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Evening All.


Just made chicken & onion in Malaysian Curry with vegetable rice.



O/H made chicken & onion with tinned cream mushrooms and boiled rice.


The only tinned crab we get is the small tins of paste, i get the dressed crabs which are either fresh or frozen.


Chanelle & Chantelle both with problems, both with babies, heavens.


Fitted my new chimes this morning, fitted 2 bell pushes, 1 each side of the door, fitted the 2 chimes, they plug in and still leave a socket.

They have 16 sets of chimes, loud as well, and you can have each chime with a different chime on it.


Thats good gear Chanelle is selling.


Hi all

I know the kind of crabmeat you mean in tins Hicky Its more of a pate  .Your Malaysian curry sounds good and I love rice any kind .i;m going to try some couscous and polenta for a change ..and I do love the old comfort foods cottage pie dumplings Yorkshire pud but I also like a change in fact I like food fullstop.


I'm taping Harry Potter 4 to-night as Its the only one I don't have there are eight all to-gether  so I will have them all if this dodgy tape from Tesco holds out I keep saying tape when I mean Disc sorry.


Can I ask you Hicky Mollie emptybox a  question If It meant we had to pay to keep this forum open would you pay I'm only asking cos I class you as mates that's all .

I hate the VIP logo though.


America goes to the polls as politics should stay out of our chats I'll say nothing 

but *O*  I know  who i'm routing for though.


Thanks for letting me know about Chantelles furniture emptybox funnily I do have 

leather furniture cos for one a good polish a change of cushions and hey Its like new .When you have animals they are part of your life  a companion so leather makes could call my house homely and lived in with candles and plants scattered around  and the odd animal chilling


I will stay awake for the elections  to-night hopefully .


see you laterxx










Last edited by Former Member


I can't see the point in paying to keep this forum open, when there are so many free options?

TBH, I very rarely look on the rest of the forum, apart from this thread, so I don't really feel a loyalty to gagajoyjoy. (I know that sounds bad).

However if Hicky and Mollie (and yourself) insisted on paying and staying here, then I would too. There'd be no point in me going elswhere on me lonesome.


I've got all the Harry Potters on either DVD or Blu-ray. Haven't watched the last film yet. It's been sitting here for months waiting for me to get round to it. I've read all the books though.


Chanelle's furniture is very expensive and classy. Doubt she'll get a fraction of what she paid, but I'm supposing she's moving to a smaller house.


I'm going to watch some of the election prog as well. Might be quite exciting as it looks so close? Don't really care about the result though?

Guess it would be better if Obama stayed. He's the known quantity after-all?


HI  ..emptybox Im the new one just asking you three as I can go to another forum so can we all ..but I would like to keep in touch..


You Mollie and Hicky should make the decision I'll follow whatever you three decide ..I'm A follower not a leader ..however this is just hypothetical as nothing is clear yet eyelids are closing so i'm propping them open .

sticking my neck out Im hoping Obama gets a second term 



Evening All.


Didn't get a lot of posting today.

Had American Express on the line at work as they are changing their Amex account system from an online one to a personal computer program system and it takes 90 minutes to download/install/configure which was just what i needed, to be chatting to the USA on the phone all that time.


Wow, just had a Sirloin with onions, mushrooms, onion rings and French Fries.
That makes a pretty good meal, yummy.


Hi Frodo.

I wouldn't mind paying, in fact it seems there's quite a few advantages, and the price was US Dollars so it's not much really around ÂĢ15 or so.

Which equates to ÂĢ0.28p a week.


My Trellis section came at long last but i'm working tomorrow, so hope Friday is dry as i have a few jobs to do, got 2 go to B&Q and the garden centre as well.


Your right Emptybox, Chanelle will only get a fraction of the value, that's quality stuff though.

She said it doesn't match her dÃĐcor where she is moving to.


Not really bothered about politics, they are mostly the same, except that Labour spend their way out of a mess, which is probably why we are in it, and they want to do the same again, you have to laugh. They never want to pay the capital back, just the interest, the mind boggles.


Working again tomorrow as 1 boss is in as he's been playing golf today, i only went in to sort out the American Express system.


Hope Mollie & her Mum are OK.


Evening all

I kept watching the US elections on and off most of the night so i'm pretty shattered to-day.

I thought It was Chantell's furniture up for sale with her moving house ..but Its Chanelle's is she moving as well or is It a clear out.? funny what difference a T can make in a name(so confusing)


How can two smart ladies make such bad choices in men when they had everything going for them and they have both spread It on Twitter


Its your birthday Friday emptybox are you out celebrating or just having a few beers,

at least you can have a lie in Saturday or do you work at the week-ends?


It's been really sunny here to-day and quite warm earlier on ,Mollie I hope things are going alright with your Mum... busy time for you as you did say they where going to look at your Mums see how they can adapt It


Hello Hicky I hope all your garden is sorted now and you can ease up ..don't work too hard and eat well,LOL as Im sure you will. i keep looking at my Christmas countdown .



   see you later xx





that is interesting about the farm cottages you live in. i love the history of homes. When we lived in the valleys, we had a largest detached house built on the hillside looking down on the village. It was a mining village and the elderly neighbours told me that our house was owned by one of the mining managers. They got the bigger houses, and looking down on the village, so they could keep an eye on the comings and goings of the other miners.

Hope it stayed dry for you to get some work done today.



thank you for the Christmas countdown, love it, it is just fab.  

at your food evening viewing the other night. I try and avoid food shows because they are likely to tempt me to overeat.

HOpe you can finish off what you need to with your vines.

The egg thing is clever.

I like the Amy onesee. I have seen them in the shops, they do mens ones in Primark, I saw a leopard one. Do you fancy getting one Hicky? I wouldn't mind one, but it would have to be a nice thick fluffy one to keep me warm prefreably pink.



Do you own a onesee? I don't but have some nice thick fluffy pyjamas.

i like the cute sea saw piccie.

That is good that you have woods for the doggies to enjoy. Our doggie likes winter because she can go on the beach again now. There is no doggies allowed in summer you see, which is fair enough because so many don't control their dogs well, or clear up after them.   How nice that your cat can snuggle up with your dogs. We have a little indoor dwarf bunny, but we don't let doggie play with him, she tends to get overexcited if he is hopping around, and he is too small to play with her. He does come out to play and loves playing with his inflatable ball though.


Removalists are on tonight, I really like that show, really interesting tales. Then Dallas, I have really enjoyed this series.


Mum came home from hospital tonight. OH put her heating on high, as she was used to a warm hospital, good job the over 80's get a winter allowance towards fuel. I put together some meals for her fridge so she can just heat them up when she wants them. Carers came out to see her as soon as she came home and will be back in the morning, which is good. I got a blister pack for her pills from chemist, with the days on it, so that should help her not forget where she is tablet wise. I am exhausted, running around and also because I have had to keep repeating things to her, as she is even more forgetful since this fall with all the meds for the pain. Good job I don't have to go backwards and forwards to hospital now though.


have a good evening all xxx


 So pleased Mollie your Mum has come home I hope she comes on in leaps and bounds now...I love food but like you I have to watch myself (I hope Hicky realises how lucky he is having Hollow legs) you can get some really tasty food by that I mean ready meals,perhaps now Mollie you can get that rest you so obviously need xx 


A rabbit how lovely I want to know more ,,you take care and put your feet up 

mmmm feellng peckish will raid the fridge soon .


No onesee's for me Mollie I have so many jammies and other nightwear not my cup of tea at all to much trouble going to the loo sheesh  no way .


on that happy note see you later


Evening all.


You must be glad that your Mum is home Mollie.

Still a lot of running around for you though, but hopefully the carers will carry some of the load.


Dry here today, but very windy.No frost though.

Hi Frodo. I don't have any particular plans for my Birthday. Shouldn't think I'll have an extra beer. I would have a G&T, but I don't have any T.

Might have a G and something else though. Might have some lemonade in? Or I've always got coke.


Work is rather sparse now, and dependent on the weather. I usually work on a Saturday through the season, but usually take it off at this time of year. Think Friday's supposed to be wet here anyway?


I watch 'The Removal Men' as well Mollie.

I was specially interested in all the guitars that fella had tonight. Pity they didn't show more of them.
After that I watched DCI Banks.


Had a cheese and onion quiche tonight, with chips and plum tomatoes.

Hi Hicky.

That sounds like a lot of faff with the new American Express system?

Don't work too hard tomorrow.

Steak chips and mushrooms sounds delicious. How do you cook your steak? Do you do it in a frying pan with oil, or in the oven, under the grill? Or another method?

Haven't tried cooking steak myself yet. 


Hello all 

I came on this morning to post the phone rang and the laptop just went blank  so I had to let the battery run out and hope for the best. I hasn't happened for a while so hey I'm on now 

Quiche for tea yesterday emptybox love It hot or cold ..sometimes I just throw a tray of mixed veg including potatoes all cut the same size with garlic and rosemary a splash of oil and then leave It to roast in the oven... have It with whatevers going a salad, crusty bread  yummy , any left just reheat for another time. I've bought some new DVD's to-day I'd just come to the end of the Harry Potter film I was recording and the Disc went wonky good job I managed to get It all on ,this recorder finalizes Discs so they can be used on any recorder. 


I hope your mum Is improving Mollie and eating better Its been lovely and sunny here to-day (not warm enough to dry the washing though) Its totally a pain in the winter I don't know how you manage with all the laundry you must have.

just eaten curry rice chips and naan bread ..and.. I'm after something sweet


I wonder what delights Hicky has eaten to-day LOL  you can bet half the fridge 

are your ears burning Hicky I hope your not working too hard .


                         see you later xx



Hi Frodo.

Sounds like that laptop of yours needs a serious talking to?


Your tray of roast veg sounds very professional.

I had one of my portions of stew with mashed pots and sugar snap peas.


Very nice day here as well. Mild as well. I got a big job done and finished for the winter. Cutting back, weeding and strimming etc. One ticked off the list anyway.


I watched the CH5 thing on excavating WW1 trenches. Now I'm watching DCI Banks. I've recorded 'Kirstie's Vintage Home' for later.


Hello everyone yes we have lift off  I gave It a good talking to(the laptop) and Its behaving, have you had many presents emptybox ?



Its cold here today but hey hey Its Friday are you doing anything special or just chilling? any how have a great day.


Love your film Hicky my computer Is certainly taking over ..I'm having fish and chips later from the chippy ,Ive just eaten a pomegranate got the knack now of getting the seeds out  


Hello Mollie hope you are well and coping with all the extra work It your bargain day Friday ,I hope you get some good things.


Not long now for I'M A CELEBRITY  ...       

                                                                  see you all later xx

Last edited by Former Member

Right, back again.


Had to take car for garage to look to see if a drive shaft is on the way out, have some vibe, feels like a drive shaft/spider joint thing.


Got the fish delivered, 3 kilo bags of frozen whitebait, yummy.

4 fresh dressed crabs, we have eaten 1 each all ready.


Have fitted the new Trellis section.


Glad you mum is home Mollie, still going to be busy for you though.


Went to the open night at the garden centre last night, wow, so busy, never seen so many people. massive car parks full, could hardly move inside either, had a look around, lots of cake stalls, i didn't bother with them, saw tons of sausages, didn't bother as O/H is so fussy.


Saw one of the fellers about some 2.5mm galv straining wire for my vines, going to change the bottom support wire and the next pair of restraining guide wires.

Need to buy a load of ratchet tensioners as it's not easy to tighten 2.5mm wire.



To do my steak i get everything prepared first.

Peel and slice a medium onion, take 4 x 5cm mushrooms and quarter them.

If you are having chips put the fat on to heat, take the chips out of the freezer, or prepare by hand if using fresh.


Put frying pan and stove, add 2 tablespoons oil, add a tablespoon butter, heat to 160deg'C', put steak in frying pan, it should sizzle a lot if temperature is ok.

Fry for a few minutes, check colour by lifting side of steak, you want it browned, when browned turn over the steak and add the onions to the frying pan, spread out around the side, after another few minutes add the mushrooms.

Check the temperature of the chip oil, you want that to reach 160deg'C' put chips in now.

As soon as chips done put onto plate, add steak, stir onions and mushrooms in the pan, if needed add a little more butter, add to side of plate.

Garnish with vinegar, salt to taste and pepper/mustard as required.


You really should only buy either Fillet, Sirloin or Rib eye Steak, and shouldn't prepare it ahead of time, normally with the best meats you can leave it a little rare but depending on how thick cut it is determines how much it's cooked each side.


You should only really cook the first side at very high heat, then turn and cook the second side on very high heat, each side should be cooked only once but should be cooked to almost burnt.


Bon appetite.

Originally Posted by frodo:



   so lets dance                                       

Let's not eh?  

Thanks Frodo, Hicky, Mollie, El Loro and Baz for the lovely birthday greetings, and thanks Frodo for the Birthday song.

I've actually had a very good day. It was raining here, so I took a day off work and went into Galashiels. Bought a book, and had a look at the Comet sale etc.

I made myself a birthday supper of haggis, mashed potatoes, carrot & parsnip mash and gravy. I forwent my usual beer for a few glasses of Pinot Noir. Why not indeed?


No presents Frodo (didn't expect any), but I usually get a card from my Brother, but perhaps that was delayed? Got quite a few greetings on Facebook anyway.

Hi Hicky.

Hope your car is OK?

Thanks for the steak recipe. I may well treat myself one of these days, cos I do appreciate a good steak.

That computer gif had an unexpected end? And Ms Cupid has a certain something.

Thinks it's going to be colder but dryer here for the weekend?


Watched one of the hobbits doing a nature programme on 5, then the live Millionaire show. Nancy Sorrell is gorgeous (maybe the wine talking? ). 


Morning all

Have you got a headache this morning emptybox(morning after the night before)

I'm having a cooked breakfast this morning always on a Saturday I hope I'm not getting set in my ways I've just moved the vac around then I can say I've cleaned up

oh and nice smelling fresh sheets on the bed methinks I need to ret up for the day now.


Hello Mollie  did you get your bargains yesterday ?I hope you are putting your feet up now and again ..I know you are the same as I am with regard to animals arn't these photo's brilliant 




It's sunny again to-day but very cold so Its the heating on in a moment.

I'm a Celebrity to-morrow so that's something to look forward to.


The dressed crabs sound good Hicky I love seafood,how will you cook the Whitebait

do you eat the heads and all ? never tried them.

loved the pylon pictures very clever.

                                   see you all later

Last edited by Former Member

Afternoon All.


Frodo, to do the whitebait you thaw them, dry them, dip into egg yoke, dip into flour, get them ready for deep frying, i use a wok as i threw the deep fryer away, it drove me mad with the dreadful oil that won't come off.

(recipe here:

Another good recipe (


You need the oil hot (190C) and don't put too many in at one time, you cook them till they are crisp but not too crisp.


Glad you had a good Birthday Emptybox.

The Comet sale started at 9am so any later you may lose out.

They looked at the car, it seems there's a rubber Dif mounting that has gone and until thats fixed we can't tell further, they will get it in, i'll take the car in Thursday for them.


Love those Gif's so good.


Yes, SCD & X Factor tonight then IAC tomorrow.


Have just ordered 2 more vines 1 each of Golden Champion & Boskoop Glory


It's funny really, i was on the website browsing and i left it open and went onto another Tab, as i do, i got an email asking if i needed any help with the site.


Don't wear yourself out Mollie.

You get some rest this weekend.


I've got a pack of whitebait out for tonight.

Have also ordered a pack of Tiger Prawns, large, 4 large plaice fillets, 2 skate for O/H, and breaded butterfly king prawns.

Last edited by Hicky


I've been watching Come Dine With Me Down Under and quite enjoyed It... not so contrived as how ours has become.why do Channel 4 seem bent on ruining some programmes (I'm not letting them off the hook for the way they ran B.Brother into the ground) and Channel 5 are putting the boot in as well


I was hoping someone on Ga Ga would start a sweep for Im A Celebrity...   that would be fun I'm not that techno minded and wouldn't know how to start 


Having Pizza for supper to-night homemade so easy and you can chuck anything you fancy on.... the base was made yesterday and left in the fridge ..It rises overnight.

if that sounds smug It isn't meant to be ..Its that Its so much cheaper and tastes better.


Last  episode of Inspector Montalbano to-night on BBC 4 I shall miss It


Hey hey Its Saturday  and Im having a few G&Ts  so there you go


                 see you later xx byee

Last edited by Former Member




So glad you had a nice birthday, you certainly had a few nice birthday greetings here on our thread.

Hope you enjoyed your sphag bol tonight.



hope your new vines do well, and hope they can fix the car without too much expense on Thursday.



hope you are enjoying your Saturday G and T's. I am having a nice glass of Bordeux wine, it is a sweet one, I like the sweet ones. I bet your home made pizza was delicous.  We had pizza last night, but we cheated and had the ones from Asda, where you just choose your base and toppings, then just stick them in oven when home.


I am finding it hard to have any time at all to myself right now though, with having to sort mum out, Hopefully things will improve soon. I have had to pop round a lot to help with food, cleaning and her tablets etc, and meet carers, and people to fit stuff in flat. The carers have been very good and advised us what stuff we need to get her to help her wall light for hall, a different microwave, so they can heat food if she hasn't eaten. They, like me are trying to encourage her to eat more. I am so behind on my own home jobs, but am too tired to do them now. But at least mum's secutirty stuff is sorted now, she has an alarm thing round neck , a wrist watch alarm, a door alarm, a waist alarm incase she falls and an alarm incase the flat gets too cold. They have just fixed a box outside the flat to put her keys in for the carers and they put the code in to release her door keys.


Thankfully I am home and settled in time to see X factor, with my nice glass of wine and daughter made dinner..., had to be ready made mash though, with  peas and quiche, I too like cheese and onion quiche.


Aren't these Christmas ads just lovely?

I think the Debenhams one is great, reminds me of that film The Polar Express, and I also like the John Lewis one with the snowman story.


Have a good evening all xxx


 Hello Mollie really most upsetting reading your post if I say this ..this is what is so bloody wrong with the whole system ..It brought me to tears here are are you a family to look after and your beloved Mum '''who I might add should get all the help she needs should be getting some bloody help ..excuse but I am so mad wonder 

you are tired ,,I could explode with rage ..but my friend that would not help 

all I can say to you is this  i would never ever give any info away about my life .

    but if you need my email Its yours my friend 

    you take care xxx


Thanks Freddo.

But don't worry, I am hoping things settle now, the reason we have had to so much ourselves is because mum was so desperate to get out of hospital, meaning all the caring stuff and fitting of security stuff in her own home had to be rushed to get her home quickly.The staff worked hard to do it.

The carers are very helpful luckily, but only a limited amount they can do in 2 daily visits. I also hope to get more time now we will no longer have to do that 32 mile round trip to hospital... yes, that is the sad thing, hospitals are so short of beds, sometimes the nearest ones are full, which is what happened with mum. When I was in hospital in 2011, I was stuck in A and E trolley for about 12 hours whilst they waited for a bed to become free. Instead of giving all our taxes to banks, they should put more money into nhs where it is needed, the hospital staff are run off their feet, and waste so much time trying to find beds,


Did you enjoy X factor? I did.


Looking forward to IAC tomorrow.


so tired, so bed for me now, have a few mags to read.


goodnight all xx


Hello Mollie, Hicky and Frodo.


Quite nice day here and not too cold.

Got both my vehicles washed, but not much else done.


Glad your Mum is home Mollie, but that sounds like a lot of work for you and the carers. She's certainly got plenty of alarms there?

And no, Xmas ads in November are not good.


Hi Frodo. Glad you enjoyed your homemade pizza. I enjoyed my bolognese. I would join you in a G&Tbut, as I've already explained, I haven't any T.


Hi Hicky. Glad you are enjoying your seafood. Hope they manage to fix your car on Thursday.


Looking forward to IAC. That Helen Flannagan looks good in photos.


Evening All.


Not too bad today, rain stayed off so i could get to B&Q and get the 4 posts needed to help support the protection for the peach & Nectarine dwarf trees.

I took a pic just before it went dark.!132&sff=1


Hi Frodo.

I had my usual bacon butty for brekkie, one for my lad as well, .


Made an unusual tea tonight.

Thin sliced Sirloin Steak, fried with onion, mushrooms, mixed veg and with added  Madras curry paste, at the same time i Nuked some mash potato.

It was rather tasty.


Hi Mollie.

Hope you can get some more sleep/rest now your mum is home.

I suppose the carers can only do so much, it's time allocation.


Hi Emptybox.

Just love seafood.

Can't wait for my next delivery Friday.

There's something about big prawns, each one is equal to the inside of a Lobster but a lot cheaper.

Will have to take it easy in the car with the mounting gone but not a lot i can do really.


Can't wait for IAC later, i see one contestant won't be doing many trials as she suffers form panic attacks.





at you liking Helen in the IAC pics. I expect she won't be shy at shower time, going on her scenes when she was in Corrie. Glad you too got the good weather, I love sunny autumn days like we got today.

Go on, have a peak, you will like the Johm Lewis Christmas ad. Which reminds me, I need to start my cards for Oz soon,



thanks for the garden piccy, Your fruit trees look all nice and cosy and ready for winter now.   We had a sharp frost here last night, but don't mind as it ended up being such a nice sunny day. Where do you get your seafood delivered from? Is it a local firm?


Yes I too can't wait for IAC, Ant and Dec never seem to let us down, they are so funny...some good tv on tonight, with that and X factor and Strictly results too.


Getting bit easier with mum now they have all in place for her at home, Yes Hicky, time factor is difficult for carers, they are so busy, but all of them have been really nice and helpful and mum likes them all, which is good. The hardest thing is them trying to convince her she does need food and her tablets. But they have now successfully pursuaded her to at least keep her heating on all day. And we did get her to eat a hot meal (small one) today and yesterday. The security system is good too, as they call her just to see if she ok too. I think the whole "care in the home" idea is a good one as it helps keep elderly at home and out of a home or hospital. My mum couldn't wait to get home.


Managed to take doggie a walk today which she loved, lots on seafront enjoying sun today.


Regarding job hunting,... so far OH has had interest in a job in Cork, a job in Belgium, and on Friday a job in Cologne.   Cologne seemed really keen , they asked if he could speak German, "no but I can speak Welsh " he said! LOL ! So they asked him how well,  and he said fluent,... they said "that is great"..., eeeehhh?????   Can't see how speaking Welsh would be useful in Germany!  LOL...We reckon they probably don't even know where Wales is, but didn't like to say!!

I am hoping one of the other jobs that he has put in for a bit closer to home comes up soon.


hope you have had a good relaxing Sunday, and hope your pc is working ok.

Our Sky box is broke, so we have given notice and are going to Freeview, fed up of having to pay a subscription.

enjoy IAC all xxx



Evening All.


Evening Mollie.

There's some nice girls on IAC, that'll do me.


I get the fish from here, you can get fresh, and some is frozen.

It comes in a Polystyrene box with dry ice. you pick the day you want it and it's prepared and sent for that day.


My next delivery is Friday.

Then i've got it for the weekend and i'm usually off Friday anyway.


Love Ant & Dec, best presenters ever.


Glad your Mum is eating a bit, but it's easy for them to kid you and store the tablets unless you are sure they have been taken.


Hello all

Yes at least we will have something we all love to watch I'm not making any judgements at the moment ..don't know who I'm routing for.


Heights would be my downfall ..well everything would be mine in the jungle 

loving It ...something to scream about one of my worst horrors LOL

Spiders Snakes good luck .


Seems good sense Mollie to have Freeview my Teles have It after christmas 

I'm doing the same there are so many freeview Channels and on mine there is the option of paying for films.


Hi emptybox the headache after the night before with G&Ts not worth It


but now and again Its good to have a drop of the hard stuff LOL 


I know what you mean about you mum Mollie ..she is getting help but you can't rest in case things go wrong a vicious circle but loving thoughts to you anyhow.


What would I do without Hicky to brighten my day with his food to be honest It     makes my day love his anecdotes on food and the recipes.


Hi emptybox love the dry sense of humour ..I have the T have you the G which I might add is more expensive 

                                            byee for nowxxx




Frosty start here but not a bad day.

Did some work on my van. Painted the sills, to try to prolong their life a bit.

Then went to the supermarket.


Hi Mollie. Glad you're getting a bit more time now, and your Mum is begining to eat a bit.

Hope your OH gets some job offers that mean you don't have to move again.

Pity your Sky box is kaputt (see I speak a bit of german )


Hi Hicky. Your supper sounds tasty.

I just had fishcakes, chips and peas. With apple pie and custard to follow.


IAC was good. I like Charlie and Ashley. Helen looks good, but may be a bit of a nuisance? Brian is quite funny.


Hi Frodo, pity you had a hang-over after your G&Ts . I've got a bottle of gin that's about 3 years old, so that tells you it's only an occasional treat for me.

Last edited by emptybox

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