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Hi guys.

Wet this morning, but not too bad an afternoon.


All this stuff with your Mum must be very stressful and tiring Mollie.

Hopefully you'll get a bit of a break while she's got the care team looking after her.


I've recorded the Jonathon and Charlotte thing, but I watched Derren Brown. Has anyone else been following it? I'm afraid it's got no credibility for me. It's just so obviously a set-up. Some of the things he does are quite convincing, but there's no way anybody would act like the guy in this 'Apocalypse' thing?


It's really cold here. Have to admit I have to have the heating on full now at times. Supposed to be down to freezing tonight for me.


I didn't have fish and chips. I made myself mince and tatties and peas. I'll make the rest of the mince into bolognese tomorrow. That should last me the next three or four Saturdays.

Yep, I hope there is some eye-candy on IAC this year.

Course I need them to have a nice personality as well......Well a personality of some sort, at any rate.....Well.......  


morning all

misty dull day here no wind just that icy nip in the air Its a pain with the washing this weather,you just can't beat fresh smelling sheets etc that have been drying outside.


Your birthday isn't untill the 9th is It empty box cos I just looked yet there you are in the column as 3rd November so happy two birthdays . Spag Bol to-day for you emptybox? and yes I'm sure you'll get brains and beauty on I'm A Celebrity a week to-morrow so this Sunday must be the last in the series of Downton Abbey.

Hope you are well Mollie and your Mum Is eating better,I'm afraid Its full heating to-day Its pretty cold here to-day.

Hello Hicky I'm going to have a cooked breakfast this morning ,Its sort if a Saturday

thing..usually Its toast and a boiled egg runny of course and I must admit Spag Hoops I love. don't work too hard


see you soon

can't stand Derren Brown sorry emptybox no disrespect to you.sees you soonxx

Last edited by Former Member

Hi Frodo.

Frosty start here but it's been raining since, so the frost quickly disappeared.


Cooked breakfast on a Saturday for me too. Just bacon and fried egg this morning. I usually have mushrooms as well, but I'm keeping them to put in the bolognese later.


Yes, Nov 9th has always been my Birthday in previous years, so I've no reason to think that's likely to change in the future. It says the 9th in the Calendar thing on here for me?


I'm not keen on Derren Brown either Frodo, but his stuff usually has some believability about it. This 'Apocalypse' thing required us to believe that he'd hypnotised some bloke to think that England had been devastated by a meteor strike, and the survivors had caught a virus that turned them into shambling, flesh-eating zombies, apart from a few unaffected people such as himself.


But it was just so obvious that the 'mark' was an actor. His reactions to things just weren't how real people would react.

I mean there were no signs of any weapons. If I was being chased by things that wanted to catch me and eat me, I'd arm myself with a big stick at the very least, to deter the zombies from killing and eating me, which wouldn't be ideal.

But of course it might be expensive for CH4 if a few bit-part zombie actors got their brains spattered?


Not sure if I'll go out to work if it dries up? My own lawn is covered in leaves, so I might rake those up instead.


I hear that Lucy Spreggan has pulled out of X-Factor, andnwon't be replaced. So Tulisa won't be pleased about that. Don't think Lucy would have won anyway? Too quirky really.


Evening all 

just settling down to watch some tele withDrinks graphicsa little drink and some


food i'm going to watch Inspector Montalbano at 9pm.I know you all watch X Factor but I've not seen It this time around .Fireworks are going off all the time now but the animals don't seem to mind at the moment ..mind you Its follow the leader whereever I go they arn't far away.Hope you enjoyed your Spag Bol emptybox..I'm just snacking at the moment.Hope you are well Mollie and getting a well earned laid back Saturday night What delights have you been eating Hicky something good you can bet


tata for now xx


I've just found this post, thought it went days ago, so confusing.

Will post it then open a new post for tonight.

Tried to post it direct earlier but it wouldn't go so copied and pasted it.

It must have been Friday night.


Evening All.


Not too bad a day here, mainly dry, a breeze though.


Went to B&Q to get a mains timer for the new LED 100 light tree outside.

I want it to come on at 5.30 and go off at 12pm.


I have sockets on the Pagola but they are waterproof so you can't plug in plugs tops with built in transformers.


I had to tidy the Office Emptybox for the people measuring and fitting the new blinds.


I enjoy a cheese sauce over many meals, it always goes well with spuds.

I don't make it as i keep a stock of packets of sauces.


I'm sure we will have eye candy, some for you girls as well.


I try to do all the work myself but my lad does give me a hand on certain things as he thinks it's too much for me.


I made 1.5kg of Tomato Chutney earlier, found a BBC recipe, went to Sainsbury's for what was needed.

It takes a bit of time though, have preserved 1kg, have filled some dishes to give away.

Just had a cheese sandwich with the pickle on, it's not bad.


We went to Costco, just got some 5lt Fairy Concentrated Fab conditioner.

Milk, Satin Tissues, Treats for Halloween, Anchor butter potions for work, Salmon & Shrimp Salad, Feta Salad, big tub of flying saucers, filled with sherbet.


Here's a nice picture of Amy.


Evening All.


Went to the garden centre for brekkie, yummy.

Bacon x 2 Egg x 2, has brown x 1, Sausage x 1, beans and toast x 2, tea x 2.


Got Fuel then worked in the garden all day, there always seems so much to do..

Just having a brown shrimp sandwich, so nice, O/H's family are and always have been fishermen but the catches these days go abroad very quick.Used to get tons of brown shrimps, had to pick them of course but thats not a problem,

Got a pack of Prawns to peel now.

I've just taken a picture of the new LED Snowman O/H came home with, will post it to twitter then get the link for here.DD


New LED Snowman O/H bought.!130&sff=1


Just having my next course.
It's a half tub of pimento stuffed olives, manchego and chilli, with a 160g of shell on prawns, then a Fig, a large plum, and 3 satsuma's.

Not sure what to have after this,


Enjoying SCD.


Hope you Mum is OK Mollie, you and hubby sure need a rest.



Hi Hicky and Frodo.

You both seem to be snacking tonight, but I bet Hicky wins on the eventual amount consumed?


Please tell me you just turned that snowman on to test it. You're not putting your decorations up already surely?

And I was just joking about you tidying your office. If that's it tidy, I would hate to see it in a mess.

Your garden's lovely though. (just so you don't think I'm picking on you)


Had me bath, and am now cooking my spaghetti and waiting for X-factor.


Evening Emptybox & Frodo.


Just having a fantastic Mr Noodles chicken flavour KIMCHI. 86g, just add water, it has 2 sachets inside that you open, it's pretty potent, spicy flavour soup base.

this is a picture of the top, but mine has more english on it.



Yes Emptybox, was testing it, it's pretty big and quite heave as the frame it's built round is steel.


Just call me hollow legs, i've always eaten massive amounts in a day, all my life really.

I'll finish off with some chocies and some fruit and nut.

Just made another brew as well.


We are having a few round for sausages tomorrow night early, have a few little fireworks for the little ones, with have some food laid on as well.


Evening again.


Hi Frodo. I enjoyed my spag bol and my beer thanks.


Hicky, I hope you enjoy your sausages tomorrow, and the kids enjoy the fireworks.


Must say I'm liking Nicole {insert surname here after googling} on X-Factor. She's actually very funny, and a hundred times better than Kelly Rowland last year. She can come again.


Just popped in to say night all...watched my programme Inspector Montalbano be honest the foreign programmes on there (detectives )are good disappointed tho

to-night last one in the series next week.


Hicky you deserve a series about how much one man can eat a very entertaining one 

and I love your food anecdotes Its magic..enjoy your fireworks and food 


night emptybox glad you enjoyed your spag bol and beer


And to Mollie night to you hope you are getting some rest that you deserve

 byeee for now all xx



Just watching my recording of Take me Out, love that program, so corny.


Some strange blokes though.


It's taken me 2 weeks to find out the dilution rate for Phosphoric Acid for my vines.

It seems that unless a company pays out a massive amount to get a certificate that certifies it passes the test for use on what it says on the packet then you can't say it can be used on specific things.


Most companies have taken the wording off the containers so it's becoming very hard to know what can be used on what plants anymore.


Also most of the treatments that used to get used on the plants is no longer allowed.

It's getting to the point were we are running out of what is needed to make sure the tree's and plants can grow without any disease or fungus




Morning all

really cold here to-day heating on full at the moment to warm the house through.


I hope everyone is O.K last in the series of Downton Abbey to-night so a lot of lose ends to tie up I shall miss It though, but then we have I'm A Celebrity next Sunday so

that's something to look forward to .


I love Sundays Its a good excuse to laze around in jammies and take It easy without feeling guilty  although I've changed the cushion covers and moved the vac around


              see you later xx





strange goings on with the Emptybox birthday.   You had a reminder for 3 Nov, and I had a reminder for it the week before. Oh well as long as we don't forget the true day, is what matters, but I am sure he will need no reminders to get his beers in chill in anticipation.

Looking forward to the last of Downtown tonight. Good job IAC is on soon, so we wont miss it too much. Changing cushion covers and vacuuming is not doing bad as it is a Sunday.



I am liking Nicole as a judge too, quite a fun loving eccentric she is.   Don't mind Louis because he is rather bonkers too, but find Gary trifle boring, not sure about Tulisia either, seems a bit bland this year.Weekend off the gardens this weekend?Do you only have a special menu for Saturdays? eg what is it Sundays?



I love the Snowman. I too bought a few decs Friday.. but only a windscock and a windmill from the Pounds shop.   Hope the fireworks for the kiddies went well. We too had some with sausages and burgers/popcorn/pringles/choc fingers for the family fireworks night. However, had to stop half way through due to rain. (again!)..  Will postpone rest till tomorrow. We don't bother celebrating Halloween, because I never fancied my kids knocking on doors, and always thought of it as more of an American thing, but have always celebrated 5 November, like most do round here, We hope to go to the big local firework display tomorrow night too, fingers crossed the rain keeps away.

Sounds like you need a BSc in chemistry to look after vines. I am sure your vines will do well with all the work you put into them.

Looks like your garden centre provides a good hearty brekkie, much needed I reckon for people like you who do a lot of work gardening.


Last night I timed it just right for the bargain hunters club at Morrisons on way home from hospital. So we got the bargains again!
Huge fruity big trifle for 49 pence, cheese and onion quiche for 19 pence, 2 Chinese chicken meals for 79 pence each instead of ÂĢ3.50 each, 2 packs of sausages 49 pence each instead of ÂĢ2 each, pack of best bacon 29 pence, 2 lemon cheesecake 9 pence each, and 2 gooseberry fools 5 p each !! I felt well stuffed last night and tonight..LOL  Plenty for all the family though.

Mum fed up today in hospital, and wants to come home, she has lost weight again, she is very thin, but she says she likes to eat at night / late in the day and you get nothing after 6pm till morning in hospital, I have tried taking sandwich in, but they throw it away after couple of hours, because of strict hygiene rules. Hopefully she will eat better when home. Flat should be ready by Tuesday, then we just have to wait for a team of helpers to take over, if docs release her.

X factor time, wonder who will go?

Shame there is only one girl left now.

have a good evening all xxx






Evening All.


Not too bad a day, got quite a lot done in the garden again, the more you look the more there seems to be.

Got my lad to give me a hand moving tubs around, when he's gone i got a snow sledge out of the garage and tried that, put the tub on it and pull it across the slate, no problem, job done.

Think there's only 1 more to move.


Had loads of food and fireworks tonight, my lad and his lot came round.

Took a picture of the little one, he's had a busy day and night.!131&sff=1


Hi Frodo, we leave the heating thermostat which is in the hall set to 16C O/H might have put it up when the little ones come.

If you let the place go cold it just takes longer to heat again.


Looking Forward to IAC, why don't you register here on DS and join in.

It's got 488k members and i have been a member many years.

I'm Hicky on there as well, have 32k posts.

There's hundreds of threads discussing everything.


Looking after the vines is OK once you know Mollie, finding it all out is the problem.

I don't like the staged firework displays, only last 20 minutes, pointless, freeze to death for nothing. better at home.


Glad you got your late night shopping, you can of course freeze that which is freezable anyway.


I can understand your Mum wanting to go home, Hospital isn't nice really.

She needs to be patient.


You have had ice/snow early this year.

We haven't had any yet, not far away probably.


Work tomorrow, 1 boss has gone to New York.


Evening all.

Very frosty here this morning, but not too bad a day.

Didn't do much other than the supermarket.

I didn't even move my vac about Frodo.


Saturday is the only day I have a special menu Mollie.

Hope your Mum's eating settles down when she gets home.

Supermarket bargains again, I see.

Have to say I kind of agree about Tulisa. She's been more downbeat this series.


Glad you and the littlies enjoyed your fireworks Hicky.

I don't bother with bonfire night nowadays. Haven't heard any fireworks around here either.


Really enjoyed Downton. Pity it's the last of the series.


Hello all

Iv'e just watched the last episode of  Downton Abbey (this series anyhow)

and for me all the loose ends where tied up I really enjoyed It.


Mollie what bargains brilliant you could freeze some of the things I know I would .

I can understand your mum Mollie to be honest the 6pm curfew for food is silly older people eat when they are hungry not when the clock dictates.


Hello Hicky I browse through DS I'm a member of three forums and on twitter but I prefer this forum Its intimate and I feel comfy here I can follow I'm A Celeb on here

I'm sure and other forums I prefer smaller ones  my thermostat is in the hall as well Hicky If you can call It that Its so tiny.


Lovely photo Hicky he sure is cute... magical photos looked at everyone what a lovely place you have created well done you. 



Hi emptybox hope you are Ok is It work to-morrow this is from the D. Mail






not sure how accurate It is but eye candy for us all ..can't see* The Rock * really being on but there you go .

                                          night all 


morning all 

Just a quick post..the sun is streaming through the windows but Its deceiving as Its icy outside when your away from It,I'm looking forward to the  Christmas edition of Downton Abbey I felt they dealt with the issue of sexuality very well considering It was taboo all those years ago  I felt myself welling up a few times(tissues at hand) .


*War Horse* is on Sky Movies at the moment but I can't watch I would be on floods and yes Its only a film I know but that's how I am.


Hopefully your Mum will be home to-morrow Mollie  and you can get a little rest and your mum can eat when she wants.


Hope you arn't working to hard emptybox and the weather isn't to harsh down your way.


Dont work to hard Hicky and eat well 

                                                             speak later bye for nowxxx


Good morning all



Hope work is not too busy today. I am guessing that if you don't post here today, you are unable to do so at work again?  Gosh boss in New York? Aren't they still having power problems over there? 

Aaaww what a cute piccie of the little one. I bet he had such fun. Yes I too love home firework parties, we still have half of ours left because of the rain last night, so will do them tonight. Generally I too am not so keen on organised displays, but I like them here on the coast, because they are set off over the sea, and we can watch from the beach whilst eating chips and drinking hot choc. Plus they are free displays.

Glad you managed to get out in the garden yesterday. We had a lot of rain in the afternoon yesterday.



Nice idea to have Saturdays as treat and special menu day.  We tend to buy treats for Fridays or Saturdays too, or go out for a meal. Think it is dry in most of the country, so hopefully you should be able to get some gardens done. Have you finished the grass cutting now? And cleared all the leaves?



yes i too thought Downtown was great last night, a good hour and half viewing. I think this series was a good one like the 1st one was, didn't enjoy the 2nd one quite as much though. Looks like we have a good Christmas special to look forward to. Good job we have IAC to replace it. I haven't read who is to be on, I'd prefer to wait and see, and hope to be pleasantly surprised. Hope we do get someone well known.

Do you take your doggies out for a walk? We took ours down seafront early this morning, she didn't keen today, then she was sick, so that explains it. She seems ok now home though and is sunbathing in the window.


I have bought some individual wrapped cereal bars for my mum to nibble at night, so I will ask staff not to throw them away, because she needs them at night. I have also washed a blanket to take in because she was cold in the night since the temperature has dropped so much.

Before she can come home, we now have to wait until the team of carers/physios etc have a slot to take her on at home, that might not be till next week though.


have a good day all, off to peg some washing out to dry as it is so nice and sunny,



Good Morning All.


Managed to get on at work, it takes so long to load the pages.

I'm still logged in at home, maybe that has something to do with it.


A countdown to Crimbo for you.


That link to who they think is going in the jungle looks good, be ok they go in.

A few girls in the shower.DDDDDD

Hope they aren't shy, they should give them a shyness test, or i should.DDDDD


Hope your mum will be ok Mollie, she will be ok once she gets home.


It didn't rain yesterday here but of course it was 5C all day.

Just got wrap the Peach & Nectarine now, will get some posts to build a fence round them, have got some bubble wrap and fleece, will see if that is enough.


You just gotta love Amy, she has so many business's going now, what's next?;

Last edited by Hicky



I love the Christmas countdown.   You are very clever, did you design that yourself?  I will be starting my advent calendar again this year on 1st Dec, (but of course, unlike yours, that involves around zero technical skills.)  We will be well equipped for our pre-Christmas celebrations around here.

That is good that you managed to post at work this time.

Good luck with the rest of the gardening jobs.


Good old Amy , very wise to work hard, and have all your fingers in the pie, whilst the fame bit is on her side.


The docs have signed mum off at hospital now and I have been given a prescription with 7 items on it for her to collect from chemists. Officially she can go home Wednesday, but we have to wait until the care team can fit her in, so unfortunately that might be next week, but at least I know the docs are happy with her.  I took her some cereal bars in today, and asked nurses not to throw them because they are individually wrapped. And I took a blanket in because she gets chilly at night.


Going out at 7pm to see the seafront fireworks display, Will need to wrap up because it is only 2 degrees now.


Just enjoyed a lovely rhubarb and custard pie from Morrisons with a bit of fresh cream.   Dog enjoyed chicken breast, peas, potatoes for tea, then her treat is a doggie chewy bar, which she loves.


have a good evening all. xxx


Evening everyone

Hicky how on earth did you do your Christmas countdown thats brilliant i can't stop clicking It on... this is from the D.Mirror ........there is a picture of a lady in a bikini which I'm sure you and emptybox will love


No beach for the dogs around here Mollie  but plenty of fields and a wood which they love..they won't eat dog meat either and they and the cat snuggle up to-gether 

usually draped around or near me ,part of the family you see


So glad your mum is kind of sorted and I know hospitals have to be strict ,but having to take a blanket and the not eating rule is ,well I'm lost for words.


I hope you and Hicky enjoy your fireworks  I live in the higher or you could say middle        tier of a hill and you can see for miles upstairs all the fireworks going off .On New Years eve Its magical and the dogs don't seem to be scared they are never let out though on their own .


Hello emptybox   last but not least Its been quite nice here to-day I hope you are well .what's for supper the mince and tatties sounded good you had the other day. is It tiring having to come home and cook or do you just defrost(you said you freeze some portions)..I have one of my kids here at the moment who loves cooking so the freezer is bursting .


                     see you soon folks xxxx         



Evening All.


Here's one for you Mollie.

A Christmas Countdown.


I've bought another calendar, it's a Kitchen Garden one with month by month gardening tips and plenty of room for writing notes.


Thats great if your Mum can come home soon, it will be easier on you hopefully.


That rhubarb and custard pie sounds good.

We've just had a big Roast Chicken dinner, O/H puts it out, she gives me so much i could hardly carry it.

But i love the stuffing with it.


My Trellis section is coming Wednesday, have ordered 4 packs of Whitebait and 3 dressed crabs, they are coming Friday.


The garden centre has a doo on Thursday night with food and a farmers market.

Hoping to go there with my lad.

They have food tasting as well, we are both good at that.


My new door chimes came today, they are advertised as having a fixed channel and so are no good if a neighbour has the same on.

Quite a restriction really.

But they have sent me 2 of the same models, each with a bell push and a bell/chime mains unit with 16 chimes.

On opening the bell push i can see 4-off mini 2pin shorting plugs inside which means that the system has got 16 channels to change the operating frequency.


Hello Hicky I had door chimes built in If you know what I mean ..they nearly drove me 

to put It mildly round the bend ..they are out now and no door knocker either,

I always know when people who matter are coming otherwise the door stays locked.


But I'm not saying they arn't good If you need them just not for me 



Very frosty here today. The thermometer in the greenhouse said it was -2 at 9am when I looked.

Frost stayed on the grass till the afternoon.


Christmas is ages away yet. That's all I need to know Hicky.


Glad your Mum has been signed off by the docs Mollie. Frustrating that she has to wait to get home though.


Hi Frodo. I just had a ready meal tonight. Some mexican thing with rice.

I've got wireless door chimes, which had a choice of 4 sounds. Unfortunately the best of a bad bunch was the traditional Westminster chimes. Luckily I get so few visitors that I hardly ever need to listen to them.


I see on Facebook that my Brother has bought my nephew his first car. His seventeenth birthday is just coming up, and he's going to start taking lessons.

It's an 11 year old Citroen, and although it looks in very good nick, I bet the insurance will be as much if not more than the price of the car.


I heard a few fireworks this evening, although I didn't see anything. Coming from one of the neighbouring farms I think?


hello emptybox 

Do you mind If I ask a few questions ? do you live in an isolated place or are you

surrounded by houses .It sounds very wild where you live but also beautiful you get cut off in the winter are or you near shops etc ..please feel free to tell me I'm nosey

Ive never been to Scotland but It Looks lovely .


Welsh Scottish English We go well to-gether night all xxxx


Hi Frodo.

I live in a farm cottage, in a row of 3 cottages, and then there's another 5 houses a little way away in the farm proper. the next farm is about half a mile away, and the nearest village is two and a half miles away.


The village just has one little shop, where I get my Sunday paper, and the nearest town, with the supermarket, is just less than ten miles away.


It's quite usual for us to get cut off by snow for a few days at a time. Doesn't happen every year, but quite often. Also the road to the village often floods, especially when snow from the hills melts and swells the little river that runs past the hill behind my house.


I don't mind living here though. Don't think I'd like to live in a town? I've always lived in villages or out in the country. Except when I was at university in Edinburgh.


Morning Everyone.


A real miserable day here, will still get some work down in the garden, weather doesn't rally bother me.


Emptybox, i assume your cottage and the others used to be for the staff labour that worked on the local farm, but with most outlying farms being broken up they were sold off, could be wrong of course, but isolated places were usually farming communities.


Did a new quote yesterday for another job at work, over ÂĢ4m again.


Here's a good easy way to separate egg yoke from the white, so simple.

You wouldn't understand what she is saying but you don't need to, they say actions are better than words.


Catch you later.



Hi Hicky.

Pouring with rain here today.


The farm I live on is very much still a working farm.

The row of three cottages used to be a row of six tiny workers cottages, but they were converted into three reasonable sized cottages in about 1970.

One of the farm workers lives in one cottage, and the other two are rented out.


You're right though. The farmer here owns two or three others, that used to be independant farms. And there are far fewer farm workers nowadays. There's really only the one worker here, along with a retired guy who still works part-time. And the farmer here has an arrangement with another big farmer whereby they seem to share workers to best get the work done. Think they also share the big equipment such as combines etc?


That's a neat trick with the egg. Never seen that before. I'm useless with eggs. I always seem to break the yolk when cracking them, so I don't see how the yolk there stays together? I'll maybe give it a go next time I have an egg.

Last edited by emptybox

Afternoon Emptybox.


It's light rain here as well.


I can understand them converting the cottages, they would have been a bit small for today's needs.

You shouldn't really break  the yoke when cracking the egg, unless you cut into the yoke to start with, or maybe the yoke was already cracked inside?


The bottle thing will work as long as the neck isn't bigger than the yoke.


Just having a pack of brown shrimp with fresh bread, goats butter and salt & pepper.


I was just looking up my TV viewing for tonight, it's nearly all about my favourite topic, food!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5.00 C4 Come Dine With Me
5.30 C4 Jamie's 15 min meals
6.00 BBC2 Eggheads
6.30 BBC2 Strictly
7.00 BBC2 Great British Food Revival
8.00 BBC2 Masterchef:
9.00 C4 Heston's Fantastical Food
10.00 Fresh Meat.DDDDDDDDDDDD

Last edited by Hicky

Afternoon all

For some strange reason It wouldn't let me post I've had to refresh quite a few times.


Thats a clever trick with the egg how did she even think of that ,I think i'll stick to my usual way though.


Its cold to-day not raining at the moment but huge black clouds are looming around.

I hope you are all well and Mollie is not working to hard... speak later


                             Beautiful images graphics




makes you think of spring 


Afternoon Frodo.


That's the problem i often have at work.

It doesn't load properly so you can't post.


Those Shrimps were fantastic, not so easy to get but you can't beat them.


Was looking at some large Tiger Prawns at the same place i've ordered my crabs and Whitebait here.

Whitebait here.

And Crabs here


Thats the problem with being a food lover.


Going to get some galv wire for the bottom wire of the vines, it has to support quite a weight and the plastic 3mm cord seems to be straining, and there's nothing growing at the mo.

I'll have to get new strainers but they are only a few pence at B&Q.


Amy's new Onesie coming soon to her collection.

In different colours as well.

Last edited by Hicky

Hello again

Just eaten king prawn chow mein home made It doesn't take long to make 

the only thing is i'm hungry again after a couple of hours with  Chinese food,

never tasted Brown Shrimps Hicky and most of the Fishmongers have closed around here leaving the Supermarkets,you can eat for England so It pays for you to buy in bulk but I must admit fresh crab meat is one of my favourite things tinned just isn't the same.




I hope your Mum is improving Mollie and that she will be home soon I hope your firework display went well and you had a good time ,was there any food to be had

or did you make up for It at home.


It was pretty quiet round here but they save the main one for the week-end around here when November 5th falls mid-week.


Hello emptybox sounds lovely where you live at least your not isolated in that you have neighbours,Chanelle seems to be so unhappy at the moment going from one bad relationship to the next ..Its easy for me to say but she sure does make bad choices.

aisleyene seems to keep her head down and just get on with It


not long to go now for I'm A Celebrity then we can have a good old quarrel good natured of course of who we prefer


see you soon xxxFish smileys



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