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Good evening all



Oh dear, that is a pity about the stinky meat, good job you had plenty of other supplies to hand though. I love cauliflower cheese. Sounds like you have been doing your homework on the raspberries and currants. Do you plan to grow those very big blackcurrants?



It took me a couple of attempts too to work out the John Lewis snowman story. Very clever ad it is.

Oh no.....not another power cut!  You certainly seem to get your fair share of them. Good job you managed to work out the router problem though.

I agree, X factor good, but it should of been Ella taking the crown. I think however we will see more of her as time goes on. Such a great talent for someone so young.



good for you, off to M and S for a few treats. I really like their treats, shame the nearest M and S to us is about 25 miles away though.

What did you get from there? Give me some ideas for when we next go there. Glad you like it here, as you probably guessed, we do too.  But don't worry if they did have to close here, us 3 (and you) would meet up somewhere else, we did when C4 closed and we moved here.

Yes Emptybox himself has a great sense of humour, so knows we only do stuff in good fun, and good for him with his double cuffs.

I like some of the stinky cheeses too, especially with French stick, cranberry sauce and mayo. I like cananbert, and some bries like that. Is the stilton you mention the blue one? I must admit I can't eat the blue ones though. I also like goats cheese, especially on pizzas.


Really cold here too. Had a lovely walk with dog down seafront mid afternoon and it was lovely and sunny and warm enough to sit and have a latte at outdoor cafe. But as sun sank down, it got very cold and when I got home it was showing minus 1 and that was before 4pm!

No complaints from me though prefer the cold and sunny days to damp mild ones. And my washing dried well outdoors too.


Claridges on again at 9pm on bbc2, enjoyed that last week, also a 2 part thriller on itv at 9pm. And my fave Corrie is on twice tonight, so plenty to watch tonight.


have a good evening all xxx


Aww Mollie can't you put that advent on this page I love It

 Mollie I have sort of a welsh dresser in my kitchen Its old been passed down but I love Its dark wood and aged and I love It .


Packed to the brim with goodies tins and boxes that have been bought thro' these last few months (I'm not rich dont go out much or smoke.... drink now and again well more now)bought biscuits sweet and cheese 

party treats for the freezer ..Turkey Crown..Beef ..loads of those crispy bakes.I'd hate to think anyone would think I'm bragging Its been bought over yonks of time


Boilers on the blink gone off to-night so must get them out to-morrow I have my water pipes electric and gas boiler all insured by British gas ..


Hope your little dog and bunny are well Mollie ..mine like yours are part and parcel of the family ..I cook them sausages after their trek in a morning


     Bye for now xx



Mostly rain and sleet today with a little bit of sun.

Back to well below zero tonight.


Hi Frodo. I love strong cheese as well. I always have some ripe brie on a saturday after my spaghetti (another tradition ), but I like the blue stuff as well.

That's bad timing about your boiler breaking down. Hope you get it sorted tomorrow.


Hi Mollie. I didn't really like the Claridges prog last week, so I gave it a miss. Watched Stephen Fry:Gadget Man, then Mr & Mrs Smith film.


Spent the day faffing about with my 11 year old Dell computer. I've put a lightweight version of Linux on it called "Crunchbang". I think that's what the Americans call the symbols #!. Runs much smoother than XP on the old girl anyway.


Good Afternoon All.


Jolly chilly here today.

Much frosty on the ground.


Not a lot on the TV last night, started to watch 'Catwoman' on C5 late on, Halle Berry, then couldn't stop.


Took my car in just before, they said they should get the bearing this afternoon and might get the time to fit it.

Hope so.


Here's a nice little Ducky for you.


Hope you Mum is OK Mollie, and you and your lot of course.


I watch Stephen Fry myself Emptybox, he's ok.


Hope your Boiler is working again Frodo, you need it this weather.


Hi Hicky.


Yeah I watched Catwoman last night as well. Especially the final scene of her walking away from us over the rooftops. Very moving.


Hope you get your car fixed today. And enjoy your mealworms.
Thanks for the pic of your house with Xmas lights. I think you may have someone locked in an upstairs room? They're trying to attract your attention at the window.


Hope you managed to get someone in to see about your boiler Frodo? Not the weather to be without your heating?


Very frosty all day here. I went into town to post off some of my Christmas cards and to get a few things, and even with fleece, woolly hat and gloves I was frozen.

No idea what's on telly tonight, but I've got recordings to catch up on anyway.

Going to have chicken in a Spanish style tomato sauce tonight.  


Hello all 

boiler started this morning without a problem ..Im due for a service soon so thats that sorted .


Loved the house lights Hicky very pretty ,yes I saw someone in an upstairs

window too nice house Hicky .


Cant find much on the telly either ,so I'll resort to recordings Its been really cold here and frosty .


Who put the lights up outside Hicky and where do they plug in ..not long to wait now for CBB  not that I'm wishing Christmas away but I'm looking forward to It


I wish they would cancel bit on the side and give us an extra hour to watch tho' .


Pasta for tea to-day feeling a little peckish  so I'm off to get a sandwich


I hope  Mollie is well and her mum is ok 

see you all to-morrow xx


Evening Frodo & Emptybox.


My snowman takes pride of place, it's really for the little ones who pass the house coming home from school, the school is at the end of the road.

The snowman is a bit bright with over 100 LEDS.


They put the new bearing on the car, think you should get the 2 front done together really.

Cost me ÂĢ125


My lad put the lights up, we have a set up every year, we don't take them down, they stay up, they plug in through a a side window by the snowman, you just run the wire through the window and close it gently.


Didn't have any exciting food today, normal bacon brekkie, later had a pack of brown shrimps on fresh bread and butter, later had a tin of soupl after that half a big pork pie, then a bowl of apple pie with double cream followed by a bowl of olives with feta chease, followed by a tube of smarties.


Work tomorrow.


Had frost and sun all day.

Too cold to plant Raspberry canes and currant bushes.


My vines have been posted


A few nice pics of Louise.










of course we don' t think you are bragging. I really think it is great to have a few treats over Christmas. We do too. Our cupboard is overflowing with chocs, and savoury treats that I have bought over last few weeks...., a few are missing though like the box of Cadbury biccies because we couldn't resist opening them and eating them all before Christmas.

Glad your boiler started alright, good idea to have it insured.



I bet those big blackcurrants will be lovely when ready.

Yes 404 staff, that is certainly a big payroll for a hotel.

I bet cheese sauce with breaded cod was yummy, I never thought of doing that. Your house looks so pretty all lit up.I love the snowman in the window, brilliant.

at Emptybox pointing out you have someone locked in upstairs, trying to get your attention.



It has been frosty here all day too, which is unusual for this far south. Currently showing minus 6 for here, feels like minus 10, according to

Hope you enjoyed your Spanish chicken.You sound well organised if you have sent some of your cards already. I have't sent any of my UK ones, last week I concentrated on getting off my abroad ones, which have all gone now. Will make a start on UK ones tomorrow.


My mum has had a cold this week, she has not been out, so one of the carers must of bought it in. Thankfully she says it seems to be drying up a little now, but she told me not to go over, as she doesn't want to pass it on to me. I will go tomorrow but just quickly drop her some food off. At least her flat is nice and warm for her though.

Been busy today, as son did his first live performance to an audience at college today. He was nervous but did well. I enjoyed most of the youngsters and their bands, but some of them were very loud. (showing my age?)

Good evening to go out I think it was because there was not much I missed on tv.

When I was rushing to get ready to go out today, I knocked a bottle of TCP  on the bathroom floor and broke the lid and it all spilt out and over my foot. Have washed the floor 3 times and it still stinks, and I had a shower, but can still smell TCP on myself.   That will teach me to rush around. My carelessness meant it took me longer to get ready.


Goodnight all xxx



Hi Hicky. Glad you got your wheel bearings sorted.
The ground was frozen here all day, so not the time for planting rasps really.

Hi Mollie. Those biccies proved too tempting eh?
I haven't done all my cards yet. I'm holding some back in the hope that the people don't send me one, so I don't have to send them one. Not very 'christmassy'?

Well done to your son.

Hi Frodo. The Babylon toolbar and search engine is something that gets downloaded with some other software. It's not dangerous but annoying and difficult to get rid of. I wouldn't use it to search with, as it's results are suspect.
Here's a thread with loads of suggestions on how to get rid of it.


Morning all

Its so cold here todayWinter graphics

the ground Is white and hard,I know about TCP Mollie one of the hardest pongs to get rid of  


I hope your mum Is feeling better that's the last thing she needs a cold .


Same as you with cards emptybox  one of my pet hates that and wrapping up presents.


will speak later off to get a warm drink





yes I am sure all the littlies love to see your snowman on their way home from school. Hope your car will be ok now they have done the work on it.

Sounds like you ate quite well, even though you said yesterday's food wasn't exciting.



that Christmas card plan of yours is so funny... but clever too, because they might be doing the same trick, then that saves both parties sending cards they don't really want to send.



that Babylon thing sounds a nuisance, hope Emptybox's techy advice helps sort the problem out for you.


I am sick of this TCP pong. I have now cleaned the bathroom floor 5 times with every cleaner known to man, even tried bicarb and white vinegar and you can still smell it!!   The window is open and it is freezing in there, think it is not quite so strong now, but wish it would go away.


Very cold here too today, didn't go above freezing all day today.

But we had a lovely walk down the seafront and a nice thick hot choc to warm us up.   The dog loves a walk in the dry cold weather, shame the forecasters say rain is on the way again.  


The programme on C5 at 9pm looks interesting, an old neighbour of mine in Oz had done this long, long rail journey from Adelaide (where we used to live) up to Darwin, all 2000 miles of it!


Have a good evening. xxx



Hello all


Mollie that's uncanny for the Reindeer Advent all the  12 mins past 12 on the 12 Dec 2012..I've enjoyed them all.


Can't find anything to watch again so I may have to resort to some recordings .


Spanish style chicken sounds good emptybox is It complicated? sounds lovely ..Oxfam took quite a few of The Good food Magazines they are like new never used ..when you are on the internet and recipes at your fingertips  not worth buying them at ÂĢ3 a go over 60 of them as well.

Lovely photos for you  and emptybox Hicky.... very pretty girl, to be honest I didn't think they would last this long to-gether 


Does anyone one like Christmas cake or pud  ?not keen myself so perhaps a thick cheese cake or a big cream cake instead for me 


What a dogs life here they are and the moggie stretched out hogging all the best places little tums full and all is well in their world 


Oh  before I go little photo for you emptybox speak later  xx







i love the Christmas penguin piccie for Emptybox.

I have some penguin stickers that I have been sticking onto the back of my Christmas card envelopes, that I am posting out.

I too will pass on the Christmas pud, mince pies and Christmas cake, but I will share the cheesecake and cream cakes with you.


I am watching a show called Weight Loss ward, it is scary how they are now getting 30 new very obese patients a week there. It is in Sunderland, not an area I know at all. They seem to be binge eaters though.


But as they say, a bit of what you fancy does you good, so I won't say no to a nice cake each day as a treat.


It is a dogs life here too, little black fluffy doggie, belly all nicely full of chicken breast, peas and rice, and fast asleep sprawled on the best spot on the sofa, on her fave blanket and a velvet cushion.


Hello Mollie


can't help smiling about the pong..I know I  shouldn't can't think of anything worse to hide the pong  of TCP  have you tried to Google It

I have some in the bathroom now .


I meant to congratulate you on your son ..apart from some of It being loud where you a bit teary I always go to bits at anything like that.


Yes I got rid of babylon but I had to go to youtube where they show you 

reading about thing to do with the laptop goes over my head.


I lost all my bookmarks but I had a lot on IE so was able to copy some.


Cold here folks showered changed this morning back into some clean jammies and shall do the same to-night


Got most of the things in now funnily enough not touched the Roses chocs

and I have two tins of those been eating the Haribo's tho' I love kids sweets .liquorice shoelaces are a fav jars of kiddies sweets too


Seem to have lost my spell checker must go find It 


  love to all




I can see your doggies are as pampered as mine.

Don't blame you at the TCP , it was a silly thing to do, but I am a clumbsy thing. That was a good idea to google it, Interestingly, I saw someone else couldn't get it off their jeans after many washes. They suggested vinegar and bicarb, so think I will give that another go, and chuck plenty of that over the floor before I go to bed.


Good job you managed to copy some of your bookmarks. I am useless with techy stuff too, but luckily Hicky and Emptybox are full of good techy advice.

I like the mouse on the swing.

Goodnight all xxx



Very very frosty today but dry.


Glad you got rid of the rogue toolbar Frodo.

I use Google Chrome as my browser; you can sync your bookmarks over multiple computers.

Thanks for the penguin pic. Very much like mine. Mine is 'Tux' the Linux mascot.

The spanish chicken is very easy as it's just sauce out of a jar. You didn't think I made it meself, did you?


I love Christmas cake and Christmas pud and mince pies come to that.


Hi Mollie. At least the TCP will keep the germs away.

Glad you and dog enjoyed your seaside walk.

I watched the Chris Tarrant thing about the Aussie railway, now I'm watching The Expendables film.


Hello all

annoying innit when your answering posts and It covers what you want to answer?

I use Google Chrome emptybox to you and Hicky who are techno minded 

passing bookmarks over comes easy... for me It is confusing ..I had some little gems on them as well

but I would rather be rid of that babylon thing.


I have this thing  in a morning (been up yonks ) things must be done in order ..but I'm chillin instead .


 Mollie Its roo and here's piglet too    

Brrrrr cold to-day all white and frosty ..hope your mum is getting better Mollie   love to you Hicky and emptybox ..going for another cuppa 

see you later xx   hope your TCP is smell is fading

Last edited by Former Member



your birthday on Monday aaah did you always get your presents linked to-gether December 17th  nearly a Christmas baby 



    speak later   xx                   




Last edited by Former Member

Hi Frodo.

Everything is white with frost here as well. But at least it's sunny.


To sync bookmarks on Chrome open a new blank tab, and there should be the option, near the top right, to sign in or sign up to google.

You can use an existing Gmail address and password, or a Hotmail address or MSN address, or you can sign up for a new one.

Google then saves your bookmarks, and if you subsequently lose them, or set up Chrome on a new computer, you just sign in and all your bookmarks are restored.


Of course some might not like the idea of Google saving their bookmarks in the cloud. And if you've got untidy bookmarks on one computer, then you'll have untidy bookmarks on all your computers But I find it useful. Even works on the browser on my android tablet.


Gonna iron some duvet covers and pillow cases later


Evening All.


Pretty chilly here today again.

Won't be planting much just yet.


My new vines came, might order 2 more as well.


The missing saw blade that was posted 4 months ago arrived yesterday.

Have sent it back, least i could do.


With watching video's i have realised that i bought the wrong Raspberry plants.

Didn't realise there was 2 different types of plants anyway, thought there was just different type of Raspberry.

It works out there are 2 types of plant, Summer and Autumn fruiting, the pruning etc is completely different.

The ones i bought are Summer Fruiting, but the fruit only comes on the previous years growth.

Will buy the right ones this time.

You can get 2.5kg off each plant.


I had brekkie at Morrison's, was out posting the saw blade and had to go for my Meds so thought I'd eat out.


Boss gave me a litre bottle of Whisky & Vodka, we don't drink so will give them away.


Love all your pictures, only 11 days to Chrimbo and 20 to CBB.


Just had a bowl of soup and got 2 Duck Legs in the oven.

I don't have anything with them though, just slice the meat off first then pick the bone up and eat whats left.


There is so much illness about at the moment Mollie, your Mum is lucky if she has driven it away.


Not sure about hiding the TCP smell, you would need something stronger, but something that you can remove when you want.


Young Apprentice tonight after a few earlier programs.

Last edited by Hicky

Hello Hicks


good to hear from you   wow giving the Spirits away why not to family 

party party for them and their friends or giving one yourself I'm sure from what I've gathered on here these last months love your female piccies but are a lovely family man .


If someone offered me a large bottle of plonk great  I like to have the hard stuff in at Christmas don't indulge ..but love your food  lucky you  that you eat so much and stay slim   (I'm jellus)


Pity I love both


Watching BB9 where Jennifer has just been evicted and the three newbies are coming in ....just cant believe how much Marcus has exaggerated his accent for the Channel 5 series 


hope the ironing goes well emptybox (no shame in that ) I'm lazy.


Hello Mollie hope you are well and your mum is too lost most of my fav songs but this Is Izzy his wake scattering his ashes ..a celebration


Evening Frodo and Hicky.
The frost stayed all day and it's below zero again tonight.


That was generous of your boss Hicky. Pity you don't indulge.

Why do you not want the summer fruiting rasps? They're the kind I've always dealt with. I suppose they are trickier to prune, because you have to leave about 5 new stems on each plant for them to fruit on next year, whereas with the autumn varieties you prune to the ground after harvest.


Bought a UPS on Ebay for ÂĢ60. It's an APC brand at 550VA. It has 8 sockets, 4 of them with battery backup and the other 4 surge only. It'll probably come next week.

Hopefully I'll connect computer, monitor, router and phone into the battery sockets, and it'll have enough battery power to allow them to ride out the one or two minute power cuts that are so common here.

It's about the same price I paid for the router, so relatively expensive, but hopefully it'll be worth it if it stops damage to some of my equipment.

That's strange, your saw blade turning up after 4 months Hicky?

Hi Frodo.

Much as I like BB I don't think I could be bothered sitting through the series again, even the one that Ash was in.

Mind you, I very rarely read books or watch films twice either. Can listen to music over and over again though.

That's an interesting video. Who was the fellow in it?

Not much on telly again. I watched the World's Strongest Man on 5, then a thing on BBC1 about people being evicted due to the economic crisis. 

Last edited by emptybox


4 months, that is some slow delivery. Shame you got your raspberries mixed up, sounds like there is a lot to learn in the front growing game.

That was nice of your boss, pity it is on no use to you though, oh well I am sure you will find someone who does enjoy them.



what a nice pic of Roo and Piglet.

Hope you have said a goodbye to Babylon by now.



oh heck you make me feel lazy too, I never iron the duvets, would take me forever to iron 5 or 6 of them though. (I do mum's washing as well as us 5's too). Hope you are happy with your latest EBay purchase.

Yes agree, tv not much good tonight.


I did a bit of a shop whilst son was having guitar lesson, got a big cake for Christmas, a profiterole one.

cold here too today, but unfortuntely the rains are due tomorrow, this week it has been so nice to be dry and cool for a change.


Goodnight all. xxx




Morning /Afternoon again 


Brrrr cold again very  black ice on the road earlier on ..I've got some bags of bird seed poor little things not much around for them in this weather.


Love the week-end hope you are all well , I only watch old BBs once in a blue moon emptybox   just a bit of nostalgia .


Hope you are all well ...speak later xx

Last edited by Former Member

Good Afternoon All.


The frost has turned to Rain today.

Hasn't stopped yet, not that  can do much.


Have ordered a couple more vines and some Raspberry canes, Autumn fruiting type Joan J, the best as far as i can see,


Emptybox. with the summer fruiting canes you lose a year as they fruit the next year, also you have to prune the old canes and not the new ones, can't be bothered messing with them.


Glad your getting a UPS, we use one at work, you only need to plug into the battery backup sockets if the device your protecting has data that you don't want to lose.

The less you have using the backup the longer the backup will last if the supply is off.

550va is 330watt, approx 1.4A


Love all the pictures.


O/H came in before with a massive frozen turkey, i could have put a harness on it.





Aaaww at the cat videos. Very clever they are.

Started off cold here today, but got milder, but didn't feel it when I went out to post office in the horrible wind and rain. Doggie didn't want to go out at all today.



See you too had the rains today.

HOpe you are pleased with your vines.

at your OH coming home with such a huge turkey.



how has your day gone?  Have you been playing with your pc's again?


Watched double Corrie tonight then Idiot Abroad in China, it was very funny.


have a good evening all. xxx

weekend at last.


Evening all.


Cats and dogs Frodo? Or is that a dancing polar bear?

Anyway, by sheer co-incidence, it's been raining cats and dogs here today.

Started out quite frosty, by the rain got rid of that. Still very cold though, and the ground is still rock solid.


Had a delivery of heating oil this morning. Hopefully that'll see me through till Spring, if I only sip at it.


A profiterole cake sound good Mollie. Can't beat a rich fruit cake with icing though.

Yes, being playing with computers again.


Hi Hicky. It's not so much data loss I'm worried about. More that things get damaged by the power going off. Also the phone get's reset every time, and I have to set up the day and date and the number of rings before the answer-phone kicks in. It's a blasted nuisance.

If this UPS is a success I might think of getting more for my other set-ups. I'll have to see, but they're not cheap.


Watched the North Pole Ice Airport on 5 then a thing on BBC2 Scotland about the Vikings.


Mince, tatties and carrots tonight.

Last edited by emptybox

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