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Hello all

aww Mollie I didn't realise you dont want to know who's going in the house you shold have said I don't mind I've always been the same with Big Brother Its the one show that I've loved since It began so I read anything about It not realising people like to save It till the night ,but the advertising will come soon about the house so I'll keep schtum  


Yes dogs have been out.. every morning for a trek and afternoon for a walk and

they have been bought a bag full of treats along with the cat ,they are just part of the family 


Yes Its very sad about Peter Andre 's brother I used to watch his show a lot ,not so much now though but I like him he's family orientated looks out for his family I like that..not keen on Katie Price but I will give her she Is the same with her folks.


Hicky doesn't come on here much does he I hope Its not me butting in that's put him off.


Just had cheese and potato bake and salad for tea I feel a bit full know


can't see much on the telly to-night that I would like to watch 


Are you wary in the winter emptybox with the power cuts or is It just a one off..i would't like that I always have the stairs light on hate the dark




Christmas angel graphics


Evening All.


I get lost with the posting, i am on a few DS threads, Twitter & Facebook and i forget i haven't posted, or think i have.


I've been working today, working tomorrow as well.

Boss gave me an extraΒ£500 but will have to pay tax on it.

Have to work 1 day next week as well.


No Frodo, you can post as much as you like, we don't consider any post butting in.


Just had a small plate of sweet & sour chicken with egg fried rice, but while it was thawing i had a bacon sandwich on fresh bread.


My last 2 vines came today, a white & a black to go with the others.

You just get a rootstock with 2" of vine.

Yesterday i had a delivery of

109040461Concentrated Soft Fruit Feed 1kg
109036361rootgrow (360g pack)


Looking forward to CBB, it doesn't bother me if i know who is going in or not.


We got another order at work for Β£274k.


My fish order is due tomorrow, O/H may be out but they leave it in the porch anyway.


Glad your UPS is working Emptybox, that's great.


can't remember what was on the last page, daren't call it up in case i lose this post.



yes I too have always been a big fan of BB since series 2 anyway, and that was only because I was not in the UK for series 1.    Loved it most when we had livefeed, such a shame we don't have it now. No don't worry about giving links about who is going in the house, I just won't open it if I don't want to know, and it is not a problem because I had already read about the 2 Corrie people you mentioned. Think they could be interesting HM's.  I do love opening night though when they announce them one by one, especially if it is someone we are not expecting to go in, and then we see those cringeworthy videos they do telling us about themselves. They usually end up being not as horrible as we think they are from their videos, especially for the ordinary BB. And as Hicky says, post as much as you want, no one butts in here. all welcome for a friendly chat.  In fact, the more the merrier.

What a lovely piccie of that little blue fairy/elf that is .

Yes I agree about the pets, they are part of the family.

I like the sound of cheese and potato bake.Tonight I had mushroom risoto crispbake and veg, yummy, and a few Roses from the tin.


Hi Hicky

Silly you getting lost of where you were posting when.   Sometimes I type posts on here, then either get distracted or my lappy turns off and it never makes it here.

at you snacking on a bacon sandwich whilst you wait for your tea to thaw. Hope you are pleased with your vines.

Good news about the new big work order. Is it for those new Range Rovers?  Sounds like it could be newly delivered fish for tea tomorrow then?

Think i will watch Weight Loss Ward tonight as not much on tv.







listen I do understand most people like the suprise and It takes a lot for me to be down ..Its give and take on a forum and there are loads of other things to speak about lets meet on here January 3rd and have a laugh.


We have Christmas to tell each other about soon , Its taken me ages to not spill the beans to my folks what I'm giving them for Christmas


It's been really nice to be on here so please Mollie I'm glad you said


bye for now

PS may be back in a mo  xxx  

Originally Posted by frodo:
 Its taken me ages to not spill the beans to my folks what I'm giving them for Christmas

have you still been able to manage to resist opening your own pressies? Or will you have to be up at crack of dawn on Christmas day to see what you have got?


No don't worry, about giving away who will be on CBB, as  I know on forums people do discuss it, but I just avoid actively looking for the info myself.  But I am guessing, as it gets closer, it will be hard to avoid it anyway, as it will be in most mags, tv shows and newspapers before the launch day.

Yes I too am looking forward to us meeting here on Jan 3rd after the launch to say what we think of the HM's when they enter the house.

I predict Emptybox and Hicky will like a female best.

My fave HM's are the ones who have a good sense of humour and are enthusiastic with tasks, and are nice to the other HM's. Let's hope for an interesting bunch this year

Last edited by *mollie*


A bit damp here too, but not too bad.


Yes Frodo, you have to be a bit wary of winter in the countryside.

It's always wise to have a stock of food and an alternative fuel source.

The worst winter recently was 2000 when the power was off for more than 4 days, and we were snowed in at the same time. That was really bad.


Hi Mollie, I hear what you say about who you like on BB, but then I remember that you've liked your fair share of bad boys on the show over the years. Remember Sezer?


Hi Hicky. That was a nice bonus you got.

Well done on another big order at work.

I'm not bothered about all the rumours as to who is going in. It's fun to speculate, and they often turn out to be wide of the mark anyway.


I've been watching the last couple of episodes of 'Last Tango in Halifax'. I missed the first episodes, but they're all such good actors that it didn't matter.  

Last edited by emptybox
Originally Posted by emptybox:
Hi Mollie, I hear what you say about who you like on BB, but then I remember that you've liked your fair share of bad boys on thecshow over the years. Remember Sezer?


Oh yes, I had forgotten about Sezer ... well perhaps the occasional bad boy does make an interesting HM.  

Oh yes I forgot I also like a bit of ecentricity, remember John Tickle?

But Rachel was quiet and also one of my fave HM's too.


Yes it is wise for you to keep well stocked up with stuff being a country boy.


Meant to say... doesn't seem fair how even HIcky's bonus gets taxed.


time to tidy up , and then bed.

goodnight all x


Evening again.


Wow, you lot have been busy.


The extra work order is to modify a multi sections on trolley systems that carry parts at high level and bring them down to the production are to build the body of the vehicle up.

The extra lines are for a rather nice change to one of the vehicles we make, can't really say what it is for on here as i assume it's not out in the papers yet.


Better get to bed, up at 5am again.


Good Afternoon Everyone.


Very miserable day here, lots of puddles everywhere.

Not too cold though.

With the weather like this i may as well be at work.


Not too busy


Had an email from the fish man i get my fish off, saying it was on it's way.

Might have a fresh crab later then if all is ok.


Thats a nice bright Advent picture Mollie.

Hope you and your Mum are ok?


Only 4 days now and 13 till CBB


Good morning all



oooo that sounds fascinating about the nice changes to the vehicle, but yes you can't give much away, wouldn't want to get you into trouble. Look forward to you telling us more when it is out in the media.


As it is near your neck of the you know Knowsley Hall near Liverpool?

The reason I ask is that i saw it on tv, they have filmed the Corrie wedding (due to be shown Christmas day) at that place. As you know I am a Corrie fan, so will look forward to this episode.


Hope Fredo's lappy is working ok today, and although I hope Emptybox's UPS is going to work fine, hope he does not have cause to use it.


Had a phone call from Pets R Us saying I had won a prize in their raffle, had forgotten I had even bought a ticket and I didn't even look at the prizes. I told hubbie how exciting this was and he said as I didn't ask what the prize was, and I didn't even have a clue what any of the prizes were, it might not even be worth the petrol driving over there to collect it. I am such a twit at times.   I suspect it is something like some fish food, as we don't have fish.


Looks like we are all due a wet day again today.

Time for me to sort mum's food out, and take it over.


have a good day all xxx



posted together.

Yes true with weather like this you may as well be in office as you can't get in your garden.

I bet you are looking forward to that crab.

Gosh only 13 days until CBB, I didn't realise it was that close, as January 3rd 2013, sounds ages yet.


Mum feeling lot better now thanks, the bump on her thigh from her fracture gone , so her pain not so bad now, and her cold nearly gone. All I need to do now is to get her to eat a bit more.

Hope you are not too busy at work today. You need time for all your forums.


Hello Mollie.


Will be leaving in a mo.

Coming back in next Friday.

Be a nice break anyway.


I have been to Knowsley, but the Liverpool area is massive.


I always used to buy raffle tickets, didn't like to refuse really.

Just to help them out.


Just been given another bottle, Bodegas Rasillo - Tinto whatever that is, looks like red wine.


The final tonight of Junior Apprentice.



time for a well deserved break for you now then for a week.

Another bottle gift from the boss was it? I too haven't a clue what that is, but don't drink red wine. I am sure you will find someone in the family to enjoy it though.

Won't have much time for tv tonight as son is going to guitar lesson, so I will do a bit of Asda shopping , should be fairly quiet that time of night.


Raining all day today, but took doggie out when it was only light rain, she did not want to put her lead on, and growled at us, but when she was out she was ok. Didn't go far though, rain got worse.



thanks for the wine link, sounds nice for people who like red wine. Pity your fish has not arrived, weather very wet in places, hopefully it will turn up ok Saturday.

Asda usually quiet when we call in Thursday evenings, but very busy tonight. Food being snatched up off the shelves, you'd never believe it is only closed for one day!



what day are you off to your brothers?

Hope there are no flooded areas on your route.


No Fredo today, hope that doesn't mean her lappy is playing up again.

I have replaced the sticky tape on mine again.


Goodnight all. xxx



Very wet here all day.

Hi Mollie. Bet you're excited to find out what you've won in the raffle? It could be a puppy. Especially if they can't post it, and you have to collect?
Glad your Mum is keeping on improving.

That's interesting about an improvement to a car model Hicky.

Pity your fish didn't arrive. Perhaps they're swimming to you, with all the rain?  
Haven't heard of that wine, but I'm not a connoisseur, I just drink the stuff.
That's good that you get a week off now.  

Watched Strongest Man then Celebrity Millionaire. 
Think I'll watch Lapland on BBC1, although I've already seen it before. 

Last edited by emptybox


this is good news, we are all still here, so no apocalypse at 11.12am after all.


And the rain has stopped too and I spy a bit of sun, which is good.



hope you are enjoying the 1st day of your hols.



at you just drinking wine and no connosoire, I am like that, just have a glass occasionally but has to be one that is on offer at Asda.


I just watched Michael Mcintyre Christmas show last night, very funny.


have a good day all x




Afternoon All.


Still no Fish, not to worry, don't know what happened to it.


Rang the place i ordered the Raspberry canes from, they said they are having delivery problems as well.

The have posted my Raspberry canes anyway.


Went to B&Q and got some wood and some galv wire tensioners and some bits for the garden.


Rang the HMRC and set up a new direct debit for next year, July 2013, Jan 2014.


Had a meal out last night, had a starter of whitebait and main meal of Rib Eye Steak, all very nice too.


It's the longest night and shortest day today isn't it, on the home run now to the spring.


Will try and take these summer fruiting Raspberry canes back tomorrow.

Really need to get a load of John Innis No. 3 and Organic Garden Manure.

I've caught up and are ok for 31st Jan anyway.


Not much on tv tonight.

Originally Posted by frodo:

hello all

just a short post ..i was moving things around (heavy)  and hurt the bottom of my back so yesterday It was to painful to sit and post,,and although Its much better, It hurts sitting at the laptop


   back to-morrow happy Friday all  xxxx

Aaaww Fredo

so sorry to hear this.

I was missing seeing you round here, and wondering where you were... thought it might of been because of your lappy playing up. But I am sorry to hear it was because of your bad back. Just goes to show how careful you have to be when moving things around. I hope you feel better and can come back here again soon.


Hi all.

Very wet here again.


You don't seem to be having much luck with your deliveries Hicky.

Glad you had a good meal out last night though.

Yes, the days should slowly start to get longer from now on.


Sorry to hear about your back Frodo.

In my job I quite often get back problems. Very annoying, I know, and difficult to get comfortable.


Hi Mollie. That's a lovely solstice pic.

I'm only going to my Bro's for a couple of days, but won't be going if the roads are flooded.


Went into town and bought a portable de-humidifier. I've got a bit of damp in the hall, and this might help dry it up.


Watched the Ice Airport prog and then the programme on CH4 about hoarders. I think it was a repeat?


Yes, we seem to have survived the end of the world?

But remember those Mayans were running on Central American time, so 6 hours behind us. So don't relax until 6am tomorrow.


Good Evening All.


It's been raining all day again so didn't bother working in the garden again.


Fish never turned up, must have been the flooding,


The humidifier should take the damp out of the hall Emptybox, but damp really has to be stopped from the outside, which can be a problem.


Loving the dancing, they are so good.


Just had a dressed crab with fresh bread, also a pack of prawns and a fresh fruit salad.


I just made a pan of Crunch Toffee, like he made on Saturday Breakfast., but i used Honey as the recipe said.

O/H said it was burnt and stunk the place out.

I agree the last few degree's need constant stirring to prevent burning.

Made another pan full, success, it didn't burn, took a few bits in to get O/H's verdict, ooh, it's horrible.

I said Its only got sugar, glucose, honey, water and Bi-carb.

She said, it's the Honey, i don't like Honey, it's too sweet.

OK, i said, the Honey can be changed for Syrup, she said, i don't like syrup either.


I rang the HMRC people, sorted the next direct debit for 2013


Hello all

I hope you are all well I've read back most of the thread and Hicky's fish hadn't arrived (I hope It has by now Hicky)  where do you order It from a link would be good If you don't mind 


The pain seems to have gone lower down my back now you all I'm not a moaner but this has really been awful ,but I keep moving around hoping that that is the way to go.


My son made a fish curry the other day I hated It  I prefer fish cooked in a little oil or butter or with batter,


Poor people with all this flooding Its bad at any time of the year but Christmas time Its awful ,perhaps thats why deliveries are not getting through.


Lovely advent pictures Mollie make the thread look cheerful  I hope your mum Is feeling and eating better.I want to make some bread but no chance until this pain eases up ,apart from the rising point of It Its so easy and tastes really good (I have a magi mix ) so perhaps I'll use that for the kneading 


Treated myself to some perfume I love smelly things V.Beckam stuff , do you know I used to really be against her ,perhaps I'll get some stick for this but I like her 


Spag Bol to-day emptybox ? I think thats what I could do with some comfort  food to cheer me up   are you going to your brothers for the day or longer ...If that question has been asked sorry  but I'm trying to get as much in before I have to lie down


Hello Hicky  not long now  to CBB  I've got the listings for Christmas viewing loads of repeats ,but then whats new  all part and parcel of Christmas .


must go now folks oh before I go I watched a film called *The Help * set in MISSISSIPPI in the 1960 about black people and what they had to endure 

It was brilliant and heartbreaking but with the most heart warming ending 

crying buckets at the end 






Evening Frodo.


Hope your back will soon be easier, this is a bad time to have limited movement.


Fish never arrived, it had been sent, collected from the supplier, but it got lost on the way somehow by the courier.

I order from Here:


The fish used for curry is usually a solid type of fish like Monk Fish Tails or something that doesn't break up when cooked.





Good evening all



Hope you make it to your brothers ok but floods sound like a problem yet again, don't they?   Been raining non stop here today, the fields down our lane are flooded, and all the sheep were just standing directly facing the flood, just looking at it, as if puzzled by it.

We too have damp in this house, it has been a constant problem, so have to use de-humidifiers. LL tried to fix it with getting work done on roof, but as my hubby tried to tell LL, it was not the roof causing it.... but who are we, just thick tenants, so LL wouldn't listen, prefers to waste over Β£1000 getting a job done, that did nothing to stop the problem.   OH says it need re-rendering and treating.

Are we safe to relax now that Mayan calendar time has come and gone?



Sounds like we have all had the rain today.

What a shame your fish never turned up, but good job you had a bit of crab in for tea. Shame about your crunch toffee smelling the place out....but sounds like your OH was not a fan of it.   I bet the grandkids would of demolished it though. 



Sorry to hear your back is still bothering you. Hope it improves soon. I get rib pain at times and I find a TENS machine helps a lot, got it from Lloyds chemist, might be worth a try if it doesn't go soon, or if you haven't already got one.

Yes these floods are awful for some, It must be a nightmare to have your home flooded. I heard no trains are going further south than Taunton, and someone on radio said they were due to go to Cornwall for hols but holiday park had to close. So not good for travel industry as well.

Mum slowly getting over this cold, then hope I can sort meals on wheels for after Christmas.

By co-incidence my fave perfume is Victoria Beckhams one, and it has been for years.   It is really lovely. I too am a fan of hers, I read her book ages ago, so interesting.

What a lovely seasonal fairy piccie.


I collected my raffle prize from Pets R Us today and it was not animal related, as I thought it would be, it was a special pizza set... a stone slab to cook pizza on and a cutter and oil and cheese for pizza. So quite nice. 

Got to Morrisons about 8.30am for a few food things and it was really busy, even that early. Glad I got most of our food delivered by Asda yesterday.

Have a good evening all, think I will watch Jonathon Ross now.


Evening Mollie,


Not long till CBB now, we'll be back at work though then.


I've got some fish in the freezer, would have been nice to have the natural smoked Haddock though for some brekkies,

But it can't be helped.


I've got the second batch of crunchy toffee and some dark chocolate, will probably coat it or else the toffee becomes sticky.


Hi guys.
Sorry I didn't post yesterday but I was preoccupied.
I've discovered that my central heating boiler is leaking water.

I'd thought that my freezer was on the way out, because I'd noticed the carpet tiles underneath it were wet, and I assumed it was caused by condensation. I thought the boiler, which is next to the freezer was OK, because it seemed to be dry round it, and it's slightly higher up, the back kitchen floor slopes a bit (concrete floor under the carpet tiles).

However yesterday I realized there was too much water for it just to be condensation, and when I felt round the back of the boiler I found there was a pool of hot water. So the boiler must have been the cause all along.

So I've turned off the heating, because it seems to leak more when the boiler is working, and I've called the plumber, who is coming tomorrow morning.
Whether he'll be able to fix it tomorrow, or whether I'll have to do without heating till after Christmas is another matter, but I hope he'll at least be able to stop it leaking, so I don't have to turn the water off and drain the system.

I'm supposed to be going across to my Brother's tomorrow afternoon, but I'll wait and see what the plumber says. I guess I could turn off my water while I'm away.
What a blasted nuisance!

Hi Mollie. Glad your Mum is getting over her cold.
That pizza set sounds OK? Bet you'd rather it had been a puppy?
Yes, the damp in the hall is because the outside wall needs new pointing I think, When I took over the tenancy 3 years ago the landlady had someone come and do a bit of pointing, but not very thoroughly, and it didn't make much difference. Luckily the only bit of active damp is in the hall, next to the front door, but it's not a great welcome for visitors.

I bought the de-humidifier to dry that up, and also because I thought the problem in the back kitchen was down to condensation, but it seems I was wrong there. It'll be useful anyway, and it seems to suck up quite a lot of water from the air.
It's this one although I just bought it from a local shop.

Hi Frodo, I feel your pain with your back problem. (or rather, I don't at the moment thankfully).
I'm ambivalent about Victoria Beckham, me.

Hi Hicky. Another delivery gone astray? You're not having much luck.
Pity your OH didn't appreciate your skills for toffee.

No floods around here, but there is water on the roads. I'm going to take my sat nav with me when I go to my Bro's, just in case I need to divert because of flooded roads.


Good afternoon all


No Emptybox for a couple of days?  Hope you are ok Emptybox and are busy planning your few days away at your brothers.



Yes a shame you can't now have your smoked haddock, but good job you always have well stocked freezers. How did the toffee turn out?



hope your back problems are easing.


At last the rain stopped this morning. Quite a few roads flooded round here, and fields full of water, so many animals have been moved.Let's hope this flooding problem dies down a bit now.


Just came back from taking doggie a walk, she loved it as the weather was dry and we took her on the beach. Sea on high tide, so really rough, and the lifeboat door open at the ready, just incase. Although I like to see the sea like that, I hope  the lifeboat does not have to be called out in it.


Have a good day all. xxx


Oh there you are Emptybox, we posted together.   I was hoping it was not another problem keeping you away, but sorry to hear it was.  What a nuisance this heating problem has to happen at this time of year. Fingers crossed the plumber can fix it tomorrow, and he gets to you in good time, so you can set off to your brothers ok, but as you say, the only solution if he can't fix it, is to turn the water off before you go, at least you will be in the warm at your brothers for a few days. Can't believe it, can you? We discussed recently how it was lucky you needn't be worried about burst pipes this Christmas whilst you are away, as it is milder this year, then this happens.


Yes it is amazing how much water these dehumidifiers actually take up in one day. This house is terribly damp, and our last one was. Your dehumidifier looks similiar to ours, but we have had ours some years now, from when we used to live out in the valleys.

Good idea to take your sat nav incase of having to avoid floods.


Hope you don't feel too cold today.


Evening All.


Thats a blow Emptybox, you could do without leaks at this time of year.

Hope it's not too big a job to fix.

Hope you can get away to your Brothers anyway.


As far as the dehumidifier is concerned, doubt if you could get rid of the water in the air as the air is a constant of above 90% humid, so unless you stop air getting into the room it will be extracting water for ever.


I think O/H appreciated the skills of making the crunchy, she just doesn't to like crunchy.


I have since covered the pieces with the best dark chocolate and tested it on some family members, who love it.


I went to take back the Raspberry canes, no problem, got a Christmas card for O/H while there as well as 4 bags of J.I No. 3 and 3 bags of garden manure, some Sulphate of Ammonia and a couple rustic poles.


Not know what to give O/H for Chrimbo i thought i would enclose Β£100 cash in the card, turns out she doesn't need anything and gave me the cash back saying i need it more than her.


Have got plenty to do now in the garden if weather permits.


Hope your back isn't too bad Frodo, it's so debilitating when you can't sit or rest properly.


Hello all

thats bad news about your boiler emptybox I hope you can get It repaired quickly and without too much expense, I had that cavity wall insulation put in about three years ago as I had trouble with one of the bedrooms and the house seems warmer all round surely they can't leave you without heating in the winter and If the boilers leaking that will mean no water either Im really sorry about that  It makes my problems pale in at what your going through.Christmas as well .


I have my boiler .electric and water pipes all insured with British gas costs quite a bit they in turn sub contract the water pipes to Dyno rod .


Love the latest Advent Mollie I think Its my favourite LOL

Never stopped raining here Mollie but the things people are going through with this flooding Is terrible ,so even though Its a pain with wet animals 

constantly washing towels and blankets and changing covers every two minutes no chance of that round here.flooding I mean too hilly


That was nice of your OH to give you your money back Hicky  Mrs Hicky sounds lovely and you can always take her for a nice meal .


Toffee sounds good Hicky I love fudge often thought I'd like to try and make some .sorry your smoked Haddock didn't arrive .I love It myself specially If Its not the bright yellow stuff ,bought some ginger beer one of my favourite things and anything else that tastes of It crystallized or stem 

ginger love It 


      Off for now xxx






Evening Frodo.


I'm just off to bed.


The crunchy toffee is easy to make and doesn't need many ingredients but it has to be covered in chocolate as it gets too sticky without.


You didn't say how your back is, hope it isn't too bad though.


Don't know why they add the yellow stuff to the smoked fish, can't see it does anything for it.


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