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Afternoon All.


It's been a glorious day again here.


Not done a lot today, was going to put the new top on the gazebo but there was some wind and it would be awkward on my own.


Made a new cover for my small plastic greenhouse, it's had 2 covers as they only last a year, bit crazy that eh.

Made one out of a piece of the ruined pool liner.


Glad you got some work done Emptybox, you will be forgetting how to.


Lamb chops make a good meal, they are pretty dear these days though.


I'm going to batter some cod steaks for tea, got the mixture ready for after, a bit early yet.


Yes Mollie, this car needs a few jobs doing but as long as it keep going for now, am supposed to be changing it, but not sure when.

It's so expensive to replace them isn't it.

Haven't got it back from the garage, waiting for them to ring really.

Don't even know if they got the new drive section.




Just an update, got my car back, new front OS drive shaft.

The 20% vat kills it eh.


It reminds me, i sent an invoice out last week to a company and the vat was ÂĢ75,000 on it's own., wow.


Just had a bowl of soup, Mulligatawny.

Then i made the batter to fry my Cod, sliced cod steaks, very nice too.


Just opened a box Milk Tray, yummy.

Gave O/H a pack of smarties.


Hi Hicky. Glad you got your car back anyway, VAT notwithstanding.

I had battered cod as well, but I didn't batter it myself, it was out of a box.


Lovely day here as well.

I put a load of washing out on the line, but it didn't dry by evening, so still too early for that up here.


Hi Mollie, doubt I could afford a cook/cleaner? Especially one of the young sexy variety. I bet they come at a premium?





Glad you got your car back. Yes very annoying when you have to pay 20% out on a necessity you need to get you to work. Best to keep your car going as long as you can, now you have spent out on it.

That must of been some work order if the vat was ÂĢ75000.

I bet your home made batter was nice.



and I bet you still enjoyed your cod even if it was ready battered in the box.

I put out a few washloads too, it didn't dry completely but half dried. I will put in on radiators to finish drying, to save money on tumble drying. Shame that cook/cleaner is beyond your means.


Lovely sunny day, so took doggie nice walk on seafront, very busy because school hols and the sun was quite warm, in fact I left my coat in the car, as did  not need it. Had latte on seafront. Needed a nice break today, as have been busy sorting mum's move out.


Am watching Paddy's tv guide on C4 now, very funny.


Goodnight all


Good Afternoon All.


Not too bad a day really, no rain, warmish, no wind.

Got the new waterproof cover on the gazebo, it fitted well this time.


Had the usual brekkie, just 2 middle rashers, thought i would just have 1 egg instead, but it was a double yoker.


will be out later, got a wedding reception to go to in a Local Castle, O/H has got a bit of a cold again though.


Just had a nice Latte, we get the packet ones, the Vanilla, got boxes of them.


It's nice Mollie when you can get out with the dog, the seafront is lovely when the weather is ok.

Hope your ok now after all that work for Mother.


The little feller is super.

And his older brother is funny, he's car mad, his mum was telling him about a dog they used to have years ago but it got run over in the road, he looked at her, then he said, what type of car was it?.


The sun is out here, pretty nice as well, like yesterday.



Nice day here again.

Got some tidying up done in my own garden. Pruned a couple of small fruit trees and various bushes etc.

Made a start at clearing the old stuff out of the greenhouse.


Glad you enjoyed your doggie walk Mollie.


Hi Hicky.

So you've finally got the gazebo cover sorted?

Enjoy the castle wedding. Sounds very swanky?


Glad your grandson has got his priorities right.


Afternoon/Evening All.


And it's Hello to Emptybox.


Yep, sorted the Gazebo roof, it fits like a glove, not sure what it will do in a strong wind yet, have got it well secured down though.


I have moved a couple of vines as well, the fence that had one now has 2 vines, the other fence will be for 4 vines, when they grow.


Going out at 7.30 to this do, won't be staying long though.


Hello all

and hoping all is well in your world ,just a quick post really family issues are keeping me away at the moment sheesh is there a gif for a sigh  


Wednesday was a sod of a day it snowed on and off all day up to 3inches

Thursday morning apart from a clump in the road it had gone and the sun has been out making It really warm through the windows .


FORGIVE IF I don't quote what has gone before I do read It all but forget what to say back ..but LOl at your little treasure of a grandson Hicky so cute with his bottle/comforter,can't you get someone to sort your Gazebo out for you wouldn't that save you money ? 


Hello emptybox glad you are managing to clear out your garden and getting hings sorted ,could do with some pruning around here

I hope the Spaghetti Bolognese  went down well to-day..meat is off the menu for me at the moment 


Hello  Mollie sort of sticking to the diet  the main bug bear is the tea minus sugar but I'm getting there and sometimes find it more refreshing (not all the time I might add) like I say family issues are at the forefront keeping me busy but nothing serious ..the thing is on here you cant confide not to worry nothing that can't be resolved so I hope all is well in your world 


Ginger is one of my favourite things somone bought me dark chocolate with ginger inside so that broke my diet no chocs or card for Valentine's day I might add  Lol not that I want one but HAPPY belated February 14 to all


bye for now xxxxxx 




Last edited by Former Member

Evening All.


Evening Frodo & Emptybox.


Sorry to hear you have family issues, hope you can resolve them, or that they get resolved.


The little one is a cracker isn't he?

We took him to the wedding reception tonight, he was as good as gold, wandered round with the balloon.


O/H brought 2 ginger cakes home from work this morning, will have some of that tomorrow.


The bride looked lovely, what a dress, wow, love those good fitting strapless ones.

Had some good food.

O/ isn't very well at the mo, only came on yesterday as well.

She wanted a bag of chips on the way home, it was about 10pm, the chippy she wanted had shut all ready.

I offered to make her some but she didn't want that.


Evening All.


Another glorious day here, sun out all day, not a cloud in the sky,

A bit chilly in the shade.


O/H is in bed though, come down with a cold again, lots of aches and pains so i've been acting batman today.


Managed to do some work in the garden, uncovered another vine, did the 2nd prune on all the vines.

Rolled up all the loose fleece ready for next winter.


Not eaten a lot today.

Didn't get up till 10.30, then a shower so i had brekkie late.

Had the normal brekkie.


Just had some fresh cod sliced and fried in butter, then i had pork ribs i had cooked, just had oxtail soup.


Might have a dip in the Milk Tray box soon.


Watching DOI, then The Hotel. then Brian Cox ' Wonders of Life in Australia.



Hope you all have had a good day and good weather?



Hi Hicky.

It's been a lovely day here as well.

Glad you've been able to get on in your garden again.


Hope your OH get's better soon.


Just been to the supermarket. Seemed to have spent more than usual this week, for some reason.

Aisleyne on Looser Women Live again at 10pm. (Sky 200 Controversial/Loaded TV).

It's becoming a regular gig.  





sorry to hear your OH has a nasty cold. there are a lot around right now, hope you don't get it. My 3 kids all had colds last week. Hope your OH feels better soon, especially as she has the week off. 

at your car mad grandson.Glad you got some nice food at the wedding reception. Was the castle in nice surroundings?



it is acceptable if the supermarket shop is more money when you buy lots of extra treats...... however not so good as inflation seems to be rampant now on basics, doesn't it? (thanks a bunch to the Bank of England for all those billions of quantative easing, and billions shoved to banks..ggrrr)...Hope you don't have to cut back on your beers??? But I suspect that is the last thing you would cut back on.

Meant to ask you.... how is the oil supply going this winter? Do you think your new boiler is likely to be more effcieint so use less oil ?



sorry to hear about the family issues. I agree with Emptybox, can't see the ginger doing much harm. I am cutting back a bit, but forgot and overdo the mayo on my bread today. I love mayo.


Aaawww how sad was the Hotel tonight? Poor Mark. What a great 2 series this show has been though, I will miss it.


My lad been 11 hours in theatre rehearsing for their next production. Good job he really enjoys it. And off there again tomorrow for 12 hours.

Lovely day again today, so doggie got nice walk and I got latte at seafront cafe. Needed a rest because we spent hours in Ikea getting stuff mum needs for her move.


Hicky.. I know you saw Brian Cox... anyone else see it? I remember those rhino beetles really well in Brisbane, Even the locals found them absolutely fascinating .As Brian said, every year (he said each February, but can't remember) in Brisbane area (where we lived for awhile).. these huge male beetles would come out.. they made loud hissing noises.  My neighbour showed my son them and how to hold them. they would cling on so tight, they could make scratches and draw blood sometimes, but even so, they were not scary, just fascinating. My son used to collect them (he was only very young) and put them in a big box for pets in the garage with food, but they were always gone the next morning. As Brian says... very strong creatures.


Have a great evening all. xxx



Hi Mollie.

I think I just bought more stuff than usual today, but you're right. It's not getting any cheaper, that's for sure.


I don't see any evidence that the new boiler is more efficient. The oil seems to be going down just as fast as ever. Probably need to get some more oil next month at this rate.


Your lad is really dedicated to this theatre stuff? He puts in very long hours. But as long as he enjoys it.


I've recorded the Brian Cox thing, so I'll watch it later. I've seen those rhino beetles on other programmes though.


Hello all

apart from last Wednesday when the snow was at Its worst it has been lovely

and sunny ,the sun streaming through the windows ,still cold but the sun seems to make things more cheerful 


Aww Mark I had a few tears running down my face last night ,but there is another series so I'm hoping he will be back ..what a funny man Sunday nights will be very empty without him.


Missed the Looser Women with Aiseleyne with not being on the internet so often am missing all the gossip,so I must get myself back in focus cos I miss you all  family problems or issues sorting themselves out with some folks 

hopefully accepting the fact ,you have to pull your weight or..............

errr I get mad


From a female point of view Ashley looked good on Dancing on Ice I think she is turning out to be one of the fairest judges on there ,not sure the right person went on Sunday though ,but I really enjoy the show .


Latest gas and electric bill sheesh,, saying to myself I must cut down blimey had to go and check the meter ..but Its been a cold winter so far and not over yet.


I'm more or less ..well less sticking to the diet  my excuse is that this weather you need to eat things that comfort you ,to make up for the cold weather and you can't really throw things away can you like dumpling mix or flour for the yorkshire puds ..or cheesecakes can you ? can you 


sees you later folks love frodo xxxx










Last edited by Former Member

Hello again 

sad news about Richard Briers he was great ,to be honest Shakespeare sometimes goes over my head (i'm not thick).


but I loved him in' Much To Do About Nothing ' something I could get to grips with...and all his comedy roles ,rest in peace you lovely man.


I've had to give in and turn the heating on nearly 3-30 pm so i think I've done well .


Is to-day moving day for your mum Mollie ? if so I hope it goes smoothly for you




and to Hicky I hope Mrs Hicky is feeling better


see you later xx








Evening All.


Had a good day really, one boss in the US the other in another hot country.


The castle is pretty big Mollie, there was other wedding receptions happening at the same time, no idea how many rooms there are.

This isit here.


Oh, while i have this at hand.

It's one of my Grand Daughters singing the Cup song.


I was sorry to see the Hotel End, never mind.


I think my Gas and Lecky bill will be High Frodo, but what can you do, this will be the highest quarter though.


Just had normal brekkie at work, tea had Tomato soup, and a Greek Moussaka.


day off tomorrow anyway.


O/H is a little better, at least she has been downstairs and dressed.





glad to hear your OH is gradually improving now. Aaawww Sophie is so sweet in that video, she sings lovely, and is so amazingly quick with that cup.

Thanks for the Castle link, what a nice place it looks.

Glad you had a good work day, how convenient that the bosses are all away.

Enjoy your day off tomorrow, let's hope for dry weather so you can get out in your garden.



Glad the family issues are sorting out now. Yes not easy on occasions to make sure all pull their weight.

We are not moving mum until next Monday, too much to organise before then, and couldn't let her in until the phoneline was there. Went to Ikea yesterday to buy some stuff for her flat....that place is good for what you need, but it is so huge there,  I was exhausted after going round it for hours. Mum's new lamp shade, mirror and 2 sets of drawers look good in her flat now though.

Well done to your more or less sticking to the diet. True, you can't throw food away like that. And you do need to eat well in mid wintere. (my excuse too, when I bought  hot choc and caramel cake on seafront today..oh dear)..



shame you are still getting through the oil as fast as ever, but I guess this winter has been pretty cold. The forecast is cold too, so perhaps best for you to order soon, you don't want to run out.

Yes lad loves his drama, not expected home for awhle yet and he started at 10am today.   OH just gone to get daughter from archery, she enjoys that.


My kids just getting over colds, now OH not too good tonight. Roll on summer and the end of the cold season.


Nice and sunny today again, which is good to dry my washing, but a cool wind on seafront. Didn't mind though, the hot choc soon warmed me up.


Goodnight all xxx



I keep getting your moving days wrong Mollie sorry about that..

is the move near to you ..very stressful all round though,


Are you going to watch Spiedi on Channel 5 to-night ,I may have a look in myself.


The Castle does look good lovey place ,yes enjoy your day off Hicky I hope It stays fine so you can get some work done in the garden and yes It Is the dearest quarter ,funny how they always manage a hike in the prices innit in fact my electric has been upped quite a bit to a new monthly payment.


Just had a large slice of cheesecake to cheer myself up ,fish mashed potatoes and peas with parsley sauce for tea as its good for warding the cold off in this weather


Just found a copy of 50 shades of grey lying around may have a read sometime but with some of the films and the content on the internet nothing shocks me anymore ..they leave nothing to the imagination .


Ohh roll on March 21st first official day of spring and a day nearer to BB 2013

sad innit wishing the days away.

dogs are hogging all the warm places ,that's as long as they are near me, funny they cant bear to be in a room on their own and I have to leave a door propped open so they can follow ,like having babies really


ta ta for now   


Evening Mollie & Frodo.


Here's my weather for tomorrow.;page=2;ct=~CH49%206NQ;sess=#forecast


Sophie is sure cute Mollie, you want to see her younger sister, wow, cute as well.


O/H is picking up, thank heavens, she is on holiday this week as well.


Yes Frodo, will be watching Spiedi, should be good.


Sophie has a talent, not easy to sing and do that with the cups is it.


Not a lot i can do in the garden, waiting for spring really.


Hi Guys.

A very frosty start here, but turned into another sunny day.


Hi Hicky. Glad your OH is a bit better.

Your granddaughter is a nice singer. Not sure what the cup bit was about? Probably some kids thing?

That looks a great venue for a wedding.


Hi Mollie. Sounds like you are getting your Mum's new flat well furnished, with your expedition to Ikea.
Glad you enjoyed your hot choc and cake on the seafront.


I bought myself some hot choc a couple of weeks ago, when you or Frodo mentioned having it, and I've had it occasionally at night. Much better than tea or coffee late at night.

Also, on my Uncle's recommendation, I bought some vegetable stock powder called Bouillon. It's totally vegetarian, and you can add it to stews etc if you want, but you can also make a nice hot drink with it. I've been having it at lunch with a sandwich. Tastes really good, like a thin soup, but you only need one teaspoonful in a mug of boiling water.

Hi Frodo. You missed a good programme with Aisleyne. She was very funny, regaling the others with stories in various accents (Welsh and Yorkshire). She's a natural.  
Yes, very sad about Richard Briers. He was very funny in the Good Life.

I have my heating on from 8am to 10am, then again from 5pm to midnight at the mo. But I often have to put an electric heater on during the day if it get's too chilly.
My Brother and family are coming on Saturday, so I'll need the heating on all through the day then, because my SiL is a heat lover. Even then she'll probably be glued to the radiator.


Had an unhealthy supper today. Burger chips beans fried egg mushroom. OK every now and again. Treacle sponge and cream for pud.


Think I'm going to watch that Speidi thing on 5 at 10pm, and record Black Mirror on 4. 



Hi emptybox


I have that veggie stock ,cos I can't spell It without cheating forgive,

always use It very tasty good when you are making noodles for Chinese dishes

always put some in rice too The tea sounds yummy .the processed meat a no no for me ..I will never get uppity about meat and have and still do eat some ,but when you pay for free range its not on ,so in future Its quorn for me .


We are a divided household my son goes to a local butcher and has done for yonks ..swears by his products and will not touch supermarket burgers etc..


chips beans egg and a hash brown thrown in lashings of sauce and a slice of bread in can't beat It.


I often have toast then put spaghetti hoops with cheese melt it in the microwave until its goey and a poached egg on top things you do when no one is looking  WEIGHT WATCHERS  here I come Lol


Oh my goodness forgot to mention the treacle pud one of my favs so easy to make in the micro too ,cake mix syrup in the bottom of the basin just leave a space at the top ..have the sumptuous custard at the ready (thicker the better) and voila ..pounds on the waistline  mmm yummy though 


Last edited by Former Member

Evening All.


Another beautiful day here, wall to wall sun.


Mu new replacement vine came, thats planted now.


My new scions came as well.


We fitted the new phone system, took the other 4 handset system out as it was playing up.

This 4 handset system has a built in answer-phone and you can stop international calls getting through,


I gave the exposed fruit trees and vines another coat of oil & soap in water to kill off any overwintering insects.


Went to B&Q for a look round, bought a couple of bolts and a 5m rule.


Saw lots i wanted but Tuesday isn't the day to buy it, no 10% off.


Had the usual brekkie, had a pack of fresh shrimps this afternoon.

We had a pack of green mussels between us, 1/2kg each, then i had a beef and dumpling ready meal then we had a sponge pudding with fresh custard.



Very frosty again, then a bit of a dull day.


Hi Frodo.

Toast spaghetti hoops cheese and poached egg? Just a light snack in Hickyworld.


Hi Hicky. Does the phone stop 'withheld' numbers as well? I get loads of international and withheld calls, but I usually just let them ring.


Not much on telly tonight.

Started watching the thing about the chicken shop, but got bored with it.


Stew, potatoes and brocoli for me tonight.


Good Morning Everyone.


Wow this site is so slow, takes so long to update anything, it's on it's knees.


Taken ages to get in, then i wanted to update/change my password, wow, i could go out for brekkie before it sends the data through..


Very frosty here first thing, no rain or snow though today, not much wind either.


Morning Emptybox.

You can set the phones to stop different types of calls, by number or say International, or Withheld Number but the problem is with withheld numbers is that a lot of company's use them but they are just outgoing numbers and you can't ring them, so if you don't answer them you may miss and important message from somewhere.


Hello all

really cold again to-day..I do the same with the heating emptybox and mine is a fairly new gas boiler..but I haven't a fire anymore in the room (a gas one) i had before was taken out and the room doesn't look as cosy,and not as warm

so I may look around for an electric one for back up .


I bought some new sauces sweet and sour and pasta sauces ones to add to other things ,i tried once to make my own sweet and sour but It was  a disaster,so I had prawns and rice with It to-day  , the bought one sauce might I add

anything easy when I am on my own.


Hicky how do you find time to keep your garden so shipshape ,you work seem to spend a lot of time cooking up scrummy meals that means good ,and yet you do all this work in the garden  probably why you need so much food, funnily enough around 9pm the other night I got this fancy for some currant scones so I made a batch and some cheese ones too ,not Master Chef ones but edible


I hope you are coping with the move Mollie If you are reading this take care and don't wear yourself out, and I hope Its not too stressful for your mum xx  


Hello emptybox I'm going to watch 'People Like Us ' on BBC3 and then 


One Born Every Minute to-night ,I haven't really checked the telly only whats on my planner ,do you watch  'Four In a Bed on Channel 4 at 5pm 'Its doing my head in this week ..the first couple are being ..well lets say twits and in my opinion cheating ..the thing is It puts people off  booking with them

sheesh .


Lots of birthdays on this Forum /Thread and I enjoy chipping in I hope they don't mind


bye for now  

Last edited by Former Member

Evening All.


Love this coming home in daylight.


I had a strange tea tonight, had a half portion of ready mash, a pack of raw king prawns and an onion and a packet of Parsley sauce.


Heated mash then fried, fried prawns, made sauce, added chopped onion to mash, then added prawns and served on heated plate, poured over the sauce, yummy.


There's a few things on tv tonight


Hope Mollie isn't doing too much.


I don't think i have made sweet & sour sauce either Frodo, it's a lot easier to buy it as you need so many ingredients to make it.


The forecast for tomorrow here is good.

Last edited by Hicky




hope the new vines do well. Is it Wednesday you got your 10% off? That is an unusual tea you had tonight. I love parsley sauce.



yes I agree hot choccy better at night that tea/coffee with caffeine. Never tried that Bouillion, will have to give it a go, might save me a few calories when hungry.

Lots of treacle sponge fans round here. Add me to the list.



Like the Tina Turner video. I saw her in concert in Adelaide some years ago, she was great, but not as good as Michael Jackson who I also saw in Adelaide, he was brilliant. Yes I too remember those days of dancing around the handbag. Couldn't cope now wearing the real high shoes I used to wear though.

Yes that is weird on 4 in a Bed... can't those playing the game in a  nasty wasy, realise it just makes them look bad, so will put off people staying with them , whether they win the show or not. I do love this programme though and seeing all the different B and B's throughout the country.


Tired out trying to remember all I need to do for mum's move, not sleeping good at night, as i keep remembering what i need to do. Will be glad when all done.

Bought a mag to read in bed tonight to take my mind of it.


Goodnight all xxx


Evening all.

Dry here but overcast and dull and cold.


Don't overdo it on your Mum's move Mollie.


Hi Frodo, don't think I've seen any of those progs?

Yes I use bought sauces mostly. A white or cheese sauce is about all I do myself, although I sometimes make my own bolognese sauce from scatch.


Hi Hicky, yes it's certainly getting lighter at night.

That was an unusual supper, but sounds nice.


I think I once got a withheld number which turned out to be my bank, but it wasn't important. Any other times I've answered them they've been trying to sell me something, or is another stupid survey. Don't think it's worth my while replying.


Just had a ready spaghetti carbonara tonight. Don't think there was much chance of any horse in that?


Hello Mollie

yes  I guessed you would be shattered this is the stuff emptybox is talking aboutProduct Image

             so I hope Its not against the rules... vegetable ..vegan,,you name it great making in gravy or to drink really nice.. so tiring for you moving for your mum xx really thinking of you. hello empty box well a white sauce is the basis for all ,cheese bread ,onion the lot ..and the basic pasta sauce takes to much faffing about for me   anything to make life easier is good by me ..son is courting ..dogs his are really unhappy so comfort and love treats all around equals contentment for them ..and an earful for him from me 

issues nearly sorted


night all  xx Woof from them        



Afternoon All.


Yes Mollie, Wednesday 10% but i didn't go back, was going to spent too much so have delayed it. No Hurry really.


Emptybox I think even the likes of the Hospital and many places don't give out a number as a lot may be outgoing only, not sure.

A lot of places would want you to ring a different one to the one they are ringing from so if you saw their number you could allocate a name to it for future but it wouldn't be any good.


I like that Spag Carbonara all though it's pretty mild it is nice though.


I've just had a Laksa Soup, wow, you just need to add prawns or chicken etc, it makes a fantastic soup, a thick Laksa sauce with coconut milk and noodles.

Yummy, O/H got them from Sainsbury's a while back, but they keep.


Just found a big bag of duck legs in the freezer, might do a couple after.

Have still got these Pheasants to cook as well.

Have taken a lamb shank in gravy out of the freezer, for today or tomorrow.

Got that much stuff really it's crazy.


Have just watered the raspberry plants and the strawberry plants as we haven't had rain for a week.


They have posted the rest of the strawberry plants, hope they come tomorrow.


Roll on end of May early June for BB again.


Hi Frodo.

Yes that's the bouillon stuff. The one I've got is the same make (marigold) but the label has a green background and doesn't say 'vegan' or 'reduced salt' on it, but the one you pointed to is probably even better.


I've been using it as a hot drink at lunchtime when I have a sandwich. I might even take it to work instead of a flask of tea sometimes. A change is always nice.


Don't know what age your son is? But I would imagine courting comes before walking dogs, when you're young?

(not that I know what I'm talking about. I was always more of a dog walker than a courter as a youngster, and not much has changed since. )


My Mum used to make great carbonara (with tagliatelle rather than spaghetti) but I haven't tried to make it myself This was a Sainsbury's one.

Here's your link.


Cold and dull here again, but no frost last night.

I've been doing housework, making sure my house is up to scratch for the Royal visit on Saturday. (Crikey! Hope she never finds out my username on here? )

I do like my sister-in-law really.


Dangerous Drivers tonight, then I guess I'll watch the second episode of Eddie Izzard's thing, although the first wasn't all that good. Bit daft taking a detour to Pompeii when his ancestors never went near there?


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