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Here's an interesting page about Tomato planting.

It mentions planting in the North, which is me and Emptybox really.

I'll be trying these ideas anyway as what we do now isn't the answer.


Before you put your tomato plants in the soil, put one cup of kelp meal and one cup of bone meal into each planting hole to give them a turbocharged start. Kelp is an excellent all-around plant nutrient, which is rich in micronutrients, while bone meal is rich in phosphorus, which promotes flowers and fruits. These are both slow release fertilizers which will provide nutrients over time, without sending plants into shock as might too much chemical fertilizer. Both are also rich in micronutrients. One trick old-time gardeners use is to add Epson salts -- one or two tablespoons per hole -- when transplanting tomatoes. Epson salts add magnesium, an important plant nutrient.

Handle plants gently when transplanting. Any bruising or damage will set them back or leave them vulnerable to viruses or pests. Be careful to keep leaves free of dirt, as many fungi and viruses live in soil.

In the north, both the roots and most of the stem should go into the hole. Only the top leaf cluster should protrude above the ground. Since tomato roots will grow from the stem, the plant will have a larger root structure, which has two advantages: it gives the plant a more stable base, and it allows the plant access to more nutrients. In the south, it's best to keep the same soil level, as the buried stem can be vulnerable to fungus. The longer growing season in the south also lets the root structure reach an optimal size without the deeper planting.

If the plants you are transplanting are tall and leggy, or if you are growing tomatoes in the north, you can use trench planting instead of the traditional hole method. The trench offers two advantages, neither of which is always relevant: you don't have to dig as deep a hole, and the entire length of the plant's root system is in the upper layer of soil, which warms up first in the spring and which usually contains the richest nutrients. Dig a horizontal trench as long as the roots and stem together. Remove all the leaves from the plant with the exception of the top leaf cluster. Lay the plant on its side in the trench and cover the root system and bare stem up to the top leaf cluster with two to three inches of soil mixed with kelp and bone meal. When you've filled in the trench, the part of the plant above ground will be lying on the dirt, but not to worry; it will become vertical within a few sunny days. If you want, you can gently push a rock under it to get it started in the right direction. This is an especially good idea if the weather is likely to be cloudy or rainy.

A third transplanting method involves digging a fairly large, deep hole (a foot wide at the top, tapering to eight inches or so, and up to a foot deep), and then planting the seedling at the bottom of it. As the plant grows, remove lower leaves, and gradually fill in the hole. This method makes maximum use of the tomato's ability to root its stems, but it also puts the seedling in much colder earth than other methods do. To alleviate that problem, dig the holes a week in advance, and put a bottomless milk jug with the top still on in the bottom of each. The jug, acting like a miniature greenhouse, will speed the heating of the soil as well as preventing its collapse into the hole. When you transplant the seedlings, cover them with the jugs, but as soon as day temperatures reach seventy, remove the tops to avoid cooking your plants. Between the hole itself and the jug, a seedling is well-protected from wind, and as the exposed soil warms, it radiates warmth around all sides of the plant. This is an excellent technique to use in barrels and containers, where digging deep holes doesn't involve much labor.




Thanks for the Ashley video Frodo. I really hope she wins.

And thanks for the St Andrew's Day butterfly. Didn't even know you could get those?


Didn't think of Haggis for supper, that's more for Burns' Night (Jan 25th). We don't really do much for St Andrew's, although I think it's a bank holiday in Scotland?


You've had a bit of an adventure Hicky? Nothing worse than a besotted boss's wife? Sounds like you had a close shave? Or rather you didn't.

Thanks for the further toms tips. Quite a lot of reading there.


Good morning everyone, I hope you won't mind me popping in to leave a message for Frodo?

Last night in the IAC thread, I posted what I meant as a jokey remark that my opinion was always right, and I posted the green grinning smiley () to indicate I was kidding. Frodo, I'm sorry if you thought I was being serious and were offended, because that most definitely wasn't my intention.

Please continue to post in the IAC thread as you have been doing, you are very welcome.



going to change my avatar to this  below I went to the page the avatar one that I posted clicked on 


the right hand at the bottom It says save image and page should pop up and at the bottom It  should say save .make sure It goes in your photo or picture album


go to your edit profile on here hang on while I make sure at the side of your profile ther is a thing that looks like a pencil thing click that which in turn opens your page of photos click the one you want and open at the bottom ..phew ..please If anyone can make It not so complicated


feel free anyhows Mollie Hicky emptybox  to you all xx


a reminder of autumn in America


Last edited by Former Member

Oh no!!! did a big post this morning after I put the puppies on and it is not here... reckon i forgot to submit it.


lappy playing up, selotape must be working loose.

Fredo as you can see I understand and sympathsise with your lappy problems.How annoying that you could not switch yours off at all.



  Poor you last night, what a fiasco that ended up being,  when all you wanted to do was to eat the good grub and get home in the warm. I bet you are tired today after all that walking and trying to escape the boss's wife.

but I am sure you will be glad to spend a nice quiet evening at home now in front of the tv.  

yes it is strange how the US guides are different to ours, I am sure you are learning a lot of new tricks by reading them though.

And at our American girl Ashely and how she didn't even  know what corned beef was.   Wonder if she will win tonight? Prefer her to Charlie.



Very frosty again here today.  Have you paused on your gardening for a winter break now it has gone so cold?

Hope you enjoy your sphag bol tonight.

We have had a take away from Pizza Hut  the family had pizza and I chose nachos.



thanks for the avatar hints I will have a go when I have a bit of time. I like your seasonal one.

Do you put Christmas decorations up at home?

OH has just dug ours out of the garage. So need to sort them and hope the lights all work.


This afternoon we went with some friends to see the lights being switched on round the Christmas tree. It was lovely, a band playing and we sang Christmas songs and fake snow, and Santa.


Plenty on tv tonight for us...Dancing... X factor.. and IAC.. all good.


have a good evening xxx



Evening All.


Had brekkie out this morning, yummy.

Finished the pack of prawns off.


Have been putting various fertilisers onto the spare tubs and veg garden, good to get that done for the winter.


Evening Emptybox, Yogi19, Frodo & Mollie.


I've ordered some Tomato Trellis Clips from the US.


ust made some batter, battered a few cod fillets, yummy, even the O/H loved them, thats something, she's worse than the TV food critics.DDDDDDD

Then with the remaining batter i made pancakes, wow, that caught her out, quite a surprise:


Love the Avatars and pictures.


I wonder who will win tonight, i want Ashley to win as she deserves it, she's been great, apart from the fact she's lovely to look at.


Have got another piece of meat, Silverside to do tomorrow, won't follow their instructions though.



So Charlie wins eh? That surprised me, but I guess her daughter swayed a lot of voters?


Woke up to a blanket of snow this morning, and it stayed frosty all day. December is definitely here.

Hope the roads are OK tomorrow for me going for the papers and supermarket.


Don't think I'll be doing much gardening for a while Mollie, not unless we get another mild patch.


Still eating the seafood Hicky?

Hope your stuff comes from the US OK.


Hi Frodo, thanks for the autumn link. Hope your lappy plays ball.


I got more for my Ebay DVD writer than I expected. More than I paid for it's SATA replacement in fact. Although I'll come out even when you take into account the various fees etc. Still, can't be bad? I'll post it out on Monday.


Watching my recording of Merlin at the mo.


Hi Frodo.

Not wishing to prick your balloon, but the 'First Day of Christmas', as in that song, is Christmas Day (or Eve in some opinions).....not the 1st of December.

(I'm a bit of a Christmas humbug, you'll just have to put up with me. And I'm outnumbered in here cos I see Hicky has his tree up already )


Very frosty here, another -6 night. Had to go down for the papers in the van because I couldn't even get the doors open on the Jag, and I didn't want to damage the rubber forcing them. The roads weren't good either, as they hadn't been gritted.


Still it was a nice sunny day, and I eventually got into the Jag and went to the supermarket. They're talking about another frost tonight and maybe more snow, so I hope I can get out again tomorrow to post that DVD drive off?


Yes Frodo, I hope we see a lot more of Ashley.

And what she said about Nicole Scherzinger, when she was in the PCDs has put me off Nicole a bit. Plus all the gushing she does over that Jarmaine.


Hyah  emptybox 


I'm glad you said saved me walking around with a red face,nothing wrong with being a Christmas humbug like the minty ones myself.


Yes just finished watching I'm a Celebrity and now Joe Swash is rambling on 

how he gets presenting jobs Is beyond me the squeaky voice drives me insane.


Its freezing here with a forecast of snow early for the tree yet I only have a small one from M&S  I've had It for ages but Its really pretty ..I do trim the fireplace with fairy lights and candles tho 


see you later xx


you didn't prick my balloon just glad you said .........Shush dont wake me up


Anne Geddes Baby Wallpapers - Baby Sleeping in Flowers 41

Last edited by Former Member

Evening All.


It's been a beautiful day here, sun all day and no wind.

Always seem to find stuff to do in the garden.

On watching the gardening video's on line i noticed one place said it's best to cover all your tubs so the rain can't wash the goodness out.

I have a lot of tubs covered bu not the veg ones, that means io need to buy a lot more John Innis No. 3 and manure, I have 1dozen tubs just for veg etc.

I'll have to start collecting for the spring.


Just had a lovely Roast, it was only a Silverside, half price 1.8kg for ÂĢ9.90 or so at Sainsbury's, anyway cooked it in the roasting pot with onion carrot and 1pt of stock for 2 hrs, yummy.


Just having a milky coffee.


Have got 4 duck legs in the fridge, not for today though.


Have what we think is a bearing going on the Land Rover, garage is going to let me know when it comes in.

You can buy them quite cheap on the web anyway.

Fitting bearings isn't a nice job though.


Have turned round the gazebo a bit, it had the side open at an angle to the wind, might leave it up for the winter as i need a wooden one really and am lost without an outside workshop.

I've emailed the Gazebo company for a price for a new roof canopy in case it gets wrecked over the winter.


I'm sorry Ashley didn't win, she was defo best and most deserving.


Will be ordering my next seafood order in time for Christmas, last order date 20th December.


You were lucky getting a good price for your DVD writer Emptybox.


Been watching SCD, not interested in X-F now as the girls are out.


Here's my Christmas tree up, my Twitter followers will have seen it, but i have to post the pictures to get them off my phone.



Hello again 

yes I would love to see Ashley get some work in the UK..really lovely girl with the nature to go with It, missing It already (IAC) going to watch Cricklry Hall last episode to-night,

I hope you don't get snowed in emptybox you have the bad weather far worse than here although as said Its really cold here .

I hope you are alright Mollie when will you put your tree up ? to early and I get fed up .. I'm watching Grand Hotel on Sky Arts at the mo'


Loved your tale of the dance Hicky I've been reading I again lol so funny


bye for now       

Last edited by Former Member




yes I know the 1st Day of Christmas is Christmas day, but our special piccies are for the 1st day of December, as in advent, like an advent calendar. I know you are not a proper humbug really, so I know you like the seasonal piccies too really.

at Fredo preferring minty humbugs, I am not keen on humbugs myself, but i love a Turkish delight.


My family all have the read advent calendars with a choccie behind each door starting December 1st but sorry I can't supply the real choccie but I can supply the seasonal piccie for us again this year.


So time to open Day 2 .. and we have ...a pretty Christmas tree.









Hi Frodo. You can keep on singing if you like.

I have a wee grumble every now and then, but as Mollie says, I don't mind it really.

I do put up a small tree and some decs, but only in a couple of weeks time.


Pity about your wheel bearing Hicky. Looking forward to the start of CBB.


Watching Katherine Jenkins. She's beautiful, but there's something unreal about her?

I'm recording Homeland and Crinkley Bottom.


Good evening all



I bet that snow looked really pretty but hope it doesn't give you any problems getting around. Glad you got more for you DVD thing than you expected. Yes I guess you can't do much in your gardens if it is covered in snow and ice so time for you to enjoy a winter break.

Yes I agree that it seems Charlie's daughter swayed the vote, which is a bit silly really,  because I agree with Hicky that Ashley had been the most deserving to win really. 

Where did you see HIcky's tree? I'd like to see that. We have put ours up too today. I guess you haven't got yours up yet?



Your fireplace sounds like it is going to look very pretty and seasonal when you do it up. I like your piccie of Hicky at the dance.   I too read his funny tale again.

We have only put our tree up so far but we will put up some lights and a few other decs later.



Glad you got the nice weather today, and enjoyed your roast too. We had had sunny morning then rain in afternoon. Hope you manage to sort fitting your bearings out ok, will you be able to fit them yourself?

Can't see your tree piccies here, will see if I can find them on twitter.

That is interesting to see we have started the countdown to CBB.


Have a good evening all.


I missed not having IAC to watch tonight, but at least we had X factor. Wasn't keen on Tulisa's song though.





Morning all.


Maybe i didn't post the Christmas Tree picture, or they took it down.


I'll post it now so we can see, maybe you have to sign up first.!136&sff=1


Looking forward to CBB again now that the jungle is finished, Dancing on ice can't be far away either.


That picture of the dancers moves about as fast as me.

Only Joking.


I only told the bosses wife i didn't dance so i could just sit down, she would have had me up dancing all night.

I would have been able to but noone else was and there wasn't anywhere to dance anyway.

Last year they moved to another pub that let you dance anywhere and she wouldn't stop.

So i thought i'd get away before they moved.


Not sure what you mean about Katherine Jenkins.


That date for CBB might not be right, but it won't be far off.


I didn't see X Factor as the girls have gone and not watching fellers sing, horrific.

Simon Cowell will be fuming, he wanted the girls, not this lot.


Morning all 

love the tree Hicky It looks really pretty,ive just put some fairy lights round the hearth for the moment they seem to cheer the place up i always have different jars of sweets dotted around in the kitchen and in bowls around the house ,love the Haribo and Jelly beans and lollipops always have Roses too.

Cold here but the sun is out so I've put the heating on


Love the Idea of the Advent calender Mollie I hope you can manage to post them all how is your mum I hope she Is eating better will she come to yours for Christmas.


I've got used to emptybox hes just a big softie really  Charlotte Church was on question time this week she seems to have lost her accent (such a pity cos Its a lovely lilting one) perhaps I am biased cos I love regional accents


Katherine Jenkins leaves me cold and I can't explain why charisma  perhaps 


Yes I agree about Ashley my favourite ,lets hope she stays around for a while so we can get to know her better.


     by for nowxx               



I like our Christmas piccies on here.



didn't take you long to read between the lines about Emptybox. You are dead right, he is a lovely softie really. (and not a humbug at all really)

I bet your hearth lights look pretty.

Mum not too bad thanks, she was a bit teary yesterday because she gets upset she can't do much without her leg aching, but she was a bit better today again. We are going to try Meals on Wheels for her a few days a week, because at least I know she will get a lunchtime meal then, when I am unable to get over there with one.



your Christmas tree looks lovely. Very artistic with the pretty decs on it and red table and red cracker too.

at you and the boss's wife and the dancing.

I am glad we have CBB in Jan because it gives us something to look forward to , inbetween all the January weight loss programmes that I get sick of.



did you have snow today? I know some up north did. If you did, hope you have your stock of beers and oil already in the house. Did you watch Royal Variety tonight? Are you going to your brothers this Christmas?



Have been watching Royal Variety  , quite good this year, and a bit of Claridges inbetween. Claridges is interesting, how the other half lives , eh?


have a good night all xxx



Hi all.

I have to admit some of your pictures are quite colourful...I suppose? Just don't expect me to post any.


Yes we had a bit more snow overnight Mollie. Just a couple of inches. But it wasn't frosty, and was quite a sunny day, so I got out to post off my parcel. The trickiest bit was getting my van out of my lane on to the road. The wheels were slipping in the snow, and I had to take 2 or 3 goes. But once on the road it was fine.

I'm running a bit low on oil now. It was June the last time I ordered any. I'd hoped it would last into the New Year, but I may need to order before Christmas? I'm keeping an eye on the level.

Plenty of beer though.

I'm probably going to my Bro's again for Xmas, but it depends very much on the weather. I don't want to risk having burst pipes again, like I did in 2010.


Hi Frodo. I missed seeing Charlotte Church on the Question Time prog, but heard she was very impressive. Thanks for the cat pic. I had a grey cat once. She didn't used to wear a hat though.

I think Katherine Jenkins is just impossibly beautiful, and always seems to be smiling. Just perhaps a bit too good to be true? Could look at her all day though.


Great news that Kate is expecting. But a pity she's had to go into hospital.


I feel your pain about the dancing Hicky.

I was best man at my Brother's wedding 24 years ago, and had to partner the Bridesmaid in some sort of waltz thing. She was an attractive enough girl, but there's a picture of me looking like I'm attached to an unexploded bomb, that could go off at any moment. I've never ventured onto the floor willingly since.


Didn't watch the Royal Variety show. Didn't even notice it was on till afterwards. Was watching the thing on CH4 about the two comedians going out west. Wasn't very good.

I've been faffing about with my computers all day anyway, so not paying much attention to the telly.

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Evening All.


Been watching Strictly, Stephen Fry, Claridges, interesting.

That Hotel is something else, wow.

A ÂĢ58m turnover.


Had a beef sandwich and 2 duck legs for tea.


Been writing down what i need for the Tomato & Peppers.

It seems it's Rock Dust, Ammonium Sulphate, Magnesium Sulphate, Agricultural Gypsum, Calcium Hydroxide, Dolomite.

(No wonder my Toms weren't too good).


Like your Advent pic Mollie.


O/H got some more big baubles for the tree, still got the decorations to go up yet.


We are hosting the Christmas dinner this year, not really a problem, there will be 7 of us thats all.


Afternoon/Evening all.


I was watching Claridges at 9pm Monday BBC2, repeated 12.10am part 1 of 3.

A report that says CBB om the 3rd.

Love it or Hate it. Celebrity Big Brother starts back on Thursday, January 3 at 9pm


My Lamb Shank casserole is ready anyway. yummy.


Tonight it's Strictly, Rick Stein, Masterchef & Heston then ITV2 Lemon (Keith) then Celeb Juice with Ant & Dec.



Well, the cat's well and truly out of the bag... Celebrity Big Brother returns to on Thursday 3rd January at 9pm. Woop!

Last edited by Hicky

Good evening all



Glad you managed to get around in the van in the snow, yes best not to leave it too long to stock up on the oil, as you are having cold snaps already. The beer won't keep you warm for long.

Good idea to watch the weather before your final decision on whether to go to your brothers or not.

Yes I agree that Katherine Jenkins is so smiley and happy looking all the time and very beautiful, But I do like her, because even though she seems too good to be true, I don't think she is, because as I don't see her as a fake type at all.  

at your reasons for not venturing on the dance floor for 24 years.

Claridges was on late for you, but an interesting show I thought.

When you putting up your tree and decs? I thought last year, they had such character and were dead cute. 



I have an idea... you know it is your 40th Anniversary next year?  How about a stay in Claridges? I bet your OH would enjoy that. (but it may be a bit impracticle when you get given the bill).

I cannot believe people pay over ÂĢ5000 for a night in a hotel.

But as you say, wow...what a place it looks, I think you can just go for afternoon tea to get the experience, I'd like to just go and do that and see their Christmas decs. Looked like they spent a fortune on their decs.

That list for your tomatoes and peppers sounds like an A level Chemistry syllabus.

I bet you will enjoy hosting the Christmas dinner.

thanks for the reminder about what is on ITV2.


And I am so pleased to hear that CBB is on so soon after the Christmas break, I hate that time of year, but CBB will give us something to look forward to.



Oh no not another tussle with Sky, what a pain they are.

did you find claridges interesting?

Don't worry, I expect Emptybox might be posting his Christmas pics with the rest of us soon.


Not much on tv tonight because of the football again, so am watching Super Scrimpers, might have some good hints.


Have a good evening all xxx



Evening all


Yeah not wishing the festive season away but I love CBB my only wish please stop all the recaps It takes up half the programme..has anyone heard the rumour you know who will be on (Katie Price).


I'm watching Super Scrimpers on 4+1 Its good I'm enjoying It


The tussle with Sky is done with happy results It was over a channel that suddenly went off Disney film one someone called Jason put It right after over a week ..little darling he was


I dont mind emptybox not posting pictures I loved the icy one he posted of Scotland though.


Claridges was eye opener loved It ..same as you Mollie what an experience to go there for afternoon tea,one of my favourite sweet things is vanilla slices with the icing on top and the quishy custard in the middle .

Bought a tub of haribo sweets to-day taboo for you Mollie because of the gelatine..


          see you soon xx            





Very frosty start but a bit of a thaw later. Didn't go anywhere though.


Great to hear that CBB starts early in January.


Watched Superscrimpers then Heston. He's just daft.


Hi Frodo. Glad  you managed to get your Sky licked into shape.

Haven't heard any rumours about CBB yet.


Bought a secondhand power supply for my old Dell computer, and it's all up and running again.

Now all I've got to do is find a use for it.

I was using it as a server, with a 2 TB external hard drive attached, but I've now connected that directly to the router, so I don't need a server.


Seemingly we can expect to hear about even more austerity measures tomorrow.

Last edited by emptybox

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