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Evening Frodo & Emptybox.


The Bordeaux powder can be used dry or mixed with water.

There are loads of differing stuff to use during the winter.

I'll be treating the trees with various stuff.


I have a special mix to spray during the year but it involves quite a lot different ingredients which i now have ready for the spring/summer.

It protects from attack and also feeds the tree.


I like this outfit Amy has got on.


Looking forward to IAC & CBB.


Hi Mollie.'ve peaked a bit early there. It's another couple of weeks till my birthday (Nov 9th).

But thanks very much, and I'll put the cake in the fridge. I'm sure it'll keep.

I've drunk the beer now though. That definitely willnae keep....hic.


Don't usually post this time of day. I like to give the impression I'm out there, nose to the grindstone etc, but it's actually quite a nice day here so I'll be going out shortly I suppose.


Hope everything's OK with your Mum?

See ya later.

Last edited by emptybox


Well I did get out to do some work this afternoon. Fleece weather though.

Despite what I said about being finished grass cutting I actually did a big grass cutting job. The grass had grown a wee bit, so I might have more to do.


The snow came on about 5pm, just before I finished, so for a few minutes I was cutting grass in the snow. Didn't last long though.


Decided to upgrade one of my PCs to Windows 8, as there's an intrductory offer on the upgrade download for ÂĢ25. Just going to upgrade one PC though, so I can keep up to date with developments. The other main one can stay on Windows 7.


Well there was more snow overnight, so I woke up to a blanket of white. It's mostly away now, apart from some on the lawn.


Forgot to mention that we had a 3 hour powercut early yesterday evening as well, so I had to wait till about 8.30pm to cook my supper.


Looking forward to X-Factor later, as well as me spag bol of course.


Hope everybody is enjoying their weekend, and isn't getting too cold?


Evening Everyone.


Evening Emptybox.


Pretty cold here, no snow yet.

Been working in the garden, have finished wrapping the Fig Trees, wow if they get cold now there's something wrong.

They have about 4 or 5 layers of fleece, then 3 layers of sacking, then a few layers of weed control cloth then another 3 of 4 layers of fleece so the outside covering is white to reflect the sun off.


I am in the process of changing the Vine tubs over to the ones with Handles, easier to move.


Thought i would do one this afternoon.

Not easy, so heavy, put down a ground sheet as you need to tip the container on it's side and try to get the vine out.


I got one out, very difficult, had to take a lot of soil from around the roots, didn't want to damage the roots, but the weight was too much for me.

Got it down so i could lift it.

Had to put quite a lot of John Innes No.3 into the tub to sit the vine on.

Got it sorted anyway.

Just another 2 to do now, if it's freezing won't be able to.


Windows 8 sounds ok, you are supposed to use it for a touch screen though, think thats were it's strength is.

I saw that offer for ÂĢ25, thats good.

The Problem is so many people have just added Windows 7 so they won't be getting it.

Industry only buys new software after say 3 years after it's out.

A good point is that we can go from XP to Win 8, can't go from XP to Win 7.


Whats all these power cuts about, you must be on an unstable power network up there.


Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend, hope Mollie & her Mum are well.

Hope Frodo isn't having too much trouble with her connection.


Hi Hicky.

Busy with your garden again I see. It was too cold up here for that. Very cold all day.

I've now set my heating to come on for a couple of hours in the morning, as well as starting at 6pm.


Yes, the infrastructure up here is crumbling, we are always having power cuts and getting the phone cut off etc. I suppose as the Borders has a very sparse population they are not that bothered about us.


Yes you are right. Windows 8 is optimized for touchscreens, although it's just as easy to control with a mouse and keyboard. Also, as you say, I don't see many businesses going for it.

The only reason I went for it is there are loads of new apps for it that won't work on earlier versions of Windows. Plus it was cheap.

TBH I think Windows 7 is the best looking desktop  operating system, and won't be bettered, but I suppose we've got to progress?

I'm keeping Windows 7 on my other PC though.


Enjoyed X-Factor, but I thought it would be more spectacular for Halloween.

Remember to put your clocks back tonight.

Last edited by emptybox

Good morning all


Gosh Emptybox

Snow already? Winter certainly arrived early up there this year. Hope you have your oil topped up. How annoying the power cuts have come along too. We got loads of those when we lived those 6 months in the hills.

Yes I too enjoyed X factor, but not much Halloween about it, other than face make up. Still think Ella was great, no matter what the judges said.



glad you have been able to get in the garden to sort one tub out. Hope you manage to get out to do the other two.

Who do you like on X factor?


Mum is getting on well now. Getting around well with zimmer and they have pain relief under control. The occ therapists are bringing how home for a visit and to see how she copes one day next week, so I am to meet them there. They have been looking after her really well in the hospital I must say, Still lots of running around for us, as it is quite a journey.

Good job I still managed to fit in watching X factor though.


wonder who will go this week?

dont' think much of the 3 in the boyband, or that guy who is Jordan's friend, can't remember his name.


have a good day all

it was a bit cold here yesterday, but sunny, dull and windy today so far though.

Originally Posted by emptybox:

Hi Mollie.'ve peaked a bit early there. It's another couple of weeks till my birthday (Nov 9th).

But thanks very much, and I'll put the cake in the fridge. I'm sure it'll keep.

I've drunk the beer now though. That definitely willnae keep....hic.


Oooopppsss. can see I have been run off my feet, and obviously didn't read the email fully, just saw "Emptybox..Birthday"...and didn't realise it was an advance notfification.

Oh well at least the cake and beer can be dug out later.


Hello all  

I did post yesterday pressed send and it vanished,nothing to do with the lap top I don't know what happened... I'm glad to hear that your mum is improving and they seem to have her pain under control Mollie that;s half the battle if you are


It's been dark here most of the day drizzly and dark ..the one good thing is there

arn't many fireworks going off all the time that seems to have stopped the animals hate them .

I have just watched last weeks Downton Abbey I missed It last week so I get a double dose with to-nights episode.


Snow emptybox brrrrrr bet you weren't to pleased ai that and then a power cut and more snow ..everything would be off here as the cooker is electric and the boiler      needs electric even though Its gas if you see what I mean


Well dark nights now for a while.. not long now until  .


I'm a Celebrity has been on this afternoon showing some of the past trials of course Miss Katie Price was on showing off her assets her large assets might I add


Sounds heavy work Hicky wrapping up all those trees and changing the vines over

I tried the fried rice recipe you wrote down ..but left the prawns out and It was yummy time I will add the prawns. I love pomegranates so I have been eating loads of them.


Fortnight to night I'm A Celebrity starts ....


see you soon xxx

 Halloween smileys                                                  


Evening All.


Aren't these weeks flying by? wow, November in a few days (Thursday).


Raining all day here, managed to get a bit done outside, had to get some tree stakes from B&Q to help support the Fig Trees now they are bound up with fleece, sacking, weed cloth and more fleece.

I've strapped all the branches into bunches as they are very flexible.


On X-Factor i just support the Girls.

They are all good.


Glad you Mum is OK Mollie, don't know how she could manage at home using a Zimmer.


Yes Frodo, the Gas Cookers now have electrical valves for safety and if the heat from the sensor is not passed to the valve the gas is shut off, it's mainly so that if the gas is blown out by the wind, a draught or by any other reason instead of filling the room with gas it is turned off.


The Fried Rice Dish wouldn't be the same without a dozen massive Prawns.



Hi everybody.

Pretty damp day here, but at least no more snow.


Don't worry about the birthday mix-up Mollie. Must admit I don't remember yours beforehand, as it's not recorded on here. I only remember Hicky's as it's the same day as my Brother's.

Glad that your Mum is getting around on a zimmer.


Hi Frodo. Pity your post yesterday was lost.

That maccaroni cheese looks scrummy.

Bit early for fireworks, isn't it?


Hi Hicky. Sounds like your trees are prepared for a harsh winter now?


Supermarket this afternoon. Annoyingly I forgot to buy milk, so I'll have to get some mid-week.


Pity Jade is out of the X-Factor. She sang well in the sing off, but she wasn't very good last night.


Good morning all



Pity you lost your post, wonder what went wrong there?  Very annoying after you have typed a lot out.

thanks for the mac cheese menus. They look good, didn't think of directly adding veg to mac cheese, but that is a good idea. I wouldn't use the half fat cheese though, I like the full fat too much, even  if my fat hips don't. I too buy either supermarket's own brand, or whatever is on offer.


Got some great offers from Morrisons on Saturday. They had a big shelf and as it was fairly late, they were reducing everything to 19 pence, So I joined the long queue, to buy some cheesy dip, sausages, chicken strips, pack of 4 Kit Kat yogurts, and a pack of Indian take away for 4 people. All of that lot gave me change from a pound!



Pity you forgot your milk, but I was wondering, did you remember your beers by any chance?

I agree Jade was not good on Saturday night, but I do not rate those 2 boybands at all either, Reckon they were selected for their looks for the young girls, rather than their singing ability.



glad you got outside despite the rain.

I think you like your prawns, don't you?


Busy day again, have to go and pay mums bills, then sort some day clothes out for her to wear in hospital, and go and visit her later, and catch up on all my accounts/house jobs.


have a good day all xxx


Hello all

A sunny start to the day and then the rain..I t seems as If Its half dark most of the day..but from what I can see we are lucky that we don't get the kind of weather some parts of America are having at the moment.


Ive been following the election and watched all three debates ( the day after I couldn't keep awake).


Ive been trying my best to get back into 'Come Dine With Me' but somehow Channel 4 ...seem bent on making some episodes a farce, to me It seems contrived ..It seems to be more about the playing up to the camera instead of food


King prawn stir fry for tea to-day. It was nice but to be honest a takeaway always seems to taste better same as the chippy home made crispy chips and fish yum

but nothing tastes as good to me as them in the wrapper with the vinegar oozing out.


Hope your mum is still on the mend Mollie and you are getting some rest..the travelling must wear you out .All that food Mollie and for under a pound.I would have joined you in that queue..magic .


I hope the weather is more settled for you emptybox  around here they seem to delight in setting fireworks off ,It used to start a month maybe more before November 5th It was a nightmare ..but then there was sort of a crack down on It 

but It still happens .


I hope all is well in your world Hicky and you have got your garden sorted out.


Looking forward to hearing your culinary treats and more food that you have eaten

LOL ..


    take care all       Halloween mini graphicsxxx


Evening All.


I like the look  of that Macaroni Cheese Frodo, often have in on toast for brekkie but yours looks better.


It looks like you planned that late Morrison's shop Mollie.

Some good deals there.

I mainly like the large uncooked headless Tiger Prawns, they need to weigh about 300/500g a doz.


Wasn't too busy at work but Gaga plays up for some reason, it's ok at home.


Forecast doesn't look too bad tomorrow.

Need to get another Vine re-potted if i can because i want to swap places, No 1 is moving to No.4's place, 4 to No. 2's place, 2's to 1's place.


Just had a Sirloin Steak for Tea with fried onion and chopped mushrooms with french fries.

With of course a Steamed Syrup pudding with double cream.


Just watching the storm in the US Live.


Evening all.

Not too bad day here, after a damp start.


Hi Mollie. You can bet your boots I didn't forget me beer.

Some great bargains you got at Morrisons. I've never seen anything like that at Sainsburys, but perhaps I go at the wrong times?


Hi Hicky. That storm in the US looks like it's going to be a bad one.

I don't usually buy steak, but I had a delicious rib-eye steak at a pub in Norfolk, when I was on holiday.


Hi Frodo. Can't say I have any interest in the US elections. We don't have a say, so we'll just have to get on with whoever they elect.


I hadn't noticed that post about premium membership at the top of the forum.

Looks like they are now not allowing us to upload our own photos, and we only have an hour to edit our posts, unless we pay for the privilege, but otherwise we'll be able to stay free, and we can still post links and pics from the web.

It perhaps means the forum's in trouble though and might close at some point?


If the worst came to the worst we would just take the thread somewhere else (and you with it, hopefully).

Hicky has a website, and we could add a free forum to that, or I run a Chanelle forum which is hardly used now, so I could add a section for us there. Or there are other possibilities.


Having said that, It still gives me the option to edit posts I made more than a day ago, so perhaps they haven't brought this in yet. I'm sure we can live with the changes anyway.

Last edited by emptybox

Good evening all



I agree with you about CDWM. It is more of a show where they play act for the cameras now.

You would of been welcome to join me in the 19pence queue.   It was all very friendly and folks were sharing and passing bargains between each other. The elderly man in front of me passed me his chicken strips.

I didn't actually plan to be in Morrisons at that time Hicky, but now I know about it, I will be joining the 19 pence gang who call into Morrisons regularly late on Saturdays.



strange how your GaGa doens't work in work, good job it works well at home. Hope the weather held up for you to get your garden vine jobs done today. Syrup pudding... haven't had that for ages, sounds yummy though.



How was the weather? Manage to do your gardens today. It has been a nice sunny day today, so we managed to go a nice walk down seafront with doggie before I went to visit mum.

Oh, how annoying about those changes on this forum. Shame, because I like to see our own piccies. As you say best to be ready to pack our bags and move on quickly incase it get folded up suddenly.


New York looks a bit of a mess right now, shame how some got killed by it.

Looks like we have some wet weather and winds here to come tomorrow, but obviously not on the US scale.


Not much on tv tonight, not keen on Tuesday tv.


My mum getting around ok on zimmer, but she is fed up and wants to come home now.  She is moaning that they keep trying to get her to eat (she is too skinny), but she does need to fatten up a bit. she has these energy drinks now.


have a good evening all xx


Hello all

I've been watching the news about the storms in America ..terrible and then the fires scary stuff and then having to bring ill babies down flights of stairs awful.


Morrisons seem to have some sense Mollie selling things off instead of throwing them out makes a lot of sense Its a pity others don't do the same..prices for food are sky high so good for them.


Good your mum is getting better Mollie shes going to be fed up after all she has been though,,sometimes if you have been ill hot meals are too much ..does your mum like ice cream or puddings (or have they tried everything)


Wednesday at 800pm Channel 4  there is a special Come Dine With Me on a spooky one Robert Englund,(Freddie Krueger) Nicola Mclean   pyschic Sally Morgan and Alex Reid.


Ive always watched the presidential elections emptybox don't know why cos as you say 

we don't have a say as long as we  get someone who wants peace I dont care either

Good news If you did find somewhere to post.. I hope It doesn't come to that though

and things stay alright.Its getting cold now and you can tell Winter is waiting around the corner to jump on us


Hello Hicky tiger prawns have been half price at our Tesco's for a while the raw ones

so I stock up on them at the normal price they are very expensive.


Rice curry and naan bread for tea ,,the syrup pudding you had yesterday sounds yummy I havn't any a caramel ice cream cone will have to do.


see you all soon xxx Halloween smileys

Last edited by Former Member


Not bad day here. Not as cold as of late either.


Must be very frustrating for your Mum Mollie. Bet she can't wait to get back home.


Very bad in New York. Very bad damage, and far more loss of life than first thought.


Hi Frodo. I'd noticed that Halloween CDWM special. I'll watch it if I remember, because I do like Nicola McLean.


I watched The Paradise tonight because there wasn't much else on.

Just going to watch my recording of Homeland from Sunday.


I had a bacon and mushroom ommlette with chips and salad tonight.


Good afternoon all 


HAPPY HALLOWEEN I hope everyone is well ..cold here and forecast for rain so that;s a dampner for the kids to-night.The aftermath for the storm in America is awful Its left a trail of destruction lets hope they get better help this time .


I hope your mum is still improving Mollie and her appetite comes back ..I'll bet she can't wait to get home

I stuck with The Paradise last night as there didn't seem to be much else on .


The  omelette sounds good emptybox I love them because you can throw anything in and they still taste good I sometimes make frittata which is similar but you can eat cold in slices.


Hope your not working too hard in the garden Hicky and you have finished moving your vines.


I know you'll keep your strength up with extra food though lol .


     see you soon       happy_halloween6


Good evening all


Hope Hicky got into his garden today.

It was ok weather wise here in the morning, then poured down in the afternoon.



I decided to watch Removal Men on channel 5 instead of CDWM today, really interesting show, but will watch CDWM on iplayer later.

Then it is Dallas at 9pm, have been enjoying this new series.

Yes mum does seem to do not too bad on the pudding front, but she gets full up easily. They get 2 cooked meals a day in hospital and of course she thinks it is too much food. Have you baked any bread lately? I am enjoying soup at the moment, prefer to make my own..., butternut squash a fave of mine but haven't had much time to do that since mum in hospital, so settle for Heinz tomato tins, not bad, but always prefer home made.



Is you jag going ok since your recent problems?

Still cold up there? It is quite chilly here for the time of year. Hope it was dry enough to get in your gardens today.


Went to Cardiff today, took family to see Bugsy Malone at theatre, and the shops were really busy because I guess it was half term today, and early Christmas shopping. Glad I wasn't planning on shopping, just got a few food goodies from M and S though.


Mum being bought to her flat tomorrow, by 2 occ therapists, to see what adaptation it needs for her come home. hopefully not much. I am meeting them there.


Removalists interesting, reminds me just how stressful moving home is.

Nearly Dallas time, do you watch it Freddo?


have a good evening all



Hello again all

Halloween was a wash out Its rained so not many people turned out, never mind the sweets will save.


The spooky CDWM was a disappointment Nicola McLean may have a nice figure but she hasn't the nature to go with It ..a very spiteful person in my book .Alex Reid is getting some very bad press at the moment,and It may be deserved cos.. I love Chantelle and think she is rather fragile at the moment but Nicola made herself look snidey.


Butternut squash soup I love and often make It Heinz Tomato another fav I also keep those cup a soups handy


Ive not watched Dallas Mollie I have quie a few things recorded that I'm going to catch up on tho' and yes I made some bread the other day .tried the Great British Bake Off way and It wasn't the same  so I'll stick to my own way in future.


Hope you are OK emptybox you'll be resting this weather.. are you settling down with a nice cool beer?.


Hello Hicky Chantelle seems to be unhappy at the moment I dont think she's ever got over Preston.Had any nice food lately? I'm going to get a sandwich myself so 

        see you all soon


Evening All.


It's strange logging in and out at work, but Gaga is awful when i'm there.

At home i stay logged into Gaga, DS, twitter and never log out.


Thats awful looking at the mess in the US.


Yes Frodo, good idea if you can get the Tiger prawns at a reduced price.


I've decide to boil the bacon for a minute before i fry it, with it being the cooking bacon at 99 for 670g it's worth it in case it is too salty.

I've tried it a couple of times and it's great.


I've been at work today Mollie.

Was doing the hmrc vat, only had to pay 197k in the end.

Hope weather isn't too bad tomorrow, want to get more work done.


Yes Frodo, Chantelle still probably loves Preston but Alex turned out to be a real dead loss, been following her tweets, omg he's dreadful from what she was saying.


Just watching anything really on tv,


Your bacon and mushroom omelette sounds good, used to make those once myself.


Yesterday O/H made a lamb shank casserole which was good and tonight we just had a rolled boned lamb shoulder with fries and beans.


Hi all.

Pouring with rain all day so no work done. Not particularly cold though.

I got my accounts for September done. A bit late, as it's nearly time for the October ones.


Halloween goes over my head. I pay no attention to it nowadays.


Hope you enjoyed Bugsy Malone Mollie, and that your Mum's home visit goes OK tomorrow?


Hi Frodo. I might just try that Frittata recipe. I'm not great with omlettes though, they always seem to get burnt on the bottom before the egg on top is cooked. Ah well, they taste OK.


I enjoyed CDWM. Nic McLean can be a bit spikey, but I quite like that. She takes herself a bit too seriously though. I also thought Robert Englund was quite funny.


It's quite a while since I had trouble with the Jag Mollie, and that was just it needing a new battery. It took me down to Norfolk and back without putting a foot wrong. The perfect car for long journeys. If only it wasn't so expensive to run.


After CDWM I watched DCI Banks. Very good.


Morning all 

November already ,not to long now for I'm a Celebrity not that I'm wishing my life away you understand but I am looking forward to watching It.


Emptybox what I meant about Nicola is she was determined to make Alex Reid look small calling him fame hungry and generally putting him down (talk about the pot calling the kettle) and that awful cackle ..Aisleyne ,Chantelle,Chanelle I like ..but I don't like people who get laughs at others expense..just me  but she is good to look at I suppose.Stew sounds good emptybox I do eat meat not a lot so I can't call myself a veggie ..and a good idea to make lots to freeze


I hope things are going well with your mum Mollie will be busy to-day if she is coming home , I hope you manage to get some rest though,fingers crossed all goes well for you I've seen the film *Bugsie Malone* with Jody Foster if thats the one you mean.


Hello Hicky last but not least never tried lamb shank casserole you have to let It cook for ages don't you? The aftermath of the storm in America is awful, looks as If some people will be without electricity for ages If they havn't gone through enough

   anyhow see you all later..not long now for    



I'm A Celebrity 2012

I’m A Celebrity 2012 kicks off in just over a week’s time, and Get Me Out Of Here Now host Laura Whitmore can’t wait to get started!

The blonde beauty flew out to Australia this week with her partners in crime, former jungle king Joe Swash and comic Rob Beckett, who takes over from Russell Kane this year.

She said: “I can’t wait to get stuck back into jungle life, though I will try my best to avoid all those creepy crawlies.

“I’m really looking forward to getting into all sorts of mischief and mayhem with Joe and Rob.

“The excitement level is off the scale!”

Stars said to be on this year’s I’m A Celeb line up include former Coronation Street star Helen Flanagan, singer Grace Jones, comic Brian Conley, darts champ Eric Bristow, actress Linda Robson and ex England cricketer Matthew Hoggard.

TOWIE’s Maria Fowler and Pussycat Doll Ashley Roberts have also been linked to the series, with the full line up expected to be revealed next week

Read more:


Afternoon/Evening All.


Not been bad today here.

Got a lot done in the garden, gave my neighbour 2 Calabrese and a letuce.

Swapped to vine tubs around, used my Towrope and with the tub being stood on a big tray it could slide along the blue slate.


Pruned the Apple & Pear tree, also gave the vines a long prune, with give them the short prune just before bud break in the spring.


The lamb shank casserole didn't take very long as O/H started to make one on Tuesday late afternoon, lamb cooks very quick, not like meat.


Can't wait for IAC, starts on the 11th according to what i heard.


Took a couple of pictures to show you, uploaded them from my phone to twitter and they seem to be linked together somehow.!128


Just going to make a Spag Bol.

Got 250g of mince, a big jar of Dolmio Sauce and some Spaghetti.


Hope Mollie & her Mum are OK.


My Lad is back in Oz because the mine had to close over a dispute with the locals about the waste.


He has been awarded the Directors Award for Outstanding Achievement over the year, he received an iPad and a Certificate.

He's been offered 3 Jobs but at the mo doesn't know which to accept.


Last edited by Hicky

 Hello Hicky

I copied and pasted the info about I'm A Celebrity from Telly Mix so I don't know who's on .I can't stand Russell Kane either



You must be really proud of your son what a wonderful achievment in life and him with his life in front of him ,good luck to him whatever he decides ..he surely deserves It


Thanks for the photo's I enjoyed them very much  

                                            night all sleep tight


Evening Hicky and Frodo.

Not too bad a day here. A bit rain midday, but otherwise dry.

Got some work done anyway, including some grass cutting.


I'm looking forward to IAC Frodo, but not all that interested in any of the celebs that have been rumoured. Hopefully there'll be some more interesting ones.


Well done to your lad getting that award Hicky.

I'm sure he'll end up with another great job.


Nice to see that you tidied your home office for that pic.


I watched the programme on CH4 about the Scottish lassie with the bone condition. Very sad. But she's not letting it get her down.


Morning all

hope you are all well the sun is out at the moment and It seems sort of mild I hate mentioning the weather after the storms/hurricane in America but Its the British way innit  lol


I hope your mum is home Mollie and settling down well ,I'll bet you are rushed off your feet though,just eaten some fresh fried tomatoes on toast tinned ones make It soggy.

I had a funny concoction for dinner/supper last night fishcakes baked potatoes and peas then I made this cheese sauce and poured that on I liked It I'm more of a grazer If you know what I mean


Emptybox you know they will put some eye candy on for you and Hicky on I'm a Celebrity they always do bikinis under the shower for the men .lets hope Mollie and me  get some hunks to look at too


I'm glad you managed to get some work done ie the grass cutting I'll bet Its a pain with all the leaves falling.


Hy Hicky hope your not straining yourself in the garden the summer house looks good have you done all the work yourself or do you have help..nice computer room .


Have you been to Costco lately and bought any more goodies .


I'm off now so see you all later xxxx


Hello all again

Its that Friday feelingWine graphics hope you are all well ..just made some fresh bread going to have this for dinner to-night

 from the chippy ..hope you are all ok see you soon                                       









ÂĢ197k in VAT, that is some bill!

Glad you managed to get so much done in the garden. What great photos. You can see in the pics how busy you have been. How nice to have such a handy computer room with a big tv too. Congrats to your lad on his award. Where in Oz is he? And is he going to choose another job in Oz?



glad to hear the jag is still going strong.

Shame it is expensive to run, but worth it I guess, if you can travel in comfort, instead of using your van.

That was a big stew you made, but good to make a lot, so you can freeze it for later.



yes I too am looking forward to IAC. Don't mind the bikini girls, but only if they are interesting and do other things as well as pose around in their bikinis. And of course I don't mind a hunky male or two, but again only if they are interesting campers. Your tea with the cheese sauce sounds interesting, I love cheese sauce too.

We had fish from the chippe too tonight, but I had bought some mash from M and S earlier in the week, so had it with peas and mash for a change. Yummy. Then raspberries, cream and a bit of cupcake for afters. Oh and a glass of French sweet white wine too. Hope you enjoyed your chippie fish as much as I enjoyed mine.


What have you Hicky and Emptybox had for tea tonight?


The occ therapists spent a couple of hours with me and mum at her flat yesterday. They were very good with her.

Went to visit her in hospital as usual today, such a journey it is on a busy Friday on the motorway, then through the hills though. But she is doing well, and getting round quite well with frame now. I have to be at her flat early Tuesday, so they can bring adjustments round for her flat... eg kitchen trolley, bed/chair raisers, and her personal alarm set up. She will have the care team for at least 6 weeks free of charge, with physios , occ therapists, nurse etc for meds, when she comes home, so that is good. Maybe I can get a bit of a rest in for a few weeks then.I am exhausted all the visiting and setting stuff up, as is my hubbie.

Looking forward to seeing Jonathan and Charlotte on itv at 9pm tonight, I thought they were great on Britain's got Talent.

Really cold for early November again here today. Snow on hills expected tonight, we had a storm with thunder and heavy hail last night.

Even the dog has a little red coat to wear when out now.

I have a blanket on my lap now, still drafty even with heating on, but I am not turning heating up higher this early in the year, far too expensive now.

Think I will have a hot chocolate instead. (good excuse)..

Have a good evening all xxx


Oh Mollie 

Ive got It wrong I thought your mum was coming home I must have got I mixed up.

no wonder you are shattered all the travelling and your house to look after,no wonder you are tired and your husband as well.


I'll bet your little dog looks cute in his coat they are part of the family arn't they pets and give you unconditional love mine are laid draped round me or on my feet as I type


my heating is on low but as you say Its expensive to have It full blast

hello emptybox and Hicky speak soon xxxx


having a glass or two of wine purely for medicinal reasons 


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