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Celebrity Big Brother 2013The new winter series of Celebrity Big Brother will begin on Thursday January 3rd at 9pm, Channel 5 has confirmed today.


Brian Dowling returns to present the two hour launch show, as a new crop of famous faces enter the house for the very first time.

Spin-off show Big Brother’s Bit On The Side follows at 11.00pm, featuring host Emma Willis discussing the new housemates with a celeb panel and rowdy studio audience.

The first highlights show airs at 9.00pm the next night, followed by 30 minutes of live streaming at 11.00pm.

Stars rumoured to be taking part include media personality Katie Price, β€˜Bat Out Of Hell’ singer Meat Loaf and politician John Prescott.

Recently eliminated X Factor contestant Rylan Clark has also been linked to the show, although he is committed to the talent contest’s live tour, which begins at the end of January.

It will be the fourth series of Celebrity Big Brother to be broadcast on Channel 5 since it begun airing the show last August.


Afternoon all copied this from Telly Mix,


I would love to see Boy George go in the house Nancy Dell'olio and Aisleyne to name a few.


Cold brrrrr here to-day icy roads ,so you folks further north must be putting up with worse than this 

Ive been watching the removal men on Channel 5 Its on around 11-10 am every morning perhaps Its repeats Mollie enjoying It anyways.
Hickyness must be catching all I think about is food (must be this cold weather)
hope you are all well speak later xx
Last edited by Former Member




wonder if you have had more snow, no sign of any as usual here, but it is currently minus 2. I walked down seafront and it was very cold, but beautiful with the sun setting over the sea, so I just had to stop and buy a yummy hot chocolate.

Yes austerity day, but funny how austerity never seems to hit MP's, bankers and other rich execs isn't it, they just get richer in recessions

Glad you are getting on well with your Dell jobs.



I too enjoyed superscrimpers, I must try that vaseline thing on my hair, I spend a fortune on those hair taming mousses.

Did you take the dogs out today, I certainly needed my gloves on today, as my hands can get cold clinging onto the lead in this weather. The doggie loves walking in the cold clear weather, but hates the damp and rain.



work or garden day today?


Looking forward to see IAC programme tonight, I enjoy seeing the rest of their families and the food ten,  and seeing what they think about what others have said about them.

Think I will watch that new drama on itv after it.


took mums food today and she said she would have her cooked dinner, so gave it her, then she said "why have you given me this, I don't want it"...I told her she said she did want it, but she said she had said she wanted the pudding, which she hadn't. Lucky the physio was there and told her she did say she wanted the dinner, so she had better eat it. Hard work it is at times. But at least we got her to eat some of it. Physio was able to tell her  today that meals on wheels were best for her, so hopefully that will help in my battle to get her to eat.


Have a good day all.

Posted my Ozzie cards today.

Now just my UK ones to do, but plenty of time for that.








Hello Mollie


Cheese pie chips and tomatoes for tea/supper  and a Cadburys  chocolate caramel ice lolly  for afters(the lollies where on offer).


The removal men have loads of patience someone was moving back down to Scotland to-day ..the house she lived in was enormous and twice she went in the van cos she wanted things back out..right at the back as well 


I'm looking forward to IAC I'm going to tape It as well ,yes the dogs have been out they are now arguing about who has the biggest chew ..snapping at each other.


It would be great if your mum had meals on wheels Mollie give you that break you need..and I can tell your very caring, but It would take some of the stress away  you need to take care of you for a while.


Quite a few people are having to move around here something to do with the council making them go in to smaller places.


Yes I agree about the MPs they don't know how the other half lives ..not many jobs around here anyways.


Love to-days Santa ,I've put the tree up fairy lights and some garlands and thats me done


ta ta for now xx 

Originally Posted by frodo:

The tussle with Sky is done with happy results It was over a channel that suddenly went off Disney film one someone called Jason put It right after over a week ..little darling he was



Glad you have rectified it now.


We too have had trouble with Sky recently, our box was playing up with "no signal" on some channels, then I read the forums, and found out this is happening to lots of people, and might be because of the EPG software upgrade of Skys giving the plus boxes problems. (don;t really understand it though)...

see here for example


Also here..


So I cancelled and decided to go to Freeview only.

However we then found we couldn't get good signal for Freeview, and LL funny about tenants messing with outside sat dishes, so decided to keep Sky but with  just the old box whilst living here, but not plus, but then sky offferred us a good deal, to get new box for free and old one fixed (even though we think it is not broken really) if we stayed with them and kept our multi room, so we agreed.


From what is being said on these forums, Sky seem to be having so many problems lately, so if we could get Virgin or Freeview reception though, I would probably of left sky.

I am dreading this new box not working properly either, so fingers crossed it is ok, but lady says as it is new, it will be guaranteed for 12 months at least.



Mollie about sky they kept me on hold for 20 mins but of course Its free cos my phone is with them ,,,so I played them at their own game and rang the number for adding channels on , It was answered straight away, If you cancel movies It takes 31 days ..but to add them on two minutes.


Hope your box works mine goes dicky everytime It rains 




Evening all.


It's been a cracking day here but been at work, so missed it.


Yes, IAC at 8pm on ITV1, good.


I've got all the decorations up and with B&Q selling mains dial timers for under Β£2 each it can't be bad.

Have got the LED lit very bright Snowman in the front bedroom in front of the window on the clothes chest, or whatever it is.


My Lad in Oz is spending Christmas in Bali, he went last year as well, he goes on the 16th till the 27th.

He starts his new Job in January.

The other week he took a week off to complete a module he had to do for his Masters.


I don't mind who goes into CBB, i'll wait and see, then moan.


I got a bit of wood from B&Q yesterday as i want to change the spray nozzle positions of the veg plot.


I asked the company that supplied the gazebo for the price of a spare roof canopy, they say they no longer support it.


Christmas Countdown for Frodo, Mollie, MtBox



Evening Frodo Hicky and Mollie.

Very cold here today but no more snow, apart from the stuff already lying.

-4 currently, but I wouldn't be surprised if it went down to -10.

I'm going to put a heater on for a couple of hours in my back kitchen, to make sure things don't freeze in there. I'll put it on a timer so it comes on in the early hours.


Interesting rumours about CBB Frodo. TBH I'd rather have Katie Price than John Prescott. Close call though.

Well done finishing your Xmas decorating.  About 10 days before the day is near enough for me.


Hi Mollie. Sounds like a real struggle to get your Mum to eat properly?

It's quite good that you renegotiated your Sky contract, if you don't get good Freeview reception. Hope your new box works.


Hi Hicky. Christmas in Bali for your lad eh? Bet he misses the cold weather of home though?


Hello emptybox

this little lady has signed up for CBB her name is Lacy Banghard according to the sun and Total BB


  you should google her because her photo's are far to raunchy to post on here

so you and Hicky will be pleased.


Freezing to-day just can't get warm ..speak to you later xx                                            

Last edited by Former Member

Oh aye.

Never heard of her, but I guess she'll be easy on the eye?


Trouble is, previous glamour models, like Lucy Pinder or Georgia Salpa, have been nice enough, but they always seem to try to keep out of any arguments and never show much of their personality. They just seem to go in there to boost the subsequent sales of their piccies, which also means they keep covered up in the house.


Perhaps she'll be different?

Just done a huge pile of ironing.


Evening All.


Lucy looks ok, fancy seeing her in the house.

She's got a fine body thats for sure.


Not been too bad a day, cold but got some work done in the garden


Been to Costco, only wanted a few bits but spent Β£296, where does it go, only got a bit of food and some sweets.


Got a box of 48 tubes of smarties.

And 1kg of Belgium milk chocolate coins.

Some lamb chops and some other meat.


Emptybox, why don't you do the lottery online like i do, at least they tell you if you win and also they tell you if your ticket has run out,


Going to order a few bits online.

Might watch young apprentice as there's nothing else on.


Hi Hicky.

I have tried to play the lottery online before, but it refused to verify my address and wouldn't let me.


I'ts a problem I often have, caused by the fact that the voters roll, which they check online, has a slightly different address for me from the postal address. Caused by the farmer messing around with the numbering of his cottages 20 years ago, and the voters roll never picking up on it.

If I want to open a new bank account I always have to present proof of address, because they can't verify online.


I suppose I could try to fix it, but I'm not sure how to do it. Plus I always think that as a rented house, I'm likely to be moving on soon. Been here for over 20 years now though.

I suppose, as far as the lottery was concerned, I could try registering with the voters roll address? but that differs from the one on my credit card.

But I tend to get a bit stubborn, and think "if you won't play ball with me, then b*gger you "


Hi Frodo. I find some things can just be folded, but I like my good shirts and trousers ironed. Plus it's supposed to be relaxing.


Good evening all



at you getting one over on Sky, I agree, such a pain how they take so long to cancel, but can't wait to get you to add on. I don't get free calls, so I use the saynoto0870 site to get round that one, can't be spending an hour on Sky's high rate numbers.

I haven't looked up anything about that girl, I prefer to be surprised on the night. but from that pic you posted, it looks like a typical unknown model type, so I hope we get some more well know ones than that one going into the house.

yes I think we need to train our Emptybox, that a bit of folding saves the trouble of all that ironing he does.



thanks for the nice Christmas countdown.

Can we have some pics of your decs now you have put more up? They sound lovely. Good luck to your lad with his Masters, that is hard work to get that. Good job he has a bit of a break in Bali before he starts his new job.

that is some sweets you have got stocked up on. Bet the grandkids can't wait to visit you.



Good idea to keep a bit of heating on in your kitchen, you don't want a repeat of that problem you have before. Good luck with your lottery. When is your brother's birthday? Am glad I don't have a birthday in December, I think December birthdays often get lost with it being Christmas.


Pouring down and very windy here now. Had to go to asda for food and got wet just walking through car park.

Have posted most of my abroad cards now.


Watching Idiot Abroad 3, it is so funny.


have a good evening. x



Night all 

watching the old BBs with Carol the dragon up to where Laura is being evicted

ahh sweet memories of live feed (pulls self together to realise times have moved on and not for the better ) hey ho Its festive thanks to all who have ruined my fav programme into the ground and festive wishes to CHANNEL 4 yours nicely of course ..and Channel 5 for finally putting the boot in making It like Towie a double yours 


 to  my three Amigo's on here and everyone night all xx


Hello all


really cold I'm surprised we havn't had snow .


Sad news about the nurse that took the hoax call ..from all reports committing

suicide  how awful 


I hope you are all well ..just eaten fish & chips  loads of salt and vinegar mmm


Bought a tin of liquorice allsorts to-day (good old Bertie Basset) love the black ones with white in the middle .


Going to have a tipple or two to-night see you




hi all



how strange that you live in a non adress... are you sure you aren't like The Hobbit and live in Middle Earth? 



have you had a busy day at work today? Can you get on here now when you are at work?



Glad Jason at Sky sorted you out. Yes all the ones I have spoken to at Sky have had a Scots accent. One lady told me they are based in Scotland now, I wonder which part they are located?

Glad you enjoyed your fish and chips.

we went out for tea tonight with some freinds at the pub. Very nice it was, I had a filafel burger (didn't know what it was, but was told it was some sort of chickpea), and mash and coleslaw, Yummy, then shared a woffle with syrup and ice cream.

Like you I had a tipple or two, now feel done in.


at your Donald Duck pic.


watching Corrie now then Idiot Abroad at 9pm, as I enjoyed it so much last night.


Have a good evening all xxx


Evening All.


Not been a bad day, some wind, chilly not much else.


Went to Sainsbury's for some more bits.

Got 2 big Gammon joints, got 3 big joints of beef, all at 50% off.

Got more beef dripping, it makes great chips or anything that needs deep frying and at 65p it seems good value.


Have done a bit more on securing the gazebo down for the winter, have got bungee cord stretched across various roof points.

Have put all the side curtains on to cut down on the internal pressure put on the roof section, but with the bungee cord keeping down the roof canopy it can't really lift as one section of canvas now.


Made a simple brekkie for me and O/H, bacon sausages egg, tomato and toast, and of course tea.


I've had for tea, a bowl of soup, 3 rather large lamb chops, part of the Costco pack.


Have ordered a 5Ltr pack of Meal-worms for the birds, an Epsom Salt pack for the Tomato's etc, a pack of Dolomite for the plants.


Sad to hear about the Nurse, those 2 DJ's will never live that prank down now.


Thats a blow Emptybox about the Lottery and your address, very confusing.


Love the Advent pics Mollie.


None of my clothes get ironed, i always wear Polo Shirts, never wear anything that needs ironing unless it's a special occasion and they are few and far between.


Yes Frodo, it's not the same without live Feed.

I can't watch Towie, it just seems so fake to me.


It's a wonder we all haven't had Snow, but i don't get much here usually.


Your Fish & Chips sound good, a freshly cooked fish in batter is fantastic.


I like liquorice all-sorts, haven't had any for quite a while.

Enjoy your Tipple.


Just watching ITV2+1, the jungle programs, so funny, missed the early one so have to watch the +1 shows.




Very wet overnight, but no frost or snow, and a bit of a thaw through the day. There's still snow on the lawn, but the patch is getting smaller, and my gravel is covered in slush.


Got a lot of paperwork done. Did my accounts for November and submitted my tax return online. That's another job out of the way.


Really bad about that nurse. But as bad as the prank was, I don't thinkthe Australian radio station could possibly have predicted that?


So I'm the only one that does any ironing now? Bloomin' ada! Well I won't feel guilty from now on at not getting it done.


When is my Brother's birthday Mollie? Well it's the same day as Hicky's.

Yes the address thing has been a nuisance since we moved here, but it would be a huge job to change all my addresses.

I suppose I could get on to the voter's roll people, but the snag is the other two cottages in the row never changed their address, so I'd then be different from them.

TBH it's only an issue when I want to open a new account, then I often have to send off photocopies of my passport etc.


Hi Hicky. I hope after all your hard work that your gazebo doesn't take off in the wind..


Hi Frodo. Glad you had a fruitful phonecall from Sky.

Good for you, enjoying a small libation in the run up to the weekend.


Not much on TV tonight. I watched North Pole Airport on CH5 then a thing on BBC2 Scotland about the romans in Scotland.


rMorning all

Spag Bol day emptybox ? yummy have I turned into Hcky all I think about is food (must be this cold weather) course your not the only one who irons 


every few weeks I show mine to the clothes just to let It know why I bought It


Just finished watching The House of Eliott on ITV 2  really enjoyed the series can't be many more episodes left.


Sunny here but really nippy white frost strewn all around I have a holly tree in the garden (no berries on tho wonder why? must be the male ) may bring some of that in and some Ivy  nearer Christmas.


My serial is on to-night trying to rack what brains I have to find out who the killer Is wont know until next Saturday tho'.


Loving the Advent pictures Mollie have to wait until later for the next one


Only Boys Aloud were on Sky this morning the young Welsh choir wonderful they were.. choked me up  


I hope your mum is eating better does she live far from you? Mollie anyway look after yourself


Hicky  I hope we are going to see some photos of your outside decorations really looking forward to them .Thorntons Toffee is next on my agenda

love It I turning into you with the food is Hckyness catching?


   ta ta for now xxxx see you later below LOL



Last edited by Former Member

Just been reading about your veggie burger Mollie and than your waffle with syrup (making a note to do pancakes later always have syrup in) I eat meat just had egg bacon and tomatoes for breakfast


Then read about Hickys delights  nuff  to make you run to the cupboard and start all over again 


Then there's emptybox with his Spag Bol no wonder I'm hungry all the time


I can always blame you three If  I put on weight.





Well that sure is some food shopping list, and some good food eaten  for the day again.   I rarely iron too, try and buy non iron clothes,  a bit of polyester in the clothes helps a lot I find.   And the fleeces me and the family wear in winter don't get creased.



So there you are, you have no need whatsoever to feel guilty about not getting round to doing the ironing. Ditch the cotton or viscose shirts, for some polos with polysester and some fleeces and you will find yourself with some free time. And just fold your jeans.

That is interesting that your brother and Hicky have same birthdays, So that would mean they have the same birthday star signs, are they similiar in personality do you think?

well done on doing your paperwork, you can give yourself some time off now.

Enjoy your sphag bol. And remember we are due some real cold weather soon (?), well so say the forecasters, so watch that oil supply.



at your eating piccie... yes we will accept all blame if you start thinking about food non stop and put weight on.   You could always take the dogs an extra long walk to compensate.   And now you have got me thinking about pancakes, I love them specially with lots of lemon juice. Yummy...


Only Boys Aloud, oh I missed that on Sky. I love them, we are going to see them with Only Men Aloud the end of this month, can't wait. In fact by sheer co-incidence I bought this for hubbie for Christmas.

I gave it to him today, so he could get to listen to the Christmas tracks before Christmas. Hubbie's first language is Welsh and I know he will really enjoy the Welsh tracks. And of course, I am not daft, I can get to listen to it too.   These lads are only aged 14 to 19 and are from around the valleys, not far from us. The valleys are tradional deprived areas, so their conductor (who is same guy who conducts Only Men Aloud) has done an amazing job with these lads, such high standard singing.


Have a good evening all.


I am looking forward to the X factor final tonight.

I heard Kylie might be a guest singer, hope so, I like her. Can't believe she is in here 40's she looks fab on it.


Evening All.


Been a chilly day, a little above freezing maybe.


We had breakfast at home today, i just had bacon on some fresh seed bread O/H had brought home from work.


I've since had a dressed crab on more bread and a pack of fresh brown shrimps on even more bread.

Also made a Laksa soup from a kit i got from Sainsbury's and i just had to add a bowl of prawns.

I have a pack of cooked prawns in shell in the fridge for sometime tomorrow.


Went to the garden centre for a look round this afternoon, ended up with a Blackcurrant, Redcurrant and a White-currant bush and a pot of 10 Thorn-less Glen Ample Raspberry canes

Was looking if they had a couple of decent Grape Vines but because they don't really look after them the growth is all wrong and they haven't had the right pruning which puts them behind.

I might look and see if B&Q have any but they neglect the Figs and Vines something terrible all year.


Not a lot on TV tonight, watched the dancing, very good, can't watch X-F now the girls are out, can't stand listening to those lads.


Been watching Top Gear, an old one.


I like Mince Pies Mollie, not that it would surprise you, you'd be more surprised if i didn't .

I didn't buy any because noone else likes them so i would have to eat them all by myself.


Hi guys.


Very frosty first thing, but a bit of a thaw during the day. Most of the snow is away now.


Yes I enjoyed my spag bol as usual Frodo, and had bacon egg and mushroom for brekkie.


Bit early for a pressie for the OH Mollie? But I suppose as you get to listen to it too?

Don't know if Hicky and my Bro have similar personalitys, but they have similar names. He's an 'Al' too, but Alastair rather than Alan.

Don't think I'd want to completely abandon my proper cotton shirts Mollie. I have a bit of a penchant for a double cuff and cufflinks.


Hi Hicky. Trust you to come away with more fruit bushes. Hope you find your grape vines.

You missed out not watching X-Factor, there were plenty of girl singers, Kelly Clarkson and Kylie Minogue among them.


I suppose the right two are through to the final, but Nicole showed she was a far better singer than either of her 'boys'.





I agree with Emptybox, you missed out by avoiding X factor. Nicole was a wonderful singer, and Kylie looked brilliant. It was a great show all round. Don't mind who wins, think both of the lads have good voices.  

So I'd advise you have a peak at iplayer to see how great Nicole was.


Yes trust you to get more fruit bushes. You will be able to open a fruit shop this summer.Hope they all do well for you.

Glad you are still enjoying your seafood. Yes I thought you would like mince pies. I don't like them, but find plenty of other food that I do like round Christmas.



Yes another co-incidence that the birthday twins are both Al's.

At least the weather sounds a bit milder for you now, It is quite a bit milder here temperature wise, but the wind was cold today.



hope you are having a good Sunday.

did you enjoy X factor last night?


I am off to enjoy the final now.


have a good evening all xxx



Evening All.


Had a bit of a kitchen mishap today.

Was making a lamb stew sort of thing with 0.7kg of what it said was lamb shoulder fillet but O/H said it was lamb neck fillet.

Cut it all up (diced) into big pot added loads of chopped carrots onions and spuds.

Had it cooking in the oven and a while later O/H said "is that meat off?" i said i hadn't noticed, she said it smells off to me, i took it out of the oven and she said it stunk, oh dear, had to take it all outside.


Then i made another meal by cutting a cooked chicken up with chicken scissors and putting a container of mash and a container of cauliflower cheese out of the fridge.

Made a pint of chicken gravy, it was very tasty.


No frost here today Emptybox, just chilly and windy.

No hurry to find any more grape vines, am expecting 2 that i have ordered online a while back.


These Raspberry canes seem very good when i look them up on the web.

But they are the summer fruiting variety which means they fruit on the previous years wood, unlike the autumn fruiting variety which fruit on this years wood.


I've been looking up about the Raspberry's & Currents to find out about the planting pruning and harvesting.

Here's the Blackcurrant Big Ben, massive currants.


Love the Christmas Teddy Angel Mollie, cute.


I couldn't bear to watch those fellers singing, even with Chris out wasn't much interested.


Watched the dancing though, very good, sorry to see anyone leave though.

Last edited by Hicky

D'ya know I've just worked out what that John Lewis snowman advert is all about. I just noticed he brings her a hat and some gloves. I thought he went off to see the world got bored and came home? But no. he was on a shopping trip.


Much milder here as well, but with a strong wind.


Shame about your stew Hicky. But a good rescue on your behalf.


Had a bit of a panic this morning because I thought my router was broken.

We had another power cut in the early hours. and when I came down this morning the internet light on the router was out. I tried rebooting it, but there was no internet connection, but it was working otherwise.

I then dug out my old router and tried that, and it connected fine. So I thought the spike must have damaged the router. And it was only 7 months old as well. I was fuming.


As a last resort I thought I'd try to restore it to factory conditions and start from scratch. It was then I discovered that was what had happened. The power cut had reset the router, and I needed to put in my username and password to set up the broadband again.

Phew! I was relieved, but I'll definitely have to get one of these UPS things I think. I can't have Scottish Power detroy all my gadgets with their incompetance.


Thanks for the flying bear pic Mollie. Very traditional.


X-Factor OK. Didn't mind who won really. Should have been Ella.


Hello all

I had a lazy day yesterday ..I love Sunday's.. always up early tho' and the (dogs won't let you sleep)


Bought some things from M&S to-day little luxuries and treats (why do I stock up when the shops are always open ?)


I mean to say I am seriously thinking of doing the VIP  thing and that's my own choice I have said before I'm a member of other sites ..on one my name is character is in  C.S. Lewis book ..but I like It here.. and If It means the site can stay open then after Xmas I will join...lovely folks on here I feel welcome.


Don't feel guilty about your double cuffs and Ironing  emptybox all meant in funwith a little teasing of a good mate..cos your funny and can take a joke


Sorry for laughing at you and your cookery mishaps Hicky ..but I have plenty of those  but you chicken and cauliflower cheese seemed to go down a treat.


Curry for tea/supper to-night with naan bread ..trouble with Christmas is you have so much food in your sort of picky ..does anyone love strong cheese 

Roquefort  Stilton  any of those I love them the stinkier the better


hello Mollie don't worry about the food advents they are all brilliant ..and Its just fun about food at this time of year 


really cold here speak later xx


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