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Originally Posted by frodo:

How did you do that Mollie..just quoting a little and how do youput bold in someones post you are quoting?


I know how to put bold in my own posts..thanksxx


Your family sounds lovely Mollie

You just press the "reply with quote" at the bottom,then when the box to reply comes up, you don't start typing in the blue bit, type in the white bit underneath, like I am doing now.

Give it a go....It has to be easy, if me, as a techno-phobe can do it.



Dull day here but not too bad.

Still a lot of snow here but melting slowly.


Just waiting to hear from my buyer as to when he's coming to collect.


That's an interesting idea about sharing a big house Hicky. I should think the garden would be the most important thing for you, after all your work in this one. Plus a computer room for yourself.
Sounds like your lad has another great job.

Between Rylan or Speidi on CBB I think.

Bought a couple of sirloin steaks yesterday. I was going to buy ribeye, but these were on sale for ÂĢ2.99 for the 2, so I was seduced.
Had one last night with chips, fried mushrooms and a side salad. Not bad at all, but rather thin cut. 


HI emptybox


Glad you enjoyed your steak , really gone off meat but yet I eat fish 

what a hypocrite I am 


Was Spencer genuine crying to-night I don't know ..with the betting Its impossible to tell ..Razor blew his chances for me as Judge Judy would say 

*I couldn't care a rats behind* about his lifestyle  about how famous he is or was ..I really don't know  who I want to win ,I'll miss It and have the usual withdrawal CBB symptoms  


methinks I need to get a life roll on spring


night again





I don't know whether Spencer was genuine or not?

So I guess he's done his job?


I tell you what annoyed me about Razor tonight. He messed up reading out Ryan's letter. He swore when he was reading the bit from Ryan's daughter/son. Completely ruined the mood, and means that Ryan's kids won't be able to watch it back.


Hi again emptybox

I missed that bit but I will watch It again  Razor waffled on about how he can jump the queue ..that he Is super important ,for us lesser mortals a big put off .


That Is really a shame If he spoilt It for Ryan I like him CBBOTS way out of order when the man said* I would go to America get a gun and shoot Speidi * I despair when people think that Is funny way out of order and not funny at all 


Back again

Mollie think I have got what you said about the quoting I had a go on the film thread,now I need to know how to bold other peoples posts ,when I want to draw attention to It


Bought some blackcurrant cheesecake ,cheese&onion crisp bakes and veggie ones and loads of little treats from M&S to-day.


Have you seen the holiday advert for Wales Mollie on Sky News , It looks fabulous ,showing the beaches and all the lovely places ,lucky you living there 


I hope you are well Hicky anything nice for breakfast ? wonder who will win to-night ,we will be lost without It ...roll on Britain's Got Talent ,second series of The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills to-day ,they clash with Come Dine With Me and Four In A Bed but are repeated in the morning.


back later


Hi Frodo.

I shall certainly be having haggis tonight in honour of the late Mr B.
I won't have a dram as I don't like whisky. Might have a G&T though?  


It's delicious you should try it. My (Scottish) Uncle can buy McSweens haggis from the local supermarket in Norfolk, so I expect you could too.

They do a vegetarian version, but I've never tried that.

It's already cooked when you buy it, so you just have to heat it up in a pan of simmering water for about 30 mins, or you can even put it in the microwave.

It's traditional to have it with mashed potatoes and mashed swede (tatties and neeps).

To put something in bold just highlight it and click the 'B' in the bar at the top of the reply box or add tags before and after the bit you want in bold.

We've had quite a bit more snow today, and it's been causing problems in parts of the Borders, with some schools shutting early and snowploughs needed.

Not too bad here though, and I think it's due to get a bit warmer now, with maybe rain at the weekend?


Enjoy the BB final tonight everybody.  





Happy Burns night from me too. (must admit I know zero about this fella or his day to be honest though). Hope you enjoy your Haggis and G and T tonight.

Sounds like you won't be snowed in now, with the thaw spreading all over the country this weekend. All melted here now, but a chilly wind.



Glad to hear you have got the goodies in for tonight, I have too, my rule is I can eat what I want on final nights. Daughter is going to pop a lemon merinque in oven when CBB starts, and I also have a peanut butter kit kat.



hope it was nice enough for you to get in the garden, or was it work today?


Glad I watched that livefeed last night.


I agree with you Fredo in that I don't want Razor to win, and I too like Emptybox noticed how he messed up reading that letter of Ryan's last night.

I like Ryan, hope he comes higher placed than Razor.

Yes indeed Spencer has done his job whilst in there, he has got everyone confused about who the pair of them are.


but I did find it quite interesting that he said he was cast br C4 to play a baddie when he went into that house. He certainly succeeded... but the question is, did he crumble at the last hurdle after the booze for their last meal, and so was  unable to put on the baddie act any longer?

Very interesting HM's the pair of them imo.


I am really looking forward to seeing how it pans out tonight, but sad too as this great series draws to a close.

Are you still feeling so certain that Rylan will win Fredo? I might be wrong, but I have all through this series since the beginning, had a feeling he won't be the winner.


Had to bribe doggie with a treat to get her out of her soft warm doggie bed, for a walk in the damp and cold today. She was fine when we got out, but ran straight back into the warm when we got home.


I haven't seen the Wales advert Fredo. guess they are hoping for some early summer bookings, last summer with all that rain was not good for tourism here. Yes I am lucky living here, but it is lovely too in Yorkshire where you live. We had a lovely holiday when we went to Yorkshire. A long journey from here though. Do you live far from the coast, or are you in the Moors area? We drove over the Moors,they are such a big area, so pretty though.


Yes 4 in a Bed was brillaint again this week. The young couple deserved to win, looks like they had a great hotel and they were both so nice.


Hope you all enjoy our last CBB episode.

Last edited by *mollie*

Evening All.


latest betting.

Betting to Win as at 25/01/2013 - 18.02
Rylan Clark - 1/12
Heidi and Spencer - 8/1
Neil Ruddock - 33/1
Claire Richards - 40/1
Ryan Moloney - 50/1

Don't have to dig anything up to move Mollie, it's all in Pots, apart from the Raspberry's.

I have about 24 Tubs.


Been busy today.

Went for brekki with my lad again and his lot.


It was because he wanted a photo set for this passport.

The man was busy and as he was attending to a person on the selfhelp photo printing machine, she was trying to print photo's from a chip out of her phone.

So after 10 minutes the baby had had enough so we went to eat.

After eating we sat baby on a little seat for photo but a bit of seat came out on picture, we had to redo.

This time we sat baby on the floor which seemed to work.


Later i decided to move the broadband modem and wireless phone master base.

All move fine but phone wouldn't work afterwards, did al, sorts of tests but couldn't get a dial tone when the handset lifted off the cradle.

But the broadband was ok, and i could receive calls.

Also when i lifted the handset and when i pressed the phone call button on the handset i get the dial tone.


Had to go and see a Solicitor to get a signature, sorted, ÂĢ7 not bad.

Had a problem on the pavement as it had been hailstoning, very slippery.


Ordered meals for tea from a chippy to be delivered, yummy, had chicken curry and fried rice, and a chicken & sweetcorn soup.


Happy Burns Night Emptybox.


It started off at 10am snowing this afternoon it started hail stone, now it's raining i think.


It should be interesting tonight.



that sounds quite a day for you today, bet you will be glad to sit and relax and watch the final.

Aaaww at the baby wanting his food before his pics. Sensible fella, that one already.   Was the signature needed for the passports? I think we got a friend of ours to do it, who is a teacher. Is it Portugal you are all off to again this summer?

Good job you have all the plants in planters, so you don't have to dig up if you move.

Been hailing here too, but snow all gone.

Nice treat to have a chippy delivery.


Yes indeed, we are in for a very interesting CBB final this year. Enjoy. xxx


Evening Mollie.


No the signature is related to a claim we are making for compensation for the care of my mother bless her soul, we had to pay the care costs for her for years but we don't think we should have and have a case ongoing trying to recoup some of the terrific costs involved.


They can get a Nurse or someone to sign the photo, think thats sorted now.


My Chicken curry was great, ate the lot, didn't eat during the day.

Shouldn't really have gone for brekkie 2 days running as i have quite a few packs of that lovely bacon in the fridge.


My pack of cutting from Fruit tree's arrived today, i'v got them in the fridge.

you have to keep them damp and cold but watch they don't go mouldy.


Gosh Hicky...that is awful that you should have to go through the stress of claiming for something you shouldn't of had to pay for in the 1st place, I know how ridiculously expensive these care homes are. Good luck, I hope it gets resolved for you, and does not take too long to do so.


No wonder you enjoyed your curry if you hadn't eaten all day. You must of been starving.

If you are in a rush, then make sure you don't accidently eat your fruit tree cuttings as you are storing them in the fridge.



you were right and I was wrong, because Rylan was our winner.


I didn't think he would win..., thought Clare might as she has STEPs fans. But I guess it is well deserved for Rylan and also for H and S to be the last 2 HM's as they have been the most entertaining for the viewers.

Glad to see Ryan do so well too, I liked him,

I will miss the show tomorrow, hope there is something else good to watch next week.


Hello Mollie Hicky emptybox


I enjoyed the show ,but why don't they close the doors when they are interviewing,


for someone who came second the booing was awful to the extent I had to switch over  couldn't hear half of It ,after all they were sent in to stir things up and boy did they do It..without them It would have been boring


Yes I liked Ryan so glad he managed the top three I've never watched neighbours so I only knew him from the show.


I didn't like Rylan but well done to him and his fans Ive had a look on DS a lot of ill feelings on some of the threads ,but Its a game show ..roll on the next BB,my favourite never wins Lol  


Hicky didn't eat all day !!!!!! I don't believe It  fish and chips here from the chippy ,they don't deliver though ,I hope you do get your money back Hicky extortionate what you have to pay


The Haggis sounds good emptybox and I may try the veggie one ,Ihope you've enjoyed your day.


I agree about Four In A Bed Mollie what a lovely young couple they fully deserved to win ,really I don't think the two ladies got It about toilet sharing   these days en suite Is a must unless of course you are sharing with family in a self contained.


well my little chickadees I'm going to have a large cuppa watch a film I'm always up late at the weekend  and mope cos CBB has ended 


night all xxxx frodo


Evening Again.


Glad Speidi came 2nd, it was all a game, but the others just couldn't see it.


Mollie, when i said i hadn't eaten all day i didn't include brekkie, i meant during the day.

I seldom ever miss brekkie.


I just hope i can keep the cuttings from going bad.

I'm going to see if i can get some from the garden centre as well.


Yes Frodo, i don't enjoy the Booing, it's only a game show, not a murder trial.


Rylan is far too ott for me, he just wants to hold the floor 24/7, thats why he didn't like Speidi, it was because they took some air time off him.


It's stopped snowing, have been out cleaning the snow off the car windows, O/H is out at 4.30 for work.

And she's been suffering all day as she woke up with a stiff neck.


 Morning all 

very sunny here at the moment although loads of snow fell last night 

sun is very deceiving though ,just put the heating on.


I was about to watch CBBBOTS SO I can fast forward through the boring bits and the adverts ,It will be so funny no CBB to-night never mind other things on the horizon,.


Just had breakfast ,I mentioned I bought a vanilla cheesecake with blackcrrant topping didn't I Mollie ? not tried It yet though .


Also just been looking at news for Big Brother Canada here


and their twitter feed


24 hour free live feed starts February 27th so I will definitely try and find out where to watch It


Did you enjoy your Haggis emptybox ? when you say potato's and turnip do you mean mashed together  or separate I love them together personally and then fried the next day with any greens left over ,sort of bubble and sqeak yummy.


Spag Bol to-day ? may have curry later on I haven't decided yet.


Yes Hicky I'm glad Speidi came second ,not everyone's cup of tea but deffo mine

I think the others were a bit shell shocked that they came before them.


hope you are all well see you later xx


Oh Hicky sorry Mrs Hicky has a stiff neck Its very painful especially if you try and move It by mistake ,she must be a real trooper going to work at 4-30 am

with that ,I hope she's on the mend.


As for the booing last night why on earth didn't Brian put a stop to It...


Speidi came 2nd for heavens sake ,very bad interview ..just my opinion after all he knows full well they where paid to stir things up

Last edited by Former Member

Hi guys.

Quite a hard frost this morning, and a bit of snow overnight, but nice and sunny now.


The fella was just here to collect the motherboard bundle. Seemed a genuine enough chap.


Quite enjoyed the CBB final. Probably the right result really.


Hope your OH's neck improves Hicky. Wouldn't suit me having to go out at 4.30am.
I would imagine care home fees would be horrendous? In a way I'm glad neither of my parents needed to go into one before they died.


On one of my cordless phones it's an option in the menu as to whether you have to press the call button to answer a call, or whether just lifting it off the base is enough. It may be that by moving it you have reset it to default settings?


Hi Frodo. You present the haggis on the plate with the potato in one pile and the neeps in another and the haggis in a third. Whether people mix them all together after that is completely up to them.


Actually I have it with carrot and parsnip mash (mixed together), rather than with swede. Then I pour gravy on top, which is not strictly speaking traditional, but it's a bit dry without.

It might seem great at first to be able to watch Canadian BB for 24/7 but, how can I put this delicately, there's quite a good chance there'll be a lot of Canadians in there.

Nuffink against Canadians honest, but I just wouldn't find it as interesting watching them as UK BB.


Hi Mollie. I never really understood Burns' Night either really. I mean he was a good poet, and we did a lot of Burns recitations in Primary School. He was like a pop star of his day I guess. But it's a bit bizarre to eat haggis on his Birthday. I think it's just any excuse for a party for the Scots.

Not sure what to watch tonight? Splash! probably, then I can watch Mrs Brown's Boys without recording it. 
ETA: actually it's just a repeat of Mrs Brown's Boys from earlier in the week, so I've already got it on my PVR. Have to find something else to watch.

Last edited by emptybox

Good Afternoon All.


Yes Frodo, they shouldn't allow that Booing, the Booing, the public made them second by voting, they don't need to listen to the false crowd at all.

They aren't the public after all.


Emptybox, the home fees were about ÂĢ400 a week for Mother, thats a lot to pay out for a few years or so.


I've got the cordless phones set to answer a call when you pick up the handset, but i don't get a dial tone when i lift it off the cradle to dial out.

I can lift it dial the number then press the call button.


I've got a few Haggis in the freezer, i enjoy it, but as you say , on it's own its too dry.


The sun has been out so far today, the snow is thawing as it rained a bit in the night.

Originally Posted by emptybox:

It might seem great at first to be able to watch Canadian BB for 24/7 but, how can I put this delicately, there's quite a good chance there'll be a lot of Canadians in there.

Nuffink against Canadians honest, but I just wouldn't find it as interesting watching them as UK BB.


emptybox you sure you weren't born to be a comedian   not far from America I notice you liked The Twins ,Ashley Roberts ,Heidi LOl of couse I don't fink  you have anything against the Canadians ,,ha ha ha made my day again...sees you .


just had loud thunder and lightening, so had to come off lappy for awhile... doggie didn't like it at all. Barked loudly...


Good evening all.

Been very busy today, lots of forms to fill in for mum, food to cook for her as no meals on wheels weekends, dog to walk, sheets to change...but also really good because we had tickets for theatre today to see One Man 2 governors was a real funny play...and I managed to eat a large pack of Cadbury mini eggs and a bag of crisps whilst watching it.   The lady next to us had a bottle of wine and a glass in her huge handbag, never thought of doing that though.

Enjoyed the final, glad you all did too.

Yes H and S brilliant game players..

happy enough with the result, great to see Ryan took 3rd and the top 2 places went to HM's who had entertained.   Will miss it now.


glad to hear you didn't go without your brekkie the other day. The snow has all thawed here too and as I said we have had a storm and rain been pouring down. That old enemy of flooding has returned to some poor people's homes in West Wales. What was for tea tonight?


good idea of the Scots to use Burns as an excuse for a party. Hope you enjoyed your haggis and G and T.

Yes I guess you are right and there will be a fair few Canadians on Canadian BB.


did you get curry in the end?if so, hope you enjoyed it. Bet you like the cheesecake.

we stopped off at chippie on way home from theatre as too tired to cook tonight.

Yes I too hate the booing, it was not needed on last nights show when they were being interviewed.

must post now, lots of lightening and loud thunder again and lappy flickering..



Watching Amy & Brian Dowling with others on ITV2 'Fake Reaction', so funny, loved it.


Mollie, I watched Splash and Take me Out, then Take me Out the gossip, then Fake Reaction.


Didn't realise meals on wheels stopped at the weekend, they makes it a lot of work for you then.


Fancy taking a bottle of wine and you with mini eggs.


It seems to be thawing here, well it has been raining so there will be flooding around.


I'm off to bed now, sleep well everyone.

Just had 2 Duck Breasts in Plum sauce for tea with some Chinese noodles.

Had a nice couple of sandwiches earlier with a pack of brown shrimps on them.


Had a nice brekkie of Bacon, Egg and Tomato with toast.


Evening All.


Had an easy day, big brekkie, love this bacon, think i had 8 rashers a big tin Italian toms and egg and toast.


Hope the warmer weather lasts for a bit so i can get my Raspberry canes planted.

the forecast says it's above freezing anyway.


Went to Costco, didn't get much, just some fruit and some Smarties.


Just watching DOI, then The Hotel.


Work tomorrow.


Good evening all



8 pieces of bacon. big tin of tomatoes, egg and toast ...glad you didn't starve for brekkie then.

We went for Asda brekkie and I had beans, one grilled tomatoe, mushrooms and one and half slices of toast. Very nice it was too.

Well you were restrained in Costco today. How did you manage to resist all those lovely Easter chocs and just go for the smarties?

Hope the weather is ok for you to do your raspberry canes.


Can't believe the weather here over the last 24 last night we have again had thunder and lightening.  Doggie went mad barking at it.
And we got caught in a hail storm in asda;s car park this morning, the stones were so huge, they hurt me on my legs and I had to put my hood up to stop them banging my head.   When I got is about 8 miles, a big hailstone fell out of my hood, it hadn't even melted in the car on the way home..
Tonight we have had more heavy hail... so much so, it is all white outside, even all over the cars. Very weird.

Late afternoon, we went walk with doggie, the sea was sooo rough, banging up over the harbour wall...., higher even than the lighthouse, lots of people just watching it smash over the harbour wall and the lighthouse. And as we walked along the seafront, lots of big pieces of foam and spray was coming over the wall.  The waves must of been about 10 ft high. I like it when it is rough on the seafront, but good job we all wore a few layers, so don't notice the cold, and our little doggie had her coat on.

Enjoyed watching The Hotel. So funny, it is.   Watching Brian Cox now. Have recorded Call the Midwife.  Does anyone know if Top Gear is a new one? Was it on tonight? If it was, I missed it, so will have to check if repeated.

Hope work is not too busy tomorrow Hicky.

and hope Emptybox and Fredo had a good Sunday.

Anyone else had these huge pieces of hail today? Or thunder and lightening.

Brian Cox losing me a bit now, i must be too tired to concentrate.

Goodnight all xxx


Evening all.

Well, no hail for me Mollie, just a bit of rain. But the snow is nearly all away now.

As a consequence of the snow melting fast, the road to the village was flooded, so I had to take a long detour to get my papers this morning.


Just watched the Brian Cox thing. It was really good and thought provoking.

Yes Mollie, Top Gear was a new series. I've recorded it and The Hotel.

Pity Anthea went on DoI.


You both had cooked brekkies this morning? I had mine Yesterday.


Sounds like you had wild weather today Mollie, with huge hailstones and sea spray etc? Quite high winds here, but nothing like that.


Enjoy your work tomorrow Hicky. Hope the warmer weather lasts for you to plant your rasps. Probably a good idea to put something down to insulate them from further frosts. Something like straw.


Got the Ebay bug. I'm now selling an old radeon AGP graphics card.

Last edited by emptybox

Hello all 

just a short post ,I will read the posts to-morrow ,It seems so funny not switching over to CBB  at nine ,140 sky seems to be a catch up of Channel 4 ,and One Born Every Minute has been on and I had a few tears streaming down


What will Mark get up to next in Hotel ,this man Is truly bonkers ,but brilliant telly ,I enjoyed dancing on ice too ,good programmes on Sunday ,I've decided to bring my books out and listen to some music too .switch the telly off for a bit.


No hailstones here but glorious sun this morning ,It was lovely to see It pouring through the windows ,so I gave my houseplants a little feed to cheer them up.


I love this gif and I know Its a nude but very tasteful so I hope It doesn't offend


some lovely ones on the site It came from.


night everyone xx


                                             friend -





Sleepy kitten



Afternoon all 


Sun out again this morning ,but Its turned cold again so put the heating on ,pain in the butt with the washing this weather no matter what softeners you use ,nothing can beat the fresh smell of washing brought in from outdoors


I watched a bit of everything last night and yes It was a shame Anthea was voted off Joe Is the worst skater by far ,but he.s a little treasure that the British Public love ,so i can't see him going any time soon.


So you have the bug for ebay emptybox ? good for you .I think It would give me loads of pleasure If I made something and other people wanted to buy It .


I found a little programme on BBC 4 last night Mark Knopfler  A Life In Songs and missed most of It but happily enough Its repeated on Wednesday


Did I hear right Hicky had eight pieces of bacon for breakfast on Sunday plus other things  Jeez I would be a walking barrel .If I look at a fry up I gain a pound or two .


Those Hailstones sounded well a bit dangerous Mollie ,really changeable weather for you at the moment ,sounds as though you don't get much rest at the week-ends either running around with meals  I thought you were supposed to take things easy .


Pleased you enjoyed your play Mollie Lol at the mini eggs (yummy) and the crisps (double yummy )...last day of Sky Movies to-day 31 days up at lunch to-morrow



take care all frodo xxx








Hello Mollie having these for tea to-day ,vegetable crispbakes  perhaps with a baked spud and some cheese sauce maybe a little cheese cake to follow


do you like bagels I love them toasted with cream cheese and salad..really going to have to stop speaking about food   see you later 


















Originally Posted by frodo:


are you watching Welsh Railways 'Full Steam Ahead ' on BBC 2 


Yes I am watching it.

My hubby comes from not far from this area... North Wales..

they are mainly Welsh speaking up north, but not down here in the south. Hubby's first language is Welsh, always spoke it when growing up at home. When I met him sometimes he couldn't think of English words for stuff, now because it is English speaking here, he sometimes can't remember the Welsh word for things.


Not sure if you get it on your tv, but we then get Weatherman walking after the Welsh railways, That is really interesting too, as we love walking, today he is in Llanberris, again in my hubby's old area, some of this family live in this village.



do they talk Scottish by you at all? Not sure if it is a first language up in Scotland now, is it?


Evening All.

Very busy at work.


Weather warmish. just rain and strong wind.

It's doing it's best to get the top off my gazebo.


Yes Mollie, these bacon packs i've been getting have whole middle rashers, it's the back & Streaky in one piece so i fry them in 2's and that is 4 rashers, but i have 2 of those.

It's fantastic.


It looks like a week of rain for me.


Mollie, one place had hail that big it was making dents in the car, the size of gold balls, imagine that.


I enjoyed the Hotel, that boss is crazy.


I enjoyed Brain Cox, he puts it over well.


Hi Emptybox. thats a lot of water if you have to go round.

I'm sure to get the Raspberry canes planted this week.


Hope you next Ebay sale goes well, i just throw it all in the bin.



I like the Angel gif, it sure is a nice Angel, can't have too many of those.


Your tea looks nice, and the cheesecake as well.


I turned the heating up when i was off out to work.

I was at work and O/H rang me on the mobile, there was a power cut and all houses and the street lamps where off.

My clock in the summerhouse stopped at 05.30am

The power was off for 1&1/2 hours.


I've just had a Spatchcock chicken on it's own then a chicken Laksa soup.





Fredo and El Loro

didn't see that show, but sounds like it is the sort of programme Emptybox would of enjoyed, being a budding guitarist himself. 


Fredo...yes I love fave are the seeded New York sessame seed ones .... with lots of Phily cheese on top, and a touch of marmite. I also like the cinnamon ones. Don't worry about talking about food, I love food talk.  

I had a mushroom risotto crispbake from Morrisons for tea, very tasty, I love the brie cheese that runs out the middle when you eat them.

Aaawww what a cute kittie piccie that is.

Thanks for the link for piccies, it looks similiar to one I use, that also is a glitter one.

I finsihed reading the Cat called Bob, it was a real good book.

Yes Fredo The Hotel's Mark was so funny last night, bonkers he is.



Hope you have luck on your latest ebay venture.

Good job you had another route to avoid the floods, what a nasty thing all this flooding is again.

I thought you would find the Brian Cox show interesting, some great photography on it too.



hope work was not too busy today and that you managed to get your food ok to keep you going work wise.


Looking forward to watching Mrs Brown's boys tonight, and will watch Miranda too.


Hail gone now, but not nice weather, raining on and off and windy.


Have a good evening xxx





we posted together yet again...

thought you might of been busy at work today with all those orders.

It is usually Emptybox has the power cuts, do you think you got it because it was windy? Let's hope this does not become a regular occurance by you now.

The regular power cuts when we lived in the middle of the country used to drive  us mad.

Plenty of chicken for your tea tonight by the sound of it.




Bit wet here today, and still cold, but above zero at least.


That's a nice looking angel Frodo. They're not likely to get cold, so clothes would only be superfluous.

I do like Mark Knopfler.
I was watching a prog about Fleetwood Mac last night.
Never tried a bagel. Never understood why they have to have a hole in the middle?  


Bad luck about the power cut Hicky.

Throwing things in the bin has never been easy for me. I tend to keep them in case they come in handy.


Depends what you mean by "Scottish" Mollie?

'Scots', the dialect of English widely spoken in Scotland, is going strong, but dialect words are slowly being replaced by standard English.

'Scottish Gaelic (gaidhlig)' is the Celtic language of the Highlands and Islands, closely related to Irish. That is still the first language of a few thousand in the Western Isles. But that is not in nearly as good a shape as Welsh, and is dying out rapidly.


At it's height gaelic was spoken in parts of southern Scotland, but the original celtic language of the South of Scotland was British Celtic, and very closely related to modern Welsh or Cornish.

In the part of the Borders where I live, Welsh speaking died out after the Angles captured Edinburgh in the 630's (AD), but in parts of the South of Scotland towards the west, Welsh speaking carried on till the 11th or 12th centuries.

Mel Gibson portrayed the Scottish hero William Wallace as a kilted Highlander, but the name 'Wallace' actually means welsh.


Already had a bid of 99p on my graphics card. I guess someone trying to keep an old PC working?


I think I'll watch the prog at 9pm on BBC2 on winter viruses, presented by Alice Roberts (she seems to be everywhere just now )


Hello emptybox  

you surely cant forget  Big Brother 3 Alex Jade etc to be honest never really took to bagels before then ,but the rich side where ordering them right left and centre along with the champers  oh those were the days (nearly tempted to say my friend ) anyhow bagels where the done thing ,extra crispy bacon ,mayonnaise was a must  on them as was cream cheese


Wonderful to hear you talking about your roots I love to hear about It 


must go now pretty tired night all xxxx


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