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Originally Posted by frodo:

Mollie just a quick post I have two small dogs and a cat .what I meant is I could go on and on about them thats all I hate spiders ..but I try and save them if

they are not over my bed then I whack them


speak laterxx


how lovely to have 2 little doggies, and a cat, bet they keep you busy. Just you go on about them all you want...

you know us 3 are always interested in each other... even if the fellas talk techy I am still interested, but just listen..

and I am always interested in animals.


Yes we lived in a few cities in Australia for a few years, but am always glad to be back in UK. Nice for a few years there, but the heat, lack of our lovely seasons and history,  all the insects, snakes and boredom with beaches and BBQ's got to me in the end, and the fact it was such a long way from anywhere.


My dog tries to eat spiders if she sees them, ,I too have to whack them if they are near my bed, so scared of them, but hubby puts them out.


Enjoyed Gareth and the choirs tonight.


goodnight all xxx

Originally Posted by emptybox:

Two small dogs eh? Would one larger dog not be more economical ?


  LOL....not sure Fredo would want to swop now though.


Hi Emptybox

you posted same time as me.

glad you managed to get some work done this morning before the rains set in.

Didn't noticed that show about crashing the plane...was it interesting?

Gareth and his choir from the waterboard was interesting.


goodnight all x


hyah emptybox hahaha honestly perhaps this is why I was drawn to this thread 

why indeed didn't I pick one large dog ..well one was thrust on me thro ill treatment so they are spoilt rotten and the moggie so no more about them .


Glad I found this place with you three it's been a real lovley place to share things

and have a laugh..I hope other people find this place...cold here emptybox think I may stay up and watch the vice presidential debate..hope you are ok and all is well 


Must mention Chantelle what the heck is she at one of the nicest and lovely people getting herself entangled in this mess..really hope she finds some way to stay away from the newspapers and sort her life out 


night xx


heya guys


Mollie just rang me to let me know her mother had a fall in the early hours of this morning and she asked me to let you know that she will not be around a lot while til her mum is sorted.  They are doing tests atm and looks like she has damaged her pelvis, Molls will try to pop in when she can to update you but wanted you lot to know she is fine and to not worry if she is not around for a while. 


Olls xx

Mount Olympus *Olly*

Good Afternoon Everyone.


A very windy day, just had hailstone, some rain and suns belting down again.


Have ordered 4 more 80L big pots for my vines and some 54cm trays for under them,delivery Tuesday.


One thing i've got lots of in the garden and thats Spiders, millions of them.

They stretch between everything there is.


I've made out a book of spray details for the tree's etc.


Didn't see that show about the plane crashing either, they all end up the same, the survival rate is abysmal.

Surely they can make a parachute with an oxygen mask fitted.


My eldest lad rang this morning (in a bit of a state) to tell me his Mum, my 1st wife had died, she had been ill for some time but was rushed to the hospital, didn't recover though.

Last edited by Hicky

hello Hicky

yes sad news about Mollie's mum ..and for you too sorry about your ex wife your son must be in a state


Same here with the spiders massive as well and they are coming into the house to hibernate..the webs outside are massive,It's sunny here as well but It was cold this morning.

Busy time for you in the garden Hicky don't go over doing It..I've not heard about the plane crash ...not very nice news all round to-day take care Hicks speak later xx       frodo


Hi Frodo.


Just doing some work on my new Fig tubs ready for the spring, just fitting the overflow outlet, it just stops them being overfilled.


My garden is overrun with spiders but i like them, the biggest ones don't use a web, with them being so big they just feed on smaller spiders, which of course would not come into their web if they had one.


Hello Mollie Hicky emptybox 


I can't sort of settle to-night hoping that your mum is going to be ok Mollie so sending good vibes your way x


Hello Hicky not a good day for you either ,heating has gone off so will have to send out for someone to sort It out ,I'm insured so thats no problem .


Spider as big as a flying saucer on my bedroom wall ..just came in from the shower and there I t was ,tried to catch It in a container but It got away

the bedroom light will not go off to-night .


Hyah emptybox fish and chips from the chippy for supper really thin crispy batter and eaten out of the wrapper lashings of salt and vinegar yummy


Trying to be flippant but I hope Mollie is ok


take care all  frodoxx




Very heavy rain overnight, but a mainly dry day so I got done what I needed to.


Really sorry to hear about Mollie's Mum. That's always the danger when the elderly fall. There's more chance of damage. Hope it turns out OK.


Bad news about your ex-wife Hicky. Sad for you, as well as for the sons you had with her.


Hi Frodo. Josie looks fantastic in that pic. What a shape!

Hope you can get your heating fixed? It's not as cold here tonight.


I may not be around myself over the next few days. I'm driving down to Norfolk tomorrow to spend a few days with my Aunt and Uncle.

The one thing that's for certain is that they have no broadband or internet of any kind. If I can get a 3G signal I will be able to get on with my tablet PC, but that's doubtful, as they are out in the wilds. Failing that, I've got my mobile, but as you know, that can't get on here.

So if I can get on I will, but don't worry if you don't hear from me till near the end of next week.

You can always get in touch via twitter, if you urgently need my expertise on something.


So I hope you all have as good a week as you can manage, and I hope that Mollie is back with good news about her Mum, before long.


Afternoon All.


Sky has cleared up here again, been miserable this morning.


Josie looks good in that picture, the last one i saw of her was dreadful, just all loose skin hanging around everywhere, like when you quickly lose a lot of weight and your skin hasn't shrunk.


Hope Mollie's mum is OK, as you say, it's so serious as you get older with healing being so slow.

And hope you are OK Mollie, it's hard coping with all you have to.


Hope you get your heating sorted Frodo, not nice to have it off.


I wouldn't worry about the spiders, they aren't interested in humans.

Why does everyone seem so scared of a little harmless creature.


You can't beat Fish & Chips out of the wrapper.


Hope all goes well with your trip to Norfolk Emptybox, i'll have missed you know anyway.

Hope you can get on during the week.


Hello Hickey Mollie empptybox

heating back on just a simple mistake so all is well .... yes Josie does look well 

I have never been that keen on her I can't just put my finger on It I suppose we all have our favs that's what makes BB .Chanelle ,Chantelle,Aisleyne  I like a lot but the first two seem to have terrible choices in men.


Yes you can't beat fish and chips out of the wrapper I'm not a big meat eater but I love curry King Prawn is my fav people make them different ways as long as they taste good thats OK by mein fact I had bacon egg and tomatoes for brekkie 

not tinned tomatoes although I love them but fresh ones fried.


Its allright for you Hicky saying spiders dont hurt they crawl all over the place and I catch them to put them outside ...sometimes I whack them


The laptop started playing up again bl##dy thing saying It needed repair this malarky went on for ages but I'm posting so fingers crossed.


Got two DMs on twitter hilarious asking me for sex talk can't tell you how quickley I unfollowed scared the living daylights out of me .LOL


Spag Bol day for you emptybox hope your trip is going well and I'm raising a bottle of beer to you hope you are enjoying a well earned rest.


Mollie so hope your mum is getting better please have a slice of this with me



Hi Frodo.


I think tinned Toms are a lot tastier than fresh, you can't get a thick tomato sauce with fresh toms can you?


Had a bacon sandwich for brekkie, the Sainsbury's basic, this was only thin and scraggly but if you cook a load on high heat.

With bacon i find it has to be cooked at high temperature, very quick and eaten straight away.

If bacon is cooked on a low temperature it can dry out, when the water is out it just becomes like cardboard or leather and i can't eat it like that.


Not sure why you are just bothered with the big spiders, there's tones of baby ones everywhere, you wouldn't see half of those., maybe none of them.


About your DM's these people have a nerve, as if you do that for free.


Emptybox is probably taking a big spag bol that will last a week.


I'll pinch a slice of that cake though.

Just remembered, O/H bought me a couple of cakes today.


Had some chicken this afternoon.

Just had fried fresh Salmon with some sliced boiled spuds in butter, made a sauce, could only find a cheese one but it was lovely.


Lauren, Luke A and Adam with Becki (Lukes Wife).



Originally Posted by frodo:

I love flowering plants Mollie in the house sadly they don't last that long 

I have some pretty green ones two Ivy's and a fern I'm going to treat myself to one of these tho' I'll just spray them with oils lol


see you all soon xx


Loving the flowers,

We have the same problem, O/H never remembers to water them, think they are a dead loss really. 


Loving SCD as well, they are dancing very well.


just popping in here to update . .got a text from Mollies hubby, her mum is doing good, they hope to try to get her out of bed on Monday.. think it will be a slow recovery tho as such things at that age are. . I suspect Molls and her hubby are shattered what with having to ferry the kids to their things at weekends as well..


Will update if I hear any more. .Molls may get a bit of spare time to pop at some point too. .she sounded exhausted when I talked to her so am hoping she is resting up when she can and taking care of herself too.. 


laters guys

Mount Olympus *Olly*

Olly many thanks as long as all is well with Mollie thats all I need to know

she really must be tired out long as she and her mum and family are OK 

thats good....posting can wait


Its really kind of you to let us know thank you Olly xxjust send her my best wishes.

                   frodo... night all x


Hicky just a short post the laptop went again...  really wanted to get in touch

cos Mollie and emptybox are away .

The only reason I would not answer is when things go wrong .the calenders

look O.K

Amy Childs is really pretty...I hope Mollie and emptybox box are well

Ifs good to be back online night Hicky


     frodo xxx 


Evening Everyone.


What a windy day, wow, my poor gazebo, took a right old battering, survived though, but got the same tomorrow.

Most of the fig tree leaves have been blown off, be glad when the rest are gone so i can start winter covering them


Had a lovely brekkie, loads of bacon with 2 eggs, large, both double yoke's. and a large tin of Italian toms, with a thick slice of warm seeded bread and butter.


My delivery of new tubs and large saucers arrived so i can finish making the new tubs for the figs.

I'll have to see if i can get a picture of what i'm up to.


Been picking the fallen leaves up, can't leave them as the virus spores can take off and reinfect trees and plants under certain conditions


Work tomorrow, not a lot on TV, but with so many channels it's not too bad.


Hope Mollie is managing & Emptybox enjoying his week away.


Hope your Lappy doesn't play up too much Frodo.


Catch you later.


Oh, and i ordered my Amy Calendar for 2013.


Hello Mollie emptybox Hicky


Ive sort of got used to this awkward thing called a laptop just leave It be..... at first I was all panicky I just think.. if I'm off line for a while so what..,worst things in life going on .


Mollie I do hope your mum is improving you must be out of your mind with worry 

I do hope you are getting some rest you take care . To-night I'm recording the final of ....The Great British Bake off ... cos I'm on here then on to watch,,,,The Paradise   I really want to watch the Presidential debate to-night ..i'm so hoping President Obama gets his act to-gether. just my opinion


hello  Hicky

curry for supper homemade well with spices  I think everyone has their own version to try them all any tips welcome as are any recipes.

I hope emptybox ie enjoying the break bye for now


Morning Everyone.


Morning Frodo.


I was pleased with the bake off result as well.


Hope Mollie's Mum is on the mend and hope Mollie isn't worn out looking after her.


For the curry's Frodo i buy the Curry Paste, never buy the sauces, US.

Or i buy the authentic powder kits from the asian cook shop on the web, they are fantastic, and one kit does loads of meals.


I buy these kits.

You always start with onions that have been made into a paste in the machine.

And you get instructions anyway.

If you are using meat it's always best cooked beforehand.


And the pickles are really authentic, fantastic.


Deana'a dance place.



Last edited by Hicky



sorry haven't posted for awhile, but been rushed off my feet, sorting my mum and her paperwork and washing etc, and buying her things for hospital, visiting all the usual family stuff...but I am pleased to say, she is much improved and now been transferred to a rehab cottage hospital. They will help her prepare for home and to manage pain until her bones heal.The hospital is a good 32 miles round trip, so good job OH been round to take me.


haven't had chance to read back, nor watch much tv lately. but hope to get a bit of free time tomorrow, so will read back your posts then.


hope you are all well.





Hello all

I'M glad your mum is feeling a little better Mollie It's a long journey for you on top everything else there anyone else who could give you a little help when your mum does come home just to give you that little break?


Good to hear from you don't worry about not posting your family are more important.


Lovely photo from the Seychelles Hicky white sands blue/green seas can't beat It


Will try your tips for the curry 


see you all soon xx


 Hicky I've only just noticed the link to The Asian Cook Shop  that is brilliant

It's in my bookmark there are quite a few things I'd like to order



thanks very handy the rice in bulk buy is great... havn't had a proper look yet but really pleased with It

                                           bye for now 


Hello all.


Well I'm back from the wilderness.

Great to hear that your Mum is improving Mollie.


Had quite a good time catching up with family, but with no TV or internet it was very boring at times. Whenever I'm down there I read more than I do the rest of the time put together.


It was a terrible journey back. It took 9 hours as opposed to the 6 hours it took to go down.

They had closed the A1 due to an accident and diverted the traffic through Yorkshire, but there was miles and miles of cars just crawling along at less than walking pace for 2 hours, then it suddenly opened up, and I could get back on the A1(M) just north of Pontefract.

Still, it was quite sunny, so I suppose you could say I've seen a bit of Yorkshire, but I never need to go back to Pontefract again.


I did get some spag bol on the Monday, because my favourite cousin made it for me, because she knows I like it. That's why she's my favourite cousin.


Hope your lad is enjoying himself in Seychelles Hicky?

My brother and family are sunning themselves in Gran Canaria just now....and I get damp Norfolk.


Hi Frodo. You'll need to ask for a new laptop for Christmas.


I heard that Melanie got kicked off the X-Factor on Saturday? Oh well! All the more votes for Ella Henderson next week.


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