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Hello all

I have the laptop upstairs so just been down to get myself a mug of tea (not enough in a cup)I had fish and chips earlier on ,the house is full of food but sometimes a visit to the chippy sets the world to rights.


Downton Abbey firstly she got pregnant quick my goodness Lady Mary I mean .and then Matthew leaving the series ..very cheery episode I must say  two of the main characters gone already with Sybil going.


I'm cancelling Sky movies on Monday what a swizz samo old same old

I don't know whats happened but they are certainly not worth the money 


I might treat myself to that book emptybox .I watched a similar programme and It got me thinking well there has to be more to life than this and then at the end the narrator said something that made me think,well yes there Is (if you now what I mean) a glimmer of hope that It wasn't all evolution(forgive the rambling Its the tea)


Less than a week to go now for CBB the house pictures look good ,they manage top put a different stamp on It each year ,funny how the Celebs seem to respect and try and keep It clean you would think they would be the laziest


No sign of any live feed then ,really Bit on The Side is a waste of time Its turned in to nothing but silly jokes and innuendoes   my opinion anyhow ,

a two hour show would be better on the housemates .


Good news among the sad other stories about the little girl reunited with her mum after three years.


DO you need to feed winter flowering plants emptybox ,I try not to get them too wet ,mine are pretty but not as nice as the poicture I posted on here.


Loved the photo's Mollie the mankini or whatever they call them was hilarious  lol


Friday's nearly over but












Evening All.


As you say Emptybox, Stacey's head, not sure about the rest.


I cancelled Sky a long time ago Frodo, crazy cost when you can most programs free.


I think the house looks great.

Not long now anyway.


Only had a little Mac Bacon thing at work, had Fillet Steak with onions and mushrooms when i got in.


Bed time for me i think.


Morning all 

rain rain and more of It,as I,ve said no chance of flooding but the days seem to go by in half darkness very dreary 


Can you believe Christmas has been and gone whoosh ,anyone else fed up of the tinsel etc ? proper moaner arn't I .


Breakfast bacon egg and tomato's ,We ran out of eggs but this lone one seemed to be hanging in there (the fridge) noticed there was one on my plate .yes you guessed the one that's been sitting there  the air turned blue  and the egg went in the bin .


Is It first footing for you emptybox this New Years eve ? or will you go to your brothers.


   speak laterxx




Much calmer and drier here this morning.


Hope the cold is better Hicky?
Steak onions and mushrooms sounds good.

Just had egg, bacon and mushrooms for brekkie.


Hi Frodo. I'm not very good with houseplants, but if it's flowering then I guess a little feed wouldn't do any harm. But as you say it shouldn't need much water at this time of year.

I've just got one plant indoors; a sort of begonia thing. It flowers in the summer, so just needs a cup full of water every couple of weeks just now.


Alice Roberts' book is very good, if you're interested in that sort of thing. It's not a dry scientific tome (maistly picters ). Really illustrates what our ancestors may have looked like.

Did you see her on Celebrity Mastermind last night? She wasn't exactly brilliant - she passed on what do you call a 90 degree angle. Came third I think?


Hope Mollie is enjoying good family time.

No I just batten down the hatches and stay in at New Year. Far too anti-social for first footing, and I hope nobody bothers me. I'll have a G&T to see in 2013 though.


Good morning all



Glad your cold felt better after all. Hope work wasn't too busy yesterday. I take it the canteen was closed, so that was why you had to grab a Macbacon? Bet you enjoyed that steak when you got home. Those pics you posted on that link of the hidden animals was very interesting. So hard to make them out.

Interesting piccie of Stacey. I like her.And thanks for the CBB house pics. Amazing how they change it around each time.



Glad to hear things are starting to progress with your heating, hope you get a date for it to be done soon. Yes I liked that light hearted Panto programme.

But I am glad I did not watch that episode of Downtown on Christmas day, prefer a happier ending, than that one was for Christmas day.

That book pressie of yours looks good, let us know what you think of it when you read it.



Don't blame you cancelling the movies from Sky if you aren't getting your moneys worth. We don't have the movies, but hubby has the football in the winter season and that is very expensive, but he loves watching the matches. Will Sky make you give the usual 1 months notice to cancel it?  Right rip off that is.

We have to have Sky because we don't have an ariel for Freeview in this place and hubby likes the football.I didn't know that Matthew was leaving Downtown did you? Horrible ending for a Christmas episode. So do you think they will pair Mary off with anyone else now? I think she is too snobby to go with the chauffeur.


Yesterday, was tired out. Took doggie long walk as it was dry, then did food shop in Morrisons and walked round sales. Got a wooly dress half price to go over my leggings, and daughter got nice warm jumper for ÂĢ5.

Pouring with rain this morning again though.

Hope it is better where you are. I am sure you are keen to get in your garden Hicky.

Now strictly speaking I should be on a diet next week after all the Christmas treats, HOWEVER, as it is the excitement of the CBB opening night on Thursday, I just have to treat myself don't I Fredo? Are you having treats on Thursday too?

I see a new series of Mark and his Hotel are on C4 on Sunday. I really enjoyed the last series of The Hotel.

Have a good day all xxx


Fredo, me you and Emptybox all cross posted this morning.

Great minds and all that, eh?



pity about your egg for brekkie. hope you enjoyed the bacon and tomatoe though. I can recommend the cinnamon and raisin muffin I had from Morrisons, very tasty. Had Phily on it.

Yes I know what you mean about the tinsle, it is not the same once Christmas is over. I will take mine down when we get to 2013.At least CBB is a good start to 2013, that will soon cheer us all up.



That is good that you enjoyed a nice cooked brekkie. You need good nutrition to keep you warm whilst you are suffering with no heating. Glad you are enjoying your book. I know these online books are popular, but I do still like to feel and turn pages of real books.



do you do anything New years Eve? we used to go to the family fireworks display in Cardiff at 9pm, but then they cut back and only do the one at midnight now.., couldn't be bothered going to that one, Cardiff would be full of drunks at that time. We have some fireworks left from Bonfire night, so if not raining, will set them off at home.

In my younger days, I used to go night clubbing and had a great celebratory time each New Years Eve.


have a good day all x


Hello Mollie 


I havn't really decided about New Years Eve there's loads of invites to go places ,but I've been there done that with the nightclub malarky


Fireworks are rife around here and like you our pets are part and parcel of the family,you cant even visit the bathroom without them outside the door  so someone has to be at home ,summers the time for strolling around for me


I don't know If you live near a city (well not to far away for me but I prefer home with family New Years Eve  same as you and  emptybox and I don't mind If I'm on my own  ......I think its still 31 days to cancel the movies Mollie this year they have been awful ,a premier once a week and then the same ones showing as last year,I'm going to buy The Hobbit when It comes out on DVD,even the Disney Channel has gone down hill, BBC 3 seem to be showing all the cartoons...well that's me done moaning 


Sees you laterxx


Back again

I hadn't noticed about The Hotel Mollie.THAT Is a definite watch for me not really looked through the Telly yet I have the listings though,fell asleep for a moment as I watched a film last night that didn't end until nearly 3am on Channel 4 .


I'm afraid the diet is off for the moment I'm going to enjoy myself over the festive season my main indulgence are savoury things ,crisps It would take to long to list ,two tins of Roses are still not opened biscuits etc .BUT the cheese cake I loved .


See what I mean Mollie the laptop as I have said Is upstairs so now I have an audience of three (are your pets allowed the run of the house ?) mine are 


Gearing myself up to cancel the Movie Channel I hate It, It takes forever


frodo ...didn't know you could take your birthday off ..the date I mean


learn something new every day


Evening All.


I couldn't see all your posts before i posted.


Love the Pic Frodo. a good shot.

It was the one with the nurse and the needle.


Had a nice chunky piece of undyed Cod Loin for brekkie, a late one.


Just had a chicken curry & fried rice.

O/H wanted fish and chips so i went to a local chippy for her that cooks the fish why you wait.


I think i need to order a load of J.I No.3 think i will get 25 bags delivered, too much to keep getting myself.

Last edited by Hicky

Afternoon All.


Hope you've had a good weekend.


Went to Morrison's for brekkie, O/H paid, then got a few goodies, wow, the choice of ready meals is crazy, what to pick, try to get meals i can freeze really, so i don't have to eat them all at once.


Off till Wednesday anyway.


Neighbour just gave me a red hot loaf, just out of the oven, what you would call a tine.


Have a Lamb Shank dinner in the oven, well there's 2 really, the shanks were 2 big for the casserole pan so had to put 2 in each pan, didn't realise early enough how big they were.


Here's Amy & Harry doing celebrity planner.

Should be good Wed 16th Jan 10.30 C5


Did a bit more in the garden.

Think i'll get 25 bags of John Innis delivered with 6 bags of Organic Garden Manure.



Dry here and even a bit of sunshine.

Just got back from the supermarket.

Got a bit of ironing to do.


Glad you were able to get on in the garden Hicky.

Enjoy your lamb shanks. Think I'll probably have a pork chop tonight.


Probably watch The Hotel tonight?

Hi Frodo. If you can't indulge yourself over the festive season, when can you?


Hi Mollie. My English next door neighbours used to let off fireworks at new year, but they haven't for the last few years. Probably because their kids have grown up and flown the nest?


Hello all

I've just watched Hotel on + I usually love this programme but It just seemed a bit staged to-night probably cos Its the first episode in a new series.


Salad with chips to-day I couldn't face another cooked meal as Tuesday,s another feasting day .I'm just going to have come crackers with cheese,has anyone had Feta cheese ? I haven't opened It yet never tasted It.


Cancelled the Movies January 29th they go off so It Is roughly 31 days 

before they go off.


New Years Eve to-morrow, this year has flown by If for some reason we don't post ,I hope you all have a great time xx


I hope your cold Is better Hicky curry should help It a long


bye for now 






Glad you managed to get in the garden today.   Yes i love the vast choice of food in Morrisons, my fave is their mushroom/caramalised onion crispbakes with runny cheese in the middle... oh and their choice of home bake breads/cakes.   Bet you didn't know what to buy next to fill all those freezers of yours.   Handy to have neighbours like that, if they share nice fresh bread with you.



Glad you got a bit of sunshine, you need it whilst you have no heating. When are they likely to come and do it?

We don't usually set off fireworks on New Years Eve, but it rained when we meant to set them off on firework night, so we saved them for New Years Eve (if it doens't rain again, that is!)...



Don't forget to cancel your movie channel. Yes the diet is still off for me for now too, still holiday period, so might even put it off till after CBB launch night now.

..Went with the family to a great concert this afternoon...  fun songs, some Christmas ones...A sell out....., It was the Only Men Aloud choir and the Only Boys Aloud choir. We saw Only Men aloud back in summer at our little local theatre, but this concert was in the big theatre in Cardiff.  Only Boys Aloud are the lads who first auditioned for Britains Got Talent last February and came 2nd.... they have done really well since then. 

The guy who conducts them is amazing what he has done....the choir started off with only 8 boys singing in a rugby club, now 175 of them.  He said none of the Boys Aloud, have to have auditions to join, they are all welcome if they can show commitment,.. they are youngsters from the valleys, which are deprived areas. And in addition he has formed Only Kids Aloud for under 14's, so he had 85 of them on stage for a few songs too. 
We stopped at chippie on way home to save cooking tonight, so that was good. 

Did you all watch The Hotel?
I thought it was brilliant.
Poor Mark... no Bentley now, he has to use a shared van now, but it does have a roof rack, the fella said, (like the roof rack was some compensation for losing the car. )
And of course it would of been a better idea to do their costings before the event, that they did not even know how many were coming too...
Fredo...  I know you like cheese cake, but wonder if you would fancy Mark's microwaved Cheesecakes?

Goodnight all xxx


don't know what on earth I have done with the typing on that last post, did keep get interrupted though and nearly lost it altogether.


Hi Fredo

your post came on after I posted mine... shame you didn't enjoy the Hotel tonight, but as you can see from my last post, I thought the Hotel show tonight was dead funny, and enjoyed it all. But I have always been a great fan of this programme, however silly it is. Wonder if we will get the inflatable dolphin races at all this series?


Yes yet another feasting day for me tomorrow too.   But figure New Years eve is a good excuse. 


hope you have a great New years Eve if you don't get back here tomorrow.

Goodnight all xxx


Hello Mollie 

I missed part of Hotel and I've always loved It too,he certainly is an oddball which I love perhaps Its just me to-night 


Chippy sounds good save you cooking .


Envy you seeing the the concert of Only Men and Boys  aloud I would have loved that


To be honest Mollie I think I'll just cut down on things and not diet It only makes me miserable so more of the same but less of It IF that makes sense  my little shadow has just followed me upstairs oh and here comes the rear guard following on (the dogs)


Done some shopping to-day just bits cleaning things and kitchen rolls 


Yes movies cancelled and I got straight thro


Oh those crisp bakes sound yummy with the runny cheese in the middle all we need now is to educate emtybox to talk about food ,we make a real quartet on about food


night again to all xxx 


Evening All.


I thought the Hotel was a rerun of the old one i saw?

It says, 'The return of the Documentary'


Anyway, been ordering more stuff online.

2 more hand pumps, battery one.

An Argos Alarm Clock.

Some Pond liner

A harvesting knife and a draw hoe.

Some Sulphur Rose.


Got more done in the garden.

The Lamb dinner was lovely.


We haven't bought any fireworks Emptybox, no point really.

Some will set them off around us though.


I love Feta cheese Frodo, get it in the tubs of Olives i buy.


Cold seems a lot better, hardly coughed all day.


Mollie, I'm struggling to find room in the freezers, O/H isn't a fan of frozen food, i love it.

But all freezers are full.


I gave my neighbour at the bottom a bottle of red wine and a bottle of whiskey.


Time for bed now.

Soon be New Years Eve.


Hi again.

I haven't watched Hotel yet. I recorded it.

Don't talk much about food Frodo. I just eat the stuff.

If you haven't gone to bed yet set your Sky+ to record Loaded TV (channel 200) from 2am to 3am - Looser Women Live. Aisleyne is a guest, and she comes over really well. It's a repeat from earlier this evening.
I didn't know it was on till I read it on her twitter. 


Glad you enjoyed your concert Mollie.

That's an interesting list of purchases Hicky? Are you building a pond?



Hello all


Japan has just celebrated 2013 so has North Korea (aren't I a little hive of news)


Missed that programme emptybox as I didn't come back on line sorry I missed Aisleyne  ,she 's never short of a word or two anyhows and always holds her own,never mind.

Good Idea to just eat the food emptybox trouble Is I like to talk about It too perhaps that,s why my face Is always in the fridge


What to have to eat to-day decisions decisions, should I have a tipple

or two ? I always tend to talk rubbish If I do so best to shut the laptop down as I don't want to see pink elephants like Dumbo 










Last edited by Former Member

Pears have feeling too don't you know


                                              cute animated pear gif

Hey so do I 


                                    cute animated banana gif         




Evening All.


Got so much food to eat, have a feeling lots going to get binned.


Just not enough hours to eat it all.

Even been throwing away loaves of bread that haven't been opened.


I see Len got married in a secret wedding, even the guests didn't know.


Emptybox, the pool liner just gets cut up to be used for covering the plant tubs as they shouldn't be open to the rain.


Love your Dumbo Frodo.


Had my fish this morning with 2 poached eggs,

Tried my new poacher, it worked fine.


Just had a pack of Pate with crackers.

What next i ask myself


Good evening all this last day of 2012.



Yes I too love talking food as well as eating it.   Like your food and elephant pics.   Aawww at your little shadow following you, part of the family, aren't they our pets? Good idea, dieting makes me feel horrible too and gives me headaches, so think it will have to be a cut down but not cut out plan.   ... that is after CBB launch night of course, no cutting down till then. So go on , have a tipple if you fancy.. hubby has bought us a bottle of fizz to enjoy, so I shall be partaking tonight.



Glad the cold has nearly gone now.

it is a new series of The Hotel, but a return to the same hotel if you get what I mean.   Poor Mark is not fairing well already, even though he tries so hard. Your order sounds really interesting... has Emptybox guessed right and you are doing a pond? I thought all your freezers might be full.   Remind me, how many freezers is it, you have?



any special food treats for you for hagmony? I think you said you are likely to treat yourself a little G and T?  What are you watching for New Years Eve? Think I might go for Alan Carr.

And we will probably get out the Playstation kareoke after that, we bought some new songs including Tom Jones Delilia and Shirley Bassy Big Spender, and a duet of Kylie and Jason... so there is going to be a big nasty noise in our house tonight with my singing.


Just think, I remember well 2 years ago on New Years eve, I was lying semi concious in Intenstive Care, hoping and praying I would live to see another New Years Eve. I am joyous that I am still here at this time of year.

The nurses in ICU were shocked that I could hear them planning their New Years Eve take away, even though I was under sedation, with a machine breathing for me, so couldn't speak.


Have a lovely New Years Eve the 3 of you.

I will be thinking of my special 3 friends who I have enjoyed posting here with all through 2012.


Evening Mollie.


Glad it's a new series of the Hotel then, might look in.


No, it's not a pond, just want the material as it's what i use for covering the plant tubs.


I have 3 ordinary freezers and 1 chest freezer and a full height fridge which is usually full.


I remember you 2 years ago, a right rough time you were having.

Strange how you could here them talking.


How a good New Years Eve.

I'll only be staying in and probably watching TV and also watching pruning programs on the Puter.


I received a Youtube video from the USA asking me to pick/select 10 items of seeds from a list of 22 and they will select 6 to send me free.

I subscribe to this channel, his identity tag used is przxxus55712




Hello Mollie


I hadn't a clue you had been so ill ,I read back on some of the thread and saw you had been in hospital,but I didn't like to nosey into your business,


I may seem outgoing but I'm quite private in some respects and find It hard to fit in a larger thread (does that make sense)I hope you will tell me sometime or If Its private that's OK too,


I've loved every moment chatting with you three and look forward to many more convo's .


LOL at Hicky with all his freezers,but If that's what makes you happy and a few pretty girls with bikini's on ,good for you xx I enjoy all your stories


I'm getting a bit sentimental now (without a tipple )


love to the three of you    

Last edited by Former Member


that is nice to have some free seeds to look forward to.

Hope you enjoy your tv evening, and pruning programme. I bet your neighbour was pleased with the wine and whisky.



yes agree with Hicky, you chat all you want, it is lovely to have you here and to read your posts. Yes, I ended up with my life unexpectedly on a knife edge 2 years ago. No you are not being nosy, will tell you more when I get chance. At the time, I was so glad to have my 2 buddies here during the difficult times of my recovery.

As you can guess each of the 3 of us here have been through good and bad times together whilst posting regularly. A few years ago, Hicky had a serious op, to do with arteries, I know he won't mind me saying because we spoke of it here and poor Emptybox found himself living alone after losing his father, then his lovely elderly cat.

But we do enjoy sharing our posts here, and I think we do provide good support to each other, I am so glad you could join us.


I bought some Cherry B's from Asda today, haven't had one for years, used to drink them with cider as a youngster, they used to make us girls all giggly when off clubbing. Don't think I could drink it with cider now though, one on its own is enough.

Your look out on the hill sounds lovely Fredo. Enjoy watching the fireworks.

Have a great evening all xxx


Something funny just happened to silly me....

Just now, I was walking round the corner of the garden in the dark, with daughter behind me, as we were positioning ourselves ready to watch hubby setting off our fireworks. Suddenly I screamed and we both jumped as I accidently walked into something right on the corner of the house, and I kicked it hard into the air and it fell down again as a solid weight (hubby was setting up fireworks at the end of the garden at the time)...."oh no", I said to daugther,  "what the heck is that I just walking into and kicked?".... i felt sick with worry, because it looked like an animal and next doors cats are often in our garden, so I thought I had walked into next doors cat and kicked it so hard into the air, that I had killed it, because it felt all heavy and a dead weight, when it hit the ground again. Then we both realised as our eyes got used to the dark, that it was our dog shaped planter that hubby had placed on the corner of the garden. I was so relieved I had not got to go round next door on New Years Eve with their cat.... all deaded!!!!  


Evening again.

It sounds like your view from your windows is great.


I had a AAA thats a Tripple 'A Op on my Aorta.

[abdominal aortic aneurysm]


I have a piece of plastic pipe inside my Aorta, but it had a 12 month guarantee so thats not bad.


Mollie, you could have hurt yourself, walking around the garden in the dark, take a torch woman.


At least my front & back gardens are lit at night, mind you the light in the back go off at midnight.


Originally Posted by Hicky:

Evening again.

It sounds like your view from your windows is great.


I had a AAA thats a Tripple 'A Op on my Aorta.

[abdominal aortic aneurysm]


I have a piece of plastic pipe inside my Aorta, but it had a 12 month guarantee so thats not bad.


Mollie, you could have hurt yourself, walking around the garden in the dark, take a torch woman.


At least my front & back gardens are lit at night, mind you the light in the back go off at midnight.


and your still working and chasing around with a cold Hicky 


exercise yes punishment mmm ... but obviously you are doing something 


right ..great respect Hicks for all you put yourself through 


and all the work you do (never heard you  moan)

Last edited by Former Member


Will I stay up to let the new year In Yes but here's to you my friends



going to be with my family 

love to you all                              















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