spite and vitriol have put me off her at the moment...and why she gets to speak to her boyfriend beggars belief...unless I am missing something and this Is part of secret and lies ,I'm at a loss  ...


never thought I would say this but by some miracle I hope Hazel stays not been nice viewing for me ....and I have been very vocal about Hazel 


sees you





Evening Frodo.


You're right, it seems Gina has blown her chances, doubt if she's bothered really.


Like Dexter as well.


The chances of someone other than Hazel going would need Papal intervention.


Charlie could have spoke to her Mother but let Gina have her BF.


Finished testing the watering system in real time, worked well.


Just had 2 baked spuds, a pack of Salmon tail, fresh, i put a mushroom sauce over the spuds, added some more mushrooms.


Looking forward to the eviction.

I suppose they wil give the names on maybe 2 that are safe.



Not bad day here. Some quite heavy clouds, but never came to anything.


Sad hazel went, but it was inevitable.

I thought she handled the interviews very well, and came away with some credit. Looking forward to seeing her on BBBOTS over the next few night.


Yes Frodo I think Gina has been getting preferential treatment in there with phone calls etc.

Sam has overtaken her in the odds, and Dexter isn't far behind.

I think I'll be hoping for a Dexter win.

I like to call him Sinister Dexter as a sort of a Latin joke.

(that's the sort of thing that goes on in my head )


Hi Hicky. The Peking lemon cooking sauce is just a Sainsburys own brand one. I was just looking for something different. Probably a mistake to experiment on visitors though?


Evening All.


Not too bad a day here.

Had a nice sausage, fried spuds and bacon with egg and toast.


Showed my neighbour from over the back around the plants/garden, asked her to take whatever fruit or veg is ready, probably Tomato's & Raspberry's, Chilli's, Pea's.


It's going to be quiet in the house, but usually is less than 2 weeks before the final, which i'll miss as i will be away.


Can't see Gina winning now, although i would like her or Dexter to win.


Not sure about the Lemon cooking sauce, it might be fine, you should have tried it yourself first really.

You won't know how strong the flavour will be.

Creamy pepper sauce would be good as it has a kick to it.


Just had another plate of sliced Rump Steak curried with rice, yummy.

And a dish of fruit, Strawberries, Raspberries, Blueberries, & Banana with cream.


Last nights Live Feed.

First 4 on the list, named LF 08 09aa - b - c - d



Hi guys.

Visitors all away now.

Just the one nephew came, and the dog.


The lemon chicken went down well actually.

Pan fried the chicken then added the sauce and simmered. Had it with rice and a mix of sweetcorn and mange tout.


My brother had a look at the car. Turns out it's not the power steering, but one of the front springs that has broken. It was making noises when the wheel turned. Told you I wasn't mechanical.

It'll still need to be fixed, but is not urgent.


Bet your neighbour will be in heaven with all that fresh veg Hicky. A little bit of watering is a small price to pay.


Hope Mollie is having a good couple of days away.


Hello all

mmm that sauce sounded good emptybox glad you enjoyed It 


I eat chicken and as you know love prawns ,I made some fried rice King prawn

sweet peppers are one of my favourite things ,raw in salads cooking anyhow fried the rice with all the peas peppers,ginger etc and used this sauce Its called

Kecap Manis

and this is the actual size a thick sweet soy sauce



really lovely taste made quite a lot and froze the rest ,very good with chinese.. noodles to when you make chow mein I freeze that too .I'n going to make some spring rolls but I will buy the wrappers


Have you heard the latest ,one housemate Is to be offered a free pass to the final ..but they all must agree on the one that goes there...if they can't agree It won't happen .


I thought they all might have been put up this week ..the usual suspects will







be up boring ...Dexter Is in second place now in the betting .so why do I hve this sick feeling he will go this week


Has anyone seen live feed ?and if so Is I t worth a look in ah sorry see you have posted a link Hicky  you are an 


fruit sounds yummy made my mouth water ...thanks for the link about Gina 


love to you Mollie hope all Is going well for you


YIPPEE the leg seems to be sorting Itself ..must go and drench myself in smellies ..again  to celebrate



be good and If you can't be really bad







Hi Frodo.

That's a very small bottle of soy sauce, if it's actual sized?


I saw that on Rylan's prog, about them choosing one to go straight to the final.

Wouldn't surprise me if they chose Gina.


I thought Michael the actor was the secret, unless there's more than one?

I could think of many things to call Gina, but I think she's definitely a she.


Hyah emptybox 


yes the bottle Is that big 1pt 5 ounces but you can put it in loads of things 


I like big bottles (wine ones ) 


only a thought about Gina LOL ...I am against anyone getting a free pass at this stage in the game totally unfair ...they have to try and muck things up ,

well a better Idea Is letting us the paying public have the final say 

ALL UP say I all in favour say aye 



 aye aye aye aye aye aye aye




YES my dear


well thats agreed then ...or off with their heads  




Last edited by Former Member

Evening All.


Been doing a few mods to the watering system, trying to balance the amount of water jets/outlets on each of the 3 sections.


Have been bored with BB, when it follows and eviction it is then  a repeat.

Bots is dreadful

The betting is like this today.

Latest Betting. Sky BET
To Win. as @ 11th Aug 2013 21:30

Sam = 11/10
Dexter = 13/8
Gina = 9/2
Jack & Joe = 20/1
Charlie = 40/1
Sophie = 50/1

Just packing my cases for the hols, off Tuesday.


Glad you leg is sorting itself out Frodo, Don't put anything on the sores/scars it won't do you a favour.


I never put anything on my skin except the best purest soap, don't believe in all these smelly's, they are all fake, would never put any of them on my shin.


Did a Chicken Roast Dinner again.


Working tomorrow, but i'll be on tomorrow night.


I heard about them selecting one for the Free Pass, i don't mind, it doesn't change much.

Liked seeing Levi Roots in the house.


Hope Mollie is having a good time, seems strange when she isn't here.




hello Hicky

yes It does seem strange without Mollie ,part of the jigsaw Is missing ,It will be the same when you aren't here ,was funny without emptybox when he went visiting 

Mollie has some long lovely posts I enjoy them ,i just fill mine with cartoons to fill in the pieces

I never put smellies near a wound and alway use Johnsons baby lotion to moisturise ,the perfume Is for smelling nice


Sorry to disagree they should have put them all up this week rather than give out a free pass at this stage in the game they all deserve an equal chance even though I have my favourite ...of course as always only my opinion 



Morning all oh sorry afternoon


I wonder who will be up for noms to-day ,can you remember the time they refused to nominate ,was It when Shell ,Nadia etc and they all nominated each other .those where the days  didn't Jenny get a free pass to the final the year Aisleyne was in .

Not long for your hols Hickey to-morrow Is It ,I will be thinking of you have a lovely time ,looking forward to hearing about the food you will try  are you excited ? anyhows hope to hear from you before you go.


Hoping Mollie has had a nice rest and things work out for her OH if things work out for them It would be lovely 


Have you plenty of work emptybox ? lovely day here but windy we have a large Bay Tree in a container and that blew over,fed the stray cat this morning lovely little thing comes to greet me but scarpers If I try and stroke It ,It can't be very old Its only small.


               see you later byee 






Good Afternoon Frodo.


Not too bad a day here.

The butty caravan is open again so i got my usual bacon, egg & sausage on toast.

Only problem, no spare ones.


I don't think anyone got the free pass as they couldn't agree.


Last nights live feed.

They went to bed about 40 mins into the livefeed (10 mins into part 2 of playlist)


Sam sleep talking and singing.


Yep, off tomorrow


Not sure who will get nominated this week, hard to guess, think it's face to face, that will change things.


The boss's gave me a little packet to take away on holiday, won't go short of food now.


Evening Frodo.


It will seem funny not having this contact.

It will soon pass, only too quick.

I'll miss the final and the start of CBB, not back till the 23rd.

Will record what i can anyway.

Plus i will be able to get the shows on C5 Demand 5.


Went to the chippy for tea, had a dish of peppered squid and a plate of Singapore special chowmein with curry sauce.


Hello emptybox

great minds think alike i agree about Gina and Sam ,wonder why the numbers  didn't come up for voting...not checked on the website though.


took the lawnmower to-day and I lifted part of It up bliddy back went twang this time ...the air was blue ...and not the sky my language 

night sees you (if I can stretch)     xx


quick hi from me to you all xxx


Phheewww, just back in time to wish Hicky a wonderful holiday. Hope you and the family all enjoy yourselves Hicky.


Sorry have been away from lappy for few days as been so busy... some good stuff, some bad...involving a visit to Devon and boat trip to Cornwall, (good, but also bad as it resulted in no job offer, as yet for OH ,but maybe later?)...the Bristol air balloon festival, (bad... hours in traffic, overcrowded) and today all morning in the hospital with mum for her eye check up (bad because we were there for so long, but also good because her eye infection has now gone).. and I have still not done my vat stuff yet. (very bad)..


hopefully will catch up a bit tomorrow and read back over your news, hope you are all well, and enjoying BB, I just about managed to catch up with it, glad to see no Hazel, still backing Dexter/Gina.


goodnight all, be back tomorrow. xxx

Hope your leg is getting better Fredo ,and van/car/garden work going well Emptybox, and the family visit went well. xxx


Oops! Bad luck about your back Frodo.


Hi Mollie. You've been busy.

Hope your OH gets a job offer in time then.


I'm sure I saw something about the Bristol air balloon festival on twitter? I think one of the people I follow must have posted a pic? Or was it Facebook? I forget.

ETA: It was Faye Palmer, so you could have met her there if you'd had your wits about you.


Glad your Mum's eye infection has cleared. 

Last edited by emptybox

Hello all well Mollie and emptybox


I wonder how Hicky coped leaving his beloved garden I've been thinking about him to-day ,I hope he has a wonderful time ,If he's staying in a Hotel I hope they realise he needs two breakfasts ..LOL certainly hope they have ordered extra nosh for him I'll bet he tries all the different foods ,he deserves a break .


Sorry to hear about your Mums eyes Mollie but happy the infection has cleared ,sorry no job offer yet but It will happen I know ,you and your OH deserve It ,you deserve a break Mollie you know without saying your posts are missed ...I go on other threads I would like to make friends  but I seem to show a different side that I can't quite explain ...perhaps Its called trying to hard .


Been having a altercation with my son (to put It mildly ) falling out with the girlfriend and threw his mobile in the canal have you heard anything as stupid ,course they must have rung him about the lawnmower and no reply so I lifted It  and hurt my back ,Its a petrol and quite heavy ....and also we have a very high gate and fence as I said the air was blue  all forgotten now I hate grudges.


We missed you Mollie  Hicky commented on It ,sometimes though people have to be away ..take a rest and do things .


Having a problem with frontline Mollie the dogs are either getting immune to It or the weather Isn't helping


Hello emptybox apart from the odd twinge the back seems ok ,


The betting hasn't opened yet although the odds are up? been a lot off hoo-haa cos Sophie did cheat last night in the face to face ..Charlie dithered and should have been put up for that opinion anyhow  why didn't they give them so long and make them put the board down ,after all It Is important this week .....although Gina's antics have put me off her she deserves her place in the final.....Dexter I love ,he Is the reason I have watched all these weeks 


Thinking about food now ...what to eat dithering like Charlie 


byee for now xx


Hicky's breakfast LOL

Last edited by Former Member

Hi Frodo. What a lovely looking fry-up.

Not bad day here. The grass was dzmp though, so difficult to cut.


I think Hicky's lot take a villa? Not sure though. Anyway, you can be sure they'll have the catering in hand.


They must be going to announce some twist to do with the nominations tonight.

Probably to do with Sophie cheating, or Gina telling Charlie to vote for her? We'll just have to see.


Glad your back isn't too bad anywzy.


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