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ended up being not a nice day here too, wet and cold by afternoon.

at you splitting the difference with your bacon.

Sounds like you have been busy in the garden.

The hand warmers sound a good idea, and I just seen on the forecast we are due more cold weather, so they will be handy for that.

I bet the grandkids will have a ball with that cart. Be careful you or OH don't push them in it though, incase you do yourselves a mischief.


What was for your tea Emptybox and Fredo?

I settled for a quick one tonight, as son was off to guitar lesson tonight. I had a Gregs pizza, with small jacket potato and baked beans. For desert I had one of mum's meals on wheels deserts, as she didn't like this one. It was a strawberry soft whip desert, very nice.   I have told her she must try and eat all her dinners and puddings herself though.


Goodnight all xx


Hi Hicky.

Glad you are getting your strawberry tubs sorted.

That cart will come in handy for moving all your plants around.


Hi Mollie. Glad your son and his group did well in their first performance.


Been dull and cold here, but dry.


Had a pasta ready meal tonight. A beef canneloni. Wonder what percentage of gee-gee was in that?  


Watched Phil & Kirsty then Bionic Man.


Evening All.


Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


Not too bad a day really, some light wind, no rain, some sun, mostly cloudy.


Yes Mollie, i think 3 middle rashers is reasonable. with a couple of eggs.


Been doing some more work in the garden, put another 6 supports of bungee cord from the side flap on the roof canopy to the decking, hoping it will keep the roof section more rigid.


Messed up the new gazebo cover, though i would try and make it on my own, save waiting for my lad.

Not sure what went wrong but it's awkward working with a 4m sq peach of pond liner.

I thought i had folded it in 2 then folded the other way in 2, i then folded it into a cone shape then folded again, cut the spare top off as i always do.

Now it's almost a circle.


Then i unfolded it to refold to make a half moon, when i made the half moon i found that i had 2 half moons.

No idea what had gone wrong though.

Have ordered another 4x4m pond liner.


The place i ordered the Grape Vines from are going to replace one of the 'Golden ~Champion' that seemed to have a very poor root system when the compost fell off the plant while taking it out of the pot to plant it, the pot was smashed at the bottom as well.


My fish order arrived,Box of big prawns, box of half shell Mussels, tub of Jellied Eels, 1kg of Whitebait, 2 big plaice fillets, 2 chunks of Cod, 2 pieces of Monkfish.


Strawberry Soft whip desert, i find it hard to understand how anyone could not like them.


I watched the Bionic man Emptybox, they are clever now all right.

Loved the new Arm/wrist/hand, pity no-one can afford it.





that load of fish should keep you going for some time.

What a shame you messed up your gazebo cover, but it does sound complicated for you to do on your own. Hope the replacement pond liner doesn't cost too much.



yes sounds like you have probably consumed some gee gee in that cannelini.

Has it gone cold there again?


Had a busy run around day, but worthwhile. Took mum to see sheltered accomm flat to try and talk her into one. Then we were told we would have to put form in and wait on a list. However we were lucky and they had an empty one, and because she was priority for ground floor (she still needs zimmer), they happened to have an empty ground floor one , so offerred it to her there and then.

It seemed to be a lovely friendly place, where she keeps independance but can mix with others in the lounge too when she wants.

I am going to be busy for few weeks now with her move. I hope it suits her. cheaper too than where she is because it includes heating and washing machine.



hope your lappy is ok today.


Goodnight all, am so tired tonight. xxx


Evening Mollie.


I played around with a bit of paper to see how i went wrong with the [pond liner, know what i did wrong now, will take more care with the next one.


It will be good if you Mum goes into the new place.


I suppose Horse Meat tastes the same as been otherwise people would have known.


It does look like you will be busy again, try not to do too much though, deligate as much as possible.


Hi guys.

Nice day here too, but very cold.


Pity about your gazebo cover Hicky. You must have folded it wrong I suppose?

That's good that you are getting a replacement grape vine.
Yeah, some of the stuff on the Bionic Man was very clever, but the contraption they built at the end, looked like something out of the Gadget Show?


Hi Mollie, that's really good news about your Mum's sheltered flat. In the right place at the right time?


This horsemeat thing is turning into a proper scandal. Probably it's been going on for years. They put what they think will sell on the label (British Beef) and just put the cheapest junk they can buy in the food, whether that's horse, hedgehog or roadkill?

I don't have any objection to eating horse per se, but you have to know what you are eating.


Hi Frodo. Hope you aren't still having problems with your laptop?


Watching the film The Birds. Very old, but still good.


Morning All.


Morning Emptybox.


You are right, the meat suppliers from abroad have been selling them cheap meat probably.

The French eat Horse Meat but it has been swapped somewhere into the beef stream.


It seems a miserable morning here, got a few jobs to do in the garden, it might brighten up but it looks like bad weather coming from Sunday again, for a couple of days.


I have been in the garden this morning, putting Cloches over the Raspberry cane stubs.


I worked out the mistake with the Gazebo cover, somehow i managed to turn the 1st folded edge round so that i was working with 2 sides instead of a folded side, stupid boy.


Got some Prawns and nice fish for today, waiting to see if O/H wants to go out for brekkie or nor, she's getting a bit of shopping in after work this morning.


It looks llike Frodo is having trouble with the Laptop, oh dear, they can be a pain, thats why i wouldn't have one.


My mate at work has put an SSD drive in his Laptop, wow, he says it's so fast, no moving parts and boots up in a second.


fficial&client=firefox-a&sa=X&ei=BRoWUf6mD_G10QXwsIHoDw&ved=0CF8Q8wIwAA" target="_blank">


Hi Hicky.

Bit drizzly here today as well.


Just been to the supermarket, but haven't done much else.

Hope it brightened up to let you get on in your garden.


The only other processed beef product I've got in the house at the mo are some Birdseye quarter pound beef burgers. They proclaim "100% British Beef" in big letters on the front, but who knows anymore? I'm just going to eat them anyway. But not tonight. Tonight is bolognese night, made by me from lean Scottish mince.


I've been thinking about trying an SSD for a while Hicky, but so far I've just got conventional drives in my machines. It's probably the next upgrade I'll do, but by then they'll be even cheaper than they are now, hopefully. It's not just a matter of shoving them in though. You have to do things like turning off defragmenting and disable virtual memory, otherwise they'll wear out too quickly.


Hope Mollie and Frodo are having a good Saturday?


Evening Emptybox.


It's been a miserable day but i just carried on anyway, did everything i wanted to.


Had my usual brekkie, 3 middle rashers 2 eggs and toast.

Next door gave me 6 eggs yesterday, their chickens are laying 4 a day.


Earlier we had a box of big prawns, peeled then gently boiled and then drained and served with melted butter and pepper.


Then i had a big place fillet, gently fried with a little pepper and lemon over it.


Going to watch Take me Out.


I think the SSD's look good, stopping defragmenting and disable virtual memory doesn't seem much of a problem when you consider the massive advantage of not having a spinning drive and all the time it takes to read/write.


Hi Hicky.

I had a cooked brekkie as well. Just one rasher of extra thick unsmoked back bacon, an egg and two mushrooms.


Yes SSD are getting better and cheaper all the time, and if you do a clean install of Windows 7 or 8, and make sure the SATA mode in the BIOS is set to AHCI beforehand, then Windows sets itself up properly for the SSD, and you don't have to worry about configuring it further.




I don't think my sellotaped lappy would cope with one of those new SSD thingies.   Hope Fredo's lappy hasn't given up on her.



guess you did best just going into garden and getting on with it despite the weather. We drove to another coastal place today and it was drizzly, but we just ignored it and enjoyed our walk.   A good excuse to go to Pizza Hut and enjoy dinner though. Glad to see you are enjoying your fish.



hope you enjoyed your usual Saturday bolognaise today. Did you have a nice beer with it? What type of beer do you like?


Oh yes, I remember that old film, the Birds, it was so good.

Haven't started sorting anything to do with mum's move yet, hopefully it won't be too difficult as it is only a small place, and we can get removal man to do heavy stuff. I do find paperwork for moves such a pain though.


Time to read my magazine in bed now.


Goodnight all xxx



Evening All.


A miserable day here all day, never stopped raining, not heavy.


Not much to do in the garden now till more plants come of spring whichever comes first.


Not a lot happened to write about, not had a lot of food, normal brekkie and then toasted hot cross buns, then a rack of pork ribs, recipe at end of post, then  3 big pancakes each then another cup of tea.


Just watching DOI.


Emptybox, i assume SSD will the future drives, can't really see moving parts having a future after this.


I would have thought the bios would recognise what drive is installed.


Mollie, You wouldn't put the new SSD into your Lappy, too much trouble, you probaby don't need it anyway.


Hi Frodo, sorry to hear you've been under the weather, hope your picking up anyway.


Just roasted a rack of pork ribs.
Thought i would let you in on the dry spice i put in the zip bag with them.
I sliced the ribs to give me 4 sides instead of 2 when the rack is whole.

The spice mixture was 2 teaspoons of Piri Piri spice, 2 teaspoons of Steak Spice mixture & 1 teaspoon of Salt & Pepper seasoning mix.

Shake bag until spice attached to the ribs.

Put on tray and cover with foil for 30 minutes at 170C for fan oven, then remove foil for last 20 minutes.


Hello all 


I came down with a tummy bug and I have not looked at the internet until this morning..I hope you are all well


I don't want to go on about what we are eating but a bit of a disgrace ,when the drugs they treat horses wit are harmful to humans (thinking about school meals here )

Mollie ..wonderful news about your Mum going into sheltered housing ,packing up and all that stuff but at the end peace of mind for you and your mum   to me she sounds like a treasure and all the luck to her.


Mollie this Is the cutting down time  upset tummy not eating so much has spurred me on for the spring ..shall we join forces still eat a lot but cut down to-gether?


Honestly can you pick who goes Dancing On Ice ..I love them all , I can't wait for Hotel.


Hyah Hicky no trouble at the moment laptop ,It has rained all day here and the forecast Is for what's new 


I'm glad you got your Gazebo thing going Hicky and love the food anecdotes 



Hello emptybox hope you enjoyed your Spag Bol yesterday ,and the weather Is not to harsh In Scotland ...the upgrading of PCs goes way over my head ,,to be honest I didn't realise you could do that  


To my mind a lappy Is all I can cope with I leave the PC to people who know how to use them properly like you  Hicky and Mollie (didn't want to leave you out Mollie xx


night all


Hi guys.

Dry here but very cold.


Glad you are recovering Frodo. Don't cut down too much, will you?

D'ya know, despite the title of that video saying "Where's Mum", I spent half of it wondering why someone kept shouting for Bob. Doh!


Hi Hicky. Yeah the BIOS will recognize the drive, but setting it to AHCI allows Windows to work with it more efficiently. Don't claim to understand all the details meself, but no doubt they could be looked up.

Pity Joe went on DoI, but glad Keith stayed.


Watching Looser Women again. No Ash this time, but there's Kinga, Saskia and Amy Alexander from BB on.  

Last edited by emptybox




Aaaww sorry to hear you have not been well.   An upset tummy is so horrible and it takes awhile to feel normal again after that sort of thing. Hope you are ok now.   Yes good idea to cut down with spring looming, dont want all these rolls of winter fat hanging over my summer frocks when the warm weather arrives.   But it is only junk we should cut down as, as we need good food in winter. So have to try use our brains now, instead of reaching for the cake.   Crisps are my other downfall...will try and make sure I have a good supply of fresh fruit to nibble on instead.

Upgrading of pc's goes over my head too.



miserable wet day here too today, only went for a quick walk with doggie today. Bought mum a nice piece of battered cod from chippie today. I had pizza and salad for tea. Sounds like you haven't gone too short of food today.



not sure what a hoppy IPA is, but glad you like it.


How brilliant was the Hotel tonight? But rather sad as well as funny. Aaaww poor Mark, he put so much into that place, so nice to see how fond of each other the staff are, Alison was so upset. And aaaww at the poor little lad with the Hoovers...., staff so nice to him. And at the lost couple. Wonder if they found their way home ok? I will miss this brilliant series when it finishes next week.


Goodnight all xxx


Evening All.


Was busy at work today, a boss rang and asked how i like the office changed around, i said it's fine, i asked if he was on his way in, he said he was abroad on holiday.


My other boss goes to the USA on Saturday.


My new pond liner arrived and also my first 10 Strawberry plants.

They came virtually dry rooted but with some dry sand all over them, i opened the bag and could only see roots, it looked like a bag of roots, the growth part is about an inch long and the roots are 6".


I'll see if i can get them planted tomorrow, but will have to protect them i think.


O/H had made a lovely roast lamb dinner with mash cauliflower cheese and and a great gravy.


I've booked my car in for Thursday as the RHF drive shaft seems worse, i'm only going slow really trying to make it last.


Hello all

snow here this morning just a thin layer but very Icy ..but the sun came out and It was more or less gone at lunch time Its still very cold though.


I'm trying to stop putting sugar in my tea as I must drink at least 5 or 6 cups 

day and all those calories add up but I'm still eating normal food just less of It,and crisps are my downfall too Mollie and pizza and cream cheese


That beer sounds good emptybox may try some of that at the week-end and have a few treats then ,certainly not going to make myself miserable


Yes I like Joe but he was the right one to go this week I shall miss him though

he is good fun.


I've been watching a dating show on BBC 3  and now i'm trying to get into this three part series on Ch 4 alhough i think Its not my style.


Bad news about the car Hicky ,I hope Its not too expensive but happy for you about the pond liner ,is that for the Gazebo ?


Sunday nights won't be the same without Mark when this series finishes I've grown quite fond of him.  There is another series of It though so i'm hoping he is in it CH4 would be mad to let him go  he should be in the next CBB.


night all see you to-morrow xxx









hello again


good news about Imogen I missed that thanks love the name Ariana


sounds quite fairylike..just looked It up  Its Greek and means very Holy one


the King Prawn Balti sounds yummy homemade?


Just read an earlier post of Mollies about you consuming gee-gee emptybox Lol  not really funny though considering the fraud

Last edited by Former Member

Good Afternoon All.


Had a nice brekkie out.


Have planted the first 10 Strawberry plants, waiting for the rest now.

A lot of plants that i ordered won't come till May, they send them at the right time to plant out.


The Rhubarb is shooting up, tons of it, not sure if it supposed to be, my neighbours hasn't stirred yet.


Having some fish tonight, think it may be Monkfish, not sure yet, will see when it has thawed out.


I like Balti curry as well Emptybox, don't think it's too hot.

I will have to make a nice Prawn Curry myself, have some nice prawns in the freezer the fish man gave me last week, think they were free.


I gave up sugar in my tea years ago Frodo, mainly due to it being hard to get at work, so i just packed up, like i did smoking, just stopped.


I like the name Ariana


Not surprised Joe went he couldn't skate.


I'll miss the Hotel as well, like so many shows they aren't on for very long


I lit my 2 Zippo heaters today, had one in each pocket, kept swapping round where they were.

Lovely and warm too.


Will take them to work tomorrow, forgot Monday, going to show the canteen ladies, they are always freezing on the roof.


Hello All 


has everyone had pancakes? I gave them a miss to-day as I'm trying to cut down and taken my tea without sugar too.


Got six packets of crispbakes to-day Mollie two packets for ÂĢ3, so I mixed them up with veggie and salmon fishcakes, to-day I had the cheese and potato ones


I watched a program on BBC 3 last night called' The Year of Making Love where they put young couples to-gether to see how they get on ..a bit like blind date, but they sort of follow them for a while ,Its repeated to-night .


I hope everything is going well with the packing Mollie (that is surely a nightmare ) and that your Mum isn't stressing out too much thinking of you xx


Yes Hicky I gave up smoking.. just stopped for me It was the only way 


Have you got your Gazebo sorted yet with the pond liner ,hard work that I used to have a fish pond, but some children got through the back ages ago and poured something in, very upsetting It was filled in after that.

Very cold here to-day no snow but that icy chill that nearly cuts you in half brrrr.

I agree about Joe; he couldn't skate and to be fair he should have gone the week before ..he just brings fun in into the show ..for me


Can't really speak about food emptybox cos of the cutting down .but have you

had anything good to eat for tea ?


Did you watch' My Daughter The Teenage Nudist ' on Channel 4 last night ?

it was so funny and repeated Saturday at 11pm on 140... it really was a treat and the teens on it were is the weather your way ..questions questions


bye for now folks xxxxx frodo



Last edited by Former Member




glad you got a bit of sun.

i agree,what a lovely name Ariana is.   Do you have a link with any pics at all? I love celeb baby pics.



sorry to hear you have car problems. Hope this does not prove too costly?

I think buying the hand warmers right now in this cold weather was well timed.



Yes I too buy the crispbakes in two's as they always seem to do the offer like that. Good luck cutting back the sugar. I too try and cut back on sugar.


Been really busy sorting mum out, been to new flat with her to meet council lady, and all forms all filled in and signed now... fingers crossed she likes it now. Haven't started packing a thing yet, but tenancy doesn't start till next Monday. Daughter helped me today thankfully because it is hard work taking her out with her zimmer frame.

Not much on tv tonight, but will watch Superfat/skinny I think.

have a good evening all xxx





Evening All.


Evening Mollie & Frodo.


I didn't make the new waterproof cover for the gazebo, ran out of time really.


Having Pancakes tomorrow,


I had the monkfish, sliced it across into chunks and made some madras curry and cooked the fish in that, cooked some rice to have with it.

It's a very meaty fish which they use when they want fish that won't fall apart.


Then i had a toasted hotcross bun.


I thought i had seen the baby pics, maybe not, will see if i can find it again.

Imogen before the birth.

Babies name is Ariana Siena

Can't find baby pic.



Hello again


The fish you have delivered sounds great Hicky  I bookmarked that page a while ago ,not too keen on a fish curry apart from King Prawn although I don't think I have tasted Monkfish is it one of the stronger ones? curry seems to overpower the fish taste for me I like lemon juice or a sauce on fish cheese is good or a posh one Hollandaise innit.


Would It be expensive for someone to sort your Gazebo roof out Hicky ? or do you prefer to do it yourself .


Any ways tele time and good night all xxx Ash Wednesday to-morrow and in some form or another probably veggie but with dumplings I would have been joining in mmmm shall I break the diet


night again xx




Dry again here but cloudy and cold.


Didn't bother with pancakes. Had roast chicken breast, roast potatoes and sugarsnap peas and gravy.


Don't think Imogen has posted any pics yet. She had to have a caesarean because the baby wouldn't turn, so she's probably recovering from that.


I would have thought that was early for rhubarb Hicky, but I guess it depends how well you had insulated them.

Don't think I'd fancy having something alight in my pocket. Presumably they are safe, but I remember some idiot at school putting a lit cigarette in my blazer pocket, and I only discovered it when it had burnt through. That puts me off.


I saw that teenage nudist prog Frodo. It's been on before. It was quite funny.

Not sure whether sugar in your tea has much effect? I always have one small teaspoon of sugar in tea or coffee.


Hi Mollie. You'll have a lot of work to do to get your Mum moved. Hoefully she'll be happy in her new flat.


Did anyone see Charlie Brooker's 'Black Mirror' last night on 4? Quite good. Some good futuristic tech on it.


Yes I saw that 'Black Mirror ' quite confused me cos I  watched that as I was posting  and missed some of It


Has the nudist thing really been on before ,have I been hibernating..please don't answer that  cos I have missed some pretty darned good documentaries

Josie's looking slim and good cant believe how she has changed she is now a size 8

night all  xx

Last edited by Former Member

Good Afternoon Everyone.


Frodo, the Monkfish isn't strong, tasting, it's just that the fish doesn't fall apart when handled or cooked.

they use to use small pieces as scampi at one time.

It's a nice fish, quite expensive though.


The gazebo canopy just needs some work doing on the stitching, the covering i am making is just added waterproofing, when i get it sorted.

I can't really get someone in, will get the canopy redone when the weather is good, shouldn't cost much.


If Josie is a size 8 then were has all the looses skin gone?


Hi Emptybox.

I can't stop the Rhubarb growing, it does what it wants.


The hand warmers are still hot, i started them at 5.30am and they are fine, put them in my jacket as they are a bit hot in the office.

You can't really put them out, i could extinguish the burner but the fuel would waste away anyway as you don't get a lid to stop the fuel evaporating.


These are harmless anyway as they don't have a flame.


Hope Mollie isn't worn out with all this extra work?



Evening All.


Just had a roast Spatchcock chicken with roasties, veg and nice gravy, O/H cooked it, then i had 3 biggish pancakes with Syrup on.


My new garden truck has arrived, will have a go at building it outside tomorrow if weather ok.


Taking car in to morrow for them to see if they can find out whats up.

One little grandson that had written in blue marker all over his belly and face and door.

So lovely though.

Last edited by Hicky


Snow this morning turning to rain this afternoon.


Hi Frodo. Yes I'm sure I saw that teenage nudist thing a year or so ago.

Josie has made a complete transformation. Perhaps slightly too thin now even?


Hi Hicky. Have fun building your truck up.

Hope your car repair isn't too expensive.


Depending on the weather I may get out to do some work in the next couple of days.


Watched Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners on CH4, noe Brain Doctors on BBC2.


Evening Emptybox.


It snowed all day but then turned to rain really.


So what happened to Josie's loose skin, tons of it?


It shouldn't be too hard to build the truck, just need some spanners, but will have to do it outside on the decking table.

Instructions aren't too good.


Wow, what a night, Great British Menu, The Hairy Bikers and Brain Doctors, quite a night.


The problem with the car is, i'm not sure what is up, it seems like a drive shaft on the front off side but they may have to strip it down to check.

This is the drive shaft, the car has 4 i think but they are all different i suppose.


The parts are so big and heavy that you can't feel wear even it it's there.


Hi Hicky.

Didn't watch the other two, but Brain Doctors was very moving. 


Not sure about Josie's skin TBH? (you seem a bit obsessed with it? )

Here's some pics of her at her recent Birthday party, and she certainly looks thin, but perhaps a bit pale of face?

There's a picture there of her and Aisleyne, but i think Ash was there at another party.


Evening All.


It's been a glorious day here, sun out all day, not cold either.

Managed to build my new garden truck.


Took my car in to the garage, they rang this afternoon, it does need a front offside drive shaft, they have ordered it, should get it tomorrow, have kept the car.


Had a normal brekkie, but for tea i had a pepper tomato soup, 4 Somosa's, a little pack of Chinese salt and pepper ribs, prawn curry with rice.


Afternoon Emptybox.

Yes, that Brain Doctors program was good.


I'm just confused with Josie, the earlier pics of her showed us massive amounts of loose skin hanging everywhere, where has it gone?


I must admit here recent pictures look good, as does Ash.


I managed to cut the six sided new waterproof top for my gazebo, i folded a bit up on the six corners and stapled it, i got my hole punch machine and fitted the ring things in, i then cut six pieces of 6mm bungee cord and threaded it though and fixed with 2 tie wraps tightened.


I'll either wait for a day with no wind to fit it or wait for my lad to give me a hand.





at the piccie of your cute little grandson let loose with the market pen.

And thanks for the Imogen baby tum piccie.  I expect it will be awhile until we see a mag shoot of mum and baby if she had a caesarian.

Glad to hear the garage have found the car problem and should soon sort it.

Are you pleased with the garden truck? I bet the kiddies will have fun with that.


Makes sense that if Josie has lost 6 stone so quickly, then there has to be loads of loose skin? Isn't there some method of cutting it away that these cosmetic people do? Maybe she had that done?


Glad you made a start on your gazebo.



thanks for the Josie pics link. Whilst she is thin now, I am not so sure she looks that healthy now around the face.



I see you are tempted to break the diet. Well...I couldn't resist a nice little Cadbury easter egg full of white mousse, you know those new ones that come in an egg box with a little spoon... highly recommended.


Been really busy sorting mums' move out but have removals booked and phone line sorted, so now just have to sort through her stuff. and lots of other paperwork too.


Enjoy your evening all xxx



Evening Mollie.


He is so cute, and the looks he gives you, and if he has done something he shouldn't  he goes and stands by the wall with his head forward, he's so funny.


I think the car has other problems but can only sort 1 at a time, it's over 10 years old now so it will need some jobs doing.


The garden truck is super, very strongly built so it will carry quite a lot.

It's a lot heavier than it looks on this picture.



I'm keeping it in the gazebo for now.


Evening guys.

Not bad day. A bit dull and cold.


Got some work done anyway. Some tidying up and pruning. First paid work for a while.

Need a day off tomorrow now.


Hi Mollie. Glad you are getting your Mum's move sorted.

No I agree, I don't think Josie looks all that healthy.

She looks good in the bottom picture with the blue dress, but she's maybe gone a bit further since?


Hi Hicky. Sounds like your car has reached the time where it will start to give problems?

Glad you managed to get your gazebo cover worked out.


Had lamb chops for supper, with potatoes and roast parsnips.




Aaaww little lads at that age are so funny and cute, it is so hard to tell them off if they have been mischievous when they give you that cute look at that age.   That is the trouble with cars, as they get older, more work needed. But new cars are so expensive, aren't they? The kids will have fun in that cart, I bet.



well done on getting your first work done in awhile. It must of been a bit of a shock to the system though, so a good days rest is now in order.   What you need is a nice sexy young lady cleaner/cook to come and pamper you for the day.

I love roast parnsips.


I am watching about the man from Liverpool on C4 "The Man who Streaks", very interesting.

Then bed with my mag for me.

Goodnight all xxx


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