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Evening All.


Was a bit busy at work, was copying some DIR's onto a pen-drive as we are getting new puters and server so in case something goes wrong at least i have the basics.

It includes all the email addresses emails, email account info and the invoices, contract docs, company docs, about 5gb in all.


Then i had to do some invoices to send out.


O/H made a nice tea for us, she had 2 big lamb shanks and pots, carrots & onions, very nice too.


I suppose if one of the HM's has prior commitments then so be it.

Rylan has always been fave so it won't make a lot of difference, but it might go against him.


I quite like Alice but it's too late if i have work the next day.


It's been snowing all day here but not sticking really as it's too warm.


My new knife sharpener came today.

Love it, this is it.

It works great.


Yes Frodo, they will steal anything these days, maybe they thought it had been abandoned.


Mollie, glad you mum is getting her meals again, it doesn't seem an ideal situation.

Hope the peeling went well.

I enjoy peeling spuds carrots etc.

with these new peeler's it's so easy and fast, i probably do 2 or 3 spuds a minute.


Hello again 


seems I am the only one who thinks Its wrong to have a prior 

commitment before going into the house.If you read the links Gillian said he left the house  and asked the driver for the time .


I still think Its unfair, and he has an advantage ,people are paying to vote 


Its only my opinion and thoughts so I don't mind , as I will say If we all agreed no point in there being a show


Can't see why people would think the van had been abandoned Hicky Its a works van almost new and there are houses at the bottom of the hill 

there is cctv cameras down there too  but having said that there are school playing fields and open grassland leading to allotments down there.


Hope you all enjoy to-nights show 


bye for now


Hi Frodo. It's not that I don't agree with you. I wish CH5 did respect the original premise of Big Brother. But they don't.

When I vote it's for who I like (fancy ), but I'm under no illusion that what we see isn't highly edited and manipulated.

Having said that, if I found out that the normal BB was scripted (for instance), it would put me completely off.


Hi Mollie. I saw that about Alice Levine presenting on Radio1. Never listen to the radio in the evenings though, so I haven't heard her show.


Hi Hicky. Isn't it amazing that all your important business files can fit on a little pen-drive?

Hope the knife sharpener is safe? I cut myself a while back, trying to sharpen one of my kitchen knives.


HI emptybox


don't mind me just my opinion ..I don't do offended , this is the article I read and I notice stonks has postedIt ,so I hope she doesn't mind I I do as well,

Meant to ask If you want to quote part of something how do you do that?



DAY 19 Posted January 21 2013 by Matt Scott
How Rylangate has destroyed Big Brother

As Celebrity Big Brother 2013 fans react to the news that Rylan Clark has been leaving the house regularly for X Factor tour rehearsals, we explain why it’s another nail in the show’s coffin.

Oh dear. Who knew that it would be Kathy Beale that sparked the signature furore of this series of Big Brother?

This morning the lovely Gillian Taylforthunwittingly ignited the one of the biggest controversies in the show’s history by revealing that Rylan Clark has been regularly let out of the most famous house in Britain so he could honour his commitments to the talent contest

Speaking on Channel 5â€ēs long-running morning talkshow The Wright Stuff, she told of how he asked his ‘driver’ the time and relayed that information to the group, and later informed their ‘Mic Man’ Eric Johnson that the Essex lad routinely left every Sunday.

Just hours later, a spokesperson confirmed the news, but insisted that he hadn’t left the Elstree Studios site in Hertfordshire, and that he’d been accompanied by a member of staff.

Since Big Brother moved to Channel 5, it’s just about held up against the numerous criticisms that have emerged – the lack of live feed, the alleged nominations tampering, and the fact that Conor McIntyre was able to leave last year’s normal series ÂĢ50,000 richer despite his threats of physical and sexual abuse towards Deana Uppal.

But now, any shred of credibility left in the Big Brother format in the UK has been destroyed, and here we explain the three main reasons why.

The ‘no contact with the outside world’ rule is now null and void

The single most crucial point of the Big Brother format – even more so than live feed – is that housemates are isolated in the house and filmed 24 hours a day, with no ways of contacting the outside world.

This should be sacrosanct. Not even the catch-all excuse ‘Big Brother reserves the right to change the rules at any time’ can justify changes to it.

Nonetheless, they’re rules that have been stretched to breaking point over the years. Housemates have left for tasks, housemates have left to do the shopping. The house has even been opened up for a celebrity red carpet film premiere.

But at least those instances had always been on Big Brother’s terms. Until now, trips out the house have never been dictated by a housemate, contractual obligations or not. And no, this isn’t just because it’s Rylan – anyone could be in his shoes and it’d still be a problem.

Now that this line has been crossed, Big Brother is no longer Big Brother. If contestants are going to be allowed out to work, why lock them up at all?

Z-list celebrities are now regarded as bigger than the show

Over the years, producers have made a number of concessions to get celebrities in the house – to name two, private bedrooms and the ability for pairs to be counted as one housemate.

Otherwise, even the biggest names – Vinnie Jones, Verne Troyer, Jermaine and La Toya Jackson – have had to take part in accordance with Big Brother’s rule book.

But never before has one of these concessions compromised the Big Brother format. And this is for X Factor reject Rylan Clark – who doesn’t even regard himself as a celebrity.

Was he really that essential to the success of this series that producers had to get him in at any cost? We’d be willing to wager that there are other stars out there just as entertaining as Rylan whose presence in the house would not have made a mockery of the show.

This sets a worrying precedent for the future – if some bloke off a talent show who’ll most likely be forgotten in five months time can secure such a significant privilege, what will the next batch of nobodies be able to get away with?

We can’t trust the producers at all any more

By far the worst thing about this debacle is that producers have covered it all up. Viewers have been spending their hard-earned money voting to save Rylan while under the misleading impression that he’s been living in the house 24 hours a day.

If chiefs had been honest and even just briefly mentioned Rylan’s absences on the programme, any defence they mounted would have been a little more credible. But the fact that they haven’t come clean until today leaves them without a leg to stand on.

This isn’t a housemate leaving for medical treatment or to learn of the sad death of a loved one. This is the most significant breach of the Big Brother format to date.

Spin-off show Bit On The Side has promised to address the issue tonight in what will no doubt be an attempt to gloss it over before they pretend it never happened. But faith in Big Brother is at an all time low and it’s going to take a major shift in attitude among the top brass to restore it.

> Click here to read a selection of viewer responses to Rylangate

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Should producers book stars for Celebrity Big Brother if they have to regularly leave the house?







Last edited by Former Member



I bet that nice tea made by your wife was well enjoyed after your busy day at work today. Thought you might be busy with all those car orders coming in, I read about.  You are all well set now for your food preparation with that knife sharpener.   What peeler do you use? I use a small knife and it does take ages, but being left handed, a lot of peelers don't suit me.



I would agree with what you said about a pen drive, if I knew what one was??



maybe there is some hope the van will turn up as there is CCCTV there. I bet it is a long way away now.


Really enjoyed CBB...aaww poor Clare, good for Rylan standing up to H and S, how mean they can be.


I heard them say there was an eviction on Wednesday. Could it be that H and S will go? Or do they still have plenty of fans?

....they have certainly done what they set out to do and create friction, that is the first time none of the HM's have heard their letters read out.

Forgot to watch Miranda, and don't think it is repeated. I was recording the new Juniour Doctors on bbc3.

Are you watching this new series Emptybox? You watched the last one, didn't you?


Well time to make the sandwiches for tomorrow and clear kitchen a little, then book in bed time.


Goodnight all xxx




Chilly here today, but rainy, and most of snow gone now, only odd patches.



now I know what a pen drive is. You and Hicky are so full of techy knowledge.



forgot to say, I really liked the bunny in the snow piccy.


Don't like it when CBB does not start until 10pm, so late by the time I have watched it, then done my pre-bed house jobs.

I thought it so funny last night when the snow landed on Trish's head.

they have had a lot of snow in the BB house this year.


Are you enjoying 4 in a Bed this week Fredo? I am. I like the parrot.


Social worker met with me and mum today, I was nervous, but she was really good, and agreed that mum could keep her meals and even suggested we put her down for a warden place, which she felt would be ideal for her, And she is sending out an occ therapist to help with more house adaptations until then. 


Daughter joined archery club for beginners lessons tonight and enjoyed it. Son at his drama rehearsing for latest musical.

and I am home watching tv now, after walking dog.


have a good evening all.

enjoy CBB.


Evening All.


Been busy today really, Our back bedroom is being changed around and i'm putting the tv onto the chimney breast.

A new laminated floor, son doing that, O/H has wallpapered some of the walls.

Made a brekkie fo us thios morning, then made a dinner for my lad and myself, themn made a liver and onion dinner with mash for me and O/H


Have just ordered scion wood for my experimenting graft work in March.

2 plum, 2 apple, 2 pear, 1 peach and 1 nectarine.

It's only a twig.


The Pen-drive is a 16BG one so it holds my files which only came to 1.6GB.


You can't really cut yourself with this sharpener, your hand is protected by a guard.


Whether Rylan goes out to practice something or not doesn't bother me.


The peeler isn't this one but similar, it is right or left handed and lets you peel at such a speed, it has 2 blades for left/right hand with a gap between then.


No snow here today.

Pretty cold though.


Got bed now watched CBB but too late for cbbots.

Work in the morning.

Oh, my Worm Castings came today.



No more snow today, and what there is seems to be going. But I think it's due to get colder again, before getting warmer at the weekend, so ice may be a problem.


Glad the social worker is being accommodating Mollie.

I see Junior Doctors is being repeated late tomorrow night, so I'll record it.


Hi Hicky. I'm sure your back bedroom will look smashing after it's finished.
Haven't tried any grafting. That sounds interesting.

Only two dinners tonight? You'll waste away.


Hi Frodo. If you still haven't watched Aisleyne's first appearance on Loaded TV's Looser Women, the whole episode is now in the video section on aisleyne dot com, and it's on the little video player on the homepage, so even non-members can watch it at the mo.

It's worth the watch if only to hear her say that she thinks Carol Vorderman is "volumptuous" (sic)

I don't think this ebay guy is going to pay. I'll send him a reminder if he hasn't stumped up by tomorrow evening.

Not too worried as ebay will refund the seller fees if I don't get paid, and I would be allowed to offer it to the second place bidder, who bid ÂĢ28 and actually lives locally so would save me the postage.

It's a pity he didn't win really, but the other guy used software that automatically bid right at the last second of the auction. 


Morning All.


Morning Emptybox.

I just fancy trying some grafting, i want to make my 4 tree's have multi types of fruit, i'm going to try and have peaches on the plum tree, also nectarines.

3 ypes of apples, 3 types of pears and a few types of plums and cherry's.


That bloke on Ebay may not have wanted your stuff but his software made the last minute bids.


Going to be busy today as i have to do about 33 invoices and they have to be converted to PDF and have copies of the order emailed as well


Good morning all



sounds like your double dinner was well deserved after all your hard work on home improvements yesterday.

thanks for the peeler info, I will have to give one a go, and have never thought to check M and S online.

Looks like you are likely to have a good choice of fruit this summer if all goes well.

As you are so busy at work today, I hope they keep you well fed.


It doesn't bother me either whether Rylan does or does not go out to practice for his tour, as it doesn't spoil my enjoyment of CBB. It is something he would have to do, if they wanted him as a HM, with the timing of this series.

Wonder who will go tonight? Not sure myself.



What a cheek that ebay guy has got using some sort of software to bid, but lucky you have a guy 2nd on the list who is local. Why would this guy bid use software to bid on something he doesn't even want?


Glad we have CBB to watch tonight as the tv awards are on for ages on itv, and I am not keen on watching award shows.


No snow round here on the coasts again, but heard it did snow in Welsh valleys again.


Lots of paperwork to catch up on today, and then a nice walk with dog to clear head.


have a good day all. xxx




Morning all 


snowing again here just small flakes ,looks as If someone has put a certain amount if grit on the road so a little of It has gone, no sign of next doors van all his tools where in there for his work ,so silly leaving them in his van

he works all over the country doing fireproofing silly man leaving them in there 


I didn't watch Big Brother last night , I made some bread yesterday and that set a chain reaction of the back again I tend to just lift things without bending my knees so was in a bit of pain


Big Brother Is a game show where all players are and should be equal and Hicky has said people shouldn't go in If they can't do the games ..likewise If you have other commitments play fair  Rylan  will win but he also has  had knowledge of the outside and that is power, and why have they been hiding It Lacey Is spilling the beans now


After saying that If people don't mind , then fair do's as I have said we all have our own opinions ,I've had a disagreement with my son this morning  we both think we are right and then move on still thinking we are right  but as we love each other who cares


big brother has always been full of talking points thats what makes It fun and lively ,so we feel the same ..good fun IMO


sees you soon   xx




tumblr_mgn19p6s5P1qdlh1io1_400.gif [poor cat,gifs)

Last edited by Former Member

Hello again


I meant to say about your Mum Mollie I'm so pleased that the warden says

your mum can have have her meals ,If I don't get everything right I'm sort of jiggling the thread while posting  I know what you are going through and on top of that you have your own family to look after,you must get exhausted ,and given your illness you need to take care to be honest I don't know how you fit It all In and still remain cheerful xx 


Thanks emptybox about the Aisleyne  video section , I will probably get a big thumbs down but I liked Ziggy  and still do  sorry your bidder let you down ,but glad you have another buyer .


So glad the snow hasn't hit you hard but Scotland almost always gets hit hard in the winter so lets hope you don't get hit too hard ,wildlife I also worry about ,trying to make my family understand why I would help any waif and stray Is a bind heating on full  and I had an E-mail from  B.Gas 

meter reading please


Hello Hicky your decorating sounds good and I love the thought of hard floors ,apart from the kitchen & bathroom mine Is all carpet ,but a change sounds great ,funnily enough our bathroom used to be down stairs but we had It altered.


take care all xx frodo


Hi all.

Not bad weather here at all. No more snow and even a little sunshine. They say tonight is going to be very cold though, and as there's slush everywhere, that might make things slippery tomorrow.


I had an important letter to post so decided to go to the supermarket at the same time. So I'm fully provisioned for another week anyway.
Trouble is, I didn't take a list with me, so I forgot a couple of things and bought a couple of things that I'd already bought last week. I've now got too much Hellmann's mayonnaise.


Ebay guy messaged to ask me to cancel the sale as he said he'd made a mistake in buying.
Luckily Ebay has refunded my fees, and the second bidder has agreed in principle to buy. He's local so I've agreed ÂĢ25 cash on collection. Just waiting for him to get back to me, but looks like I might get it sold after all.

Hi Frodo. A Ziggy fan?? (just kidding)

Where is Lacey spilling the beans? I can't see anything on her twitter?
I see Jamie East has been in the House today, giving them some "home truths", so yet more interference from outside.

Sorry your back is bad again after making some more bread. Perhaps you're not putting enough yeast in it?
I guess if your neighbour had to leave his van at the bottom of your road, that it was too far to lug his tools, so he had to leave them in?

Love that cat stuck in the door gif.  

Hi Mollie, hope you got through your paperwork and enjoyed your doggie-walk?

Don't work too hard Hicky.  


Evening All.


A double eviction eh, it should be Ryan & Frankie according to the betting.


Yes Emptybox, the bid winner didn't want to win the bid, silly person.


It's been snowing here but not sticking, too warm.


We are getting an estimate to have the front drive/parking area. it's around ÂĢ4,000 i think, it's not formal yet.

O/H wants it block paved.


Don't know what they let Jamie in the house, i really think he adds nothing to the show anyway.



Frodo, thats bad news about your back, you really should take care.


Also, If you leave a van in a position it isn't usually in then people may assume it has tools in it or other stuff.

There's always the opportunist.


Hi all


Hello Fredo

sorry to hear that back of yours is bothering you again, hope it eases soon.

Such a shame that fella lost all his tools.


You sound pretty sure you think Rylan will win? Whilst I do think he has been a good entertaining HM, I think it is quite open who could win this year. Clare maybe? Steps have loads of fans. Or Razor? I think he might be popular with the public? Or even Ryan?   because of Neighbours fans?  Or a surprise win from H and S from their fans voting like mad?  Should be all interesting on Friday and tonight.


Hi Emptybox

glad you got your fees back, hope the 2nd sale goes through ok.Glad to hear you are all stocked up, but not sure what use you can put your excess mayo to?


We have at last got some snow, it was unpredicted and started around 3pm. Lukily my OH was working from home, so didn't get stuck in the motorway traffic home.


I didn't know tonight was a double, gosh. Should be a great show.


Enjoy everyone.



posted together.

the snow has actually stuck here for a change, so the forecasters missed out on that one.

That is a big job getting paving done,... yes, worth getting a few estimates from someone reputable, as it needs to be done well. I think it does look really nice though when block paved.


Yes I agree, poor Fredo does need to take extra care whilst she has a weekness in her back, until it is strong again.

Take care Fredo


Back to CBB, loved the fashion show, Ryan looked fab in his eviction suit and Trish's frock they chose was lovely. But poor Trish being called muton as lamb. I don't think she is.


Hello all 

and thanks but I can rest ,no real commitments.... Mollie unlike you of course I have the animals and they are more of a joy .


You have a family Mollie to look after ,perhaps one day you will tell me of your illness ,from reading back and listening It sounded pretty serious

so you need to take things easy  but thanks anyhow , Its really kind.


The reason I am a little upset for the couple next door Is they have not long since had a new addition to the family and they are really upset


anyhows you three take care xx frodo  


Glad you can rest Fredo. I found when my back (rib) pain was bad, it was best not to rest too long, but also not to do do jobs or stand too long at a time, if you get what I mean. ie...short job/walk then rest short time...then short job/walk and then short rest time... or longer rest time if uncomfy. Also a TENS machine is great for bad backs. Have you tried one?

Let's hope it doesn't go on for too long.


I am so much better now thanks, but have to be wary of overdoing it still. Will tell you the story sometime.

Yes indeed our animals are a joy, even though my little doggie is always quiet all night, then usually decides she needs to go out and then have her dinner just when CBB comes on.


Not surprised to see Frankie out, very nice guy, but rather boring as a HM. LOL at his reason for wanting Razor out next.


Thanks for the link Frodo. Seemingly they were supposed to keep quiet about it.


Hi Hicky. Block paving is certainly expensive, but makes a real transformation. My Brother had his done a few years ago. What a difference.

I used to lay it myself when I worked for another gardener. Well...when I say I used to lay it, I mean I did the donkey work, and he used to lay it.


Snow Mollie? That's unusual for you? Build a snowman fast afore it a' melts.


Aw poor Tricia. I thought she was quite attractive actually. Just needed a wee bit longer neck.



think I will pass on the snowman for now, as it is dark, cold and wet, but hopefully snow will still be there for me to have a go tomorrow.


I didn't mind Tricia at all, but after hearing the boos for Ryan, I am glad he stayed, because he didn't deserve that. And Speidi have just been so awful about him, is another reason I am glad he stayed.

I think Trish looks very nice tonight in the pink frock. That shade of shiny pink is a fave of mine.

Originally Posted by emptybox:

Thanks for the link Frodo. Seemingly they were supposed to keep quiet about it.


Hi Hicky. Block paving is certainly expensive, but makes a real transformation. My Brother had his done a few years ago. What a difference.

I used to lay it myself when I worked for another gardener. Well...when I say I used to lay it, I mean I did the donkey work, and he used to lay it.


Snow Mollie? That's unusual for you? Build a snowman fast afore it a' melts.


Aw poor Tricia. I thought she was quite attractive actually. Just needed a wee bit longer neck.


Oh for heavens sake emptybox that last bit about Tricia started me off a nice glass of wine all over the laptop, and my back is killing me ,so dry and unexpected ...that has done me the power of good ,what a line 

hahahahaha Lol can't stop 




Originally Posted by frodo:
Originally Posted by emptybox:

Aw poor Tricia. I thought she was quite attractive actually. Just needed a wee bit longer neck.


Oh for heavens sake emptybox that last bit about Tricia started me off a nice glass of wine all over the laptop, and my back is killing me ,so dry and unexpected ...that has done me the power of good ,what a line 

hahahahaha Lol can't stop 



LOl Fredo...


Emptybox is a one, isn't he? 


...and I am sure showering your lappy in wine will do it no good at all.


Goodnight all xxx



You are all quiet so far today.


Has everyone;s snow gone now the thaw has arrived?  Ours has nearly all melted here....I should of listened to Emptybox and dashed out to make that snowman late last night, before it had gone.



am glad in a way this bookies theory got things wrong, because it doesn't spoil  surprises for us that go on during eviction nights. I think it is hard to call a winner this year, so am looking forward to Friday's show. Did you get in your garden tonight?



hope you sorted your ebay seller out.



did doggies enjoy their walk today?


Took my doggie nice walk in the sun, it felt quite warm today in the sun.


Had cheese and onion croquettes from M and S for tea, with veg.


have a good evening all. Looking forward to relaxing in front of CBB later.... off to tidy kitchen now.


Evening All.


I wouldn't say the bookies got it wrong Mollie, it was one of Tricia's friends that must have put a lot of money on her to win, the bookies odds reflect the backing.


Haven't eaten at home today.

My lad came round this morning with the baby so we all went out for a lovely brekkie.


This evening we went to the hungry horse for a steak, starter of chicken wings and an after of toffee Roulade


Tricia's odds being fake showed up with the public vote.

We saw more of her in her best bits that we saw for 3 weeks in the house.


My lad in Oz has come up with another idea, he could buy a ÂĢ500,000 house with 8 beds etc, i could sell mine and give him the ÂĢ100,000 deposit and my uk son and family and me and O/H could all live in it.

I could get my next car and get all my tree's etc moved to the new house.


My lad has started his new job in Oz and is in an executive position, next below the Directors.

He's on a mutual 6 months trial.

He's got an 'A' in his 2 sections he has just done towards his Masters Degree he's doing.


It's been a glorious day here, sun all day, still a bit of snow on the grass.


Hello all 


I missed most of CBB  so Iam watching It on+1 from what I have seen It looks good can you believe we are coming to the end and Its the final to-morrow,what will we watch ,we can always go back to food


No more snow here just cold brrrr but then It Is winter least the nights are drawing out ,


Just got myself a massive mug of tea I'm not very keen on coffee but a I like hot chocolate


Yes the betting was strange Mollie AND I thought the bookies had It wrong ,but as Hicky says that could be the answer her friends betting ,creating a false market.


Now that would drive me bonkers someone bursting in to song every two they seem to be doing


Dogs go out every morning Mollie around 8am and again after lunch ,plenty of  sad looks  If they don't get their walks


Wow Hicky your son must have a fantastic job .you must be proud ,thats a hard choice about the house Hicky ,a hard choice to make for you


Fried rice for tea with Strawberry Cheesecake to follow and some liquorice allsorts..well quite a few.


How have you gone on with your motherboard emptybox ,I hope you are ok 


anyhows bye for now all  frodo



That is a nice idea to share a home, I hear it is getting more popular now, as it is so much cheaper to share a home amongst the generations than each to have a home each to maintain and find bills for, Youngsters now can't afford to even buy starter homes now if they are on the average salary, so makes sense for many that  instead of putting easy cash into hands of these greedy landlords, to buy with family. You would have to be careful that it was the right place to suit you all, and as you are putting money in it, that it was done fairly for you.

We might buy with my mum eventually if we can find the right place to suit a large 3 generation family. Not sure yet.

Well done to your lad with the studying, he must of worked hard at it.


I don't follow the betting really as it is complicated, but still think the winner(s) this year could be a bit of a surprise. I think even Speidi stand a chance of winning it now they have stayed to the final.

I think we are in for a great final tomorrow night.


Glad you had the nice sunny weather we too had today.


What a nice eating out day you have had today. How is the baby coming along? Still enjoying his food, like his grandpa does?


I think we too are due for a family meal out soon, as we haven't been out for a meal for awhile.


Goodnight all x



hope your back is easing a bit, remember to take a few rest breaks.

Yes CBB was good tonight, such a shame it is all coming to an end tomorrow,.... oh well it will then be time to wait for the summer one.

And as you say, we can always talk food in the meantime.  

And Britains Got Talent starts soon.


Your doggies sound like they have lots of energy, my doggie only manages one walk a day, her little legs get tired.


Glad you enjoyed your cheesecakes and sweeties.

My daughter and hubby went to Asda and she bought me back some of those new Cadbury eggs in an egg box of 4 and you have a spoon to eat the yummy soft middle out. I can recommend. Hicky.. they are worth adding these to your Costco shopping list.

Goodnight all xxx


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