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Originally Posted by frodo:

Bye the way I have had a thing saying join the site ..and I would to keep It going ..bye the way I'm on a budget same as everyone but ..Two things put me off the VIP logo and the other is It safe to use your card and which one can you use debit or credit ...and would you join... I really would like feedback

..not much fun without you three ..anyhow just a thought off now to be merry


Hi there,

I haven't posted here before, but I read everywhere from time to time.

It is ok to use either a Credit or Debit card.


The payment site is a secured site and uses a high level of encryption.


But I'm really not trying to persuade anyone to become a VIP if they don't want to or are not ready to.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

Evening All.

Thank you Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing, i'm sure you are right, it was just Frodo that doesn't do a lot of online transactions so wasn't sure about it's safety.


Had brekkie out today, very nice..


Got some more Fleece for the plants, think i might have to wrap the Baby Pomegranate trees up for the winter.


The car is driving a lot better anyway, will have to get the other big rear winter tyres fitted next week.


Far too many overlapping TV programs on tonight.

So it's Strictly, X Factor then IAC. then ITV2 for IAC after show.

So 'Take me Out' & 'Heston' get binned, pointless putting them on really.


Another nice picture of Deana today.


Last edited by Hicky

Just realised it's my Anniversary.

Thought it was 40yrs but it's only 39, O/H said it was 2 and a half life sentences.


Watched Strictly, jumped over to ITV1+1 for some of Take me Out, then back for some of X Factor then IAC, wow Helen didn't really start that trial, they really have had enough of her now.


Just had some soup, then a Hot Pot then a small pork pie.


Hope everyone is ok, Hope Mollie and her Mum is ok.


Hi Hicky.

Happy anniversary to you and OH.

Glad you enjoyed your brekkie out, but you must be starving after that meager supper?

You really believe in cosseting your plants, with all these fleeces etc? Personally I believe in letting the b*ggers look after themselves.

Glad your car is driving better.


Did a bit more work on my van, then rebuilt my PC again. I removed the offending standoffs and redid all the headers. At least the front USBs are now working, but I can't work out the front audio (the rear audio works fine so that's all I need). There are 2 diagrams in the motherboard manual, one for HD audio, and one for AC'97 audio, and the leads from the case don't correspond to eithet. Ah well.


Enjoyed my bogle-nose and IAC. Helen is hopeless.


Deana posts a lot of pics. My Facebook timeline is always filled with them. Not that I'm complaining like.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening All.


Evening Emptybox.


Have ordered a box of big prawns, medium prawns, a crab, a pack brown shrimps, potted shrimps, plaice fillets, jellied eels.  


Most of the plants need to be kept from freezing if possible or at least do what you can.

I'm even concerned with the vines, but think i need more rolls of sacking.


Just had a big roast dinner, i made 90% of it anyway, yummy.

Had a pudding as well but was too full.


Got another problem with the car now, don't understand it though.

The side lights put the rear stop lights on so of course the stop lights then do nothing as they are already on.


I wonder how Helen will do tonight.


Hope everyone ok, Mollie & her Mum.


Evening All.


Just looked on google for my cross lights problem and think i have the answer.

The lamp filament has fused and linked to from the rear lights to the brake lights which can happen with dual filament lamps.

This is the link.



Hi Hicky.

Wonder where the others are?


Not bad day here. Frosty start but quite sunny. My supermarket day.


Glad you figured out the problem with the car lights.
My Brother has just been on the phone, and the electrics in his company car (a fancy Audi) have gone haywire. It keeps giving him different warning lights and not allowing him to set the electric handbrake and the stop-start system etc.

Probably something wrong with the computer system? He's taking it in on Tuesday. Luckily, as it's a company car, he won't have to pay.


My Nephew turns 17 next weekend, and my Brother is taking him out for his first driving lesson. My Brother used to be a driving instructor, but he's not looking forward to taking his son out.


Had a lazy supper myself - chips, corned beef and sliced beetroot. Only the chips needed to be cooked.


Gutted Ella is out of X-Factor. I've been voting for her every week.

Trouble is, the public always vote for the under-dogs and not for the favourites. They don't seem to realise it's a singing competition.
Ah well. I won't need to vote again, and Ella will be a success, I'm sure.

I actually quite like Union J, but not enough to bother voting.

Rachel Rice's wee boy is very ill in hospital. They suspect it might be meningitis. I think they'll know one way or the other by tuesday.

Hope you are getting some time to yourself Mollie?

And your laptop is behaving Frodo? 

Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by frodo:

Bye the way I have had a thing saying join the site ..and I would to keep It going ..bye the way I'm on a budget same as everyone but ..Two things put me off the VIP logo and the other is It safe to use your card and which one can you use debit or credit ...and would you join... I really would like feedback

..not much fun without you three ..anyhow just a thought off now to be merry


Hi there,

I haven't posted here before, but I read everywhere from time to time.

It is ok to use either a Credit or Debit card.


The payment site is a secured site and uses a high level of encryption.


But I'm really not trying to persuade anyone to become a VIP if they don't want to or are not ready to.


and thankyou for you post ..I know your not trying to pressure me into joining

and Its kind of you reply 



Morning All.


And it's hello to Frodo & Emptybox.


Not a very nice start to the week weather-wise.


Your Brothers problem is serious, one of the problems of having computers running everything these days.

Some cars have loads, one for each section that needs controlling.


I couldn't believe those 2 in the sing-off either,

The public just vote for their fave, nothing to do with the voice at all.

Unless the votes are controlled by people that have the knowledge then this sort of thing will go on for ever.


No problem Frodo, post whenever you have the time and feel like it, we aren't going anywhere, yet.


Hello all

happy anniversary to you and Mrs Hicky I hope you had a good day and enjoyed your meal 39 Years married and still going strong ..seperate tellies that'll do the trick no arguing over the remote


Saturday I watched The Killing on BBC4 SO I watched a double dose of I'm A Celebrity on Sunday;what happened to Helen ? how come she suddenly did one of the worst trials and got 12 stars and passed up on the easier ones earlier in the week ..maybe she really is a good actress  she's back in the game now though surely.


Sorry your favourite got voted out of X Factor emptybox I don't watch It so I don't know that much about It .But I have caught up with Crickley Hall .


Its really cold here to-day I've put the heating on It was sunny yesterday but a cold sort of one .


Chips corned beef and beetroot sounds good to me ..I had to feel sorry  for Limahi on Im A Celeb eating meat because he was so hungry 


I hope you are OK Mollie and you are getting some rest back later see you then..frodoxx


Hi Frodo.


Yep, 39 years, doesn't seem that long really, doesn't time fly.

We often cook, one each side of the hob, we have our own chopping boards as well,

We sometimes have the same meal but often want different food so we cook our own.

We share most items of food, but if she buys me something she doesn't like then she buys something she does just for herself.


I made a lovely Belly pork boneless roast yesterday with cabbage mash and cauliflower cheese, we both love all that, with dark thick gravy, yummy.


Oh, some work to do will get back on later.




Sorry been away for awhile. been rushed off my feet, the only tv shows I had time to watch was IAC and X factor.



Is your pc working ok now? I have got a bit stronger selotape on mine, so it is not too bad now. I use doggie shampoo on my dog, but she sometimes get irritated paws, so I wonder if a change to baby shampoo would be a good option for her?



sorry to hear the car playing up, have you managed to fix it yet? Congrats on your anniversary. You will have to put your 40th one into your calendar for next year, to make sure you don't forget that important one. at you and your OH with your own chopping boards. I rarely eat the same as the rest of the family, because the usually have meat, but we do tend to eat same veg.



Well I do think you are clever building your pc, even if it did take a couple of attempts.

Gosh what a shame about Rachel's little one. Such a worry if they are ill at such a young age.

I too am suprised Ella is out. Sometimes I now wonder if that is "the plan", that the producers like the real talent out quickly, so they can work on them, ready to publicise over the year. The losers often seem to be the real successes now and the winners sometimes ditched and disappear after their one single released at Christmas.


The reason I have been extra busy again, is because OH got offerred a new contract.   He is going back to work for a client he worked for in the past, so it was all done quickly, no interview, they wanted him to start ASAP. So I have spent a long time going through the 30 page plus legal contracts.   Had to get a few ammendments done on it. But we are dead pleased he has a job before Christmas with people he gets on with, and one where he can travel daily too. 


I am enjoying IAC. Helen did well last night.  Not sure who my fave is yet, Eric quite funny. Brian bit strange at time, we don't see much of Linda.


Nearly time to take lad to college, and haven't been back long from tidying and taking mum's meals over. Oh well, as long as I get time to watch IAC ,that is fine, and at least I have had time to post here today.


Have a good day all xxx


Hello again

well isn't that the best news ever Mollie that your OH has a new job I'm so pleased for you and just before  too .


Yes that is awful news about Rachel's baby ,I so hope It Isn't meningitis

one of the nicest housemates ever ,only my opinion though .


One Born What Happens Next on Wednesday More 4 at 10pm Mollie I've got that in my planner.


I do use baby shampoo was advised to by the vet only the stores home make though


see you all later x


Hi Mollie, Hicky Frodo.

Dull and drizzly day here. Playing about with my computer.


Great news about your OH getting a contract Mollie.

Takes the pressure off before Christmas. And because it's near enough, you don't have to think about relocation.


Ah yes Frodo. I forgot I'd recorded that Crinkley Bottom thing as well, I'll get round to watching it sometime no doubt.


Some good news about Rachel's son. It can't have been meningitis, because they've allowed him to come home. He's still sickly, but looks like he'll be OK.


Hello emptybox

to be honest I was a little bit disappointed with Crickley Hall ..perhaps Its me feeling a little bit jaded with the telly recently ,Suranne Jones seemed to have lost quite a bit of weight  although she was good in this It didn't seem that scary really I'll watch the other two episodes though.


Same as to-nights Come Dine With Me ..It was one of my favourite programmes  to-nights episode had a lady rather top heavy (if you know what I mean)

preparing food with a dress so low It was quite off putting ..heaven knows what kind of a bra she had on I expect that lifted her bosoms under her chin that I had to switch over  and she put the fork in her mouth to taste the food everyone was going to eat and put the used fork back in again  seen a lot of folks do that on the show .


three posts I am doing well emptybox what's this Crinkley Bottom that you speak of LOL seen a few of those in my time 



Last edited by Former Member

Hi Frodo,


I too was disappointed in Crickley Hall, I was looking forward to it, but the reality didn't 'grab' me. I actually turned it off!


And thanks for your understanding about the payment stuff.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

Afternoon all 

no Celebrity to-night  unless your a football fan I can't see much on at all.I'll probably watch' America On A Plate on BBC 4' about their diners,I have a book I want to read and I'll switch off the telly.


I wonder why Brian Conley left the show? he did seem a bit strange I think he mis-judged the mood of the camp when he had a word with Rosemary cos the others didn't back him up


I don't agree with people being excused from trials on medical grounds they are getting more for a couple of weeks than what most folks earn in a year so can't do the trials don't go in the jungle ...only my opinion


Still thinking about tea/supper to-night cant make my mind up what to have


Fried rice or stir fry or curry or???decisions decisions mmm.

I hope every one is well and your mum is getting better Mollie 

be back later xx


Evening All.


Changed my nearside rear tail lamp/stop lamp, lights seem normal again, wires had shorted inside the bulb.


Glad your O/H has got a job Mollie, thats great.


Awful no IAC tonight.


Just had tomato soup and 2 plates of Whitebait.


I would think the problem with the dog shampoo isn't the type of shampoo, it's more of a problem of not washing it out of the hair, it's probably like washing up liquid, it's very hard to get out, have you ever tried to get it out of a sponge?

It's what is left on the dog that will give him a problem.


Frodo, i think Brian had a bit of a problem/breakdown, he was rambling on and having a bit of a turn, think they had to take him away.


Glad Rachels little one seems not too bad, it's a worrying time, more so if your conversant with the death rate of under 5yr old children @ 9 a week.


Will just have to keep changing stations tonight.


Hello all

yes you may be right about Brian having a bit of a turn Hicky .


Les Dennis had one in CBB sort of a meltdown.the trouble is that It's been the *Helen* show we have hardly got to know the others and they will be voted off in a day or two, they really need to do something about the trial voting that's why I think Helen Is playing a game and doing It very well ,this show will really have given her career a boost .


Its done nothing but rain to-day and Its been pretty cold .I had stir fry for tea the only trouble is Im hungry again as Its not very filling so off  to find something to snack onFood graphics see you later 

 paintings of food absolutely looks like the real thing                          

Last edited by Former Member

Hi Frodo.


It's awful without IAC, watching Heston, he's crazy.


Think i'll make a round of toast & Marmalade, neighbour over the back gave me a new jar of medium cut to try..

We swop all sorts of food.

I gave him 2 Cauliflower last week, and gave him a 1LB bag of frozen Whitebait.


Don't think Brian will be missed, as you say we didn't see much of him.


ITV2 is on at 10pm though, that will have some up to date stuff from the jungle on it.


Hi all (morning)


chucking It down here two very miserable dogs missing their trek,cat not bothered oh well perhaps It will calm down soon.


your right emptybox telly was rubbish last night b*gger all on,I did watch catch up on ITV2 last night though,so someone Is leaving to-night and unless she gets immunity I'm guessing It will be Nadine Dorries,perhaps this is why Brian left (see link below)  I don't know why his wife Is blaming ITV though.

I'm not wishing away cos I love It but then Its BB Is It the celebrity one?in January.

Been buying things every week for the festive season just a few things silly stuff and treats and Its sort of built up.


Emma Willis is presenting This Morning to-day with Philip Scoffield and I had this unreasonable urge to throw the telly out the window 


see you later see If this link works  It works


Last edited by Former Member

Hi again 

thesehave been for a walk.

and are now content stopped raining .bliddy weather enough to drive you


Brian Conley is out of hospital so thats good news I'm still don't know what to think though


Can there be a more annoying person on this planet than Joe Swash mmm  let me see P.Scoffield comes close my mind anyhow


                                       see you soon  oh forgot B.Dowling 

Last edited by Former Member




sounds like a nice food swop shop you have going there with your neighbour.



hope it was a bit drier for your doggie walk today. My doggie was fed up after 2 days of constant rain, but today we got a bit of sun, so she loved a walk on the beach. (as me and the kids did too).



hope you too got a break from all this rain today. Do you have much garden work to do now? That is good to hear that Rachels little one is home again.


I agree, it was horrid without IAC last night, but good to have a nice long one tonight. This night time challenge looks really horrid though.

How long would you last Freddo? I'd be out straight away.

Originally Posted by Hicky:

I would think the problem with the dog shampoo isn't the type of shampoo, it's more of a problem of not washing it out of the hair, it's probably like washing up liquid, it's very hard to get out, have you ever tried to get it out of a sponge?

It's what is left on the dog that will give him a problem.


That is an interesting point Hicky. My dog has very thick fur, so we will have to pay attention to make sure the shampoo is washed out well next time.


Hello Mollie 

so good to hear from you  one of my dogs has thick fur so I would imagine doggie shampoo is just fine I was using a medicated one and their skins got irritated thats the reason I use a softer one .


To be honest I could not do one trial.. I'm afraid of everything that moves ..but some of them havn't done one trial and are getting paid vast amounts of money and and the publicity for their careers  


Hope your mum is well night all xx

Last edited by Former Member

Evening All.


Good to have IAC back on tonight.


I see Nadine was voted out, expected.


Poor Brian, it looks like a small mental breakdown, which is what i said originally.

Probably the lack of food and boredom.


It was awful reading about the dog that killed the one week old baby, it was the family pet, a Jack Russell.



Hello Hicky

yes I thought Nadine would be first out ..I couldn't read the story about the baby but It's been on the news so tragic ..I can't imagine what they must be going through .

I have pets but I would never leave them in the same room as a child for one second even though they are very gentle and I'm not saying that happened here

Its so sad.


Glad Brian Is on the mend 


Hi guys.

Another dull day, but at least I didn't get the floods that some have had.


IAC good. I suppose it was inevitable that Nadine would be out. Wonder if she's ready to face the music in Parliament?


That's nice that you share stuff with your neighbour Hicky.

Don't really share stuff with my neighbour...well, their dog leaves me presents on my lawn. I suppose that counts?


Hi Frodo. Yes, I can't stand Joe Swash either.


I haven't got that much work on Mollie, so I can pick and choose which day to work.

That's not necessarily a good thing, as it can be a bit too tempting to stay in and play with my computers.


Evening All.


Just eating some Wasabi coated Peanuts, wow, hot.

Just had a Mince with onions, mushrooms chilli and rice dish

Last night we had a chippy meal delivered, i got hot & sour soup, but it was too hot, had to leave half then had chicken curry with fried rice which was great.


Have just ordered a Refractometer and another 50m of 6mm bungee cord, very handy.


Hoping the fish order comes in the morning so i can go and get my wire and ratchet tensioners from the garden centre.


Enjoying IAC at the mo.


Yes Frodo, terrible about the 1 week old baby, it was only a Jack Russell but as with most animals they don't like intruders into their territory and they don't like babies that aren't theirs.

It's just a pity people don't understand this.

But maybe it's an age thing with the dogs, or something like that.


Glad the floods haven't effected you anyway Emptybox.


Hope Mollie and her Mum are managing ok.


Hi Hicky.

Pouring with rain all day.

There have been some floods elsewhere in the Borders, but not near me, I don't think. (not that I've been out to check)

Think it's supposed to be drier tomorrow, and a bit colder.


Got my accounts for October done, plus some housework.


I googled refractometer Hicky, but I still don't have much of a clue?

Is that something to do with your garden, or something to do with your work?


Liking Ashley best on IAC. Hope she stays till the end.

Least liked is that Hugo bod.


Had a king prawn balti for supper.


Hi all



good on you staying home now and again to play on your computers, you deserve your seasonal break after working so hard on all those gardens through spring and summer. And you did well doing your accounts too.

I agree, Ashley is a wee darling on IAC. And oh boy was she determined on that trial tonight.

It was an awful one too. Don't think we could of done any better, do you Freddo?



you certainly got a variety of food there. Did you say your OH doesn't like the spicy stuff? I have to avoid spicy since my throat problems and dry wine too, seems to make it sore. But I still manage to find lots of food I enjoy. I had a mushroom risotto thing tonight with lots of veg.


Now you have got us all wondering what a refractometer is?


I have been buying my Christmas cards, need to get Ozzie ones done and off soon.

Yes far too many people forget that dogs are animals, so no matter how tame, can always be unpredictable. So sad about the baby,  



Did your dogs enjoy their walk today? Our dog enjoyed the beach and sun yesterday, but today, it was windy and starting to rain, so she couldnt' wait to get home and back onto the cushions.

What did you have for tea tonight?


My mum coming on well now. Physios call in each day to help her do her exercises. And she has really cut down on the pain relief.







Morning all

I saw a recording of Brian Conley on Daybreak not the actual interview ,to me It still didn't make sense here's the gist of It ..he took antidepressants into the jungle but didn't take them.. so the producers said he went in with tablets and he had to take them,he then was in hospital with exhaustion and lack of food and they knocked him out with a strong sedative


Does that make sense ?but he still isn't going to take the medicine he said.

Anyway I felt terribly sorry for him he didn't look that good and I wish him well.

see you later ...perhaps this will explain It better





Last edited by Former Member

Hi guys back again

yes I agree about Ashley and not just for the trial she did, she is an all round really nice person,and I agree with you emptybox I hope she is in the final she whizzed through that trial no messing about there ..


King prawn balti sounds good shop bought or takeaway or did you make it?

I don't think you should worry to much about taking It easy there's not that much you can do in this weather .do you good to have a break.


Frontline day yesterday for the animals Mollie soi'm trying not to get them wet for a while.


Good to here your mum is responding well to physio and cutting down on her pain relief


Terrible day here yesterday raining and very windy you could here It whooshing past the windows.


Food sounds delicious Hicky for heavens sake where do you put It all .I may have a takeaway to-night ... looking forward to IAC to-night either Hugo or Eric  out to-night do you think?

                                  Friday Animated GIF Comments |               

see you later xx

Last edited by Former Member

Evening All.


Had a good day, went and got the 2.5mm galv wire for the vines, just changing a few from the plastic wire to steel.

Also got another 6 rolls of the sacking material to keep the tubs warm.


My fish order arrived before 9am, very pleased,

Got 3 fillets of natural smoked Haddock free, O/H loves that.

Got 1 pack of big prawns, and a box of massive prawns, a 1.8kg pack containing 8 prawns, but the net weight is 700g after the ice has thawed.

Got 2 fresh dressed crabs, 2 plaice fillets, 1 pack of brown shrimps, a tub of Jellied Eels.

The put in a pack of smoked salmon pieces, not sure what to do with that yet.

The smoked Haddock & the smoked Salmon pieces where free.


Emptybox, the Refractometer is to tell the sugar/alcohol content of the grapes so you know when they are ready, you just squeeze a drop of juice from a grape, you test a few from different places, it's more if you want to make some wine, but still handy, it's only cheap from China.


I like Ashley as well, nice girl.

You King Pawn Balti sounds nice, yummy.


Yes Mollie, O/H doesn't eat any spice, maybe a little white pepper at times.

She did a little shop this morning, Fillet Steak, Topside, Lamb shanks, Tinned Peaches, tinned custard, tinned tomato's.

Glad you Mum is coming on, it sure will help her move forward.


Hi Frodo, yes Brian was suffering from Malnutrition as they weren't getting the food and nutrients the body needs, it's a wonder they aren't all ill, thats the producers fault for starving them, just to get a laugh.

I don't know if the antidepressants would make any difference, i can't see how.


Hugo or Eric, you could be right, it's down to fan level, which we don't really know.

Quite nice here, some sunshine, but very cold. "Baltic" as they say.
I've no idea why they say "baltic"? I wouldn't have thought the baltic was especially cold? I think they should say "arctic". But they don't listen to me.

Hi Mollie. Glad your Mum is coming along well.
I missed Ashley doing the trial yesterday. I forgot it stared at 8.30.

Hi Hicky. I would never have guessed that was what the refractometer was for. Are you going to make wine, or is it just to see if the grapes are ripe?
Your fish order looks great, especially the freebies.

Hi Frodo. The balti sauce is out of a jar, but I cook the rice and the raw prawns, and add the sauce to the prawns. Sometimes have a side salad with it.
Still a mystery what happened to Brian really?

Did you see the pics of the Chinese motorway, built round a house?

Morning Emptybox.


I think using the Refractometer will give a better idea when the grapes are ready, thats if i get any.


I saw that clip of the house in the road, they don't mess about do they, not sure how you go shopping unless he had a car.


Tweeted my big prawns so they may get into your twitter list.

They really are big, 12og each.

And that is a Dinner Plate.

Big Prawns

Here's a bigger picture of the prawns.!133&sff=1


And my garden all wrapped up for winter.!134

Last edited by Hicky

Hi Hicky.

Yes I saw those on twitter. Very impressive.


Very frosty here this morning, and the frost stayed on the lawn all day. Dry though. But I think the heavy rain is travelling north?


Still waiting on the used graphics card I bought a week ago on ebay. The fellow obviously isn't worried about the ratings I'll give him. He's only just marked it as 'Dispatched' today. Wonder why he sat on it for a week before posting?
Perhaps he thinks it's worth more than the £11 (+£3.50 p&p) that I won it for, and was contemplating his options?

(same model new on Amazon for £23 free p&p) 


Did some more housework today, and I'll be off for a bath in a bit. Then my usual spag bol supper and X-Factor followed by IAC.

Last edited by emptybox

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