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Evening All.


Just had the Lamb Shank with some special grave, heated some frozen mash to have with it.


Then i had a tin of rice pudding.

Will have the duck legs tomorrow, can only eat so much.


I watched Countless, then Eggheads, now Flog it, then Great British Menu, not sure after that.


I see more cold weather around, think it will cold up your end Emptybox.


The real Laksa soup was fantastic, it is a Singapore/Malaysian dish i think, but in the uk i had one in Ilford while staying their and working at Dagenham.

It came in a dish the size of a Pyrex 4litre mixing bowl, you had to order it 24 hrs before.

It had everything in it, at least 1 litre of soup but full of veg leaves and shell fish, the gravy/soup was spicy and so tasty, don't think you can get it anywhere now.

 Laksa Soup

You can buy the Laksa sauce/paste in a jar at certain places.

Here's some:


Here is more:


And more, how to make:




Or at the place i sometimes shop at.


At Testco:


At Sainsbur's:

Last edited by Hicky

Hello all


i have lost all my post probably pop back so annoying after replying to everyone ,take care all ,I'm trying my best not to swear



Hello then so I'll start again cold here again and more of the same to come,

but at least Its lovely that Its lighter at night and loads of snowdrops certain kind of crocus and new growth seems to make things seem brighter


I have the green Bouillon too emptybox as well as the other ,really tasty and like you say a change from tea coffee etc ,yes thanks for the  Spaghetti Carbonara  photo looks good ,curry for tea/supper for me.


And to Hicky the soups look yummy and your little grandaughter Is a treasure

how proud you must be


 A question if you cancel Sky do they take the dish and the boxes off you even though you pay insurance for them? and Freeview and Freesat  Is there a vast difference..going to cancel Sky at the end of next month thats the reason I ask .

 Mollie how Is the move going ? I'm thinking of you and hope you are taking care of yourself ,how Is the diet going I keep lapsing have you ever had those packets of chipsticks like little matchstick crispy things ..well  I've eaten loads of them to-night and other things too


    night all frodo xx

Last edited by Former Member

Hi Frodo.

No they don't take the dish and box away, as far as I know. Certainly not as long as you've had Sky for a minimum period, perhaps a year?


They just stop the card from allowing you to receive the subscription channels or to record anything. I also think it stops you from watching stuff you've already recorded, but not sure about that?


But you can still watch the free channels, and if you've got an old blue Sky card hanging about, then that might get you the free-to-view channels (such as Dave). But again I'm not certain of that.


Morning All.


No they don't touch the Sky Box, i sold mine and kept the dish so i could have Freesat.


You can get ready made Laksa meals Emptybox, but the make yourself meal packs are best where you just add the prawns of chicken and make it in a pan, yummy.


I see they have got worries over Spag Bol now.


Birds Eye in the UK recalling beef lasagne, shepherd's pie and spaghetti bolognese as a precaution



What next?


Not a bad day here so far, no rain expected.


Here's the brill Laksa kit Emptybox.

And plenty others as well.


It's in Sainsbury's as well here.

Last edited by Hicky

Hi Hicky.

Thanks for the Laksa links. I was in Sainsbury's this afternoon but I didn't have time to see if they had any kits. I'll look next time.


Very grey dull day here, with a few flakes of snow. No frost overnight, but it can't be more than 2 or 3 degrees.


Think I'm ready for my guests tomorrow. I'm going to give them rollmops and salad for lunch and lamb chops potatoes and mixed veg for supper, with a lemon tart for after.

I'm never sure what the kids are going to want. I've got a couple of extra chops, but it's more likely they'll have pizza or something? My Brother usually brings food for them, as they are so fussy, but I've got pizzas in case anyway.


Not much that I can see on telly tonight? There's something called 'Wild Arabia' on BBC2 at 9 that I'll probably watch.


Mollie is probably very busy planning her Mum's move.


Hello all 

happy Friday to you ,I'm watching the X Files film on More 4 at the moment, I

have seen It before but ages ago ,so I may start flicking around .


I've been glued to the news to see what would happen in the Oscar Pistorius

case ..not going to comment what I think though too raw for the families.


Thanks for the advice about the sky dish I've  been with them for ages and for what I watch its not really worthwhile paying all this money out.. freeview or sat is enough for me


I keep bookmarking the pages ..when food is mentioned and where you can get things ,fish and chips for tea,but I'm going for the sweet&sour sauce to-morrow .


I hope Mollie isn't tiring herself out and things are going well


really cold here to-day even with the heating on It took me ages to get warm and more to come by the sounds of It.


More than likely we have all eaten horse then  because I have often bought ready made meals and meat pies 'shudders' on that happy note 

    bye for now xx 


Hi Frodo. Yes the Pistorious case is a tough one to work out.


Hi Hicky. So you get your meat off the back of a lorry eh?

(well the side of it anyway)

Now why didn't I think of chicken nuggets? Trouble is I not fond of that stuff myself, and they don't come often enough to keep it just for them. I bought some white bread, because they won't eat anything else, but I can finish that off myself.



sorry haven't been round much been so busy... haven't even watched tv at all except for 4 in  a bed at teatime.

Getting ready for mums move on Monday, we had to buy her new fridge, because one is not built in, and some bedroom drawers.

Busy going to theatre in evenings to see son.., me and daughter last night and hubby and son and daughter tonight...really good production...


and yes Fredo the diet has gone completely to pot right now.

Squishy mini cream eggs and rose for me in the theatre and Maltesers bunnies and wine last night.



hope the visit goes well tomorrow, yes I am sure the lads will be happy with pizza, and I hope you managed to not miss any dust anywhere.  This sounds just like my SIL. i get exhausted cleaning before she comes, and last time she said "your back garden needs a cut"...  (no manners!)...and OH couldn't cut it before her viist as it rained. But at least we had been so thourogh with cleaning she couldn't find anything else.



it is good we have a dry spell so you can get out in garden now.   Wrap up warm though. Is your OH better now.


Are the doggies enjoying the dry weather?  Mine are.


If I don't have time to post, have a good weekend all. xxx




If I have told this story before please ignore me but even with dogs in the house I'm still listening for every noise ,anyways I decided that my bank and credit/visa needed to be in a safer place ,so i hid them ..and then had a few tipples  in the end I had to give in and order new ones,they came to-day

well the bank card first and then a new pin ,but the visa pin has stayed the same ,just a different account ? must read that again as I'm confusing myself.


Bacon egg tomatoes & mushrooms for breakfast ,but nothing since ,still the night Is young plenty of time to rustle something up ,I try and make a little extra and freeze rice etc  so I may have sweet and sour prawn with It


Spiral 4 on BBC 4 To-night 2nd and 3rd episodes and I'm really enjoying It

the only programme's I will miss on Sky are the Arts (which Isn't Arty at all but has some really good groups on and the Bio channel .


Oooh Rollmops emptybox havn't had any for yonks love them and the lamb chops etc with the lemon tart yummy (practicing for Come Dine With Me ) by any chance, good luck with the teenagers though 


Hello Mollie never the same without you ,don't overdo It and love to your mum ..what are those new chocolate eggs like ,must get some ..really at the moment Its too cold to diet  and yes I'm glad Its dry pain in the nether regions when you get wet dog ,they have had corned beef for starters and cooked them something special for supper and a digestive biscuit to follow.


From what you say your son is artistic into the Arts wonderful must be proud ,I love to hear the snippets he sounds very talented Mollie xx.


Hello Hicks loving your anecdotes on food in fact I love to hear anything when I'm trying to cut down, I hope this dry weather (even tho' Its freezing )

helps you to get things sorted in the garden and I'm looking forward to photo's in the spring  I must admit though black pudding yuk and I am from the north ,my son loves It .



                     bye for now  love to all xx


Evening All.


Evening Emptybox, we don't eat the chicken nuggets, just keep them in the freezer for the little ones.


Evening Mollie, My next 10 Strawberry dry root plants came today so i soaked them and got them planted, had 5 over so had to fill another pot with them.

I know you are busy, try not to overdo it though.


Evening Frodo, Never put your cards somewhere safe.

I don't miss Sky so much but O/H misses the sport.


Not had a lot of food today, normal brekki, had a roast Pheasant, then a chicken soup.

Still hungry though.


Watching Ant & Dec.



Good Afternoon All.


Not a bad day really, sun out now, chilly though.


Just had brekki, bacon and black pud with egg, no i find out son has booked a place for dinner at 2pm as it's his wife's Birthday tomorrow.

Bit of a blow as i need more time really.


Have ordered a propagator for my summerhouse and a cat scarer for the garden as next doors cat loves my lawn, wish it loved it's own as much.

Don't know if it will be successful but have to try, it says it might take a month to work, well i hope so.


Just think, next weekend it will be March, wow,doesn't time fly?



Quite a bit of snow overnight but it's mostly melted now.


Visit went well yesterday. All the food seemed to go down OK.

Only one nephew came, and he brought his own pizza, so I didn't even have to supply that.


Thanks for the pic of the cool cats Frodo.

The key is to hide your valuables somewhere where you know where they are but other people don't. Not the other way around. Glad you're getting new ones anyway.


Hi Hicky. Never look an unexpected meal out in the mouth (or sumfink like that?) Hope you enjoy it.

Are the cat scarers these ones that make a high pitched noise when you go too close? They scare off gardeners as well.


Hi Mollie. Hope your weekend isn't too stressful.

Glad your son's production has been a success once again.


Starting to get more calls from customers now, so I'll be needing to get some work done, depending on the weather next week.


Last edited by emptybox


really cold again to-day the sun was out this morning ,its funny cos in the summer the sun is usually front and back ,in the front you have to have blinds or It would be impossible and it goes off the windows around 1pm perhaps a little earlier and Its on the back too most of the day but rarely hits the kitchen windows,if I was rich i would opt for a living room at the back to look over the garden.


I could't be bothered cooking to-day to I opted for an omelette  with cheese oozing through the middle and half a bottle of tomato sauce on the side.


I'm so pleased your meal went well emptybox It sounded well good ,rollmops they are pickled fish aren't they? love anything fishy ,yes I can see you must be getting orders everything Is waking up ,all kinds of little treasures unfolding in the garden ,not long now for the first grass cut ,I have a petrol

mower that chugs away


Anyone found anything good to watch, not the same without Hotel ,Dancing On Ice of course ,but I cant seem to find anything else.

Mollie If you have time to read ..take care of yourself its like a missing link without you ..but stay well  and take care ,anything good to eat lately 

I am tying to cut down but Its too cold to diet at the moment ,well thats my take anyhow xx


Hello Hicks bet you are getting busy now ,It stayed light here until nearly 5-45 

yipee light nights are afoot ,when do the buds start showing on your fruit trees,we'll be drooling over your fruit in no time ..


           bye for now  frodo





can I pick your brains ,I had a run in with sky and have cancelled everything


perhaps I got them wrong but for a moment I thought she was after charging me another extra month for the movies ,so I have had to give a moths notice


apparently I am out of contract with phone and broadband ,which Is good 


any ideas who Is the best provider ..thanks frodo 


Evening All.


Not a bad meal, shared a cheese fill potato skin starter, then had a steak with pepper sauce.

Was at CGI Friday for the meal.


Can't do much in the garden now, just waiting for the buds to start opening, mind you they open at different times on different plants.


Yes Emptybox, the cat scarer gives out a high pitch sound, this is a mains one.

I can always turn it off while in the garden.


Frodo, i have only had BT for everything so don't know about the others.


The ice skating was good, watching TopGear now.


Just had a tub of Jellied Eels, fantastic.


Hope Mollie isn't doing too much.


Hi Frodo and Hicky.

I took a cue from my nephew and had one of the pizzas I had bought.


Glad you enjoyed your CGI Friday meal Hicky. The peppered steak sounds great.


I think making an omlette counts as cooking Frodo? It does in my world anyway.

I'm with Orange for broadband and phone. Well I suppose they are called EE now?

Not sure I could recommend them though, as their customer service leaves a lot to be desired.


Evening All.


Imogen and baby are both looking good.


Was rather busy at work today, but thats life.


Just made a tasty meal, fresh cooked raw prawns, onions, baby mushrooms and fresh egg noodles made a sauce from a chicken stock cube, a little soy sauce and some Oyster sauce with a few twists from a chilli mill.


We got a call from a local number the other day, when i looked up the number on google it came back with tons of complaints so i put it into the list of banned numbers so they can't get through, like the International ones.


quick hi from me to my 3 friends.

am mega busy, mum moved in went ok, but I am exhausted, still have things to do in old flat before can return keys later this week.. and now having trouble with hubby's work contract, so have to plough through that ...

havne't had time to read back, but   to you all.... be back when I get chance...


did manage to see the pics of Immogen's baby... what lovely pics.


hope you are all well. xxx


Evening All.


Take it easy Mollie, you will suffer later, try and delegate some of the work, it's too much for you.

Glad the move went ok.

Sorry to hear you've got trouble with hubbies work contract.


Emptybox, this spammer was an automated call, but the number started 0151 which is Merseyside, it was 0151 909 1965 this is the google report list.

fficial&client=firefox-a" target="_blank">;client=firefox-a


Just entered it into the phone as a no no.


If an oap has a withheld number it has probably been set up by a son or daughter, but she wouldn't know as it doesn't tell you.


I had to replace a lamp in the garden street lamp, no problem.


Also Done a bit of grafting this afternoon.

Grafted an Asian Pear Scion and a Concorde Pear Scion onto my Conference Pear Tree using a Cleft graft and a Whip Graft.


Got loads more grafting to do but i have to wait till the buds are starting to open on each tree which means the flow of life is starting to travel through the branches.


Hello all

loving the the comments on the Thomas Cook  Hicky.., you couldn't make It up could you? The egg noodles and prawns sound good I always have the dried Chinese noodles in and all the sauces housin .light & dark soy, oyster ,blackbean loads of them so easy to rustle something up  pasta for me to-day 

just a tomato & basil one with cream cheese added at the last minute.


Yes I suppose omelette is cooking easy when your hungry and can't wait ,I used to have my number withheld if you ask they do It for you ,i'm ex -directory now  but my nuberr shows up .


I'm watching Sky Arts at the moment fron the Amphitheatre in Berlin very soothing for frazzled nerves


Aw Imogen and her baby lovely thanks for the photo  I hope everything goes wll for her


Take care Mollie ..try not to overdo things  sending happy thoughts your way and hoping all goes well for your OH contract ,miss you loads but I think we realise you have your hands full at the moment ,best wishes to your mum too.


Nights are drawing out I wish It would get a little warmer though ,freezing here moan,moan moan thats all I seem to do really I'm happy in real life honest 



           see you soon xx



Started very misty and wet this morning, but some sunshine this afternoon.


Hi Mollie. You must be very busy with your Mum, but don't forget to relax.


Hi Hicky. Nobody could say you are not a grafter.


Hi Frodo. Yeah, no point in withholding your number. Nobody will answer you.

Last edited by emptybox

Morning all

well the weather has changed to-day lovely and sunny and really warm through the windows ,if Its like this your way emptybox you will be busy too wet at the moment I would imagine for any mowing or is It .


I must have been in a draught or  slept awkwardly my neck is very sore on the right side and It hurts to move It.


Thinking about something to eat missed breakfast to-day ,i've just cooked the dogs sausage for  their breakfast (not mine)  ,It was on offer wonder why 


Hope you are coping If you manage to read this Mollie and everything Is working out for you ,Is your mum upset or looking forward to the move ?

diet has gone a bit haywire at the moment  but i'm sure when the weather really perks up I'll start again.


hello Hicky and emptybox speak later ..take care all xx

Last edited by Former Member



I've just been looking up free sat on the web and thats what i'm going for 


got the freeview on the tele anyhow so that's me sorted ,I can't really see the point of all this paying out every month


I'n not into discussing politics ,but I've been listening to the debate on the bedroom tax in the Commons ,very distressing for a lot of people .


Wish this weather would make up its mind  suns gone in and Its freezing




Hi Frodo.

Was that you having sausage for brekkie, or the dogs?


Very frosty first thing again, but a sunny afternoon.

Got some tidying up and cutting back jobs done.

The grass up here hasn't grown, so no need to cut it yet. That'll start in about a month's time here. Got quite a few conifer hedges to cut first though.


Freesat and Freeview are probably your best bet. That's what I've got.


Sorry to hear about your stiff neck. Hope it's better now.


Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners and then Child of Our Time probably tonight?


I think your toilet rolls perhaps come into the category of TMI Frodo?


Lol emptybox


no the dogs had sausages for breakfast not me


nothing like something sweet smelling and fab to keep a lady happy

sorry if It upset your nervous system ,but they do smell nice ,they are used for blowing noses ,door props (for the dogs)and removing make-up ,I love perfume smellies too sorry about the info xx


altered It for you emptybox

Last edited by Former Member

Evening All.


Busy at work again.

Unloaded the pics from my phone onto the puter at work, then i could tweet them and post them.

One is the rhubarb the other one is one of the grafts.

You have to scroll down though as the picture is big.


And the graft.


Sorry to hear about your neck Frodo, hope it goes better soon.


Hope Mollie isn't too stressed out,


Just had a big roast, O/H made a massive dinner of roast chicken and roast lamb, with mash veg and stuffing and loads of dark thick gravy, not sure why she makes 2 pints for 2 of us.


Hello Hicky

dinner sounds good ,can't have too much gravy in my opinion ,


Rhubarb  looks tender and healthy ,crumble with thick custard can't beat It .


Yes I can see where you have done the grafts ,do you have to be careful It doesn't revert back ,I love the slate chippings they look good


I think the weather has a lot to do with the stiff neck one minute Its cold the next the sun is shining


Mollie love to you I hope you are coping  xx 


Evening Frodo.


Will be picking the Rhubarb when there is enough decent sized pieces.


Not sure what you mean about the grafts reverting back, the DNA of what is produced is carried in each inch of the twig, what the rest of the tree is doesn't matter and the new graft doesn't even know.


I love the blue slate, must have a couple of tons of it, but you can walk around on it in any weather.


What I mean Is this if It makes sense to you Hicky  I had an a cherry tree a flowering one and It started to grow sprouts limbs branches , whatever and reverted back to Its wild side.


Roses can do the same or have I got It wrong ?


Emptybox I would never have watched Child Of our Times ..completely forgot about It .very heart warming  .I'm going to watch One born Every Minute on +1 on 4 .


Missing Mollie but hoping you are Ok the games on here and the birthday threads because I love getting to know folks ,but this place thread feels right for me ..


Hi Frodo and Hicky.


Yes Child of Our Time was very good.


I know what you mean Frodo. If you graft something exotic on to robust root stock, then the rootstock can take over. Especially a problem with roses, when you get shoots coming up at ground level which need to continually clipped off.

That shouldn't be a problem with Hicky's grafts though, as the purpose is to have different varieties growing on the same tree.


HI emptybox 


I get It and times move on Hicky has the patience of a saint his/ and  like  your garden emptybox must be lovely I  love hearing and listening about your plants etc.     Really missing you Mollie ,please don't post until you are able but your posts leave a huge gap ,full of family life and anecdotes and food  like a part of a jig saw Is missing ..thinking of you

going to say night all shattered xx 


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