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Evening All.


Yes Emptybox, it will seem a shame to drive on the block paving.


Yes, O/H is worried about oil etc on the blocks, my car leaks some diesel if i put too much in.

It's virtually finished just a bit to tidy up and collect their stuff.

Didn't take any pics today with being at work and it was raining when i got in and the mess is still there.


Have been busy all day with a guy setting up the new Server and getting us all separate emails as the new server is a mail server as well.

My new Puter has Windows 7 and Outlook with Office 2010 and all the data will be stored on the server instead of on my Puter


I had to log into the company freeparking site that handles the web site, we changed the web forwarding addresses.

I have my own email at work as do the others but the main company address sends all that mail to me as well, also i get any mail that is sent as just info@.....


Mollie, you are thinking of the server as an ISP, the private server is a computer with multiple drives and holds all the data and handles the mail for all the computers connected to it.

There is only 4 computers linked anyway.

But getting my head round Win 7 and Outlook, i used to use outlook express but it doesn't work on Win 7.


Went out for tea tonight, had whitebait starter and a ribeye steak with pepper sauce.


O/H was giving the workers tea and a bacon on toast,


Hope Frodo not still having trouble with her broadband?


Evening All.


A lousy day, drizzle all day.


My new twin PIR security light came, it's for outside the back door so will light up the passage and bin area, will wait for a dryer day to install.


Didn't take any pics of the block paving, will wait for the weather to pick up a bit.

It is fantastic work, very pleased with it.


Just been collecting the rain that collected in the buckets from the gazebo roof to refill my water butt, at least it's dry inside it now.


Had bacon and an omelette for brekkie, just had fried plaice and some chips i made using my new chip cutting gadget.


Have just ordered jars of Laksa Paste and Rendang Paste, they are in lots of 6 jars each.

Will give some to my lad.

Rendang is one of the best tastes there are.


Here's the Paste.





Hope you enjoy your sphag bol tonight.

I had a Gregs pizza with veg.  

Shame you had a rainy day, but good I guess as it was an excuse to not do much.

I too watched that Torvill and Dean thing, very interesting.



Glad you are pleased with your paving.

Yes I was confused about the server thing, but I don't know much about that sort of thing.

Did you go to Hungryhorse for tea?

What is your chip cutting gadget? How do you do your chips? do you use one of those fat frying thingies?


Yes hope Fredo's connection is ok. She hasn't been around for quite a few days now.


Am watching Ant and Dec now, Quite a good show.


Still haven't shook off this nasty cold yet, but it is gradually improving. OH had to go and lie down this afternoon (not like him) as he has it too.


Have a good evening all. x




Good afternoon all



Glad you enjoyed the sphag bol. Did you wash it down with a Saturday night beer or a G and T?

Wasn't very cold here yesterday, or day before, but it is very cold today. Bitter wind.


In your garden today HIcky?

If so, you will need to be well wrapped up, I should think.


Me and OH went to brekkie in the old greasy spoon type cafe this morning.. cheap with old 1970's decor , but good very hot food.   The toast is thick chunks of crusty brown bread dripping with butter, and I have grilled tomatoes (I get about 4 each time), beans and mushrooms.   And a nice milky coffee, they don't do such advanced things are lattes or capacinnios in this cafe.


Cold nearly gone now, but annoying in the night.


Have a good day all.

taking doggie out later, but can't see me sitting outside the seafront cafe today... think I will buy a hot drink to have whilst walking instead.


Still no Fredo?

hope she is ok.


Morning Mollie.

Very cold and windy here today, and snow on and off; a couple of heavy showers.


Just about to have lunch (egg salad) then off to the supermarket, if it's not blowing a blizzard.


Had a nice beer to wash down my spag bol. G&T just for special occasions.


Hope you enjoy your doggy walk and hot drink.


There's a prog on at 8pm on CH4 about Stonehenge that might be interesting?


Evening All.


Been in the garden all day.

Uncovered the fig trees from their winter coat.


Mollie, we went to a place in Greasby for tea Friday night, very nice.

Last night i used the new machine for making the chips, i blanched them first, we had the plaice with them.

One of these.$ja=cgid:5897164742|tsid:41408|cid:130176782|lid:18283950120|nw:search|crid:22248327422|bku:1


Glad you enjoyed the greasy spoon, it sounded good.

Sorry your cold is still around, so annoying that.


Emptybox, You would love the Rendang Paste, you need good meat to use, beef flank is best i think, i'm sure you have to add coconut milk as well.

One of the best tastes ever.


It has been cold all day but i keep well wrapped up.


The Final of DOI tonight, they are so good.


Glad you enjoyed a beer with your Spag-bol.


Work tomorrow.



Forgot the Block Paving pictures.



what happened to spring? Just come back from walking dog and the wind was absolutely icy! Snow flurries too.



what a great job they have done on your drive, and it looks very nice how it extends down the side of the house too.   Aaaaww the the kiddies enjoying in the pic, testing out the new pavers.

Your chip machine looks a handy gadget.

Busy day at work today?



Still cold up there?

Hope you have plenty of oil left.

I missed Stonehendge, but watched Shetland. Interesting scenery etc, but very slow storyline.


I was pleased to see Beth win DOI, She did so well, and seems such a sweet girl.


I am me again....  that cold has gone at last.


Got lots of washing dried in the wind today.


have a good day all xxx

still no Fredo? shame was nice to have her here. wonder if her lappy has given up?


Hi Mollie.

Glad your cold is better.


Woke up to a blanket of snow this morning. Still a lot of it lying, and more flurries during today.


My oil has just about run out, so I'm waiting for the right moment to order. Hoping the price will come down a bit in the next week or so. Probably a vain hope?

The Stonehenge thing was interesting. They have found that people came from all over Britain to build it about 4,500 years ago. Even people from the Scottish Highlands and Orkney. They analysed the bones and teeth of cattle found at the settlement, where they think up to 4,000 people stayed at certain times of the year.


Got another big batch of casserole/stew in the oven cooking slowly away. Should get 5 portions out of it.


Yes I hope Frodo finds her way back. Might just be on her hols or something?

Last edited by emptybox

Evening All.)))))))


Emptybox, my Freesat is working but the transmitter to my Puter room isn't.


What will you do for heat if the oil runs out?

That 5 portion of casserole sounds good.


Mollie, it's mighty chilly here.

Very pleased with the Block Paving, reckon on about 3500 block.


My jars of Curry paste arrived today, Rendang & Laksa going to give my neighbour a jar of each and my lad.


The holiday to Portugal is confirmed, just got to get the online tickets when we check in online.


Had another nightmare day at work with the new computer system.

Windows 7, Office 2010, Outlook 2010, omg, why do they change what works instead of just adding to it.

Had to start again with Merchant Express (Amex) and get it sorted and re-downloaded from the USA, took another 90 minutes on the phone.


Made some chips for tea with the chip cutter, only had 3 spuds though, and a chicken leg form last night and a couple of Quails.


They should be coming to clear up the rest of the stuff tomorrow, their wagon broke down so could clear it all up today.


I have the Dentists tomorrow, the doctor Thursday and the Nurse as well.

Looks like Doc didn't like my Bloods result.


Hi Hicky.

Well if you do try tuning into Loaded TV you'll probably find two channels labelled 'Controversial TV'. One is the encrypted Sky one, and the other is Free-to-air.


Hope the blood test result isn't anything serious.
And good luck at the dentist as well.  


Bet you're looking forward to Portugal? You had a great time last time.


You've got to keep up with the times Hicky.

Windows 7 came out in 2009, we're all on Windows 8 now.

And they've already brought out Office 2013.


Never tried a quail? Is it like a wee pigeon?
(mind you, I don't think I've had a pigeon either) 

Think the oil should last another two or three weeks before it runs dry maybe a bit more? Keeping an eye on it. 

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.


;Looking Forward to Portugal, it's 10 days in 2 apartments this time, should be fun anyway.


Well i haven't had Win7 before, O/H has it on her Lappy.

And at work i still had Office 2003.


The Quails are real dinky, you can put one in each hand, a bit pointless really.

O/H bought me them to try.

The flash was very similar to chicken but it's so tiny.


Hope this cold spell won't last, need some more warm weather.


Hope Mollie is not doing too much.


And hope Frodo isn't having trouble with her broadband, or Ex Sky.





gosh more snow for you, you seem to be having a fair bit of that this year.

Now it is March, I guess it won't be long until the cold weather is behind us though.

That Stonehendge show does sound interesting. I have visited Stonehendge and did that tour with the headphones. It was summer, so lots of tourists on coaches etc, from all over the world. Fascinating how big they are, and in the middle of nowhere.



gosh 3500 pavers, no wonder it looks impressive.

Hope they got the van fixed so they can clean up today.

Glad you have the Portugal holiday sorted. How many of you are going?

Hope the dentist went ok.

And good luck at docs too.


typed this hours ago, and just realised I forgot to submit it.


Had nice walk to beach with doggie, it was cool, but not as cold as yesterday. At least it was dry though.


have a good evening all

anything interesting on tv tonight?



Evening Mollie.


Had the sun all day but very cold.

Just above freezing.


The pavers mustn't have got the wagon back, mess still here.


Going to Portugal there is O/H and me, my lad, his mrs, their big girl,  their 6yr old lad, and the little one, he must be 2 now, so 7 all told.

It was only 6 last time we went.


Dentist was ok, scrape and clean, think the tea stains awful.


Glad you had a walk, although cold the sun is warming up.


Made a beef Rendang this afternoon, wow, it's fantastic, used 2 jars of paste, a tin of coconut oil and 1kg of meat.

You are supposed to eat it the next day but couldn't wait, will give my lad a portion.


Have uncovered the fig tree's, can see the buds getting ready to break on the cherry and the plum, pears more advanced.


My new vine/tomato fastener (Tapener)has arrived, tried it out as well.




Snow mostly away now. Don't think it was as cold as forecast.


Hi Mollie. Glad you got a dog walk in.

I guess 4,500 years ago Stonehenge wasn't in the middle of nowhere, but was the centre of everything?


Hi Hicky, glad the dentist wasn't too bad.

That tapener looks interesting, but rather expensive?


Not much on telly tonight that I can see?

Supersize..... then 16 Kids....


Corned beef, chips and butter beans tonight.


Evening All.


Evening Emptybox & Frodo.


Frodo, You come and go as you please, family matters must be sorted, don't worry about us, we should be here anyway.

Pop in when you have time.


Bosses where at the races today, such a pity.

As you can imagine.


Got the Docs tomorrow, and the Nurse, Doc wants to see me about my Blood though, then see Nurse.


Should be off till Monday now.

Need to get a few bits to make the Laksa curry, Rice Noodles, Bean sprouts, i've got the rest.


You don't get many eating Corned Beef, the last time i had it was a tine i opened and ate the lot out of the tin.





hope the docs visit went ok.

Aaaawww what a cute, cute piccie of the little fella with his "baby".   He is so sweet.

LOL at you eating the whole tin of corned beef.

How nice that the bosses were at the races.

yes I agree with Emptybox, that tapener looks an interesting bit of equipment.



You always seem to find the interesting documentaries. What was the ice man about? did he live in a cold place?

have you started grass cutting yet. Cut doggie to park today and they had just cut the grass. Lovely and sunny it was too.


Welcome back Fredo.

Ad Hicky says, don't worry about coming and going..I too was away awhile as didn't get chance to go on pc with mums move.Hope all is well with you.


Am watching The Planners now. Then Horizon looks good, bet you will watch Horizon Emptybox.


have a good evening all xxx





Hi Mollie.

No I'm missing Horizon in favour of Born to be Different on CH4.

I'll maybe catch up with Horizon later.
I watched the thing on BBC1, with the celebs canoeing down the Zambezi.  

Still too early for grass cutting here. I might do one or two before the end of March, but it'll be April for the majority. 


The Ice-Man in question was the 5,000 year old body they found in the Swiss/Austrian alps about 20 years ago. You've probably seen progs on him before, but they were doing new investigations.


Hope you did OK at the docs Hicky.


Was going to work today but decided it was too cold and windy. Very heavy clouds as well. Just went into town to pay a bill and get my lottery tickets.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening All.


Doc said my Cholesterol is high, got to cut down on fats and sugar, gave me a tablet to help.


Went out for brekkie this morning, yummy.


Went to Costco, bought a big Salmon side and some fruit, got 1.5kg of Flank Steak for curry.


Got a letter this morning from the bloke in the USA that i watch on Youtube. he has sent 6 small packs rare veg seeds, 4 special tomato, a special spring onion, and a white cucumber.


Will plant a few of each in my propagator tomorrow.


It's been a miserable day, drizzle and some rain.


Don't blame you not going to work today yesterday Emptybox,

I didn't go either.


Good to see you Mollie, hope your Mum is doing OK?


Hope Frodo's family problems are easing off.

Last edited by Hicky

Sorry to hear about your high cholesterol Hicky. But glad to hear the doc gave you a free iPad. Not sure how that will help, but I suppose you can use it to look up fat free recipes etc?


Not too bad day here. Dry but very cold again.


Watched a bit of Comic Relief, but then turned over to watch the prog about Mallory's attempt at Everest.


My tomato seeds are coming up in my propagator.

Hope your rare veg seeds do well Hicky.


Hope we hear from Frodo again soon.
And hope you had a good day Mollie?  

Last edited by emptybox

Hi Guys. Hope you are having busy weekends?


Wet here most of the day, so didn't get much done outside, apart from checking oil and tyres on my vehicles.


Forgot to say, I got an oil delivery on Thursday, so should be set for a few months at least,


Not much on telly, but watching Total Recall again at the mo.


I see that Jessie J went through with shaving her head for Comic Relief?
Good for her, and she looked quite good, but she'll look a bit strange on the next series of The Voice?  


Afternoon All.


Hi Emptybox.

You and the iPad.

Been pouring down here just now, was nic earlier.


I was going to fit my new security fitting at the side of the house over the back door, got the old one off but not enough room to fit the cables in without stripping all the cables and starting again, not the best idea,

Will have to make a pattress thingy so the cables can be concealed and then fit the fitting but it only has a small footprint.


Anyway, picked my first meal of Rhubarb this morning, all ready cooked for later.

Just had a peppered smoked mackerel for brekkie wit scrambled eggs on toast.
Cut out the bacon for today.

Had Baked potato's for tea last night with fresh salmon cooked in the oven, bit naughty having a cheese sauce.

More salmon and baked spuds tonight as well.


I enjoyed most of comic relief, not too bad, good cause though.


Glad you seeds are coming on, these rare ones could be exciting.

Have planted about half a dozen seeds of each, have divided a small tray into 6 and put a label at the end of each row.

Have got them set on high humidity for now.


Morning Everyone.


Very cold today, car was well iced up, it had rained then hailed then froze.


You posted your pic the same time as i posted Emptybox, I saw it on Facebook, not a bad picture, be good for Facebook.

Beard same as me but mine more gray.


Bet you enjoyed that Ribeye steak, it has the fat within in to make the flavour great.


I'll just cut down on the bacon, like lots of other stuff, less meat as well, have Cod & Plaice in the fridge.

Love baked spuds, will cut down on sweets and chocy, got to look after myself.


Hope Frodo and Mollie are OK?


Evening All.


I've ordered a plastic box to use as a pattress to mount the new outside security light on.

It will give me room to put the loose cable, i'll put some holes in the bottom in case it gets a drop of water in.


I had a Beef Rib & gravy with a little mash.

Then i had a shrimp sandwich.


Not much on the TV.


My 3 jars of Coconut oil came today, also my plastic walkway which i hope will let me drag some tubs over the slate as i need to reposition them.


My Lad in Oz has bought a big 4 Bedroom house.

It's just being built, twin garage and it looks big.

Don't think it's finished inside but i think they are working on it, 450,000 AUD


Hello all 

I hope you are all well ..Ihaven't read back at the moment so sorry about that 


Things have been difficult at the moment want to post but It would make you a pain in the I(you know what) so perhaps not load your pain in the butt on other folks 


I will read back ..the photo emptybox you look yummy very fanciable and suprised you havn't been snapped up 


Hicky Mollie when things clear up I will be back 


sees you soon xxxx 




gosh can't believe i haven't posted since the 14th!

did type a post once, but forgot to enter it, as I have been having lots of distractions recently.

hope you are all well, will read back after I submit this post.


Have been real busy again... but things are gradually getting sorted for mum..tomorrow I have to go over for them to fit a key security thing, so her meals people or emergency people can get in..., Wedneday I have to go for the BT engineer, at last, despite my nagging, it will still of been near 3 weeks wait for a landline for her and Thursday I have to go and meet the physio there, who is going to measure her for a walking stick, hopefully that will be better than the zimmer frame, and then at last we get her lifeline put in next Tuesday. How i wished I had never tried this warden accom now, but at least she knows she likes the place she is in now. I will be glad to get meals back again, she has not been eating well with no meals on wheels, even though I do send her sandwiches and small meal. 

Over the weekend, son had an important 3000 word essay, so had to help him proof read that..thankfully weather lovely yesterday and today, so enjoyed walking doggie, and had lunch out yesterday.   Big plate of veggies with roast and boiled potatoes and lots of gravy. Yummy.


will submit, then read back.

have a good evening all xxx


Evening Frodo & Mollie.


You come back when your ready Frodo, best sort things out first, no hurry.


You must try and take it easy Mollie, can't you delegate any of the jobs.

What a lot of messing.

it's quite a job sorting meals of sandwiches as well.


Big plate of veggies with roast and boiled potatoes and lots of gravy that sounds good.



Been snowing most of the day. Mostly quite wet, but there's a fair bit lying. Due to get more overnight as well.


Hi Frodo. Sorry to hear things have been difficult for you. Just post when you can. And only reveal what you feel comfortable with.


That's very complimentary of you.

Not aware of anyone being particularly interested in the past, but then I'm not one of life's 'noticers', and am quite anti-social, so might not have been aware?

Or perhaps I'm just good at dodging and weaving?


Hi Mollie. You've been very busy. But I'm glad things are now coming together for your Mum's care. All takes a lot of time.
Glad you've been getting some good weather.


Hi Hicky. I envy you being able to do the DIY stuff with your security light. I'm useless at that sort of stuff. Haven't even got a clue what a patress is?
That sounds like a fantastic house your lad is building in Oz, and much cheaper than you could get it built here.


Watching Channel 4 tonight. Superscrimpers then Embarrassing Bodies. 




Sorry to hear doc and cholesterol comments. Try not to worry, I think with all that fresh fruit and veg, and fish too, that you eat really healthily... and everyone needs  some fat in their food to stay healthy, plus it makes food taste good. You also take lots of exercise in your garden, which is so good for your health too. I have read quite a few reports lately saying this thing about cholesterol being dangerous is being over hyped by the medical profession, and high cholesterol is  not dangerous at all. If you are interested, google "high cholesterol is not dangerous"...and be careful these tablets off the docs don't give you side effects.

So you carry on enjoying your cheese sauce, it is not naughty.   And carry on enjoying your exercise in the garden. Your veg seed letter from the States sounds interesting. And of course home grown fruit/veg are the most healthy you can get.   But I guess it is never a bad idea to cut down on the processed meats, sweets and chocs, too much sugar not a good thing. I have to try and control myself with those too. But nice for a bit of a treat.

Coconut oil is good for you too. Where do you get yours from?

Sounds like you have your cables all planned out.

that is nice that your lad has bought a house. Is it in Brisbane? Sounds like he plans to stay there for awhile then?

Yes it is a good idea to try and delegate the jobs, which I normally do... so  daughter does quite a bit of cooking for us normally, but she now she has to keep away from food preparation because she has this horrible cold. And my OH is still busy doing stuff like fitting curtains for mum and fixing the leak under the sink, and tonight he lock on the front door. That is the trouble when someone elderly moves.



what a lovely clear picture of you.  You look so smart and intelligent and handsome in it.  How did you manage to take it yourself?

Yes I think I did see a programme about the ice man some time ago. Glad to hear you are stocked up now with oil. The weather forecast reckons it is going to get cold again. i enjoyed that Queen programme too.




Sorry to hear things have been difficult for you lately. Don't worry about coming on here if you have problems, we do understand, as all 3 of us here have had our ups and downs over the years we have posted here. But if you don't feel like popping in for awhile that is fine too. Hope things improve soon.


nearly bedtime, I am done in, but have a nice mag to read that daughter bought me, so will read it in bed.


Goodnight all xxx





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