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Evening All.


Evening Emptybox.


I have to tweet my pics i think to get them off the phone.


Had 2 of the prawns each, wow, they are big.


Just had a plate of Ribs, this is how i cooked them, wow, so yummy.


Just roasted 500g of pork ribs each, never done it like this before as O/H doesn't like any spice etc.

I sliced the ribs to separate.
Set oven to 160C

Got a plastic bag for coating the ribs in.
Into the bag i put a Tablespoon each of Salt & Pepper Seasoning, Schwartz Perfect Shake Piri Piri & Schwartz Grill & Sizzle Steakhouse Pepper.
Shake the bag till all contents adhere to the ribs.

Put onto a baking tray and add 2 tablespoon of water, cover the tray and ribs with foil and cook for 30 minute.
After the time remove foil and cook for further 20 minutes.

If you are cooking more that 500g add 30 minutes per 500g extra.



We had so much food in the fridge Friday/Saturday that we could never eat it all soon enough so had to freeze some.



I don't think the graphics card would be held back for any other reason than the person is busy, could be working away during the week, i wouldn't read anything into it.


It looks like Pointless as it is Strictly Celebs, Strictly, X-F, IAC.

Last edited by Hicky




Gosh, those prawns are enormous. Glad you enjoyed them. Your garden certainly looks well wrapped up for the winter.



Interesting story about that house on an island, feel sorry for them, what a horrible situation.



hope the doggies got their walks in today. Our dog had a quiet day, far too wet for her again. Just a quick walk.


Gosh when does all this rain end?

Lots of floods not far from us, poor people, must be horrible to have a flooded house.


Been shopping in Cardiff today, really busy, most of car parks full. The Christmas lights looked so pretty. Got the family a few nice gift though...and the dog of course, can't leave her out.


Watching X factor, seems weird not to have one girl singer at all now.

Thought James was the best last night. Hope he stays.


Am really enjoying IAC.

I like most of them, don't mind Hugo, think he did good on his last task in the water.

at Helens and her fake tan, I think she is so funny.


have a good evening all xxx



Originally Posted by emptybox:

Still waiting on the used graphics card I bought a week ago on ebay. The fellow obviously isn't worried about the ratings I'll give him. He's only just marked it as 'Dispatched' today. Wonder why he sat on it for a week before posting?
Perhaps he thinks it's worth more than the ÂĢ11 (+ÂĢ3.50 p&p) that I won it for, and was contemplating his options?

(same model new on Amazon for ÂĢ23 free p&p) 



Hope you are happy with it when it turns up.

Maybe he was too busy doing his Christmas shopping to post it out quickly?


My OH and boy had trouble with graphics on our new pc they  bought recently, then they found it was using the 2nd not so good card, so they had to get some sort of plug thing so it was using the better card. So now the lad is happy with his gaming on it now.


OH thinks my lappy will not last long now, but I don't want this windows 8 thing, I will take an age to work it out. So think will have to keep on with the sellotape as long as possible.


Evening All.


Evening Mollie.


Dreadful watching those floods, those poor people who got flooded.


Shops getting very busy now, and it's not even December yet.


On X factor Mollie the girl voters only vote for the lads so girls haven't got a lot of hope.


I enjoy watching Helen, she's in another world really, certainly not in ours.


It's been dry all day but started raining as dark fell.

Originally Posted by *mollie*:

Hope you are happy with it when it turns up.

Maybe he was too busy doing his Christmas shopping to post it out quickly?


I think I've spotted the fatal flaw in your logic there Mollie.


Very wet here all day. Not quite enough for flooding, but if it continues tomorrow....

Yes Hicky, the floods have been terrible for some.



X-Factor OK, but a bit rubbish with no girls left.

Not that keen on James Arthur Mollie. A bit shouty for me. But I guess he's the most likely to sell records?


I wouldn't worry about Windows 8 Mollie. I've got it on 2 PCs now, and it's very easy to get used to. Just like Windows 7 with added extras.

All the adverts show the tiled Start Screen, but you can just click the 'Desktop' tile, and you're back to what is essentially the Windows 7 desktop.

Last edited by emptybox

Morning all

cold rainy here to-day(no change been the same for days ) pity those poor people who are having to deal with the flooding, how is it down your way emptybox ? cos you have had floods there before havn't you?


might give the Prawn Balti a go some of the bought sauces are quite good. I'm really liking Ashley on IAC,she's good fun I hope she stays and gets in the final


Never seen prawns that big Hicky the ones I get are half that size they look more like small lobsters


The fake tan shenanigans with Helen was really funny but sometimes I think she knows exactly what she is doing (It got her loads of air time) she Is one smart lady is our Helen  and I say that with loads of respect cos I find her antics funny ,I'll really miss this series when It finishes Its been one of the best for me


Hello Mollie ..yes my laptop will just have to plod on for a while Christmas is expensive , so I've bashed It about and given I a bang or two  as a warning


I watched The Killing on BBC 4 on Saturday its brilliant Its subtitles but Its one of those series that you can't wait for the next episode.


I did stick with Crickley Hall last night but its hard going.


Dogs have been out and are now tucked.. up in warm blankets just finished cooking their dinner


Saturday Its December first... this year has flown by ,not long for CBB


    see you later xx


Oh forgot emptybox ..yes I did see the house on the motor way spooky 

couldn't live like that me loopy


Evening All.


Yes Emptybox, once the girls are voted out i don't bother with X Factor, think Simon must be doing his nut.


Hi Frodo.

I don't buy Curry sauces, only curry paste's or a complete authentic curry powder mix, never found the sauces quite right.

I'm liking Ashley as well.


Those prawns were as big inside as a lobster is.

OK they cost ÂĢ3 each but a lobster is ÂĢ15, so it seems cheap.


I don't think Helen has a very big brain so to have a plan is way beyond her.


Strange that house in the middle of the road, can't see where i could plant all my trees.


Hope Mollie & her Mum are managing ok.


I have finished the prawns, have got a fillet of haddock between us in the morning.


It's been raining all day here, cold, wet and windy, not good.


Just watching IAC.


Hi Frodo and Hicky.


Raining here all day.

Sounds like it's been wet for all of us.

Don't think there's any flooding here. I can see the river behind my house, from my top window, and it's quite high, but it hasn't burst it's banks yet.

Not that it would get to my house, but it floods the road.


I've never watched The Killing Frodo. Heard a lot about it, and always meant to catch it, but never got round to it.


Hi Hicky. Finished those prawns already?

Pity Helen went on IAC, she was fun. But I've been voting for Ashley.


What have I done today? Well I've collated all my figures, ready for doing my tax return later.

Plus I've listed the IDE DVD rewriter drive, that I took out of my computer, on Ebay. Don't expect to get much, but as long as it covers my postage it's better than just dumping it.


I haven't decided whether to try to sell the motherboard bundle that I took out?

I couldn't, hand on heart, say that it was fully working, as I had trouble with the onboard sound and had to fit a soundcard, and one of the PCI slots is bit dodgy. Plus the old graphics cardmight be faulty.

However I might try to sell it 'as is', fully describing the faults, and just see if anyone wants it?


Hello all 

thanks for the spelling correction emptybox I knew It was wrong cos of the red line underneath 


I shouldn't have said that about Helen (not missing her) because she has been good fun and made me laugh ,that bra quip was so funny when she said they grew every time she ate .


They have British versions of The Killing emptybox and Im sure this one will be repeated.


I hope everyone is well speak later


Good Afternoon All.


Yep, the big prawns have gone, still got the other box of 20, will ope for the weekend i think.


Had some natural smoke haddock with pouched eggs for brekkie, after that a milky coffee, then a dressed crab on fresh bread, got fillet steak out for tea.


I'm sorry Helen is out, liked seeing her, body.


You are funny with your old computer parts, i just throw them in the bin.


Frodo, if your get a line through a word or under it in red or black the just right click on the word and the spell checker should give an option of what may be the correct spelling, my spell checker seems a bit stupid when you see what it sometimes suggests,


Just had my beard & hair trimmed.


Just had my Beard trimmed




hello Hicky

good photo I havn't seen the before,but the after looks good It suits you


I love smoked haddock not had any for ages .must put that on my shopping list.


Totally unexpected Helen being voted out last night I was sure It would either be Eric or Hugo  Rosemary has been knocked off the top spot (can't understand why she was there anyway ) Ashley is the favourite now but Its any ones race cos that could change day to day.


I hope Mollie Is alright and her mum is getting better If you get time to read the thread sending you  love Mollie missing your posts .


Found a good series on Sky Arts 2 Mollie..Grand Hotel Its subtitled though cos Its Italian, on episode two at the moment .


Looking forward to to-nights IAC wonder who will get voted off to-night


see you later xx


Evening All.


Evening Frodo.

It's awkward trying to take yourself with a phone.

I've been keeping my hair short as can't stand having to comb it.

Can't be bothered shaving as i haven't had a wet shave for years and hate that.

Have tried electric razors but they aren't very good.

Like a bit of a beard bit it's not easy to control so asked the hairdresser to sort it.

It grows very fast but never where you want it too.


Had a Chinese spicy soup before, then a fillet steak with onions and mushrooms.


I half expected |Hugo to leave the jungle as i like seeing Helen.


Can't wait for tonights IAC as well.

Have had 2 parcels delivered today and none are for me.

One for next door and one for across the road.




well now that is a nice surprise, what a smart looking avatar our Hicky has.

Very nice clear piccie of you Hicky.

Glad to hear you are enjoying all your seafood. I reckon that is what keeps you brainy, (seafood is supposed to keep you brainy, isn't it?)



Sounds like you have been busy with all your techy toys.

Thanks for the windows 8 hints, because as you know I do get easily flusterd and confused with techy stuff.



I hope that laptop is behaving itself and listening to your warnings.   My selotape is still doing the job at the moment, like you say Christmas is expensive, so hope the tape holds for awhile yet.

The Grand Hotel sounds good, will tune in if I get time, but have had chance for very little tv lately, only managing to see IAC. But am glad I am because I am enjoying it.


Yes Helen was dipsy but very funny.  

I quite like Hugo, so hope he doesn't go, think he did well in that water task and he kept his calm with Rosemary last night when she was so rude to him.


Mum had wheelchair delivered today, so at least I can take her out if needed. Don't fancy doing it on my own though, will need lads help, still have to take care with the pain in my rib cage that I can easily set off if I do too much.


I was so late with vat this quarter that the accountant phoned yesterday to see where it was, lucky I got it in post today.


IAC time, enjoy it everyone.






Hi Mollie, Hicky and Frodo.

Wet again here, but not as heavy as Yesterday. Think it's supposed to be drier but colder tomorrow.


Terrible flooding in Wales. Glad it hasn't affected you Mollie.

That's good that your Mum can get out and about. Even if it is in a wheelchair.


Very handsome photo Hicky.

If we were having a competition on who had the greyest beard, then you would win. But I'm catching you up fast.


Hi Frodo. So Rosemary is out. I'm still giving Ashley one vote per day, when I remember.


My graphics card came today, and it seems OK.

I've had one bid for my DVD drive, so I'll get at least 99p

I like selling stuff on Ebay Hicky. Don't expect to make anything really.


I may keep the old bits for a while though, because my oldest computer, my 11 year old Dell that I use as a server,  has stopped working, and I might need the bits to fix it.

We had a power cut this morning, and when it came back on, the Dell wouldn't turn back on. Don't think it was a spike, because it was on a surge protection socket, and that's still working. Perhaps the PSU just stopped working?

I'll have fun trying to fix it anyway.


Morning all

lovely crisp sunny morning here 'Jackfrost' sort of weather


Yes Rosemary's out methinks that spat with Hugo didn't do her any favours and apart from cooking to me shes brought very little to the place..yesterday she was favourite to win ,so It shows anything can happen and Its anyone's game


Yes Mollie Hugo did do well in the water task and has shown himself to be a team player and I thought Rosemary was well out of order the way she spoke to him.


Good news your mum can get out in a wheelchair , but as you say Mollie you need someone to push as It can be hard work.


I have just pushed the vac around and done a bit of polishing oh and


done a bit of floor cleaning so thats me finished for a while , I hope you are are all well .


                                    speak laterxx







Evening All.


Evening Emptybox & Frodo.


My face hair & head hair is half & half really (grey/brown)


I wasn't a fan of Rosemary anyway.

Ashley is fave at the mo i think.

I also like the dart player.


If a device fails to come on after a bad power down it is usually a spike/surge which has damaged a component with a voltage higher than it can take.

The surge protection is to absorb a surge that comes from before the unit, on this type of sudden power loss the surge protector is useless because the surge is coming after the surge protector isn't it?


I think you need something like this as it's the only protection i know.

This iis only an example.


You take it easy Frodo now, that floor should be well clean now.:-)





No mention of what you had for tea tonight? Something fish related I am guessing?   Work today or tomorrow?



yes there has been some awful flooding in Wales, but mainly in the north, near where my OH used to live. Thankfully it has dried up now, but those poor people who have been flooded, it must be awful now the clear up work has to start.

Glad your graphics card seems to be ok. Looks like selling your dvd drive is not going to make you a rich man. But it all helps, I guess. Hope you can fix your Dell.



I like your housework piccies. I bet your house is looking really smart now after your efforts. Do you feel like coming to do mine too now?  You will need to allow a good few hours to get down here though,


Nice day here at last, got loads of washing dry in the cool breeze and the sun.


Wonder who will be out on IAC tonight, Hope it is not Hugo, pretty sure Ashley will stay though because she is so nice.


have a good evening all xxx


Evening Mollie.


Just had a Spag Bol from Sainsbury's and a tin of soup with toast.


Was going to have fish or prawns but O/H couldn't wait for me to thaw them.



Have you seen this method of replanting spring onions.


Here's an interesting gardening tip which i spotted, there are quite a few video's relating to it as well.

They are called green onions but we know them as spring onions.

I'll post the YT video but will tell you the gist of it.

When you get a bunch of spring onions from the supermarket or grow your own, cut off the bottom section on the green leave area, the bottom root area can be put in a small dish of water for half an hour then replanted outside in a tub or in your veg bed, do the same again after you harvest the next lot, i've seen them do this all summer.

I'm certainly going to try it next year as we love spring onions.



Betting on IAC.


Ashley Roberts



David Haye



Charlie Brooks



Eric Bristow



Hugo Taylor



Hi guys.

Dry here and no frost so I got some work done. Some hedge cutting.


I wouldn't attempt to dry anything outside now up here Mollie. Think it would be wetter at the end of the day than at the begininning.


Sorry Frodo and Mollie, but I'm glad Hugo is out. I could never take to him.

In the beginning I really disliked him, but by the end I didn't dislike him quite as much. That's the best you're going to get.


Hi Hicky. I've looked into those UPS things in the past, but a good one is just too expensive. The old Dell is probably not worth ÂĢ30, so not worth spending so much to protect it. I'm still considering it for my more modern machines though.


That's a good tip for growing spring onions. I eat them in salads though, so I only cut off the very root, not the white bit like they did in that video. Doubt that would be enough to grow?


Casserole (another of my frozen portions), mashed potatoes and brocoli. Followed by lemon cheesecake and cream.


Ahhh Hugo's out ,Hello all

To be honest I didn't want anyone to go I like them all he can certainly go with his head held high


Hicky I have seen your twitter photo and you look younger on this latest avi 

nothing wrong with a bit of facial hair specially grey flecked which I'm sure Mrs Hicky will agree quite distinguished


Love spring onions will take a look at that , so thanks Hicky


Mollie M&S cheese and onion crisp bakes for tea I had them with plain boiled rice (which I love boiled ,fried any which way) I did a massive amount and then froze It ,luckily I love most veg too apart from parsnips,  so really enjoyed my tea.


To be honest emptybox Im in a quandry now who I would like to win these last five have been entertaining sorry Hugo had to leave on Saturday sheez

doesn't time fly ? December 1st Saturday.


         night all xx 


hi all


what a cold one here this morning, showed minus 6 in our garden, still white now in places and it is after noon. and the water on top of our porch frozen over. Not complaining prefer it dry and cold to mild and wet.



my washing is on the line again, so hope it is a bit drier up there for you too today. Yummy, I fancy some cheesecake and cream now I read your post.



at your half being too hungry to wait for the prawns to defrost.

That spring onion idea is a clever one, I love spring onions. (but tend to only eat in summer on salad).



I have some of those M and S cheese an onion crispbakes in the freezer, I like them too. Not sure either who I want to win IAC.

It has been a good series though. HOpe we have something interesting to watch when it is over.


I had 2 Christmas cards yesterday, haven't done mine yet though, must rush, nearly last posting day for Oz.


have a good day all, time to take dog walk and mum's food over.

At least the sun is out today though.

Hope it is where you are too.




Hello all Brrrrrcold enough for snow here,sunny at the moment but there's white frost on the cars.


Going to have some soup in a mo' Minestrone (home made) my favourite is tomato though Heinz finest.


I've just been reading about CBB 2013 trying to find the latest gossip but they are keeping schtum about It.


At least with IAC gives us an extra half hour most nights ,I shall really miss It

                      speak later x 



Evening all

not long now for IAC will this will be the last one voted off to-night?

then battling It out to the final on Saturday?.

I've looked through the listings and Wednesday there is a programme on saying what happened when they came out.


Stir fry for tea I never get fed up  of It love peppers (bell ones) and all the other veg.


What do you have Mollie at Christmas cos I do eat meat although I dont eat a lot of meat i'm not a veggie.

Either the chippy or a takeaway Friday love the start of the week-end and have some wine or something a little stronger  I'm no and love a glass or two.


Dogs cuddled up near the warmth Its like follow the leader they have to be near you ..cats are more snooty but loved all the same

by for now ...speak later xx  


Evening Everyone.


Yes Emptybox, cut about 40mm or more off the bottom of the spring onion, i have seen them put that piece in water in a small dish that they can stand up in and don't even plant them outside.


It was very cold here as well Mollie, frost on the car anyway.


Hi frodo, i get the Sainsbury's own basic soup, the tomato, they do others though as well, but for the price it's great.

Last year it was 17p a tin.


Loving the Jungle, funny Ashley not knowing what Corned Beef was, not even liking it.


I've thawed another box of prawns out, this in a 20 to the kilo box, so we had 6 each for now, just boiled them for 1 minute then peeled them, yummy.


Here's a Tomato growing tip.

It may also be the same for many other Veg, like Chilli's and Peppers.


Get plants part grown in small pots, when they are 1ft high and ready to transplant you have 2 options, either laying it down or standing up, take off all the bottom leaves and if you have the depth to plant it about 8 or 10 inches then you can do that, the idea being to get more root area as the stem area can root as well.

You can also lay the plant down flat on the ground and then wait for the top section to turn up towards the sun.

Then make a trough in the ground so the plant lying down can go in, keep the top 3 or 4 inches out of the ground, cover the section in the ground with compost and water in well.

This method should give the plant a better start and allow it to have twice the roots it would otherwise have.


Thought it would be Eric out tonight.


Hi Mollie and Frodo.

So you two got the frost?

It was forecast for me, but no sign of it this morning. Must have been too cloudy?


Surprised Eric is out of the Jungle. I thought it would be Charlie.

Still want Ashley to win though, which surprises me, cos I'm not usually keen on Americans, but she's so down to earth.


I'm not sure if another is voted off tomorrow, or whether 3 go through to Saturday?


2 Christmas cards already Mollie? I suppose it's the 1st on Saturday, and then I'll be forced to think about the 'C' word.


Hi Hicky. I didn't see your post.

See you got frost as well as M and F.

The gritters are out here tonight, so it must be forecast here.


Interesting tip for tomatoes. I knew it was important to plant deep. Not sure I'll lay them flat though.


Ashley's reaction to corned beef was funny. Must say I like corned beef occasionally. Either with chips or in a sandwich.


Oh. Nearly forgot to say. I found that as well as knocking out my Dell, the power cut on Tuesday also knocked out one of my set top boxes. Luckily it was one upstairs that I don't use very often, but it was also on a surge protection socket, so there must have been quite a spike.

Don't see what I could have done about it? The power was off for less than a minute, so there was no time to go round turning things off.

Last edited by emptybox


Morning all


 cold here..really frosty.. yes I want Ashley to win she Is completely down to earth, Is she the first American to get this far? David Guest was well liked  so was the man from Star Trek (can't remember his name)

anyhows hope you are all well .



see you later ..the Forum looks  festive beginning to feel like Christmas


thought you might enjoy watching Ashley ..emptybox

Last edited by Former Member



so they have put up the festive blue socks and snowflakes here. Will have to get OH to dig out our home ones now we are nearly into December.



you are full of gardening tips lately.   The Sainsburys basic stuff is good value and doesn't taste bad too. I usually have Heinz tomato soup though, so don't go to Sainsburys very often. 

Glad to hear you are still enjoying your prawns.



see you got the cold weather too, We had a frost again this morning. HOpe you have plenty of oil left for over the holiday period. Those power cuts you keep getting are a nuisance when they interfere with your techy things.



I like your Friday Winny the Pooh, and Christmas avatar. I can't work out how to do avatars on here, so don't bother, Emptybox did try and help ages ago, but I still couldn't get it to work. i am useless at techy stuff.


Didn't know it was St Andrews day today.


Happy St Andrews day to  Emptybox then. So is it haggis for tea tonight?


It is some pizza , jacket potato, and beans for me.


For Christmas Fredo, I usually have some sort of pie, last year it was brie and cranberry, and veg with the rest of the family.


It was deserted on seafront when we took dog there today, the sea breeze was rather bracing. i was fine in my thick coat though, as was doggie in her red coat and all her thick fur.


Looking forward to IAC tonight.


have a good evening xxx




 before I came on this forum I went on twitter and practised how to do an avatar ..believe me I am useless at anything techno ,when I was with BT i used to shake If they where giving me instructions over the phone,but Its so easy.


You need someone just to explain It step by step this is where I got mine from


Its similar to when you post a picture and I'm sure Hicky or emptybox could explain it step by step .


WHO CARES If you make a few mistakes Its fun .. to you as always xxxx


Last edited by Former Member

Evening All.


Had quite a day, took can in to see what the strange noise form what sounds like a wheel bearing.

They checked it and seem to agree, have ordered one.


Went to Liverpool to a firms little bash in an Irish pub 'O'Neils'.


Only 14 of US, couldn't get a boss's wife off my arm, she seemed to fall in love because i was Sagittarius.D

But as it turned out she wanted to dance but the stage had a Movember moustache show going on with the local Echo photographer taking the pictures and a famous Liverpool hairdresser on stage shaving moustaches etc.

They kept asking me to go onto the stage to get things shave and she was trying to pull me.

I managed to keep myself from relenting, was even offered money but didn't really fancy having my face in the paper.

Anyway, i made excuses to get away as they would be there for hours, i had a starter and a main meal then slipped away.
I decided to get the train from Lime Street to Moreton and ring O/H on the train to pick me up.
A few miles to go and tried to ring, you don't have enough credit to make a call.
Oh, never mind i'll get a taxi from the station, Oh, the taxi office is closed, i'll get a Bus, no chance, I walked in the end, it's a couple of miles but to me it was like 100, good job i had put a warm coat on to go out, it was below Zero.



It doesn't matter how long the power cut is for because the damage is done when it goes off, not when it comes back on.


Frodo, love the pictures and the video's, Ashley is so hot.


Mollie, I get amazed by the difference between the way we do things and the way they do it in the USA.

It leaves me with a list of things to get for the spring/summer.

Rock Dust, Ammonium Sulphate, Agricultural Gypsum, i'll try and get it as it seems to be needed if you want the veg to grow properly.


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