Good evening all 
Aaawww Fredo
so sorry your leg is still not right, hope it has calmed down a little when the nurse comes tomorrow.
I can see your piccie of Morse, how cute he is. I am so pleased you are hearing how he is from the new owners, and how well they are looking after him.
glad to hear you are still getting those sandwiches at work. Sounds like your produce is still doing well in your garden. Hope your neighbour looks after it all well when you go away.
fingers crossed your brother can help advise you on the car, such a shame this has happened to it now. Is your well travelled nephew coming too? If he is, he may have some tales to tell.
Sorry but I really cannot stand Hazel, I see her as foul mouthed, intelligent but sly. Hazel successfully managed to deflect the fact she got most of the noms, not Charlie last night.
Charlie I don't think is manipulative, just a bit feather headed. My like for Dexter stands firm, I have found him interesting and enertainlng all through, I have also found Gina entertaining, but it is a shame she has now sided with Hazel over Charlie. But her and Dexter, and Charlie deserve to be in the final imo, hope Hazel is out this week.
Don't think Sam or Sophie have done enough to warrant a place, and I do not like something about the twins.
Been busy again today, still not done the VAT yet, but have made a start.
Yesterday we went to wsm for the day, We saw the sand sculpture exhibition, really good we like to go each year, sculpturers come from all over the world to do this. We also saw the One Show who had an exhbition there, and I saw that Dermot fella who used to do the business show on BBC2, and was thrilled to see Larry Lamb, but didn't get chance to pounce on him to take his piccie as they were filming for tonight's show. Remember his son doing BBLB? (George Lamb)...
Daughter and I have invited ourselves to OH's interview tomorrow. 
OH was planning doing the 6 hour round drive in one day, could be a lot longer if traffic bad, I was not happy with this, so told him I had found a little B and B and booked me and daughter into there. So he has to stay overnight now.
OH is relieved at least that he won't have to drive in his suit now and can shower in B and B when we get there, the owners told me we could book in early when I told them he had an interview.
The B and B is close to sea front, so should be nice for us. Daughter and I will be able to watch BB in the B and B, couldn't have us missing out on that, could we?
I am trying to put to the back of my mind that come Sept daughter will be going to Uni and OH may be working away...
I will miss both of them.
daughter still undecided though...
see you when I get back in a couple of days.
have a good evening all. 
let us know how the nurses's visit goes Fredo, good luck.