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Hi Emptybox.


I do mean Raspberry Canes.

can't believe you don't have snow falling.


My Fish arrived late afternoon, fish boss was getting concerned again.

He sent me a free box of half shell mussels.

So that means lots of big Prawns for the weekend, and i got 1kg of natural undyed haddock for brekkie, also 2 fresh skate wings for O/H.


Had a nice brekkie, some of the Sainsbury's unsmoked basic rashers, it's very nice and not as salty as the smoked.


Made a beef roast for tea, with roast spuds, carrots and gravy, very nice too.


For pudding made pancakes, found out that by using 2 frying pans and the oven with a plate in it it's very quick.

Just make the pancake 12cm in the first pan, when the base is done and can be freed take it to the 2nd pan and put more mix into the first one again, then take the pancake out of the 2nd pan and put it on the hot plate thats in the oven.

It's so fast i don't know how many i made.


I see the outside crowd has been stopped from the CBB eviction tonight.


It seems to be freezing here at the mo.

O/H is a bit worried about what may happen overnight as she goes out at 4.30am, if things are too bad i will take her anyway.





glad your fish came, nice to get some free mussels. 

That is a good idea with the pancakes, never thought of using 2 pans. Daughter sometimes makes them, but making them for 5 people is hard work, they get eaten as fast as she can make the next one. Next time we have pancakes, we will use the Hicky pancake making method. Do you have a patent on it?

4.30am is very early to go out, yes, probably a good idea to take her in your 4 wheel drive if it is icy. Does she still work in the bakery? If I worked in a bakery, I would be tempted to bring home too much yummy food.

My OH was lent a lap top by work and told he could work from home today, so he did and I was glad because the M4 near us was closed this morning.

Wonder if the cold weather has put a stop to the outside CBB crowd? I shouldn't think many would want to venture out with all the snow about, just to stand in the freezing cold.



unusual for you to be the one with no snow. Even we had a little today, but not much. Mostly melted now. What snow we had was very wet stuff. Dog hated it, didn't want to go out. Too wet for her.



snow for you today? What was for tea?

I had a Gregs pizza, and some peas, and I had a Gregs porridge for lunch. Their apple and sultana porridge is lovely. (I am a Gregs fan).


I wonder who will leave tonight?  I am guessing Trish... can't see she her having a big fan base. Hope it is not Clare, I find her interesting. And I like Gillian. Hope Speida stay, despite them being annoying, it would be very quiet without them in there.


Have a good evening all xxx


Evening Mollie.


No Patent. but it sure speeded up the process, took half the time.

I had 2 plates hot in the oven and shared them as i made them, when i was finished i took a plate in for O/H, she thought it was between us, i said,no they are yours, and they were hot, she loved that.


The snow seems to have stopped, probably freezing though, might see if i can put some salted sand down around the cars, i have some bags at the side of the garage.


I was expecting Tricia to go but the betting had her and Gillian pretty close.



Well my laughter was short lived, because it started snowing about 1pm and hasn't stopped since.

There's about 3 inches lying.


That was good that your OH could work from home Mollie. Good that you haven't had much snow.


Hope condidtions are OK for your OH going out early Hicky.

I guess I don't have to go out till the beginning of the week, to post that ebay item. If I'm snowed in hopefully they'll be patient and wait a few days?


I thought it would be Tricia out, but Gillian wasn't a big surprise.


Hello all

I'm late to-night ,I almost missed CBB fell asleep and that's not me, yes where did that come from I didn't think Gillian would go,Tricia yes or Frankie but If a task comes up Its either Rylan,Frankie, or S&H get the main parts to be honest I can't remember seeing or hearing much from the others.


Yes Mollie still snow here It hasn't moved at all off the road ,there Is a large container at the bottom but you have to grit It yourself


Prawn stir fry in black bean sauce to-day with noodles impossible to get to the chippy or to order a take away


That's  a good way to do your pancakes Hicky  especially If you need a lot   I must remember that.


So no more nominations and a vote to win  and about time the crowd was quiet more or less letting them know who the favourites are .


will catch up on the posts properly to-morrow ..night Mollie emptybox Hicky  xx 


Evening Frodo & Emptybox.


I've just been out and gritted the area around our cars and the side path and the drive in area across the pavement.


That prawn stir fry sounds good, used to have loads of them when working away, used to eat out every night.

Some times  i only went away for 3 nights, other times i went for a few weeks but all in all i ate out for an awful lot of days in a year, but in many different countries as well.


It's a wonder the HM's didn't comment about the silence when Brian was speaking, they couldn't help but notice.


Next eviction Wednesday.



Morning Everyone.


I'm ok now if the weather gets bad.

O/H did some shopping after work.

Lots of long life milk, that keeps for 6 months if you don't open it.

Lots of soups, fruit in tins, and fresh, lots of pancake mix.

Tons of bacon, bread, meat, fish, veg, orange juice, etc, like Christmas again.


O/H got to work ok, after i put salted sand down last night, it got rid of the slipping aspect anyway.

It seems very quiet out, wind has dropped and air still.


Expecting a little more snow at 6pm.


Morning all


What can you say about the weather .brrrrr sounds a pretty good shop that Hicky ,yes there is a massive bag of that salt stuff here It was bought last year and one of those snow shovels ,as I've said very hilly round here and the road gritting container Is at the bottom.


Yes the Prawn stir fry was good onions normal and spring ,peppers red&green, celery, water chestnuts (tinned) bamboo shoots the same ,garlic loads of It fried in a little oil then add prawns black bean sauce and light soy sauce a little peanut oil and noodles that have been soaking in boiling water  yummy,


Better than that cheesecake I made which was  thrown in the bin ah well some you lose ,not the first disaster I have made and I'm sure It wont be the last.


Spag Bol for you to-day emptybox ? I never got round to my pasta bake.

Is there snow your way ? I meant to ask do you have a long trek to the shops or have you a local one ,any more bids on your motherboard ..last day to-morrow isn't It ?.


Has any snow settled your way Mollie or Is It still slush I hate that.


If you watch Sky news Mollie give It a miss ..really upsetting this morning they have been doing undercover work in a horse abattoir, I know that animals have to be killed and all that but the cruelty that goes on beggars belief  I don't eat that much meat but sheez I'm really going veggie.


CBB ends this week thats soon passed hasn't It 


see you all later xx be good



We had a bit more snow overnight and today, but not too much.

Still about 3 inches lying. Not enough to stop me getting my car out if necessary.


Glad your OH got out to work OK Hicky, and you are now fully provisioned.


Hi Frodo, glad your stirfry was a success.

There's a small shop in the village about 2 and a half miles away, so I can walk to that for basic stuff, but there's no post office there anymore, so I shall have to drive to town to post off my ebay package. No more bids yet.


Looking forward to my bath, then spag bol later.


Not too bothered about BB now. Can't see me bothering to vote now, but still watching it.


Hi emptybox


honestly I really didn't want to be a killjoy for this CBB and of course I

will watch It ..first time I haven't had a favourite to root for ,first time I have fallen asleep (last night ) before a show and I haven't bothered to catch up.


Good that you have a local shop  enjoy your Spag Bol ..I managed to cut the other cheesecakes into slices ,the Strawberry one is good I thought I

would give It a try 


I hope everyone Is well see you later crikey did I say local shop  2 and a half miles away









did Julian Clary win last CBB ? I loved him ...must Google as I am getting them mixed up and before that Denise Welch


Just checked It was Julian ..Big Brother Canada starts February  27 th  with free live feed ,just wondering how It would be possible to watch here


bye for now


can you remember when we got to watch Big Brother 4 USA on E4

and when we had a choice of four camera shots  those were the days

Last edited by Former Member

oh damn, lost my long post again...

don't know what on earth I do to this machine, but I am done in now so probably not concentrating too well... busy early in Morrisons... for all 6 of us and 2 pets makes for a lot of stuff..., then to mums and help with her housework , OH good and he had to help set her radiators because she doesn't understand, then home tidy up and long walk with dog. Lovely walk today, as nice and dry, and really quiet on seafront as so cold, but we don't notice the cold as we walk fast and wrap up warm (4 layers on top for me and leggings with joggers over.)



thanks for the Jordan story,... she has got married again quickly, makes you wonder if she will ever really get what she is looking for from a relationship?

I noticed the animal story, but didn't read it as I knew it would bother me. Glad you like the strawberry cheesecake. i have just had a yummy Gregs cheese pizza.



no wonder your OH was pleased with her own plate of pancakes.

Glad she got to work ok and that you are well stocked with food now.

that picture is some traffic jam.

I wonder if the HM's had been told about the lack of an outside audience, so they knew they would be leaving via the diary room door?



hope you enjoy your sphag bol night, Will it be washed down with one of your fave beers?

I thought you too might get a bit of snow. Good job you can still get out in the car though.


Our snow nearly melted now, and none at all on seafront, woman working in cafe said it was because of sea salt that there is no snow there. But it is quite thick a few miles inland.


I am still enjoying CBB, and will miss it when it finishes on Friday.

Hope we can find something else interesting to watch when it ends.


Yes Fredo, I remember the good old days of BB when we saw BBUSA on E4, i enjoyed that and really enjoyed livefeed when we had all those camera shots. We are lucky to get the odd hour of livefeed now.


Have a good evening all xxx




Evening All.


Been a quiet day really, no more snow and a very slow thaw.


Eaten quite a bit.

Started with a whole side of haddock and about 4 rashers of bacon with a round of toast.


Later we had a plate of big prawns, then a tin of soup, then a portion of Halibut.

For afters, 2 cut up banana's with summer fruit juice and double cream.


Not sure why Katie has got married again?


I suppose she hasn't been in the news enough.


Hello Hicky


feeling full now or Is that a snack,at the moment no sign of a thaw here just Icy on top of snow .


The trouble with Katie Is that she simply needs a man and I don't mean that unkindly ..she has to have someone in tow, very sad in my opinion maybe she needs the publicity or feeds on It , tears before bedtime as the saying goes.


There is a Greggs near here Mollie ,they know the dogs have a sausage roll ready for them , they wait in the doorway (have to pay of course)  I haven't tried their pizza but I will now you have said


No more bids then emptybox hope you enjoyed your pasta 


bye for now xx


Good Morning Everyone.


Snow expected later and tonight/tomorrow.

Pretty cold as well.

The snow on the ground hasn't moved much.


I enjoyed BB as well Frodo, but got bored with bbbots, dot a Jamie fan, went to bed.


Betting to Win as at 20/01/2013 - 09.45
Rylan Clark - 1/2
Heidi and Spencer - 13/2
Tricia Penrose - 5/1
Neil Ruddock - 9/1
Frankie Dettori - 25/1
Ryan Moloney - 40/1
Claire Richards - 50/1


Good morning all



glad you enjoyed CBB last night,

I always enjoy it.

I thought the task was funny. CBB at it's best when humour is involved imo. Yes I can recommend a nice Greggs cheesy pizza, If they are hot, I eat them before I get home, or sometimes add a bit extra cheese and re-heat at home and eat for tea with some peas.

I have had a yummy sultana/cinammon muffin from Morrisons for brekkie.

Thanks for the USBB link.



No more snow expected here, and we only have a small amount lying, but it is cold here too. Good job you have your 4 wheel drive if you are due snow. I don't watch BBOT now either, because I think it is silly and spoils enjoyment of the proper show because it shows clips of it before it is aired the next day. But I still love watching the main show, never miss it. Wonder if we will have a surprise winner?  Sometimes the bookies get it wrong, don't they?


Just taken some extra food to mums incase meals on wheels don't come tomorrow. (they didn't come Friday because of weather).  Also took doggie walk on beach, she loved it, there was a bit of snow on edge of sand and parts of sand was frozen.


Time to do a bit of washing.


"Call the Midwife" back tonight, I love this programme, so will record and watch later, as I will be watching CBB. I have also been catching up on One Born Every Minute. Aaawww, at seeing all those babes being born, our midwives do such a grand job.


Wonder if Emptybox is snowed in?  Hope you have your beers in incase you can't get the car out Emptybox.


Have a good day all x


Hi all!


No I'm not snowed in yet. I got my car out and went for the paper this morning.

Bit tricky on the drive, but once I got out onto the road it was fine.

No more snow overnight, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that all will be well for getting into town tomorrow to post the ebay item off.

I'll delay going to the supermarket till then as well. No point in making unnecessary journeys?


Yes CBB was fun last night. Heidi was certainly nice to watch doing her dancing.
Mind you, if Lacey had done something similar when she was in, you just know Heidi would have been incandescent.

Hope your Mum's Meals on Wheels keep on rolling Mollie, despite the weather.

Thanks for the BB links Frodo. I don't usually bother watching anything other than the UK version, but I might give it a try if I'm bored?


Still eating heartily I see Hicky.


Haven't looked to see if I've had any more bids yet. Listing ends about 5.30pm. 


Good Afternoon Mollie.


There's a few good ones on tonight.

Ice Dancing, The Hotel, CBB


Still got that fine stuff coming down, don't know if it will on.

Went out before as i needed fuel for the morning.


Had to make a quick cover for the little plastic plant house, wind had ripped the roof.

Why they supply spare covers for the darn things when they only last the summer.


Thats not good Mollie when your Mums food doesn't turn up.

Hope she's got some emergency provisions in case the weather gets bad.


I've put my Bare Root Raspberry Canes into a bucket and put damp JI compost in, was a bit concerned in leaving them in a plastic bag in case they started to rot.

Not much else i can do this weather, no chance of planting them yet.


Afternoon Emptybox.


We posted about the same time, just seen yours.


I like the dancing of Heidi, makes a change.

Heidi wouln't have let Lacey dance like that with them there, thats why she went all prim and proper as Heidi didn't like her being sexy, neither did Razor.


Had a side of natural smoked haddock for brekkie, got a chicken to roast for tea.


Someone just posted this on DS, thought it so funny.


Checked my Tesco burgers in the fridge ... and they're off!

Sat here reading the label on these Tesco burgers and it turns out they are
fairly low in fat but surprisingly high in Shergar.

Traces of zebra found in Tesco bar codes.

Is it a coincidence that HAMBURGERS is an anagram of SHERGAR BUM?

Just been to Tesco and bought a bottle of Bacardi, a bottle of Lambs and
some burgers. So that's white rum, Navy rum and Red Rum.

Had a Tesco beef burger for lunch today. After I'd finished it, I found I had a bit between my teeth.

HMV vouchers are now being accepted at Tesco. Just tell them HMV means horse meat voucher.

A Tesco burger walks into a bar "Pint please". "I can't hear you" says the barman. "Sorry" replies the burger "I'm a little horse".

Tesco have just sacked their meat buyer. They are looking for someone to take over the reins. But nobody wants to be saddled with the

Went to a Tesco cafe for my dinner, the waitress said "Do you want anything on your burger?" So I had a Fiver each way.


Hello all 


very good that post from DS Hicky  yes spoilt for choice to-night on the telly ..might be taping and watching some on +1 ,your probably right about Heidi not wanting Lacey to dance like that ,bit of the green eyed monster 

but both are pretty in different ways ,Spencer has put an awful lot of weight on since he was on The Hills and Razor needs to cover himself up Ive seen enough of his bare skin  I mean  those little white pants and he keeps scratching and fiddling get rid of the open dressing gowns

I hope the snow keeps away for you emptybox so you can get your shopping done and your parcel sent off. Did you notice the link for the Canadian Big Brother cos I was wondering If you knew how we could watch It here ?


I hope your mums meals are back on Mollie ...did they let you know?


Yes CBBBOTS is awful Jamie East  is a waste of time , I had to switch of 


see you later xx 


Snow Monkeys in JapanChild Snow Monkey is Helping Groom












Last edited by Former Member


"My parents have always been there for me, ever since I was about 7. "
David Beckham

"I would not be bothered if we lost every game as long as we won the league."
Mark Viduka

"Alex Ferguson is the best manager I've ever had at this level.
Well, he's the only manager I've actually had at this level.
But he's the best manager I've ever had."
David Beckham

"If you don't believe you can win, there is no point in getting out of bed at the end of the day."
Neville Southall

"I've had 14 bookings this season - 8 of which were my fault,
but 7 of which were disputable."
Paul Gascoigne

"I've never wanted to leave. I'm here for the rest of my life, and
hopefully after that as well."
Alan Shearer

"I'd like to play for an Italian club, like Barcelona "
Mark Draper

"You've got to believe that you're going to win, and I believe we'll win the World Cup until the final whistle blows and

we're knocked out."
Peter Shilton

"I faxed a transfer request to the club at the beginning of the week, but let me state that I don't want to leave Leicester."
Stan Collymore

"I was watching the Blackburn game on TV on Sunday when it flashed on the screen that George (Ndah) had scored in

the first minute at Birmingham .
My first reaction was to ring him up.
Then I remembered he was out there playing."
Ade Akinbiyi

"Without being too harsh on David Beckham, he cost us the match."
Ian Wright

"I'm as happy as I can be - but I have been happier."
Ugo Ehiogu

" Leeds is a great club and it's been my home for years, even
though I live in Middlesbrough."
Jonathan Woodgate

"I can see the carrot at the end of the tunnel."
Stuart Pearce

"I took a whack on my left ankle, but something told
me it was my right."
Lee Hendrie

"I couldn't settle in Italy - it was like living in a foreign country."
Ian Rush

"Germany are a very difficult team to play...they had
11 internationals out there today."
Steve Lomas

"I always used to put my right boot on first, and then
obviously my right sock."
Barry Venison

"I definitely want Brooklyn to be christened, but I
don't know into what religion yet."
David Beckham

"The Brazilians were South American, and the
Ukrainians will be more European."
Phil Neville

"All that remains is for a few dots and commas to be crossed."
Mitchell Thomas

"One accusation you can't throw at me is that I've always done my best."
Alan Shearer

"I'd rather play in front of a full house than an empty crowd."
Johnny Giles

"Sometimes in football you have to score goals."
Thierry Henry


Footblers eh?

Like those Tesco 'gee gee' jokes as well.


My ebay item sold for ÂĢ29, which is more than I expected. Especially since the buyer has to pay ÂĢ10 p&p on top.

Hasn't paid yet though, and he has a few negative feedbacks so I'll have to tread carefully.

I see there's heavy snow forecast for me tomorrow morning.  


Watching DoI. Glad Anthea got through.

Hi Frodo. Love that gif with the snow monkeys in their own hot-tub. I've seen those on wildlife progs before.  


Evening Emptybox.


You won't send the goods till you get paid will you?


Take it easy in that snow then.

Best stay in and don't take a chance.


I enjoyed DOI, they are coming on, but will have to be careful, some of those lifts are very dangerous.


Watched the Hotel, they are nutters, haven't a clue really.


Just watching CBB, not going to watch cbbots, too late, up early in the morning.


Just had a few massive prawns, i shelled them then boiled for a minute then tossed them in melted butter.

The we had a roast chicken, one from Sainsbury's, a marinated one you get in a roasting bag, cooked that and had mixed veg and mash with some gravy i made.


Evening all


just  a quick post ,seems like we all more or less watched the same thing to-night,Lol who runs The Hotel ? so funny he hasn't a clue and nearly bagged himself a girlfriend 


No CBBBOTS for me Its a waste of time get rid of It and give us more viewing time I enjoyed the show to-night again ,how on earth Is Tricia second favourite ,well she Is at the moment anyhow ,been a good nights viewing all round .


Loved the things that you posted Hicky about the burgers and

the football ,they are a good laugh


I hope all goes well with your motherboard transaction emptybox ,and yes the snow monkeys are great I have seen a wildlife programme with them on 


I hope all Is well in your world Mollie and your mum gets her meals sorted


Its still very Icy here with more snow forecast 


night to you all frodo xx


No no, I won't send it off till the payment is in my paypal account.


I had King prawn balti tonight. But of course, I didn't follow it up with a chicken.


Have recorded Hotel, so haven't seen tonight's but that Mark (?) certainly is a numpty.


Actually don't mind BBBOTS, especially when Alice Levine is on. I quite like her humour. Not so keen on Jamie East.


Morning All


Its been snowing in the night ,very bad conditions  around here ,next door neighbour had to park his van at the bottom of the road and Its gone ,not the small white van either almost the size of a small removal van


The other side a couple both prison officers couldn't get out for work and It is still coming down


Gillian Tayforth is on The Wright Stuff and If this Is true Its a complete farce and put me off the series.


Can anyone remember when Jade was allowed out of Back to Reality on Channel 5 and came back fully aware of what was going on


I hope you are all well lappy Is playing up to-day so If you don't hear from me you know why .


If Its true that Rylan has been out of the house there's no wonder we don't get live feed just my opinion


see you later xx 


Hi again 


longcat posted this on the CBB thread on here ,seems that Channel 5 are doing damage limitation ,but why would Rylan need a driver If he didn't go off site ,and shouldn't we have been informed ,after all we are the paying public  so why keep It under wraps .


forgot to say I bought another two cheesecakes one chocolate and vanilla

and another strawberry and this time sliced them in portions before they went back in the freezer.


see you laterx












Hi Frodo.

That Rylan thing makes a bit of a mockery of BB as a reality show, but I think Channel 5 just think of it as an entertainment show anyway.

I would be annoyed if it happened on the regular BB, but the celebs have always been able to negotiate individual priveledges.

I would imagine Rylan's agent made that a condition of him going into the house, and CH5 knew he'd pull the crowds.


Sounds like conditions are bad around yours? Bet your neighbour is sick about his van being stolen.


It's not been as bad as forecast here. It's been snowing off and on all day, but not the heavy stuff, so not really adding to the lying stuff. Plus it rained a bit overnight, so the snow has actually reduced a bit. It was blowing a gale earlier though.


Haven't been out, because my ebay guy still hasn't paid. Suits me as I wouldn't want to be out in this weather anyway.


Hi empytbox


yes I agree with you to a certain extent ,but why cover It up and why are we paying for votes ,Its obvious he knows he Is the favourite and you are right It makes a mockery of the show why don't they all go home for tea.


Its obvious they did not want us to know ...this Is a competition that can make or break some careers ,just my point of view and all in good spirit between friends  I still think Its out of order.


So your bidder hasn't  paid up to now bad sportsmanship , yes It is bad around here ,police were round this morning so lets hope they find his van 


see you later  xx



Channel 5 have removed the youtube video so we were not meant to know , Jeez what a shambles

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Looks like Hicky can't get on here at work again.

Hicky..LOL at your horse/footballer tales.



You reminded me that, I too like Alice Levine, she is a great presenter, very charming, and as you probably noticed ... very pretty too. Did you know she recently started on radio 1 co-presenting on weekday nights? So she is doing very well.

Glad you did well with your bid, but hope he does pay up.

At least you are not blocked in with snow then, sounds like weather people being a bit over cautious again. Snow nearly gone round here now, seems warmer today, although still cool.



Gosh that is awful that someone could steal a van like that. Trouble is people's vans are usually their livelyhood. That is surprising you have such a lot of snow and Emptybox who is so far up North had less because of rain.  Whereabouts are you?  Think you said York? It sounds like the snow falls are patchy for different areas this year, regardless of whether we are up north or down south.

I knew that Rylan was rehearsing for the tour. Chris from X factor said on Loose Women that he was last week, but didn't say much else about it. But it makes sense that he would have to, because the tour starts nearly as soon as he comes out of the house, doesn't it? As Emptybox says, CBB is thought of as a fun entertainment show, and producers have to fit in with celeb agents requests if they want to get entertaining celebs in  the house. I remember one celeb had their own room all through the series. Was it the Jackson lady? I don't mind because I am enjoying the series and Rylan has made a good HM, the others HM's have been very quiet a lot of the time.


I forgot to watch my recording of The Hotel. Must remember, as I love this show.   Enjoyed Call the Midwife, and enjoyed CBB of course.


Mum's meals on wheels back again now snow gone. chicken roast dinner and pudding with custard, so nice for her.   I did her menu choices for her for this week, she couldn't have them when she first started, but now at least they have been processed, she gets her own choice of meal each day.


Time to peel some veg for tea, as you can imagine, always lots to peel to feed the 5 of us.


have a good evening all.

Not many CBB's left now.

Not sure who will win? Rylan perhaps?



Hello Mollie


I'm really pleased your mums has her meals back on track , yes It is rough around here , no sign of the van yet It belongs to the company he works for .


We will have to agree to disagree about the CBB house ,having a bedroom of your own and leaving the house are two different things ,

an unfair advantage ,there should be no contact with other people ..If Its pure entertainment why are we still paying for votes , they may as well go home at night ,Its only my opinion and there Is only so much meddling with the show that true fans like us will put up with.


Dogs to be bathed and front lined to-day they seem to get in every nook and cranny in the hedgerows in fields , and pick up ticks


I live in Yorkshire not York Mollie   they don't grit minor roads  (which Is understandable and with It being very hilly that's the problem


Baked potatoes crisp bakes and peas for tea and I make some cheese sauce


see you later xx 



Yes that must be a real problem in winter with no gritting and hills. We used to live on top of a hill in the valleys and it was very difficult there in bad weather too. We drove over the Yorks moors when we visited Yorkshire, looks very pretty, but must be bleak this time of year.

Rained here this afternoon, so snow nearly all gone.


Chris didn't say whether Rylan left the house or not, just that he was rehearsing. But whatever went on, I still find him an interesting HM.

Can't remember if anyone leaves before Friday or not now?

Think it might be the horse rider. .? Or Trish? ... or maybe the Americans will go?...hope it isn't Clare.


I love home made cheese sauce. I had mushroom rissoto crispbake, roast sweet potato, new potaotes and peas.  


Looking forward to tv tonight.

Double Corrie for the wedding tonight...

Miranda and Mrs Browns Boys to be recorded, because I will be enjoying watching CBB whilst they are on, but will look forward to watching both of those programmes too  later.


Hope Hicky didn't have to work too hard today.


have a good evening all



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