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Cloudy here again, but hot.

Turned away from another place. Or to be exact we mutually decided there was no point as there'd been zero growth in a fortnight.


Great final prog in The Apprentice.


Sorry, I forgot to mention your juicy gossip yesterday Mollie. So we know Stacey is doing something........

Your second bit of gossip is better, although I hadn't heard of that series either.

Bentleys are lovely cars. Don't think I've been in one personally, although I've seen inside vintage ones.


Hope your Mum's leg is OK?

Also well done to your son for doing well in his guitar exam.


Hi Hicky. I've heard Diana's single on the radio, and it's good.

I'll go and look at the video you posted.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening All.


Talking about Bentleys, the family opposite me in the road has got a Bentley, a Porsche and a BMW.


Another hot day, to be even hotter tomorrow.


I hadn't even noticed the grass hadn't grown, the weeds aren't effected.


I like Diana V, can't believe how good she was in the show in London.


I enjoyed the final of The Apprentice. didn't mind who won really.


Hope you leg is getting the right treatment Frodo.


The page has changed so i don't know what was on the last page, if i go back i lose the post.


Hello all

loved your stories Mollie part 1&2 keep them coming I love hearing about the things you do sounds wonderful


Very upsetting giving the dogs a dried food diet we were going through 3 chickens a week and the vet was adamant ,cos the  male has been castrated he has put on weight ,hes only young and can't even scratch his bum ...the eyes like the cat from shrek get to you .


Nurse to-morrow so up early still the wound hasn't healed properly but It's clean and not so painful .


I'm really hoping Jackie goes this week ,what a spiteful lady .a few weeks ago when food was low they had a curry ,she and Dan went back three four times for more ..this Is why they cook .no washing up and so bossy.


The Hazel incident also gets me ......any man who threatens ..violates trust or even thinks Its OK to put their hands on a woman Is out of order.full stop.


wish I could like her though but sorry I cant ..Dexters mum was delightful a really nice person .


am I biased loving him and Gina ...Gina Is something else a rare commodity her or Dexter for the win .


Last but not least thankyou Mollie can't say on a forum look this Is worrying me emptybox and Hicks are my mates ..don't want the internet to know



sees  you  night x


told you I tried three times to become vip my credit card is valid they asked for the City ..well you choose .but I don't live in a City.the town was not on the list


forgive me If I'm over zealous but Im probably over cautious 


And really there are some lovely folks on this site but they are not members


so night all xx 



Nurse has been, and I must be on the mend as no visit until nextThursday


whew Its hot fans whizzing but still no respite .


Two very unhappy dogs ,the male dog Is so unhappy having dried food ,but I do give them treats ,tuna to-day but actually hes turning his nose up at that

when you can't scratch your bum Its time to cut down





What is wrong with Dan's hair one moment Its greyish and pronto he has a thatch of black hair






Ican't reply much till I read the previous page  Wow what happened to Callum he got a backbone and stood to Jackie in the row .bout time someone put her in her place 

bye for now xx



Very hot and sunny today. Almost too hot to work.

Popped into the garage to see when they can do my van, and they say to leave it on Monday night and they'll try and do it on Tuesday and Wednesday.


I see on Facebook that my nephew has returned safe and well, sporting a South American style woolly hat. He won't needthat over here.


Do you live across from a stately home Hicky? A Bentley, a Porsche and a BMW?

Yes you're right, the weeds grow even when the grass goes brown.


Hi Frodo. Dogs do very well on the dried food, as long as they get enough water as well. All the dogs I've ever been involved with have ate dried food.

A little treat every now and again does no harm though.


Glad your leg is on the mend.

Can't really comment about the BB stuff cos I don't know anything about Callum and Jackie's argument or Dan's hair?

I can't really warm to Gina, but there's no doubt she's a great housemate. A classic BB housemate, if you like. I would have no objections to her winning.

Originally Posted by emptybox:

Do you live across from a stately home Hicky? A Bentley, a Porsche and a BMW?


  LOL ..... with cars like that on the drive, he must do.


I can nearly match that,...... our official next door neighbour is a professional footballer for a 1st division team.


unfortutely not quite as impressive as you think though because our official next door is down a private lane and is a tucked away, with a much, much bigger house than ours. I haven't had chance to speak to him though, only waves as he drive past...well glides past in his posh car.    But we find it amusing when we see him on tv, thinking he lives by us.



Hicky... don't think they make Bentleys where you work do they?


Now is part 2 of my celeb gossip... a few days ago OH took daughter to archery,it is held in lovely country park, and when he got back he said they were filming, so I went to pick her up, so I could have a nosey for celebs. Loads of big lorries and caravans were in the park's car park, and hubby noticed a Bentley, Didn;t mean much to me, but OH said they cost a fortune, he was right, it looked like this..

they cost from ÂĢ124,000 to ÂĢ182000!!!!

The Bentley drove past us, led ahead with a horse all done up like in a period drama. When we got to the caravans the security guy was friendly and told me they were filming a second series of Da Vinci's demons. I had never heard of it, but I do recognise the lead actor from "Monroe"... here is a link...

I asked the security guy lots of questions.... he told me there were around 150 in the crew, it takes around a year to film a series and some of them sleep in the caravans. Wonder who owned the Bentley. OH reckons the guy driving it was the chauffeur because he was driving towards middle of park by the herd of deer where they were filming.


End of my 2 (rubbishy)   celeb tales...


Have any of you ever seen inside a Bentley or been in one, or even owned one? I never knew a car could cost that much...


Good evening all


it has been hotter than ever here today, showed us at 33 degrees this afternoon. No sea breeze at all today, weather man says wind in wrong direction now to give a sea breeze.



what a shame you were turned away again yesterday, think they should pay you a holding fee, if they don't ring you to stop you going. Did you manage to get much done in the heat today? Bet you were exhausted doing gardens in this heat. Glad your nephew is back safe and sound.



yes you are dead right, the weeds never seem to stop growing, even if the grass gives up. Hope you had a nice day off, in the garden today?



Glad to hear the leg is well on the mend, so no need to see the nurse for a week.

I like the doggie pics, but aaaww your poor dogs, being unhappy, such a shame.  Our doggie has to have a low fat diet because she had pancreatic problems when young, so we feed her on chicken breast, sometimes with plain boiled rice, if hungry. We never give her the skin as it is fatty, sometimes we give her the frozen breasts as they are cheaper, Maybe a bit of chicken breast with or instead of their dried food sometimes would be nice for them, as it is low in fat, it shouldn't harm them.

I don't remember Callum and Jackie having a row? Perhaps I dropped off then?  But it is about time someone stood up to her, she is horrible. Didn't really notice Dan's hair, but I did notice his bright blue face, that was so funny,      in fact apart from the usual bit of Daley/Hazel rubbish at the end, the whole episode last night was hilarious. I loved that task. Aaaww at Dexter and his mum, and Gina was hilarious as usual.Yes a worthy winner she would be, as she has been so entertaining.

So pleased to see such a great task and to be able to laugh at BB again.


Went swimming again today, so am starving again, even though I have had my tea and a toffee desert and some crisps.   musn't eat anything else now tonight. You are so good losing all that weigh Frodo, you must have good will power. How did you do it? Very low calories and lots of exercise I guess?


Looked out my lounge window the other night and saw a cute baby bunny hopping around, but he ran away before I could take a piccie. Then tonight whilst sitting watching tv, saw baby bunny again on our back lawn and this time he was hopping behind his mummy. Unfortunately didn't get a pic again because dog saw them and barked, but they did come back again briefly. I am now wondering if it is them who have been nibbling OH's marigolds that he planted, rather than the slugs?


Looking forward to BB again, hope it matches last nights brilliant episode.


Have a good evening all xxx


Morning Everyone.


Another scorcher today, 26C all ready, 31 expected.

Spending a lot of time keeping the plant tubs full of water, they need a lot these day.


Am scrapping the Currants bushes, black ones don't seem nice.

Have order 2 Kiwi Fruit, the small Fuzzless  fruits, called Issai, a new variety, self fertile, but it's a vine.



Been giving everyone cucumbers as they grow, the tomato plants are about 6' tall now same as the cucumber plant.


Had some big Raspberries all ready, the plants have reached the top of the netted area, going to get rather a lot of fruit by the looks of it.


Blackberry plants are growing well and strong anyway, so i'm hopeful for those.


Latest odd, the site was off all last night.
Housemate to be evicted odds @ 19th July 2013 - 10.43hrs
Jackie = 1/16
Jack & Joe = 14/1
Callum - 10/1
Dexter = 60/1
Gina = 60/1
Housemate to win odds @ 19th July 2013 - 10.43hrs
Gina = 2/1
Sam = 7/2
Dan = 5/1
Jack & Joe = 10/1
Sophie = 10/1
Dexter = 11/1
Charlie = 11/1
Callum - 14/1
Hazel = 80/1
Jackie = 150/1

Last nights live feed Part-1


Haven't found it yet.




hot hot hot again ,only trouble Is I have the washer on every day just looking for things ,but I keep throwing clothes off and changing Its so warm


Keep those posts coming Mollie 

they are far from boring I love reading them ,perhaps I may not comment but every link you emptybox and Hicky post I read ..I love to hear about your family and all thats going on .


Emptybox cracks me up sometimes with his dry sense of humour ,aww sorry you don't like Gina but as you say a brilliant housemate and I love her.


Hazel should have said she had a warning also I find her a bit sneaky (sorry)

but I agree she didn't do anything to deserve the aggression from Daley.


Loving this series one of my favourites..Jackie needs to go now she brings very little to the house ,only my thoughts ...really looking forward to to-night and yes Dexters mum was lovely ,I'm hoping he gets to the final , he won't win I know but he makes me laugh.


Good that you can delete posts on here I seem to be a thread killer when I stray , so I won't anymore.


Yes the leg seems to be healing trouble was I took a chunk out so thats why Its taking time to heal ,great to be nurse free for a while (sorry but having to get up showered house spit spot and smelling nice every other day meant I was on edge.....forgive me cos I sound ungrateful.


Thanks about your input about the dogs .but having to put gloves on to scratch his bummade me realise time for a cutdown and yes I will allow them so chicken minus the skin







Good being able to catch up on live feed ,if you missed It the night before


so see you all later Friday graphics


Mollie do you really want an avatar ?


I am thick but go to an avatar site



chose the ones you like then press right click at the bottom It gives you options pick save as ....your files etc should come up ....make sure you click pictures and save (you can always drag into the picture folder


Go to your edit on here at the side of your photo there is a pen sign press It 

It will say open file then your pictures will come up press the one you want ,I then says open file pronto ,



empty box Hicky am I explaining properly ?


Hello again meant to tell you Mollie know how much I wanted to keep the puppy ,but the mum has now reverted back to wanting .needing me to be close 

and the male Isn't far behind , perhaps I was focusing my affection all one way ,I'm at odds with my son but as he said.....'if we had loads of money and could afford three lots of vets bill ' plus the extra food fair enough.


The only thing Is Mollie I left my phone number ,and said please let me know how HE IS ...we paid 250 for the mum but as she Is only a small terrier thats fair..he went free ...just a courtesy call would have been lovely ...of course he won't miss me and I'M GLAD ..but manners count me anyway 






Scorcher here.

Did get some work done, but again I was finding some places didn't need me, so this very hot dry weather isn't good for my business.

Mind you, as the van will be off the road for an unknown amount of time next week, it's maybe just as well.

I have got a couple of jobs I can do without the van though.


Your cucumbers sound good Hicky, and eating your rasps already?

Currants are really only good if you are going to make jams etc.


Yes it looks like Jackie will go tonight. That's OK, but I'd rather it was those twins. At least I can remember Jackie's name.


Hazel told Dan that she had been given a warning Frodo, she just decided not to discuss it with the others. Not sure if that was the best course?


Yes your instructions to Mollie as to how to upload an avi pic are fine.

I'd just maybe add that to edit your profile you hover your mouse over the gearwheel symbol at the top right of the page, and choose 'edit profile'.


I don't think there'd be any harm in you phoning the pup's new owner every now and then, if you wanted to know how he was doing.


Molie, hope you got a more cooling sea breeze today?

Last edited by emptybox

Evening All.


This heat is tiring, 30 today here.

Glad you leg is doing ok Frodo, it takes time if you have lost skin, you can only get scar tissue to cover the injury.


Another part of the live feed from last night.

Not sure which is which.


I'm building a bamboo diamond expanding frame around what is the currant netted area.

With the 2 Kiwi vines coming i'm going to take the currant bushes out and put them into pots.


The odds have changed again.

Housemate to be evicted odds @ 19th July 2013 - 19.44hrs
Jackie = 1/50
Jack & Joe = 20/1
Callum - 20/1
Dexter = 66/1
Gina = 66/1


Thanks Hicky for the info


Good result for me to-night .I'm going to try and stay up for the live feed


Hate to be a killjoy but this weather Is draining ,hair needs washing everyday 

and there's not a breath of air phew........good twist too ,trying not to say too much in case Mollie hasn't watched It yet


night all sweet dreams ..Rylan's  gnashers are something else I can't concentrate cos of them are they veneers .



byeee for now


I don't like the twins either emptybox.....nightx 


Good Afternoon Everyone.


Have built my trellis system for the new Kiwi Vines


My lad came round early so i made brekkie for us.

Baco, eggs, mushrooms and tons of tomato.


went to B&Q for the rest of the trellis and screws etc i needed.

All done now, just got to get the currants out ready for the new plants.


Been making lolly ices from Smoothie packs, very nice too.


Glad Jackie went, the twist is good as well.

Last nights Part-1



It's 29C outside and the sun isn't even out.


Yes Frodo, the hot weather is extremely draining,

I thought Rylan had Crowns fitted, cost ÂĢ15,000 quid anyway,




Its still very warm here ,but there Is a bit of a breeze so thats good.


I enjoyed the show last night and the twist ,I wonder If they have sussed It yet, will normal nominations carry on I wonder ..or just who they pick to join them,I hope Its the twins as there are three double beds In the safe house.


Tanks for the info Hicky I watched some but fell asleep before the end ,so I've just caught up. yes I've just been reading about Rylan's teeth.his face Is so slim and they are so big ...a photo of him and Katie Price


they look alike don't they


Emptybox Spag Bol for you to-day ? may have some pasta &salad later ,I've got some in the freezer that I made.


The lady didn't offer her phone number (the puppy) I gave mine though and his worming history etc.


Just saying I wonder If detective Dan has the twist sussed out yet ,someone said he winked and said will noms be the same,but thats only hearsay.


Have you filled the survey in for the shopping task


It says completed cos I've just filled It In ,It ends to-day I think


I hope Mollie Is OK no word yet ,hope you are enjoying yourself out there Mollie     



see you later  




I think this Is better understanding of what I meant



Big Brother wants you to give The Right Answer

19 hours ago

Big Brother needs your help! For next week's shopping task, housemates will be tested with a series of questions, and we need you to help provide The Right Answer. So please complete this survey for your chance to influence what happens in the House...

Voting will close on Sunday 21st July at 11:59pm. Stay tuned to Tuesday to see how your responses will go down with the housemates...



















Evening Frodo.


Thought they made your teeth to fit your mouth so not sure how his teeth can be that big, but soft having them too white.


My lad and his family came round again this afternoon for a while, i gave them same water sprays to water the flowers.

Virtually everything gets watered by the piped system, but children love playing with water.


Have taken the black & red currant bushes out of the bigger tub and put them in pots.


Had a tub of pickled herring earlier, then baked some spuds, cooked some cabbage and cooked 2 tails of Salmon.




quick post from me as been having hectic weekend and the heat has slowed me daughter extra stressed and upset deciding whether to take Uni offer, has to make her mind up within next few days....son not happy with internet as he used so much of our download stuff, I had to tell him to instantly cut back on his mum keeps losing stuff, including her prescriptions off doc...


BB... good result....glad to see the back of Jackie, wonder who they will choose to go in the secret house?


will reply to you all tomorrow....


Goodnight all x



Not bad day here. A bit cloudy and cooler till late afternoon, then a burst of strong sunshine.

Didn't do much, but got the rest of my shed painted.


Sounds like you had a nice family day Hicky.


Hi Frodo, yes this heat can be wearing without a breeze.

I did that survey thing last night. Not really sure what it's for though?


Hi Mollie. 

My brother had to stop his son gaming a while back because he was using their monthly bandwidth. I think they've gone onto unlimited now. Not sure if he's told his son or not?


The BB twist is OK, as long as they don't suss the twist until it's announced.

Charlie seems livelier since her Mum left?



as far as I am aware emptybox the survey Is for the shopping task this week.


It's asking questions like 'who Is the meanest housemate etc ,and If enough of us agree ,that will be the correct answer ,which the housemates have to agree with,sheesh I'm confusing myself


Yes Charlie Is livelierSmiley with sign smileys a lot more so Nutella comes in handy sometimes 


must put some on the shopping list....Dan got a bit grumpy didn't he ? lets hope Inspector Clouseau aka Dan keeps schtum for once  if he susses the twistPolice smileysPolice smileys


Quite a bit cooler here ,thankfully I love the warm weather ,but a cooling breeze Is welcome at the moment .


I have Mario 64 on my laptop love playing It and even with the cheat mode on I can't finish It 


see you later 

Last edited by Former Member

AH back again


running out of homemade bread ,two shakes of a lambs tail if your fit (I am hobbling at the moment ) large bag of strong plain flour .salt your taste 

dried milk powder (not really needed )olive oil a must and yeast for a large amount three sachets mixed with a small amount of sugar


certainly not going to give people a lesson cos I'm sure they could give me a run for my money any tips most welcome ...but the dough is kneaded  I have a machine but prefer to it the hard way 



sees you


ohh just had a meal of tortellini ,please  the spelling who cares ...bought of course way I could make that .filled with three different cheeses Tesco's finest


who cares If they where cheap mixed with the finest tomato sauce ever

(out of a can mixed with a little garlic)....seriously really good ..filled a little gap 







Looks like the bunnies could be the ones demolishing the pansies then...  they were back again today, the baby one is so cute. I guess you could do with a good bit of rain up there so those gardens get overgrown again, and you get your work back. And to think last year, it was hard for you to get your work done because it never seems to stop raining. Talk about contrasts. Hope the van is not off the road for too long, but most of all hope the cost is not too much of a shock. Bet your shed looks nice new after your paint job. at your nephew up to the same tricks as my lad by using all the internet allowance. My lad had used 25 of those G things in 3 days, We are allowed 100 a month which OH thinks should be enough, but even that doesn't seem to be.   I know you have to watch some of these unlimited because they often have "fair useage" and I could see us going over that allowance too.   It is certainly not me, just looking at the forum here, and I hardly have time lately to go on lappy. And anyway i'd prefer clothes sales shopping to gaming any day.



Wish I lived next door to you with all the fresh produce you give your neighbours.   They are very lucky.   Hope your kiwi's do well,, I love kiwi, they are so tasty and I know they are full of vitamin C. I bet your granchildren had good fun with all those plants you have for them to water.



thanks for the avatar hints, Emptybox did give me some a while back and I had a go, but go all muddled.   I will when I get chance try and follow your instructions soon, so thanks for giving those to me.   And thanks for the shopping task info, looks like I am not too late for it either.   I am sorry to hear the pup's new owners have not had the decency to even ring you to update you on pup's progress, that is very thoughtless of them. Yes, I think your son is right about if you had kept the pup and the 3 lots of vets bills and food, not forgetting flea/worming treatment, plus extra time to spend with each dog, It would of not proved to of been easy for you. So try and be proud of how well you looked after that pup and how you did not let him go until you were happy he would be looked after well.


Gosh as you all say, this heat is so exhausting. Our poor pets are all done in too. Late today it was still 27 degrees and I reported someone to the cops. I saw 2 little dogs panting in a car  on the seafront, with a window only open slightly, poor things. The cops were in the middle of an "incident", someone shouting and swearing, but it did not stop me pestering them to go and check on the dogs, they promised me they would drive down to check on the dogs in the car after they sorted out this "incident". So at least i did what I could.


I got behind with BB viewing as neighbours asked us to their BBQ Friday night, which was real nice of them, I get  nervous being with people (outside my immediate family), I do not know when in a group. There was me, OH and 4 of our neighbours,but I was fine on the night as one of the ladies talked a lot. And the food lovely. Included home made cheesecake and strawberries, yum!


On BB I was so glad to see Jackie go.


Gosh what an interesting twist, wonder who the 3rd one will be? The twins perhaps?


have a good evening all , enjoy the show. xxx


Originally Posted by frodo:
....Dan got a bit grumpy didn't he ? lets hope Inspector Clouseau aka Dan keeps schtum for once  if he susses the twistPolice smileysPolice smileys



love your Dan pics.

I agree, hope Dan keeps his mouth shut if he susses this.

But of course, that would be a hard thing for him to do , wouldn't it? 


Your tortullini sounds nice.



Cooler and cloudier here today.

I see there are thunderstorms forecast for Tuesday.


Had a bloke ring the doorbell last night at just before 10pm. He said he had a flat tyre and was having trouble getting his wheelnuts off, and wondered if I had a bit of scaffolding pole to give him more leverage.

It was begining to get dark and I was a bit suspicious, but I knew I had something like that round the back so I lent it to him. (a short length of pole that had been used in the past for a TV aerial)

He said he didn't need help and would return the length of pole, but he never came back.


When I went down for the papers this morning I saw a car sitting at the spot he'd mentioned, seemingly abandoned, so I guess he hadn't been able to get his wheel off and had called for a lift. I'll see if it's still there tomorrow.

A bit disconcerting though.


That home-made bread sounds like fun Frodo.

I've got a Mario kart game on the Nintendo Wii, is that what you mean. I'm no good at it though. I'm never any good at games.


Hi Mollie. Yes I'm sure you did right about the dogs in the car. Wonder if the police did anything?

I'm the same as you with a group of strangers. I never know what to say.

Glad the barbie went OK though.

Last edited by emptybox

Good Morning Everyone.:-)


Just watching a bit of live feed from last night.



Not sure if who has been selected to join them in the safehouse but there's quite a few having a party in there, Dan, Callum & Charlie are in there.


Pretty warm again today, thunder expected tomorrow.


The plants are growing like mad, when my neighbour looks after the garden he's, going to have to pick a lot of fruit that will probably be ripe.

I would expect masses of Tomato's & Cucumbers, have had some Raspberries, the early flush but the main crop should be starting soon as they are starting to flower, they carry on till the frosts and the Blackberries are going into flower as well.

Since i pruned the tips of the new fig branches a load of new growth is emerging from the leaf nodes and it looks like a load of fruit is coming.


That's bad news if your mum is losing her subscriptions Mollie, how is she doing that? oh dear.

It's not nice for your daughter having to make these decisions about Uni, poor girl, very distressing.


You like your bread baking Frodo, thats a lot to do.

We only buy the brown bread now, the seeded is best, O/H tries to get it hot from the bakery on her way home in the morning.


It's not nice having someone ring you door bell and that time Emptybox.

You should really open the door at night to a stranger, but it's hard not too when someone needs help.

The wheel nuts are very hard to get off these days as they are put on with a torque wrench.


Good evening all



yes as Hicky says, it is not nice having a stranger knock your door that time of night. Very strange what happened. Was the car still there today? If something like this happens again, perhaps you should just peep round the door to see what they want and say you can't open your front door properly because of your alsation, who doesn't like strangers. You could always put one of those chains on too.

My kids too play Mari-kart, but the only games I play are the karoke and dancing ones, I love them,although I don't play them often.

Any news on the van? Hope no more customers turn you away, I guess when these rains/storms arrrive, they will all want you at once as soon as the rains make the grass grow.



it is good you have a nice neighbour to look after your garden whilst you go away.   Sounds like he will also be able to get to enjoy a lot of ready produce.   Not long until your hols now.  How old are the children who are going? I think most young kids are happy with a pool and a bit of sand though.

Thanks for the Charlie link, will go and have a look at it.

I am not keen on Charlie  though, much prefer Gina, as I think Charlie is rather tactless, but prefer her to Hazel.


Sooo very hot today, in the 30's here and very humid, but seems to of cooled now it has gone cloudier.


I got real bad cramp in my calf last night that woke me up, am pretty sure it was the awful heat, so have tried to up my water intake today.


I am glad I told the police about the dogs because I heard on tv the police have the right to break into a car if dogs are suffering inside and these 2 dogs definitely were. They said police had had to do this in several places over the weekend.


Looking forward to BB, am really enjoying this series.

I actually feel sorry for Callum now, think Charlie has not been nice to him. Think Gina and Dexter are great HM's and although I am not keen on Dan as a person, (too OTT), I think he too is a good HM, so hope it is a boring HM like the twins that get to go into the secret house.



hope you have had a good day. Was it very hot there today?


have a good evening all xxx


Evening Mollie.


A great twist eh, Sam, Sophie & Dan up for eviction, but they think the rest are up, naughty BB.


The children are a girl, 15 or 16, a lad 6 and a 2 year old but you would think he was 6. and of course my lad and his Mrs.


I think there is going to be a lot of tomato's Raspberries, Cucumbers, peas,


I sometimes get a cramp, ankle, thigh, but i get hold of it and force the muscles to move back into position.

I can usually create the cramp in bed whenever i want, i have done it before today just for something to do.


I like all the HM's so not bothered really who stays or who goes.


One of the bosses at work is in Spain so i had a good day.



Cloudy start, but turned into a scorcher.

Have left my van with the garage, so it's up to them.

I've got a couple of jobs within walking distance that I can do tomorrow.


I thought of just peering round the door on Saturday night Mollie, but there's a glass panel in the door, so I could see the person was standing back.

The car was gone today anyway.


 I sometimes get cramps in my legs and toes in bed as well.


That's interesting about Charlie being in the girl group Hicky. I noticed she had a less refined accent there.

Must say I like Charlie and Dan. Much more than Callum or Gina.

I want Sam to go on Friday.


Sounds like your neighbour might have a bumper harvest while you're on your hols Hicky.


Glad that Mum and baby are doing well.

Must admit I think it would have been more interesting if it had been a girl, constitutionally.

Last edited by emptybox

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