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Another nice day, but not quite as warm as yesterday.

So not really a shorts day here.


I think I saw the electrician's van at one of the other houses in my row, so maybe they will come to me tomorrow?


I didn't have any side effects from the anti-fungal tabs Mollie, I was just put off by the warnings on the packet.

They do take a long time to start working though. I saw a bit of improvement at the end of 3 months, but they actually kept on working their way through for months afterwards. So it'll probably be 5 or 6 months before your son will see whether they have worked.


Still not plucked up the courage to go down that slide Mollie? In the Borders we'd call you a cushie or a feartie.

I've recorded that ITV comedy too - 'Love and marriage'.


Hi Hicky.

Frankie is the prog about a district nurse.

Yes, probably better to wear long trousers for work. You wouldn't want to get your canteen ladies too excited?

Last edited by emptybox

Good evening all



what a pity those electricians appear to keeping you until last...hope they don't leave you waiting much longer.

Glad you have continued getting the good weather and are up to date now. Perhaps chance to give yourself a day or two off now?

  at me being known as a cushie or feartie....never heard of that expression before.

Glad you didn't get side effects from the tablets, but wise not to take anything any longer than you absolutely need to. HOpefully son's tablets will carry on helping him after the 3 months too.

I agree that there was not much on tv last night, but tonight there is too much to choose from.   Have watched first part of The Voice, now watching 4 Rooms. Do you still watch this, it was the blond lady in the leathers you like, wasn't it?



work day today? Hope you weren't too busy and hope you get plenty of chance to get in your garden this weekend.


Another lovely day today. Had coffee ice cream on seafront, lots of holiday makers around, some looking very burnt though now.


OH  bought a garden swing seat that daughter and I fancied from The Range the other day. It is great.   So relaxing sitting swinging away under the shade thing on a hot day. And we got it for ÂĢ90 instead of ÂĢ100 because it was the last one and already assembled in the shop. The 2 assistants helped OH get it into the car by unscrewing part of it. Good job we had the 7 seater car with us, it was even a squash in that car.

It is similiar to this one, but a plain plumey colour seat cover and hood. Really comfy.


Have a good evening all.

Hope it stays nice all weekend.




Another gorgeous day here.....getting boring now.

Still no signs of the electricians.


That swing seat looks good Mollie. I've often admired those. And a bargain too.


Feartie is fairly self-explanatory, but "cushie" is short for cushie-doo, which is the Scottish name for a wood pigeon. Not sure if a wood pigeon is known for being especially timid, but that is the meaning in the Borders.


I missed Four Rooms tonight. I'll try and catch it next time.

I've recorded The Voice, and am just about to watch it now.


Yes, I've done enough work this week, and can take the weekend off. Might go into town tomorrow, depending on whether the electricians come.

They took the trouble to take my phone and mobile numbers, but haven't bothered to phone to say when they are coming.






glad to hear you are up to date workwise, so can take time off now this weekend.

It is interesting to hear your discussions on Scotish words. We get a lot of wood pigeons in our garden on the bird feeder, so nice they are. Doves too.

Hope you enjoyed your sphag bol tonight.


No HIcky for a few days.

Hope he is ok, expect he may be busy in his garden with all the nice weather.

We ate our tea outside in the garden today, we are making good use of the lovely swing chair.


Enjoyed BGT, would of liked to of seen the ventriloqist win though, he was so good. Does it mean Britain does not have talent now they voted Hungarians to win thoough?   But I must admit their act was very good.

I also liked the 2 lads who sang.


hope this good weather contines, I got my nice coffee ice cream on the beach again today.


Goodnight all x


Hi Mollie.

Brilliant weather again.

Washed my vehicles then went into Galashiels. Didn't buy much, just a few T-shirts and socks from Sports Direct, which had a sale on.


Watched some of BGT. The shadow dancers were very good, but as you say, it should be British talent only really.


Hicky is OK I think. I see him posting away on digitalspy. Perhaps he's just forgot to post over here?


Glad you are making good use of your swing seat for your al fresco dinner.


I'm actually wearing shorts tonight, but I wore long trousers into town. I guess I'm a cushie as well.



Glad HIcky is ok, looks like me and you will just have to carry on chatting in Hicky's chat room until he remembers his chatroom again.   I reckon the imminent arrival of BB within days will jog his memory to call back in here.

Wonder if BB will bring Fredo back too?


Glad you got the great weather again, we did too again today.

That's good you got a bit of shopping in at Sports Direct.   I sometimes get stuff fro my boys from there.


It must be warm if you have the shorts on now.

at you being a cushie by not wearing them to town.


Me, OH and daughter had tea in the park by the seafront today, I had fish in batter and mushy peas. Very nice.   Lots of other people enjoying eating chippie food outdoors today.


Not much on tv today, not surprised really as there has been so much good stuff on tv lately.


Have a good evening Emptybox.

hope Hicky remembers us here soon.


Hi Mollie.

Not quite as nice here today, but plenty of sunshine this afternoon.


Glad you enjoyed your fish in batter.

I had a tomato and brocoli quiche....inside.


Watching the French mystery thing on Channel 4 - 'The Returned'. Really spooky.Frodo would be enthralled.


No doubt Hicky's memory will return soon, but in the meantime, I can report that he's had very hot weather today.


Morning Everyone.


Didn't realise i hadn't been in, hasn't it been glorious, had wall to wall sun for ages.


Been to Costco, B&Q, had a brekkie out and a few Barbies, garden looking good.

Made some compost tea for the garden.


Took loads of stuff to the recycle place to make room in the garage, bought 3 sets of a rack/shelving system as wall space is us unless it has space to utilise it.


Only a few days to go, some pics floating around, not many though.

The Tree House in the garden.


The Garden


A Daily Star Article.


That swing seat sounds great, haven't sat on one of those since my grandfather's in 1944.


I've got my shorts and tops for Portugal now, some of the trousers convert from shorts to long pants, very quick and easy just with a zip.


Thats a pity Emptybox, no Electricians turning up yet.

That fish in batter Mollie had always makes you feel like the same.


I've done well in the food line, plenty of fruit, fish & chicken.

Had some of the grand children round, they love my garden, like an adventure playground.:-)


Hope it won't be too busy today, 1 boss still on Holiday.


Hi Hicky. Nice to see you again.

A bit dull and cloudy here. Cooler than of late.


My Uncle swears by making a sort of comfrey tea for his garden. He's all organic.

I would imagine that your grandkids do love your garden. So much packed into it.


The BB house looks great. Will be great to have the prog back on Thursday.


I noticed that the supermarket has a recycling bin for small electrical items, so I took a few old toasters and kettles and a set-top box and got rid of them. The chute wasn't big enough for my old lawnmowers unfortunately.


Hope  you don't have to work too hard today. I'm hanging about a bit to see if the electrician is coming, but I'm going to go out about 10am.


Afternoon Emptybox.


Not sure what confrey tea is, i make compost tea from worm castings, bat guano, molasses and liquid seaweed, you have to have a fish tank heater and air stones with a pump.

Made 5 gallon for me and the same for my neighbour friend at the back.


I think the BB house looks fantastic, and it seems different parts will be revealed as the program moves on.

And that garden tree house, wow, and 8 raised bed area's for veg to grow.

Thats fantastic.


There is a big recycling place not far from me, a few miles, it is massive, you drive on a top road and then park by a bay and all the massive trailers are below over a wall, you throw your stuff over, there's 10 places.

All electrical goes into an area the other side of the road.


I took lots of stuff from the garage, old grates and imitation coal fires, radiators, one was new, big electric fires, sacks of wood cuttings from making the new surrounds for the tubs.


Hope the electrician comes.


Good evening both


Nice to see you HIcky wonder you haven't had much time to post, you have been really busy. But it is indeed a good idea to make the most of our good weather whilst it is here. I too have hardly been on the internet, whilst the weather has been so good.

How exciting it is to see all those BB links, yes the house this year looks great.    They seem to of put a lot of effort into the design this year.

Not surprised your grandchildren love your garden, you certainly have put a lot of effort into it and it looks great.


Hi Emptybox

HOpe that electrician turned up today, it has been so inconvenient for you not knowing when to expect him. Did you manage to get some gardens done today?


It was a bit cooler here today, but can't complain, still got to seafront and sat in sun and had an ice cream, and got a short time out on the swing chair, plus dried lots of washing.

Good idea to recycle your old electricals, shame you couldn't do the same with the old lawnmower though.


Son finished his music college course tonight, he passed this years course, so will go back for the next stage next year.

Daughter still having second thoughts on uni, and doesn't fancy the debt, and is afraid incase she can't stand it or can't keep up the academic pace, so she will waste money... expect it will be a last minute decision for her.


Think I am going to buy some food treats for me and the family for BB launch night. My fave night of BB is when we first get to see the new HM's, who are sure not to remain strangers to us for long.


Goodnight both xx


Evening guys.

No electrician, but when I got home they'd shoved a note through the letter box to say that they'd be here tomorrow. Fingers crossed.


Not sure how my Uncle make his comfrey tea? I think he puts the comfrey leaves, and some other ingredients (perhaps nettles?) into barrels with water and leaves them for months until he can draw off the liquer and use it as a liquid fertiliser. Something like that? He swears by it. He uses it on his tomatoes instead of the likes of Tomorite.


Turned out to be a sunny afternoon, so I got quite a lot done.


Unfortunately my nearest recycling place is 20 odd miles away, so not nearly as convenient, so I tend to go only every now and again, when there's a van full of stuff.


Glad you still got your seafront ice in Mollie.

Well done to your son for passing his first year. I don't think your daughter would regret it, if she chooses to go to uni.


Thanks for the pics of the BB house Hicky.

Have we heard yet why the BB launch is split over two nights? Maybe two lots of HMs going in?

It's going to be interesting anyway.


Last episode of The Fall tonight, but there's going to be a second series. 

Going to watch my recording of The Gadget Show now.


Evening Everyone.


Here's the BB house in 3D, just zoom in or out with your scroll button, left click and drag to move left / Right/ Up / Down, fantastic.


I watched o video on making Comfrey tea, using Comfrey leaves, never heard of them.



Not been too good today though, had a little sun this afternoon, put some coconut oil on and 5 minutes later it went in.


Glad your son passed his course, a bit worrying your daughter doesn't know what to do, can't she get some advice covering the possibilities as it's a big decision to make with long last consequences.


Had to order nylon strainer bags online, B&Q don't have them

They arrived today.


Hope the feller came to sort your electrics out Emptybox?


Just going to cook some Salmon fillet.


2 Days to go to BB.


Hi Hicky.

Did you forget to add the BB 3D link?


That's interesting that you found the video for Comfrey tea. It's easier than I thought. My Uncle grows it, so it must be fine in this country (the girl in the video sounded Aussie).


Not so good weather here. A bit windy and chilly at times, and spots of rain.


The electricians came before 8am, so good job I was up early.

They were here all day but are not quite finished.

As well as the smoke alarms they were fitting a new fuse box and putting earth wires on the water pipes, for some reason.

The bit they've still got to do is to put my hot water back on; which was the only bit I was interested in really.

They say it'll be done on Thursday.


I left them to it and went out to get some work done, but I came back before they left.


Salmon sounds good Hicky.

Haven't decided what I'm having yet.


Looking forward to watching 'Frankie' later, and I'll record the Child Geniuses on CH4.





hope you enjoyed your salmon. As Emptybox says, looks like you forgot the 3D of BB house, (or it was deleted?).  Shame the sun went just after you put the coconut oil on. I too use it when out in the sun now and it is so good for the skin. I have given some to my mum to put in her coffee, as it is supposed to help memory loss. The trouble is she put it away and couldn't remember where she put in. But she did have some yesterday and told me it had got rid of all the dryness she had on her lips.



Glad the electrician came at last, pity they still have to come back again to do what you needed them to do.


Weather here too not so good this morning, but we were lucky that it cleared up in the afternoon, so I got to sit in the sun on my swing chair for awhile.


Not long for us to wait to meet the HM's now, can't wait.

Emptybox... where did you hear the launch night is over 2 nights? They have never done that before, wonder why? As you say maybe we will have extra HM's this year, with them being spilt into 2 opposing teams perhaps? Sounds really interesting. 


I watched the Call Centre on BBC3 tonight....  it is like a real Ricky Gervais "Office" comedy.


Good Morning Everyone.


I did forget the 3D link, not sure how, don't think it was deleted.

I'll put it here before i forget again.


Just click & drag or scroll with the wheel to zoom in/out.

It's a fantastic tool.


I didn't have the Salmon as i realised the date was not good on it, i sliced up a Ribeye steak into thin strips then coated it all in seasoning and fried it on high heat in the wok, very spicy but tasty.


At least they started the work Emptybox, not sure why all the pipes weren't already earthed?, strange.


Child Geniuses was good, wow, so bright at such a young age.

I had a cousin like that, many years ahead of everyone else.

He was so clever they couldn't pay for his qualifications in this country, he would have had to go abroad.


Glad you got on your swing seat Mollie, very restful those are.


Good morning all



Wow! thanks for posting that great 3D house pics, think all the house looks great.  Unusual to have a few clocks in the house, and I enjoyed clcking on items to see how much they are. at ÂĢ15 for a garden cushion and ÂĢ579 for a 4 piece set of garden furniture though. Wonder what the number 52 on the mats mean and those numbered filing cabinets? Lots of colourful doors and single chairs too. Nice tree house too. And at the cow in the kitchen.

Roll on Thursday night I say now.

Bit cloudy again there this morning, gales predicted here tomorrow. will have to get OH to take the sun roof off my sun chair. Don't want it damaged.

Time to catch up with a bit of paperwork.

Have a good day both.

Hope work good for you if day off Hicky.... and if it is office day, hope you got your nice brekkie.

Apprentice tonight, am enjoying this series.

Hope our local Alex stays, not only because he is a local, but because I find him interesting.

I quite like to doc lady from the girls.



Not too bad day here after a wet start.


The BB house looks very colourful and cluttered. Should be interesting anyway.


Well done on your firm getting the big order Hicky. Enjoy your time off.

I'd no idea you needed to earth water pipes etc, but I guess it wasn't the regulation in 1970 when the houses were last modified?


The Apprentice was good. Your guy Alex stayed Mollie. And the posh one did quite well.

Hope you don't get any damage, if you get gales.


Good evening both


at last the night we have been waiting for has arrived.... looking forward to seeing those new HM's now, bet they are all dead nervous.



wow, that is another big job heading your way at work, it will keep you busy.

Hope you enjoyed your day off today.

Yes great looking house, it is good to see them being encouraged to grow their own food there too.



I agree, the Apprentice is certainly entertaining right now. Pleased to see Alex stay and as you say the posh one did well, he was a real charmer last night. I like him. Went off the doctor lady a bit last night, she looked so miserable all the time. The dating show next week should be really interesting.

Glad you managed to get a few jobs done yesterday, hope the weather held again today.

It was awful here this morning, strong winds and rain, but sun came out in the afternoon, although it is still very windy, don't mind as long as it is dry though.


I have bought some nice chocs/crsips/nuts treats for the BB launch tonight.

Enjoy the show both, I am sure we will.


Afternoon Everyone.


Well, it's here, BB launch night, can't wait.


I see Ais will be watching, her tweet earlier.


<small class="time">58m</small>

So it's launch night tonight. I'm excited. Apparently there's a girl from my home town going in.... Who's gona watch with me?



And Marcus tweeted.


<small class="time">58m</small>

Just been in the house and it is the best house ever!! Without a doubt.



And Lauren tweeted


<small class="time">1h</small>

So excited for Big Brother tonight finally there's something decent on the TV again



Not a very nice day, drizzle and light rain for a few days.


Bought a new air pump for my compost tea making with 2 nice big air stones.


Will watch the Hotel Inspector before BB then it's on till midnight.


Bought a few Gem Lettuce plants while out, have a little spare room for them, and a baby tomato plant.



Actually a nice day here. Bit of cloud, but a lot of sun as well.

Got a lot done anyway.


Finally got my hot water back. The electician finished off while I was out.


Watching BB.

Not keen on the mole idea TBH, but we'll see how it plays out.


Liking Sallie so far. There's just something about her. Perhaps it's the hat?




Enjoy your treats and nibbles Mollie.


Hi Hicky. Yes I see Ash tweeting away about the housemates. She can't resist it.



so pleased that electricain has finished at last. You are doing well again work wise.



interesting tweets there. I like to follow tweets whilst the show is on.  I too often forget to submit my post here , until hours later.


I expect you lads will like Sophie who has just gone in, what a fab dress she has on. And we have a HM who comes not far from us... the guy with hearing problems.

Looks like an interesting series so far.


Evening All.


Not been too good a day, raining for most of the time.


Did some more work though, had to work with my mac on.


Went out for brekkie for a change.


Watching BB live now.


5 hrs of BB tonight, yipppppeeeeeeeeeeeee.


6 more going in at 9pm.

Another interesting bunch.


Confirmed - Model Hazel O'Sullivan, Spoilt Rich Girl Gina Rio, Boxer Daley Ojuederie & Copper Dan Neal will enter the house tonight



Is this the girl that lives in a 5* hotel and gets ÂĢ10,000 a month allowance from her mum, after her ÂĢ20,000 from her dad was stopped when they had a row,





hope you don't have to work in your mac too much this summer.

where did you go for brekkie?  I expect we will go to our fave little local greasy spoon tomorrow for brekkie, it is a great start to the day, a nice brekkie out.



hope it was dry enough for you to continue keeping up to date work wise. Is your hot water working  ok now?  And is your car ok after the recent work on it?

Don't think I can be bothered watching BBOT's, but really enjoyed Emma on the main show, now looking forward to Launch night part 2.


Haven't had chance to watch livefeed yet as Corrie is on, but will try and catch some later.


have a good evening all.


Evening Mollie.


Forgot to mention earlier, made Spag Bol, found 500g mince a big jar os Dolmio sauce and an onion with a load of Spag, always cook too much, hard to judge how much is enough.


We went to the usual Carr Farm for brekkie, they have a great all day restaurant, a farmers shop, loads of other real shops and a fish area and an animal area.

I got my new air pump and stones yesterday but forgot to get a new heater for the 5 gallon tank, so i got one.


Have planted the little tom plant i got yesterday and lettuces.


5 hours of BB tonight, great.


I've ordered a Humax PVR twin recorder 500gb, don't think it's new, ÂĢ79 with 6 delivery Tuesday.

This one:



Not bad day here. Sunny morning and a cloudy afternoon. Got enough done anyway.

It's been raining a bit this evening.


Glad you enjoyed your brekkie out Hicky.

I presume the Freeview recorder is to replace the one that went wrong? Or was that a Freesat one?


Hi Mollie. Yes the hot water and car are working fine. The van MoT is coming up in July though.


Watched a bit of live feed earlier and am now watching the Launch Night (2). Hazel looks nice.


Those are the quantities I make bolognese in Hicky. I also add loads of mushrooms, some olives and some celery, and it makes 5 or 6 portions.


Oh yes, forgot to say that I picked up my new specs today. They seem OK, but I don't think I like them as much as my previous pair? They're maybe a bit too wide for my face. I can read better with them though, so that's the important thing.

I'll probably get used to them.


Think it's a bit daft having the public choose who's up for eviction and choose who goes. It's bound to be the one that get's the most vote the first time.  

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.


I have bought the freeview recorder to use in my computer room, it costs the same to replace the transmitter set that failed which i used to watch the freesat recorder with in my office/computer room.

The freesat box still works and can be used downstairs in the back room, O/H has her own freesat box which she uses in the front room and the back bedroom.


Loving all the HM's.


You'll soon get used to the specs


There's some fine females so i am happy.


An interview, all the HM's interview themselves,

A 5 minute video


Evening Everyone.


Not too good a day, started off wet, dried up a bit, sun cam out in the end.

Stayed windy though.


Gave the plants with fruit some Tomorite, got a litre of it concentrated off the web.


Have been thinning out the pears and Apples, only taking off the weakest and leaving them in 2's for now, will most probably thin them again later down to single fruit, thats how you get large fruit.

The more you leave on the smaller they grow.

It's logical really, a certain amount to go round, more mouths less each get.


But started to watch BB on 5* till 9pm then C5.


Hi Hicky.

Yes it's been a similar day here. Very disappointing.

I was wanting to get my own grass cut, but I just got the back done and the rain came back on.

Just been playing with my computers.


Oh was it your video sender that went wrong? I thought it was one of your Freesat recorders.


Watched a bit of the live feed, nowatching BB.

Sallie is my favourite, but I've a feeling she will be out quickly.

The dancing Mum looks quite fun as well.


Good morning both xx



hope you get used to the new glasess ok. Fingers crossed you have no problem with the van MOT. Is it newer than the car, so does it tend to pass ok? Shame the weather meant you couldn't get your own grass cut, but I bet you enjoyed playing computers instead.



you Carr Farm sounds like a nice place to visit for brekkie.  Shame your transmitter box was blocking up, hope you are pleased with your new recorder. At least you are all set up now to record stuff whilst BB is on.


I am enjoying BB, but have only had time to watch the main show. I recorded the psych show because I like Ian as a presenter (can't remember his other name), and find it of general interest what the psychs have to say.


Usual busy day yesterday, shopping, house jobs and looking after my mum. And of Friday we met some friends on seafront cafe for coffee and a walk.


Last night we all went to see son's guitar teacher in a concert, with her new all female band who play old Shadows type stuff. She is a great guitarist, toured the States as a child. Emptybox, as a guitar player, you might of heard of Jet Harris, and Mason Williams (the one who did Classical Gas), well she recorded with both of these two. We all enjoyed the concert, even though my mum found it a bit loud, as we were sitting near the front.   I indulged in a few glasses of wine, as I hadn't had time to eat any tea, and I find taking my mum out with her walker hard work now.

Here is the link to the girlband. Zoe is son's teacher (only in her 20's) and Nia is also a student of Zoe's.


Looking forward to BB again tonight.

I too like them all at the moment and find them interesting.

How weird was that argument between Sallie and the other girl though. Do you think it was heavily edited because it seemed to come from nowhere?


Dry so far today, hope it stays so as I am way behind in washing and daughter had archery later today.


have a good day both xxx




Dry here, so it looks like I'll get my grass finished before I go to the supermarket.


As Hicky predicted, I'm getting used to my new specs. There's a bigger area of glass than before, but I think they look OK. I'm going to be using my previous pair when I'm working anyway.


The van is the same age as my car (9 years old), so just the age when things might need to be done.


Thanks for the info on The Crickettes Mollie. I had a look at some of the videos. They are very good at what they do. Probably not what I would choose to listen to; a bit too retro; but very good.


Interesting that she had a career so young, and then chose to become a guitar teacher. Good that she is now playing publicly again.

The guy that I like so much Joe Satriani, was a guitar teacher for a while as well in the late 70's and early 80's, and taught a lot of today's greats.


I'm not sure your logic is very sound Mollie? If you had missed your tea I would have thought you shouldn't have indulged in extra wine? You wouldn't want to be found drunk in charge of a walker, would you?


Yes that row between Gina and Sallie seemed to come from nowhere. There must have been some lead up to it that we weren't shown?'s not a bad show so far.


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