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Morning all

of course I'll still be watching the show Mollie Its my fav,all I was saying that It seemed fixed ,Frankie Dettori walked on and said *oh I'm the first on* and then they walked on in pairs some with coats or warmer clothing they were sent to the basement  and the adverts were every 8 mins or so.


No I don't listen to other people or visit DS ,TIBB is my site I like to form my own opinions on the show and can't wait for to-night ,I think we have half an hour live feed to-night after the show


It would be boring If we all went for the same or even liked the same people ,as long as we like each other that's all that matters 


I know Heidi and Spencer Pratt from MTV , first from Laguna Beach and then The Hills both reality programmes , she got addicted to plastic surgery and had loads of stuff done ,why I don't know because she was pretty to start with


Glad emptybox and Hicky have their eye candy


I havn't got a favourite yet I'm going to give them all a chance 


sees you later xx

Last edited by Former Member

Hi Fredo

pphheeww good job you aren't deserting CBB, because I can see we will be talking about it a lot here.

Yes we often we like completely different people on our tv shows, but that is part of the fun. .


You probably don't know what I meatn then, but that DS site is one that I used to read, but then found it does tend to over analyse and over criticise shows,  so I stopped reading it way back, and just stuck to my fave channel 4 BB site... as I found it fun and easy going both to read and post there..., then when C4 closed we moved here. And as you can see, we are easy going here too, but all 3 of us are BB fans. 


Interesting what you say about Heida and Spencer, as I had never heard of them before. Such a shame when women overdo plastic surgery especially when it was never even needed in the first place.


Yes I too don't get faves until we see what sort of HM's they make. But I think they will be an interesting bunch.

Hope they don't keep them split up for too long though, and make them miserable....funny on the first night, but not for too long.

I don't mind the ads as I can do odd jobs inbetween, and hopefully plenty of ads mean more money for C5, to keep giving us good BB programmes.

Nice piccy of the kilt. He does look good in it.


Emptybox.. just realised, I have never asked you have a kilt?


Dull and grey today, but at least dry to take dog a walk.

Rest of my family all just left to go and see The Hobbit, I am staying home to watch CBB, double Corrie and Eddie Hobart. .. Hope doggie and bunny behave.


have a good evening all  xxx


Evening All.


Weather been nice today, it knew i was at work.


Mollie, although we say them come onto the catwalk and what they were dressed in Frankie and Rylan couldn't see them, they were watching each ones VT so they had no idea how they were dressed.


Just had 4 small somosa's, 2 coated chicken pieces like KFC, 1 trifle, 1 pack crisps, 2 iced mince pies, 1 pack of soft cheese & dips.


I enjoyed what bit we saw of CBB, but as we will only see a fraction it's very annoying.


My packet of Rose Sulphur came today, all these things you can use on the plants to protect them seem to have changed names.


I like the female HM's, not bad really.

Originally Posted by Hicky:


Mollie, although we say them come onto the catwalk and what they were dressed in Frankie and Rylan couldn't see them, they were watching each ones VT so they had no idea how they were dressed.



Yes of course, hadn't thought of that, you are right,forgot they were just watching the videos, and couldn't see the outside like we could,   so I don't think clothes had any connection at all with their choice, and with who went where....

....., I think as I did originally, that they did just judge it on what they saw on the videos then,

and i had to LOL at Rylan getting so over excited when he saw it was  Clare from Steps.

Shame the weather has to choose to be nice, just the day you are back at work. Hope it will be ok over the weekend for you.


Glad you too enjoyed CBB...but as you say, shame we can't see a bit more of the HM's like we used to in years gone by.

Sounds like you had a nice selection for tea, I have just eaten a crunchie. It was a choc bar from my Christmas stocking the kids bought me.

Thought you might like the ladies on CBB.



Not bad day here.

Went into town to get my lottery tickets.


I think I have answered the kilt question before Mollie, but no....not with these legs. Far too pale and skinny.
(or perhaps I said that about shorts? Never mind, the same rules apply)


I'd heard the name 'Heidi Montag' before Frodo, but had no idea who she was or what she looked like. Never heard of the Pratt bloke before.

I think the basement twist is far better than their usual twist of giving the first one in a secret task. 

I still think BB tipped the wink to Paula to wear all that clobber.  

Hope your family enjoy the Hobbit Mollie. I think people are saying it's good, but perhaps overlong.

Didn't catch Eddie Stobbart. I'm watching the stuff on CH4 before CBB.

Hi Hicky. Not familiar with Rose Sulphur. But as you say, you can't always buy the same things you did years ago. 




There's going to be trouble with the married couple Heidi & Feller and the upstairs lot.


I was looking for Wettable Sulphur but it's all in the USA, but found a page that said it sold Rose Sulphur which it's previous name was Wettable Sulphur.


Been looking at the video's for fruit tree grafting, it's unbelievable, you can graft any type onto any type as long as it's the same specie.



Hello all

I fell asleep and missed the first ten minutes ,good show to-night I enjoyed It, still can't pick a favourite at the moment to early .


Heidi Montag  or Pratt (her married name ) has always been a sweet person Mollie ,I think Spencer Is another nasty Nick ,I don't dislike anyone at the moment.


I would object to the food situation If I was in the basement being thrown down like that,leftovers I could take but not all jumbled up to-gether


Soon passes I was just getting in to It and It was off ,It said live nominations on the listings ,in a way It sort of was I suppose.


I hope they all get to-gether soon as well If the show was longer we could get to know them but with the switching between the house and basement Its a bit confusing.


I thought Frankie Dettori was spot on when he said this is no place for a women and let Heidi in the house even tho' It meant Spencer had to go with her ..they are classed as one housemate aren't they?


looking forward to to-morrows programme 


Heidi before and after plastic surgery can see she was lovely before


night all xxx


Hello all 

very quiet on here ,cooked breakfast this morning I'm thinking of food now ..

I've heard something about nominations but I don't know really whats happening cos I was up before six this morning with two pain in the bum animals ...washed dressed tidy ..bed fresh all before eight am ,


Ive tried twice to join with my debit card which It wont accept ,now my visa I am loth to use over the net ,I know I know but I'm wary debit yes visa I'm scared .


Borgen starts to-night on bbc4 of course I could watch It on catch up or later in the week ...but Big Brother seems so short .so many threads on this site are funny ,cracks me up ,the Lacy Banghard thread by pengy 

tickles me as does the toadie thread .


Spag Bol to-day emptybox ? I haven't had pasta for ages yummy ,why not wear a kilt you have the height ,kilts are longer these days and with big socks and boots who cares about skinny legs ,put some fake tan on them


nothing like a lean mean man to get the laydees going

why can't you wear those cut off trousers anyhow ?

Rylan is only slim 


See he Is the fav at the moment (we all know that can change )


but I don't know him.


There is an hour of live feed Thursday I think ..but this time I'm relying on snippets of what's happening  and don't even bother going on to the sites.


On a better note what's for tea/supper..hope you are all well  


back again hello all 

with live feed this twist would have been great (the basement)

but the clips are so short I got lost and quite frankly annoyed


and please by this Its not a slight on other viewers or on any thread ..

45 minutes viewing  is bad enough ..but when you are swopping from the house to the basement Its  celebs put to-gether with some of their egos  can be fun without all this .


   let the games begin



Evening All.


Hi Frodo.

A lot of the American sites always wanted you to use Mastercard, they might take Visa though.


Had brekkie out this morning, did some work in the garden as well.


My O/H wants to redo the back bedroom, new flooring, the lot, she's fed up with the carpet.


I liked Heidi, before and after.

I agreed with Frankie about letting Heidi go up to the luxury house.


Looking forward to CBB tonight.


Watching Splash, then Take Me Out.


DOI on tomorrow night.


Made a Roast Dinner today.


HI Hicky

of course realise that about the Visa/Mastercard but cash in any way

I would have thought was Ok ..not to worry 


Visa/master is only for use in extreme emergencies just me I have cash in my account what's the difference but if Its the rules I agree cant argue with them


hello to emptybox and Mollie time to switch off the lappy night all happy viewing 










Not a bad day here.

That's all the decorations down for another year.


Frodo, you probably should ask in the thread at the top of the forum about how to pay.
Sorry to hear someone you knew in the TIBB forum has died. That's quite unsettling.
That's happened a couple of times to me, but the FMs concerned just disappeared so I didn't find out till later that they'd passed away.


Not sure what you mean about kilts getting longer? When you kneel down a kilt should just skim the ground. That is the regulation length. Anything else is just a fashion item. And I'm definitely not taking fashion advice from Rylan.  
I do occasionally wear shorts in summer, but only around the house and garden; never in public.  

More redecoration Hicky?

I like Heidi as well. Just a pity she's in a pair with that Pratt. I can't see myself voting to save him.

I like Ryan and Frankie, and Sam and Razor seem OK.

Plus I like Lacey and Heidi. 

Last edited by emptybox


hope you are having a good weekend.



sounds you are going to busy doing up the bedroom now .. still at least it gives you something to do when it is too wet to go in garden.



hope you enjoyed your sphag bol last night. Beer with it too?

I had one of my Cherry B's.



glad you are enjoying CBB now.

Sorry to hear a friend of yours passed away.

what is TIBB?


Really busy again...still making and taking over mums food, but her security system playing up, so keep having to go and try and sort it, but man has phoned this morning and is meeting me and hubby there to fix it. Glad hubby will be there, because too techy for me to understand.


son struggling with accounts, finding it hard myself to remember what is fixed assets, short term/long term liabilities etc.


Looking forward to CBB tonight, a good way to unwind at end of the day, I like the HM's.


have a good day all, xxx


Hello all 


hi Mollie so don't want to give the wrong impression .the person wasn't a friend or close ,just someone I knew as a poster ,and a good one too




TIBB This Is Big Brother a forum site ,that I'm a member of


I'm a member on a couple of other ones too, I prefer this site to any of them though 

                             see you later xxx 


Hi emptybox  Mollie Hicky

Just to tell you I did post at the top of the page,you can press nothing happens ,you just fill the form which I did twice,but It said wrong card or words to that effect


I do have security on the lappy but I'm still wary, using the Master /Visa unless I'm really sure Its safe. 


I'm watching DOI at the moment but I'll be watching CBB +1 as Grand Hotel is on Sky Arts only one more episode to go after this week Its been really good.


To be honest I'm surprised more people don't use this site ,you don't get

nannied ,can use gifs and Its friendly you can cancel posts


I think that's why I'm always using them gifs I mean by the way I'm not saying this for a pat on the back Its true (the site's good Is what I mean't not me using the gifs




Baby disney christmas disney graphicsSmileys to free download: Music: Dance

Last edited by Former Member

Evening All.


Not been a bad day really, been in the garden all day.

Cut my new 4x4m pond liner up into 1x1m squares.

Will use each one to cover one of my Big Plant Tubs.


Have ordered more stuff for spring.

Bat Guano, Muslin Bags, Worm Castings, 5 gallon Drums.

This is to make Compost Tea which is a fertiliser very much used in the states.


Frodo, i think with the payment cards, maybe if they don't have access between countries then the maybe our banks won't pay from your account into the US account/

Whereas the Mastercard is accepted in any country.


To buy most goods from the US you usually use Paypal.


Emptybox, I don't do decorating, i do outside work.


O/H and my Lad do inside.


Mollie, that security system of your Mums is a pain isn't it?

I can see many things keeping you busy, stay strong, don't overdo things, you must put your health first.


Had a side of Plaice for tea, have got chicken down stairs but had already taken this big piece out of the freezer.

Might have some chicken later.


I was watching Mrs Miracle so had to watch the start of DOI live on the Puter, but it's got a 24" screen anyway.


Had a problem with one of my 4 reversing sensors, had to disconnect one, and it's a corner one, offside which isn't good.

I might have to move one of the middle ones or else buy a new set.

Can't really change anything without having the car on ramps or over a pit as the wires run inside the bumper.


Watched DOI. How daft to get rid of Pamela Anderson the first week

I thought she was their big star from the States, and one of the favourites.

Surely they could have done without Cheggars instead?


Bat guano Hicky? That sounds like an exotic mix?

Good idea to delegate the inside work.

What a shame that your car is giving you more problems.


Yes Frodo, you've certainly got a gift for the gifs.

What's Grand Hotel about?


Hello all,

Grand Hotel,finished a bit early so I'm watching CBB ,glad to see they are all to-gether,wonder If there will be any new additions?


I didn't watch X Factor so I don't really know RylanI don't think  there Is anyone I dislike at the moment, 


Sorry to hear your Mum Is having problems with her security Mollie must be a real worry for you,and taking meals over as well you need to take It easy,Is there anyone to give you a break ,so you don't get tired out,you take care


Yes I get you what you mean about the card Hicky but you are a whizz on the computer,not being nosey, but Is that what your work Is working on them?(computers)


I remember you said you were an electrical engineer,


Just had ham salad and chips for dinner to-day forgot to defrost the meat there Is so much stuff left over tho' still be chomping on It for weeks


I'm pleased Its been mild for you emptybox  with your boiler still not working ,have you heard anything about fixing It ? I really hope you are managing to keep warm 


 night all xx








Here you are emptybox ,Its been really good last episode next week but they will repeat It for you have Sky?


 sorry about the gifs can't stop using them


Its a murder mystery as well ..night


I agree about Pamela Anderson       Stoopid to get rid why does that Jason have to be so cruel..surely you can point out their faults without being so nasty

Last edited by Former Member

Morning all


Nominations are out,my lips are sealed not a word shall pass them


started off mild sort of day but Its getting a bit colder now so I've put the heating on ,how are you coping emptybox without your boiler ? have you heard anything yet,I hope Its not too long before you get It sorted.


Why do some folks or any for that matter go on Jeremy (Jezza ) Kyle,

I watched It this morning and boy does he humiliate some of them


I hope you have your mum's security sorted Mollie and you are able to take It easier cos' I know you have your own work to do 


Curry to-day for tea/dinner ,haven't had any of those cheesy crisp bakes

lately I love those and the veggie ones from M&S ,they also do corned beef and smoked haddock ones(I know you can't eat those).


You never mentioned The Hobbit Mollie did your family enjoy It,wouldn't mind seeing Les  MisÃĐrables as well sounds good


I wonder If Hicky Is working to-day and what he's had for breakfast


see you later xxx


Hi Frodo.

Pouring here all day.


Yes it's got a little colder, but not too bad. Haven't really been bothered by the lack of central heating; just used electric heaters when necessary.

It would have been different if we'd had a really cold spell though.

The boiler is supposed to be being delivered by courier on Wednesday, so I suppose I'll have to wait in for it.

Haven't heard from the plumber yet, but I guess he'll come to fit it after that?
He's got the old one to take away as well. Hope he's not just going to dump that here?

Ah yes. I think you've mentioned that Grand Hotel before? I recognize it from your link.

I think everybody knows who's up for eviction now, as it was on BBOTS last night. But I'll not say because I know Mollie sometimes doesn't watch that.

Aisleyne due to be on BBOTS on Tuesday. She was in Dubai a couple of days ago, so she certainly dots about.  

That'll be one Mollie certainly misses?


Hi emptybox

I didn't realise It was Ashley ,from I'm A  Celeb on the judging panel on

Dancing On Ice how did I miss that she sure looked pretty.


Good news about your boiler,hope you get a plumber soon ...stand over him to make sure he takes It away


Yes I posted a link before about The Grand but like I said you have to keep your eyes peeled to the screen cos' of the sub titles.


Missed Hotel last night but going to watch It on sky 140 to-night ,I have It on my planner


Lots of people don't watch BOTS so I try not to say because It spoils It for others .


see you later





Hope you weren't too busy in work today.

glad you got out in your garden, and you have plans for spring gardening taking place already. What is a bat guano? Is it anything to do with real bats? Sorry to hear you have another problem to sort out with your car.



yes indeed it is lucky it has been really mild for the time of year as you have had no boiler. Let's hope plumber turns up soon after the boiler on Wednesday.

Yes I will not be rushing to see the Ash BBOTS.... but to be honest I have been too busy/tired to watch it and don't find it that good anyway. Still love the main show though. 

at your Roberts girls. I too like all of them, I always thought that Nicola was the only Girls Aloud that could really sing.



thanks for not letting on who is up for noms, even though you have found out who it is, I haven't a clue , don't have time to visit other TV forums or watch BBOTs,so will look forward to main show tonight.


Yes the family all enjoyed The Hobbit, daughter seen it twice now , and wants to see it again but in 3D this time.   Good job we had lots of points to trade in, so she got a  free visit. Be warned though if you go and see it, it is a very long film. Kids loved it, but OH thought it wasn't quite as good as Lord of the Rings.

I managed to watch half of The Hotel last night... it seems to get worse and worse there, but is still very funny for us as viewers.


Mrs Browns boys tonight, shame it clashes with CBB, so will have to remember to record.


Yes Fredo I love the cheese and onion crispbakes from M and S. Had one of those quorn cottage pies tonight as they are on offer from Asda right now at ÂĢ1. Good value.

Then had half a small pot of cheescake, cream and raspberries. Yum... only half of one, so didn't feel too guilty.


Mum's security lifeline checked and sorted, and today am still chasing meals on wheels and a chiropodist to go and see her at home. they have a waiting list though. Have to chase walking stick they ordered her too, she will give it a go instead of her zimmer now. (when she gets it, they think it might be waiting on an order)...

Doggie happy as nice and dry , so she got walk on beach and so I could go in nice cafe where doggies are welcome for a latte and quick welcome sit down.


Enjoy CBB all.



Hello again all

First of all  Hotel the Bridegroom comatose with Bells Whisky ,

the Bride blaming someone, else the bestman  LOL I mean did he pour It down his throat ,my my  pure TV gold ,you could not make this up ,the lovely couple celebrating their 50 th wedding anniversary so sweet and the laydee looked good too .


Christian ignoring everyone's advice cos *Iv'e worked in all the best hotels* so funny .


Nominations are out and I hope Speidi stay ,will I be unpopular If I say I'm not that keen on Rylan  and I also felt sorry for Paula .


Mollie so glad your mum has things sorted with the security ,how lucky she Is to have you ,my friend came and she goes to peoples houses to help them (older people to wash and dress ) says some older people have no visitors sad really  I hope you manage to get the meals sorted too Mollie.


you take care of yourself,so The Hobbit was fairly long ..yes I've heard that before ,glad you family enjoyed It 


What does everyone think about the nominations,


see you soon xx 


Forgot to mention I'm judging them in the house not what they did before ...If they are kind in there or how they react to other people


cos lets face It quite a few have been in the news for unsavoury things 

which or course I won't mention and I'm no  either

Last edited by Former Member

Evening All.


Was at work today, didn't get on GaGa, it plays up at work, mind you the computer is probably the reason.

It even crashed (firefox) i mean, while i was watching a video.

So rebooted computer, but GaGa doesn't seem to load up properly.


Had the usual brekkie, don't have much now, just bacon, eggs, sausage, beans 2 toast.

Tonight i made a chicken & egg fried rice.


Have ordered the stuff necessary to aerate the compost tea in the spring.


Enjoyed CBB tonight, betting for eviction looks like this.

Eviction Odds.

Paula Hamilton - 2/7
Heidi and Spencer - 5/2
Frankie Dettori - 25/1


I thought it was awful getting rid of one from DOI in the first week, dreadful.


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