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Afternoon Emptybox.


Pretty hot here, can't stay in the sun for long.


Had a lovely salt fish brekki.


Plants growing well.


It would be great if Murray could win but it's such a tough match.


Finished the walk in fruit cage, it's only really for the currants but i can move them around now and get at them.

Have a few pots with lettuce in inside as well.


the raspberry plants are growing like a forest, will be making a mesh area around them as well soon.


Gave my neighbour a load of Rhubarb, wow, it had shot up, gave him a bundle.

Would have made Jam but we don't eat it.


Evening All.


Good on Murray winning after 77 years, wow.


My neighbour made Rhubarb Crumble and gave me a dish full.

I just put some cream on it.


Loving Gina & Dexter in the safehouse, brill.


Putting the netting around the Raspberry bed, it's 3m x 1m and nearly 2m high.


I've run out of netting again.

Had 2m x 22m already.


Bed time, BB finished.

Catch you tomorrow.


Hope Mollie is enjoying the weekend away.



Hi Hicky.

Well done on getting your fruit cage built.


Brilliant that Murray won. He had me shouting at the screen a couple of times, but he managed to up his game in the end.

At least that's the pressure off now a brit has finally won.


Lovely day here, but rather sticky tonight.


Yes, I hope Mollie had a great time watching all those acts.


Hello all


I'll take my time over this post and read back ,so forgive If It Is a little drawn out,and for Hicky sorry about the animal section .


So I had to cut down on everything a puppy running around Mum dog getting worn out ,because he was the only one ..he was stronger ,not a problem I stopped most things  cos he was getting up 2,3, times in the night .


Last week I was coming down the garden bringing washing in (very hilly here ) and I slipped onto a plantpot gashed my leg ..did I go anywhere no but It was pretty bad,I'm still hobbling around ,sadly I had to let the puppy go earlier ,with the vets advice daughter came for him and Is keeping me in touch ,seemingly he hasn't a care in the world being pampered and adored her other dogs love son Is to busy courting to care a hoot ...enough of that cos I have a male dog who has been left out  ....and Is now loving me again 


sorry for non dog lovers xx


Big Brother my passion for heavens sake why do they take our little nub of live feed away ...loving Gina & dexter ...WHY  do some folks think they are being mean

they have been up for eviction from week 1 ..I don't mind Dan but going to peices over a nomination purleeese give me a break .Karma comes to mind LOL


loving this twist and I hope some of the deadwood are out this week ,maybe Daley Callum.Jackie .


Saw Aiseleyne on Bbots ..lovely as usual what was the eyepatch about ? does she never age  Rylans Gnashers wow they fascinate me ..he really does look like Katie Price.


I will read back and post when I have more time..sees you xxxxxxxxxxx 






hope the van is ok, and you don't end up without it.

Yes I am sure it is not easy doing the gardens in the heat we have now. Be sure you don't forget your cap now. 



sounds like you have been as busy as ever in your garden, and sounds like your raspberries are doing well. I heard on tv that the climate this year is especially good for them. That is a good swop, you give the neighbour the rhurbarb and you get some rhubarb crumble back.   I love rhubarb crumble.



good to see you back.   I am sorry to hear about your fall, it must of been difficult for you with the doggies to look after whilst you have a sore leg. Hope it gets better soon.  Aaawww, you must of felt lost when little pup left you, but I am so glad he has settled in well, and you can at least give your own dogs some more time now, plus you get your sleep back.


We had a great time in London.  
thankfully all went well and to plan.
Robbie Williams and Olly in concert were fab. Olly sang for about an hour first, then Robbie for 2 hours, and they sang a song together.   What an experience to see a concert in a stadium of 60,000. Especially nice when it went dark, to see the 3D stage light display, and the planes flying overhead where the roof was open.
Lion King too was good, great set and costumes and I liked the classic old fashioned decor of the theatre.
But   the heat in London is terrible, especially sitting on the underground.
As expected, because I knew we would be busy, my ribs did play up, so I had to take pain relief, and continually had the TENS machine on, Daughter had to stick my machine pad on with plasters because silly me got body oil on one of them.    So whilst I did have to take things slowly so the pain didn't get worse, I don't think we missed out on much because in the heat we couldn't really of rushed to more places than we did go to anyway. We even managed to fit in a visit to the Science museum (free entry),and had a go on the Red Arrows flight simulator.

I too am just loving the Secret House, This series so far has been brilliant. Dex and Gina are great HM's, so entertaining.   Yes indeed Fredo, we have a bit of Karma, those HM's have been horrible the way they singled out Dex and Gina when they were in the house, and they constantly nommed them.  Let's hope we get chance now to vote out some of the deadwood HM's whilst DEx and Gina are immune.

Looks like the whole country have it hot now for awhile. Can't complain though, better than the constant rain we had last summer.


thought you would of enjoyed seeing the tennis.

have a good evening all xxx


Evening guys.

Another scorcher here, although it started out a little misty it soon burnt off. Probably hottest yet. A bit too hot, if I dare say it.  


Sorry to hear about your leg frodo. Make sure you go and see someone, if you see any sign of infection.

Pity you had to give the pup up, but sounds like he's revelling in his new surroundings, and you now have more time for your other dogs.


The eye-patch was seemingly covering a black eye, though nae idea how she got it? Ah divnae hink she wis in a fecht?

She looks good, but she's only 34, and she keeps fit.


Glad you enjoyed yourself in the smoke Mollie. I should imagine the heat there is terrible. Don't know how they coped at the tennis, nevermind you in the Underground.

Glad you were reasonably sensible with your pain relief etc.

Robbie Williams....Ollie Murs...Lion King....meh.

Red Arrows Flight Simulator?...Wowee!

Did you keep airborne?


Dropped the van off at the garage tonight. Luckily the owner was still there, so he gave me a lift home, which was good of him.

It'll be there all tomorrow at least, so it's invoicing for me tomorrow, plus I might do some work in my own garden for a change.


Hi Hicky. Hope you have air-conditioning in your office?

The safe house is OK, but as I'm not all that keen on either Dexter or Gina, I'm not that interested in it.

They're definitely the right pair to have gone in though.

Maybe gives us a chance to get rid of Wolfie this week?

Last edited by emptybox


loved your post London sounds wonderful ,been through to Reading but never actually visited It .

I'm playing down about the puppy cos I'm devastated..... a little help from someone  my son and I could have made It ..the fall really knocked me for six blood everywhere scared the beheebies out of me TCP was the only thing I had and Sudocrem ,the house stank of Tcp and I tore anything that came to hand for bandages...sheesh

Tcp what a pong only just getting shut of IT ,Fell down the steps on to a jagged plant pot ...really knocked me for six .....been bathing in salt water and am able to hobble around now


Loving Gina and Dexter and I think they have handled the safe house brilliantly

missing some live feed though ,sorry to hear about your ribs Mollie take care ..yes

It will take a while to rid me of the little soft cuddly little being ,they have called him Morse I have insisted that they let me in his life ,but the dad drifted away shut away from the pup he Is now back in the fold ..and Mollie vets bills for dogs ,

frontline etc the mum needs spaying so no more pups even though the dad has been seen too ,yearly checkups and booster jabs cost a fortune...this is what I had to face and most of all his welfare .being here with the dad growling or a lovely fresh start....this Is why he went free to a loving home ,


Enough of that I wonder who Is Up for nominations and If the safe house will have any influence me Gina and Dexter are the main reason I am glued to the television  ..take care allxx

Last edited by Former Member

Hello emptybox

not enough OF Ash but she sure looks good ...better than ever saw  the Pictures Of her in the D.Mail a short while ago ..she had sort of a backless grey dress


stunning and sort of high heel ankle boots ..she really does know how to pose without making herself look a wally (like the others  but then I'm biased she can do no wrong in my eyes .


Have to disagree about Gina and Dexter ..they are the only reason I keep watching


take care all xxxxxxx


Evening All.


Sorry to hear about your fall Frodo, thats very nasty, hope it soon heals.


I have links about the goings on between Gina, Dexter and the HM's.


The safe house is revealed to thr HM's


Gina & Dexter reveal all about the safehouse.



Glad your break away went good Mollie, Red Arrows Flight Simulator, get you.


Wow, another hot day, my new vines came today, have taken 2 failed ones up and planted 2 new.

I'll plant the other 2 Thursday.


Went to Costco, got lots of fruit.

Fruit & veg in the garden is really taking off.


Have had bacon and pouched eggs for brekkie, sushi midday, just had lamb chops, had loads of fruit and fruit drinks during the day.


I wonder if you can have too much fruit?


BB on late again, will have to record bbbots.



Another hot sunny day here.


Hope your leg gets better Frodo.


Glad your new vines came Hicky.


Unfortunately the van will need quite a bit of work. Both sills need doing plus mechanical stuff. (very similar to the Jag).

Not sure when they can do the work? They are phoning tomorrow with an estimate of the costs.

I might have to have it back and book it back in, if they can't di it immediately.

All a bit of a nuisance.


I see they have already done the big reveal of the Safe House pair. They should have done it live.


Good morning all



sorry to hear the van needs a lot of work, you are not having a lot of luck recently with your vehicles.Hope the bill is not too much of a shock to you.

You sound nice and organised with your paperwork now.   Do you ever have problems with clients paying up? Do they tend to pay you directly each time you do the job, or later when you invoice? With my OH's contracts some pay weekly, others monthly, which is a pain because on a new contract he doesn't get paid for over 6 weeks.



hope the new vines do well.

Yes I am sure all this sun is doing your fruit growing good right now, especially along with your high tech watering system.

I reckon eating too much biscuits and crisps are the ones that are bad for you, but not all that fruit, as it is full of natural vitamins.

I  bought some raspberries, blueberries, pineapple and cherries from Morrisons, and they are all really good quality and delicious. (although I doubt they are quite up to the standard of your home grown stuff).



Aaawww, yes I can imagine you must be feeling devastated, that, after bringing him up since birth, that your little pup is no longer around you.   But give yourself credit that it is all thanks to your good care, that he is so healthy, and has been able to move into a good home. I think you know, that even though it is so upsetting for you, that you made the correct decision in re-homing your are right, being a dog owner is certainly not cheap, and now you can give your other 2 dogs the attention they are used to having off you. I hope you are recovering well and things are healing after your fall, it sounds like a really nasty fall, so it must of left you in shock. Are you sleeping ok, or is it uncomfy for you? I know what you mean about the smell of TCP, it took weeks for the smell to go from our house on the occasion I dropped the bottle on the floor.


Still loving Gina and Dex in the house,  should be interesting to see Charlie in there with them. I don't think we have really got to see much of her personality as she initially "paired" up with Callum, and I do think at times she acts needy and childish when her mother is around. But she does seems quite a nice girl.

Not sure who I want to leave the house this week.....

?  Wolfy who I do not like.. her spitting is absolutely vie.. .   

?  Hazel.. constantly watching her and her man eating ways irritates me.... but also

?  Charlie's mum who  is now irritating me with her bossy manner. 


have a good day all.... looks like a warm one again for all of us. Had to take the dog her walk nice and early this morning as she wilts in the heat... as I do too.   Think I will go for a swim this afternoon with daughter.


Good Afternoon Mollie.


I love getting a bowl of mixed fruit, then have to wash it, but need a little sugar or cream to ease it down.


It looks very much like Hazel will get kicked out, not that i want her to of course.

her odds are 2/5 with Wolfy on 7/4 and the others on 40/1

So it looks like Bye Hazel, unless things change soon.


It will be good to get a little time in the pool, careful though, a little often is better then a lot at once.


My new vines came yesterday, lovely as well, have planted 2 for now.

Just heard that my new Blackberry plant has been posted this morning.


I've located some PLC gear, a few hundred quid though, but it will be harder to find the 24v solenoids with 12.5mm OD barb outputs, they all seem pretty expensive but most are the wrong voltage or the wrong size for the pipe.



Started off a bit cooler this morning, but turned into another hot day.

Did some housework and some computer messing about.


I've got my van back for the moment. It's had some work done but it still has to have the sills replaced. That'll take another couple of days maybe next week, but at least I can get some work done in the meantime.


He says if he put on Ford sills they would cost at least ÂĢ400 per side, just for the parts, so he is trying to source some cheaper ones. It'll still be very expensive though.

Still cheaper than having to find a new van though.


Hope it's Wolfy that goes. Don't want to see the back of Hazel (although it's a very nice back ).


I always have a piece of fruit with my lunch, and often buy fresh strawberries or raspberries at the supermarket.


Hope you enjoyed your swim Mollie.

Most of my customers are reasonable payers now, but I have had some bad ones in the past.

Those that I send invoices to usually pay within 30 days or just after.


Really pleased at the two Apprentice finalists. They've been my favourites throughout.

What a silly billy that one was who lied about their business plan. They completely wasted their time on the show.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.


A bit more cloud here today by the looks of it.

Forecast here says 26C and sunny tomorrow & Friday

It's 28 in my office at home.


Hope your sill aren't too dear, i suppose it depends where you get them from.


Would love Wolfy to go but unless something changes by Friday she won't.


My neighbour gave me another dish of Rhubarb & Apple crumble, very nice too.


Just waiting for Microsoft updates, it had 17 to put in, on 9 now.


They have posted my replacement Blackberry plant anyway, can't wait.


The Raspberry canes are just reaching 42"


I'm pleased with those 2 left in#the Apprentice. those lads were pathetic.


Yes, that one with 2 other partners what a crazy thing to do.

Don't know how he even got in the lineup.


Hello allFirst aid graphics


feeling much better now ..the nurse came yesterday but I fell asleep and

missed her..but Its seems to be on the mend.


My daughter rang and told me Morse  was in Filey wrapped in a blanket enjoying the sea air with his new owner that cheered me up ,his mum Is off to the vets for a check up to-morrow to see If all Is fine.



Isn't Wollfy vile walking around with a spit bucket ,what a vile habit ,and Yes Mollie I agree Jackie Is a pain in the nether regions..her dislike of Dexter and Callum Is pure viciousness and really uncalled for...and although I'm not keen on Hazel It takes two to tango and I feel as though she Is getting all the Flak...but from things I have read (may just be hearsay he left his baby's mum to be with

his latest girlfriend) as the saying goes once a cheat ,still makes for interesting viewing . My favs are still Gina and Dexter ,followed by Sam.


I hope you enjoy your swim Mollie do you good to ease your ribs too.


I have been reading on another forum live feed Is back and to download this

Videolan thing but It wont let me ..keeps saying something about security settings ?


Gardener graphics

Lawn Mower has packed up  ...can't think of anything else that could go wrong


back to normal now well whatever that Is for me ..loving big brother see you later

be good  xxxxxxxx


hi again


just thinking  for the last three weeks Gina & Dexter have been nominated ,

they didn't know this week was a vote to save ,and as far as I am aware ,they have accepted It taken It in their stride...Dan acted like a spoilt kid 'why should he be up 'how dare anyone nominate him ,now Jackie Is at It behaving like a brat ,just wondering how the others would feel If they were put up three weeks on the trot


Dexter really came into himself in the safe house methinks he Is perhaps a bit a bit socially inept when in a large crowd ,he tries to hard I still love him and Gina though  .Is there a live spot to-night where one nominee Is saved LOL If It was Callum  Jackie will not be best pleased (I will though )


off to have a rest to get this swelling down tata



I can confirm that a bit of sugar or cream is a good way to ease down the fruit.   Or I can also recommend a bit of ice cream does the job too.

That is good that your blackberry replacement is on its way.

Glad to hear your neighbour is making good use of your rhubarb gift, so you get to enjoy the crumble.



Bad news about the sills, but glad you at least have the van so you can get on workwise.... not good though that your wages are going to have to go towards the high cost of fixing the van though, I so hope he can get them for less than ÂĢ400..  what a price!  I am glad to hear that you have good paying customers, especially with bills like that to pay. 

I agree about the Apprentice, that fella was so silly lying about something like that.



So pleased to hear you are feeling much better now, and that there is no infection.     LOL at you being asleep when nurse came...but of course sleep is good for the healing process.

  And so pleased to hear you have no worries about Morse now he is being suitably pampered.   I bet your boy doggie is happy to get more attention off you again.

Sorry to hear your lawnmower is playing up, you could do with Emptybox calling round, he is a dab hand at fixing them, as he has so many problems with his.


I too am loving this series of BB.

Hadn't heard them say about livefeed, so that is great if it is back soon.

Maybe they will tell us on tonight's show?

My faves are the same as yours Frodo   

Gina and Dexter are brilliant HM's. I don't reckon any other HM's would of made such a good job of being in the secret house that they have done. And as you say, it is incredible how well they have taken being nommed so often, whilst the others are so bitter about it.  I am surprised how Jackie is behaving, you'd think she would just be grateful her own daughter had been saved, Imo Jackie has nothing to offer as a HM, and she even has a broken arm, so would be better off out of the house anyway, but I guess I am not surprised how badly Dan has taken it.  And poor Dexter, as you say appears to be a little socially inept, but he has been so sweet especially with Daley, even after how Daley pretended he was his friend, then stabbed him in the back by following the crowd and nominating him.    And still Dexter did not show any resentment against him.


Another warm day here today, but not so humid thank goodness and with a bit of a breeze. I met a friend in the pub for one of those BOGOF lunches.


Nearly BB time, wish it was on at 9pm instead of 10, but have enjoyed watching Britan's Top Model.


have a good evening all xxx





Another scorcher here. 

Got some work done for a change.


Good news that you have no infection Frodo.

And the pup seems to be enjoying life with his new owners.


I think they are sometimes showing live feed on the Channel 5 site, just at odd times though.

You don't need VLC player to watch it though, although it's always a useful program to have installed, because it'll play most video formats


Pity your lawnmower isn't working Frodo. As Mollie says, mine is always breaking down in one way or another.


I don't think Dexter is being sweet at all. He is throwing little nuggets out about what he has seen, and then refusing to clarify. Think he's just enjoying having power over the others. Fun to watch though.


Hi Mollie. That must have been nice, a pub lunch with a friend.


Hi Hicky. Hope your blackberry plants come OK.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening All.


I've got BB live on my puter, it's working now, fine.

I've downloaded VLC Media player to record the live feed.

Here is the link & the instruction video to use it.

Channel 5 big brother.


VLC insructions.


VLC Download.;s=google&c=t1


Refuse all the offers, just select decline 3 times.


Glad you don't have an infection Frodo, very nasty though, hope it soon heals up.


Sorry to hear about the mower as well, what a blow.

Don't you have a local tool hire shop local, they usually repair mowers, not too expensive either.


Another warm day here as well,


Loving Gina & Dexter in the safehouse, not keen on Charlie or her mother.


Had Saltfish for brekkie, lovely with 2 pouched eggs.


Had Beef & Mushroom with half rice/chips.


Hope the blackberry plant comes Friday or Saturday now.


Hi Hicky.


After Frodo was talking about VLC I found the thread on digitalspy about it.

I think you can watch it directly on the Channel 5 website anyway, but as you say VLC allows you to record it.


If you are going to download VLC it's best to do it direct from the Videolan site -

It won't come bundled with anything else, and it's a more up to date version as well.




hope you are all well and happy Friday ...looking forward to to-nights eviction ..and to hear how the live feed went ,needed to rest up so I didn't manage It last night.


And I'm not dissing or criticising the nurse she was a gem,but yesterday she measured the wound and put a dressing with a breathable plaster on It..but Its the surrounding area thats swollen and bruised and the sticky of the plaster went straight on It and I had no sleep ,sheer agony so off It came this morning with a loose bandage on ,no way could I go until Monday with that on 


Dog (mum)has been to the vets this morning for a check and everything Is fine I will be having her spayed when she has had a good rest and some TLC.


Do you think Wolfy or Hazel to-night for the chop can't see anyone else unless Jackie has a complete meltdown,sheesh I do wish she would stop wearing those shorts ,put some a little longer on plurleese .. i wear them but knee length or just above 


I hope they figure some sort of getting rid of the driftwood next week in the nominations or It will be another round of Gina & Dexter  he makes me laugh telling Gina to keep schtum about the things they know ..then he goes around putting his foot in his mouth every opportunity he gets 



see you later


forgot to mention Mollie


someone around here has started putting the Avon thingy through the door ,


I love perfume have quite a few odds and bobs (different ones in normal speak&nbsp


anyhows ,costing the earth or not I like a variety and they had three perfumes on offer ÂĢ10-50 for them and they smell pretty good ,nice to spray on cushions bedding etc and of course on me ...and mmm the dogs shhhhhh when they aren't looking ,bought some makeup too ,going to buy some spritzers this next time and body washes,some of the less expensive scents smell pretty nice these are very light and summery very refreshing ...bliddy hell sound like a salesperson


ta ta for now

Last edited by Former Member

AHH thanks about thinking about the mower emptybox ,really It needs a service think I didn't go in last year ,Its a petrol and black smoke just started pouring out ,

these things are sent to try us wont tell you the language my son used 

not for delicate ears to listen too (mine aren't delicate )


Another lovely sunny day here Morse (the puppy) eight weeks old to-day I can find out every day if needs be how he Is cos Its a  friend of my daughter.


my computer won't let me download Videolan ,It keeps saying security wont allow It ,did you watch It ?  must give It a go to-night 


If your around Hicky saw your photos  brilliant see you all later xx



Back again 

cats are sort of free spirits aren't they ? I have one and although I don't mention It much cat Is loved and part and parcel of our lives ,l told you didn't I that I feed a cat each morning ...I thought he/she was black but Its a very dark chocolate brown..lovely thing but shows me no affection or even mews,but waits very patiently every morning around 8am ish,It doesn't look neglected at all .


Part of our garden is left rather wild at the back for the hedgehogs etc ..but I love Hickys plot (talking about you Hicks) and the fruit he grows must be delish.


Mollie thanks for being a cyber friend  over the pup and the understanding over my leg.


I'm not one for gushing but you have all put up with me ,coming and going much appreciated ..hope to be back to normal now .


see yous soon


Hi guys.

Another lovely hot day here.

I'm well caught up now, so can have the weekend off.

The grass has almost stopped growing in some places, it's been so dry.


Hope it's Wolfy that goes tonight, but I fear it will be Hazel.

Aisleyne is on BBBOTS again tonight, and she's not a fan of Hazel at all.


No word yet as to when they can do the work on my van, but the MoT runs out a week on Monday, so it has to be next week or the very beginning of the following one.


If you download VLC player from the link in my previous post Frodo then there should be no danger as it's a trusted site. I'm not sure which security it is that's not letting you download; whether it's your antivirus prog or your firewall or the security setting in your browser; but it would be safe to change the settings to let you download stuff. It is your computer after all. Be the boss of it.


I used to have a cat, and I can confirm they are free spirits and just do their own thing.


Black smoke coming out of your mower could just be oil getting where it shouldn't, if you've had it tipped on it's side for whatever reason.

If it's just a little bit of smoke when you start it up, then it could need a new air filter.

If the black smoke continues for any length of time however, it might mean your mower is knackered.

Hope that helps.


Hope the bruising and swelling on your leg goes quickly Frodo.





Aaaww that is sad that you really miss the little pup and wish you could turn the clock back. Such a shame you hurt your leg, but hopefully you will come to realise that it was a decision that was best for you and all the pets you already have.  Are you saying you have your own cat and you feed another one? Or is it just the same one cat?  Whichever it is, you are still busy with the 3 pets you have. The cat who turns up for food each morning  is lucky to have you to feed her. I understand how you feel about pup because some years ago we took in a stray cat for a short while, but I got allergies to her long fur, and we found out she was pregnant, so we had to let her go. A lovely neighbour was keen to have her though, and we got to visit her regularly, but I still cried when I gave her away. The neighbour called her Mollie...    We also saw the kittens the day they were born....aaawww....the lady ended up keeping 2 of the kittens too, as she couldn't part with them. So all ended up well, and we ended up with our own dog and rabbit after.


Not good that the nurse made a mess out of the dressing, good job you soon got rid of it though, else it would have made it worse and worse. Hope the bruising and swelling clears up soon.

Glad to hear mummy dog is ok after her check up, yes I guess she needs some good relaxation time now, it is tiring work giving birth and bringing up an offspring.

Yes i agree we could really do with getting rid of some of the deadwood from the house. I am finding Dale extremly dislikeable now and Hazel and Jackie just irritants.  Sophie boring too.

Such a good job we have the ever entertaining Dexter and Gina though.



that is good news that you are well caught up, and can look forward to your weekend off now.   Let's hope they can pull their finger out with the work on your van, as it would be not good having you worrying about your transport, as you need it for your livelyhood.

Your cat looked lovely. and you looked after her well in her old age.



hope work was not too busy today.

Any sign of the blackberry plant? Bet you can't wait to get it sorted.


Looks like summer weather is set to continue for some time. Very hot here again, but a nice breeze now.


Can't decide who I want out tonight out of Wolfie or Hazel, I dislike both of them.

Back to BB now, I think Emma looks lovely tonight in her pastel colours.


Enjoy the show all xxx


Afternoon amigos

guess what fell asleep again last night ,I think Its all the nights up with the dog/puppy that have finally caught up with me given the mum dog her medicine mainly to make sure the milk has gone ,she Is in the land of nod beside a fan cooling her down ,the male dog Is laid out downstairs  I have to be up here for the moment to keep my leg raised ,but all Is well ,yes I have a cat Mollie but they are private aren't they gets all  when I speak about him so I let him be cos he calls the shots and we obey


So Its goodbye Wolfy ,do you know she had a lovely face and I think this drivel about at one with the animals etc ....and the spitting were her downfall how does she cope at home with the bucket cos I presume she also smokes indoors sheesh vile habit very romantic


Hello emptybox thanks for the info about the mower haven't told my son we are on bad terms  very bad terms ..he needs a wakeup call ,doesn't give me any money at all


and that's putting It mildly told him this morning to shape up or find somewhere else cos I'm tired of being his meal ticket .he knows I'm hobbling around and left the dogs without a wee for ages...should not wash dirty laundry in public so sorry 

but he has got the message and my family are now helping


Spag Bol to-day emtybox or Is It too warm enjoy either way


Found a site that will tape live feed overnight or should I say they are trying lots of good stuff there too ..but knowing you and Hicks you will have sussed It ,IUf not will send you a DM on twitter post the info  would probably get the site shut down...found a really funny Gif so I hope It doesn't offend


love to yousxx 

Last edited by Former Member

Lovely day here again.
Washed my van, cut my grass and painted more of my sheds.

The bolognese may be hot Frodo, but the beer will definitely be cold.
Yes I saw on the web how to record the live stream with VLC player, if I want to.

Sorry you are at loggerheads with your lad. Hope he gets the message.
Here's a pic of Aisleyne at the polo this afternoon to cheer you up.



(well it certainly cheers me up )


She's consciously trying to emulate Carol Vorderman in the derriere department, and d'ya know, I think she's getting there.

Last edited by emptybox

Hyah emptybox

Aisleyne sure has a lovely bum ,does she really have to compete with anyone as a straight female she has ths loveliest bum ever  Carol has no chance..

no what I meant is that..... there Is a site doing It.... for us who are not net savvy like you and Hicks .its an eye opener 


Love you emptybox in a friendly way but you are internet savvy and tend to forget us mere mortals who are not ,,,for instance my internet says no or the defender does so I'm lost and there are yonks of folks like me ,so any tips simplified are welcome ...please in plain english any info Is good 


my son needs teaching a lesson using my credit card on the sly is just one thing 



sees you xx


Hi Frodo.

Well all that matters is that you've found a site that uploads the feed.


But if, for instance, you go to the videolan site and click on the blue 'Download VLC' button, it should either download the installer straight to your 'Downloads' folder (Chrome), or if you are using Internet Explorer, you should see a box at the bottom of the page asking if you want to Run or Save the file.


Choosing 'Save' will do the same as Chrome, or 'Run' will download the installer to a temporary file and then just run it automatically.

Doesn't matter which you choose really except if you save the installer it's there already downloaded if you ever have to reinstall. Double click the installer to start the installation process. 


None of this should worry Windows Defender, so if it is popping up telling you it stopped you downloading an infected file, then that's wrong. If that is happening you could try quitting Windows Defender and trying again.

You can always right click on the downloaded installer file and there is likely to be an entry from your anti-virus program allowing to scan that particular file, so that should put your mind at rest.


I've installed VLC player on all my computers for years. It's an extremely useful program.

Last edited by emptybox

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