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Afternoon All.


A miserable day here.

Raining now.


Have ordered a new Shoe Rack Cabinet for my O/H, she says she has shoes everywhere.


She wants me to mount a TV on the back bedroom chimney breast as she is doing the room up.


My Bat Guano arrived, still waiting for loads of stuff though.


Took the car for them to listen for noises, we went out but couldn't tie anything down.

Found a rusted bracket on the exhaust, that can be sorted, needs a service and an MOT, taking in next Tuesday.


Frodo, i'm hoping Paula will go, can't really see anyone voting to keep her in, she's sick.



A bit drizzly here today.


Plumber phoned. He's coming at 8.30am. He'll be taking the old one out, and presumably hoping that the new boiler arrives while he's here. Whether he'll get it all done tomorrow, I don't know?


Is that so your OH can watch the telly while she decorating Hicky?

Pity they couldn't pin down the noise in your car. Hope it passes the MoT.


Watched Millionaire on ITV, now watching The big eaters. You could go in for those competitions Hicky?


Looking forward to BB.





pity the forum plays up at work for you.

at your light brekkie....well a working man does need a bit of sustenance.   (not sure if that word spelt right?)

You still have me wondering what that bat thing is?



hope the boiler and plumber turns up tomorrow as the weather man says it is going to get colder. (if they are right, of course)...



Yes LOL at Christian on the Hotel.


I am watching the Undatables. that poor girl who had a stroke at 18, she is 21, but it is still really hard for her to find the correct words to have a conversation now.


I have at last been able to organise the Meals on Wheels for mum, so at least I now know she will get one hot meal each lunch time delivered to her, so it should help take a bit of the worry off me. She can't cook herself at all now, memory very bad since her fall, so this scheme is ideal for her. Fingers crossed she likes the food now, they did say she will get a menu though.


Sat down on time to watch CBB, but oh no where is it? Then realise it is not on till 10pm... how annoying.

Yes I agree Paula should be the one to go really. I feel uncomfy watching her, because she just appears rather unstable and vulnerable.  How weird was her reaction to that chicken?  I felt a bit sorry for Clare there. 


Enjoy the show all xxx


Evening All.


Have been ordering more stuff.

Another 4x4m pond liner, but this is to go over the top of the gazebo.

I get water coming in the top because with the air vents in the small top canopy that has netting over the vents but the rain drives  into it and drips inside.

I made a test cover today using a 2x2m sheet of plastic and cut it into a hex shape and attached 6 pieces of 4mm bungee cord to each point with a loop at the end then threw it over the top, got my small ladder and fastened it in position, but it needs to be a bit bigger.


Have also ordered some more 50Litre tubs and big saucers.


Had a nice Tin of Oxtail soup with fresh bread and a chicken curry with rice.


Watching CBB now, bit late though, not bothering with cbbbots, pointless at that time.


Back to frost again this morning.

Two plumbers were here for 8 hours today, but I've got my new boiler in and the place is warm tonight.

They've got to come back tomorrow to finish off, which is a bit of a bind as I have to go out to a dentist's appointment at 10.30am, so I'll have to leave them to it.
They put some flush stuff in the system which has to be flushed out tomorrow. Plus at the mo there's quite a big gap round where the exhaust goes through the wall, so they have to fill that in with mortar or something.

I'm a bit disappointed that although it's a more modern condensing boiler, it just works the same as before, and I don't have a thermostat that I can set to a particular temperature.

There's a dial on the front of the boiler with low and high indications, and you've just got to use trial and error to get the right setting. Just like the last system. And that dial controls the heat of the hot water as well I think, so you find the right level and leave it. You can't turn it down in the summer, so I have to use the timer to turn the heating off and on.
Bit annoying, but it's what I've been used to. Just hoped they'd take the opportunity to bring it up to date.

Glad your Mum's Meals on Wheels have been sorted Mollie. One thing less for you to worry about.

Hi Hicky. That pond liner has many and varied uses? Who knew you could use it as a gazebo cover?

Frodo, don't know if you want to set your Sky Plus, but Aisleyne is on Loaded TV again, at 10pm tonight - Sky channel 200.
Unfortunately it clashes with CBB on the telly, and I don't have Sky so have to watch it on the website -
I'll have keep one eye on the TV and one eye on the 'puter.


Gosh I am the first one posting for today?

where are you all my buddies?

hope you are enjoying the nice weather we have had here today.

And hope Emptybox's boiler got all fixed today, because they are still promising colder weather to come. Was sunny and mild here today though, very busy on seafront, lots of people enjoying the sun today, doggie loved it on the beach.


Is it an eviction tonight? If it is Paula, hope she copes ok with being the 1st one out. I don't dislike her, but she does seem vulnerable and does seem to get upset easily.


Mum's Meals on Wheels came today and she loved having the nice lady call in to see her, probably more than the food.   Food really good though, parsnips, potatoes, butter beans, beef and fruit pudding and custard. She will eat the pudding for tea, as it is a big portion and she doesn't eat much. Such a relief to me this is. We only have to pay just over ÂĢ3 a day for this, so good value too.



I had one of those M and S crispbake for tea, the cheese and onion ones, I know you like these.   Followed by raspberries and cream.


Have a good evening all xxx


  oh there you are Emptybox.... so I wasn't the first here to post after all.


Hooray, so glad you have your heating back again.   Would not of been much fun without it now it has cooled down up there. Perhaps your LL wanted the cheapest option, so that is why you have no thermostats? We have one thermostat, it is in hallway, but doesn't do much good as one room gets really hot whilst upstairs stay really cold.   I know you can get thermostats for each individual radiator though, but I guess there is no chance of that in a rented home because of costs, we don't have any at all.



Your garden work does sound very technical and  mathematical. As Emptybox says, you certainly have many uses for a pond liner. I don't bother with CBBOTs either, most of it silly rubbish imo and then they show bits of the next days main show, so spoil the main show, plus it is on very late.


but still love watching the main show.


Evening All.



Had some frost here as well this morning, Fog tonight.


All the new boilers have to be condensing ones.

Glad the plumbers turned up anyway.


A hall stat is an extra, think you can get a radio one now that just has a bit that plugs into the boiler, think you should get one.

At least it would control the room heating, if you don't want the heating on you would just turn the stat down.


Had about 6 deliveries today, expecting more tomorrow as well.


Yes Mollie, the lady is probably good company for a while.

For ÂĢ3 a day i could do with that.


Had a meal out tonight.

Starter of Spicy Whitebait, fantastic.

Dinner was Rib Eye steak with some chips, peas, onion rings, mushroom, tomato and creamy pepper sauce, didn't put it on the steak though.
Rib Eye steak is almost as good as Fillet, in fact think it has a better flavour.


Looking forward to eviction, hope it's Paula, she's a pain.


Hi again.


Yes I think you're right Hicky, the room thermostat would be an extra. And this guy was just a plumber because when I asked about that stuff he just said "you'd need to get an electrician for that".
Plus, obviously the landlady had just asked him to replace the one boiler with another. Nothing more. 

I think the guy that put the original system in was a plumber and electrician because he put in the whole system electrics and all.

The trouble is, the boiler belongs to the LL, so I can't really fool about trying to fix my own thermostat (wouldn't have a clue how to anyway).

And sounds like Mollie is worse off than me, because I've at least got controls on each radiator to choose the heat level between 1 and 5, so I'm not too badly off.


It may be that your system needs balancing Mollie, if the upstairs ones don't get as hot as the downstairs ones?

The meals on wheels sound reasonable value Mollie. Hope your Mum gets on well with them.


Great that so many deliveries arrived Hicky. Smashing menu for your meal out.


Glad Paula is out. I watched with the sound down because I was watching Aisleyne on Looser Women on my tablet. She was on fire tonight.


Evening Emptybox.


I think any stat these days just gets fixed on the wall in the hall say, not by a window or in a draught, as they are all wireless i assume a small sender is plugged into a place on the boiler it must be standard these days.


If the radiators up stairs aren't getting as hot as the downstairs that is usually because they need bleeding, there is so much air in the water it comes out and rises to the highest point but then blocks off the top of the radiators, you just need a radiator key to release the air until water comes out.

Also the radiators can get gunged up after time and need flushing out.


Afternoon All.


I see Ryan & Sam are up for eviction tomorrow night.

2nd eviction all ready..

I think the task with Speidi going in the secret room is great, they can hear and see all the house.


Waiting for a delivery, had a text to say between 12.25 & 1.25 today.

Think it's the new tubs, saucers and gravel trays.


O/H dug out some old photo albums showing my dear dad and mother, one when she was 14 and me as a baby and with my brothers, dad died suddenly when i was 12, never knew him though, he was in the merchant navy and they were hardly ever home, just called in really between ships, he was on the Empress lines.

The only pictures there are with him are in the garden, it was quite big but too much to look after with him never being home.


I see CBB on at 9pm tonight and it shows live from the house on 5* at 10pm with cbbbots back on C5 at 11pm.


Weather calm here no wind, rain, sun, just coldish.

It's supposed to be going cold again for sunday.


Hello all

trouble with the laptop again,so I just left It alone and forgot about the internet for a couple of days


I've read back most of the posts but I'm going to read back properly soon.


So glad you got your boiler fixed emptybox ,I have only one thermostat and that Is In the hall ,none on the radiators,mine seems topsy turvey to yours Mollie with the upstairs ones seem to get hotter.


What was wrong with Aisleyne on CBBOTS  the other night emptybox ?she seemed a bit off ,not the same somehow,oh I missed that loaded programme with not being on the net


I'm so pleased you got your Mum sorted with meals on wheels Mollie at least that will put your mind at rest,and give you a break,made a cheese cake the other day I got the recipe of the net but It's not nice  too sweet and the base Is rock hard, I think I read the Icing sugar wrong I did something wrong anyhow.


Yes Paula went last night,I watched CBBOTS last night not very often I do that,and she came across totally different and well aware of what was going on.. Emma treated her really nice and so did the panel and..the audience ,so I was happy for her.


Don't forget one hour of live feed to-night on 5*starts at 10pm Sky 176 Freeveiw 30 Virgin 151.


I havn't had any crispbakes lately Mollie must stock up on them I had Yorkshire pudding and stew yesterday ,gave the cheesecake a miss


That meal sounds good Hicky ..Whitebait starter and Ribeye Steak with all the trimmings to follow.


Lets hope Channel 5* get good rating for to-nights live feed and we get some more, one hour a night really Isn't enough to get to know people and half of last night was re-caps


I'm going to read back properly now so see you all later xxxx 


Evening All.


My new tub came, the delivery that came at lunchtime was the 5 gallon containers.


Cold weather from Sunday as well.


My new 4x4m pond liner arrived, going to see if i can make it into 6 sided 2m radius cover for the gazebo.


Sorry to hear about your lappy Frodo, so annoying that.


Wonder who will go tonight then.


Will be getting more Ribeye steak, it really is lovely, doesn't seem a lot to buy either.

ÂĢ5.89 each plus delivery.

But you can buy it anywhere i suppose.


I've ordered my summer grafted plants from Suttons.

Only Toms x types, Peppers, Chilli's, Cucumber



Horrible misty, drizzly day here.


I knew fitting the boiler wouldn't be straightforward.

The plumbers were back first thing, and were rushing to get finished before i had to go for my dentist's appointment, even though I said they could stay if need be.

They finished draining and re-filling the system and turned on the boiler just as they were going out the door, and said to leave it on for a few hours.

When I came back from Hawick the house was cold, and I couldn't get the boiler going for love nor money, so I phoned the plumber on his mobile, and he said he'd call back later.

He came at 6pm and found there were big airlocks in the system stopping the water circulating. Obviously they hadn't done a proper job in their rush.

However it's working again now.


Unfortunately I needed a filling. Luckily he had time to do it there and then, so I left the surgery with a numb mouth and ÂĢ70 lighter.

Hi Frodo. Pity you're still having lappy problems.

I kinda know what you mean about Aisleyne, although I love her to pieces. I thought she behaved herself on CBBBOTS better than the last time she was on, but I think she feels she's expected to be outrageous on there, and she plays up to it a bit.

She was much more herself on Looser Women. And it's much more her type of show really. Still loud though.


Hi Hicky. I like the Speidi task as well so far, although it could end badly when they go back in?

I agree about rib-eye steak. I've often thought about buying it at Sainsburys. I'll maybe treat myself one week.

It's always nostalgic looking back on old family photos.  
Glad some more of your deliveries came.

Watching the BB live feed at the mo.  


Hello all


how sad am I taping live feed,Its such a treat like old times ,bit of a clique in the house at the moment ,with Gillian,Tricia.Claire and Rylan ,If you notice only the basement have been nominated,Frankie put himself up.


Claires reason for nominating Ryan If I heard It right ,was for exercising and It upset her because of her weight issues ,I must check that cos I don't want to get things wrong..was out of order,


But I'm enjoying the twist ,just having a glass of pear cider at the moment.


Steak Is half price at selected Tesco stores Hicky but Its rump not ribeye.


hopefully see you to-morrow take a look around for a new lappy soon


night allxx




sounds like all your orders are coming along well.   Plenty to keep you busy, as Fredo says, you need good food, with all the garden work you do. Glad you enjoyed your meal out. 

How nice for you to see all those old piccies again. Shame you did not know your father, and sad he died when you were so young. That is interesting what you say about him being in the merchant navy.  My dad was a navy man too, but had to go away when very young, because it was war time. 



at you watching CBB with sound off because you were watching Ais on other side. Hope the new boiler is working ok now weather is due to get colder..... not too cold here at all yet, but it was very wet this afternoon. Thanks for the boiler link, will have a look in a minute. That is good if you at least have thermostats on the radiators.



sorry to hear about your naughty lappy playing up again.

Shame your cheesecake didn't come out right, it is so annoying when it takes you ages to make something and it doesn't turn out right.

Yes the recaps did go on for rather a long time tonight.

But at least it ended up being a good show.

at the bedsit twist again.

H and S not very happy with what they are hearing are they?


Goodnight all xxx


Evening All.


Not a bad day really, no rain.

Did a small shop for O/H at Sainsbury's, got myself a few things.


Bad about your boiler Emptybox, i suppose they were in a hurry and air locks show up later.


Glad they sorted your teeth, i seem to be feeling cold water more in 1 tooth.


I picked some Ribeye steak up from a wagon in Birkenhead, ÂĢ10 for 6 x 6oz.

Will try one in a minute.


Frodo, i don't get rump now, to unpredictable, i either have Fillet, Ribeye or Sirloin, don't bother with any other.


I would advise getting a Dell with Windows 8, try to get a big screen as well.

For me, if it wasn't Dell i wouldn't go near it.


I agree Ais does have a lovely Pair.


Hi Mollie.


My Dad was Torpedoed about 5 times during the war but so lucky to escape and be saved each time.


Can't wait for CBB tonight, and Speidi going back in the house.

think they were supposed to go in the house last night in the live show, not sure what happened.


I see Jessops are closing all Camera Shops.


Administrators PwC says camera retail chain Jessops is to close all 187 stores with a loss of 1,370 jobs after entering administration



I put a new cover on the Gazebo, i'll see how it goes.

Had more deliveries today, tank heater, fish emulsion,


My Raspberry Canes have been sent as well.


Evening all

HAPPY FRIDAY Well that was a turn up wasn't It Rylan lost his cool there,am I the only person who likes Speidi?, I think they are good viewing and It really kicked off at the end my my Lol

I felt sorry for Sam ..when someone takes over the kitchen and you can't get a look in ,It must be frustrating ,one person makes a beeline for the kitchen and then that means they take over the shopping too,and he really wanted a chance.

I love CBB this one needed a kick start and love or loathe them Speidi have given It one ,I may watch the start of CBBOTS to see what happened.

I see what you mean about the steak Hicky ,I dont eat that much red meat 

Chicken and fish yes ,but I love veggie meals too ,fish and chips to-night for supper from the chippy.

Has anyone got a firm favourite yet in CBB I haven't , usually by this stage I am rooting for someone,but not this time.

Yes I've heard about Dell computers I will certainly give them a look Hicky thanks .

Going to watch a bit more telly  night all xx          


Hello again 


sad news about your dad Hicky  you said he died when you where twelve 


and then to be torpedoed five times so he was saved all those times but must have died young , can you remember much about him?


I really am going this time ,emptybox Mollie Hicky


night all ...lovely photos of Ashley Roberts  in the Mail 




gosh, your dad torpedoed 5 times... lucky to escape those.

Hope your gazebo cover holds well.

Shame about Jessops, our High Streets are shrinking so quickly of shops now. But I have to admit I am as guilty as many,in their downfall as I buy so much online. With the price of petrol and town parking it makes economic sense though.



pity you needed a filling, but hope your tooth is ok now. Pity about the heating problems, let's hope it is all ok now.



our main pc is a Dell too, and seem good, it certainly gets tested enough by the amount of gaming our lad does on it.

I don't have a fave on CBB yet, but have found all of this series good viewing so far.  

Think it was ridiculous we got no livefeed tonight when S and H went back. Would of been very interesting.


Not been a bad day here today, doggie got nice walk on beach anyway and I got my latte at the cafe.


Goodnight all xxx


Ashley Roberts luvverly.

(I may have said that before? )

Not bad day here. A bit of a wet start, but not too bad.

Supposed to get a bit colder over the weekend, then maybe snow on Monday.


Boiler going fine now, so no probs there.

Went into town to pay a couple of bills. Hadn't used my van for a couple of weeks so gave it a run. I seem to have some trouble with the door locks. They weren't opening with the wireless keyfob. They unlocked then quickly locked again. I had to open the door with the physical key.

I'm hoping it's just some damp got into the lock. Sprayed some WD40 in there to see if it helps.

That's interesting about your Dad surviving being torpedoed Hicky.

One of my teeth has become a bit sensitive since they were cleaned by the hygenist, but it must be OK because it wasn't the one that needed a filling. It usually loses sensitivity again after a few days, but at the mo cold water has to be drunk carefully.

Not keen on Speidi Frodo. Heidi looks lovely, but I don't think either is very nice. Good twist though. Sounds like it's kicking off?


Heard about Jessops. Seems a bit daft for a shop to specialize in cameras, if cameras are going out of fashion. Could they not have started selling mobile phones or tablets? Bad news that people will lose jobs though.

I'm not sure Dell still have the same reputation they once did?

The first computer I bought with my Dad 11 years ago was a Dell, and that's still going strong (with various repairs and modifications), but I think they buy in more components now, so are not much different to any other make?


Evening, oh, it's after midnight.


I've only ever bought Dell computers since i stopped building my own.

We only have Dell at Work as well, and in the Car factory ever Computer is a Dell, probably 500 or 1,000 or more, most big companies all over the world only have Dell.

Think they have always been the best really.


Sam was so bored in the house, he was glad to get out, he wanted Lacey but the house wasn't the place and he wouldn't have been able to control things.


Hi Frodo.


Can't remember much about my Dad, think he was always at sea.

I have a feeling he died of the same thing i had, an Aneurysm but in those days they would never have been able to tell.

It is only found these days by mistake the same as mine, they found it while scanning for kidney stones and a doctor in the hospital must have seen it on the xray.


Dad had to have a medical every time he joined a ship but they didn't look for that.


Yes Mollie.

I hope the Gazebo cover stays on, it fitted with bungee cord so the is flexibility against the wind.


Loved CBB tonight, it's great seeing them now.

And with Rylan & Claire up next week as well as who is nominated from Monday voting.

Last edited by Hicky

Evening Emptybox.


We posted together.


If door locks on the car open or shut in error it means there is one of the micro switches faulty, each door or opening has to tell the computer that it is open or shut, if it doesn't get the right input then it goes back to were it was.


I had the same trouble with one car, i couldn't get in.


The main part of any computer is the motherboard, Dell has it's own, the rest of the components are standard gear.

The secret is in the motherboard isn't it.


I'm enjoying watching Speidi, it would have been awful without them.


Afternoon all


I'm looking forward to to-nights show and Speidi's shenanigans  they need to be careful... tho' they are entertaining , Its a fine line between coming across as all righteous , It can backfire on them big time and they could be out this week   It would be boring without them 


Cold here to-day but then It has been all week mind you as Its January I don't  know what I'm expecting ,well I do Its going to snow


Spag Bol to-day emptybox ? yummy ,I had a cooked breakfast this morning 

only once a week ,otherwise toast ,I'm not that keen on cereal.


I'm going to watch Splash to-night ,I've not seen It before 


as Arnie would say ...*I'll be back xx


Evening All.


Evening Frodo.


It's been cold all day here as well.

Went to get my meds from Chemist, Morrisons is close by, called in for brekkie.


Been securing the waterproof cover on the Gazebo.


I cooked a roast beef dinner with just cauliflower cheese and ready made mashed potato.

O/H is readying the back bedroom for decorating.

Enjoyed Splash, saw it last week, it's ok, then watch Take me Out, now BB.



Just having a bowl of Mulligatawny soup.


It tastes a bit like Oxtail i had yesterday.



Not too bad a day here.


I watched Splash for the first time tonight as well Frodo.

Not too bad, but daft giving the public the power to vote off Caprice?

Eddie the Eagle...Yes, That Essex bloke...certainly. But not Caprice.


Hi Hicky. My van lock seemed OK today, but I'll have to keep an eye on it. As long as the key will always open it I should be OK. As long as it doesn't lock me out completely.

I think Dells are fine. They just don't have the premium reputation that they had a few years ago. But you're right. They are ubiquitous in business still.


Getting ready to watch the fireworks on CBB now.


Hi all

just a goodnight as I haven't watched all to-nights show ...of course you hear It on the recorder so I will watch It properly to-morrow


Speidi need to watch It I am one of their great defenders...cos I love an evil show  , lets hope they don't go to far


  night all xx







what a really lovely day it has been all day here, hope it has been for my pals too.



that is interesting you think your dad probably had the anorism too, and they didn't look for that at his annual medical.. Good job yours was discovered and so treated. How is your breathing now? Hope the inhaler you have now suits you.

I love cauilfower cheese, handy to buy ready made mash when in a hurry, I sometimes buy it too, like the cheesy one.



hope your teeth have calmed down now, It is worth having one of those good sensitive toothepastes in the cupboard, they really work well in time of need. Hope your home is nice warm with the new heating. I too enjoy Splash... and thought Caprice was brilliant. And how good did she look in her bikini? (I expect you did notice that... just like I notice how good Tom looks in those micro Speedos of his.. .... I really thought she was the best so far, shame others did not seem so. Eddie was good too though. 

HOpe your van lock behaves itself.



Lucky you to be expecting some snow. Zero chance of that here as usual I reckon. But musn't complain, so sunny today, got very long coastal walk in this afternoon, beach busy and sea full of surfers in the sun.


I am still enjoying CBB, think S and H are good HM's as they give us something to watch, but don't like them, they seem to relish trouble around them. But I think without them the HM's could of been very dull, especially the Gillian, Clare, Trish, model girl, don't seem to do much of interest, and neither does the jockey bloke.  Love him or loathe him, Rylan certainly has things to say, and the Ozzie bloke too. 


We went to Cardiff to see Phempton of Opera yesterday. Enjoyed it, but not one of our fave musicals,....special effects great though, big chandelier over audience with fireworks.

Nearly time to watch Dancing on Ice now. And can you remember which on of the competitors I have met and chatted to? Don't think Fredo knows but will probably be able to guess. 

My lad been at his drama club all day today and again one day in week, they are busy rehearsing for their next production, it is Tommy.

Have a good evening.

Just had some lovely smelly French Brie, with crusty bread, cranberry sauce, mayo, and grapes for tea. Yummy. Feel a bit cold now though, so think I will have a tomato soup.



Good Evening All.


Yes Emptybox, i also enjoyed the diving, can't believe Caprice was voted off, and the one with a broken toe stayed.


I had the same problem on 1 car even using the key because when you lock even with the key it still trys to lock all doors.


Mollie, sorry to hear about your lost post, so annoying.


Hi Frodo, I like Spiedi as well. they are doing well.

They will most probably get nominated next.

The HM's were nominating today.

Just going to watch the Ice Dancing.


Had some nice Sainsbury's unsmoked Basic full rashers for brekkie, yummy, had a big tin of toms as well, also an egg.


Just had a spicy chicken pasta thingy, got a Mousaka in the oven, it looks a beauty, it's a special.


Hello all

I'm watching Dancing On Ice ..oh please don't vote Joe Pasquale off I love him he cracks me up ,Is that who you chatted too Mollie I think he Is great  we could do with someone like him on CBB he would be himself and make us laugh too .


I agree with all you have to say about CBB Mollie ,I like Razor as well even though he lost It a bit ,I would like Speidi to stay only because It would be boring without them


I lost a post this morning I was going to press reply and of the laptop went again,so annoying.


Oh I love cauliflower cheese and I like ready made mash too  in fact I love instant mash any short cut Is good in my book anyhow


I'm off to watch Hotel now ,I'll be back later ,does anyone watch Four In A Bed weekdays It was really good this week




Phheww, thank goodness you posted then Fredo. I keep forgetting about The Hotel, and you know what a fan of it I am, lucky I still have time now I have read your post to record it on Plus 1 to watch after CBB. My whole family like it, so thanks from them too.


Joe Pascale is a good guess, because you are right, in that I saw him in panto a few weeks ago, and he was brilliant, a really naturally funny man, great at ad-libing. but he wasn't the one I meant who I had spoken to, because I didn't realise he was on DOI tonight, what a great asset he has to bring humour into the show, so I agree with you and hope he stays.

So now there are 2 contestants who I have seen in the flesh, I have spoken to the other one of them...


Yes I like Razor too, despite him losing it, he sort of lost it for the right reason, by standing up for the Ozzie bloke, how rude was Spencer making such fun of his accent, that is not nice at all. But as you say, bit ruthless but S and H have to stay for entertainment value.

Sorry you too lost a post. It is so annoying because you just don't feel like typing the same stuff twice do you?

I watch 4 in A bed, I love it, and am so glad to see the series back last week. what game players were those 2 from the Scotish hotel?



Yes you are probably right in the S and H will get nommed. But just thought...didn't BB say they are safe though if the HM's didn't guess they were in basement? So anyone know if that means they are safe this week?

Sounds like you have a tasty tea lined up there.


Hope you all enjoy CBB xxx


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