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Good Afternoon Everyone.


Good Afternoon Emptybox.


My Kiwi plants came this morning, they have some fruit on as well.

Have ordered new big tubs for them and the cord for the supports.


Cloudy today, had a little rain early this morning.


Here's last night live feed links





Hope your van doesn't cost too much.


Some of the Trusses on the Tomato plants are massive, there's going to be an awful lot of Tomato's soon, and one plant has 1lb toms.


Nice Kate having a Boy, not sure what she wanted, i expect she wants a girl, mothers always do with the first. expected really so she doesn't lose the first out playing football all day and night.


Good afternoon all

Another warm sunny day here today, but at least it seems fresher than it did yesterday.



hopefully no more strangers knocking at the door now the car has gone. Fingers crossed the van is not away for too long and the price is not too bad. Hope your "on foot" jobs went ok today. How do you manage with taking the mower? Do you wheel it along? Or do you just take your hedge trimmers?


Yes you are right, it would of been interesting and history in the making if Royal Babe had been a girl. It could now be many, many  years until this new Royal law comes into force now.


I too think I'd prefer to see Sophie go, as she is rather quiet. Wish Hazel or the twins had been up though.



that is a nice varied family age group all going away together.   I bet it will be lovely for you to have all that company. Are you having a villa again?

How fortunate for you that the boss was in Spain, so you could grab a nice boss free day.

Glad you are pleased with your kiwi delivery.


That is interesting that you both too get cramps, I was ok last night, but I did drink a lot more.


Wonder what the Royal Babe will be called? I guess they have to stick to a traditional King sounding name.


Looking forward to BB tonight, enjoyed last night's show again.

thanks for the BB links HIcky.


have a good day all xxx



Not bad day here, quite a bit of sunshine, but it's thunder and lightening now.


Got my two jobs done. One was one of the other farm tenants, and I just walked there with my strimmer, rake, fork and shears under my arm.

The other job was about a mile away, so I took my hedgetrimmer in the car. Neither job needed a mower.

There is one other place that I could do with my car, but that's not due till the end of the week, so hopefully I'll have the van back by then.


Found that bit of pole, that I'd lent the guy on Saturday night, sitting beside the front door. No idea how long it had been there, but I guess he came back to return it afterall.


Loved the little video of William and Kate plus Junior leaving the hospital. So informal.

Maybe they'll call him Rex? Can't get more Royal than that?


Good that your kiwi plants came Hicky.

My toms look like they are going to have a lot of fruit as well. There's a lot of small green toms on them at the mo.


Morning/Afternoon Everyone.

Hello Emptybox.


Bet you looked great walking along with your tools.


If they called the baby Rex it would sound like a Dog, imagine them taking the mickey out of him.


The new plant tubs are expected today, i can get the Kiwi plants in then.


Here's the live feed from last night.




Not a bad day at work, brekkie the best part.


can't wait to see the HM's faces when the twist is revealed.



Good morning all



I looked up the place you are going, looks like there is plenty to keep you all occupied, with a choice of swimming pools, sauna, gym etc.    Was it the same area (Albufuira) that you went to last year? Do you have 2 apartments to share between all of you? At least your skin will be well used to the sun before you go with all the good weather we have had recently.   I think it is lovely how so many of you can go together and share a holiday.

Hope your plant tubs came ok. What do they look like?

  at you saying brekkie is the best part of a working day.

Thanks for the livefeed links again.



hope you hear about getting the van back today.

As Hicky says, bet you looked good walking along with all those tools.

Hopefully you will be in demand again, when you get your van back, due to the rain.

We too had a bit of rain last night, but it is a lovely sunny day again today. Pleased to hear that the guy did not take advantage of you, and had the decency to return the pole, Maybe it was so late, that he did not like to knock and wake you when he returned it?

Yes I loved the video of the new Prince and parents leaving the hospital. I bought the newspaper yesterday, so I could see the excellent pics they took.  So sweet that it looks like the babe is waving.  

I guess they didn't have much choice as far as naming was concerned, as they have to choose a traditional King name, so I think George is quite a nice suitable name for a future King.


Went shopping yesterday in Cardiff, have to get daughter some new clothes for Uni. (if she goes, that is).  She has been offered the accomm she wants at least. It is one of the smaller blocks, so should not be so full of late night revellers. I have heard they go for the bigger blocks close to pubs.


After your shop, we treated ourselves to Red Hot. Each time we go, I just can't believe the variety of food on offer there. So thanks Hicky for telling us about the place. My fave in their vegetable lasagne, and mango cream cheese on crusty bread.


at Callum's strip dance last night, athough he is rather strange at times, he is becoming one of my fave HM's, so funny. And I so like how he shows such patience and understanding with Sam, and his hearing problems. My OH not long ago lost hearing in one ear, so I know how hard it is in group situations when you can't hear well. I noticed how Callum speaks clearly, and uses gestures to help make sure Sam understands him, which is so good for Sam. Sophie on the other hand seems to have no patience at all with Sam, and I am guessing Sam finds it hard to understand Sophie because of her very strong accent. I have decided I won't miss her if she leaves Friday.

Silly Dexter, stabbing Gina in the back, a big mistake. I think she was quite hurt by it. And although I far prefer Charlie to Hazel, she does seem to go on and on about the same thing, so gets boring.


Who is your fave HM?

I am not sure who is my fave as I quite like a lot of them.

I like Gina, Sam, Callum, and even though Dexter is a sly one, I think  he is  a great HM because he is so interesting. And I also think Dan is a great HM, so will be a loss to the house if he goes. Old Detective clever clogs seems to of nearly guessed the twist too.

Wonder if they wont' tell them of the twist until Friday evening? what a shock they will have, especially if they have not even packed their cases.


have a good day all, off to peg some washing out.  xxx





Started off wet today, then some sun, now thunder and lightning and torrential rain.

We've certainly had enough rain here to get things growing again.


My van should be ready some time tomorrow, according to the garage.


Got through a huge pile of ironing today, other than that it was messing about with computers.


Sorry to hear your OH lost his hearing in one ear Mollie. How did that happen, if you don't mind me asking?


I don't really have a fave HM Mollie. I like Hazel and Dan and Charlie. I think Gina and Dexter are good HMs, but I couldn't say I liked them.

I don't like Callum or Sophie or Sam or the twins.


Looking forward to the twist being revealed tomorrow.



well that rain should prove to be a good thing for you shortly workwise. Hope the wallet isn't too shocked when you get the van back.


Of course I don't mind you asking about OH's ear. It happened about a year ago, he has a real bad cold, then shortly after, he said he had tinnitus and couldn't hear out of one ear. Waited for awhile, didn't get better, so we decided to pay to see consultant rather than just see GP who would probably send for another appointment with nurse for syringing. The consultant cleared his ear, and tested it with machines and said his hearing in one ear had almost gone completely, and it is highly unlikely to come back. It happens now and again to some, cause usually unknown, but could be from a virus. He said he wouldn't give him a hearing aid, as he was compensating quite well with the other ear, but warned it would be difficult to hear in groups. I now often have to repeat things when speaking to him, but don't have to shout.


BB....You are the same as me this year then... not a real fave HM, but like a few, and know a few others are good HM's although not that likeable to me. But it has certainly made for a good series so far.

I heard on the tv that C5 ratings have overtaken C4 ratings for the firs time ever. and it is thanks to BB and the cricket. So this is good news for us BB fans, can't see C5 getting rid of it some time soon.

Yes tomorrow's twist show is going to be really interesting, and such a shock to the HM's .


Enjoy tonights show. x

hope you had a good day Hicky, don't think it was a work day, was it?


Evening Everyone.


Not too bad a day.


Evening Mollie, last time we went to Portugal the Villa was on in a different area all together.

We have 2 apartments.


Evening Emptybox, yes, my Tubs came yesterday and my strainer nylon cord and grippers came also the vine eyes.

The pots were 75 litre, pretty big, have planted the 1st Kiwi Plant.

Haven't got anywhere to put the other one now.

Here are the tubs, go down to the 75 Litre ones ÂĢ13.25 each.

Have got some plants to give away now, Black Currants, Red & White, also 2 Grape Vines and a Kiwi Berry plant.


Didn't find the live feed videos, someone found them on youtube but it's too late to post them now really.


Made a concoction for tea, picked a couple of peppers and chillies from the garden, thawed a lot of king prawns and peeled them, made a chip shop curry sauce, did a stirfry then put the rice on the plate, followed by the stir fry then poured the curry over.

Picked some pea pods to take to my lads little ones, they love them.

O/H picked another cucumber, picked a few raspberries and gave them to the neighbour to try.

Only got a few cherries on the tree, i bought it with them on, but they are a lovely colour, not quite ripe yet.

The apples & pears are coming along ok.

Very pleased with the fig trees, breaking out with figs in quite a few places.

There is going to be an awful lot of Tomato's, before long.

Rhubarb is growing like heck.

Blackberry plants growing ok, the vines are doing ok, the new ones are growing fine, 2 of the old ones have quite a few bunches of grapes, whether they mature or not depends on the weather.


Will be making a new set of pictures of the plants in a few days.


Good evening all xxx



Bet you enjoyed your curry.

wow, at your selection of fruit and veg, definitely enough to open a shop for the neighbourhood.   Looking forward to seeing your pics.

Glad you got a nice weather day too, we did here, very warm again.



hope you have heard about the van now and the bill was not too shocking


Off to watch BB, really looking forward to tonight's show.

hope you enjoy it too.



Lovely day here.


Got my van back mid-afternoon after being relieved of ÂĢ700.

But I guess I'm ready for work again next week, after the rain has started to work it's magic.


Hi Hicky. Don't say you've got more tubs than you know what to do with now?

That's interesting that Dan was in that prog. Can't say I ever watched it.



Originally Posted by emptybox:

Typical. Give the public the opportunity to evict the boring ones, and they evict one of the main characters.  


I so agree, evicting Dan just made the house a whole lot more boring.  


I hate vote to evict, we lose all the big characters.

We really would not of noticed if Sophie or Same had gone.



ÂĢ700 for the van... that is bad!  And now I guess it is going to take some time for you to earn back enough to cover that cost to the business. Hopefully you won't be short of work now with rain to come and plenty of summer left too though.

Glad you got the good weather too.


Well I was enjoying BB until I saw they were evicting Dan.


Yes Hicky certainly has some big tubs...75 litres must be big ones.

Last edited by *mollie*

Good evening both

hope you both had the lovely weather we have had here today. It did rain a little late afternoon, but it has made the grass look nice and healthy now.


Are you taking a weekend off your gardens Emptybox, or are you too busy now the grass has started to grow again? Hope you enjoyed your sphag bol tonight.



have you been busy in your garden today?


We went for afternoon out today to Laugharne. This is the Dylan Thomas village, where our lad had already been with his drama group when he performed in a modern version of Under Milk Wood with his drama group, so he was able to show us round the place. We saw the boathouse where Dylan did a lot of his writings, visited the pub, where he went and we looked at the pics on the wall of him in the pub. Neil Morrisy from Men Behaving Badly owned this pub at one time, but then he went bankrupt. Then we walked to the ancient 11th century castle and climbed the steep tower. to look at the lovely view of the coast and village. It was all very pretty, but     I was so hot walking round, and poor daughter developed a headache whilst there from the heat. It was good to see the place, but i am glad to be back home and am now looking forward to BB.


Enjoy the show all xxx


Evening Everyone.


Am watching last nights live feed, the TV on Colditz.


Had Fried cod with bacon egg and toast.

For tea had more cod, with baked spuds and beef curry.


I have 71 tubs in all, different sizes, largest probably over 100 litres.


Someone on the DS forum wants my excess of plants.


Had to raise the netting on the Raspberry patch as the top was getting squashed by only 6" and they are pretty tall now, over 6'.


That was a hefty bill Emptybox, wow.


That was some twist, Dan was just unfortunate, he fell into a set of circumstances.


Mollie, it was probably over 10 years ago, maybe he was 21/22.


Had to laugh, the twins playing for Boo's, they thought it was Booze.


And the Lettuce from home.


And the Steaks are Stakes.


Gave my lad enough beef curry for him and his Mrs, gave my left neighbour more lettuce for the chicks, also a few kilo of meal worms for the chicks, she gave me 6 fresh eggs.

Gave my rear neighbour a load of bird netting and a gallon of concentrated liquid manure, i make it every week now.

They gave me an armful of Onions he'd just taken up from his garden, i have tied them to string and are hanging in the gazebo.


Gave the little ones another feed of Pea's they love them.

They were also picking some Raspberries and Strawberries.


Good evening both xx



wow, what great pics of your garden, it is looking so good now with all your home grown produce. I bet all the sun and the bit of rain we have now will make lots more fruit mature soon too.   You have a lovely swop shop going on in your neighbourhood.   So nice that you can do that. Glad the littlies can enjoy picking the fruit and eating the peas too, so good for yougsters to learn how their food is grown. And of course, full of goodness for them too.

You certainly have plenty of tubs... about the gnomes. Is that a special umbrella over the washing line? It could be very useful with the showers we are getting now.



hope you have enjoyed your weekend break from the gardens.


We had a mix of sun and heavy rain showers today, so expect the grass/weeds will grow like mad now. 


Enjoyed tonight's BB show.

My daughter noticed that when they did the letters from home, the piano music in the background was that wonderful pianist we saw in concert recently called Ludavico Einaudi.  

And lucky Callum being invited to Llanelli.   We drove past there yesterday, it is not far from us.

Had a lovely brekkie in Greasy Jo's today again. They have those old....sort of fixed benches, fixed to plastic benches.  And old photos on the wall. But the food is fab, plentiful, hot, freshly cooked and at ÂĢ8.50 for 2 cooked brekkies, 2 toast dripping with butter and 2 milky coffees, I can't complain.  


Goodnight both xx



Morning everyone.


Morning Mollie & Emptybox.

And Frodo wherever you are.


Yes Mollie, we have a big 3m Parasol it can be turned to where you want and it locks in position, we have another similar but not as manoeuvrable.


It is very handy if rain is expected or we have to go out.


That Greasy Jo's is good, well worth the price.

Didn't go out for brekkie yesterday as we are saving for spends for the hols.


Yes Emptybox, the watering system sure seems to be ok, wish i could get it on a computer.

Next project  i reckon.


Boss has sent out for 20 off Bacon & Egg on toast with brown sauce for us all as the canteen has limited food.


Good evening both



how did your work day go today? Hope it stayed dry for you.

The cafe isn't actually called Greasy Jos, I just nicknamed it that because if its appearance...think it has some Italian sounding name.  



I am real impressed with the moveable parasol over the washing line. What a great idea for those showers if you are out.   Good idea to save for a bit of  a spend when you go away, I am sure there will be lots of nice things to spend it on where you are going.   Emptybox is right, your watering is doing wonders for your nice green garden.   Glad the boss looked after you work wise.   at you taking care of the left over sandwich, good for you, not worth wasting any of it, was it?

Thanks for the livefeed links again.


Nice day here again today, hope it was for you both too.

Got lots of washing nicely dried today, and managed to fit in a bit of a rest on my lovely swing chair too.


Looking forward to BB later tonight.


have a good evening both xx


Evening Everyone.


Had a good afternoon out with my lads family, we too 2 cars to the big garden centre, had all the usual ice creams and drinks.


Gina coming down from the DR to do a task.



Last nights live feed.







Printed the boarding passes earlier.

Couldn't get onto Easyjet.

It kept asking for our name and booking reference number but kept saying not valid.


After some hours of trying O/H put the flight number in instead of the booking ref, it worked, how stupid is that, they must have changed the procedure but not the web page,


Evening Mollie.


It's handy having the cover over the washing line.

The garden is fine, picked more cucumbers today, little one eating peas and red currants.


Hope you can some work done Emptybox, these shows here disrupt things.


The wasps have been eating some cherries, but i only have a few, it's a new tree, hope they leave me one, they are so beautiful.


Interesting having Callum, Dexter, Hazel & Jack n Joe. up for eviction.


Good evening both



hope you got a dry day today, so you could catch up a little. Yes it must be strange now to go back to cutting wet grass after such a long spell of dry weather.



Glad you had a nice afternoon out with the family, yes of course whilst out in summer with the family, it is compulsory to partake of an ice cream.

Thank you again for the links.

Sounds like Easyjet need to employ an IT contractor to update their webpage. Good job your OH managed to work it out.   You are doing well with the cucumbers, but what trouble we had in the BB house with their cucumber row. I hate those horrible wasps, what a cheek nicking your cherries.


Yes I am pleased we have all those people up for eviction, should be very interesting. Seems a long time till eviction night though, do you think they may evict before Friday?


Nice day here, rain forecast for tomorrow, so got lots of washing dried again, and a bit of a read of my Heat on the swing chair too.


Have a good evening all. xxx

Looking forward to BB. What a good enjoyable series it is this year.

Great well thought out amusing tasks and interesting eccentric HM's.


Evening Mollie.


Latest betting


Housemate to be evicted odds as @ 30th July 2013 - 22.10hrs
Hazel = 3/10
J&J = 11/4
Callum = 10/1
Dexter = 35/1



I don't think they will evict before Friday.


Can't see anyone getting ahead of Hazel by Friday.


Some great tasks as you say.


The wasps don't bother me, the raspberry plants are buzzing with Bee's, loads of them every day.


Work tomorrow, got the vat to sort with the HMRC 2nd quarter, we do the online form, using my list of invoices to pay from my excel program i designed when we started.


The boss, or one of them has put a standing order for the 20 sandwiches each day.



good on the boss getting those sandwich orders in, you can't work on an empty stomach.   Mabye you will be lucky again and get to finish off the leftovers?

Sounds like the bees in your garden are busy collecting for their honey.

Yes, another funny task tonight, they looked so funny playing mannicens.

So you think it will be Hazel who goes Friday?

Can't say I would be unhappy to see her go though.


Hope you aren't too busy at work tomorrow. x



Very heavy showers this morning, but I got a bit done this afternoon. Grass still hasn't shot up yet, but it's greener anyway.


That sounds a bit inefficient of Easyjet. Before you get on the plane I'd go round the front of it and make sure the right destination is showing in the little window, or you could be off anywhere.



Don't like wasps. Some always nest in my garage, so I'm always wary when I'm getting tools out etc.


Glad you got your washing dried Mollie.

I want Callum or the twins to go unsurprisingly.


Heard today that my eldest nephew has passed his driving test (on third attempt).


Morning Everyone.

Cooler here today, only 19C max, some rain as well.


Morning Mollie.

Just waiting for the sandwiches to arrive.

The female Engineer goes out to pick them up.

Bet there's no spare today?


Sorted the vat online, successful.


Morning Emptybox.

Thats a good idea, check the plane driver has the right destination on the front.


Good on your nephew, i think the standard of driving in this country is awful.

People don't seem to understand how to use the roads at all.

No wonder there are so many accidents, they don't know how to position themselves on the road, at junctions, joining the motorway, lane usage.


Last Nights Live Feed.

It says Part-1 but i can't find a Part-2


Found Part-2



Last edited by Hicky

Good morning all



well that is good news that you managed to get a spare sandwich again. Were you too full to munch the other 3 spares too?   Glad you managed to sort the VAT out ok, that reminds me, that today is the end of our VAT period, so I will need to work on ours soon too.

Thanks for the livefeed links, so handy that we can get that online.

at Emptybox's suggestion you check the plane's destination first.



hope you can get out and get some work done today, probably won't be long now until the grass growth takes off again, as you had more rain yesterday.

Well done to you nephew on passing his test. I bet his dad will have to pay a tidy sum out now though for his insurance.

I certainly don't want Callum to go, he is such an interesting HM, but I am not keen on the twins, but would prefer Hazel to go most of all. Think she is sly.

Gina still my fave at the moment.

When is BB due to finish? It is usually early Sept isn't it?


Have a good day both. xx

It is cooler here today, so doggie walked a bit further today without getting too hot. Had rain overnight, but dry now. Looks like hot weather to return tomorrow.



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