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Morning all

sunny here but cold cold and more cold .


Another sad day for America yesterday defenceless children  to upsetting to say more


Profiterole cake sounds good Mollie I never thought of that but then I havn't seen one must Google It


Love the Shrek advent seen all the films  and the spin off Puss In Boots.


Nothing wrong with mince and tatties emptybox love them myself .


just eaten a cooked breakfast egg bacon and tomatoes ,fish and chips yesterday.



Didn't know you could sip heating oil emptybox (your words) your not an andrioid are you on the quiet  Spag Bol to-day?


Hello Hicky hope your getting your garden in order  not long now for CBB ..Is Christmas dinner at your house or are you going out?


speak to you later xxx




Hello again 

Googled that cake Mollie It looks scrumptious ,now I could eat some of that mm-mm

Looking forward to to-days advent too   like a kid at Christmas my family will say ''do not open that but I do ''I read a lot but almost always read the ending first  silly I know but that's how I am


I hope you are all well ,will you go away for Christmas emptybox or stay at home ?...see I love family and friends someone Is always here but I am happy with my own company ,but of course glad I met you folks,doing a few of the games on here (not very good ) but I love It.


The dogs have been squabbling  over chews they have a box of treats and snap if they think one is getting more LOL.


Wonder what you will get for your birthday Hicky so near to Xmas ,will you go out for a meal or celebrate with a takeaway ?


any hows enough of me bleating on ..can't wait for the end of The Killing to-night    sees you  x

Last edited by Former Member

Hi Frodo.

Been a bit milder here. No frost and a high of 7 degrees no less. Even a bit of sun.


Just had a 2 hour power cut. Just as it was getting dark. The power came on about 45 minutes ago. And then just a minute ago, it went off again for a couple of minutes. I'm beyond raging at the idiots at Scottish Power. It's not as if it's even windy, it's a calm, mild day.

And it's always the same when you ring up - a fault in the high voltage line.


It's set me back a bit, so my bolognese will be later than usual (that's if the power stays on). But I'm determined to enjoy my Saturday night. Luckily I've got a calor gas heater, so I kept warm and read by torchlight.


I just meant I'll be sparing with the heating oil Frodo.

I'm probably going to my Brother's for Christmas. He lives a couple of hours drive away




How annoying these constant power cuts much be for you. It is about time they sorted themselves out. Hope you do manage to spin that oil out until spring. I guess that depends on how cold the winter is this year? I bet you will really enjoy your sphag bol after having to wait longer for it.



at your mischief dogs fighting over a chewie. My dog loves her chewies. Our profiterole cake is currently defrosting. We got ours from Asda for ÂĢ3, I think quite  few supermarkets do them this Christmas. at you reading the ending of books first, now we now why you can't wait to see who the contestants are on reality shows before the shows start. So do you open most of your pressies before Christmas day? What did you have for tea today?  I had an M and S crispbake cheese and onion one with jacket potato and peas, followed by rhubarb tart and cream from Morrisons... and a few sweets from the tin of Heroes we bought for Christmas.... oh and a whole bag of Sensations Californian honey and salt oven roasted nuts for lunch...

at this rate, I will look like this before Christmas...

Hope Hicky managed to get into his garden today.

Our Christmas tree lights broke, (one of those trees with attached optic lights), but hubbie managed to go and buy a bulb to enable him to fix it, which was lucky, as didn't fancy forking out for a new one. 
We are looking forward to tomorrow, as we are going to the panto to see Sleeping Beauty with Joe Pasqule.   Can't wait, we love going to the pantos before Christmas. I always used to go to the panto as a child and apart from when we lived in Oz where they didn't have them, we have always gone with the family to one just before Christmas.

Have a good evening all.. not much on tv now no X factor, oh well... i will just have to eat some more sweets out of the tin.


Hi again Frodo and Mollie.


Forgot to say how terrible that shooting in the US was.


Also forgot to say that I got my little tree and tinsel up this afternoon.


Sounds you got all those Christmas goodies in a little too early Mollie? There'll be nothing left by the 25th?

Enjoy your panto tomorrow.


Are you going to go to the cinema to see the Hobbit Frodo? I think I'll just wait fot the DVD (or Blu-ray in my case).


I'm forcing meself to watch the Girls Aloud prog.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening All.


Got a bit of work done in the garden.

Was going to plant the currant bushes but there was some frozen sections in the tubs so will have to leave it for now.


Have been rearranging the veg area as i'm changing it to a Raspberry bed.

They grow quite tall so am setting up a support system to keep them from hanging over the slate path.


Enjoyed the dancing tonight.

Will be a shame to lose one tomorrow.


Emptybox, thats bad about another power cut.

At least you have your oil, better when your UPS is working though.


Yes Frodo, it's been warm here, well if you call 8deg warm.:d

No rain of wind anyway, and it forecast wind.


I had bacon and egg as well, mind you i pretty much always have bacon, love it so much.


As you say, not long till CBB, can't wait.

We are eating at mine this year, my lad and his lot will be here as well.


Last night we went for a meal with my lads children as he and his Mrs were going out with some work mates and staying in a hotel for the night in chester.

We were going to go to the Moby Dick but for some strange reason they are shut till after New year as it's getting a refurb.

We went to the Hungry Horse, had a good time and a good meal, baby was dipping the drinks spade into my glass of coke and sucking it off, and pinching my peas etc.


Mollie, love the advent pictures, so clever aren't they?


Hope you and your mum are geared up for Chrimbo, a lot of work for you


It looks like no rain here tomorrow either.

Only 9 days to Chrimbo anyway & 17 till CBB.



Morning all


LOL Hicky at the places you go to eat  Moby Dick , Hungry Horse

good names for you Hicks ...I won't say you seem to have the appetite of a horse no siree I sure wont say (i may think It though) 


Laugh at the 2yr old plate swapping sat next to a plate swapper many a time food being dunked in drinks (oh happy days)


Wasn't one of those places that you can eat all you want for a set price was It Hicky ,bet you would have eaten the place out 


Yes Mollie I have been known to open a pressie or two as soon as they are out the door.

 I hope you enjoy your panto of Sleeping Beauty    love It when the kids are shouting out  ''He's behind you'' Can see you and me being on a diet after Christmas Mollie cos I can't stop  you need more fuel though don't you this cold weather


HI emptybox whats for lunch to-day ? hope you got your power restored our water went off last night ..had the boiler on too they usually come round with that speaker thing when they do that ..stoopid people.


My series ended last night so got to know who the bad guy was.


My tree is only small but I have tinsel and lights around the fireplace

and thats me done ..

             anyhows see you all laterxx 


Wonder what the Advent will be to-day ..looking forward to It


Forgot to say emptybox no I wont go to the Cinema to see The Hobbit


I'm not keen on that when people are  rattling sweet papers and slurping iced cola and chomping popcorn  behind you.


Misery arn't I love a panto though 





Last edited by Former Member

Hi Frodo.

That's not good, them turning your water off? Hope you got it back on?


Another mild sunny day here. Hardly feels like Christmas. I'll have to do some work next week at this rate.


Was The Killing your series that ended? I saw that was finishing. Always meant to get into it, but never got round to it.

Homeland on tonight.


Bought some extra stuff at the supermarket this afternoon. Some wine to take to my Brother's, and some chocolates for the nephews, and some nuts for me, so the bill was more than usual.

Lunch today Frodo? A cheese and onion pasty, with plenty of HP sauce.  


....Hello emptybox

just had a look at the video .not to keen on the song ..what do you think

the lighting Is very off putting doubt It will go to number 1,although he did have a lot of fans(I wasn't one)


Yes It was The Killing 3..... 10 hours all together sub titled ,Saturday night BBC4  they almost always have a foreign detective series on ,I prefer the Swedish Wallander to our version the only thing Is you cant take your eyes away for a moment I tape It.


What kind of music do you like emptybox ? I'm going to watch Grand Hotel on Sky Arts 2 at 8pm thats sub titled too ,but Its been really good


see you later 


Ahh are your nephews young emptybox ? Its good fun around children at Christmas 


I like guitar based rock music Frodo.

I was a teenager in the seventies, so I like all the old bands like Thin Lizzy, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath etc. Still listen to all that.

My favourite at the mo is an American guitarist called Joe Satriani.


The nephews are teenagers (17 and 14), so more interested in playing Xbox in their rooms than in doing any family stuff.
They might deign to come down and join in with the Xmas meal, but even that's not a given.  

I'm giving them chocolates so they've got something to open, but the main present is cold, hard cash.  

Last edited by emptybox

Evening All.


Not done much today, went for brekkie with O/H and my lad with his lot.


Ground too cold to plant Currant bushes.


Thats a great name Frodo, Hungry Horse, i had a great Sirloin Steak anyway.

No, it wasn't an eat all you can place.


I saw that Video f Jay & Louise Emptybox, not impressed, the editing for a start is awful, same as most these days, a series of 2 second clips strung together.


I knew who was leaving the dancing as it was on a spoiler thread on DS.

I assumed Lisa would go, the others are really too good.


I  watched the Girls aloud program, not too bad.


Not much on tonight.


Hope Mollie and her Mum are ok this weekend.




Evening Hicky emptybox

Its really good Grand Hotel murder mystery period drama all set inside this large hotel.


Yes I can see why you like Joe Satriani been watching It .

 Grounds very hard here too Hicky and Its cold are we comimg up to the shortest night around 20th December?


I hope Mollie has enjoyed her panto I look forward to hearing about It.


see you to-morrow night all 


Good evening all


Glad you enjoyed the Hungry Horse... aaww that little baby is such a little character, isn't he?   You will have a nice busy household with them coming over to you this year.



Glad to hear you have put your sweet little tree and tinsel up. Now we really know Christmas is just round the corner.

Your brother will be pleased to see you as you come bearing wine,  and also choc for the boys, along with their cold hard cash. That cold, hard cash bit really made me LOL... ...



You are dead right Fredo, I will be on a starvation diet after Christmas, as I can't resist trying these special treats in the shops right now.   That is bad, them turning your water off, how long was it off for?


Well am back from the panto, and it was just brilliant, so funny, the best we have seen. Jo Pascalli was a natural for panto, very quick witted and so funny, his fellow actors were finding it so hard to hide their laughter at him. We all enjoyed it, great costumes and scenery too. Nearly a full house too.   We shared a big bag of Maltesers and some Rolos and had a yummy ice cream in the interval.   well.... you just have to, don't you if you are at the panto.   And yes, Freddo we did have the predictable shouts of "he's behind you!"..LOL

Then after it, we walked round Winter Wonderland, there was lots of people skating at the lovely outdoor ice rink, and on fair rides, one of them is really high up, my excuse not to go this was that it was too cold. There was also a slide made out of ice. Hubbie won me a soft bright yellow duck on hook the Santa and daughter won a blue snake when she hooked the penguin.


Goodnight all. xxx


Hello all

I've been watching Great Expectations the old version with John Mills 


Glad you enjoyed your panto Mollie ....Maltesers not had any for ages must make a note to buy some .


ITV have taken some good programmes off for the festive season and replaced them with some rubbish ..House of Elliott tor one on Itv 3 no explanation in the middle of a series  too


They missed two episodes of another series the other week so I rang and asked whythe answer was they will show them next year 


It says on sky news that offcom are investigating I A Celebrity.because of Kiki ..Charlie Brooks daughter.


Winter Wonderland sounds good Mollie what Is It a winter fair?


I hope Hicky Is enjoying his birthday knowing his delight at the laydees I sent him a greeting of one and here's a little tune 


see you later




This is the story of Grand Hotel that I watch I thought It was Italian but Its Spanish  (shows how ignorant I am about languages)   Its half way through now ..but they will show It again ..they always do Its been brilliant




I hope you are all ok  two programmes I want to watch to-night 

I inside Claridges and Bad Santas


just had cheese and onion crispbakes with rice and peas then a cornetto 

I may break into the Roses later or ??



Good evening all


what have you been up to today? Too wet/cold to do gardens, so are you doing your techy stuff? Or paperwork?



LOL at you making a note to buy Matlesers as soon as I mention them.   You are as bad as me, every time HIcky says he has fish and chips or something else nice to eat, I fancy it too.   We have bought a tin of Roses too, so think I need to sample a few tonight, seeing as you are too. Yes I am glad to see we have Claridges and Bad Santa tonight, I will watch one of them on plus one. And at the same time it is part 2 of the drama I enjoyed last week on itv called The Poison Tree. All good shows on at same time, will have to make use of plus 1 and record tonight I think,   Not complaining though, better than having nothing good on at all.


Wonder if Hicky has gone out for tea tonight?

hope he is having a good evening. x


Lucky we had some dry spells inbetween the heavy showers, so I was able to take doggie out a nice walk with the family.


Good Evening All.


Thanks you all for the Birthday Wishes and music and pictures and cakes, fantastic.


Was in a lot of traffic on the home from work, then my lad called round with his lot to bring me some cards and a present.


I then made a curry because it was too late to go out for a meal

Have been replying on Facebook to so many messages.


Just watching Claridges, 65 Chefs and 70 waiters for this occasion.


Evening all.

Very misty and damp here today.


Went into town to do some banking, and my UPS came. It's a big heavy old thing, but I guess it has to be, with the battery?

It says it should be charged for 16 hours before you connect anything to it for the first time, but it seems to be OK.

It was brand new and unopened, so the warranty should be fine, even though I bought it on Ebay. The same unit is ÂĢ75 on Amazon, and I paid ÂĢ59, so I saved a wee bit.


Glad you got some cards and a present Hicky.

I forgot to wish my Bro Happy Birthday, when I was on the phone to him yesterday, but I sent him a card anyway.

Didn't watch any of those things you guys are watching.

Watched Stephen Fry then a show on BBC1 Scotland on whisky (wasn't on in England), now I'm watching Charlie Church on 'Have I Got News for You'. Usually hate that prog, but I'll make an exception for Charlie.


Hi Frodo. Why is ofcom investigating IAC? Is it something to do with the wee lassie being behind a door, but not able to see her Mum?
I think that girl in your first pic must be cold? Her lips are blue.

Thanks for the advent pic Mollie.

I don't fancy Santa's chances of getting down many chimneys after going round and round on that thing? He already looks a bit giddy.


Hello all

Laptop started playing up this morning .all I did was clear the browsing history well I tried to and a blank tab came up and then It started playing up  


I had no other choice than to let the battery run out ,It decided to come back on around 3pm .I had to move It to another room in case I kicked It around.


Yes emptybox the offcom on I'm A Celebrity Is over Kiki but from what I can gather Charlie's mum ...her grandma gave permission to go on the programme .


I have been watching a film on the telly The Resident quite scary Hilary Swank was in It.


Week to-day for Christmas day sometimes the anticipation Is better than the event If you get what I mean


Sad about Peter Andre's brother I thought he was responding to treatment just before Christmas too.


Fancy forgetting to wish your own brother happy birthday emptybox(just like a man)


Googled Winter Wonderland Mollie looks good that big wheel or whatever Its called looks scary ,but then I cant stand heights ..If a film is showing I have to switch over cos more often than not there's always fighting on a high building ,makes me go dizzy 


gonna love you and leave you for the time being cos I don't trust this thing (laptop)


bye for now 





glad the family came to visit with some cards and a pressie for your birthday, and that you had plenty of facebook birthday messages.



that is good you saved a bit on your UPS.

Fancy you forgetting to wish your brother a happy Birthday on the phone, even after you had remembered to send him a card.

at the giddy Santa.



sorry the lappy is playing up again. I need to replace my sellotape yet again as mine is going on and off again.   Hope your lappy starts behaving itself soon. 

They replaced the big wheel with a very high chair ride at Winter wonderland but no way was I going on that.


Nice day here today, so doggie got good walk down seafront and me and the kids got to drink hot choc at seafront cafe.


Part 2 of Bad Santa last night, I enjoyed it last night. Anyone else watch it?


have a good evening all xxx





Very misty here today.


Pity about your laptop Frodo.

Oh was that Peter Andre's brother? I heard an Andre had died, but wasn't sure who he was.


Hi Mollie. Glad it was nice for your walk on the seafront.

I had it in my mind to wish my bro Happy Birthday not half an hour before he phoned, but it went out of my head.


Got my UPS set up and working.

I've got my computer, monitor, router, telephone and 2 external hard drives plugged in.

I turned everything on and then turned off at the plug, and everything kept on running fine. I left the power off for 2 minutes, and it was reporting there was still 10 minutes of battery power left, so it should be well capable of seeing me through the short power cuts.


Morning all

Rain rain and more of It looks like a wet Christmas for us ,don't know about you emptybox be a lot colder for you.


Yes I was disappointed at the laptop kicking off I was still am hoping It will last a little longer,when I got rid of that babylon thing all my settings were altered too ,I only noticed that by chance.


Glad you are sorted for your short power cuts emptybox they happen often? It must be so frustrating.


I keep trying all the games on here I sometimes make mistakes though I love puzzles  but I'm rubbish at the cryptic clue crosswords


must go parcel just arrived be back later.







Last edited by Former Member


Bruce Jones and Wendi Peters

Corrie stars Bruce Jones and Wendi Peters -perhaps better known as their characters Les and Cilla Battersby – are set to make a TV comeback on the show.

The acting duo both quit the soap back in 2007, but CBB bosses are hoping to reunite them in the Celeb Big Bro house.

A TV source told the Daily Mirror recently: “If they sign up, it will be a real coup as there are at least 10 million Corrie fanatics out there who will immediately be interested in watching.”

Read more:               

I hope this is true cos I think Bruce Jones Is great 





yes sadly it was Peter Andre's brother who died. He had been fighting cancer for some time, he was only 51.   Pete had flown him over here some time ago from Australia to get the best treatment available for him, and Pete had work done to his own house, so his brother and family could stay with him.

Glad to hear you are now fully set up in case of short power cuts, fingers crossed they don't opt for any long ones now.


Rain, rain and rain here too today Fredo. Hope you are pleased with the parcel presents for friends/family. We too have made good use of delivery via internet for Christmas gifts. Doggie is firmly curled up in her basket today and has been all day so far, as if to tell me "no way am I going out walking in this weather!"....Have your dogs been out yet today?


Yes I had accidentally read about 2 Corrie stars possibly being on CBB, I used to love them in Corrie, but I wish these papers wouldn't tell us who they think is going in the CBB house because it spoils the anticipation of the opening night. I'd rather not know until the night. (although I know the newspapers are often wrong). Didn't read your link though in case they give more names of who is going in.

It is great to think that CBB will be on so soon after Christmas, isn't it?


Are you busy wrapping up your gifts now that came today Fredo? I have been doing some wrapping today.


Wonder if HIcky is working today?  sometimes he can't get on here from work.


Have a good day all. xxx


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