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I didn't know you had a cat ,if Its not rude or being nosy did he live a long and lovely life ?knowing you I gather you must have been devastated when you lost he/she cos they are part of our lives.


please feel free to tell me to mind my own business ,,,I'm afraid not for me bb brother now keeping quiet for other people who don't know but off to watch something else to-night ,,,,fix comes to mind 


ta ta for now


Hi Frodo. That bread looks good.


Yes, I think the cat had a happy life. She lived to 15 but had kidney failure at the end, and had to be put down.

She was my Mum's cat originally, so I was upset when I lost the cat, and also upset that I'd lost a link to my old late Mum. 


I know what you are talking about on BB, but I suppose the viewers voted on the basis of give 'em enough rope.....





forgot to say, thanks for mentioning Avon,   I need some nice perfume and a lot of it is so expensive, I had forgotten that Avon does them. Which ones do you like? Your bread recipe looks lovely, hope you enjoy it.

Aaaww poor little mum doggie having to take some meds for her milk. I expect she felt it when pup left home. My dog too is not too happy in this heat, she ate nothing all day yesterday, but has just managed a small meal, but at least she is drinking her water. We have to buy her bottled water, as she won't drink tap water. Pampered pet.

Sorry to hear you have been having a bit of a problem with your son, I guess it is all part of family life, but I know it is not easy, when you have to put your foot down with them, (which I need to do on occasions too).  LOL at the picture you posted.... yes good riddance to Wolfie, hope we can get rid of some of the bores next.



well I think you would look dead cool wearing a trendy sweatband, and if it stops your eyes stinging, no reason not to.  

I see you are still a fan of Ais's.   what a nice summery photo. I noticed the girl's black skater dress in the background. I love skater dresses and have 3 of them, one is orange, one blue and one spotty.   And of course all bought on the cheap in sales.


HOpe Hicky's blackberry thing arrived, bet he has been busy in the garden today.


  what a hot one it was here today, reached 29 degrees....and due to hit 30 tomorrow. Seafront was still packed when we went for ice cream at 7.30pm.


I felt too tired to stay up and watch the livefeed that Emma mentioned last night, think it is the heat that is exhausting me, and I like to take the dog out before 8am whilst it is so hot. Wonder if it will be on again after tonight's show?

Wish BB was on at 9 instead of 10 tonight. Enjoy the show all.


have a good evening. xxx


Evening All.


What a lovely day again. as you say Mollie, busy in the garden.

Have been changing small parts of the watering system so it can deliver more water to the main trees, as they need a lot a day.


My new Vines came and the new Blackberry plant came.

I have already remove 2 old vines to the bin with 2 vines being removed and replanted in pots to see how they do, i can always give them away.


Blackberry planted as well.


One of the Fig tree's i propagated and gave to my neighbour over the back is now 3 ft tall with bigger leaves than i have on my trees.


Glad Wolfy got booted.

I see the new ones going into the safehouse are:


Hope your injury soon heals Frodo, fancy the nurse sticky plaster like that.

Not sure about your mower, if it's the type that has a separate oil chamber then it probably means  the oil rings have gone and would involve stripping the engine t sort it.


That baking looks good, O/H doesn't like Garlic so i won't be making that.


I've had more Duck eggs, they are so different to hen eggs, a harder shell, Ivory White as well, a lovely White inside, you don't get much white as the yoke is so much bigger than a hens.


Have bought more netting to keep the birds out, got enough at last, 32m x 2m in all.

Had a few odd Raspberries off the plants, some branches came off the original plant cane that i planted.

The Raspberry was as big as the biggest blackberries.

Will be having quite a big harvest later in the year, these few are the early group but the main flush will be in August through to first frost.


Thats ok Emptybox, if the grass doesn't grow so quick will it let you get other jobs done during this heat, or will it mean less work because of no rain?


Ashleyne looked good last night. she looks good on the picture you posted.


I only saw a bit of live feed last night, haven't got the recorder to work yet, not sure why it won't work.


Yes Mollie, it was hot here but not as hot as there.

The heat sure makes you tired, i have been eating icecream, lollies, drinking orange, milk.

Eating loads of fruit.


Have made some more mods to the watering system.

Have added 2 new taps connected to sections of hosepipe so i can have a hose for the right hand side of the garden and one for the left so i don't have to drag a massive hose for miles.

It seems to work ok.

Have ordered 3 Kingfisher Telescopic 8 dial garden spray lance and 1 more of the 7 dial spray gun.


Hi Mollie I've had a good look at that photo of Ash and you're right, there are some other people in it. No idea what they are wearing though?


Hi Hicky. Yes, even if the grass isn't growing there's always hedges to cut etc.

Don't know if I've ever had a duck egg? Might have, as my Aunt keeps ducks.

Perhaps your neighbour has greener fingers than you, if his fig's bigger than yours?


Good evening all



hope you are pleased with the new vines and blackberry when they get going. Sounds like your OH is nearly as fussy as me food wise..  I don't eat meat, eggs, garlic or peppers, or spicy stuff. But usually have no trouble finding something to eat when we go out because I am happy eating lots of veg.

I bet you and OH will be looking forward to your crop of fruit when it is ready.

How is you lad in Oz? Will he be coming back to UK for hols soon?  You seem to be making good progress with the watering system.



good job you have hedges to cut when the grass has not grown, all helps to bring the wages in.Hope that van is not too expensive for you this week.



hope the bad leg is improving and it is not annoying you in the hot weather.How are the dogs coping with the heat? OH had to carry ours today, and we had not walked far. She is not eating much at all in the heat.


 It has not cooled down today, as it was very hot here again today.


We went to the Welsh Air day in Swansea Bay and it was great, a real good long display from the red arrows. The flew only 6ft apart and at 800 miles an hour on one formation...they passed so close together..

Saw some planes from Battle of Britain and the UK champion acrobatic airline and some girls who walked on the side of the planes.  

The beach and sea was packed full of people all watching the show, but really nice for a free day out. I put my coconut oil on before I went out, so didn't get burnt.   but did wear my cap and sunglasses.


Great show for BB tonight....  at Dexter's streak... what a brilliantly entertaining HM he is...

and as usual Gina just gets on with the task in hand, think she is a great HM too. Do not like Hazel or Dale at all.


Looks like another hot week to come.

have a good evening all xxx





Evening all 

the focaccia bread was ok not as good as It looked on the recipe.

It tastes alright though.


Good news you were right about the lawnmower It had fallen on Its side and Is working.


Does anyone else believe the Safe House was a fix? in order to make this fiasco happen ,what a rat Daley Is weak minded and thinking with his nether regions ,both of them knowing he IS/WAS in a relationship ,can't take to either of them though so I'm probably biased .


Lovely again to-day ,poor dogs are suffering though .just had two ice lollies and a glass of lemonade (those rocket lollies love kids stuff)


One of the scents Is called 'Serene' Mollie washed my hair and showered changed the bed and sprinkled It all around smells really fresh.


LOL Dexter streaking ,I still love him &Gina ..Jackie needs to go and the twins I'm starting to like Dan I went off him at one point .


Nurse to-morrow to see to the dressing ,so I must be up early


smileys aren't working for me tonight ..sweet dreams all xxx 



Crossed posts Mollie


couldn't get the smileys working  and thought my post had gone in cyber space


Leg Is feeling so much better and seems very clean swelling Is down my leg had been like a football all week  the weather makes things sweaty though.


Great minds think alike over the housemates  


night to emptybox and Hicky night Mollie xx



Lovely day here.


That sounds like an exciting air show Mollie, and free too.


Glad your mower is OK Frodo. Mine is often reluctant to start after I've had it on it's side.

Good luck at the nurse tomorrow.

I've got a dentists appointment in the morning.


I still like Hazel. I don't like Daley, so can't get myself worked up about whether he has a girlfriend or not.

It wouldn't surprise me if the safehouse is a fix in order to put his supposed girlfriend into the house. Her interview on BOTS didn't ring true to me.




been up since 5-45am  


nurse has been and Is coming back again Thursday a different one this time ,they are all lovely and I've got a lighter plaster on


Forgot to mention your day at The Welsh Air Display Mollie sounds brilliant

glad you enjoyed  It


I wonder what the nomination twist will be ,I'm hoping Gina & Dexter get another week off not much hope of that though.


see you all later 





Another hot day here.

At work though.


Mollie, my lad in Oz is having a short break in Chilli i think, meeting the female engineer he likes.

She is working a long way off so they are meeting in the middle, well somewhere near.


I've had a few cucumbers off so far, the tomato plants are 6' tall, as is the cucumber plant

Raspberry plants are about 4' now and still growing.

Planted all the plants now, the blackberries are about 2' and growing strong.


Had to prune the plum tree as the growth was 18" to 2'.

One of the old vines is going mad, the growth is like 4' or more, might be able to swap the main cordon for a new cane for next year.

Got lots of lettuce, the cauliflowers have nice centres on them about 12cm.


The Welsh air day sounded good Mollie, not sure it's a good thing flying that close, wow.


As you say, Dexter is funny, streaking round the garden, still enjoying Gina, like them all really.

Think Daley has a few problems.


I tried to record live feed, set the VLC program up to record, it was only 10.30 so i was going to let it record the desktop all night, anyway went to the puter at 2am only to find the live feed screen said, 'the video you requested isn't available' it had stayed like that all night waiting for me to click 'OK'


I have found the live feed on the web anyway, divided into almost 1 hr slots.



And if you look on the right you will see part 2 and other parts.


Hello Frodo.

Don't think BB would fix the votes, it's the public, you can't fix that.

It's all good whoever goes in.


But looking at the live feed from last night, wow, Daley is a nasty piece of work.

They want to keep away, well away.


Noms twist may be interesting, if there is one.


Hope things are OK at the Dentist Emptybox.

Teeth can be such a pain.


Callum having a date with Charlie, the worst date ever.


Last edited by Hicky

Evening peeps.

Yet another lovely day. Almost getting bored of saying that.


Glad the nurse was pleased with you Frodo, and has put a more suitable plaster on.

Just a scale and polish needed at the dentist for me.

Got some grass cutting and strimming done this afternoon.


Glad everything is going well in your garden Hicky.

Some places are getting very dry up here.

When you say "chilli" do you mean Chile, the South American country?

My nephew is in Peru, which is kinda next door to that.


I hear Daley has been given the old heave-ho. Aggressive behaviour seemingly?

Maybe we'll learn more tonight?m


Hello all 


as I had to be up early this morning I caught up with live feed ,on a site that covers It I didn't want to name It for obvious reasons.


They had both been drinking and the sound was pretty bad,but Daley was moaning about Hazel talking outside to Charlie ,I think she went out again which irritated him(why I don't know) she then asked for a cuddle and pinched his bedding whacked him quite a few times with a pillow and he slapped her behind or bottom ,they were both called to the diary room .


Something must have happened after that ,but he was speaking aggressive to her...apologies IF I have got things wrong sure Hicky will know more



my daughter came to-day ,with news and a picture of Morse  he Is very happy revelling in his new home ,woke HIS NEW OWNER UP AT 2AM needing the bathroom proud of the little man ,err dog ,this little puppy looks just like him the ear markings and colour exactly the same I hope the owner doesn't mind me using It

Pete the Jack Russell Terrier Pictures 332195



very bad mistake putting Hazel and Daley in the safe house It should have been a one week only and then used as special rewards ..of course only my opinion ..hope I can get back online


Evening Everyone.


I see Daley is out, after watching all the whole live feed from last night it was obvious he was going to explode.


After they called Daley to the DR they then called Hazel.


Not sure if it is Chile or Peru he's going to, i'll have to check.


Bad news your having computer problems, Gaga is not good for that, at work i have to reload lots of time to get it too work.


It will be interesting to see noms tonight now.

And i was expecting a twist as well.


Just had a Spag Bol, love it with hard cheese over it.

Then had a plate of Sushi to finish it off.


Will have to pick another 2 cucumbers tomorrow, can't leave them any longer.





I am envious of all your nice sounding food growing in your garden,I think it will be worth all your hard work when it is ready to eat. Thank you for the link to livefeed, I will try and get some time to tune in tomorrow.Your lad is certainly getting to see a bit of the world.



pleased the dentist didn't find anything wrong and you are all nice and cleaned and polished now. but I guess even your newly shined teeth are not looking  quite as white as Rylan's do!

Co-incidence that you nephew is virtually next door to HIcky's son but both are on the other side of the world.


Haven't seen any of this latest BB stuff, but glad to hear Dale has gone, don't like him,  always thought he had a nasty streak in him and Hazel is silly the way she eggs him on.


Just heard a warning for tonight's show might be upsetting they said...  he must be bad then... I do not want this from BB....., stupid idea putting that pair in the secret house, We need more of the Dexter/Gina humour please.


off to watch be back soon to reply to Fredo xxx



Last edited by *mollie*


hope the plaster is ok this time, and that your leg is carrying on healing well.

Sorry you are having log in problems, hope we don't lose contact with you.

I so agree, bad mistake putting Dale and H in the secret house, it worked last week, so should of ended there, or as you suggest, special rewards only.

Thank you for keeping us up to date about pup....i am glad you have been updated about how well he is coming on. Sounds like he is keeping his new owners on their toes, getting them up at 2am, but at least this is a sign you house trained him well.

That piccy is so cute, I bet he was a real cutey. Is the mum doggie ok now? And is dad doggie enjoying his extra time with you?


Back to BB... nearly finished and haven't seen noms or much of Dale yet.

Meant to say, Dan isn't annoying me so much either now, am finding him qiute an interesting HM, and Callum is growing on me, despite his awful entry video. (true or not, he puzzles me), I quite like Sam too, I like to see him getting on with Callum.


That's a very handsome chap you've posted a pic of Frodo. If your pup looked like that I can see why you fell for him.


No my teeth don't compare to Rylan's...thank goodness.


Chile and Peru share a border, but they are both long thin countries, so my Nephew and your son could still be thousands of miles apart Hicky. I think my nephew is probably in Lima now, because he flys home on Thursday.


Hello  Mollie

Its not just the GAGA site just very sluggish to-night I was hoping to watch live feed.


Mum dog Is fine hates the medicine though (to take the milk away) she looks young again as she Is only two and a half ,she Is long haired this weather Is wearing for animals ,dad dog Is loving me again so all Is good.


You understand Mollie how It works they are part of your /our family and loved to bits


Mollie sometimes when things go wrong I tend to log off go inside myself and not bother people If you don't hear from me for a while Its one of those periods ..I'll always come back If you'll have me when I've sorted things out.


Quite a few up for eviction yippee ..of course I won't spoil It for you  ...


night to Hicks and emptybox xx


Hello emptybox  


yes he did look like that infact when I saw the photo I was  convinced It was him Morse they have entered him in a pet magazine this week.


Totally agree with you about Daley no excuse for putting your hands on a woman matter how aggravating they are being ...walk away go in the other building .....thats all I have to say on that.


LOL Rylan reminds me of Katie Price must be the same dentist ...I'm sure your gnashers are perfect  


nighty night xx





Still no betting up for the nominations ,please let them be straightforward this week and no meddling.


Loads of debates on the Hazel/Daley fiasco as Hicky said It probably wasn't fixed ,for those two to go in ...but Big Brother has to take some flak for this 

(not for the aggression) but to put those two in was a recipe for disaster.


What I would also like to know Is this If the twins are classed as one housemate ,why were they put up to go in on their own ?in the safe house same with the jail both should go in not just one.


Lovely day again but too hot to clean and faff about ,I'm taking It easy doing as little as possible,nice to be able to change the beds as often as you please washing dried and aired in no time .


Had to laugh at Gina last night when she was asked who she wasn't keen on

 Hazel Hazel Hazel,she replied love It she Is brilliant in my eyes anyway


I wonder If they will replace Daley this week


The Internet was terrible for me yesterday couldn't get on for ages very sluggish ,much better to-day


see you later xx 


Good evening all



hope your nephew had a good time. I bet he has seen some interesting things out there. Is your lawmower still holding up, hope so. Any news on the van?



hope you have had a good day in your garden today. At least this good weather gives you plenty of time to get in your garden.



at the teeth piccy, I can see the similiarity to Rylan's. Bet Emptybox is relieved he did not come out of the dentist looking like that.   I wonder how much Rylan actually paid for those nashers?

Aaaww your poor mum doggie is so young to have had a pupy... don't blame her not liking her medicine. Glad to hear she is looking well and young again, and daddy dog is happy with the attention. Are you trying for the upgrade on this site? Hope you can sort it. You can't be thicker than me, because you have an avatar, but  I had at least 3 goes to sort out an avatar, then gave up.   Gosh didn't realise you were on a diet, that is a lot of weight to lose, so well done. I am trying to cut down as I have put some on, but my willpower not that good.


I too have to at Gina, her and Dexter are just so funny.

Unlike that other awful pair and their behaviour in the secret house, what a terrible carry on to see, on a what is supposed to be a light entertainment show.   I have no  interest in either of them whatsoever, they both got their just deserts. But I think Hazel (or anyone else who has had a formal warning) should not be rewarded with immunity from nominations though. Wonder if she will admit to the other HM's that not only was Daley thrown out, but she got a formal warning?

I hope we get some fun tasks now, and the HM's left can at least try and have a laugh.


A lovely day today, because we got a bit of a nice cooling sea breeze. I went swimming at the caravan park pool, which was very refreshing, but trouble is, I am starving after I go swimming.  



Evening Everyone.


Another glorious day here.


Went to Birkenhead for some clothes for holiday.

Got some nice sandals, shorts, polo shits, love them.

Very low socks.

got saltfish, 2 big sides, fishmonger makes their own, he said just hang it up in the garage, should keep for years.

Very nice, i'll just keep cutting a slice off.

Got some more curry sauce mix, just add water and bring to the boil.

Also got a big bag of bacon ribs, have had some all ready.


Gave a neighbour a cucumber as they are growing too fast, it's quite big.

Gave them some strawberries as well.


nearly time for BB.


Here's last nights live feed for you.




Nominations and betting.

Jackie  = 8/11

J&J = 6/4

Callum = 8/1

Dexter = 14/1

Gina = 14/1



Does anyone want to hear my friuty celeb gossip? ... (well perhaps fruity is a bit of an exageration though! )


well I will tell you (bore you?) anyway...


Fruity celeb gossip, part 1

when daughter and I were on the train to London, we went 1st class (i got a cheapo as I booked months in advance and at unpopular times)...there was lots of business people on it...and this one guy sat opposite us at our table and he was on his phone, and he said along the lines of.... "yes regarding up and coming contracts, yes Stacey Solomon has definately agreed, because she has already signed the contract"...  he must of been her agent or such which and  oh boy... I was just dying to ask him what was the contract for that she has signed, but could't as then it proved I had been evesdropping his phone convo.


BB time, hope the show is fun tonight and not nasty.


part 2 of my celeb to follow when I get time,

have a good evening all x



Bit cloudier today, but just as warm.


People are starting to turn me away now, because the grass just hasn't grown.

But on a better note, one of my customers gave me some home grown carrots and broccoli, so I enjoyed the carrots tonight.


Haven't heard about the van yet, and the MoT runs out on Monday, so I can see I'll have to contact them again.


Sorry you are having internet problems Frodo, but good news about your weight loss.


Hi Hicky. That's good that you've got your clothes for your hols.

I think I want the twins to go this week. I don't really like them, and have never been bothered to find out which is which.


Hi Mollie, yes I should think my nephew has had a great experience. He only sent one email home, but said he was having the time of his life.

Last edited by emptybox

Good morning all

another warm sunny morning here, no breeze at all, so I hope one arrives later today to ease off the heat of the afternoon sun.



what a shame customers are turning you away, especially after you have gone to the trouble (and expense, as petrol is not cheap!), of driving to their homes. My LL's gardener comes here every 2 weeks and cuts the grass whether or not it needs it, but I guess as LL doesn't live here, she wouldn't know. But of course indirectly we pay for it via our rent and I think the LL seems to think that her tenants need constantly checking up on.   She sends the agent around every 3 months to check up on us too.   Yet the house is mouldy and the electrics dated, but she can't be bothered sorting that.    eg...I can't use the tumble drier and washing machine at the same time, as it keeps blowing the fuse. That is good that your nephew is enjoying himself.



is it day off or work? Hope you get a nice brekkie wherever you are. I had a nice capaccino with a raisin and cinnamon muffin today.


Son just heard he got a distinction in his guitar exam, so good job the mistake the examiner made did not cost him. It is only the preliminary exam, but a good start and he is working on the next stage now.


I have had to call the doctor out to my mum today, an insect bit her the other day on the ankle and it has swollen badly, We were hoping it would go down, but it hasn't. I reckon it must of been a mosquito..all this hot weather brings them out.


Time to start ploughing through my endless washing. I do mums as well, so with washing for 6, and the dogs blankets, my machine is hardly off.


Looking forward to the BB task tonight, the remote control task looks fun, and with all the recent goings on, we need a bit of fun from the BB house.

I would like the mum to leave, or if not her, the twins. I am not keen on the mum, she is such a control freak, at first I thought she would be fun with the dancing, but what a moaner she is turning into, and she was so rude to Dexter, yet accuses Dex of being rude.


Have a good day all xxx

Last edited by *mollie*

Morning All.


Last nights live feed




Thats interesting Mollie about Stacey, i know she is kept busy though.

I wonder what it is, i'm sure i heard something a while ago, problem is they aren't allowed to talk about these things.


There are 7 of us going on Holiday, same as the other year but with 1 more.


At work today Mollie, then off till Monday, should be anyway.


Well done to your lad Mollie, he's doing great.


Hi Emptybox.)

Not good when the grass isn't growing much, pity you can't go up ever now and then and water it.


Don't think there is much of a chance in the twins going, much as i would like.

I say it will be Jackie.




hope work was not too busy today. thanks for the livefeed link, will try and watch a little of it. Diane is looking good in those links.   I think she is on This Morning tomorrow too.

Shame we can't chuck out both the twins and Jackie, I would not miss any of them.


I was pleased to hear Stacey has signed something, because it would be nice to see a bit more of her, (even though I don't know what it is.. ), she is such a nice girl.


Final of The Apprentice, so it overlaps with BB, so think I will record the end of it.


Just back from Morrisons, then cooked dinner with daughter, so am shattered. I like Morrisons, had a lovely veggie mousakka for tea with veg, followed by a toffee desert.


Have a good evening all xxx

Originally Posted by frodo:
Fredo....That is a shame that you feel you have to log off when you feel worried or down, because you would not be bothering us, I find, as I am sure you too would find, that Hicky and Emptybox are very understanding with problems and we often share our problems. I think it is often helps if you don't bottle things up and can share it with others you can trust. Sometimes others may even give some good ideas to help sort things.
Hope things are going well for you at the moment and that your leg is carrying on improving.
Mollie sometimes when things go wrong I tend to log off go inside myself and not bother people If you don't hear from me for a while Its one of those periods ..I'll always come back If you'll have me when I've sorted things out.

Hi All

pleased to see who won the Apprentice, think she was the better candidate. (won;t give name incase you haven't watched).


Now is part 2 of my celeb gossip... a few days ago OH took daughter to archery,it is held in lovely country park, and when he got back he said they were filming, so I went to pick her up, so I could have a nosey for celebs. Loads of big lorries and caravans were in the park's car park, and hubby noticed a Bentley, Didn;t mean much to me, but OH said they cost a fortune, he was right, it looked like this..

they cost from ÂĢ124,000 to ÂĢ182000!!!!

The Bentley drove past us, led ahead with a horse all done up like in a period drama. When we got to the caravans the security guy was friendly and told me they were filming a second series of Da Vinci's demons. I had never heard of it, but I do recognise the lead actor from "Monroe"... here is a link...

I asked the security guy lots of questions.... he told me there were around 150 in the crew, it takes around a year to film a series and some of them sleep in the caravans. Wonder who owned the Bentley. OH reckons the guy driving it was the chauffeur because he was driving towards middle of park by the herd of deer where they were filming.


End of my 2 (rubbishy)   celeb tales...


Have any of you ever seen inside a Bentley or been in one, or even owned one? I never knew a car could cost that much...



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