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Morning All.


Managed to get on ok this morning.


Enjoyed IAC, some nice females, that will do me.


Roll on 10am brekki time.


Don't know what to have for tea tonight, when you have 4 freezers of food it's hard to choose.

We did have 5 for changed a fridge freezer to a big fridge.


Those tasks in the jungle are great, don't think they would bother me, don't mind insects or rats or snakes, nothing really, but i wouldn't be able to eat some of the stuff they have to in the food tasks, it would just make me sick so it would be void.


This would be nice.

The Jungle

Ah, put me down


Love watching Fish, Fry.

Lovely Fish

Last edited by Hicky




Yes all in the jungle would be my downfall too.  

Did you take your doggies a walk in the nice weather yesterday? Our dog loves going out in the sunshine, but not the rain.

Yes I too love our Emptybox's dry humour.   And I also like his little Scottish sayings.   And of course Hicky's food and garden tales and piccies. And all 3 of us love our tv shows.



at your German "kaputt". I am sure they don't make these machines to last, so you have to replace them.

Thought there might of been a few girls you liked on IAC.



Glad you managed to get on at work today, HOpe you are not too busy today.

Your fresh fish deliveries sound a good idea they way the are sent out.


I am liking the jungle pics posted on here.

Looks like we are in for a good series again. A good mix of characters. at Helen, oh dear, she has set herself up for the trials by showing how scared she is. I like dispy family tell me I am a bit of a dipsy one myself.   .my dipsy made worse now by getting older unfortunately though.   

The MP could prove interesting.


Have an appointment at hospital to do with blood today, not looking forward to it, we have to go somewhere else where I have never been before. They have been moving departments around to save money. So good job OH around to take me.

time for brekkie before I leave, a nice raisin and cinnamon bagel I think. Bang goes my give up bread diet again. Will call in mums with her meal on way,

have a good day all, it is so nice to have IAC to look forward to each night now.  


Afternoon Mollie.


Hope you bloods are ok.

Awful them moving round to save money, all countries are broke, it's a disaster.

Hope your Mum is OK today.


Love watching jungle, and all this wildlife.

I wonder if they will show Helen showering tonight?

She looks good here.

Helen in the Jungle


More here as well, nice body though.



 Now where did i put my watch?


Now, where did i put my watch.


More pics.


Last edited by Hicky

Good evening all



I am guessing Emptybox will appreciate your Helen piccies.

That hole in the ground piccy is dead funny.

How was work today?  Not run off your feet I hope.


Wonder if Emptybox got in his gardens today?


My hospital appointment went well. Made sure we got there early so I could have a coffee. Lucky bloods were fine. Have to go back again in 6 months.


Mum seems to be eating bit better now and is trying to reduce the cocodemol because she was on 8 a day and she doesn't think she needs that many now.


Looking forward to IAC tonight.


Just had small boiled potatoes, butternut squash, peas and quorn cottage pie. Very nice, followed by a small cup cake, decorated Christmas style with red and green balls on top.


Fish for tea for you Hicky tonight?


Hi Freddo

is your pc working ok now. I dropped my lappy again, but I need new solotape on it anyway.


have a good evening all xxx


Evening All.


Evening Mollie.


Work wasn't too bad really.

1 boss still away, other one busy.


Glad you bloods were ok, thats a bonus.

Glad your mum seems to eating as well.


Your tea sounds good Mollie.


I just had a baked potato with 2 Smallish gammon steaks.

Just eating a roast leg of duck.


The bloke in the office at work has one of those 3D printer that he bought as a kit and build himself

He has been experimenting with making small sections of plastic models to test it.

It's a similar one to this.


Looking forward to IAC tonight.



 Hello all

                I'm loving I'm a celebrity Eric Bristow is hilarious I love him in fact I dont think there is one person I dislike at the moment...really enjoying It and having a laugh Helen is so funny she is infectious ,I've tittered all the way through the programme 


Its rained here to-day Mollie and the dogs go walkies twice a day ......,,,,Its been  cold,, I've had the heating on quite a bit to-day.


I had some cheese and potato croquette type things from M&S to-day for tea they where really nice, I love some of their things and fill up with treats from them at Christmas they do a beetroot salad and a three bean salad which I love.


The pictures are lovely Hicky especially the water one Helen is a pretty girl with the kind of nature I like .


Hope you are well empty box don't work too hard ..mind you'll not get a lot done this weather .I can't wait for to-morrows episode but I don't think either of them will pass the test LOL .Helen lasted 10 seconds to-night.


Glad your blood tests went well Mollie and that your mum is on the mend

take care of yourself and try and get some restxxxxxx


                                 night all thought the bug was more friendly



                                                    Little Bug





Last edited by Former Member


Wet here today, so I didn't go out.


Glad your bloods were OK Mollie.

I have a recommended computer upgrade for you.

I recommend that you upgrade from Sellotape to insulating tape. Much stronger, and more satisfactory overall.


Hi Hicky.

Helen looks fantastic. And she was actually quite funny on tonight's prog.

Those 3D printers are fascinating. I've seen them on telly before.


I've bought a second-hand motherboard bundle on Ebay to upgrade one of my self-built computers. It's a motherboard, Core-2-duo CPU and 4GB DDR2 RAM forÂĢ50. Not bad price if it works. I'll still have to buy a graphics card, but I can pick up one for less than ÂĢ20.


It's just my 'test' PC, but it was limited to 32bit operating systems previously, so this will mean I can install 64bit OS's for a very cheap upgrade.

I chose to go with core-2-duo, rather than a more modern CPU, because I wanted to use my existing IDE hard drives, and modern motherboards are sata only. Yes I know you can get adaptors, but they get mixed reviews, with some saying they slow the drives down.

Last edited by emptybox

Afternoon All


It was lovely and sunny here earlier on but Its turned cooler now dog bathed and one to go when he decides to wake up .


STir fry for tea/dinner depending If you are posh or not .I'm not


A new three part serial starting on Sunday at 9pm 'The Secret Of Crickley Hall ' BBC1 trust It to clash with I'm A Celebrity so I'll watch that on +1


Anyone heard a rumour someone Is leaving the Jungle  you know they really ought to have a different way of doing the trials It's the same every year and It does get boring after a while when they give up straight away..and some get a pass cos their doctor says so (shouldn't go in If you can't do the trials) only my opininion



     hope you are all well speak animated gifs beetles 3


 Second dog bathed  â™Ŧâ™Ŧ you aint nothing but a hound dog â™Ŧâ™Ŧ                                                                         





Last edited by Former Member

 hello again 

 Im watching Master Chef Australia at the moment I've almost given up on The Paradise too contrived for me ...I can't be bothered with the ITV 2

programme on I'm A I may watch a film later ..Hicky's food eating seems to be catching I'm feeling peckish Stir Fry doesn't really fill you up.


Hope all is well with you and your mum Mollie and she is continuing to make progress steady does It with her..I think she is wonderful to get through this but then she has you and your family looking after and caring about her 


What question marks emptybox ? maybe It was the spiders I put in I deleted them they were horrible enjoying all the bare flesh that's being shown you and Hicky will love It .LOL


Hello Hicky what's for tea ?..have you eaten all your fresh crabmeat (lovely) Im

looking forward to to-nights trials .


        Oh and I love to Boogie xx



and for my mate empty box he'll walk this far everyday lol



Last edited by Former Member

Hi Frodo.

Not too bad here. Not too cold and a bit of sunshine this morning, but drizzly this afternoon.

Got some work done anyway. Some cutting back and tidying up.


Aye yer speeders werenae showin' up, bit yer flee is.

(bit of Scots in honour of the Proclaimers clip )


What's this 'Crickley Manor' thing of which you speak?


Have to say I quite like the little Irish girl presenter on the ITV2 show, but the rest of it is rubbish.

I see there's a couple more bods going into the jungle tomorrow.

I think it was Helen threatening to leave? But she obviously didn't go through with it.


Yeah, Hicky would be in his element in the eating challenge.


Ahem I have a heart at the side of my name saying I like this thread 

which of course I do ...but I just pressed the like to see what It meant and then unpressed It(does that make sense?)


I would hate people to think I like my own posts 


Why did I press that damn button

                                                 night allxx




A bit cloudy and drizzly here today, but still quite mild.


My Motherboard bundle came this afternoon, so I fitted that.

I always forget how fiddly it is connecting all the little plugs etc. Especially the ones that fit on the headers for the front panel.

It all seems to be working, but I just tested it with an old graphics card I had. Unfortunately that's not compatible with the latest Linuxes, so I'll need to buy a better one. But as I said yesterday, that should only cost about ÂĢ20.


No IAC tonight.

I'll just have to make do with that pic of Ashley Hicky.

Hope you weren't rushed off your feet at work, in the end?


Hi Frodo. I've never seen a 'like' button on here?


Hope you are not too busy Mollie?


Evening Emptybox.


I can see a 'Like' button at the top of the page.


I wouldn't expect the old graphics card to be compatible with the latest Linux, best invest in a newer model.


Watching ITV2, IAC Now, better than nothing.


Enjoyed Masterchef as well earlier.


went out for tea, had a curry & rice.


Hope Mollie & Mum are OK.







I have heard those 3D printers are good, but that build your own model link sounds complicated.



your upgrade sounds complicated too. Well done on getting it done. Good job the graphics card won't cost you too much. Nice to see a bit of a Scottish post again.



those cheese and onion croquettes from M and S are a favourite of mine too. We will be getting a few Christmas food treats from there too. 2 dogs to bath sounds like hard work.   We have to get the hairdryer out for our dog on bath days, else she gets really shivery, (unless very hot day).

I can't see the heart button Freddo. So maybe it has gone now. That will teach you not to press unknown buttons.


been extra busy as usual.

Backwards and forwards to chemist sorting out mum's meds. She wants to reduce because they are making her tired, and the pain is not so bad now. Then we had to go to her flat last night and again tonight, because she messed up the phone system and we couldn't get her at all. She either knocked phone off hook or didn't hang up properly. Her meds confuse her. And of course she now has all this high tech emergency stuff.  She says they speak to her each day to see if she is ok, so that is fine.


Missed not having IAC tonight, watched ITV2 but it was rubbish with no Ant and Dec. Roll on tommorrow nights episode.

I too think Helen is very funny, and I like all of them so far. Helen seems to have a good supply of bikinis.


goodnight all xxx



Good Afternoon Everyone.


Took car in to garage,

Had brekkie

Did some work in garden.


O/H wanted to go for fish and chips so couldn't say no.


Fish merchants box was delivered today, should have been tomorrow.

Prawns a smaller size than they should be, have emailed them.


Had a reply, he doesn't know what happened.

Will get refund for prawns.


Having a fresh place fillet for tea, it's big as well, O/H have a skate wing.


Mollie, to build the 3D printer you need some mechanical knowledge and electrical, but of course you can pay a lot more and get them already built.


I missed IAC last night as well, can't be helped i suppose.


It's going to be difficult with your mum, but there's no answer to it.


I hope we see more of Helen.


Louise is na beauty as well, Jay did well to find a beauty like her really.!/


Yes Emptybox, i thought there was only 1 like button, it's a facebook thing isn't it?



Hope your car doesn't cost you too much Hicky.
Fancy delivering ower* wee prawns? Didn't think you'd put up with that.

Actually, now I'm on my newly rebuilt PC, I can see a 'Like this topic' link, with a heart icon, underneath the advert top right. Never noticed that before, but in my defence, I don't think it shows up when I'm on my tablet PC, as I usually am of an evening.

I'm torn in the Battle of the Bikini Babes Hicky.
I think Helen is probably better looking, but I like Ashley as well, and she's probably the better contestant.

Still dry mild and cloudy here. I suppose long may the mild weather continue, because they are predicting it to go well below zero by the end of November.
Mind you, they predict a lot of things.

Made a few schoolboy errors in rebuilding this PC.
It's the third computer that I've built, and I was a bit blasÃĐ about it.
Plus I wanted it in quickly to test, so I could give the ebay seller feedback.
The front audio and USBs don't work, so I must have got the header plugs a bit wrong.

Also this is an ATX board, and the one that came out was mATX, which means I should have removed the two brass standoffs for the mATX screws that don't line up, and it completely slipped my mind.
Haven't had any problems so far, but there's a risk of them shorting the motherboard and casing some damage.
So when I get my new graphics card, I think I'll strip it down and have another go. Silly me.


(* "ower" is Scots dialect for 'over', but in this case means 'too'. It's pronounced with an ow at the begining, like when you stub your toe.)


Evening Everyone.


They have replaced the rear Diff Mounting but there is still a bit of judder which i thought felt like a front drive shaft but they will see tomorrow, i left the car with them tonight.


I had half of the a place fillet as it was rather big.


Then i made up some pancake mix, the 4.5kg bag i got from Costco a long time ago makes love buttermilk pancakes or batter, all sorts.

Made too much though.

Lost count how many i made but i didn't use up all i made.


Good job you didn't do any damage building this computer Emptybox.

It does take quite a bit of thought to get all the plugs for the auxiliary gear right.


Enjoyed the jungle tonight.


Evening all

I've been catching up on all your news..good to be back I have been sorting this 

coffee table thing that looks a bit like a chest... anyhow you can store things in it,I want to get rid of It ..It was full of CDs and other things you collect almost done now. unbelievable the rubbish pushed in 


There is a like this topic at the top of the page I just liked to see what It would do and then unliked  if you get what I mean 


I am still loving I Am A Celebrity and the fact that they all get on makes It more entertaining for me Eric Bristow with the numbers,brilliant I think Ashley is stunning  and refreshing that she hasn't got massive boobs ..What can I say about David's physique


I had help with the baths Mollie and they love It baby shampoo nice warm towels beds near a radiator


Sounds very complicated emptybox  motherboard plugs etc sure your not building a space ship ? Oh to be techno minded, I havn't a clue .To be able to build your own computer. Was It a choice to go for gardening and I use that term loosely ,because I know that is landscaping etc and the knowledge of plants what soil they need ,you need your wits about you ,or would you have preferred  computing? .


Sounds like a lot of fish Hicky where do you put It all ,mind you I love seafood as I have said before.

Good pictures of the girls as emptybox has said I think Ashley will be the better contestant Helen is very sweet but I can't believe she is so helpless and I think she could at least have tried in the trial ,to-night was a bit pathetic


Sort of a vicious circle with your Mum Mollie because she needs pain control and that is making her drowsy and then It.s only natural she gets a little confused..but I'm thinking of you and hoping things turn around so you can get the rest you need xx


                                       night all xxx


Originally Posted by frodo:


Sounds very complicated emptybox  motherboard plugs etc sure your not building a space ship ? Oh to be techno minded, I havn't a clue .To be able to build your own computer. Was It a choice to go for gardening and I use that term loosely ,because I know that is landscaping etc and the knowledge of plants what soil they need ,you need your wits about you ,or would you have preferred  computing? .



No, that would be Mothership not Motherboard, and that's a wee project for next month. I didn't think anybody knew about that though?

I just kind of drifted into gardening Frodo. I got a degree in Biology from Edinburgh University, but I couldn't find work in that area in 1980, so I ended up helping my Dad run his small hotel (just down the road from here).

When he retired he had to sell the hotel, but I carried on working behind the bar for the new owners until I got offered work by a local landscape gardener.

I worked directly with him for 3 seasons, then he set me off in my own van for another couple of seasons, then I went completely independant in about 1998.


I wouldn't mind building and mending computers, but there's no real market for that nowadays. Plus, as you can tell from my sorry tale above, I'm about as good at gardening as I am at rebuilding computers.

Hi Hicky. Sounds like your car may end up being expensive?


Actually I felt a bit sorry for Helen in the task tonight.

She should have tried harder, but I wouldn't have liked being shut in a small place in the dark with a massive ostrich. Those things can kick.  


Morning all 


just a quick post I hope everyone is well ..I stand corrected about the motherboard emptybox


hahaha lol your post tickled me 



back later the way I do like Helen she has been the right sort of comic relief (although she doesn't realise It that I love) and I couldn't do any of the trials.....     the bird was more scared than she was I'm surprised they put It in there with a large light bulb just over It's head.

Last edited by Former Member

hello all 



                   Friday graphics          And I'm feeling good

whey hey Its Friday ..I'm looking forward to to-night's I'm A Celeb.  two new campers to-night and the task to look forward to .I'm enjoying this because they can't put an act on or copy other contestants, It feels fresh even though Its been going for yonks and to be honest I don't really care If Helen has a strategy or is playing at being thick Its good watching     


I hope you are well Mollie and your Mum too that's a love for what you have both been table(big ugly thing) Is now empty and ready to be dumped on earth did I collect all this rubbish


Been to the chippy to-night really enjoyed fish and chips cos I only had fruit for breakfast.


I'm going to have a Beer graphics  wee dram to-night cos Its Friday ..sure you'll understand purely for medicinal purposes..doctors orders

I'll be they don't feel like dancing but I do


Bye the way I have had a thing saying join the site ..and I would to keep It going ..bye the way I'm on a budget same as everyone but ..Two things put me off the VIP logo and the other is It safe to use your card and which one can you use debit or credit ...and would you join... I really would like feedback

..not much fun without you three ..anyhow just a thought off now to be merry



Evening All.


Not too bad a day, not a lot to do in the garden, the gear i need didn't come into the garden centre, got too wait till next week now.

Isn't it strange how you want stuff straight away and won't be using it till next March, but i want to get it installed.


Got my car back, Mounting fitted, they changed the front wheel/tyre for the spare as they said it was out of balance ÂĢ153.


I used to build a lot of Computers Frodo but these days i just advise people to buy from Dell as you can't build them that cheap.


Had quite a lot of fish today.

Had the usual bacon brekkie but had half a place fillet for tea, then had 7 Tiger Prawns, then had 6 breaded butterfly Prawns


It should be good seeing the new campers tonight, can see some right rows brewing, it depends if they bite their tongue or not.


Haven't seen the VIP logo, will take a look see.

If we have to pay to stay it's ok with me, it's not a lot really it's 25USD which is ÂĢ15.76 for the yr.


Hi guys.

Not bad again here. Still quite mild, and dry all day.

Got a big hedge cutting job done.


That wasn't too bad for the car Hicky.

Pity you couldn't get the stuff you wanted at the garden centre.


Hi Frodo. I often get the VIP membership pop-up, but I just click on the close button. I don't think there's any need to be a VIP member? Not unless it means the difference between the forum closing or not. They'll probably become more insistant though, if not many people take it up.


I have one credit card with a fairly low credit limit on it, and I keep that one for buying on the web. Or I pay for things with Paypal. It's probably safer than using your card in a shop TBH.


Quite enjoying IAC. Liking a few, but no great favourite yet.


Charlie Brooks is second favourite at the moment and if she stays as sweet and articulate as she is at the moment then I am routing for her .



As a laydee I thought she was just as sexy in a one piece as all those Bikini's put to-gether add to that her mannerisms and very sexy voice quite a combination .. .


Night allxx


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