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Evening All.


Wasn't too busy at work, had to re-schedule brekkie as the canteen woman have moved to a portacabin outside the walls,

So i went there and got a takeaway bacon & egg on toast and porridge, had to take it back to the office as there's no seating, as yet,


It's been a hot day here, pity i was at work.


I'm hoping the green tea won't stain as much as the normal tea, the lemon green tea is very week.


Just watching The Apprentice.


Had Baked spuds and jumbo fish fingers with cheese sauce.


Evening guys.

Gorgeous day here and really warm. Rolled up shirt sleeves and sunblock was the order of the day. Got a couple of grass cutting jobs done in between dealing with my car.


Took my car along to the local guy at lunchtime. Not as bad as expected. He wants to patch up the sills rather than fitting all new ones.

He says it will be a minimum of ÂĢ200, and probably more if there are complications, but new sills would have cost at least ÂĢ800, so this way is much cheaper.

The downside is that the sills may need patching again next year, but the price difference means it would still be cheaper doing it this way.


I left the car with him, and he hopes to have it done by Friday. I walked home. Took about 40 minutes, but the weather was great.


Hi Mollie. Glad you enjoyed the fireworks.

I recorded Motor Morphers and haven't got round to watching it yet.


The Apprentice was great. They are all full of hot air as per usual.

Leah, the blonde Northern Irish girl caught my eye. 


Hi Hicky. Why have your canteen ladies been relocated to a portacabin?

Glad you still managed to grab your brekkie.

Pity your work stopped you enjoying the sunshine.


Yes Mollie, I think the weather is set to go downhill again.


Evening All.


Evening Emptybox.


It's not been bad today, warm anyway about 17C.


Have ordered my new watering system, ÂĢ140, got to be done.


Just had a baked spud with 2 sides of Mackerel fillets.


Glad your able to get some grass jobs done.

Hopefully your car won't be as expensive as first thought.


I always enjoyed The Apprentice, it's good for a laugh, i never really rate any because they don't seem to understand the plot.

The same every year.

Pleased that girl left anyway.


I noticed the Irish girl, quite nice.


I'm not too sure why the canteen ladies had to move, think the 3 of them was going to be split up into different canteen area's, there are 3 now including this stand alone one, they have just closed the North Canteen as the floor area of the main lift was required.


I've finished all my tree grafts, 24 of them, the only ones taking so far are 2 on the Apple tree, the original tree is a Cox's 1 graft taken is Merton Russet, the other is Egremont Russet.



The Apprentice is on tonight, part 2 Now 9pm, a new Flavoured Beer.


Hi Hicky.

Not good today. Rained most of the time.


Hope your watering system all works out.

And good luck with your remaining grafts.


I only just noticed, just in time, that The Apprentice was on again tonight. Really good prog though. Beer was right up my street.

I wouldn't have minded trying both of those, but I wouldn't pay ÂĢ4 for a bottle of beer.





hope your food is still as good with the canteen move. Gosh 24 grafts, that was hard work. Hope some more take soon. Where do you order your watering things from? I thought you used to get most stuff from B and Q on the 10% off days? Or do B and Q not do them? 



Glad to hear the car news is not as bad as you feared, hope you are pleased with it when you get it back tommorrow.

Well we seem to have your wet weather today, it is chucking it down and very strong winds too.

My Sainsburys shop just came and he said they have lowered the speed limit to 40mph because of the weather.


I thought you and Hicky would like the Irish girl.   She does seem to be one of the nicer girls, I thought some of them were not very nice to Rebecca last night. A threat to them maybe, as she sold so much? It seems very cut throat with a lot of them this year, but a good series so far.

Thought you might of enjoyed the beer theme Emptybox.

They certainly had a selection of flavours.


Good job I did lots of washing on the dry days now the weather has changed again.

wonder if anything good on tv tonight?


have a good day both xx


Hi Mollie.


It was dry this morning so I got some jobs done, but rather wet this afternoon. Not as wet as by you, by the sound of it.

Good job you've already got your washing dry previously.


I got the car back from the bodyshop earlier than expected. But the other garage can't do the mechanical work till next week, so it's a long drawn out process.


Not sure what the sills are going to cost yet, because he wants to make sure what he has done is enough to get it through the test. Would think it would though, because he does MoTs himself, so should know if the sills will pass?

Anyway, I'll see next week.

The work he's done is mostly underneath the car so kinda difficult for me to see, but he seems to have done a reasonable job.


I walked the 2Â― miles down to the village to collect the car. Takes 40 mins, but wasn't nearly as nice as on Tuesday because it was spitting with rain all the way.


Watched The Repo Man tonight. It was a choice between that and Britain's Biggest Hoarders, and Repo Man won.

I've now watched Motor Morphers now. It was OK. They had to turn cement mixers into boats.

Last edited by emptybox

Morning All.


Yes Mollie, I'm buying the watering stuff online as it's a irrigation company and the items are a lot cheaper and some parts you can buy packs of say 20, it also seems a lot cheaper that from B&Q.


Weather is pretty miserable at the mo.


I enjoyed watching Repro Emptybox, not a job i would fancy.


The Apprentice was good, not sure i would fancy working with any of them, it's all me me from what i see.


Hope the final bill isn't too much Emptybox, think you best get rid, i would see what the value is then decide whether to keep it on.

The problem is, you get very little unless you part ex these days.


Afternoon All.

I was up early for some reason, probably these light mornings, anyway, made some porridge with water but had a little milk and sugar with it. yummy.


Had brekkie in Morrisons, was in West Kirby for Medicine anyway so called in, 2 eggs, 4 bacon beans, 2 rounds toast and tea.


Just had cod fish cakes i made, put some spring onion in as well, very nice.


The watering system came this morning, quick eh, have checked it all, may start in the morning.


We haven't had much rain at all, may get more tonight though.


Something has done some digging in the Raspberry patch, strange as there isn't a way in for an animal really, and there is a temporary roof on it, 5 sections made up from canes and 2" plastic mesh net, which is the same as the sides.


I think that on the apple tree the 2 grafts that seem to be taking have also got buds forming, wow, interesting.

No word from the other 22 yet.


Can't see much on TV tonight, will have to look around.



Just ordered a body warmer as well.




Mostly dry here, but turned to rain about 4pm.


Hope it's dry tomorrow, so you can get on with your watering system Hicky.

Your fishcake sounds nice. I had Birdseye cod in tomato sauce, with mashed potato and peas.


Perhaps you have a mole in your rasp patch?


Watched Eddie Stobbart and then Ben Earl: Trick Artist.


Going across to see my brother tomorrow.





hope you made it into your garden to sort your watering system. in between the showers today.

Good idea of Emptybox's, it could of been a mole at the raspberries, We have a lot round here, often digging up the grass. I bet your fishcakes were tasty, what a good idea to include spring onion.



i hope you have a good day at your brother's today. Are you staying overnight?  Hope you don't miss BGT and the Voice. And hope you got a nice meal.  

Fingers crossed car gets sorted out next week.


Showery, cool and breezy here today. Had a nice brekkie at 70's style greasy Jo's today. Then got a bit of clothes shopping in.


Enjoyed BGT, now enjoying watching The Voice. Good to have some nice tv shows on.


Doggie not been well for few days, stomach upset, she seemed to be getting better, then got worse yesterday and got me worried as she vomited blood. So took her straight to vets. She had 2 injections and some tablets and paste to eat, and seems a lot brighter and eating small meals today. Vet said the blood was from the stomach irritation. So am hoping she will be all well again soon.

But at least she is wagging her tail again, so that is a good sign.


Have a good evening both. x




Good morning both x



hope you can get in your garden today, how is the watering system coming along?



hope you had a good time at your brothers. Did you catch sight of your nephews, or were they too busy with their gaming in their rooms?


Cool, bit windy and cloudy today, but dry so far. Doggie much better today, so she ate her first proper meal for days, so luckily the vet's meds acted quickly.  


Just noticed the Voice is on again tonight. Enjoyed it last night.


Have a good day both.x


Evening All.


Went out for brekkie.

Weekend been very cloudy, wet, windy, rotten.


Hope for better weather next week.


Bought some more pea plants and beetroot, too nasty to plant at the mo.


Had a nice fish chowder, just had a pan of mussels.


I think i've found the culprit who made the hole in the raspberry patch, the soil was covering 2 little poops, think it was next doors cat.

Not sure how it got into it though, it must be a Houdini cat.


Hope your trip to your brothers went ok.


Sorry to hear about your dog, hope he's recovered now.

Sounds like she ate something she shouldn't have.


Think i'll be taking some pictures of these last 4 vines i got and sending them to the place i bought them, if these were in a garden centre in this state they would never sell them.


My Rhubarb is doing ok, some vines showing shoots, figs showing buds and leaves, and a couple of figs, apple just coming into bloom, blackcurrants coming on well, red currants doing ok, white ones growing well but maybe 1 strig of fruit.

Might replace it with something else soon.

2 of the blackberry plants are doing ok, 1 is pretty sad.

The gooseberry is growing well, think it will be good for next year.

Strawberry plants coming on fine.


watching the voice. then the Bafter's.


Hi guys.


Enjoyable visit to my Bro's yesterday, but the weather wasn't good. Drizzle or heavier rain all day. Nice meal of lasagne though. 

Yes Mollie I got just the merest glimpse of the nephews before they retreated to their rooms. I think I got a sentence out of each.


Went across in my van because the springs haven't been fixed on the Jag yet, and it's not the best of roads. Full of potholes. Makes for a less relaxing drive than the car, but it was OK.

Taking the car to the garage first thing to get the mechanical jobs done.


Sorry your dog hasn't been well Mollie. Hope she recovers OK.


Today started dry and bright but went downhill quick. Dull, chilly and drizzly again.


I recorded The Voice, BGT and Doctor Who yesterday so haven't missed anything.

Recorded The Voice again this evening, so I'll watch that in a bit.

The BAFTAs was good. Glad Michael Palin got a Fellowship.


Hi Hicky. Hope you enjoyed your brekkie out?

Yes, cats are notorious for pooping in other people's gardens. Not the best thing to find if you are weeding without gloves.


Pity some of your vines need sending back.


Morning Everyone.


Morning Emptybox.


Glad you visit to Bro's went OK, weather didn't make things better.


At least the van got you there and back anyway, it's a good backup for when car is off the road.


The voice was OK, Bafters good as well.


I don't have much weeding, all but the Raspberry patch is stone, the weeds try to get a grip in the stone but the matting stops them reaching the soil so they have bare roots.


Don't think i will be too busy today.

Having a bit of trouble with the old back, getting a few pains low down, hope it doesn't last.


Not long till BB now, may be last week in May or first week in June.


Louise at a photo-shoot today.


Last edited by Hicky

Hi Hicky.

Sorry to hear about your back. Hope it improves quickly.


Great news about Jessica-Jane. I liked her on IAC. She'll be much better than Rylan (unless he's involved as well?).


Cold, blustery and showery today. Hints of sunshine occasionally though, and I managed to get a bit done.


Looking forward to The Fall on BBC2 at9pm tonight. It's got Gillian Anderson in it.


Hi Mollie. Hope your dog was feeling better today?

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.


Back not been so good today


Had bacon & egg on toast with porridge for brekkie.


Just had a mussel & salmon chowder and a salad with scallops.


I think Jessica-Jane will be with Rylan, unless one does the week and the other the weekend.


It's quite sunny now but windy.


Think I'll watch The Fall, then Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares.


Evening Emptybox.


I've been reading about that on twitter.

Some here as well.


Getting some live feed every night also, 7pm till 9 or 10pm on 5*.


Didn't do much today.

My watering pieces came so i can get on with that, Son called in with his little one, some fun, we went to the Smoke House for tea, had some prawns in batter, some skinny sausages, then for main just had a half rack of ribs.


When we got back i planted the peas.


Have taken pics of the sad vines and sent them off to Marshalls, i'll see what they say.


O/H did some more shopping this morning, have now got more fruit, nuts, big prawns, dry cured bacon.

Did i mention, got 12 duck eggs from Costco, massive yokes in them, eggs same size.

Right it's road trip, Auction Hero, NHS, bed.



both x



Wow, some real livefeed at last.   That is really good news, I love livefeed, we get to know the HM's so much better when we can see them live (well liveish with a bit of delay and a few bird tweets).   Looking forward to that already. Can't believe with this horrible weather that it is nearly summer BB time already.

Sorry to hear you have been having problems with your back. Hope it eases soon. Do you think you pulled it doing something in the garden?  Glad you got out for a nice meal with your son and the little one. Does the little one still enjoy his food?

What are you doing with your duck eggs? Scramble? Use for cooking? Handy you can get them in Costco.Hope you get some sort of refund or replacement for the vines.



Glad you had a nice visit to your brothers and they fed you well with a nice lasagne.   I think you did well to even get a full sentence from your nephews at that age.   Sometimes I am lucky to get a few grunts inbetween gaming from my lads.

What a pretty lady in that pic, I love the dress colour too. I am not sure if I will watch BBOT's, as I didn't like it last series. Looks like livefeed, along with the main show, is going to take up all my viewing time. (not that I am complaining about that though ).


Been busy lately. Sorting daughter's forms for Uni...and the vat is due, and went to see son's college band last night, so mad rush to get all done yesterday.

Weather awful here today, rainy all day and chucking down now. Also cold, not above 7 degrees. 

Glad to say doggie seems well again..., yes HIcky think it could be something she ate, we never give her anything she shouldn't have, but she is always snuffling around to see if she can find anything she shouldn't have. She finishes her tablets tomorrow.


Am watching Caroline Quetin in Snowdonia now on itv, as this is the area my OH is from and we know it well.

think I will catch up on recordings after that,


have a good evening all xxx




Sunny day here but chilly and windy.

Got a lot done anyway.


Glad your dog is better Mollie. Sounds like you've been buried in paperwork?

It's good that they're going to make more of BB, with live feed etc.


Hi Hicky. Glad you enjoyed your tea at the Smoke House.

Hope you get some joy with your vines.


Watching 'Frankie'. The thing about a district nurse, on BBC1.


Hello all 

long time no see ..I've not posted and here's the reason why ..ever had a knot in the stomach that wont go away

i wont go into details on here but I was slapped with a massive bill from the council my opinion wrong and at last someone is helping me to sort this nightmare out ,

Missed you all and believe this or not to-night Is the only time I've been on here hopefully this will be sorted this week ,or maybe thats wishful feelings 

mwaah to you three xxxx and take care ..frodoxxx


Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


Yes Mollie, could have hurt my back in the garden, was carrying some bags of John Innis 3.


Yes, the little one loves his food, i was giving him some blueberries, raspberries & blackberries, he loves pair if i peel it and core it as well as cut it up.


The duck eggs are only ÂĢ2 something, they are very rich, have been having them fried but think they would be great soft boiled.


Just had a little rain again.


I think the livefeed will be 7 till 9 not sure what they meant about the till 10 was..


Glad you got plenty done at work, it's very cold for May.


There's some nice food in Hickorys, the dry rub ribs are good, very spicy though.



Watching Rylan on BBC3.

It's just finished.


Morning All.


We posted at the same time Frodo so i didn't see your post.


Sorry to hear about your problem, so worrying, hope you manage to sort it.


Yes Emptybox, there was nothing really on the tv, the program is only on for 30 mins, he is ok, there was 2 sets of 3 panellists, it's very light hearted, Rylan is ok, he's massive isn't he, 6'5".


Everywhere flooded on the way to work, glad i was in the Landrover really and my winter tyres are great in the rain.



Wet here all day so no work.

Sounds like it was even worse by you Hicky, if you had flooding? Hope you got home OK?


More faffing about with the car. The other garage says it still won't pass the sills. I'll have to take it back to the bodyshop, but I think I'll just get him to do the MoT, because he seems to have a more lenient interpretation as to what constitutes a pass.

But I'm bloody frustrated and annoyed at having to go backwards and forwards with it.


The Apprentice was good. Probably the right one went?


Had a look at that video Hicky. Does look as if it might smart slightly?


Morning All.


Yes Emptybox, us men aren't really very good with pain, glad we don't give birth.


Thats a blow about your sill, maybe with them not fitting new ones on.


The girls on The Apprentice seem hopeless, don't think i would have any of them myself.

Will have to see how things go.

The sun is out at the mo, was up early, it gets a habit, wake up at 4.30/5.00 then can't get back to sleep with it being light.


Will get some brekkie, loads to do in the garden anyway.

Expecting some showers though, hardly a wind and will reach 12 degs this afternoon.


No word from them about the vines, i might see if there are any decent ones in the garden centres, Costco might get some in, problem is you never know when.


Afternoon All.


Keep getting the odd shower, not a problem.


My grafted plants came this morning, wow, they are fantastic, toms have flowers on the way, same as peppers, cucumber is lovely, plants are at least a foot tall.

Not sure about the weather yet, don't think i'll plant them out just yet.


Been installing the new watering system, got all the main 19mm ID lines and Tee's in with the taps and all the 13mm pipework split into 5 tubs on a branch.

Tested the water out, got to put a few more droppers in and the spray nozzles on the end of the 6mm tubes.


Having curried prawns for tea with baked spuds, having chip shop curry.

Making a Beef Rendang tomorrow


Hi Hicky.

Not too bad today. A little shower but mostly dry.


 Interesting that you've got into the habit of getting up so early.

Can you not invest in thicker curtains?  


Good luck getting your watering system operational.

Your grafted plants sound like they are well advanced?

I've just put my tomato seedlings out to the greenhouse this morning. They are about 8 inches tall and haven't set fruit yet.


You're right about the sills. The MoT garage says I really need new sills, but the bodyshop thinks the patching up should be good enough to get it through the test.


Watched the prog on 5 about aliens on other planets, now I'm watching Biggest Hoarders.

Last edited by emptybox




good to see you pop in again. Sorry to hear you have been having such worrying problems. I hope it gets sorted soon, and hope you can call back here again too.



glad to hear you were able to get in the garden today and got on well with your watering system. Hope you hear back about the vines soon. How is your back today? hope it feels a bit better now. Sounds like your body clock is waking you up as early on your days off, as your work days.



Sorry to hear that the car is still giving your trouble trying to sort it out. Hope the lenient place gives you the MOT pass ok.


Yes I enjoyed the Apprentice too, and I agree the girls were hopeless.


Not much on tv tonight , I did watch Secret Eaters though....unbelievable how much those 2 girls could eat and not even realise it.


Had a busy day, but managed to get the vat done and in the post, got loads of washing done. Daughter worrying about making the decision about whether to go to Uni or not, she is concerned about the amount of debt she will come out with.


Goodnight all xxx



Good morning all


lovely morning here today, so hope it is where you are too.


Friend coming over soon for coffee with 2 kiddies she is looking after, so must get washing out to dry whilst it is nice.


Eurovision this weekend, wonder how we will do? If the past is anything to go by, not too good. Lots of talk about it in Wales, as Bonny Tyler is from round here.


Have either of you heard when BB starts?


Hope things better with you now Fredde.


have a good day all x


Hello all

remember when we had the dog spayed ? well perhaps It was too late

my little flower (not her real name gave an almighty scream this morning 

she hadn't put on weight,nothing so a rush to the vets ..I really thought she

was ill so we have a teeny puppy she is tiny the mum its a boy LOL and a very reluctant mum at that..we are in shock ..but touch wood he survives ...a bottle at the ready ...sheesh 

oh one other bit of good news remember I cancelled SKY ? well you can have their free sat if you have the dish for ÂĢ25 pounds as a one of payment sothis morning I decided to do that but the lovely lady informed me that I can can continue watching for a year with no payment...of course not sure what programmes I will get ..oh and citizens advice are helping me with other things so in a way I feel as if a black cloud has lifted 


love to my three amigos as always    frodo xxxxxxxxxxx and a woof from the new baby 

Last edited by Former Member

hello again 

three posts in a day ..firstly let me try and enlighten you a little cos I'm not one to post get fond of people and then run for no apparent reason 


Its my own home I live in only small and out of the blue I got a letter from the council ..see there is no privacy on here and I'm not one to broadcast my affairs but It knocked me for six ...and then I put it in perspective

and thought #'=#'#' it  ,I have some good mates on here ,so I may not post as often but I am fond of you all

and I think thats all that matters

sees you very soon ........frodo 


Evening All.


Great to see you again Frodo, hope things get sorted, another little one eh, wow, that wasn't expected.


Yes Mollie, was in the garden all day, apart from early on, we went for brekkie to the new Hickorys, wow ÂĢ22 with 2 coffee's.


Back not so good, might be kidneys.


Glad you got your vat done, with be giving the accountants my 2012/13 info at the start of June for the tax and company info.


Your daughter needs to look at what she will earn from the Uni stint, everyone collects dept but it only starts getting paid back when you are earning enough.

It would be a shame to miss out.


I will watch Eurovision, for a laugh, it shouldn't be taken very serious.


Emptybox, we have vertical blinds but i leave them open, like i did with curtains, like to see out.


Don't forget, with tomato's and peppers, don't plant them from their little pots until they have flowers or set fruit.

If you plant them out before they have flowers on a truss they will just take off because they realise they don't need to fruit they can just grow,


Hope they sort your car out anyway,


I have nearly finished the new water system, have completed 48 containers, 7 more to do, have fitted 8 stop taps in the lines.


Hi Frodo, Mollie Hicky.


A lovely day here; warm and sunny, and only a bit of wind. Got a lot done just in case it rains tomorrow (as forecast).


Unfortunately the garage still haven't done the mechanical repairs to my car. He's been up to his eyes seemingly? Will be mid-week before I get it back.


Hi Frodo. Yes it's good to put things in perspective. Hope your council problems get sorted, and the Citizens' Advice are a help.


Not sure how a dog can have a puppy if she's been spayed? Unless things were just tied up, rather than removed?

Anyway hope puppy does well.


I presume you are talking about Freesat-from-Sky? Not sure what the ÂĢ25 is for? Does that allow you to continue recording with your Sky box? If so, that sounds like a good deal.


Anyway...Don't be a stranger (as they say). We always like to hear from you.


Hi Mollie. I'm sure you enjoyed the visit from your friend.


I'm looking forward to Eurovision. Don't expect Bonnie to do well, for political reasons, but it's a good song.

Also looking forward to the series finale of Dr Who? on Saturday.


Don't think your daughter should be too worried about student debt, although I can see how it might put off some applying.

If I've understood it right, you only need to start paying it back once you start earning above a certain salary?

But I guess it's not nice having  it hanging over your head for years.


Not much that I can see on TV tonight.


Last edited by emptybox

Hi Hicky. I didn't see your post before I made mine.


Glad you enjoyed your meal out. And well done nearly getting your watering system finished.

But sorry to hear you are not feeling your best with your back playing up. Have you been to the doctor about your kidneys?


Yes, I've left the toms in their small pots in the greenhouse, and I won't put them in the growbags till they set fruit.


Well if you leave your blinds up overnight, no wonder you wake up with the sun


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