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Originally Posted by emptybox:

I don't remember bagels being associated with BB3 Frodo, although I remember the Rich/Poor divide?

I'll take your word for it. I must have blanked it out.


Looks like this means you aren't the BB food obsessive me and Fredo are .... because I too remembered the BB bagels, and that is exactly when I started eating them too.


Every time I saw them eating something on livefeed, I always fancied it, so always put weight on during livefeed days. ... and bagels had to be my best BB food discovery.

This year the only thing I copied was the cheese and onion popcorn I saw Spencer eating.




Cold again ,but what's new brrrr at least Its staying light an hour or so later so thats good innit


Aw just finished watching the Welsh Steam Railway  programme very touching and lovely scenery really enjoying It Mollie.


There will be tears before bedtime in Four In A Bed always get someone who Is extremely critical to the point of sheer nastiness and when It comes back to bite them in the bottom they can't take It


Here are the bagels emptybox 


they look pretty easy to make so I may have a go  lets face It who can go wrong with a cheesecake like I did ,I think I must have put too much butter in the base an ice pick wouldn't have got through It ,however since I have loads of cream cheese left (i froze It ) I may try again


As we speak so to speak by cyber Sky Movies haven't gone off as you know It takes 31 days notice that ends to-day.. I think they are waiting for me to get engrossed in a film and then wham lets switch the b***er off  not going to happen though even though there maybe a film I want to watch.


Had cheese and onion crisp bakes for tea with potatoes and peas , I may have some strawberry cheesecake soon ,can't be good for you all this cheese but hey ho I'll be good to-morrow


I'll be back xx frodo   




Hope you are all having a pleasant day.

and hope Hicky's power stayed on today.


Weird tonight for me, just me and the pets, so unusually very quiet.. one at college, one at archery and one at drama and hubby playing taxi. I am worn out..mad rush to get them all in different places at different times, with dinner for all of us and the dog and bunny too inbetween, and took chance to dash round and sort bedrooms out whilst quiet, Desperate in need of sit down now for few minutes though.



today I did shopping order from Sainsburys (it is free delivery as we always have to spend more that ÂĢ100 on food)...well I see New York bagles have some new flavours.   So of course I had to order some, I ordered a bag of blueberry ones and a bag of onion/chives ones.



how is the bidding going?


Not much on tv tonight...oh change that, just seen new series of Dallas is on at 9pm.   I really enjoyed the last one, think I will watch superfat/superskinny before that to remind me not to overeat.


what was for tea tonight Hicky?


Have a good evening all x

Originally Posted by emptybox:

I don't remember bagels being associated with BB3 Frodo, although I remember the Rich/Poor divide?

I'll take your word for it. I must have blanked it out.

Hello emptybox of course you didn't blank out ,Its me always on about food ,by the way I forgot to Google why they have holes in them.. you put them in hot water before you bake them wonder If that's  why 



A bit drizzly here today, but not too cold.

Still snow on the hills, but it's all away from my garden now.

The road to the village is just passable with care, but still a lot of water across it.


Thanks for the bagel info Frodo. I guess the hole makes sense, if you are going to store them on a string.


No I never notice what they are eating on BB, and although I quite like cookery type progs, it very rarely makes me hungry.


Watched Millionaire and now The undateables.


Must be unusual for you to have the evening to yourself Mollie, and nice to put your feet up after all that activity.


Evening All.


A very windy day here, no more power cut though.


Was up early to get a packet from the mail place, it was just a knife sharpener for my lad, i bought one last week and it's fab.


My new pond liner came for me to make a new gazebo protective cover, will have to wait for my lad to help as it's a bit big to handle on your own.


O/H had a bed delivered as well for bedroom 2, so was moving stuff around for ages to make room.


I decided to plant the Raspberry canes while i had the opportunity.

Did that anyway.


With over 50mph gales i had to add extra fastenings to the metal subframe of the gazebo, had to secure the upper frame with tie wraps to the main horizontal frame.

The wind has been trying to lift the clipped in roof frames out of the main frame sections.

I also put a 2.5mm galv steel wire across from a section of the gazebo to the Pagola 4" support to take up some of the movement the wind does in trying to blow it all away.


My new World Globe 15w Touch Table lamp arrived as well, i just fancied a World Globe.


I've ordered 10 Strawberry Plants as well, and some more Tubs.


I had another 8 Rashers again, it's only really 4 Middle Bacon Rashers.

Just had an egg with it and a 2 rounds of fresh bread.


Just had a bit of fruit during the day.

Had 2 sticky duck legs for tea with a sweet sticky chilli sauce over it.

I boiled some rice to go with it, very tasty, it did say for 2 but it's just enough for me.


I've had Bagels, wouldn't buy one myself though.

For me when eating a bread type stuff with a filling, i want the filling to be equal to the thickness of the bread it's on.


I am following Heidi and Spencer on Twitter.

I have 5 BB'ers following me.

Up to now.


I've been watching railways, railways, great British menu, the Mary Berry story, locomotion. bed time.



Wow Mollie , you have been busy ..tired me out just reading your post ,do you have a family that all like different things for meals cos as they get older teens seem to get fussy ,tell me about It  cooking all different things   hope you can find time to put your feet up and have a rest.


It sounds pretty rough weather wise in your part ot the world emptybox , I hope the snow keeps away for you ,hows your ebay sale going any bids yet ?


If we cross posts Hicky I hope you are well ,anything good for breakfast ,I hope your OH is better anyways night all





HI again


That Video is great Hicky ,certainly If I was a big meat eater I would try It 

never ever thought of looking on youtube ,but the step by step instructions are brilliant


frodoxx snap about the telly watching apart from the last ,I watched 48 hour mystery to finish off .jeez the food Lol  Hicky where does It all go from what you have said you haven't an ounce of fat ..oh I would like to follow S&H on twitter although I haven't been on for ages please Hicky

Last edited by Former Member


No Hicky yet...hope that doesn't mean his power had conked out again.



we posted together. Have you seen those new bagels I mentioned in my last post? That is interesting what you said about the hole in the bagels. Although I never store mine on a piece of string.



and thanks to you for telling me all about the Scottish language, very interesting. We are a font of knowledge on this threat, are we not?  I didn't know about the Welsh connection up in Scotland, but OH did tell me that Cornish is very much like Welsh.


Fredo...As Emptybox never notices what they eat on BB and we always do, does that make us a greedy pair?   In fact, I do more than notice it, I have to go out and buy it ASAP.


still trying to watch Dallas, have to keep pausing, family all back and dog wanted dinner, which is great, because she didn't eat a thing yesterday, she was sick in the morning, poor thing. She has been sleepy all day, but at least is back eating today.

Just eat a nice piece of lemon merinque.


Goodnight all xxx



Hello Mollie

no I haven't tried the ones you mentioned ,but I will and the cheese and onion popcorn


hahaha Mollie I don't put mine on a string either ,that tickled me ,I googled It Lol


aw sorry about your little dog ,hope she Is on the mend ,like yours mine are part of the family ,I hate cruelty in any form to Humans and animals .


night again Mollie xx


Hi Hicky. I hope the wind doesn't do any damage.

 5 ex-BBers, that's impressive. I've only got Gerry the Greek, Bonnie and Chanelle's cake business following me. Even Aisleyne doesn't follow me.


Only one bid of 99p so far Frodo. The auction ends on Friday night.


Hi Mollie. I've always been interested in the history of Britain in Celtic and Anglo-Saxon times.

Hope your dog recovers fine.

Last edited by emptybox

Morning all

Sun this morning shining through the window ,the only trouble Is It reminds me to get the paint brush out shows all the things that need decorating .


I've just come off the phone with Sky and what started off really nice soon turned nasty

as I have said everything Is with them broadband ,telephone ,multi room and yesterday the movies and sports channels were supposed to be cancelled I always order them for Christmas any how because .I wasn't read out my new payment details this hasn't gone through... so March 2nd now ,I am furious ,my normal payment for the package all in Is ÂĢ66 +a month plus extra for the movie channels ,tell you what I have free view on my Tellys all I need Is another aerial for the bedroom ,and that Is going up this week and  I'm cancelling the lot   sorry for the rant .


I hope everyone Is well soon the snowdrops should be peeping through I love It when that happens you know spring Is on the way ,see you all later









Hello emptybox


but your first bid went a little like that on the Motherboard didn't It and then went higher , a bit cheeky 99p not to worry I'm sure It will go higher I hope so anyway


Yes Gerry follows me I love him ..well like him a lot surprised Aisleyene doesn't follow you didn't you help set her web site up?


I was rubbish at History ,but am fascinated now ,this has nothing to do with that but I watched  J.Edgar on Sky Movies looked him up ,not a very nice person ,just my opinion ..bye for now xx


Hi Frodo.

Sorry you've had another run in with Sky. You'll probably be able to watch all the TV you want without them. In fact you can continue to use your Sky dish and boxes to watch the free channels on satellite after you've given up your subscription. You won't be able to record with them though, but you could get hold of a Freesat recorder to use with your Sky dish.

Or go all Freeview, whichever you like.


Had some very high winds and heavy rain here today, but it's sunny at the mo.

I've already got some snowdrops just about out, at the top of the garden.

They were actually coming out a couple of weeks ago, before they were covered by all the snow. Very early for here.


I help run Aisleyne's website and forum, but that is done by her manager. Aisleyne doesn't have much to do with it, apart from making the occasional post.

I think she knows who I am? Certainly some of her reply tweets to me seem to suggest she remembers me, but it's difficult to be sure?

She does follow one of the other guys from the site, but then she's met him in person whereas she's never met me.


99p is just the starting price that I set for the auction, so the 99p bid just shows that I've had one bid for it, which automatically is at the starting price.

The guy could have bid ÂĢ100 for all I know, but it only registers at the starting price until someone else bids. 

I've only got 2 people watching the graphics card (keeping track of the auction on their page), so I'm not expecting it to go very high. I had 21 people watching the motherboard at the height of the auction.

Not sure what to watch tonight? Perhaps Charlie Boorman and then Africa.


I had the other sirloin steak last night. I'd frozen it, but I defrosted it in the microwave, which unfortunately did it unevenly, so it cooked a bit unevenly. Some of it was overcooked, but it was still slightly pink right in the middle, so was fine.

I had it with chips and steamed celery, with a cheese sauce over the celery.  


Hello all


I've calmed down a bit now ,but this Is Skys fault what a stupid reason for not cancelling them for me ,the last words he said where right that's gone through,

oh I didn't realise I could do that with my box ,can I really  fantastic , that's cheered me up enormously thanks 


I have a land line but I rarely use It.


Going to comment on your tea cos that the bit that Is covered up when I'm posting,sorry about the steak not being even but glad It was pink for you ,celery I love and with cheese sauce even better ,I hate parsnips with a vengeance , they were grown to torment,,, yuk .


Oh I see what you mean about the bidding on ebay must be fun though I really hope It goes high for you


You have snowdrops and I don't  funnily enough my neighbour always gets things that flower earlier than me funny that innit.


I'm sure Aisleyne  would follow if she had met you a man with a sense of humour can laugh a lady in to bed and apart from that.. from your twitter photo very attractive ,

so there you go that's from a good mate and I'M SURE Mollie would second that 



sees you all later





We posted at same time again last night.

sounds like you had a busy day yesterday. Is the back room nearly finished now?

Gosh I like the sound of the world globe, love things like that. I didn't even know they did them as a lamp. Do you have a link for it?

Glad your bacon is still being enjoyed.

Daughter made a bacon, chicken and potato soup tonight, she said it was real nice.Has that wind died down now? It was quite windy too here today, but at least it was sunny, so I got loads of washing dried.



hope you soon get some bigger bids.

I am sure there is lots to think about as far as Celtic and Anglo Saxon history is concerned. Do you have books on it, or just read online and watch tv on it?

The snowdrops are early for you then, no sign of any here yet. I think they are such pretty flowers and a good sign spring is on its way. It is certainly getting a lot lighter now.



lovely piccie of snowdrops.   I got the flavoured popcorn from Tescos.... not that I shop there very often though, think they went downhill not long ago. Sorry to hear about your run in with Sky, they are awful. Sounds like a good option for you to leave them, I know HIcky did too some time ago. We woudl leave if we could, but this rented house doesn't have a good arial, so we had trouble with freeview reception, because we need it in more than one room. But that is great what Emptybox told you. that you could still use your Sky box for freeview.


Had usual busy day... one of my boys did mums vacuuming though, because I still have to be careful pushing things like  vacuums, but I did washing up and some other jobs. They forgot to bring her meal yesterday.. so now I am going to ring her each day to see if she got it. She did get it today though.


Doggie eaten 2 meals today, so that is good.


I am watching the Born one a Minute now, love to see the babies.


Have a good evening all. xxx

Originally Posted by frodo:

I'm sure Aisleyne  would follow if she had met you a man with a sense of humour can laugh a lady in to bed and apart from that.. from your twitter photo very attractive ,

so there you go that's from a good mate and I'M SURE Mollie would second that 


Yes of course I second that.   Emptybox is lubbly and Ais should follow him if she has any sense.


I thought of you today Fredo when I had brekkie. It was one of those instant porridges with Yorkshire fudge. Very nice it was too.  



how on earth do they expect you to prepare meals for your mum  when you are problems seem stupid


On the other hand how on earth do they expect your MUM to cope without a hot meal 

crazy situation and I can see It from your perspective you must be worried and from your mums too 


leaving you with loving thoughts take care Mollie xx frodo


Hi Frodo.

I can't agree with you about parsnips. I love them.

I'm sure if Ash ever has a yen for a 53 year old bald bloke, then I'll be her first port of call.


Hi Mollie.

Glad doggie has her appetite back.

Bad that your Mum didn't get her meal. You have to be able to rely on a service like that.

Yes I've got a few books on Celtic and Anglo-Saxon history. Been interested in that sort of stuff since I was a teenager.


Now I must insist on some accuracy Mollie, or confusion may reign.

Freeview refers strictly to the terrestrial TV service that you receive via an aerial. What you can receive through a Sky box without a subscription is the free to air satellite channels. Basically the same channels that you can receive with a Freesat box.
I think you can get the free to air channels without a card, but there are some other channels, such as Dave for instance, that are 'free to view'; i.e they are free, but need a card in the slot to receive them.


TBH Hicky would probably know more about this stuff than me, as he used to have Sky.  

Oh. I was going to watch that Derek thing, but I forgot all about it.  

Last edited by emptybox

Evening All.


Busy at work again, don't get much free time really.

4th quarter Vat to sort online.

Loads of Bacs remittances to send out, loads of invoices to make out.

Not to worry.


Spencer's twitter.


Heidi's Twitter


Speidi on Loose Women


Speidi on The Wright Stuff.

Full Episode.


Rylan on The Wright Stuff.


This is the World Globe.

C:GB:3160" target="_blank">


O/H is a bit better, neck still not right though.


You've posted so much i can't remember what you all said.

And with this stupid posting box not being floating or detachable it drives me mad.


I had a Lamb Shank casserole for tea, O/H cooked it but wouldn't eat it as she said it seemed to be off.

I ate it though, not wasting it.


Those BBer's following me are.

Bex Shiner, Alex Reid, Chantelle Houghton, Louise Cliffe & Lauren Carre.


Am expecting more deliveries tomorrow as well.


The Sky Dish or Sky Box allows you to get FreeSat, you need an Aerial for Freeview.





very windy here again, rain eased now though, so hopefully doggie will get nice walk in later.



thanks for all the CBB links. they are certainly in the media at the moment. Hope your deliveries all arrive ok. Thanks for the globe link, it looks really nice. You do have a few BB'ers following you. Not worth anyone following me, because I never write anything.   Think I forgot to mention that we saw Alex Reid recently when my lad's drama club were in Cardiff. Alex was in one of the films they did, and he was presenting awards at the time. My lad sang with his group that night, and helped out in the VIP lounge that Alex was in.

Hope your OH's neck improves. Did she pull it, or do you think it is arthritus starting?

I saw an advert in our local free paper inviting people to make a claim for nursing home fees in Wales, even if the relative had now passed away, because many had been charged unfairly. So I thought of what you said, it looks like this is a big problem all over the UK. Hope your case is settled soon.



I love parsnips too, but only eat them roasted in butter and honey... they come out lovely and crisp and tasty.

Any more watching your bid? 21 watching was a lot last time though!


thanks for the tv info boys.

Freeview and Freesat differences are complicated. I reckon we have got confused with that when my OH spent ages messing trying to get a signal. Not even sure which box we have.



Aaawww yes, such lovely stories last night about those babies.

Yes bad, they did not deliver mums meal, then tried to fob me off. Trouble is I didn't ring them until the next day, as she didn't tell me until late that  evening, so she will still get charged. They insisted she was ticked off so she must of turned it away, as she didn't like it, which I know is not true, she would of taken it, and  just eat the veg and pudding. I now will check each lunch time it has turned up.


Don't be concerned, my health is sooo much better than it was, it is just that as things improve I have to be careful not to undo my ongoing improvement. Amazing that the ops were over 2 years ago, and things are still improving... my ribs have gradually going back into place, so pain does not happen much, but I know i could possible push the rib cage back into wrong position if I push heavy things. But I can now do so much more, with no more breathelessness which is wonderful.  And the feeling is still gradually returned back to my neck after all this time.  

So what is your situation with Sky now? Is your movies still officially cancelled? I advise you deal with them by email, then it is all in writing, so they can't deny it. I do this now, and they do respond, usually within a few days.


Right time to get on with my jobs, Sainsburys shopping due soon, then off to mums and walk with doggie. HOpefully it will stay dry this afternoon.


Dangerous driving school in C5 tonight, might be amusing.


have a good day all. xxx


Hello all


glad to hear you are gradually feeling better Mollie I'm trying to talk about the last part of your post first because when I'm answering It's covered .bad news though about the meals ,they really want a ticking off for that ,If your mum was fit enough there are plenty of ready meals around ,my mum almost blew the house

up leaving the cooker unlit ,if I hadn't gone over crikey knows what would have happened.


Pleased to hear you don't get out of breath any more  Mollie does your little dog get fussy ,here they are they will not eat dog meat and turning their nose up at the chicken they get anxious if you leave them on their own ,they are like babies


Can you remember when you said to me Mollie about a month ago 'don't forget to cancel Sky Movies ' I did on that day ,but they wouldn't have It so March the 2nd 

they go off and I am going  to cancel every thing apart from broadband cos that runs out in August I think and have my phone back with BT 


Loads of things to watch on the net and I can afford a good lappy with the money I'll save.


Are you joking about being 53 years old emptybox If that's a recent photo your joking 


any more bids on ebay ,I think I.m more excited about It than you are 


Wet and windy here to-day ...that Is the weather dogs coming in needing to be dried sheez the smell of wet dogs and the soulful eyes If the towels aren't warm and the fluffy blanket isn't ready ...can you get dummies for dogs


What's everyone had for tea chicken spuds onions peppers garlic thrown in the oven..the gorgeous Nigella Lawson methinks


What a fabulous house Four In A Bed tonight and lovely people who run It.


Thanks for all the links Hicky you are missed If you don't post but you are busy but xx

to you .


the youtube cookery link was really useful I only wish I had thought of It before


bye for now xx see you later  


Oh emptybox


Forgot to say took my sky card out to-day to see what channels were available

and quite a few ..listen you know I'm not in the lark for bragging ((loathe It)

but upstairs I have this massive telly ,but It needs an aerial ,I run It through multi room Panasonic Viera  same as downstairs ,but with that you can also run It off the aerial and there is a slot for cards what cards  I havn't a clue ,do you know emptybox ,

must say the Tele was in the sales ..bye for now x


Evening all.

Very heavy rain and high winds here.

Cleared up a bit this afternoon, so I went into town for my lottery tickets.


Pity your OH's neck is still bothering her Hicky.

Chantelle is the only one of your BBers that I'm jealous of, but then I've got bonnie Bonnie.


Hi Mollie. Fancy you meeting Alex Reid?

Thanks for the reminder about Dangerous Drivers. I'm recording that but watching Phil and Kirstie.

It's been a very slow road to recovery for you, but good things are improving all the time.


Hi Frodo. That photo dates from about 2007, so is a bit old now. There's a bit more grey in the beard nowadays. Keep meaning to take a more up to date photo, but never seem to get round to it.


Not sure what the card slot in the telly is? Maybe for Top-up TV or ESPN, or some other paid for service? Not sure if anyone uses them in this country? There's one in my TV as well.

But anyway, don't think you'd get anywhere if you tried to stuff your Sky card in there?  


Not sure how multi-room works? Do you have 2 Sky boxes, and a separate cable from the dish to the bedroom? If so you could just keep on using satellite TV after you give up Sky. Or if you wanted Freeview, an installer might be able to give you another feed from the aerial you already have (do you have an existing aerial?), rather than putting up another aerial.


Must admit I've got 3 terrestrial aerials on the roof, and a satellite dish on the wall. Mind you me and my Dad put up the aerials ourselves.

Hadn't heard of Fiona Apple Frodo, but that was quite good.

An old John Lennon song, isn't it?

Last edited by emptybox

Hi empty box 


yes a Sky Box in two rooms ,and yes I'm quite aware you can't use your Sky card and yes I have a separate cable in the bedroom ..


Mollie can I ask what your illness was ,tell me to mind my own business  If you want 


emptybox only five years ago for the photo leave It  Is that really a John Lennon 

song ? actually the film Pleasantville ...Reese Witherspoon & Toby Maguire is good











Last edited by Former Member

Hello emptybox 

I deleted my last post because I don't know what this Tele does ,the one downstairs

Is connected to the outside aerial and the Sky box .so It can access  freeview and Sky .

upstairs only  Sky ..all I am saying is boxes come up saying, photo ,video and music


but because I only have Sky not a clue ,does that make sense , It bl**dy will will soon when I cancel Sky


Evening All.


Been a nice day here, sunny and no rain, pretty windy though.


Today i've only had.
Brekkie, 8 rashers of bacon, and egg and a round of toast.
2 Pears and a Nectarine.
Tea, 1/2 kilo of half shell mussels.
And a Ribeye Steak with onions and mushrooms.


My new Tub delivery came, had to use a few safety pins to hold some of the velcro on the Gazebo, some of the cotton stitches are out.

Will fasten it with my new stapler when it arrives.


O/H's neck just happened overnight, she's got Arthritis anyway.


Just watching Winter Rescue, bet the cars haven't got Winter Tyres so they won't get too much sympathy from me.

All the BB adverts were about Winter Tyres, but it seems it's not worth a few bob to maybe save their life.

I suppose it's like all advice, you either listen or take your chances.


If you have an Aerial Frodo you should be ok getting Freeview, with a Sky box i think you will get Freesat but not sure if you will be able to record from the box without paying.


Hello Hicky


Is that all you had to eat to-day Lol are action man in disguise amazing sorry your posts are so funny ,where does all this food go ,well yes I know If I hear of a gas explosion near you I'll know why .


These posts are not good at this time of night   enough to send you hyperventilating

nurse I need attention 






yes our dogs are like babies at times. My doggie likes chicken breast, and veg, and some nice fish for a change, so she eats better than us. And she wears her red coat when it rains or is too cold. Did you see Martin Clunes itv, Secret life of Dogs? A brilliant watch for us dog owners. Aaaww at the dog who saves the man's life and got the Victoria cross. Years ago, my nan's dog saved her life, she had a bad fall down some garden steps, and the dog lay right on top of her to keep her warm for hours and hours until someone found her, it was a cold day, so doc said she could of died without the dog doing that.

That is dreadful of Sky to deny you cancelled , yes, I do remember reminding you and you saying you had rung them. Serves them right that you are leaving completly now. I hope you can sort out this freeview/freesat stuff out. That is right that you can view through the sky box, but won't be able to record, or watch any of your sky recordings, I know because I checked for us recently. They have a help forum you can read. But I do not know any of the techy stuff the boys here know.



Hope the lottery tickets come up. Have you ever had a win on them? Gosh you and your dad were brave putting up those ariels yourselves. I didn't actually meet Alex, just saw him in this film presentation, then saw him present the awards. 



I bet you enjoyed food menu today..

Sounds like you are set up to get some more work done in your garden now, let's hope it does not rain for it.Is it a special giant garden staple you have?

Pouring down here now, but was nice most of the day. Doggie got long walk in and I got lots of washing out.

Phoned mum to check her meal and she got roast beef and jelly and fruit today.

I had my fave mushroom risotto crispbake and veg, followed by a slice of cake and raspberries.


Goodnight all xxx

Originally Posted by frodo:
Mollie can I ask what your illness was ,tell me to mind my own business  If you want







Now that is a complicated question...

I had been treated for over 10 years for asthma, but it ended up being a big thyroid growth (non cancerous fortunately), that was strangling my windpipe. So 2 emergency ops to fix it. All good now fortunately. Just few small things I have to watch.


Goodnight all


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