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Hello again 


I forgot It was the last episode of Grand Hotel ,I'm wondering If they have another series of this because the ending was terrible ..I was none the wiser no loose ends tied up I wont say anything in case someone else watches It


So I'll watch The Hotel to-morrow ,I see the nominations are out but a lot of folks don't like knowing so I wont speak about It until to-morrow


Its been snowing here although It hasn't settled yet ,snow is forecast for Scotland emptybox have you had any yet ?


This morning was lovely and sunny same yesterday but as the day moves on It gets really cold brrr.


Meat and potato pie here for dinner easy with bought pastry cant see the point in messing around ,do you have to make different meals in your house Mollie with you being veggie ? 


Hi Hicky yes The Hotel is great and the guests are a good laugh too .


anyways off I go see you to-morrow night all xx 



Frosty this morning, with some snow this afternoon, but nothing lying yet.


Hi Hicky. That worries me about the lock. Perhaps I'll have to carry a half brick to make sure I can get back in the van? Although the key has always worked so far.


Yes, I remember which one you met Mollie.

I'm glad Anthea got through tonight.

Glad you enjoyed Phantom.

My tooth is back to normal now. It's just the first couple of days after it's been scraped and polished.


No Heidi and Spencer aren't immune. That was for Friday's eviction. There are 4 up, including Rylan and Claire.


Yes, it's very annoying when you lose a big post.


Have recorded The Hotel for later.

I was going to record Blandings but I totally forgot. I'll have to find it on catchup.


I've put my old motherboard bundle on ebay. The on I took out of one of my PCs at the beginning of December. Not expecting much, but fun seeing if I get any bids.

Last edited by emptybox
Originally Posted by Hicky:

Good Evening All.


Yes Emptybox, i also enjoyed the diving, can't believe Caprice was voted off, and the one with a broken toe stayed.


I had the same problem on 1 car even using the key because when you lock even with the key it still trys to lock all doors.


Mollie, sorry to hear about your lost post, so annoying.


Hi Frodo, I like Spiedi as well. they are doing well.

They will most probably get nominated next.

The HM's were nominating today.

Just going to watch the Ice Dancing.


Had some nice Sainsbury's unsmoked Basic full rashers for brekkie, yummy, had a big tin of toms as well, also an egg.


Just had a spicy chicken pasta thingy, got a Mousaka in the oven, it looks a beauty, it's a special.


This post cracked me up LOL where do you put all that food



Rainy start here, but turned into a sunny day.

I can see some snow on the hills, but none here.


Broken toe girl on Splash was quite nice as well, so I'm glad she got through, but I suspect the judges only put her through because they were concerned that the public were voting all the females off (as per usual). Should really have been the Essex bloke that got through, going strictly on their diving?


Seemingly the task this week involves one of the celebs becoming a 'dictator'? Should be fun?


Hope your lappy is behaving Frodo? Have you had any more snow?


Hope you managed a dog walk Mollie.


Lamb chops, potatoes and brocoli, with mince pie and custard for afters tonight. (just cooking it now).


I've had a bid for my ebay item, so I'll get 99p at least.




Oooh that's fun emptybox a bid already ,you won't accept the first bid? will you ?. Lamb chop sounds good, mint sauce to go with It.


  Yes Its been snowing most of the day here,and forecast some more .my little shadow has just followed me upstairs  the dog 


I have just been watching the nominations they have covered each other again ..what a boring lot ,I can see a final of Rylan, Claire ,Tricia, Gillian and Frankie the house needs a shake up pronto .

I'm liking Ryan the Australian his impressions were good so I'm hoping he clings on 

Mollie who did you meet ? I thought It was Joe at the pantomime please tell 

There's a questionnaire on the CBB site asking for feedback and where you can type your own in all I've put is that It needs live feed ,I'm enjoying It of course ,but Its not the same without It, do you all feel the same or Is It just me ?

Leftovers for tea to-day the rest of the pie with mushy peas

I may make some pasta Tuna bake  to-morrow for a change ,still all the chocolate left and the biscuits though..Ive got to be in the mood to eat a lot of those but I love some puddings not mince pie though sorry emptybox.

I wonder what Hicky had for tea a lot I would imagine LOL ,must be lovely to eat lots and not put weight on .

well night to you three and anyone else around


Afternoon All.


The sun is out here.


Just had a couple of steak pies for tea last night, had a few chips and made gravy as i like gravy with chips.


I never stop eating Frodo, after that i had a rather strange piece of fruit from Spain, like a peach but it had not stone inside, a sort of stoneless Nectarine.


Had a nice brekkie today, lots of bacon and egg with toast.

And another of those new fruits.


Have sorted out how to make my square canopy into a six sided one.

Make it into a circle which is easy by just folding and cutting, then fold the circle in half then fold the sides 1 forward and 1 back until the sides are equal in 3 and thats that the corners are then the 6 tips, you then cut between the 2 points straight across and it's done.


Can't imagine who would want your old motherboard Emptybox, they buy anything don't they.


I'm getting a new Dell computer at work and a Dell Server, as the backup stuff we use isn't as good as it should be.

I'll get Dell in to sort it out and transfer my stuff over.


I enjoyed Splash, mind you i spend about 12 years of my life on the poolside with my lads swimming as they were in the clubs team and for some years i was an ASA swimming time keeper.


Hope Mollie and her Mum are OK.


Weather here not bad, cool though.


I see they are slating Lacey again, i think she's lovely.

Moaning about her eating a banana and walking in the bathroom to get a towel.

It's not exactly the crime of the century surely.

I thought it nice, pity they didn't show us.




Its really cold here brrr and It's been trying to snow again  and what snow is left has turned to ice .


Lucky you Hicky being able to eat want you like and not put any weight on 

I wish I could



Yes I thought their next target would be Lacy and If she goes Ryan will be next together with Spencer and Heidi ,Its so predictable  they dont really need to nominate


Four In A Bed was good to-day in case you haven't watched It Mollie that's all I'll say I'm really enjoying this series . Come Dine With Me has been good this week as well ,I thought to-nights was really funny.


Isn't that Jason Gardiner the judge from Dancing On Ice awful ,the comments he comes out with , when he said that girl looked like a Walrus laid on the need for that  she was shaking with nerves ,don't know why he has to be so insulting.


I bought some cheesecakes to-day to be honest Its not worth making them 

much cheaper to buy and  these taste better than the one I made


Had any more bids on your motherboard emptybox ? I'll bet Its cold where you are any snow yet ,,you wont get much done this weather will you ,or are you just glad of the rest in the winter


Was your fruit from Spain an Apricot Hicky I can't think of anything else.


LOL on those photo's of Lacy she's not the first and certainly wont be the last to up her game to try and stay in I would prefer Claire to go but somehow I can't see that happening


     may pop back later sees ya xx


Evening Frodo.


The fruit is a Persimmon Fruit.


Fantastic, very strange, no seeds, no pips, no stone, no core, you just eat the lot.

It's like eating an apple but it doesn't taste like one.

In Morrisons, 3 for ÂĢ1, can't be bad.


The car passed the MOT, got the exhaust bracket welded, got a full service as well


I've ordered a tree grafting kit

This one:


CBB not on till 10pm tonight, ridiculous time.



Well it's been snowing here all day, so everything's white. Not very deep though, so I'm not snowed in yet.

Well below zero tonight.


No idea why someone would want my old motherboard, CPU and RAM, but I guess it would make a very cheap PC that would still run Windows 7 perfectly well. Or perhaps someone wants practise at building a PC, without spending much money?

Still just got the one bid of 99p, but there's 10 watching it. It's on till Sunday anyway.


I think I've heard of that fruit Hicky? But I've never seen one, let alone ate one.

Glad your car got through the MoT.

Clever you, working out how to construct your cover.
That's interesting that you were a swimming time keeper? Doesn't sound like it involved getting very wet though?

HI Frodo.

I like cheesecakes too, but have never tried making them.

Did you make your tuna pastabake tonight.

Must admit, I just went for a readymeal out of the freezer. Sweet chilli prawns with egg fried rice.

Don't think they are going to do live feed now, no matter how many petitions etc are signed. I used to really enjoy it, when I had the time to watch, but I've almost forgotten what it's like, it's so long since we had it.

Yes I think it's Lacey that they are setting up for a fall on Wednesday unfortunately. I've given her a few votes anyway, just in case there are not many who vote for Claire.

I should imagine Speidi and Rylan are safe as houses.

Don't like Spencer or Heidi one bit. Unfortunately Lacey has got too close to them, which will be her downfall. The public will keep Speidi in because they are causing ructions, but they will punish Lacey.




thanks for the feedback hint, I too will certainly remark about livefeed, I used to love that.

Yes we did see Joe in the panto, so a good guess, but the one I actually spoke to and had a piccy with was Gareth.   He comes from round here and was opening a health club at a hotel nearby. I had been par-taking of the free plonk at the time, so was probably woffling a load of rubbish to him, I can remember how really tall he was, and spoke quietly, and was very friendly.

How exciting that you got it looks so pretty, lucky you, we don't get snow here. Do your dogs like it?

I agree, 4 in a Bed was great.

Hicky, this was on 4 in a Bed, as it is in your part of the world, do you know it?

I love squirrels too, we have them come and collecting the nuts from the bird table, mostly in autumn. They look so cute.



yes I am annoyed how late CBB is tonight.

I will have to get some of those fruits to try when we go to Morrisons. Never tried them before. Glad your car passed MOT ok.

You are clever making that canopy.



well done on getting a bid. Wonder if you will get any more? Glad your teeth settled down ok.


Was busy dashing around sorting things out for mum as well as my usual stuff yesterday.
Got home in dark after taking son to college, and tripped on our drive, landing hard flat down on knees and hands. Lucky I landed on wet grass, but it really  shook me up...knees and hands covered in mud... felt sick last night and today my aches are getting worse as time goes on. Lucky grass was soft from all the rain, meant I was lucky to get away with bruises and aches and nothing worse. Hubby said there is a big hole in the grass now    it  must be  due to all that weight hitting it.

Doggie got nice walk on beach today, lovely sunny day, not too cold either, but chilly now.

My aches weren't too bad then, but bruising aches seem worse tonight, must of taken a while to come out.

Oh well, that will teach me to dash around.

Have a good evening all. xxx




Originally Posted by emptybox:


Well it's been snowing here all day, so everything's white. Not very deep though, so I'm not snowed in yet.

Well below zero tonight.


No idea why someone would want my old motherboard, CPU and RAM, but I guess it would make a very cheap PC that would still run Windows 7 perfectly well. Or perhaps someone wants practise at building a PC, without spending much money?

Still just got the one bid of 99p, but there's 10 watching it. It's on till Sunday anyway.


I think I've heard of that fruit Hicky? But I've never seen one, let alone ate one.

Glad your car got through the MoT.

Clever you, working out how to construct your cover.
That's interesting that you were a swimming time keeper? Doesn't sound like it involved getting very wet though?

HI Frodo.

I like cheesecakes too, but have never tried making them.

Did you make your tuna pastabake tonight.

Must admit, I just went for a readymeal out of the freezer. Sweet chilli prawns with egg fried rice.

Don't think they are going to do live feed now, no matter how many petitions etc are signed. I used to really enjoy it, when I had the time to watch, but I've almost forgotten what it's like, it's so long since we had it.

Yes I think it's Lacey that they are setting up for a fall on Wednesday unfortunately. I've given her a few votes anyway, just in case there are not many who vote for Claire.

I should imagine Speidi and Rylan are safe as houses.

Don't like Spencer or Heidi one bit. Unfortunately Lacey has got too close to them, which will be her downfall. The public will keep Speidi in because they are causing ructions, but they will punish Lacey.

Hi Emptybox

we posted together.

That is lucky you too got snow, but are not snowed in, but I bet as usual you have the beers in, just incase.

If there are 10 watching it, you never know you might make your fortune there.

Nothing wrong with a ready meal now and again.


I think Rylan is safe. Not sure about H and S though, because they are being horrible moaners. Think Clare will be safe too. But to be honest, not keen on Lacy at all, she is trying too hard to stay on the good side of H and S, even though it is plain they are stirring trouble, and I find her dull, and her politics woffle was cringeworthy, too I thought. 


Should be a very interesting eviction night though.


Back again

aww Mollie how awful you falling It will shake you up Ihope you are feeling a little bit better ,only thing Is when the bruising comes out Its very painful.. take care .


Its very Icy here now .. It didn't snow much to-day but more Is forecast and yes the dogs love It Mollie, warm towels on the radiator for when they come home


I agree with you emptybox that Lacey may well go and, I know you dont like H&S, the only thing Is It would have been a no show without them because the others have all joined the clique...which doesn't make good viewing.

I think Its great that you have something you built on ebay I hope you get a higher bid ,didn't do the pasta bake to-day emptybox..but deffo one day this week ,the cheese cakes where ÂĢ2 each ,a Strawberry ,a Lemon and a Vanilla one  I like ready meals not all the time but when  you have been busy they are ideal,I always have those cuppa soups in too and the tinned ones


Never heard of that fruit Hicky I wouldn't mind trying It though..Iwonder how It reproduces with no seeds or a stone?


Glad that your car passed Its MOT and that you got your canopy sorted as well Hicky eviction to-morrow I wonder If lacey might have a chance of staying I hope so .


night all xx



Sorry to hear about your fall Mollie. Hope the bruising goes quickly.


No more snow, but very cold here. -5 overnight and it's still -4 now. Very foggy when I woke up as well. Very glad I have my heating back.


I always keep a stock of tinned soups Frodo. Often have them for lunch at this time of year. Haven't tried cuppa-soup though.


Terrible about the helicopter crash in London.



Good Afternoon Everyone.


Been trying to get on for ages, couldn't even get the page to display properly, couldn't get a sing in box, what a site.


Wish this was a floating reply box, it's a pain trying to look at the posts and you leave the box behind, not very clever software obviously.


Thats awful Mollie about your fall, good job it was on grass you landed.


Don't watch 4 in a bed Mollie, never seen that yellow longboat either, mind you i don't go to those docks.


Still think Lacey will go tonight, not sure who would vote to keep Claire in though.


No Snow here, not yet anyway, someone said we might get it Friday.


Frodo, those seedless fruits are created, but they can't reproduce.

To reproduce them you take cuttings and graft them onto a tree of the same type.

It's the same as F1 plants, you can't use their seeds either.


Had to scrape the frost off the car this morning, but only minus 2, not bad really.


Terible about the Helicopter crash, 2 killed, the pilot and a person on the ground, quite a few taken to hospital.



Lovely sunny cool morning here, hope it is too for you all. Glad to see the back of the rain for 2nd day on the trot now.



Glad your dogs like the snow, yes, I bet those towels get well used when they come home again.


Yes I agree (although I do find them unlikeable), that the show this year would of been a boring show without H and S, because there are quite a few quiet HM's this year.

Not sure about the others being a clique, think I see it more that H and S formed their own clique against all the other HM's , from day 1, as soon as they were chosen to go in the basement. (but not sure either if I can call 2 people, who are treated as one HM,  a clique though?  )...Do you think they like acting like baddies, as they were the only ones who felt real resentment about being chosen for the basement? Perhaps this was all  expected and encouraged by BB producers to give us an interesting show? Maybe the  producers also knew putting in a couple like this would isolate them and wind up the other HM's.Very clever really.

I still think Lacy is deliberatly trying very hard to keep H and S onside, thought she was being OTT in her compliments to S last night in the bathroom, maybe she thinks it is good game play to keep them onside, but as Emptybox says, it could be her downfall. 

Do you think H and S will be voted out? Or do viewers enjoy seeing the havoc they create? HOpe Clare stays, and pretty sure Rylan will, he is an interesting HM.


Where did you get that cheesecake from? I fancy trying the lemon one.

Last weekend I bought a lemon merinque, (frozen) from Asda, not expensive, and daughter put it in oven for half hour, really nice it was.


wrote this about about 8 hours ago and didn't get round to submitting it.


Took doggie walk on beach today, not many around as bit chilly but dog loved it. When we first left in car, she was shivering from head to paw, but soon warmed up when we got to beach and she ran around. Just goes to show that even doggies with long hair and a coat soon feel the cold in this weather.


Looking forward to CBB eviction tonight, really interested in seeing who will go.


Work day for Hicky I wonder?


Any more bids for Emptybox I wonder?


have a good evening all xxx


Last edited by *mollie*

Hicky and Emptybox

your posts appeared as i posted mine.


Legs feeling a lot better after my fall thanks. Just realised what I posted made it sound like hubby was being mean and saying my weight had made a big hole..., but no, he is not like that, I said that bit. He just rushed to help pick me and my bags up off the floor.



shame you couldn't get on the site today. I think quite a few Steps fans could vote for Clare. I wonder if the vote will be close? Surely not many will vote for the moany H and S now?

Yes very sad about that helicopter crash. They think bad misty weather to blame I heard.

Are you still busy at work? I heard your make of cars are one of the few doing well at the moment.



Gosh yes, it would of been just awful if you had no heating in those temperatures. I have just checked on and it is minus 3 here now, so not quite as cold as where you are.

Some of the cuppa soups Fredo mentions are real nice. I like the ones with the added crunchy bread things (forget what you call them?)


Back to 4 in a bed.


Hello all  The Cheesecakes were from Tesco Mollie they were frozen ones..I don't know If fresh ones are dearer, It says on the packet once defrosted eat within 24 hours which of course I can't possibly eat It all ,so I'm going to portion the others up even though they are frozen I have a knife sharp enough to go through.

The trouble with S&H is they haven't tried to make friends at all ,a few allies on their side and the experience would have made It better for them and us and I certainly agree they should not be counted as one person ,they did that with the twins on the last CBB big mistake.

Four in a bed has been fantastic this week fancy Philip Oliver being on

and really nice people to join him.



Its really cold here and icy funny cos the squirrel was feeding to-day I thought they hibernated he/she must have been hungry


Curry for tea to-day followed by some cheesecake so I look like throwing the rest of It in the bin ..perhaps I read It wrong surely they last longer than a day ,better check.


So another eviction to-night  lets hope Big Brother has something up their sleeve for the next round of nominations


See you later xx                                              



Maybe there is no need to throw the cheesecake away yet?  If it is covered and in the fridge, and hasn't dried out, surely it will be ok for the extra day or so? 

Yes I agree, it is a shame that H and S have not mixed in better or made a few friends/allies. I would of liked to of seen them getting on with a few HM's at least, and the nominations mixed up a bit more.


Yes 4 in a Bed is great. Nice pic there of the pin up guy.  He might look tasty, but he proved not to be very reliable didn't he? So funny seeing that guy leaving his guests, and dashing off in his car for the MaccaD's brekkie.


For the CBB eviction, I have managed to find a pack of microwave popcorn.   Since we saw S eating a bag of popcorn in the basement, I have had this urge for popcorn. that is the trouble with me, every time I see the HM's getting some sort of treat, I think I need it too.   I always put weight on during livefeed days because of this.


Yes sounds like squirrel got hungry, ours disappeared last week and has not come back this week, so must of stocked up enough with our nuts.


enjoy the show all. wonder if the eviciton will surprise us or not?


Evening All.


Strange how the site won't work properly when i'm at work.


Anyway,  that was dreadful about the helicopter crash.

Assume it was the Fog.


Frodo, they can't split Heidi and Spencer, they are 1 HM, thats how they went in.

They would never part.


I didn't want Lacey to go, but i see they are all up for eviction Friday.


Mollie, they can't make enough Range Rovers or Land Rovers, they are building an extra factory in China and a new one in Dubai and a smelting foundry for Aluminium as well.


Don't think Squirrels hibernate, they wouldn't bury all the nuts if they did.


Had a nice big Rump steak last night, not sure why O/H bought rump, i have tons of steak in the freezers. had it with chips, onions, mushrooms and creamy peppercorn sauce.


Tonight just had a tin of spicy pepper and tomato soup.


After i had 11 sticks of chicken satay with a satay dip.


Enjoyed CBB tonight, didn't want Lacey to go though.


Aw. Poor lovely Lacey.  

But that was inevitable, I guess? And at least she got a good reception.

At least I won't have to bother voting from now on. Well, I might vote for somebody to win, although i don't know who?


When we say "cuppa soups" do we mean those fresh soups from the supermarket that come in polystyrene cups? Or do we mean the dried soups that you add water to?

I tried a dried minestrone in a packet today, that I found at the back of the cupboard (been in there for at least 5 years). It was 'orrible. Very very salty.

Don't think squirrels hibernate completely, in the same way as a tortoise for example. They do hide away somewhere warm, but have to come out to find more food occasionally.

Yeah those big cheesecakes, or quiches or lemon meringues are a bit of a nuisance when you are on your own.

I either cut them while frozen, and put the rest back in the freezer, or defrost the whole thing and keep the remainder in the fridge. They should be fine left in there for 2 days anyway.

Glad you were rcovered enough from your bruises to go doggy walking Mollie.

Now got 2 bids, so I'm guaranteed ÂĢ2.20. Wowee!  

Hi Hicky.

Yes they are all up on Friday, but because Lacey has gone, I don't need to vote for any of them .

Probably Trisha or Gillian will go? 


Evening all


Yes I'm afraid It was inevitable that Lacey went to-night,what a pretty girl ,can't see why Razor minds If she swears personally I prefer that to seeing him in his underpants scratching away


Yes the soups are dried and in a packet ,but you know what I find them quite nice and as Mollie said you can get them with croutons ,my favourite Is tomato soup especially out of a tin ,not eaten out of the tin of course maybe If the packet of soup was old that had something to do with the taste


Fate was on the side of the crane driver this morning wasn't he late for work ? so sad Its awful .


I'm glad you have another bid emptybox  still time for a better offer though cos you said It was there until Sunday so hopefully ,do you have to sell It or can you drop out ?


I'm switching off now night all see you to-morrow xx


Wow that picture of Chicken satay looks yummy did you make It Hicky?

I could eat that 


night Mollie emptybox Hicky 



Not as cold today, with some sunshine.


Went into town to get my lottery tickets and some extra milk, bread and beer (just the essentials ). Just incase I get snowed in over the next few days.

Mind you I'm only in the yellow zone. Looks like you are in the red zone Molls?


Bidding on my ebay item now reached the heady heights of ÂĢ10.50.

Mind you, I paid about ÂĢ180 for the total bundle about 5 years ago, so I'm not exactly making a profit on it.


You have to sell it really, if you get a bid on it Frodo. Although it's possible to halt the auction it would be against the spirit.

The only thing that annoys me about ebay is the fees. Ebay take 10 % of the selling price, and if you're paid by Paypal, then they take a further 5% of the total price including p&p. I've said ÂĢ10 for postage because it will be a large package.

Hi Hicky. Yes the car industry seems to be doing OK, and Jaguar/Landrover especially.

I think I'll give those cuppa-soups a miss in future. Still got half of the minestrone left, but not sure if I can face it?

I like all types of tinned soups though including tomato.


Remember we have an hour of live feed tonight on 5*, between CBB and BOTS. 





yes a shame that you can't get on here at work. That is good for you that they can't get enough of your cars, keeps you in work.

at your nice big menu yesterday. Nice piccie of the chicken. 11 sticks, I bet that kept you going.



yes at least Lacy didn't get any boos, as she hadn't done anything to deserve them. No wonder your cuppa soup was not very tasty as it was 5 years old. Oh yes, croutons, Fredo just reminded me of the word I had forgotten then... they are quite nice in a cuppa soup.

Any advance on ÂĢ2.20, I wonder?



my fave is tomato soup too. Tescos own is really thick and creamy and I like Heinz too.

I enjoyed my popcorn... all Spencers' fault, as he gave me the idea to eat it.


Nice dry day today and not so cold, so doggie got nice walk today.


don't think Clare will be next out, as Steps have fans, hope not anyway. Think it may be Trish, as she does not do a lot?

It is good to have them all up, makes it more interesting.

They say snow due in Wales, but can't see it myself. probably just in valleys/Brecon Beacons, as it is still above freezing here on the coast.


Have a good evening all.

I am not looking forward to when CBB ends, hope we can find something else interesting to enjoy watching and discussing.




we posted together.

Glad your bid has gone up, but those fees are high.

Gosh a red zone...wonder if that is just non coastal areas of Wales, or us as well?  Will let you know if the red comes true.

Are you watching Kirsty Allsop tonight? I know you like her? I was thinking you ought to write to her, I am sure you would enjoy browsing places for sale with her, even if you ended up not buying.

Thanks for telling us about the livefeed. Wonder why they are showing it tonight? Last time they did livefeed, there was nothing going on, yet  it would of been interesting to see it when H and S went back in house.


OH just rang from Asda and he said the food sheleves have been ransacked. No bread at all, no bananas at all, no fresh chicken. People must believe this red zone stuff and think they will starve. I wonder if the red zone has been invented so everyone rushes out to the shops?




Good job you posted emptybox I missed that live feed ,every eviction night I have checked hoping It was on but nothing,I wonder why It's on to-night ?thanks anyhow


Yes I see what you mean now about *Its not cricket* taking off a bid lets hope you get offered more,If I could build or put together something like that I would want to keep It..but I also understand your thinking too


It has been snowing again to-day and Its settled brrrr very cold I'm not looking forward to the bill for this quarter ,yes I think Wales Is on Red ...Mollie we are on Amber


I suppose the packet soups can be a little salty emptybox  I like the Leek&Potato ones though


I was going to watch Gareth Thomas on Channel 5 at 10pm 'Coming Out'

Its a pity people have to out themselves in this day and age It must be awful ...I like him wasn't he In the last CBB?


I meant to ask you Mollie because I'm sure you said 'you don't get snow is that because of the sea or did I read It wrong,,are you all healed up now after your fall ? sometimes the the aches and bruising can stay for quite a while . The animals have had brisket for tea the cat tuna ,they are only small and will not eat dog meat and they do have rice or biscuits in It


Yes Hicky  I understand what you say about H&S that they wouldn't agree to being split up but I think Heidi on her own may have had a chance to win... and for the pay not to be sniffed at , and get them better known over here.


Any snow your way Hicky and how are you coping with the garden this weather ? I wrote in my post last night about your Chicken Satay It looked good ,home made or bought If you made It recipe please.



going to watch a bit of telly may be back later xx 



we posted together yes like Christmas shopping in town we are only Amber and Its thick with snow more to come 


Do you all love Kirsty and Phil I have It on now I taped her making soap and all the things she did for her farm house in Cornwall .the boot sales  oh everything 


What a lovely end to Four in a Bed ..I was sat there with a tissue ,please let them be fair with the bills to-morrow of the best weeks I have watched and I've see a fair few 





Yes it is rare to get snow here as we are just a short walk from the coast, and there is not a flake of snow so far here and it is still above freezing,... so weird how we are on a warning. No bread or fruit or veg and only 1 pack of chicken in asda OH said.,,,,, Ridiculous.

I am all good now after the fall, thank goodness, have to take more care next time.

Yes 4 In a Bed was so lovely today, what a great series so far.

I like Gareth, did you read this bit of my post above? I watched half of Kirsty, then turned over to see the district nurses on itv.


...the one I actually spoke to and had a piccy with was Gareth.   He comes from round here and was opening a health club at a hotel nearby. I had been par-taking of the free plonk at the time, so was probably woffling a load of rubbish to him, I can remember how really tall he was, and spoke quietly, and was very friendly.


Enjoy CBB all and our special livefeed treat.


Hi Mollie.

Yes you might escape the snow, if you are so close to the sea.

The ebay fees have become ridiculous now. No real chance to make much money. But still loads of fun.


Hi Frodo. The bits I'm selling come from the first PC I built 5 years ago. I've got good use out of it, but computers get out of date fast. Plus I've built another one since, and I'm coming down with computers here, so it's time for it to go..


Evening All.


Frodo, i have made chicken satay before but it's a pain.


Snow expected here tomorrow and Saturday.

But i have loads of food, it's just the milk would run out, should get powdered milk as standby.


Can't really do anything in the garden when it's frozen, will leave redoing the gazebo roof till it gets a bit warmer.

At least this new cover should be able to handle snow on top.


My tree grafting kit arrived today, it seems easy enough to me.


Was thinking of asking the garden centre if i could get some cuttings off certain fruit trees, not sure if they would let me.


Emptybox, every bit helps on Ebay, they take quite a bit then, can't be helped.


Had my normal breakfast, about 6 rashers of bacon, 2 fried eggs and toast.


Just had 2 Ribeye steaks with chips, onions, mushrooms, with creamy pepper sauce.


Mollie, i did get on at work Wednesday, i couldn't get the top row of the site, had nowhere to sign in or out.

Couldn't get the page to open properly.

In the end i clicked on Post Reply and it took me to sign in.

Opposite the search box at the top of the page is 4 icons, 1 being Alerts, etc, they weren't on at work.


They don't invent Red Zones, they are made by the Met Office.


Glad you are OK after that fall Mollie, you were lucky there.




yes I was lucky meeting him, but at the time I hadn't a clue who he was. (I am not a rugby fan) was pre-BB for him. I look forward to your posts too, I hope you stay around., (and of course have always looked forward to Hicky's and Emptybox's too)..


Yes Emptybox, it is the having fun that counts and at least it sounds like you are not losing out money wise.

Sounds like you needed to get rid of some computer stuff, else you won't get through your front door soon.



Glad you are well stocked up with food before the chill sets in. I guess powdered milk is a good stand by to have. What strange goings on with this site at work.

I love to read your menus.


well time to go to bed and have a read, not much going on with livefeed. I am reading this book, it is really good, kids bought it me for Christmas. This cat changed this guy's life, he was a down and out druggie, then the cat came along.


Goodnight all xxx





Hello Hicky

we were supposedly on a Red zone to-day  my son was going oooh on a Red ,Its just the forecasters I thought we had got over the high alert things maybe not .


Why when we have a spell of bad weather we go through this Is anyone's guess..I thought the U,K. was known for different seasons   but apparently not .


                                       night all xx


anyone with flooding high alerts is a must ..but for snow It seems we grind to a halt  


'A Street Cat Named Bob '.. that's a sure bet to make you  me anyhow


night all 

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