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Very windy again today, and quite a lot of rain as well.


Watching Britain's Favourite Comedy Characters on 5, but I'll watch the Hogmanay progs nearer midnight.

Not surprised you got that wrong Mollie. Everybody calls New Year's Eve 'Hogmanay' in Scotland, but nobody knows what it means.
Some say it's of Gaelic origin; some say it's French; some say Flemish or Norse. But naebdy really kens.


Was it really two years ago that you were very ill Mollie? Doesn't seem that long ago.

Sounds like you've already been at the cherryBs, kicking planters in the dark.


Hi Frodo. Enjoy the firework display round about. Not expecting to see any round here.
Thanks for all the food piccies.


Ah, I see why you need the pond liner Hicky.
Does that mean you're now out of warranty, with your plastic pipe? Perhaps you should have taken out an extended one?
That can't be bad, getting free seeds?

Well I think I'll go and make a sandwich, and get a mince pie ready, and my G&T ready for the Bells.

So have a great New Year when it comes.  


Last edited by emptybox

Good morning all

A good start to the New Year, the sun is actually shining. Hope it is where you are too.My doggie will be pleased as that means a nice walk today.

Hope you all enjoyed your New Years Eve.


Hi Emptybox

good to see you pop in on New Years Eve, interesting what you say about wonder I never knew what it meant.   Yes I had participated in a glass or two before tripping over the "cat" last night.   Good job I rarely drink alcohol, makes me more dizzy than ever. Hope you enjoyed your New Years Eve sandwich, mince pie and G and T.

I enjoyed watching the London fireworks on tv, thought they were really good, did you see them?



did you enjoy your tipple last night? any food treats?  We had mini pizza and cheese bake party snacks, and choccy fingers and a choc log cake that was reduced from ÂĢ3 to ÂĢ1 yesterday in Asda.  

My singing was suitably bad, but I enjoyed my new Shirley Bassey kareoke song for the playstation.   Did you say family came over to see you for New Years Eve?



hope you enjoyed your New Years Eve tv.

and hope you can get in your garden today.



my lad had a new game for Christmas that his sister found him... I think you might like it, so I asked son and he said you don't need a games console to play it, you can get it for the pc. it is for people who like to play guitar, you connect the game up to your guitar, and choose the rock song to play along to. It even has the words so you can sing along too. Son does the playing and I sing screech along with it.

It is brilliant, it is called "Rocksmith".  It has only lost points on reviews because people had trouble with the key code, but you can rectify that by googling ... see review below link I have copied.

this is it on amazon

sample review..."I bought this about 2 days ago, got it delivered the next day, and like everyone elses it didn't contain a product key. But that doesn't bother me, because I heard of a magical thing called the internet. You google "Rocksmith missing cd key" and it brings up many results, the first of which [...] tells you how to easily solve this problem. By following the method on that link, you can get your key in less than half a day (mine took 4 hours) and they email it to you, simple. Which is why i don't get these people who put bad reviews just because they had a hiccup. It reflects badly on the game.

The game is brilliant, I've been playing guitar for about 8 years, on and off. I'm not an expert but i can learn a song in a day if i put my mind to it, and let me tell you. Playing free bird... makes... you... feel... EPIC! And unlike guitar hero, you are actually playing it (unless you're on beginner mode). This game is good for two things. Making experienced but not master guitarists feel EPIC!! A teaching "noobs" (no offence, just a word) how to play guitar for real, rather than going all "clicky clacky" on a stupid plastic guitar toy. Granted, that is fun. But comparing guitar hero to rocksmith is like comparing Quorn (fake non meaty meat) to a nice 8oz Steak, medium rare, still a little bloody. IT'S BLUDDY FABULOUS!

So as you can probably tell, it's a good game, one which you can blame for coming with a crap controller, because you should have the controller, and electric/electric acoustic guitar.

Simple as, get it. If you have the money and are even considering it. GET IT! Trust me, you won't regret buying this addictive, fun, intuitive, inspiring, teaching, game of awesome!"


Hope you all have a good New Years day.

I am currently watching the New Years Day Strauss concert live from Vienna, we watch it every year. Lively music, and lovely flowers in the hall.

Next thing we have to look forward to is CBB....not long now!!!


Good Afternoon Everyone.


Happy New Year also, i know i've said it before, what the hell.


You taken down your tree & fairy lights Frodo, you don't hang about.


Lovely day but very windy which spoils it.


Got some more work done in the garden, no hurry.


Still got some noises to sort out on the car, think it's drive shaft trouble.

Need an MOT as well within the next few weeks.


Been looking at the grafted plants as well, toms, peppers and cucumbers, they don't dispatch till May.


The London fireworks where the best ever, wow, what a fine display.

There was a few going off here, not many.


Just had a pack of Morrisons mini salt & pepper ribs, you only get 4 but very tasty.


Work tomorrow, and either Thursday or Friday.


Do you want the lineup for CBB or not, can't remember, it's all over the papers and forums now.

I've got the list or it's here on OddsChecker.



Glad it was nice enough for you to get in the garden today. Shame about the car still playing up, hope it doesn't prove too costly to remedy.  Yes London fireworks looked brilliant, they really did light up the city with all those beautiful colours.

I am resisting looking at the CBB line up, as if I don't accidently overhear who is in the line up, I can look forward to the surprise and anticipation of that opening night on Thursday.

Glad you enjoyed your Morrisons snack, I love their food.


Just got back from taking doggie a walk on seafront. never seen it so busy, huge queues at all seafront cafes and chippies...people everywhere enjoying eating their chippie meals.. in the park, on the seafront.  A bracing cool wind though, so you needed to be wrapped up well.


My decs are down too Fredo. It is a shame in a way we don't celebrate 12th night in this country like they do in Europe, because the season just seems to slowly fizzle out here... (don't the kiddies get their pressies in Spain/Italy or France on 12th night instead of Christmas?)...


Don't forget the new series of Mrs Brown's Boys starts at 9pm tonight, so am looking forward to watching that, straight after watching the new Miranda.


Have a good evening all xxx


Hello all


I've just been on the games on here I'm not very good but as I've l like     doing puzzles


The tinsel was driving me daffy Hickey that's why It came down and the fairy lights were round the hearth ,and I was scared in case little noses got inquisitive.


I've just watched Hotel again on 140 and really enjoyed It second time around,had to laugh at Christian blaming everyone else for the price of the meal, poor chef

I enjoy chippie meals too and would have them more than once a week If I had to pass them cos you can always just have fish a large one of course


Yes the fireworks in London did us proud fantastic what a show .


I've seen the oddschecker Hicky ,but really how can they know for sure who's going in not long to wait now for the big night , 



see you later



Glad you enjoyed The Hotel....when you watched it properly... so many funny moments in it. Yes Christian is a right one, isn't he? And LOL at the microwaved cheese cakes.


Yes they do often get it wrong who goes into the BB house, so even though you have read who goes in, hopefully you might still get some surprises. I remember last year, they said some American guy was going in and he didn't in the end because of a visa I think?

I am avoiding reading anything about CBB until Thursday night. But I don't read much on the net anyway about tv shows.


I had to LOL at Mrs Brown tonight....I reckon the family have great fun filming that show.


Goodnight all xxx



It was a nice sunny day here as well.


Glad you enjoyed your bracing walk Mollie, even if the cafe was busy.
Had a look at that game. It looks good, but maybe a bit expensive. Especially if you buy more songs for it. Maybe I'll treat myself sometime.
You seem to like your singing, what with the kareoke and singing along with the Rocksmith game?


Hi Frodo. Just watching my recording of the Hotel now. It can't be true? I don't think any place could be that badly run in real life?  
I've never seen any games on here either?


Pity your car is still giving trouble Hicky.

That oddschecker list looks just like all the rumours?

I did watch a bit of the London fireworks. BBC1 Scotland has it's own Hogmany programme, but I turned to BBC1 HD after midnight for a few minutes. The fireworks seemed to go on forever.


Mrs Brown's Boys was good tonight.

See that's what you guys get for putting your decorations up too early. You get bored with them before the time they are supposed to come down.

I thought it was supposed to be bad luck to take them down before twelfth night? 


Morning all

I agree emptybox too hasty to put the tree up in the end I was fed up of It cards toppling over tinsel stuck everywhere ,so down It all came.


Yes unbelievable how they didn't cost the meal ÂĢ19-95 was It for a steak meal with afters, yes I half expected Basil to walk in at any given moment and  Manuel....que 


Wow the sun is peeking out Its playing silly b*ggers at the moment ,rain rain go away












They love playing silly beggars on the Telly ,Midsummer Murders on ITV at 9pm and One Born Every Minute on CH 4 new series too and I was following Queen Victoria and Prince Albert on BBC2  my goodness what a sex life they had ..really don't know what I've put a blush there for seen plenty of action on the Big Brother series


ah well see you later be good xx                                                

Last edited by Former Member

Little folks (dogs)

have been on a trek not by me I might add ,I had the dinner ready (chicken hotpot) for them..  honestly they have had these treats  bought a kind of dried sausage  and please veggies close your ears ,pigs ears dried  sorry to anyone that doesn't eat meat but that's what they have had.


they came back scruffy but tired out,ham salad with chips for tea and


cheesecake to follow , only eaten toast for breakfast  



bye for now  


Evening All.


Had to reset all the company vat & orders/outstanding payments etc from 2012.

Got a nice clean system now for 2013 with 2012 and older orders/invoices/payments classed on pages named Old.


Just had a plate of cooked Mussels in white wine sauce, then a chicken madras and rice, then a trifle then a breakfast Yoghurt.


Excited about tomorrows launch.


I'm working Friday.


I see what you mean about the games on here Frodo.

I'd have to make time, which isn't easy.


My Draw Hoe came today, other items are on the way.


Had a price of the tree tub people, i can get 10% off and free delivery over ÂĢ50.

Still got to order my John Innis yet.



well back to the rain all day again and seafront deserted again.

and I am back to reality of hubby back at work and a backlog of accounts stuff and house jobs to catch up with..managed to fit in taking mum's meal over, daughter is good and cooked it and made mum's sandwiches today.

.. some great tv tonight and even better tomorrow with CBB!! just right to unwind with after a busy day.


Yes Fredo....aaww babies on C4 back again...  also Peter Andre's show and Gok too, so missed out on Queen Vic.. was it good? I don't record much as I don't have enough free time to watch recordings especially with CBB coming up.  Bet your dogs enjoyed their trek, and their meal after.

at your Fawlty Towers pics,,, yes The Hotel is just like that place, that is what makes it so funny, because they are so disorganised, despite Mark's efforts to be organised.  

It was cheesecake for my treat tonight too, with raspberries for extra vitamins. (my excuse to eat the cheesecake).



yes you are right, both of us fed up of our decs now, as they have been up nearly a month.   I think (and hope, because I don't want bad luck!), that it is only unlucky if you leave the decs up AFTER 12th night. But I know really they should be up till Jan5th.

I agree, Mrs Brown was hilarious last night, good to have this and the Hotel to have a good laugh at already this year.

Brian was on This Morning and he said that there was rumours who were the HM's but it was all only rumours because even he had not been told anyone who had been confirmed and would not find out until late today.

so hopefully we will all be surprised at 9pm tomorrow.



how was work today? Not too busy i hope?  Any news on the car? 


well nearly time to watch the babies or Peter Andre, will record one or watch on plus 1.


have a good evening all xxx



your post popped up when I submitted mine. Great minds think alike time?

Good joy your work place has you to sort all that stuff out. Sounds like you got a nice tea in tonight. Is the canteen open at work now for your day time food.


that reminds me... heard them talking about this on radio today... apparently whilst the medical people are obsessed with keeping us all very thin, a bit of extra weight is better than their "normal" weight!!  (as long as it is not bad obese or unfit)...No wonder they keep quiet on that bit of research though with all the money to be made on the diet/fitness industry.

So looks like it is good for us to enjoy our food as long as we get exercise and good food.I dieted (starved myself) once at a diet club to a small size 8 and to be honest i felt unwell and cold all the time.

here is the article...


and here is a link with some great Arctic photos


night, night all xxx



Bit wet to start off with today, but a dry finish.


Pity you had to work today Hicky (and Mollie's OH).

The 2nd is still a holiday in Scotland, so I didn't have to go into the office today.

Hi Frodo. I had never noticed that Games forum on here, but then I tend to stick to this thread. I'll maybe look at it if I get bored.

Thanks for the icy pics Mollie.

Looks like I need to put some weight on, if that article is to be believed (5' 10", 11st) I'll get stuck into the nuts and mince pies right away.  
You're probably right. It's considered more bad luck, if you leave the decs up after the 6th of Jan. I'll take mine down on Saturday.

Watched a bit of Gok Wan, then watched the film 'Elektra' on CH5.

Looking forward to CBB tomorrow. 


Morning all

not long to wait now, long show to-night and I'm looking forward to It,no use complaining about the lack of live feed,It Isn't going to happen,live feed I mean


BBC just telling us all what we knew anyway that Its probably the wettest year yet,oh beg pardon Its the second wettest,some comfort there then.


Fancy you not knowing about the games emptybox and Hicky not that I'm that good but It only takes a few moments every couple of days and Its fun ..I only really chat on here ,long chats I mean ,but Its a nice way of meeting people


Lucky you not having to watch what you eat ,but I'm not surprised with all of the outdoor work you do you'll need loads of calories.


Big Brother Canada starts in February I think and It has live feed


wonder if we will be able to access It


see you later







Hi all

just been watching Inside Claridges again , love It


Really looking forward to to-night ,no cherry picking trying to find the best programmes               sees  you later





Afternoon Evening Everyone.


Not had a bad day.


Had a few deliveries, my Clock came, My Harvesting Knife, and my Pool Liner.

Ordered a few more things though.


Just been out to pick up my lads car from the garage, they will look at mine Tuesday.


Just had fish & chips out, my usual haunt were we get the carvery is being done out so it's closed and fenced off, must be a big job.


Looking forward to CBB later.

And DOI starts Sunday.


I've been watching video's on plant grafting, interesting, have ordered all the gear needed,


Rang about my Raspberry Plants, it seems the nursery that grows them in still on holiday, no hurry really, got till the spring.


Working tomorrow and cbb & bitontheside don't finish till midnight.


Might look into the BB Canada, will bookmark page.

catch you later.


See emptybox you like the twisthyah  by the way I hate It although 

there maybe another twist ..sheez this Is what makes It fun for me ,

enjoying It with mates and being able to agree to disagree 


Does that make sense? anyhow Mollie will put us all to rights with her fair comments on It all ,not much eye candy for you and Hicky  emptybox


so many adverts I may have missed some ..night all 






They always like twists Frodo.

Just the way it is.

It probably cuts the cost down as only half are eating and drinking.


I thought that the upstairs downstairs was fixed, but they have said that Frankie & Rylan couldn't see them on the catwalk so they didn't know what they were wearing.

They only saw their VT.


1) Frankie Dettori
2) Rylan Clark
3) Paula Hamilton
4) Tricia Penrose
5) Ryan Moloney
6) Gillian Taylforth
7) Sam Robertson
8) Lacey Banghard
9) Claire Richards
10)Razor Ruddock
11) Heidi Montag
12) & Spencer Pratt


Well Emptybox, you better hope the plumber doesn't come before the boiler.




well isn't it great that it is again time for us to discuss CBB ... loved the show tonight, a great really  interesting selection of HM's, and they are actually well knowns too...think it will be a brilliant series...the only ones I have never heard of is the American  couple. Rylan never stops talking does he?  And when the show started that basement looked funny I thought. Bet they have some good tasks lined up to come for them.

I was glad of the adverts, meant I could see to doggie, and do family's sandwiches for tomorrow without missing any of the show. (and have to confess, I even had time to make myself a cinnamon and raisin bagel.. naughty me)......


Shame you did not enjoy CBB Fredo......I am surprised because you were looking forward to it so much. 

so it is only the 2nd wettest now... seemed it could not of got much wetter than it did last year.



LOL at Hicky's suggestion that the plumber arrives before the boiler. Good job it is not going to be much longer incase we get a cold spell. yes agree with Fredo, it is probably your energetic work meaning you need lots of calories. So go ahead and tuck in.



glad your deliveries arrived. That is good that we have DOI too on Sunday, and of course my other fave.... The Hotel. I bet your own raspberries will taste great. I love raspberries , I note UK ones have finished now, had some Spanish ones the other day and they were nto too bad, lot darker in colour than British ones.


well must go now, exhausted after busy day , but made sure I got chance to sit and watch CBB.


Goodnight all xxx



Last edited by *mollie*
Originally Posted by emptybox:

Hi again.

Liking them all so far, apart from the two Americans.


I think there's plenty of eye candy Frodo. Lacey and Heidi look nice and Tricia and Clare are OK as well. Hell even Gillian looked great tonight.

Paula looked good back in the day, but she's maybe a bit too weird now?

 Agree, I like them all, but not sure on the Amercians yet, maybe they will grow on us?

Glad you approve Emptybox of the eye candy.

I agree that Gillian looked fab tonight, you know how i enjoy looking at the frocks, I thought the red dress looked good on her, and the Liverpool lady's sparkly frock was great, I'd love one like that. Oh and Clare's black one looked good too, good for her saying she was sick of dieting, she looks good and must be really fit all those concerts and dancing she does.

Paula looks good for her age, and seemed to be easy going about the basement.

I also like the Aussie fella, like his laugh.

I am going to look forward to 9pm each night now.

bed really does call now....


plenty of time for you to decide your fave...


night night xxx


Good morning all


hope work not too busy today.


horrible mild and damp again this morning, prefer the cold and dry to this.It has been drizzling all day for last 2 days here.


posted early before I get caught up in my usual chaous of the day...


but at least we have CBB to look forward to each night now.


I am going to watch that new Tom Daley show, I like him and should be fun watching celebs learning to dive. I can remember as a teenager jumping off the top high dive board, didn't used to dive off, don't think I'd have the courage to do it now though.


have a good day all xx

Originally Posted by emptybox:

But I agree Frodo, it's a bit fishy that some were wearing coats.

Forgot to say....

  I reckon you are both being too cynical....


(or maybe they have been saying this over on that DS site??.... and you read it there?)... I never joined and never even read that DS site now about any of the tv shows at all.  They are too serious for me, as they often moan, over analyse,  and seem to try and pull decent fun tv shows to shreds over little things... they never seem to actually just enjoy watching the shows..


I don't believe there is anything fishy about the coats/basement thing, don't think they knew who was going down there because

....... neither Sam nor Heida had coats on....

...Neil only had a light weight suit on...

...And the Ozzie fella will be feeling the cold so wouldn't go in shirt sleeves alone any way, it is in the 40's over in Oz now!!

....Frankie was well dressed for winter and he went in the house.

....I think the 2 boys may well of not chosen to put the girls in the basement who were wearing  their posh frocks because they would of felt guilty doing that? I don't reckon you would of been able to do that, would you Emptybox?

...and Rylan was obviouly so excited to see Claire, he must be a big fan of Steps, so he was never going to put her in the basement.


Hope you enjoy tonights show a bit more Fredo...or won't you be watching it now?


I will be, can't wait to see how they have all got on.


back to my jobs now..


have a good day all xxx


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