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Hi Frodo. I posted that link from my tablet, so it's the mobile version of Youtube, but when I click on the link on my PC it allows you to click on 'Desktop' at the top, and then plays fine.
Try this link -

Most modern TVs and boxes (not sure about Sky box) have USB sockets, and if you put in a USB memory stick with photos, videos or music files on it then the TV or box can play them.

That's probably what those features are?


No more bids on me Ebay yet. If that's all I get I'd have been better keeping it as a spare, but there you go.


Hi Mollie. I watched the Martin Clunes prog about dogs.

How interesting about the dog saving your nan. They do have some fantastic abilities.

I've had small wins on the lottery, up to about ÂĢ80, but nothing more than that.


Hi Hicky. I've never thought of putting winter tyres on my present car. I had them for my old Mercedes, but then it had two sets of wheels when I bought it from my Bro, so I could have winter tyres on the original wheels and summer tyres on the alloys.

I keep thinking about getting snow chains, but because it's 4 wheel drive I'd need them for all 4 wheels. 

I'll keep thinking about them though.


I had pork chop tonight with baked potatoes and sugar snap peas. I had some cheese sauce left from the other day, so I had it over the pork. Very tasty.


You win  emptybox


  got It to playof course the Beatles  are good but I love Fiona Apple,


Mollie trust you to not make a big deal of your illness take care 

night all xx


sorry no more bids emptybox ,but I bet It was great fun   on my own in the house to-night I hate It ,usually I'm in the land of nod by now ,but every squeak or noise I'm up the dogs are useless worse than me


night all 

Last edited by Former Member


not been too bad a day here cold but what's new ,the dogs have the face on as their favourite person has gone out  not me as you can gather,my son gone to meet the current passion of his life,


Beatles night on BBC 4 tonight isn't It annoying when you can't stop your feet jiggling to the music  â™ŦLove Love Me Dowhoooâ™Ŧ.


No chippy today ..I had the weirdest thing for tea rice with peppers and other veg mixed In... spaghetti hoops and a cheese and onion crisp bake and you know what I enjoyed It


Can you believe Its February  only  five minutes ago we were talking about Christmas ,time flies when your having fun innit wonder when the normal Big Brother starts ?


So has your bid finished now emptybow and if so did It stay at 99p ,I hope It went higher,watching anything good on the tele? ,have you just the basic programmes emptybox or are you on another server ,there's loads to watch on the internet if you know where  and I don't.. do you know when I'm, posting the two words I get most confused with are where and were I'm always getting them wrong I was always rubbish at English ( why didn't I listen )


Ooh Little Richard on now ,feet tapping again 


Hello Mollie  done anything good today ,you had anything good for tea ? I may have a glass of pear cider in a moment ,are you indulging in a glass of wine while your tele watching ,I keep meaning to try that RosÃĐ wine they drink as red Is a little heavy for me  I may buy a bottle to-morrow.


If you are around Hicky ,I hope all Is well with you ,happy eating 


off for now byee xx



White Rabbits to you too Frodo.

Another wet and windy day here.


Got ÂĢ8 for the graphics card in the end. There were 3 bidders interested ultimately, which pushed the price up.

I'm quite pleased because I only paid ÂĢ14 for it myself in 2007.


I'll have to try to watch Splash tomorrow, because I think Linda Barker is still in, and she's lovely.

Watching The Last Samurai at the mo. 

Last edited by emptybox

Hi Frodo, didn't see you there.

Yes it's strange that it's February again.


That was a strange mixture for tea?

I had salmon fishcakes with fried potatoes and peas.


I spent an hour today watching Youtubes of the band Rush. That's my sort of thing, but I don't generally watch much internet TV.


I've heard that the Canadian BB livefeed is going to be blocked from being watched outside Canada, so you'll have to sign up to a VPN (virtual private network) or proxy server if you want to watch it. They usually cost a few pounds per month.

Never tried them myself so I'm not sure how they work, except that they fool the website into thinking you are in Canada.

If I hear about which is the best one I'll let you know. Not sure if Hicky has ever used them?

Last edited by emptybox




hope work wasn't too bad today. And let's hope for some dry weather over the weekend so you can get in the garden.How is your OH's neck? Do you think a TENS machine would help her? They have been a great help to me, if you want a link , I will send you one, they are not expensive either.



Shame if you get no more bids, and you would of been better off keeping it. But all part of the ebay learning process I guess. Nice to have won about ÂĢ80 so far, but we need to add a few noughts for your next win.   Those sugar snap peas are nice, I will have to remember to get some for a change.



yes tried not to make a big deal of things when ill , I was just glad to be alive at the end of it, and so happy I can breathe easy when I walk now. I just did my best to get well as soon as  I could, and was lucky to have a great support from my family during my recovery.  

HIcky also was dead brave....even more so than me actually, when he had his big op, and he got over it all so well with his positive attitude, bless him.

at your unusual tea... I too had a weird thrown together one, as i have had a busy day. I had the leftovers from the kids curry, just the rice they left added to the curry sauce left in the jar and some bake beans added (they have chicken breast with theirs),, and with the pizza I had bought from Gregs.

I heard that BB starts in June.

I like rose wine, but find red too heavy.

If you haven't seen it, don't forget to watch The Secret Life of Dogs. really interesting.

at you not being the dogs fave person, I too even though I am the main one who looks after her, because I am the one who is around her most, am not her fave person... my hubby is.  


Goodnight all x


Hello emptybox 

If Its blocked perhaps I won't bother,someone mentioned downloading a programme I really wanted to watch and I ended up with babylon as you know I'm useless at techno things and It took me ages to get rid of It. McAfee usually says whoa don't go there , but not that time


I for one can't understand why other Countries could watch our big brother but not us,of course now most people know where to go to find them ,but least said about that the better I mean If E4 stopped showing Friends  and put an episode of the BB Series they may get some viewers,


I may have a look in on Rush to post a link ,music I love all types Classical too ,

  1. love my books and codewords jeez enough of my ramblings  decided on a mug of hot chocolate ,very trendy innit 

Fab is right Mollie.


Hi Frodo, that hot chocolate sounds good. Must get meself some, as an occasional alternative to tea or coffee.


Here's some Rush for you. Coincidentally they are a Canadian band. Told ya I didn't mind Canadians really.


Here they are in 1979

And here's the same three guys, still having fun over 30 years later in 2010. Don't worry about the little South Park spoof at the beginning.

Last edited by emptybox



The sun this morning was streaming through the windows again but when I went to feed  the birds It was Icy outside really cold ,had a cooked breakfast this morning but to be honest gradually finding myself more and more not wanting to eat meat


This fiasco with cross contamination yet again ,and I just feel a bit of a hypocrite because I will eat fish 


Made some bread this morning It doesn't take long ,I have had bread machines and I have a bread blade in the mixer but Its waiting for It to prove(double in size ) that's the longest job, 


I hope everyone Is well ,and thanks for the links emptybox I'm going to have another play of them later,have you had your Spaghetti Bol to-day I hope you enjoy,you didn''t do to bad on ebay after all did you


Hope you are well Mollie ,I'm just thinking about tea ,hope Hicky Is alright not heard from him

see you later I'll be back


Hello again

I may be in the mood for a little tiny bragging ,about the bread I made this morning

the house is usually buzzing  ,but some serious shenanigans  are going on ,not by me I hasten to add I was up early took my time ,one large bag of strong plain flour I made 25 medium size bread cakes  so pleased after my other cooking disasters

This spurs me on errr excuse (ommmmmm I can I will make things you can eat )


The dogs are getting crafty and have sussed I can't cook   but they did have sausages to-day   cos they would nt eat the chicken .


Joking apart how are you all no Hicky has he gone awol ,love your videos emptybox



Last edited by Former Member

Evening All.

A lovely day here, sun slight wind and no rain, a bit chilly though.


Cut down on the bacon rashers, halved it.


Also had a crab, 1/2 kilo of big prawns, wow, i peeled them, quick boil, dip in melted butter.


Ordered and had delivered 20 John Innis No. 3 and 5 Organic Farmyard Manure.

Have planted the 4 new vines now.


The big stapler is the 5 code 918621
But it only cost me ÂĢ23 delivered.


where have you been missed you and your posts ..lovely to hear from you xx


Is Mrs Hickys neck better



I think we have a laugh at the bacon and realise you are only talking about half the size of a normal slice..Its the way you say things that make people fond of you Hicky 

not laughing at you ,just sharing your fun 


life would be so much duller without the Hickys In It  x 

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Hi Frodo, we posted together.


I forgot to say my neighbour gave me a brace of Pheasants, he had cleaned and skinned them, put them in freezer.


Just having a cup of tea, a hot cross bun and a custard cream cake.


Good on you making the bread cakes, not sure what they are as i keep break and cakes separate.

Bread being for savour dishes and cakes, anytime after meals.




breadcakes where I come from  is just normal bread mixture made into rounds 


for hambugers etc like these  just a tiny bit crustier but the same size                                                           



Last edited by Former Member

Hi Frodo.

We call them Crusty rolls or Cobs of just Rolls depending on what they look like.


You need to eat them fresh, not so keen on day old ones.


This is what i hope to grow this year.

3 Fig Trees - Brown Turkey
8 Vines - mixed
1 Apple - Coxes
1 Pear - Conferance
1 Plum - Victoria
1 Cherry - Sunburst
1 Peach
1 Nectarine
2 Pomegranates
12 Raspberry Plants - Joan J
10 Strawberry Plants - Sweetheart

Grafted Plants
1 Cucumber - Fitness
1 Pepper Sweet - F1 Miena
1 Pepper Chilli - F1 Medina
3 Tomato - Belriccio, Moneymaker, Juanita

Veg - Spring collection.
18 Beetroot - Bolthardy
9 Cabbage - Frostie
9 Cauliflower - All year Round
25 Leek - Musselburgh
25 Onion - Santero
Broccoli, Runner Beans, Carrot, Parsnip.





you will be able to open a fruit/veg stall with all those you are growing. Good luck, hope they come out well, but I am sure they will, as you seem to have a talent in the garden.   Glad your OH's neck a bit better.

I expect your lad will need a good car living in Oz, such long distances involved out there. I don't know a thing about cars though, so don't know what a 8 cylinder, 6 lites thingie is.

I don't know Hardy Bros, but I can remember Hardys wines when we were there.   Is he working in the outback or the city in his new job?

did you decide that 8 slices was too much bacon?

I can't resist peanuts at the moment.   well... to be precise the new Honey roast Sensations ones.



Did you enjoy seeing Linda in the bikini tonight?

I think they all did so well.



well done on successfully making the bread cakes.   I bet your kitchen smelt yummy whilst they were baking. We call them bread rolls here. What was your tipple tonight? Rose wine?  If you ditch the meat, don't think you'd even miss it, you know. I don't because there is so much yummy veggie stuff around now.

at your doggies twisting your arm for sausages.


We had nice walk in the sun on seafront with our dog today. I had a nice latte and shortbread biccies in the cafe on seafront, very busy today as sun was out. Got a few washloads dry too.

Went to chippie and bought mum a nice piece of fish , as she doesn't get her meals on wheels today.

We all had subway for a change as we had some money off vouchers. I love their salad and mayo and sweet onion sauce.

not much on tv tonight after Splash.


goodnight all xxx



yes but you freeze them pronto and they taste as fresh as they were baked 

that Is the Idea


Like you I have a smaller freezer for extra's etc hope you are all well 


The trees... fruit everything you have ..what a treasure trove your garden Is

any more photo's or Is It too bare this time of year Hicky


night to all love frodo xxx  


Evening all.

Very frosty here today. I had to defrost my car before going in to town to post that package off. Just went to the supermarket at the same time to save a trip tomorrow.

Also, when I was washing my car this afternoon, the water was freezing on the roof before I got it rinsed off.


Loved seeing Linda in her gold bikini Mollie. Pity she only came third. That Benidorm guy actually did the best dive, but I suppose he wasn't quite as high up as the other two?

Spag bol as usual.

Glad you enjoyed your walk.
Must admit salted peanuts are one of the few things that I have to ration myself with, cos once I start I could just keep on eating them. Only buy them every now and then.  


Hi Frodo. I used to love Black Beauty as a kid, so that track brought back happy memories. Not sure about the dance music version though?

Sounds like your bread making was a big success.


Don't think I could give up meat completely. I'm not a big red meat eater, but I find veg on it's own rather boring. But I admire those who have the commitment.


Hi Hicky. That must be some serious stapler?

Sounds like a really special car your lad has bought. Is it an American muscle car or something?

Trust you to have your garden for next season all planned out.
Glad your neighbour had done all the hard work for you, before he gave you the pheasants. I would hate to have to pluck them.  


Frodo. Aisleyne is on Looser Women tomorrow at 10pm. Sky channel 200.


Evening Mollie & Frodo.


Mollie, my lad only drives around town and maybe to the job.

He usually flys any distance.


Think he's got a flat or Apartment in Darwin.

This is the Company Mollie.


I decided the 8 rashers was too much after i split the 2 double rashers and it filled a big frying pan, half still fills the frying pan when it's single.


We often make what we call a frothy coffee, it's just a coffee made with milk .


I watch 'Take me Out', it's always good.


Frodo, i suppose you should freeze them straight away to keep them fresh.

All the tubs are covered over to protect from rain or frost, nothing to see really.


Got loads to do in the garden now the John Innis No.3 has come, i'm going to fill up most of the tubs ready for the spring


Evening All.


Had a nice brekkie, made O/H sausages and tomato with toast, i had 2 thin sausages 2 medium rashers of bacon and 2 egg.


Just had a nice roasted spatchcock chicken with mash and veg, with rice pudding for afters then a toasted hot cross bun.


Had a good day in the garden, filling the tubs, used up 320 litre & 100 Litres of Farmyard Manure.


Just watching DOI, then at 8 The Hotel.



just finished watching the Hotel,sad the bit about Christian leaving I quite liked him,I've Googled  to see the fate of The Grosvener Hotel I think next week Is the last in the present series can't wait for the next to start Mark Is made for Television Its a brilliant show


I missed who got voted off Dancing On Ice,but I saw Joe had got through, as much as I like him he ought to have been in the skate off to-night , but If the public want him there then that's It


Never tried Spatchcock  chicken Hicky breakfast sounds good though ,do your fruit trees stay in the same pot or do you have to keep upping a size I suppose If you know to prune them you can keep them at a manageable size or do you buy the dwarf varieties?


I didn't realise I was Shrove Tuesday 12th February pancakes galore then ,must buy plenty of oranges and lemons then, I already have golden syrup and honey in ,I like savoury pancakes too 


Thanks for the reminder about Aisleyene emptybox of course I missed It again..but have checked that channel and Its on again too early but of course I can put the timer on and tape It


I realised why all my dvds where going wrong I had the sky box on top of It  and It was over heating ..since I have moved no discs have gone wrong so sorry Tesco for blaming you


I hope you are well Mollie  you will have been busy to-day doing your mums meals ,the dogs have been squabbling again over a chew ,growling and staring each other out stoopid mutts .


hope you are all well ,had a nice big mug of hot chocolate and all is well in the world  oh and an asprin


Ahh poor Christian I felt really sorry for him ,his boyfriend cheated on him as well


bye for now 


Naughty Frodo.


Not bad day here. Windy but mild.


Hi Hicky. Sounds like a busy gardening day for you.

I'll need to get tidied up in my own garden.


Didn't watch Hotel, but caught the end of it. Seems Mark is in serious money trouble.


Bacon and mushroom ommlette tonight.


Watching the film Source Code until Aisleyne comes on at 10pm.


Hello emptybox

I have never been a big meat eater ,but like I say I eat fish,my sons all eat meat though,but you can get quorn a meat substitute if I fancy shepherds pie or a pasty..Its just choice I'm not keen on the taste



Same with sweet things I can go ages never bother with them ..and then I have a fad ,popcorn Is actually low in calories,not the sweet kind though


bye for now


Yes I get what you mean about Black Beauty ..the music I mean 


Hello emptybox


I watched and taped It,Ash looked really good ,she had a classy black dress on think her shoes were a purply colour very high heels

and she was really funny,really she ought to be the presenter she kept the show alive, they were all drinking and answering  viewers questions,she Is single she said the love of her life was her little dog Charlie she still looks as good as ever


Yes I did have the Sky box on top of the DVD player,and since I moved It no disc has been rejected


Thanks Frodo. I'll have to wait till it gets put on her site.

I agree that she should really be the presenter.

When she and Nic McLean get together they tend to get on the vino collapso.

ETA: I've now discovered how to get the channel on my Freesat box by manually tuning in non-Freesat mode 11.222GHz H, symbol rate 27.5, FEC 2/3.

It labelled Controversial TV.

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Hello Mollie emptybox Hicky

That was a bit of luck finding that Channel manually emptybox ,can you get more channels with free sat than freeview or are they the same , seemed a little strange last night ,but as I am not that keen on Nic Mclean I may be a little biased she Nicola had a pair of shorts on that barely covered her err modesty shall we say,and seemed very slim.. apart from the top part which was well huge too big in my opinion and was making remarks about fancying the other laydeesLol ...Ash was worth the watching though.


Phones just went off ,could not make them work ..makes sense though I have had them forever answer machine one and two others ,at least 8 yrs old but I still have one of the old fashioned ones too ,back on though now cos I kicked them into shape


I haven't decided what delights to have for tea ,i had a deep fat fryer jeez what a pain in the a### butt  really impossible to keep clean ,so bought some oven chips ,not had any for ages though,I have this yen to make some scones I'm sure you can't go wrong with those can you?


Hello Mollie I hope you have had a lovely weekend and not been too busy Its great now the nights are drawing out ,bought some nuts for my little squirrel to-day ,and he/she has been down storing them away they are so funny ,I get a robin mixed  seed and then the others ,and of course they get all my cooking disasters ..let me hasten to add that they are allowed to eat


I hope your mum Is well and the meals should be back to-day


Any more news on your son Hicky the job sounds wonderful, I love to hear when people do well ,,proud dad Hicky ..well done to him .


Sounds as though you will have loads of fruit Hicky this coming year don't know how you fit It all In ,anything good for breakfast to-day?


speak later xxxx 


Oh emptybox

I have read about Big Brother Canada on another forum,and there Is loads of info on there  I collect It all ,you can get loads of info from other forums ..

Its good looking around


To have live feed you have to pay If Its paypal  I may

haven't decided yet..or on tea/supper either


no idea what my ideal meal would be ..would have to think about that

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Hi Frodo.

It started off sunny here, so I thought the forecast might be wrong, but then came heavy rain, snow and sleet (in that order).


Yes, you can get a lot more channels on a Freesat box than with Freeview. The extra ones are mostly rubbish though. But it does mean you can tune into the likes of Contoversial TV etc, when you wouldn't be able to get that with Freeview.

I just got my info about BB Canada off the Digital Spy forum. Don't think I'll bother paying for it. 


I like Nicola McLean, but I agree that she's a bit annoying as the presenter of Looser Women. The way she get's them all to "SHUSH!", and then she doesn't have anything interesting to say, apart from repeating what the caller has just said.

You can't blame her for fancying the girl with all the tattoos though?

Prefer Ash meself though obviously.


I used to feed the birds here, but there was a gang of crows that used to come and bully the other birds. They also made a hell of a mess, and congregated on the flat roof above my bedroom window in the early morning waking me up.

They disappeared after I stopped putting out nuts.


Think I'm going to have chicken in a Spanish sauce again tonight, with potatoes and brocoli.


Think I'm going to watch the prog about Richard III tonight? CH4 9pm.


Hello emptybox


I am guessing my neighbour was complained about ,feeding the birds

every morning with a bucket of feed and then suddenly It stopped  


Water was taken away so I asked obviously someone had reported It so I took the bird seed and put some down ..cos for years she had followed this pattern ..such a lovely caring lady ..who only put fat balls etc do get Magpies pigeons etc but as long as you are feeding the needy things they follow on ,perhaps they get hungry too  so as long as Its not obsessive I will feed them too .


Cheese and potato pasties peas for tea ..Ihope you are all well 

frodo    xxxxx


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