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And as today is Christmas Eve, it is the last of our December advent days. Happy Christmas Eve all.  

Fredo, what a lovely Christmas Eve pic you have posted there. Glad your back has eased enough to make your bread.


Here is my favourite Christmas poem that was written in 1822 by Clement Moore, and one that I used to read to my children (when they were small), each Christmas Eve just before they went to bed...

Twas the Night before Christmas Poem

Make it Snow !

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St Nicholas soon would be there.

The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads.
And mamma in her β€˜kerchief, and I in my cap,
Had just settled our brains for a long winter’s nap.

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.

The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a miniature sleigh, and eight tinny reindeer.

With a little old driver, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment it must be St Nick.
More rapid than eagles his coursers they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name!

"Now Dasher! now, Dancer! now, Prancer and Vixen!
On, Comet! On, Cupid! on, on Donner and Blitzen!
To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall!
Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!"

As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky.
So up to the house-top the coursers they flew,
With the sleigh full of Toys, and St Nicholas too.

And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof
The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.
As I drew in my head, and was turning around,
Down the chimney St Nicholas came with a bound.

He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot,
And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot.
A bundle of Toys he had flung on his back,
And he looked like a peddler, just opening his pack.

His eyes-how they twinkled! his dimples how merry!
His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!
His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
And the beard of his chin was as white as the snow.

The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth,
And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath.
He had a broad face and a little round belly,
That shook when he laughed, like a bowlful of jelly!

He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf,
And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself!
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread.

He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
And filled all the stockings, then turned with a jerk.
And laying his finger aside of his nose,
And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose!

He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
But I heard him exclaim, β€˜ere he drove out of sight,
"Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night!"

Twas the Night before Christmas Poem







Hi All.

Mollie, I'd heard bits of that poem before, but never read the whole thing, so thanks.

Hi Frodo. Glad your back was not bad enough to stop your bread making.

This is a stone built cottage, with solid walls, so no chance of cavity insulation.


Hi Hicky. Fancy your OH refusing your gift? You'll just have to make her an extra large batch of your crunchy toffee.


Bad news here. The plumber reckons there's a crack in the boiler casing, so a new boiler will be required.
He's drained the radiator system and says it now shouldn't be leaking, but of course I've got no heating until I get a new boiler installed.


He says that I can continue to use the hot water tank, and I've got an electric immersion heater in there, so I won't be without hot water thankfully. But I'll have to use my electric fan heaters to keep the rooms warm.


The plumber I called is (unbeknownst to me) now semi-retired, so won't fit the boiler himself, so it will be down to another plumber, and it'll be up to my landlady to contact him. I called my landlady and she's going to arrange for the other plumber to contact me after Christmas, but it could well be after new year before anything gets done, presuming the landlady even agrees to spring for a new boiler, which would cost a few thousand.

I'd left several messages yesterday for my landlady, before I called in the plumber myself, but she says she didn't get them?
Anyway, I've now got loads of disruption to look forward to after New Year. Very much doubt if it's as simple as just taking the old boiler out and replacing it with a new one? Nothing's that easy.


I'm off to my Brother's in a little while, so I'll wish you all a very


I'll have internet over there, but might not get time to post.



Before you go emptybox a big smacker from me and a hug .a lovely Christmas to you as well


Its been a pleasure to post on here with you three and I'm looking forward to more posts in the future.


Bad news about the boiler and Its not all plain sailing as I well know ..the cottage sounds wonderful  and you live in the countryside  so lets hope your landlady does something about It and journey xxxx




Hello all 

bread is made apart from the kneading Its a doddle ..I never make a loaf just bread cakes .Large bag strong white /brown four .I use marvel ,oil salt and of course the yeast with sugar in .

lovely fresh crisp bread    cakes or soft If you prefer I freeze them .


Bath and Frontline for the dogs to-day I resisted the urge to spray them with perfume  for heavens sake I did not know that grapes and raisins were poison for dogs  scary stuff


Back pain has almost gone so thats great I hope you are all well I intend to 

have a few tipples to-day


speak soon xx





Evening All.


Happy Christmas Eve to you all.


Bad news about the boiler Emptybox, best stay at your brothers for a while then.


You can just swap boilers but it could be quite a job ans all new boilers have to be condensing type, in England anyway.


Have a good time anyway and Happy Christmas.


Thats a nice Poem Mollie, never read it all the way through, or heard it.


Glad your back is improving Frodo, with Christmas here you can get your back into it, only joking.


My O/H was in Sainsbury's at 8.30, she only went for fresh bread but i asked her to see if there was any undyed Haddock for brekki, she also got 4 dressed crabs.


Had some haddock for brekkie, just had a crab on fresh bread, heaven.


Got an unsmoked gammon in the oven for tomorrow.


O/H has got the front room decked out for guests tomorrow.


My Refractometer came from Hong Kong this morning.

Been raining all day so got nothing done in the garden.


and big Christmas  to the three of you.



I am very sorry to hear the boiler problems, if LL refuses to replace boiler, then I reckon you should offer her a big reduction on the rent you pay. As HIcky says, best to stay at your brothers for awhile in the warm.

I hope you have a lovely few days at your brothers though.



pity about the rain all day stopping you getting in the garden. Glad your OH got off early to Sainsburys so has managed to keep you well supplied with fish. I bet your visitors are all looking forward to coming over tomorrow.Hopefully your ham will still be enjoyed even though salty.



So pleased your back is almost better now.   We too are looking forward to seeing your carry on posting on here with us. Yes I had heard that grapes and raisins like choccy are poisonous for dogs, very strange isn't it? I always have to be careful not to drop any grapes when I wash them. I love Christmas too Fredo, think I will have a few more chocs from the tin to celebrate.


Looking forward to the new Mrs Browns Boys tonight and OUtnumbered. the chaous in that family reminds me of my own chaotic family.


OH and I had fun singing making a big row on the kareoke Playstation game last night, and son played Christmas songs on his guitar.


Have a wonderful Christmas Eve evening all.


Evening Mollie.


Hoping for some better weather in the week to do more in the garden.

I've 3 currant bushes to plant, & 4 vines, and the Raspberry's when they arrive.

But i've got to finish making the Raspberry support structure with the galv wires at strategic heights.


It's going to be busy tomorrow, we are all going to my lads first, i'm picking up 2 grand daughters for 11am and taking them as well to get their pressies.

Some of the family of my DIL came over from the East Yesterday bringing pressies galore for the children.


Yes, Mrs Browns Boys should be good.



The Magic ofChristmas


by Tom Krause


"Joy to the World", the carollers sang out
as last minute shoppers scurried about
desperately seeking that one special gift
that would give Christmas morning a magical lift.

As an old man stood standing listening to the song,
midst all the madness of the bustling throng,
in a shaky hoarse voice he began to join in
singing the words of the famous old hymn.

One by one people stopped with their madness
to join with the old man for a moment of gladness.
By the time the carollers finished with singing the song
the whole throng was united as they all sang along.

As if by magic from out of the sky
church bells rang out from a chapel near by.
And when it was over the people greeted each other
with messages of good will they shared with one another.

You see that magical lift the shoppers sought for so long
was not in the buying or scurrying along.
That magical gift so desperately sought
was the Spirit of Christmas - which could never be bought.


Quick post.

Have a great day you three.


Horrible wet journey over, but it's a sunny Xmas morning at my Bro's.

Having our turkey later this afternoon.


Enjoy your gammon Hicky.


Nice poem Frodo. I didn't know grapes were poisonous to dogs, but as they are carnivores, then they wouldn't be able to do much with them anyway.


I can just imagine you at the karaoke Mollie.


Merry Christmas to you and your Brother & his family.


Been not too bad a day.

I'm full of cold though.


Had a good time with the lot of them opening pressies.

Had picked up 3 grand children at 11am.


After that we came to my place for a chill.


Took them home at 1.30 as my lad was due round then for dinner.

That went well.


Can't see a lot on the TV tonight, i suppose they assume noone would watch anyway.


O/H reboiled the gammon to get more salt out of it.


Good evening all

hope you have all enjoyed your Christmas day.



glad you got chance to pop in here. Hope you enjoyed the turkey at your brothers, Shame journey not too good, but hopefully it will be bit better when you go back.



what a lovely present for you off your lad, I bet you will enjoy using it in your garden. Sorry to hear you have gone down with a cold, hope it does not last long. Sounds like you have had a nice busy day.Did you enjoy your food today? Hope the gammon came out ok.



what a nice poem. I can see that like me, you like poems.  

Hope you have had a nice day today.


I had lovely day.
Went to the beach in the morning to see swimmers brave the cold sea, all good as they raise money for local charity. Very busy,...900 swimmers, this year, over 2000 says this article.

There is a slideshow of pics in article, some of the costumes were really good.

Had lovely meal and champers when we got home, mum lot better now and eating better.

Watched the Royles tonight, and recorded Downtown.

hope you have all enjoyed your evening.

Goodnight all xxx







Morning all


happy boxing day,love the Chimenea Hicky ,I didn't realise It was for outside use until I readBoxing graphicsabout It .The sun Is pouring through the window ,very deceiving though as Its cold brrrr very cold ,but at least the rain has kept away for now anyway.


Yes I watched Downton Abbey Mollie...try not to read any spoilers If you hav'nt watched It I am looking forward to the next series ,sometime next year they said ,only eight days now for CBB so thats something to look forward too.


You know Mollie there are some really good programmes on Sky Arts 1&2

not highbrow at all I watch It a lot.


Its been a waste of money ordering Sky Movies for the festive series they seem to be the same old on a loop I'm going to cancel them pronto.


Did Santa visit you all yesterday ? I hope you all got some of the things you wanted,


Bubble and Squeak  cold meat and pickles here to-day for lunch .I hope emptybox is enjoying himself 


ta ta for now xx











Above are some pics hubby took yesterday when we went to see the swim. Some of these costumes must of taken an age to design and make.



cold, wet and windy here too today Fredo. Am glad it was better weather for the swim yesterday though, think it helps them to raise more money for charity. Fredo, I will have to check out that Skys arts channel in  future. Am watching Downtown this afternoon, as only saw half last night with it clashing with The Royales, so thanks for not telling me any spoiers. I don't really visit anywhere outside her to see spoilers luckily, so I will enjoy seeing what happens. I love this programme.

Enjoy your bubble and squack.

Did you have some nice pressies Fredo? Hope so. I had some nice ones, nice colourful wooly hat, a book about a cat who cahnged someone's life for the better....A Street Cat Named Bob


... some nice smellies, (including my fave perfume by Posh Spice), and Jonathon and Charlotte's CD. Remember them off Britain's Got Talent?


So I am well chuffed with my pressies.


Hope Hicky has it dry enough to get into his garden today.

And hope Emptybox's family are looking after him well during his visit. 


Have a good Boxing Day all of you xxx

time for a few chocs for me whilst I watch the rest of Downtown tha tI taped.

Fredo are you going to watch That Dog can Dance at 8pm? I am looking forward to that and also to Miranda and Mrs Brown's Boys.



Last edited by *mollie*

Hello all


Mollie I got a basket of winter flowering plants(still got the one from last year)I love them around the house ,candles all kinds of smellies .choccys  all the things I love .nothing expensive just little delights the planted basket is lovely though,really don't know what to watch to-night.


Alice In Wonderland by Tim Burton I have on DVD ,I may watch It again ...the Swedish  version of The Girl WIth The DragonTattoo

is on later ...but there Is a lot of sexual violence in It not family viewing,


Why am I typing in sort of a box ,keeps aking me to join the site and I certainly will after the festive season Is over.


Sprawled It all over my twitter that Ga Ga is the best in town 


take care three asmigo's back laterxxxx


Evening All.


Love the pics Mollie, they must be mad going out this weather.


Weather pretty miserable, cold not so good, think it's an infection, will try and see Doc tomorrow.


Got my 3-off Currants planted and more on the Raspberry supports.

But we had more rain which didn't help.


You can't use a Chiminea indoors Frodo, outdoors only.

Not sure where we will use it yet be we do have a couple of areas which are stone covered and lots of Slate covered areas, or could try and get a steel plate big enough.


I'm watching 'Mighty Ships', might watch Miranda.

Time for a couple more Paracetamol.


Evening Frodo.


Yep, been a bit under the weather a few days but try to not let it effect anything.


I keep getting boxes of chocolates and other stuff left for me. A 800g of Bassetts L.A's , a Tub of Peach Rings, a box of Flaked Truffles, a box of Orange Sensations, a box of Lindt Petits Desserts.

It's such a struggle as you can imagine.

A few bottle turned up as well from MIL, a Dandelion & Burdock, a Rose Lemonade and a few other ones.


Hi guys.

Back home from my Brother's
House still in one piece, but no heating obviously.
The journey back was OK, but it started raining as soon as I got out of Lanarkshire and back into The Borders.  


Had a great time with the family. Had a lovely few meals and watched a bit of telly. Didn't do anything else really.
I was given Alice Roberts' book 
(I requested it).

Glad to hear you've all had nice presents.
I'd heard of a chiminea Hicky, but when you wrote it I could only picture Dick Van Dyke singing that song.

I recorded all the Downtons etc but haven't watched anything back yet.

I think the only thing I watched at my Bro's that I'd also recorded was Doctor Who.


I saw 'That Dog can Dance' after I got home, and they could.

Pity you've got such a bad cold Hicky. Hope the doc can sort you out.


Those Xmas bathers must be mad Mollie? Great costumes though.

Watching Mrs Brown's Boys at the mo. 



glad you arrived home safe must have a good gander at your book later 

so wish you and Mollie had watched Downton ..someone to discuss It with If you get my drift


my film on CH 4 think Its 1030  but some may find It too violent  ,been up since stupid o'clock with silly animals ..thinking they own the place so I'm shattered 

                               get well soon Hicky night all



Good evening all


Aaawww Hicky

sorry to hear you may have an infection,   yes best to get it checked out at docs, especially as you use an inhaler. How nice to be showered with so many sweets and chocs.



welcome home. I am pleased to hear you had such a nice time at your brothers, sounds like you were well looked after, and got a good rest in. Did you get to see your young nephews at all, or did they remain in their bedrooms?   I hope you hear about your heating before long.



I have watched Downtown, but good job I did not mention the storyline  now I know  Emptybox has yet to view it. Glad you liked your little pressies. Your winter plant looks lovely.


Enjoyed Mrs Browns boys again tonight. So funny.


Rain, rain and more rain here again. Lucky we had a bit of a break between showers yesterday when we went to see the swim. I hope this weather today does not mean more of that awful flooding.


Goodnight all xxx


Hi Frodo.

I don't mind if you want to discuss Downton with Mollie.

I haven't watched it yet, but I'm not so involved with the characters that knowing what happened would spoil it.


Didn't see much of the nephews Mollie. The odd glimpse here and there.


The fan heaters are fine for the room I'm in, but of course the rest of the house is very cold, when I go to the toilet or something.


Just watching my recording of the Spice Girls thing. Gotta love those Spiceys?


Good morning all

the sun is actually out here this morning, hope it is for all of you too.



hope you managed to get a docs appointment, and that you feel better soon.



No way am I mentioning what happened in Downtown until you see it, because I was dead surprised by it. It must be horrible to have to live with no central heating mid winter up there.  Chase up that LL if you don't hear soon, as I said I think a rent reduction is in order if it is not sorted soon.

didn't think you would see much of those young nephews.



is your back fully recovered now? Take care with it for awhile now.


Just had some nice Philly on seeded bread for brekkie.


Think me and the family will watch the festive comedy called Panto at 9p on itv tonight.

Hope it stays dry, dog needs nice walk today.

Have a good day all. xxx


Evening All.


Didn't ring the Docs, felt not too bad this morning.

Got quite a lot done in the garden.

Preparing the Raspberry bed still.


Went to Sainsbury's for some fresh bread, got some undyed cod loin for brekkies, bought a couple of packs of prawns in shells.

Bought another small frying pan, have about 7 now, if they start to look worn i throw them out.


Not had a lot to eat today.

Fish for Brekkie, a fresh crab with fresh bread, just had a couple of Mince pies, the ones that have icing on top, yummy.


Will lay off the sweets till later.


Pouring with rain here today.

Don't worry about Downton Mollie. It was in all the papers what happened, so will be no surprise to me.


Had a phone call from the plumber first thing, followed half an hour later by another from the landlady. Sounds like I'm going to get a new boiler as soon as one can be sourced, but might not be till after New Year.

Still, that's good news, I suppose.

Glad you're feeling a bit better Hicky.

Watch you don't overdose on all that fish though.

Think I'll watch that Panto thing as well Mollie. But really on the basis that there's not much else on.

Hope your back is better now Frodo?  

Making another of my casseroles.  


Evening Emptybox.


Just having a pack of shell on King Prawns.


Just had an email from Paypal, my fish money refunded.

With a code to get 10% off my next order.


Have asked the Garden Superstore for a price for some more pots, saucers and gravel dishes.


That will be good if you get a new boiler fitted Emptybox.


I'm working tomorrow, for a change.


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