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Good Afternoon Everyone.


It's not too bad today, sun now as well.


The female band sounds ok, nice girls, a great teacher then.


It's a lot of work looking after your Mum Mollie, hope she's still happy where she is staying.


Am enjoying all this extra live feed, great.


My Strawberries are getting big, the tomato plants are about 2ft tall

All the veg is doing ok, one of the original vines hasn't woken so have cut it down, it will have to be replaced later.

The raspberries are coming on ok, 11 out of the 12 are growing, got a couple of feet of growth so far.


Hello all 

just lost my post  a long one too... puppy Is a just over a month old and Its been a long hard slog with a very reluctant mum,I'm afraid I have decided not to keep him but he Is going to someone I know who Is dotty about animals his mum Is getting jealous and I dont think It would be in his best interests to keep him .


long time no see and I hope you are all well ,I've lost over a stone in weight Mollie all this night time feeding time table has worn me out


Aren't we lucky to be getting live feed at least its a start .


Sorry Its a short post but I will be back ..troubles have been sorted and all Is well at the moment .


I am going to watch The Returned and then BB ON +1 




Evening Emptybox & Frodo.


My toms have all got flowers on, just hoping they get pollinated.


That is good of Sallie.


Hi Frodo:-)

Sorry to hear you lost your post.

Glad your troubles have eased.

You've had a hard time with the animals, glad they are sorted as well.


Just watching Live Feed.


Had smoked cod & pouched eggs for brekkie, then had fresh shrimps on bread.


Just had 6 fried cod fingers.


Hi Frodo. Nice to see you.

Glad you've found a good home for your pup.


I knew you'd be into The Returned. I've had to record it on +1 because there's too much on at 9pm.

Not sure when I'll get the time to catch up with my recordings with BB on.


Hi Hicky. Tomatoes are self-pollinating, but some believe you get better results if you give the plants a small shake every day, while the flowers are out, to get more pollen onto the stigma. Can't say I've ever bothered.


just a quick goodnight to you all 


I'm taping BB I don't have a favourite yet ,but It always takes me a a week or so to get into It ..Michael the puppet was really annoying me at first ,he just wasn't that appealing ..of course only my opinion ,but I have got used to him now..I really hope that live feed takes off so that we can have more.


Its good to be back and in the thick of IT any info from BB Is most welcome as 

I'm tied at the moment as long as It doesn't spoil It for anyone else


The puppy Is as fat as butter and I'm trying to wean him with puppy feed with minced chicken all blended as his teeth are through and his mum is giving up he does have milk supplement .that Is only for dogs ..


I'm still really confused with The Returned but as I'M TAPING It I'M sure all will be revealled..sorry for the capitals , too tired to go back ..hope you are all well and thanks for the welcome back ..I honestly feel with you I can come back and feel welcome without having to explain myself 


   night all ..frodo


Morning all

can't wait to see who the public put up for noms ,It Is to-day Isn't It?

that they decide ,Emma Is doing a good job I think she seems to have the knack which in my opinion Brian was lacking ,love the house in fact I'm enjoying this series,something to look forward to at night ,as I only have free sat now.


Not watched much of the later programme with Rylan as I have been too tired 

but I may give It a go to-night ...I'm hoping the live feed does well ,I know I've mentioned this before but Its a nice bonus innit I'll be scouring the website to see who Is up to-day exciting innit


see yous later xxx 


Morning Everyone.


Yes Emptybox, i agree about the toms, but all sorts can stop them being pollinated i suppose and until i see little baby toms i don't count my chickens.


I've only got 3 grafted ones, small toms, medium and biggie's.


I'm pinching the growth that tries to come between the leaf axis, the same on the cucumber, until the plant pretty high then you leave it alone.


The Black Currant and red/white are putting on a lot of growth.


Hello again Frodo, glad you are back with us.

I don't think Michael is doing a very good job as a mole,


They will be announcing who is up for noms later today, at the end of the BB 9pm show.

It won't be the ones i want up, such as the twins, callum, Jackie.


Yes Hicky 

I agree about who should be up,as much as I dislike some of them ..they make good viewing ,I'm afraid the outspoken ones may be up though ,and the others will fly under the radar .. lets hope the public see sense this time ,Its good to be back .


Love your garden swing Mollie ,wouldn't ming a go on that  puppy has slept quite well up to know ,perhaps Its because he kept me awake most of the night ,LOL making the most of It though cos I only have him for four more weeks .by the way he wakes and goes to the toilet on pads already I'm so proud of him byeee 

LOL Emptybox ,
Yes I find it is so frazzling for my nerves when I take my mum and her walker out, that it drives me to drink, but as you say, it would not do to be too drunk in charge of the walker, as it may run away with her. 
Glad you enjoyed looking at the Crickettes stuff, yes Zoe was famous at a very young age, then lost her nerve about performing when she got to around age 20. At the same time, she also developed a fear of flying.
Maybe it all got a bit too much for her at such a young an age perhaps?
It is nice that forming this group has given her confidence to perform again in public though, and the recent invitation to go to Hollywood got her over her fear of flying. 
She is an excellent tutor for my son too.
I will look up that guitarist you mention.Is he on youtube?
Fingers crossed the van fared better than the car did when it is MOT time.
Originally Posted by emptybox:

I'm not sure your logic is very sound Mollie? If you had missed your tea I would have thought you shouldn't have indulged in extra wine? You wouldn't want to be found drunk in charge of a walker, would you?


Evening Everyone.


Just dropped in to post this link.

You know the feller from the US who has all these plants and garden and grows everything and has chickens Turkeys etc.

If you look at the Video named: They grow up so fast, into it he goes to the new Turkey babes.

He's so good.

Love his videos, i subscribe so get them all sent to me, free anyway. if you subscribe you can them one every week.



Good evening all



that is good that your fruit and veg are coming on so well.

Hope work was not too busy today.



that is interesting about Sallie on X factor, will take a look at the links in a mo .Was the weather dry to get out in your gardens today?

It was dull and cool here in the morning, then ended up sunny and warm in the afternoon.



good to see you back here again.

Aaawww, you should be proud of yourself all that hard work you put into that puppy..., can't of been easy. I am sure you will miss it lots when it goes, but you have done well finding a nice home for it and bringing it up so well too.

I highly recommend a garden swing, it is so lovely and relaxing on a warm day.


So far, I am really enjoying having Michael as the people's puppet. I think he is doing well with a real difficult job he has on his hands, trying to keep this act up 24/7. I think BB is a promising series so far and am enjoying it.

Like Fredo BBOTs is a bit late for me, but I don't mind as I enjoy the main show so much.


Had a bad day yesterday, think I did too much lifting and running around with my mum Saturday. My rib pain came back, so had to dose up on ibuprofen and had my TENS machine on all day. Didn't go out at all, as I was so uncomfy.

Lot better today, but have to be carefull and have taken ibuprofen again.In general, my rib pain has been a  lot better post op, but is obviously a weakness that I must be aware of and not overdo it, if I get the warning signs.


Wish BB was not as late as 10pm tonight, but will try and stay awake to enjoy the show.   It is so nice to have some light entertainment to look forward to now BB is back again at last.


Have a good evening all. xxx



Hello Mollie


lovely to hear from you,thanks for your kind words about the puppy

he really Is a little sweetheart and Is going to a home where I know he will be loved she is a middle aged lady and lost a dog last year we paid a tidy sum for the mum but he Is going free ,they aren't strangers and he will be part of the family ,he has a fake fur bed so i'm sending that and his toys ,but I have him for another month


I'm loving this BB Its something to look forward too and then we have CBB to look forward too ,yes I prefer the 9pm slot ,we should find out who the public have nominated ,I haven't voted have you .


Aww sorry about your shoulder , should you be lifting and tiring yourself out ? you take care and look after yourself


Yes I like Michael he Is doing a good job ,although he will probably get some flak If they think Its him doing the noms .


speak later frodo x 


so noms are out them to pick the most entertaining ones,

not that I'm overkeen on them but at least they are entertaining,


ah well same old same old sighs ...lets hope the others start to open up a little 

night Hicky emptybox Mollie and anyone else who maybe around 


puppys has just woken byee for now xx



Just a quick post because I missed yesterday.

I was installing a new operating system on one of my computers and got distracted. I managed to watch a bit of BB over my shoulder though.


Hope your rib pain is better Mollie. Yes you mustn't overdo it.

I posted some Joe Satriani stuff in here a while ago, but yes you can find loads on Youtube.


Hi Frodo, that Pup sounds thoroughly spoiled. But I suppose you are making the most of him.


Thanks for those videos Hicky. I'll watch them later.


Yes, the wrong ones are up. That's what you get when you let the public decide.

Hope Dexter goes, but Sallie didn't do herself any favours, with her reaction to being nominated.


Think Michael is an OK actor, just some of the things they have asked him to do have been daft. Think he might be set to leave on Friday anyway. They can only carry it on so long.


I'll pop back this evening after I've done some work. It's been dull and cloudy the last couple of days, but at least it's dry.


Hello emptybox 

I agree that Its time for Michael to go ,to be honest the suitcase thing has been done over and over ,I agree with the basic rations ..growing their own food etc,

but if you haven't put enough underwear in your overnight case that would drive me nuts ,the weather Isn't decent enough to ensure they can get their smalls dry...Michael Is a nice enough bloke but a terrible actor


Yes Sallie reacted badly to the noms but at the moment she Is the least likely to go ,all that could change If she carries on the way she did last night,Gina Is fav to go at the moment but anything can change in four days 


Yes I have been spoiling the pup he has no litter mates and Is very jumpy 

and his mum refuses to play with him so I have to do It ..he always kicks off at night so I'm shattered during the day ,he has his bed inside a large dog cage at night ,and sleeps in that ..when he does sleep lol.


Sunny here to-day It was very cool yesterday ,made some veggie lasagne the other day with Quorn made a massive dish ful and then froze It in portions

really nice IT Is too ,I have a cat but this lovely black cat comes every morning sits outside on a wall in front of my kitchen window ,It never mews and wont even let me stroke It ,but It waits until I feed It and I do everyday



have a lovely day love to Hicks AND Molliexxxxx





Evening All.


Evening Emptybox.

Yes, Gina is top of the betting to go.

All the poles have Dexter.


My Freeview box came this morning, all set up and working great now.


i don't think Michael has a clue what he is doing, he's supposed to be undercover, he sticks out like a spare thumb.


Yes Frodo, time for Michael to go, what a mess he has made of the job.


Your a hero giving your sleep up for a dog, more than i would do.


Just had a big 800g Greek Meal, got a big Lasagne fore tomorrow,


Had to put more netting around the currant bushes as the birds are trying steal the fruit, i thought they would wait untill it was grown.


Hey Hicky 


totally respect your views on dogs.a lot of people feel the same but they are part of my family ,nothing more faithful than a animal that has been shown love and kindness .

yes I agree Michael has done his work time for him to go.


Why are they moaning about meat ,plenty of other things to eat surely most of them should know the basics of cooking .there's a veggie plot outside get some soup going .Wolfy is complaining nonstop about meat a few weeks without It surely wont hurt them ,they seem to be living off rice pudding .for heavens sake make some stir fry with the veg with egg fried rice .


My kids know how to cook and clean sheesh whats wrong with these folks 


I'm still using my Sky Boxes and can get all the freeview channels on them and loads of the music ones so thats handy for me.


Watching live feed and Wolfy Is still moaning about basic rations ,welcome to the real world for a lot of people ,rant over


sees you later xx still losing weight lovely to get into things that have been off limits for ages 


Must tell you this son has been to the local market with his girlfriend

brought back Strawberries Cherries Grapes loads of veggies couple of cooked chickens ,I love Cherries haven't had any for yonks .


We don't smoke but his girlfriend does I was hunting port flavoured cigars for her yesterday as she loves them here never heard of them before..hope you are all well ..funny I dont post for yonks and then I bore you all to death with a barrage of them  


Evening Frodo.


It's always the biggest of the HM's who need so much food, so Wolfy & the Twins are the ones.


I'm sure they have the veg to make good stir frys, they have been making soup.


I heard they are having a vote count Wednesday, not sure if they will tell the person they are safe, think they should.


I had some nice cherries at the weekend, rather like them.


Not sure what good smoking port flavoured is, it still effects your breathing later in life, as i know only too well.


You don't bore us to death, you say whatever you want when you want.


I'll be recording bbbots tonight as it's on too late, got work tomorrow.



Actually turned into a lovely sunny day so got plenty done.


Yeah, hopefully Sallie will be safe on Wednesday, then I won't need to vote again.


Is that a pic of your pup Frodo, or just a random pic of a dog?

Not sure there's much veg growing in their plot? There's a lot of green growth, but I think there was only one tiny cucumber when the series started?


Hi Hicky. Glad your Freeview box came.


After fiddling about with one computer yesterday, my other computer is now playing up and I'm having to reinstall Windows 8 after an update went wrong. It refused to boot, and wouldn't even go into safe mode, so I've no alternative but to reinstall.


Morning Everyone.


It's going to be a nice day here by the looks of it.


Stuck at work, quiet though.


I can get 2 stations on the tv at the same time now and flick from one to the other.


Yes Emptybox, i think Sally should be ok, hope Dexter goes really, but the betting is on Gina.


They didn't show us all of the veg in the bb garden. a lot of something anyway, but it's early days yet.


Strange how your Puter wouldn't start up, nothing else left except to reinstall really.


Will make some more compost tea tomorrow, got all the stuff and new pump.

With having bought some 5 gal strainer bags i will be able to folia spray first then feed them via the soil.

I make a 5 gallon drum full but you are supposed to use it within a few hours.


I wonder if they will tell one of the nominated ones who is safe tonight or not?


Morning/almost noon everyone ,

glad to hear your freeview box came Hicky ..although I must read up on It as I'm not sure what they do, thanks for the links on Michael off to have a gander after this post


Went into the fridge to have some of the fruit son brought back and hes eaten the lot ,a punnet of Strawberries, Cherries and left a few straggly Grapes even scoffed most of the chicken  the air has been blue this morning and I'm not best pleased    Food and drinks smileys


So they are doing a count to-night said It on the end of BB last night and the one with the least votes is safe,seems unfair to me ,but I suppose they can change the rules at any time.


see you later  just noticed on your post Hicky ,yes I wonder If they will tell them who Is safe, never thought of that

Last edited by Former Member




I love that dancing Jackie piccie.   What a great HM she is.

And good to see the HM's out in the garden enjoying the sun.

Glad you weren't too busy at work to post today.



good to hear you too got the good weather so got plenty done. It all helps pay the bills doesn't it? Hope your re-install fixed your computer ok.



How nice you have pup to enjoy for another month, that is thoughtful of you to send his bed and toys to help him settle in when he goes. What a lucky person the person is who will receive your pup, especially as you have bought it up so well and are not making a charge for him. You are certainly making sure pup is going to a good home.  


Not sure who I want to leave the BB house this Friday, as I find all 3 interesting in their different ways.... although I wouldn't say I find them particular likeable characters.


Looks like I am the only one here who is still enjoying watching Michael, it is not an easy job living with these strong characters, and acting all the time.

I would be surprised if he leaves for good in Friday. Hope he doesn't. I think he might pop out to say "Hi" to the audience, but can't see them making him leave the house for good yet.  Whilst I can see some HM's suspect he is a mole, as Michael said, they can't be sure.   So I think Michael is adding to the paranoa (spelling?)  in there.


Been swimming with daughter today, thought it would help my aches in my rib, it did, but it is aching again now it is the end of the day, so I must sign off, typing aggrevates it.


Looking forward to The Apprentice and then BB tonight.

Lovely hot sunny day here today, hope it was for all of you too.


Hope puppy lets you grab a few hours kip tonight Fredo.


Last edited by *mollie*

Evening Mollie.


The dancing Jackie, good eh.


I think Michael has blown it myself, between BB & the public they have finished him really.


I thought swimming may ease your aches, it takes the weight off your feet but may compress your ribs so be careful.


I've recorded The Apprentice as i had to sort the plants out at 9pm with BB being on late.


I thought i had better run through the taps, turning 2 on at a time., but they need 5 minutes each as the water coming out to each is not a lot, 55 litres an hr.



Lovely day here so I got plenty done.


Pity your ribs are sore Mollie.

I suppose the swimming gives you gentle excercise?


The reinstall went fine, and I've got everything back, but I'm annoyed that Windows Update messed up my computer.

Googling it, I think it was because I had messed around with the theme, but I'm not sure?

Never had Windows get completely messed up before.


Pity about the one who went in the Apprentice. He was a real character.


Oh dear, it looks like Sallie is likely to go on Friday.

No I'm not really keen on the idea of a 'Peoples' Puppet'. Especially as the 'People' make such stupid decisions.

Last edited by emptybox

Morning Emptybox.


Recorded The Apprentice and bots last night, I know who went for the apprentice anyway, it doesn't bother me knowing.


Strange about your windows, not sure how a theme could do that but i suppose anything is possible.


It's Gina who is next to go in the betting, hope so, like Sally more.


I agree about Michael, BB & the public giving him ridiculous challenges and tasks.

Don't think the idea worked as intended.


Hello allWink smileys


Yes  about Michael ,no one in their right mind would shred all the other suitcases and keep their's ,knowing full well they would be up for the chop every week and the noms being too personal never bodes well ,as a housemate I would have quite liked Michael he can be funny and a good listener .there are one or two housemates I'm not keen on, but I'm enjoying It loads ,I sometimes forget about the live feed though so I have to watch It on the +1.


Its raining here to-day still warm though ,the sun then the rain tends to make the garden like a rain forestGardening smileys



I hope your ribs are feeling less sore Mollie ,Its alright me saying'Take It easy' but when you have a family and are looking out for your mum Its hard work , you'll have to try and put your feet up for an hour or two here's some flowers to cheer you upFlowers smileys


I'll bet Its busy for you emptybox grass seems to grow an inch a day this weather ,glad you got your computer sorted,mmm Dexter saved was a surprise for me so Its either Gina or Sallie on Friday then ,I hope the live feed Is going well and they keep It on in fact more would be better I think I may have a splurge and have something fattening for tea to-day .haven't decided yet ,I've started doing things like and you freezing an extra meal when I cook.


Thanks for the updates Hicky and the snippets of information that I seem to miss ,photos and all much appreciated and I look forward to them .

any more fruit on your trees have they all survived the winter and started fruiting ?


see you all later frodo xxx.


emptybox not a real photo of the puppy but he looks similar ...sees you







Good Afternoon Frodo.


Here's a few BB vids, think they just follow on if you let them.


My garden is fine, will take pictures at the en of the month.

Growth is good, just making another 5 gallon of compost tea to feed them all.

Plenty of Raspberry plants shooting up, got some nice apples, and some nice pairs, have thinned the fruits into 2's.


Some plums, a few cherries, a few Nectarines and Peaches.

A couple of vines are ok but thats all, the gooseberry bush is growing anyway.

The currants are doing ok, the strawberries are growing fine, the blackberry plants are growing.


The peas are ok, the tomatos are fine 5 types, the chillies and peppers are growing ok with flowers and a little fruit.

Onions and leeks are ok, cabbage and cauliflower growing well, garlic coming on fine, the cucumber plant iis pretty big now.

The beetroot is coming along fine.


They take quite a lot of looking after, keeping the water troughs topped up and them fed all the time.


Just cooking a roast dinner for my lads family, he's just moving into a new place and he's not really set up yet, plus he's a bit busy.


Had Beef & Mushroom with 1/2 rice and chips from the chippy last night.


Got some spuds baking in the oven at the mo.

Got a big lasagne in the fridge as well.


If you want to follow whats going on in the house all the time this live BB twitter link is good.

Fig trees are growing lovely, only got a few figs though.


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