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how about Cyprus? what a dirty stinking trick to try and do...steal savers money to give to the bankers...

bank run in Spain/Portugal/Ireland now, do you reckon? Obvioulsy they will have one in Cyrpus when they open again. Or will Cyprus end up leaving the Euro?

I bet gold will go up again on the back of this.

So if you are in Cyprus they will have no access to their money for nearly a week, now bank hols till Thursday. Disgraceful.


Hello all

at the moment I'm watching BBC 4 surviving  the the Tsunami but flicking around ...made some bread to-day ,so easy ,the only part Is the kneading,but you get used to It  all in the freezer now .


I hope everyone is well and I will read back ..not long now before the clocks alter (is It the 31st of this month ?spring forward fall back ..never can remember ...whatever light nights are welcome.enjoying a G&T at the moment with some nibbles  and thinking of you all  love to Mollie and hope your mum is settling in ..Hello emptybox and Hicks xxx sees you soon 



Yes Mollie, it seems a stupid move to try to take money from savers in Cyprus, as it's caused panic in Europe.

Looks like they are likely to backtrack somewhat and protect savers with under ÂĢ85,000 of savings. But the damage may well have been done.


I just held the camera out in front of me and clicked away. Took about 7 pics and chose the best one. That's the beauty of a digital camera.


Enjoy your G&T Frodo. Yes not long now till lighter nights.

Watching a recording of an old episode of Time Team at the mo.


Afternoon/Evening All.


Not too good a day, looked promising to start then went downhill.


My Lad is having his house built in New South Wales, not far from his new job


My garden walkway came so i made it up and used it theis morning, have managed to move the pots around i wanted to move by getting the pot on the walkway and attaching a rope and then it slides down the track easy.


The Coconut oil is this Mollie, have got it now anyway, it looks good.


Crazy what they wanted to do in Cyprus.


Had some peppered smoked Mackerel and Salted  Fish with 3 poached eggs for brekkie.




you must have a good camera to take a piccy as clear as that.

..the mess in Cyprus gets worse, doesn't it? Imagine having no access to cash for nearly a week? End of the Euro soon? Always a good idea to hold a bit of cash nearby I think, especially now. I see New Zealand have similiar plans to Cyprus if banks fail.

Gosh snow again for you! It was quite warm here in the sun after the early morning light frost, you can feel the sun is getting stronger now as we are into March. Let's hope it is a drier year all round this year.

Oh no, I forgot the Syndicate, I really enjoyed the last series, must catch up with episode one on iplayer. Was it good?

Last of Dallas tonight. Sad goodbye to JR. Will record it though as it is on so late.



glad you got in the garden, your pot and rope idea sound well planned.

Thanks for the coconut oil link. How do you use it in cooking? I have heard it is better for you than that sunflower oil we often see. Is it ok for shallow frying?

Glad you enjoyed your fish and eggs. Are you saving your bacon for treats now? My OH likes his bacon, but keeps it for weekends when we go out for brekkie. All this fish you are eating will make you very brainy. (even though you are already brainy).

Are you managing to cut back on your sugar/sweets/choc?

Oh dear, my sugar reduction plan did not go well this evening, I found some Christmas chocs left over... and I didn't want to keep them too long.  


My mums key safe is now in place, so she can get her meals again tomorrow, thank goodness, she eats better when someone brings her a hot meal like that in each lunch time. Makes it a bit less worry for me too.



I love home made bread. At the moment, I am still mad on bagels, Sesame are my faves. Yes lovely to get light nights again soon.


Goodnight all xxx




Hi Mollie.

Glad your Mum's meals on wheels are sorted again.


Looks like the Cyprus parliament have rejected the deal, so not sure what will happen next. I just hope the effects here will be minimal. The UK stockmarket is down a bit so far, but not too drastically.
Cyprus might turn to Russia rather than Europe for a loan. But that could have dire consequences for the Eurozone?


The Syndicate was good, but like in the previous series, all their lives are in turmoil, with infighting etc, despite winning millions, but I suppose that's what makes a drama?


Good Afternoon.


Quiet now, one boss playing golf today.


Mollie, think the Coconut oil can be used for anything, it says for any high temperature cooking frying, can be used on your skin, your hair, doesn't go off.

It is solid at 18C but liquid at 24C.

We used to use it in Singapore mixed with 50% Olive oil when we went on the beach as a suntan lotion.

I'll cut the fat off the bacon and fry it in coconut oil, try that tomorrow maybe.


I watched Alex last night, helping a garden center make some money, watch the food programs as well.


Have cut out the sweets so far, being good.


Glad you Mum is more sorted, thats one problem easing off.


Strange what Cyprus wanted to do Emptybox, not sure what comes next.


Hello all

I wrote a long post earlier on and somehow lost the lot so things are almost back to normal and I'm feeling good ..set that to music please Maestro

so will post more to-morrow ,hoping you are all good xx


I made some pasty's to-day cheese ,onion and potatoes ,I used ready made shortcrust and they taste ok ,next time I think flaky would be better..ready made of course,I'm going to have a go at making some crispbakes .


Dd anyone watch Mayday on BBC 1 It was on over four or five days ,the ending sort of confused me bit of a supernatural kind of ending.

Born To Be Different was uplifting second part next week tears all the way through but wonderful .


I hope your mum Is well Mollie forgive me for not reading back ,I will It just feels good to want to post and raring to go again


Is to-day the first day of spring or to-morrow It always confuses me? I'm half watching Master Chef at the moment then Crime Watch and then One Born Every Minute on 4+1 .


I bought some instant mash potato is It wrong to like It  I do had some to-day with a pasty ..yummy


Listen mate you won't be so happy next Tuesday when you go in for the chop

your bark will be a lot squeakier

ta ta for now  







good job you have your oil delivery, i see it is quite cold up there. It was sunny here in the afternoon, but the sea breeze was icy when I took doggie out. Took cold to sit outside the cafe, but doggie loved running around. (on her long lead though, don't like doggies running around not on leads in public places).



I bet you got some sun tan using that coconut oil.   I will get some, sounds like a great all rounder. Good idea to still enjoy your bacon by cutting off excess fat and using the coconut oil. Well done on cutting back on the sweeties. I find it hard to give up my sweet treat after dinner, I had a cupcake from Gregs today, very nice, but try to avoid sugar in the day.



great to see you back again and am pleased things are looking up for you. I love the baby programmes.

Yes Fredo, it is officially spring tomorrow.

How pretty the daffs and little lambs look now, especially if the sun is shining.


Well BT messed up again, thought mum's line would be all sorted, we paid for an engineers visit, then they texted me to say the engineer did not need to call out, they would do it at exchange. Then I had text to say the phone was all ready, BUT when we went to check it, she can only get in-coming calls. I am so mad, we were told we would have priority, because of her age and then still waited 2 and half weeks, have to pay for engineer visit who never comes, then they have a block or fault on outgoing calls. So she still has no phone for emergencies and can't get her lifeline in. Hope they sort it soon.

Been on the phone for about hour and half to them tonight, I need some chocolate now after that.

Ooopps now I am not being as good as you Hicky.


Goodnight all xxx



Evening guys.

Very cold today, but no more snow at least.


Hi Frodo. The pasties sound good, even if you didn't make your own pastry.

I've got the Mayday series on my PVR, but haven't watched any yet. Knowing me I'll probably end up just deleting them.

Is that your dog that's going in for the snip?


Hi Mollie. How ridicuous that they can't even get something simple like installing a phone line right. Hope it gets sorted soon.

I see all the house-builder shares are up, including Persimmon, so they must have thought there was something good in the budget?


Hi Hicky. I record that Alex Polizzi prog, but again I very rarely get round to watching them.

Certainly doesn't seem like Spring here.

I see that last year I started cutting grass on the 21st, but no sign of it growing yet this year.



Hello emptybox


the pasties aren't too bad ,please try and watch Mayday when you have time ,I would love someone else's take on It , I have kept most of It myself on tape.


Yes It Is my dog going in for the chop although only small ,he Is getting aggressive around other animals ,and rather frisky around humans and I'm hoping this will calm him down hes not a pedigree but he has small dog syndrome  too big for his boots in other words.


Cold here again to-day the sun was out in force this morning but now Its getting cold ,so I've put the heating on .


Does Big Brother start in May ? I keep hearing rumour's about Brian Dowling not presenting It this year ..I have never been keen on him but I know loads of people do like him ,I loved Helen Adams that series and hoped she would win ..I sometimes Google to see how her hair dressing business is  going.


I hope you are all well speak later xx


              I hope your not talking about me mum

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Mollie about B.T.very lax sometimes and then they get offended when you change providers ,I have a phone up and down stairs as most folks do ,but the socket they put in was faulty and kept crackling ,they told me to unscrew It and  alter this thing inside , and that combined with the broadband I changed to Sky ..of course I have had a few run ins with them but they have always tried to put things right.


Your mum should be a top priority and they know that ,,shame on them

and I hope Its sorted soon  xx 

Last edited by Former Member

Afternoon All.


Had a little saltfish for brekkie, cut the fat off the bacon and boiled the saltfish, fried the bacon in coconut oil.


Bee to B&Q, joined a new club they have, might get a few discounts.

Bought some Sphagnum moss to put some Fig cuttings in to see if i can get them to root, you then put them in a plastic bag and keep them warm.

Going to see if i can grow a few Fig trees.


Making a pan of Beef Rendang again, it's so nice, have just ordered another 6 jars and a dozen tins of coconut milk to go with it.


Glad to see you back Frodo, we miss you when you aren't here, hope family issues are better now.


Thats awful Mollie about the phones, you would think they could sort them out better than this.

My line is usually awful but when i test it they say it's ok, if i get an engineer out and they say it's my end they charge ÂĢ100.


I don't think BB starts in May, hope Brian isn't doing it again, although he's still contracted to and they would have to still pay him if they got Emma.


First day of spring is 20th, which was yesterday of course.

My grass seems quite long Emptybox, but hard to tell if it's growing or not.


My Strawberry Plants are doing OK, the Rhubarb is doing fine, Pear and Cherry trees are starting to wake, Plum just showing faint signs, vines and figs are later, Peach is waking up, must spray that but it's too windy today.


My Pattress box came for my outside security light, am drilling the holes ready, too cold today although it is dry.

The reason i am using it Emptybox is that they have got the 2 twin cables at the light, the live being taken to it so it has to be through connected to the red wire going down to the switch inside, these wires are already connected and taped so i didn't want to disturb them, buy having the box i can get all the wires and connectors into the back of the box, mount the fitting to the lid, connect a small cable from the fitting into the box and connect it to the wires, tape the connections up with self amalgamating tape and screw the lid onto the box and as i have already fastened the fitting plate to the lid i can now attach the rest of the fitting and adjust the swivel arms of the 2 lights and the swivelling PIR detector.

Get that?.



You've got a box, and you've got some wires, and you're shoving the wires in the box. Think that's the general gist of it? Innit?



Very cold here, with a few snow flurries in the wind. All the snow has gone from my lawn, but the hills around are all still white.

Went into town to see how the gardens there were doing, but none really needs cut yet, but grass a bit longer than here.


Does the coconut oil have a taste Hicky? Don't know if bacon and coconut is a good combination?


BB usually starts early June doesn't it? Hope Emma gets the main job, though don't know who would do the BBBM job?


Hope the 'snip' calms your wee dug down Frodo.

I'll try and watch that Mayday thing, if I get the time.


 I really liked Helen as well. I googled her as you mentioned it. Some story about her setting fire to her apartment cos she lit a barbecue on her balcony. Still as daft as ever then?


Second part of Born to be Different tonight at 9pm CH4.


Hello all 


I have my planner on for to-night New Zealand Master CHef ,followed by our Master Chef,The Planners and then Born To Be Different what fantastic examples of brave children who take It all in their stride very humbling and fantastic Telly ,tissues at the ready.


Yes emptybox I hope It calms him down testosterone kid at the moment well this should smarten him up  


Thanks for the welcome back Hicky really nice of you ,Its good to be back in the fold ..ta ta for now 


Evening All.


You're right Emptybox, it's a box to get all the wires and connectors in because they wouldn't fit in the fitting i am putting up.


The Coconut oil has a slight smell, but haven't noticed a taste.

Think it's just like any other oil, will have to see.


Hi Frodo, I watched Railways, G.B.Menu, Master Chef, American Idol, then Celbrity Juice, Fake R@eaction, Lemon La Vida Loca


Made my Beef Rendang, have that tomorrow as we went out for tea, had Deep fried Almond coated Somerset Brie, then steak pie with mash and roast veg, then a sweet of cream with broken Meringue pieces.


Don't seem to be able to buy that coated Brie so have ordered some with some Blanched Almonds from Amazon.

I'll make my own O/H loves it.


Some of the seeds i planted the other day are coming up all ready, the white cucumber and some tomato's.




Morning/Afternoon all


snow snow and more to come,I think most people are in the same situation 

least Its the week-end which I love


I hope this weather doesn't harm your trees Hicky specially as they are waking up from winter,Its sort of a slushy snow here but very cold sheez another whopping heating bill  still It cant be helped .


Giving the chippy a miss to-day either curry ,prawn fried rice or decisions ,decisions maybe cheesecake to follow or a Magnum , love meringue ,often thought of making some sort of Eton Mess with fruit and cream ,meal sounds good Hicky ..deep fried Almond Brie wow ,don't think I've tasted that although cheese of any sort I love ,strong and stinky Is good .


One of my favourite cakes Is carrot cake with the thick goey stuff on top




I like having a go even if Its not as good as the experts..I hope you are are well speak later xx


Born To Be Different last night..was brilliant ,remember this when the operation was taking place ,really touching ,


Channel 4 deserve a pat on the back for this series wonderful   


How I wish Big Brother was still with them cos there Is still life in this programme ...such a pity Channel 5 Is making It into another towie   

Last edited by Former Member

Good Afternoon everyone.


Good Afternoon Frodo.


That was what the pudding was called, 'Eton Mess', pretty yummy anyway.


It's been snowing all night but not the real heavy stuff, there is some in certain places but nothing to worry about, not much i can do in the garden while it's this cold and wet.


Had a normal brekkie today, bacon without fat fried in a little coconut oil with 2 eggs and tinned toms, would have gone out for brekkie if a bit warmer out.


Going to have Beef Rendang for tea, but having it with baked spuds.


I think the snow is here for a couple of days but staying cold for a while yet.

Using a different weather site, like this one, try it, just enter your postcode in the top right box.



Very windy as well.


oh oh off again with the baking  homemade pastry in the fridge shees not even measured It out ..bit of this bit of that for the pastry 

Its all good

Now for the filling mmm as I'm veggie sometimes which I am trying  please bear with me eerm this filling Is potatos,carrots peas onions  corned beef 


must hurry on let you know If Its edible xx frodo   


Hale Sir Hicky of the Wirral. We salute you.
You can be the guinea pig, and see whether this VIP membership is worth having.

s'only right, as it's your thread.

Very windy and cold here, with snow in the wind.

Have only been as far as the end of the road to collect my bin, and my fingers were frozen.  


I like carrot cake, and lemon cake, but I think my favourite is coffee cake, or perhaps Christmas cake? Heck I like any cake.


Yes, Born to be Different was very good, especially the little girl that had the op on her leg. She was smiling all the time. Pity there were only the two episodes.


Not sure what to have for supper yet?
Didn't know you could get veggie corned beef Frodo?  


HI emptybox 


pastry should of course be made with plain flour ..but I ran out sooo

made It with self raising ,,,Its in the oven now 

silly billy I am sort of veggie but  cheated and made things with spuds carrots onions and the corned beef (please tell me It Is not horse ) I am a sly conniving veggie but I am trying I think the common term is shallow but as you are my mates ..I know you'll overlook my faults .


Yes as Hicks Is the boss I'm sure he will put us right 


Evening Frodo & Emptybox.


I thought i would join and see what the benefits are, it's only a few bob anyway, so nothing to lose.


Had my Beef Rendang with baked spuds, it was very nice, will do that again, the potato doesn't soak up the juice, which is good.


Still snowing, had about 3" on the top of the bin.

Took a picture out of the back bedroom window, will see if i can post it.

-2013-Mar 22nd Snowy Garden


Images (1)
  • -2013-Mar 22nd Snowy Garden




How nice to see you are a VIP now.    And how lovely to see your snowy garden piccie. Lucky you getting some snow, all we get is plenty of rain again.

I am sure you will make good use of that new B and Q club, after all every bit helps. Sounds like you can look forward to some real nice home grown fruit soon. You are so techy with your boxes and wires and stuff.

I love Eton Mess...always have that for desert when we go out for dinner at the Harvester. But share it with daughter, as it is a big portion.



Have you had any snow? As I said no chance of that for us down here.I guess now it has got colder there, you have to postpone your spring garden work for awhile?

I love cake too, and have just eaten a coffee do-nut from Gregs...yummy...

at you naming our HIcky as our guinea pig. He now looks really important round here doesn't he , with his VIP banner?



Aaawww your poor doggie having the snip. I hope he is recovering well. and hope he calms down now.  The cake piccie looks delicous. And I too am so glad to have you back around here again. We missed you.

at your veggie corned beef pasty.

I missed Born to be Different, but I haven't had chance to watch much tv lately,.. been so busy with mum, paperwork etc. I am going to catch up with the last Dallas on iplayer when I get chance though. Such  a shame about JR, he was great in this new series.


I am done in again...BT making things a worry for me with my mum ,she still can't make outgoing calls, so far I have had 3 emails saying it has been fixed, so I have to keep going over to her flat to check, and it never is fixed. So it involves endless calls to endless extensions in UK and India, and still it is not fixed, so she can't get her lifeline. Disgraceful. Every time I am on the phone to them for 30 mins to an hour.

Yesterday the physio came to see mum and was pleased with her progress and measured a walking stick to size for her, so that is good. I got soaked to the skin and was freezing walking home because it was blowing a gale down the seafront when I walked home.


Daughter has got a place at Uni. She has worked hard to get a place, but oh heck, how on earth am I going to cope when she leaves home? I know she is not going far, but she will be leaving home and staying in student accommodation. She finds the debts a worry, but as she says without this, there is no hope of her getting a decent job now. She is such a wonderful company and support to me, We enjoy going places together. I can't bear to think of the day she leaves.  But, in reality, I have known all along that our children are only on loan to us, and they have to fly the nest.


Hope we don't have to wait too long until BB. I think it did used to start in May, but then they made it later.


Goodnight all xxx



Hi Hicky. For once you've got more snow than me. But your garden looks good.


Hi Mollie. Sorry you are still having problems with BT. Not good for you to get soaked.

But well done to your daughter for getting a Uni place. I know it'll be hard for you, but it'll be good for her.


Hi Frodo. Aisleyne back on Loaded TV 10pm on Sunday.


Evening Frodo & Mollie.


That is beyond a joke now Mollie, what on earth is going on?

Strange being able to take calls but not make them.


Why are you getting wet walking from your Mums, were are your waterproof clothing?


It's going to be hard for you for a while When your daughter goes to Uni, but it happens to everyone at some time or another.


Still snowing here, my lad wants me to get to brekkie with him in the morning, not sure where, maybe Sainsbury's.


aww Mollie what a lovely post ,your daughter sounds wonderful and I agree they are only on loan ...but the love you have installed in her ,will come back a thousandfold ..she Is lucky too to have a mum like you ...and I say this because of the way you treat people on here ..Its been a pleasure getting to know you.


Now back to basics  the dog hasn't been done yet Tuesday Mollie he Is being a pain being pest with anything that moves ..If you get my drift annoying eveyone

he Is loved to pieces but ...enough said on that


YES Its good to see our Hicks a VIP It means more photo's for us which I love ,his garden Is a treasure .


Hello emptybox  what a turncoat I am yes I did make corned beef pasties at the moment anything I can lay my hands on has too be baked ..frozen or made into some concoction  really sometimes they turn out to be quite good 


must away now as I'm watching Copy Cat the movie again (big sigh) seen It yonks of times      love and night to all xxxxxxx



thanks for all your replies about my daughter leaving home, much appreciated.

Yes Emptybox, I have to remember it will be good for her.

Hicky, I knew you and your OH will have gone through your chicklets leaving the nest several times with your large family, and as you say, it happens to everyone eventually.

Fredo.. thank you for what you say, You are so sweet...., and I am so glad you joined our little group here and fitted in so well. As you can see, my 2 special friends here are just lovely.


Fredo... yes, I think you are doing what must be done for the best for your doggie, I hope all goes well on Tuesday for doggie. (and you, because I am guessing you will be a bit nervous?).

I am sure your home made concoctions are deleicous.


Forgot to tell you all that we went to see Rhydian in concert a few days ago. (remember he came 2nd in X factor a few years ago). He is still very popular here in Wales, a great strong voice, He is starring on Rocky Horror show too at the moment, so has done well after X factor.


Do any of you like listening to music on your lappy's/pc's?

If so, do you know about spotify? OH introduced me to this, because i like listening to stuff whilst on lappy. You can listen to most things for free here after you register.


I am listening to Rhydian right now.


Goodnight all xxx


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