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Evening all.


Busy at work, and had the bloke in doing the Pat testing so had to close things down so he could test the leads.


Just had the usual brekkie, have had much today really,

For tea i had a round of toast while the Samosa's were heating up. 4-off, then while i was eating those with hot lime & Chilli Pickle i had the fat on for the chicken wings.

We don't use the deep fat fryer, binned it a while back, too hard to clean.

We use the Wok now with Beef dripping, use it a few times then bin it, its cheap enough.


Frodo, The trees are all in pots, the big pots are 100 litre, smaller ones 80 litre, veg pots 50 litres and i have some 30 litre for strawberry plants this year.


I can't remember what was in your other posts as they are on the previous page.

I will post this then go back and look at the previous page.


I got a few tweets off my lad in Oz, he posted a picture of his car, the 6.2 lire 8 cylinder one.


Will have to see how job he has is going, he's happy at the mo anyway.


I have loads of pancake stuff in for next Tuesday, but we often have Pancakes it's such a cheap pudding.


I enjoyed the Hotel, bu the boss is crazy so don't know what will happen.


Hope Mollie is OK, she is pretty busy i expect.

Last edited by Hicky


Sorry al....l 1st time I have had free time to post for awhile.

Went out yesterday for day to see friends who live around 120 miles round trip away. We had nice tea with them. Don't like going far away from mum incase she needs me, but she was fine, and i managed to take her some food over. Then had to catch up with things today...., just got back from Morrisons. Good because I can't miss Mrs Browns Boys.



thanks for the car piccies, what an unusual looking car, and a nice bright colour.   I had forgotten how everyone flew everywhere in Oz. I remember when we used to ask how far it was to somewhere the Ozzie's, replied in flying time, as opposed to driving time. My OH used to have to fly places for work, and got fed up of flying. 

Thought you might still be busy at work. What is Pat testing?

Not long now till your busy spring time gardening season arrives. Let's hope it is a bit drier this year, than last.



do you still watch Mrs Brown's boys?

Sounds like it is still very cold up there. The wind was very cold on seafront today when I took doggie a walk today.



I had forgotten it was Pancake day soon. Will have to remember to get the stocks in. I love them especially with lemon and sugar.


yes Mark off Hotel is right bonkers. Shame he is fighting a losing battle with finance for that Hotel. Silly Christian making matters work, but yes I too felt sorry for Christian as he was so upset last night.


Goodnight all, nearly time for Mrs Brown's boys.



what an awful thing to do to a little boy. glad he is ok though.



I remember HOlden when we lived in Oz, ,very popular.. lots of people worked there, and lots of those make of cars around.

I rememeber petrol was cheaper there too.


I heard about this on tv. they advise if you eat mince meat, only buy extra lean, the quality of our mince just got a whole lot worse in the country, thanks to a government ruling to ignore EU guidlines on what you can put in mince.


Bed time for me, I am glad to say i have lots to read in bed, my friend gave me a pile of Hallo mags.


thunder just started here again...

Goodnight all xxx


Evening Mollie.


Thought you had been busy.


I'll watch Mrs Brown, have been watching them looking for Richard 3rd, interesting, how lucky was that, a miracle really.


Pat testing (portable appliance testing) is the label required in industry to prove that the power lead has been tested each year.

It's compulsory in non domestic premises i think.



Just found this tweet, thought it had been posted.



A lot of snow overnight. Still a lot lying, but it's melting fast.


Mrs Brown's Boys was good last night.

And the Richard III thing was fascinating. And as you say Hicky, it was a miracle that the first trench they dug was the one he was in.
The woman on it was a bit over-emotional though?  


Never heard of PAT testing. Sounds like Health & Safety nonsense to me?


I don't think our mince is getting worse Mollie, it's been the same for years. It's just that the EU regulations would mean that a lot of what is now called 'Minced Beef' would have to be called something else. 'Minced Crap' maybe?

I always buy the lean stuff anyway.


Evening Emptybox.


A bit of a mixed bag today weatherwise.

Snow/rain/hail and wind.


Used my new stapler to fasten the loose velcro sections on the gazebo canopy, it works ok anyway.


Had to go to the post place again for a parcel, my new reel of bungee cord has arrived, also postman delivered my new garden labelling machine.

Its the Brother GL100, the labels are rain proof, humidity proof, heat resistant, frost resistant & fade proof.


I have made loads of labels (22)and stuck them onto the plastic plant stakes i had, i've put a string through each for fastening them.

I ran out of the white plant labels.


When we get some nice weather i will take the top off the gazebo and fasten the velcro on again, i might ask a sail maker how much they would charge to sew them on with gut instead of cotton.


Haven't had a lot to eat really, had run out of my good bacon, ate some lean stuff and found out after brekkie that the date ran out on the 26th Jan.


Had a crab on bread this afternoon, for tea had some chicken breasts with a rice meal.

Had some fruit as well, a couple of pears and Nectarines.


Had to get diesel and my tv paper.


Hello all lappy crashed again to-day all my bookmarks gone again It keeps saying something about shock wave and plugin when It goes off. Happily enough It transferred all my bookmarks from IE,good that innit Snowing like mad here to-day thick ,you couldn't see the roads then the sun came out It went and now Its back again I've been watching Midsummer Murders The Headless Horseman read all up on every thing to-morrow night all frodo xxxx


Hi Hicky, not much chance of you losing you way in your garden, now you've got it all labelled.


Hi Frodo, pity about your laptop.

Sounds like Flash player plugin might be playing up.


Is it Google Chrome you use?

You could enter chrome://plugins into the address bar and disable the entry called Adobe Flash Player (Shockwave Flash), and see if that helps. You do need that for some sites though, so you'd have to enable it sometimes.

You may see two entries for Flash in there. If so they might be conflicting, so disable one of them, the version with the lower number.

Just to confuse things there is also a plugin called Adobe Shockwave Player that might be there. If you have that you are definitely safe to disable it.

Last edited by emptybox

Hello all

just a quick post,emptybox I think you may have hit the nail on the head


about the plugins that what keeps coming up ,like sort of shock sign and then ,the plugin /shockwave message 


I have found the page and It may take me a while but I'm going to look into It

after breakfast


                                thanks frodo  


Hi Frodo.

I think that page is out of date.


If you put chrome://plugins into the Chrome browser address bar it brings up a page of all the installed plugins.

Under each entry is a link marked 'Disable', which disables that plugin. It greys out and the link turns to 'Enable', so you can easily turn it back on again.


Look down the list and find any entries for Adobe Flash Player or Adobe Shockwave Player.

If you tell me what you have for those I can tell you whether you should disable any.


Also open up the computer Control Panel and find 'Uninstall a Program' (if you have Windows 7), and tell me If Adobe Flash Player or Adobe Shockwave Player are listed in there. You could safely uninstall those programs as Google Chrome has it's own inbuilt version of Flash. If you went back to using Internet Explorer you would be prompted to reinstall Flash if required.


Nice sunny day here, but windy.

Last edited by emptybox

Hello all

back again emptybox,to be honest I was still not sure what to do so I looked in my files and I had four adobe flashes in there,does that makes sense to you?


whenever an update came up I pressed install..on my control panel I have adobe acrobat ,I put the others in recycle and then deleted them ,am I doing this right ..just tried youtube and that's ok


sorry for putting you through this trouble  really thankful for your help though muchas gracias senorxx


Adobe Acrobat is something else entirely, so ignore that.

If there's no mention of Flash or Shockwave in Control Panel, then you don't need to worry about that.


Not sure what you mean by "in my files", or what you have deleted? But if you mean you looked in the Chrome Plugins page, and there was four instances of Adobe Flash Player in there, then that could certainly be causing problems.

I would advise disabling all apart from the most recent one (The one with the highest version number).


Hello Mollie emptybox Hicky


What a change from yesterday weatherwise ,snow all gone and some sun

just put the heating on for a while as Its just turning cool.


I didn't know you lived in Australia Mollie ,do you miss It ,the warm weather etc or were you homesick ,I'm glad you enjoyed the time with your friend ,you need a break you good,I have never watched Mrs Browns Boys is It good .


Four In A Bed is back to Its usual tricks ,game playing I hate that I like them to mark fairly


Wow Hicky that Is some car ,love the colour too, do you think he'll ever come back to England Hicky ,after all these fabulous places and holidays,what a life 

is he the brains of the family Hicky ? you must be very proud


Hi emptybox have you put anything else on ebay ,there Is a play station 2 and loads of games in some dark corner we were going to give It to Oxfam..for someone at Christmas ,but never got down to digging It out so many dvds from yonks back as well .


Thanks for all your help with the lappy


sees you all soon xxxxx 


Good Afternoon Everyone.


Been a bit busy again, but one boss is in Spain so that helps.


Flash and scripts stop a page moving on so the puter crashes or sometimes it asks me do i want to stop it.

Puters haven't got a lot of common sense really.


My Lad in Oz is very laid back, bright as well, so are all of my lads really, think about 3 have degree's but even the ones without are pretty clever.


It's been sunny here,,  when i was on the roof having brekkie the sun was beating down.

Only had the usual, bacon, egg, 2 sausage, tomato, 2 rounds of toast.


Have packed up my work early and updated everything, just waiting for the nod, we usually get away earlier when there's not so many in the office.


Hello Hicky

yes I agree computers haven't a lot of sense and to be honest computer geeks nerds like me haven't a lot of knowledge to fix It


I really have tried to have a go at fixing It ,with the help from emptybox ,so if this doesn't work ..may have to buy a new one.


To be honest Hicky I don't know how you fit all your schedule in  ..the meals must take up a lot of time plus your work and gardening know no wonder you can eat what you like


This should cheer you up









Last edited by Former Member

the original video Is a little risque for here but this is the sports relief video


enjoy personally ..I think Its funny


eta who says other women are catty Beyonce is Bootylicious of course only my opinion  and millions of others Lol  





Last edited by Former Member

Love 'Telephone' by Lady GaGa Frodo, it's one of the best tracks by her.

I'm not sure, but I think that might be some bloke, in the video you posted?
ETA: Oops! I just looked it up, and it's actually the girl that played Jayne in 'stenders


Love the Beyonce pic as well, although she seems to be straining. A blockage somewhere perhaps?


Hope my advice helped a bit with your lappy Frodo, though as Hicky says, computers don't have much common sense.

That applies to Linux and OSX as well as Windows. They spend ages designing an operating system that looks fancy, but they'd be better spending time getting it to deal properly with errors and conflicts, rather than just giving up and dumping it on the user to sort out.

(Have I said that before? Just tell me if I'm repeating myself? )

I don't blame you, packing up work early, if you've been busy Hicky.

That sounds like a pleasant brekkie on the roof?


Just been into town to pay my paper bill and post a letter. I may have picked up a copy of a certain magazine with a certain Miss C.J. Hayes on the cover.


I haven't got anything else to sell on ebay at the moment Frodo. Got quite a bit more spare computer bits, but nothing that would fetch much dosh.

I have sold a few things previously though. The biggest thing I sold was my old Mercedes car. What a b*gger that was to get parcelled up and posted off, I can tell you.

Last edited by emptybox

Hello all


emptybox you do make sense about the computers ..Its just that you and Hickey are so used to It and are really whizz's at It ,you forget us mere mortals


when you said go into your browser I was flummoxed ,computer speak Is alien to me ..but I have downloaded  project 64 can you believe that and the sheer joy I get from playing that ..of course I can't finish It ,but finding all the worlds It  


Yes Telephone is brilliant but a bit much for here I don't want to get banned 


Oven chips and crispbakes for tea ..threw the deep fat fryer away pain in the arches  trying to keep It I'm suffering the consequences not bad though  (when does the chippy open ) 


ta ta for now 




off to watch some Tele are you OK Mollie  I'm a little obsessed with my lappy and forgetting other people have lives too trying to stave off the inevitable ..the expense of another pc sorry about that


back in a bit  I think this Is more me  Busy BEE




Last edited by Former Member




Glad the new stapler is working ok. You certainly keep the post office going with all your orders.

22 labels, that is quite a few.Your garden will be well organised.

Your lads all sound clever, they must of got that off their dad.

Brekkie on the roof sounds good.. do you have good views from us there?



sorry you are having lappy troubles still. Glad Emptybox and Hicky are able to advise you. Is it when you are using Chrome, because I get those exact same messages on some things, but only when i use them on chrome, so I use firefox as well now.


Lucky you and Emptybox getting some pretty snow again. We have a lot of strong winds, and some nice sun, so can't complain though, better than pouring with rain.



yes there seems to be some game playing again in 4 in a Bed, but I still love this show.   Yes lived in Oz for nearly 6 years, and I don't miss it now. Far too hot in summer for me, too hot to go out anywhere...horrid insects and huge spiders (had a cockroach crawl over my face in bed once), and lizards running around lounge. Fond it boring after a while and we had visited most places.. not many places to visit, unless you drive days and days through barren countryside, or fly there. Good for a couple of years though, I reckon, and good for someone like Hicky's lad in his field of work. Kids loved the schools though, real fun and friendly, easy going, outdoor stuff going on all the time and lots of swimming/sport. My kids never wanted a day off school, even if they were ill. Mums always welcome to go in class and help, so I often did. I liked the swimming pool in our housing complex too, as did the kids, straight in there after school each day.


Mrs Brown's boys is hilarious.Perhaps you can still catch it on iplayer, a series of it just finished on tv.



at you just happening to buy that magazine.


Had a hectic day yesterday...

son was playing in college band in the went to see him, daughter was at archery, so OH had to drop her and collect her around the same time and other son was at rehearsals for his drama production....

and of course mum and pets to see too...VAT to do...etc, etc, but did manage to get to watch 4 in a bed.


Dog got nice long walk today and yesterday, as it was dry and sunny, very windy, but don't mind that.


Had M and S crispbake for tea with veg and a caramel yogurt.


have a good evening all xxx




Last edited by *mollie*

Hi Frodo.


Browser is short for internet browser such as Internet Explorer or Google Chrome or Firefox. My advice related specifically to Google Chrome though.


Lamb chops, pots, brocoli and gravy for me. I'll have a look in the fridge to see what available for a pudding.


Project 64? Is that a Commodore 64 emulator?


Hello Mollie


love to hear your stories I would not be able to cope with the spiders or lizards anything like that,but I do wish I was a little more adventuress..I still love Four In A Bed and almost all of the other programmes we speak about on here ..but occasionally they get me ratty Its not a dig at anyone just an observation..I tend to speak aloud  so to speak and definitely never intend

to be hurtful the dogs went on a two hour trek this morning so I did them sausages for a snack son seems to be on a fitness trek but they are dogs that thrive on exercise ,,come home to a snack a warm snooze off again,and back to their dinner,

At the moment as I have the lappy upstairs they are laid on cushions on the floor  shattered..


  bye for now xx




  a 2 hour trek, my doggie would only manage that if I pushed her in a push chair. I think the sausages were well deserved by them. Good job your son is on a keep fit spree, so he tires them out for you though. My doggie is shattered and snoozing too, she is in her soft basket now surrounded in her cuddly toys.



yes my son plays guitar in one of the college's rock bands.  His band are the beginners band, so are quieter and not so confident as the other college bands, but his teacher said they did well for their first public performance. All the students all travelled by bus  from college about 8 miles away, to play in this  pub....When they all arrived I offerred the teacher a drink, he said he needed 7 pints after sorting that lot out on the bus...but he'd have to settle for a coke.  


Goodnight all x


What a shambles..hello all  they are even removing ready made meals now

in several Supermarkets.

makes me wonder what we have been eating ...I have eaten ready made meals many a time especially from a certain store.


Makes me more determined to stop ..but yet I eat fish  what a hypocrite I am


night all ..take carexx 


Evening All.


Thought it was going to be a nice day with the wind having dropped, but it's chilly and cloudy and rainy.Had a nice brekkie though, split the difference in rashers, settled for 3 middle double rashers a tin of toms and 2 eggs with 2 rounds of toast.


Had to get the 5-off 30L tubs ready for the Strawberry plants arriving.

I put 3 tubs on the floor on big plastic saucers, stud 2 over the 3 then a new tub on the top, like a pyramid.

That should hold the 10 plants ok.

Filled them all with JI2 + Manure with vermiculite.


Order 2 Hand Warmers from Amazon, they are the Zippy ones.


Made a Rib beef roast dinner with carrots, cabbage and roast spuds, yummy.


Beyonce at the Superbowl show.

Last edited by Hicky

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