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Got working today.

Very muggy and sweaty though, and lots of little flying bugs. Plus the grass was slightly damp.

Plus one of the wheels on my mower is sticky. I've taken it off tonight and lubricated it, so that might improve it?

(I'm a moany bugg*r, aren't I? )


Calum went a bit OTT on tonight's BB?

There's two weeks left of the main show after Friday Mollie. Not sure if CBB follows immediately or if there's a delay?

Hicky'll nae doot be on the ball with the latest info?


That's not like you Hicky. Only 2 sandwiches?

Not sure about driving standard getting worse? I know I'm not improving anyway.


Glad it was a bit cooler for your walk Mollie.

Best of luck with your VAT.
Well I'm voting for Callum and the twins to go, because I want Hazel to stay. I don't think she's sly, just feisty.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


Had my Salted Cod for brekkie with bacon & eggs.


It's been a nice sunny day here.


One of the women from the DS forum came round.

She had agreed to take my plants that i wanted rid of.

While she was here i gave her some Rhubarb, Cucumber, chillies and the 6 plants.

I put the big 10 litre pots in into a white pedal bin liner and tied it, tied any spreading branches together.

They got them all in the car anyway.


Emptybox, as you say, Callum is ott, he's nuts, not a nice man, he's going to go too far, wish we could get him out.


Channel 5 site had tech problems, not their s of course, higher up but there was no live feed from last night.


Had a chippy meal for tea.

Peppered Squid with spicy chicken and chips.


Hi Hicky. That's nice that you met one of your DS forumers.

I'm not surprised that you had some spare plants, as you are always adding to them.

Bet they will enjoy the veg as well.


Started off wet and cloudy here, but we had a warm sunny afternoon, so I got some work done.

The lubrication seems to have done the trick with the mower wheel.


I've discovered that it's not birds that are nesting under my roof but bats.

I know that because one got into my living room, and I spent ages chasing it out the window. At first I thought it was a big moth, then I thought it was a small bird, but when it came to rest it was obvious it was a bat. A pipistrelle I think.

I'd thought they were birds because of the constant chirping sounds that I can hear at night in the bedroom. I'm surprised bats make so much noise.

I read that they are protected, so there's not much I can do about them. Not supposed to do any harm anyway, but their droppings get all over my van and elsewhere.

Unfortunately I'll be reluctant to leave my bedroom window open now, in case more get in.


I think Callum may well get a lot of votes to evict after recent events, but whether it'll be enough to overtake hazel remains to be seen.


Good morning both xx



work day isn't it today? Hope that boss gets the food in, if it is.

That was kind of you to pass all that stuff onto your forum friend. Bet she was well pleased.   Shame me and Emptybox have to miss out on your spare plants/food as we  live so far away from you.

I didn't know chippies served squid. Ours is lovely but only serves your standard cod or plaice and pies.



glad you managed to get some work done yesterday, hope the weather stays ok too.

nesting bats in your roof. Yes as you say, not a lot you can do as they are protected. I have even heard of developers not being able to develop because of nesting bats. Do you know if they leave completely once the young have grown, or do they still lurk? I never realised though that they were noisy. Shame the noise and droppings are such a nuisance for you though.



Yes I agree Callum was so OTT the other night. What a strange complicated character he is, but at least he makes a good HM. Looking forward to eviction tonight. Different opions here again Emptybox....  because I really hope it is Hazel, can't stand her after her behavior with Daley, (that she has sneakily kept quiet about to the other HM's), and don't like the way she lied about saying Charlie was aggressive.  

I don't like the twins either though, so they would be my second choice to leave tonight.

Should be an interesting night's viewing tonight.


A nice day here today, already 22c when I took dog out this morning at 8am, nice breeze developing now though. Off to peg some sheets out. Haven't started VAT yet, but noting new, I always seem to leave it until the last minute. 


Last edited by *mollie*

Evening Mollie.

Lovely sunny day here, but a bit windy. But at least it wasn't too sweaty working.

Got enough done so I don't have to work tomorrow.


The bats have been there since May, and I think they are supposed to leave sometime this month, according to what I have read. That's if they are Pipistrelles. Certainly the one I saw yesterday was the right size and had short ears.

They seemingly go somewhere else to hibernate over the winter, but will probably be back next year unfortunately.

I've heard the noises in previous years, but I think there were a lot more of them this year for some reason.


Funny that I've always thought they were birds, even when I looked out of my bedroom window in the early hours and saw them wheeling about, they still looked like bird-shaped. But they fly too fast to see them properly. So it was only when I got a proper look at this one that I knew for sure.

Mind you, I should have known that birds don't fly at night. Doh!


When that guy came to the door that Saturday night these things were chirping away frantically and almost attacking him. But I still thought they were birds then.

Ah well. Don't suppose there's much I can do.


We'll have to agree to differ about Hazel Mollie. As we had to do about Aisleyne and quite a few others.

I'll just say that Hazel explained the ins and outs of the Daley thing to Dan, so I don't think she had to go into it all again with the others if she didn't want to.

Perhaps she felt it wouldn't be fair to Daley to discuss it all again, when he wasn't there to defend himself?

Anyway. Looking forward to later.



yes very interesting how again we have to agree to disagree, like we did over Ais.   I love Gina, but can't stand Hazel..... another reason being I think Hazel has a superiority attitude towards the other HM''s, whilst slyly pretending to be their friend, as shown in her conversation with Dexter last night. (I know Dexter has one too, but I expect it off him,  and the HM's are aware of him being like that).

But even more interesting again, is that I think I heard (from you?) that like me, Ais can't stand Hazel. I never thought I would have an opinion in common with Ais, and you'd have the opposite one.

I don't mind any of the other HM's apart from twins (who I think you too are not keen on?), and thought I would like Sophie originally, but have really gone off her now.  She seems such a miserable non fun loving girl, sees to be always moaning about people.

Still think Gina, Dexter, Callum, Charlie, are all interesting HM's though, and the tasks are so good this year.


Wonder if, after they leave, you can put anything on the roof to put off the bats returning next year? Do you know at the time I did think it strange that you said these "birds" were making a noise in the middle of the night, but the thought of them being bats never crossed my mind either. 

We went on a bat walk once and yes they are very quick fliers and some types are very small. (the ones we saw were, but the fruit bats in Oz, were really big and slept upside down in the trees in the day).  Shame you can't take any pics of them to show us.


Pleased to hear you can give yourself a day off tomorrow.


Hope Hicky did not work too hard today.


Not long until his hols now.


enjoy the eviction show both. xx


Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


Don't work Thursday/Friday Mollie, only Monday & Wednesday unless the Monday is a bank Holiday.


Had brekkie in Morrison's this morning, got the Big Breakfast, wow, couldn't eat it all.


Strange about the Bats Emptybox. i haven't seen any since Singapore when they used to come to the swimming pool to drink the water at night, sometimes they ditched.


Yes Mollie, this chippy has a lot of strange foods, love the peppered Squid, it's the same as what they sell in Costco.


I would prefer Callum went, don't like the twins, want Dexter to stay, like Hazel.


Have re-potted the Dwarf Peach & Nectarine, have moved them as well, i've transferred them into the old Currant tubs, they aren't all that big but bigger that the pots they were in.


The last betting was this.

Housemate to be evicted odds as @ 2nd Aug 2013,  19:15 hrs
Hazel = 4/5
Callum = 6/5
Dexter = 18/1
J&J = 25/1

It was great seeing the forum member, they found me ok with their Satnav.


I put a plastic bag around the big pots and tied it with string so they could get them in the car.




Hi Hicky

what a great piccie. Wow, that is some meal. Was it just for the 2 of them?

I bet it is even bigger than your Morrisons big brekkie.   Glad to hear you got a nice brekkie out and have managed to do your re-potting today. Sounds like you did a good job packing the pots so your forum friend could get them in the car.


On Callum's eviction, I felt sorry for Calum and Sam, because Sam looks so upset now his friend has gone, and Callum is obviously upset at leaving Sam. And I think it is a shame that the other HM's did not have the patience to try and communicate with Sam the way Callum did. As I have said from my OH's experience, it is so hard being in a crowd with hearing problems, if people can't be bothered making sure you can hear and understand what they say. i hope one of the other HM's will show some patience with Sam now, Hopefully Callum is right and Gina will help support Sam if he has difficulties hearing what is going on. 


I am surprised Hazel got to stay after her behaviour with Daley and her formal warning.

But it might be good for Callum's own sake that he has gone now, as his attitude towards Dexter was becoming OTT and uncomfy to watch.



does that betting list mean they got it wrong?


goodnight all. xxx


Evening Mollie.


The meal was just for the 2 of them.

He's a good eater, he never leaves any.


I didn't feel sorry for Callum, he's sick.

I'm sure he only latched onto Sam for air time.


I don't think Sam should have been allowed in the house as he can't hear whats going on.

He's isolated, how can that be right?


Hazel got to stay because Callum has blown his chances in the last few days and hours.


The betting in the end was changing by the hour so i was hoping Callum could overtake Hazel and he did.


Callum was his own downfall.


Your lad has inherited your healthy appetite Hicky.


Soo glad hazel stayed.

Callum was OK but he seemed to go into self-destruct mode with Dexter, so it was his time to go.


I think I agree with you about Sam Hicky. He's a nice enough lad, but spends most of his time in there bewildered.

D'ya know, I think Dexter could win this now.


I suppose I could do something to discourage the bats, but it's actually illegal to harm them. So if I put a net up or something, and one got tangled, that might be a bit iffy?

They get in under the guttering, probably through a very small hole, so I would have to involve the landlady if I wanted it blocked up.

I'll probably get the ladder out and have a sneaky look, after they've b*ggered off elswhere.


I could have taken a pic of the one in my sitting-room Mollie, but I think they fly too fast to take a pic of one on the wing. 


Good evening both xx



  your lad's meal was some meal for 2.

Garden day for you today?  Did you pick any fruit/veg to enjoy from your garden today?



yes that is the problem, it would be difficult to prevent the bats' return without harming them. Take care though if you go up that ladder to explore after they have flown the nest. Hope you enjoyed your sphag bol tonight.


I had French stick, brie and cranberry sauce tonight.

Another nice day here today, we had some rain overnight.

Went out for brekkie at your cheapo cafe, very nice it was.


Although, (unlike both of you), I really do not like Hazel at all, it looks like we all agree that it was best Callum went for his own sake, because as you both say, , he did become his own downfall. But I think overall he was a decent guy, and I think sadly his downfall was all because he became obsessed with hatred for  Dexter due to his obessissive crush on Charlie,( who I think liked to encourage him by going on and on to him).    I really don't think Callum latched onto Sam for air time, because I think Callum and Sam formed a genuine understanding friendship whilst in the house and Sam will miss him. And Sam's mum must of seen this because she said Callum would be welcome any time to visit their home.

I know it has been confusing for Sam a lot of the time in the house, which is why it is so good Callum had the patience to make an effort to communicate with hm, but I am glad Sam was allowed the experience of going into the house, because I think overall he is enjoying his experience, and it would of been unfair to of not allowed him in because of his disability.

Although he is not my fave HM, because he is a pleasant lad, I think he actually stands a chance of winning this, he might be one of those who comes into his own at the last minute, especially as HM's leave and the house becomes quieter. 

But I do hope to see Dexter and Gina in the final, as they have imo been the most entertaining HM's all through this series.


I have treated myself to some cheesy popcorn to eat whilst watching BB tonight.

Enjoy the show.

Not sure if I am keen on the HM's relatives nominating?    

What do you think?

Will it be just one evicted as normal on Friday.


Have a good evening. xxx




Good afternoon both x

it was pouring with rain all morning here, so went to greasy Jo's for brekkie.   Rain  just clearing, so hopefully will take doggie out later for her walk later.



glad you got a relaxing day in, I guess your grass wasn't too long even after no cut for 3 weeks, as it has been so dry.


Yes family noms are cringy, but I do like to see their relatives especially, because it is a peep into their family life.


have a good day both xx


Hello long time no see 


the leg has not been healing as It should ..obviously no skin to latch on so Its taking a long time ,no sitting hunched up on the laptop and It must be elevated  so I have followed all the instructions and thankfully Its on the mend 


no point in coming on here day in moaning so forgive the absence and hope you are all well ,nurse this thursday and please let be the last


I have been watching BB and Dexter and Gina are still my favs ,


hope to be back soon

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by *mollie*:

Good evening both xx



  your lad's meal was some meal for 2.

Garden day for you today?  Did you pick any fruit/veg to enjoy from your garden today?



yes that is the problem, it would be difficult to prevent the bats' return without harming them. Take care though if you go up that ladder to explore after they have flown the nest. Hope you enjoyed your sphag bol tonight.


I had French stick, brie and cranberry sauce tonight.

Another nice day here today, we had some rain overnight.

Went out for brekkie at your cheapo cafe, very nice it was.


Although, (unlike both of you), I really do not like Hazel at all, it looks like we all agree that it was best Callum went for his own sake, because as you both say, , he did become his own downfall. But I think overall he was a decent guy, and I think sadly his downfall was all because he became obsessed with hatred for  Dexter due to his obessissive crush on Charlie,( who I think liked to encourage him by going on and on to him).    I really don't think Callum latched onto Sam for air time, because I think Callum and Sam formed a genuine understanding friendship whilst in the house and Sam will miss him. And Sam's mum must of seen this because she said Callum would be welcome any time to visit their home.

I know it has been confusing for Sam a lot of the time in the house, which is why it is so good Callum had the patience to make an effort to communicate with hm, but I am glad Sam was allowed the experience of going into the house, because I think overall he is enjoying his experience, and it would of been unfair to of not allowed him in because of his disability.

Although he is not my fave HM, because he is a pleasant lad, I think he actually stands a chance of winning this, he might be one of those who comes into his own at the last minute, especially as HM's leave and the house becomes quieter. 

But I do hope to see Dexter and Gina in the final, as they have imo been the most entertaining HM's all through this series.


I have treated myself to some cheesy popcorn to eat whilst watching BB tonight.

Enjoy the show.

Not sure if I am keen on the HM's relatives nominating?    

What do you think?

Will it be just one evicted as normal on Friday.


Have a good evening. xxx


love your post Mollie and I agree with all you say about Callum ..he got rather scary at the end tho' ..take care will be back hopefully this thursday ..when the nurse has been to all frodo...I have pictures of the puppy sent by e-mail he looks fantastic and happy x 





Hi Frodo. Morse looks like a contented chap in that pic. Must put your mind at rest.

Pity you've had so much trouble with your leg, but hopefully things will improve from now on.


Hi Mollie. Pity you've had the rain. It's been a lovely sunny day here, if a little breezy.


I see Gina has been given a secret task to write fan letters for the HMs. She decided not to give Hazel one though. Not sure if she was told she had to leave one out or not?

I liked Dexter's magic show. On the highlights show it looked like he made Sam disappear quickly. But if you watch the video on the glamorous assistants held the sheet up for ages. Sam had ample time to go and catch a bus.

Last edited by emptybox

Hello again 

just a quick post...another photo of Morse,on my avatar a bit dark but there you go.




The problem with the leg(forgive me moaning ) is the swelling Its been like a tree trunk..thankfully It Is now back to normal ,no swelling whatsoever and I have bathed and dressed It to-day so hopefully after Thursday I will be able to see to things myself .


Wonder who friends and family will choose? Dexter Is sure to be up ,perhaps I am biased but a lesser man would have gone under being nominated and up for eviction all these weeks and I personally think he has taken It well..and so has Gina.


The thing Is on BB this one anyhow.. the others seem affronted that they are up 

Callum ,the twins.Dan ,Sallie all were miffed *why should It be them *..why not and that's why some of them went ,taking a nom well Is par for the course and of

course only my opinion


And probably I will get some stick for this but I hope Sam does not win instead    of forming his own opinions he has listened to Callum ..Sam Is his own man or should be in his own right ..and I think Its insulting his intelligence If I don't judge him on what I see ...he has slipped under the radar.


listen hope you are all well ...I'm not one for moaning but this has knocked me for six ..having to hobble around



see you soon









meant to tell you this know I make my own bread ...not been able to so my son did It,he can cook ..but he put a tray of water in the oven to make crusty the way his cooking Is brill ,but the water was on the top shelf

bread was on the bottom and It just wouldn't brown ..



Anyone with tips how to make crusty bread in a normal fan oven ..would be fantastic


must go need to put the leg on rest for a while tata x


Afternoon All.


A bit wet today.

Last nights live feed, original feller on holiday i heard.

It's 5 videos.

Lad didn't know you have to stay under the hour.

He does know.


Glad Callum, went, he was a pain.

Family & Friends nominating this week, could be interesting.


Frodo, there's hope for your leg then, hope all going to be ok soon.


I picked a cabbage to have yesterday but O/H hadn't bought a chicken so we went out to eat.

Went to The Hungry Horse in New Brighton.

Wanted a Sunday lunch but they had ran out.

It was packed, had to wait 20 mins for a table.




BB decided that one HM wouldn't get a letter, so Gina picked Hazel as she is used to fans sending email and fan mail where as the other have never had any.


And Dexter didn't know that the one he selected was going to disappear.


Mollie, you have the rain the same as us.

Forecast better for tomorrow but changeable for a while.


Just seen you next post Frodo, my post wouldn't submit, had to F5 the page then your came up.


Can't understand why your bread doesn't Crust up.


Whats the water for, it just makes the oven Humid, not sure why bread wants humidity.

As you say, if the water is at the top it will do very little.


You keep your leg rested anyway.



Hello Hicky

steam in the oven Is supposed to make crispy bread(the french type)

no use telling the young ones they know everything


Loved your garden..what fantastic pics they do you proud ,and to be honest I don't know how you keep it so immaculate...thanks for asking about the leg 

LOL seems to have a life of Its own ... I have  read back you are off on your holidays ,would It be boring for you to say when? cos I missed It when and where you are going?..and who will look after your garden?...sheesh Hicky will you be able to relax ...certainly hope so 


sees you

Last edited by Former Member

Evening Frodo.


Can't see how humidity makes the bread crusty, it doesn't make sense.

Maybe you should keep the water in till the last 20 minutes, it might be crusty then.


I will be worried when my neighbour takes over the watering.

But i've no option, can't get my lad to do it as he's coming with us.


He takes over on the 13th.

We are off to Portugal, Albufeira


I'll try and automate it for next year all being well.

Thats if i can find the right computer controlled PLC system with enough I/O at the right price and the right voltage solenoids for out in the weather.



Pouring with rain here today, so no work done.

Got my invoicing done though.


The power steering on my Jag is giving problems now, so that'll be more expense.  It's making noises and the power steering fluid in the reservoir has gone a dirty brown colour, which I think indicates the hoses are begininning to degrade.


You'll just have to trust your neighbour to water your plants Hicky.

Not long now till your hols.

Pity you didn't get your Sunday lunch at the Hungry Horse


Hi Frodo. Glad the swelling is down, on your leg.

No I don't want Sam to win either. He's been far too boring.

Last edited by emptybox

evening Emptybox.


Charlie, Dexter, Hazel, the Twins & Sophie up this week eh.


Bad news about your power steering, wonder what the problem is, not sure why the fluid should change colour.

Wouldn't think the hoses would degrade, they will be steel braided and can't see the inside perishing. pipes are used in 99% of machines these days.


Strange when you can't get Sunday lunch, but i wouldn't expect one at that time of night, we could have got one midday easy.




a late night hi from me as I have been rushed off my feet today. I have messed up the VAT ....   and had to go for a food shop, and daughter in panic about Uni, and OH contract finished some time ago, so might have to work away from home soon.   Better than no job though, and as he says contractors just have to go where the work is.



so good to see you back. I can't see the piccie of Morse...

so pleased you heard from the new owners though.

What a long haul it has been for you with that leg, hope it is nearly all better  now though.


I am so glad to see Gina is not up this week, so hope Dexter stays...., him and Gina have been such brilliant entertaining HM's.  Hope Hazel goes, 2nd choice Sophie, 3rd the twins.


I too don't think Sam should win, as he has not provided enough entertainment. But I do think he has done well to cope in that house with such a disability.



oh no, can't believe your jag is playing up.   You really have had no luck lately with your vehicles. Hope this does not end up being another expensive job to rectifiy it. We too had rain all day today.



hooray , how exciting those hols are nearly here at last. Bet you will have a ball, and I know you will enjoy having all the family round you. I bet you will have need for your coconut oil with all the sun you will get over there too.

How annoying they ran out of Sunday lunch. sounds like they need to improve their ordering systems. Perhaps  they need to employ you to write a computer programme to do their stock orders for them?


Goodnight all xxx



Hello Mollie 

this is Morse on my avatar I will keep It there for a while 


thank you for the welcome back after the nurse has been on   Thursday hopefully things will be back to back to normal


There are two other dogs in the house one 10yrs the other 12yrs ,I have some other photo's of him too ,my daughter says he is spoilt I am happy  

Last edited by Former Member

Morning Mollie & Frodo.


Oh dear Mollie, what's up with the vat?


Not good about your hubby if he has to work away, but as he says you have to follow the work.


Not too bothered about who goes this week, as long as Dexter stays.


I don't think Sam has done anything in the house, in fact i don't really agree with BB putting him in, he can't follow whats going on.


Last nights live feed, it's put up by one of the DS lads.

It's the 08 05a, 05b, 05c, 05d


Hope all goes well when the nurse calls Thursday, as you say, get back to normal.


It's a bit dryer today, only 22C though.


Had to run O/H to work this morning as her car wouldn't start, she thinks the little one may have put the roof light on yesterday.

We can charge her up anyway, we have the gear.

Last edited by Hicky

Hello Hicky


I can't see any either on my link  first time I've tried that I always go for the one you quote anyhow ...but I stayed up last night guessing there would be fireworks and wow there was Its good being able to watch live feed again and catch up on the swelling no pain ...Its all good 


Who do you think will go this week ?


PART 1 Is up now on my link...just checked

Last edited by Former Member

Hello again 

I have been on my twitter account first time in months ..changed my password and sang Dexters praises and of course Gina ,although I really think she has blown her chances after last night 


Mollie AVON came a calling and they had some offers on sheesh hope no one thinks I'm an Agent ..If I could afford It I would walk around in the day of the most opulent scents ..a load of classics come to mind  this week though I sent for these lovely foot products four for ÂĢ5 saving loads ...perfume spritzers and other smellies...anything to keep cool this weather.


Just can't explain how free It feels to be able to walk properly very hilly here to get to my door there are steps inside the gate in the middle and then up to the door.


At the back where I fell the garden slopes down so you have to walk up steps to get to It ...from my stairway window I look out on to next doors roof as we are on the cusp of the hill ...and only the middle tier ...


Must be frustrating for you about your Oh job Mollie truly hope things work out for him ..lovely though listening about your bustling family and how you fit your lives into lessons ,music ,school taking them places sounds wonderful I love to hear about It .


And Hicky going away I have missed loads sincerely hope we get to know all about the different foods ..LOL knowing Hicks he'll be thinking of his garden most of the time ...think I would to knowing the work he has put in .






Emptybox last but never least x the lawnmower has concked has to go in for a service just chugged out ..saying *hey I'm knackered look after me * seems when you have a petrol mower the whole world wants a freebie  ..gone back on twitter give us a shout LOL hope you are well ...take care frodo

Last edited by Former Member

Hi guys.

Wet overnight, but not too bad a day.

Got some work done, but everything is back to being damp again, and I hate cutting damp grass.


Hi Mollie sounds like you've been busy with family stuff.

Hope you get the VAT sorted.

What a pity that your OH's contract has finished and he might have to look for something further afield. That's a nuisance for both of you.


Hi Hicky. I was just going from what I googled about the hoses on the car. I don't have much knowledge myself.

My brother is visiting at the weekend, and he'll probably have a look at it. He won't have time to do anything, but he knows far more about cars than me, so may be able to diagnose the problem better.

The fluid seems to be clear when the car has been cold for a while, but cloudy brown after it's been for a run.

It might just be as simple as flushing out the old fluid and renewing? But I doubt it.


Pity your OH's car conked out.


Hi Frodo. Hope all goes well with the nurse on Thursday.

It sounds lovely where you live on your hill, but as you say, a trial when you're not fully mobile.


I still want Hazel to stay, but I think there's only a slim chance of that.

I really wish it had been Gina up, because she stirred up that row last night between Hazel and Charlie.

I don't think Hazel is blameless, and was way too harsh with Charlie, but I think I'll be voting for Charlie to go. If only for the silliness of her friend's nomination.




you would love my garden ...not that Its posh but secret at the back I have a high gate then you are in an enclosed area until you walk up the steps

entirely private ...and geared to wildlife Its a haven and quite large


my house Is only small though but the views and where It Is makes up for that 


might I add your emptybox your views top mine by 1200%

Last edited by Former Member

Evening Frodo & Emptybox.


Went out for brekkie this morning, only had bacon, egg, sausage and beans with toast.


Thinned the pears again, sorted them into 2's during July, should have then gone down to single fruit per cluster after the June drop, they are single now anyway.


Gave the fig tree's some food this afternoon, some fish/bone/blood with some tomorite and liquid seaweed.


One of the Fig tree's has got so many new Figs coming that i couldn't count them, another one has got quite a few on it but the 3rd one has only got 1 Fig growing on it, strange.


O/H cut the grass, i strimmed it.


Connected the charger to O/H's car but the little fuse that is built in blew, the charger has never been used.

Got her started with the booster pack and she went for a spin.


Emptybox, on listening to Charlie, her problem has been all along that she doesn't like conflict so she doesn't say things in black & white.

That makes her look weak, thats why the Callum saga played on and on as she couldn't tell him the truth so it looked like she was egging him on, that just the way she is.

Everyone thinks it's a game plan but it isn't.


It was dry here all day which surprised me,


Frodo, you garden sounds ok, not sure the steps would be to my liking.

At least you have some good views.


It's hard work listening to and watching the live feed.

watching Undercover Boss on C4 now.


Morning Everyone.


Cooler here today, 23C with very little wind.


Here's last nights bbbots.


Here's last night live feed. 08 06, 06a, 06b, 06c, 06d, 06e


Just waiting for my Sarnie to arrive, Joanne goes out for them, they have a standing order each day.

Had 2 throw a few away this morning, some don't have them, that why i usually get a spare one.


Just watching bbbots from last night.


Have a good day everyone.



afternoon/nearly evening

did I speak to soon about my leg  actually Its on the knee a lump came up last night at the side of the kneecap and Its gone sort of a reddish colour 

I have been wearing knee length shorts but yesterday and to-day changed to sweatpants so that could be irritating It  hope so .

I fell asleep last night and missed BB ...but caught up to-day.


Tuesday's show was hard to watch for me ,for one I'm not keen on Hazel and I think the twins for just 19 are extremely spiteful and vindictive ,perhaps I am biased as Dexter has been my favourite all the way with Gina a close second,they had It planned again to nominate him before they knew about friends and family.


Then the bombshell of F&F and how most of them ganged up on Jackie wasn't pleasant to watch ,perhaps she may understand how other people feel...the face to face noms when they all said awful things to Dexter ...crikey let me off my soapbox

I still think Jackie's friend went over the top though bringing Daley into It..

spot on about the twins



Hicky you wouldn't like my neck of the woods very hilly indeed ,I made some fried rice last night and froze It ...hope you can do that as rice Is supposed to be dodgy  when I cook now I make loads and freeze the rest the containers cost next to nothing and It saves cooking all the time 


Hello Mollie hope you are well and your family too  we have celeb BB too

 look forward too after this finishes

however much I moan I'm really enjoying this BB and I think Channel 5 are finally listening to the fans ,I filled In the questionnaire on the website and kept plugging the live feed times though I fall asleep but catch up the next day but I manage to click on hoping that counts


Emptybox told you the mower packed in ,the man promised to come to-day but hasn't turned up ..never mind costs near on ÂĢ80 and plus for the service but something went twang this time ,the garden Is too large for an electric otherwise would be cheaper buying a new one.


Is Hazel your favourite housemate ..she Is lovely I think her downfall or mistake Is getting enmeshed with the twins ,laying all over her ,perhaps she thinks they are the favourites..they are my least favourites


anyhow enough rambling from me sees you

Last edited by Former Member

a clearer picture of Morse Mollie he looks quite large on here but at the size of a adult dog he Is only small so Is his mum and dad ..I will leave It for the next day or so  

he Is waking the house up at 2am and then 4am wanting to play so she puts him in bed with her ...oh happy days he did the same with me LOL 


Might I add this lady Is known to my family not to me ,,,she Is crazy about animals 


and I get e-mails


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