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hello all 

yeah emptybox good to have you where has Mollie got to ..hope you are all ok,,just a short post for now pleased you are reconnected emptybox.


I'm the newcomer but sort of got used to you all I's nice to come on when you feel a bit down and hear how everyone's day has gone and Hicky with his food gives me a laugh.

Mollie about her sea walks and emptybox and Hicky on about the laydees.


ps thats not a spelling mistake back soon xx frodo





thanks for the Deana pics, she looks so beautiful in them. And the Chantelle news too. No way is she fat.   Despite the fact she only had a baby recently , she still looks very slim. I feel sorry for her in that she can't seem to find a happy relationship and now she has the baby to bring up on her own. Not easy that. It must be milder where these pics were taken than here though,to be able to wear a T shirt like that, it is coat weather here.



glad to see you are able to get back on here again. How frustrating that your phone line is playing up with the rain.

Shame about your hedgecutter packing up, ,hope it doesn't cost too much to replace.



hi, I am here again...  lappy came unstuck as I was about to post last night, all sellotaped up again now.  

Glad you are enjoying coming in to see our daily chats. i always enjoy calling in here to see how my pals are coming along. As you can imagine we have been through some ups and downs over the years. But we are glad to have you on board now too.Have you cooked anything nice lately?


Went shopping to Morrisons tonight, but couldn't resist popping into the cafe first for a quick latte and fruit scone.    It was a special tea time offer , the coffee is usually ÂĢ1.45 a cup, but with the scone and butter,  it was ÂĢ1.50.


OH (amongst most of his other colleagues) got a weeks notice last night, so has only a week of work left now. Big shame because he has been in this place 2 and half years and liked it.

Back to the job hunting again... unfortunately that is the name of the game in contracting, and there are no permanent jobs in his field now.


did you all watch the dancing, I thought it was good and they all did well for week 1.


oh boy have we had some rain again... makes you wonder where it all comes from.. lane down road flooded again.

hope forecast right for tomorow, it is looking good.


have a good evening all. xx



Evening All.


Good to see you back Emptybox.

It's strange the Broadband cables getting water in them, they use watertight joints etc, don't understand that, the problem would more than likely be above ground.


A blow having your hedge trimmer break, time to replace then.


Good to see you also Frodo.


Mollie must be busy or away, or lappy playing up.

It's on tomorrow as well only early.


Enjoyed Strictly tonight, Denise did good, enjoyed them all though.


Just had a Gammon with Chips and Egg.


Have ordered an extra 660mm section for my small trellis, needs to be wider for the vine.


Evening Mollie.


You posted while i was posting, just seen your post.


It's bad news about your hubby, hope something turns up.

It's so worrying.

A weeks notice is nothing, that doesn't give you time to get another job.


It's going to be hard for Chantelle, she deserves better, she's a lovely person i can tell, but like Chanelle, just can't get the right feller.

But at least both have a young one and i think that is important.


Your not one to miss an offer in the restaurant.


I enjoyed the dancing tonight, looking forward to tomorrow night now.


It's good to hear from you Mollie ..thankyou for the welcome It's been lovely to join in ,,so sorry to hear about your OH and the job loss at this time of the year It must be devastating ..but as always you tend to cover your troubles up and care how other people are feeling  no new recipes IF I need one I just type It in 

silly isn't it I have loads of cook books that are not needed now ..a good fudge recipe would be welcome tho'...yummy.


No rain here for a few days the odd shower Its been sunny but the sharp autumn sun .


hello Hicky hope you are well ,last cut of the grass for me I leave some of the garden uncut for the hedgehogs and wildlife not everyone agrees but hey thats just me ..what's for dinner ,love to hear about your food recipes welcome .


Hello emptybox so pleased you are back Spag Bol day to-morrow come you where cut off is It very isolated where you are?

                 night all see you soon xx 


Laptop went again this morning had to let the battery run out hello all before It goes again..the same person sent me another DM  she says they are sending themselves and is laughing about it,I've blocked this person so I will see what happens..hope you are all well.

                                                       Speak soon


Good Afternoon Everyone.


And its good afternoon to Frodo.


Sorry to hear about your lappy, and that you got another strange DM.

I have had lots of messages from people on twitter, usually just a spam one as they send a link on it;s own, which of course would never open anyway.


Been to Aldi and Sainsbury's for a few things, love looking around Aldi.


Saw this pic tweeted.

It's Adam & Lauren on the Red Carpet at 'Essex Fashion Week'.

Adam & Lauren - Essex Fashion Week



Talking about food.


On my little Jaunt this afternoon the few bits i got were mainly for me, O/H never knows what to get for me, although i like everything she finds it hard because 50% of what i eat she doesn't like anyway.


I got from Aldi milk, veg oil, chunky soup, figs, pasta sauce, kitchen soups, grapefruit segments, Carbonara pasta sauce, Turkish delight bars x 2 packs, fruit drops, mangoes x 4.

Sainbury's Tropicana with bits x 2, chicken Jalfrezi and rice, s&s chicken & rice, crispy beef, pimento stuffed olives, nectarine x 4, mango large x 2, large pomegranate x 2, strawberry tart x 3.


Just watching Strictly, have had to record Take me Out.


Been a lovely day here anyway.


Hope you are all well.


Evening guys.


Nice day here so I got a big cutting-back job done. I had a van-load of cuttings etc to dump.

There's about 2Â― miles of countryside between me and the exchange Frodo, and that's just in a little village of a couple of hundred people. As I went along the road today I saw an Openreach engineer guddling in a large hole he'd dug by the roadside, about half-way to the village. And this evening when I got in there was an answerphone message from the engineer saying that yesterday he'd made a temporary fix on my line, but today he'd fixed it properly. So that was obviously where the problem was, in the underground cables.

You'd think they would make them properly waterproof, but obviously not?
The infrastucture around here is very poor anyway. We are always getting powercuts as well, and there's only a patchy 2G mobile signal. No 3G signal at my house.


Sorry to hear you're are still having laptop problems Frodo. 
Sounds like your friend has had their Twitter hacked, and needs to change their password?


Went to check the oil on my Jaguar this morning, and found a large nest under the bonnet. When I started to take the leaves etc out, 2 rats jumped out and bolted away under the car. They must have thought they had found a cosy winter home, as I only use the car at the weekends. I hope I scared them away permanently, as they can be a menace chewing through wiring etc.

Have to check under there more often?

Sorry to hear about your OH's job Mol. Such a bind having to search for more contract work at this time.
Hope you had a better day weatherwise?


Aisleyne and Nikki were at the 'Essex Fashion Week' as well Hicky.

Pictures of both on this Wenn link.


Not 100% sure about Ash's hairstyle?

Is that picture of Sidd in your house Hicky? If so is that one of the homeplug devices I can see plugged in?


New series of Merlin starts tonight, which I shall enjoy. But I'll have to record it as X-Factor is on at the same time.

Last edited by emptybox

Hello all wrote the most massive post and it got lost ,perhaps I was boring so I'll

start again had one of these in my bedroom last night ..just gave It a gentle

whack It scared the living daylights out of me and now Is laughing  at me up on the wall ..Its the size of a dinner plate  well perhaps a little smaller .

Hickey you tickled me ,what is a snack to you ha ha ha made my day have you got hollow legs?.Sidd is gorgeous you must be so proud lovely photo of him ..more please when you can .Do you know I've never tasted fresh figs and I love fruit

almost any kind.


Lovely photo of Adam and Lauren ..keep those photo's coming about the DM'S why would anyone do that twice thro a private message.


Emptybox so glad you are back Spag Bol day for you ,so glad I was sorted sorry but Aisleynes hairdo is a nono her but that does not work ..not made my mind up what to watch yet on the box ..good to be mates but differ sometimes.


Mollie made some bread to-day always put dried milk in It along with flora oil

hope you are well ..Its been a sunny day again but chilly..made two small jars of mint sauce...I have a large bay tree in a pot put it in a sheltered place .


Mollie really upset me to-nights news conference on April Jones I always thought there may be hope ..put pink on my twitter page for her ..Its heartbreaking .

        take care all 


Evening Frodo.


I forgot to tell Emptybox, the house is my lads, i didn't take the picture, he gets so many taken of him.

That unit plugged in is the auto deodoriser thingy.

I would just ignore the spider, they usually stay up on the ceiling or in some hidden crevice, they don't much like the floor.


I never stop eating Frodo, when i'm home anyway, have so much food in stock at all times.


Figs are lovely, just eat it like an apple, no stone, no pips and you can eat the skin.

Good for you as well.

Had a big Mango this afternoon, must be the best most delicious fruit ever.

Have opened the stone and planted it,

Have already got 1 growing from seed.


It's very bad news if they think April won't be found alive, what on earth has happened and why is the feller saying nothing?

Last edited by Hicky

hello all 

another fine day here ,when I say this you can sort of feel the chill of Autumn

and things to come it's a sort of in between time ,It would have been nice to have a summer then you don't mind what's to come


Mollie I'm not a true veggie so I would hate to be a hypocrite for you this some great recipes on there for you ..and I do follow them and perhaps It inspire me cos I do eat fish etc.The laptop has behaved to-day  so all well there.


hello emptybox and Hicky hope you are well ..will speak more to you later 

bye for now


Evening All.


Evening Frodo.


It's been a lovely day, plenty of sun and no wind, strange really.


Planted another Mango seed, it shows you how on YT, various methods, just pick one.


Doing more covering up of tree's in the garden, Figs are very vulnerable to the cold so am preparing for the cold, can't complete the work till the leaves fall.


Have been doing more work on the new tubs for the Figs next season.

Have to install an overflow now, need a 25mm cutter to fit that.


Have been taking the curtain rods down, blinds are supposed to be fitted tomorrow.


We have booked a holiday next year, 10days in the Algarve Portugal next August,

It's an Apartment in Albufeira, my lad and his lot as well, 8 in all.


It was only 5C earlier, going to be a cool night.


Came up to my Puter room with a Pork sandwich, a bowl of Trifle, a piece of cream cake, a Fig, a Nectarine and a cup of Tea.

That was just to watch X Factor.


Hi guys.

Lovely sunny day here, but it started with a heavy frost. I had to scrape the windscreen to go down for the papers. Looks like it'll be another cold one tonight.

I put my central heating on for the first time for a few hours tonight.


I went into Galashiels and bought myself 2 hedgecutters from Argos. A petrol one for the tougher hedges and a rechargeable one for the lighter hedges. They cost ÂĢ80 apiece. The petrol one is a cheap no brand one (Well it's called a 'Challenge Xtreme' ), but the recharegable one is a Bosch so should be pretty good? Came with 2 batteries as well, so I should be able to keep going for 2 hours if I keep them charged up.

I suppose it was a bit of an indulgence to buy 2 at once, but I've wanted a rechargeable one for a while, but I didn't think it would be up to tackling some of the big conifer and holly hedges that I have to cut, but the petrol one is very heavy to use for extended periods.


I also bought a small handheld rechargeable vacuum cleaner for the stairs and the car etc.

You can tell I'm fed up with wires.

The only other things I did today was go to Sainsburys and washed my car.


Hi Frodo. Pity you lost your massive post. I don't mind spiders myself. Much better than rats anyday.

I thought the X-Factor result was a joke. Fancy choosing to keep Rylan over beautiful Carolynne.
I've never tasted fresh figs either, only the dried ones. 


Hi Hicky. Getting the garden ready for the winter I see.

You had great fun in Portugal last time, as I recall.

Must say I'm a bit embarrassed thinking that a room deodouriser was a home plug.



Good Afternoon.


Got most of my work done for the day, i hope.


Those tracks bring back memories, well i remember them well anyway.


You should be ok now for a while with those hedge cutters, ideal for the job.

I just love the cordless gear, but you need 2 batteries if you are away from home.


Louis has lost the plot, he didn't know what he was doing even.

And how could they ever give Rylan a contract for records, a pure joke.


You eat Figs like you would an apple, but without a core and pips.

It's just a means of getting a variety of fruit, and these days you need it.

And a ripe Mango is fantastic, doubt if the ones i'm going to grow will ever bear fruit.


Here's Adam & Lauren again, think the lady is the stylist  or someone.

Think they are at Essex Fashion Week.


Adam & Lauren


Hello all Hicky

lucky you to get a tweet from Lauren ..only my opinion one of the sweetest people on BB quite a few others I like as well ,think you know a few of them by now

Hicky seriously have you got hollow legs,if only I could et that much and not put on weight,I love to hear about recipes and food ..glad I'm not the only one that hasn't tasted fresh figs ;I really must try them .


Hello emptybox if you need these things petrol hedge cutter then go for It my lawnmower is petrol,glad the long post was scrapped sometimes I do waffle on.


My heating has been on but It has been sunny here ,It looks fantastic where you live from the photo's do you get cut off in the winter .I'm not being nosy just interested obviously you live in Scotland never been there It looks wonderful

speak soon.


Mollie hope you are ok and that your mum is well  no news about April Jones 

empty box knows my twitter page ....really don't want to give it out on here 

hope you are well ..

take care all night everyone xx


Hi Hicky.

That was a kind of random convo with Lauren about bacon?

I haven't tried Sainsbury's basic. I buy their unsmoked back bacon usually, but I'll have a look next time I'm buying.


Another frosty start here, but turned into another sunny day.


Watched Classic Car Rescue on 5, about an MGB GT. I like the cars, but the two presenters are annoying.

Then I watched Monroe.


Lamb chops, potatoes, brocoli and gravy tonight.


Hi Frodo.

Glad you're getting the sunny weather as well.


Yes I have got cut off by snow for a few days at a time. Not last winter because it was mild, but the previous two winters were bad.

I think the worst was in February 2000 (I think?) when we were snowed in for 4 days and had a 4 day powercut at the same time.




been having problems with this lappy again...don't want to replace it right now we have to watch the if I come and go, you know why.



Aaawww little Sidd is such a cutie.

I like reading your shopping and snack lists.   At least you aren't short of vitamins with eating foods like figs.  Nice pics of Adam and Lauren, I like the bright colours in the frock and Adam looks very smart. Not keen on Ais's hair either.



rats in your jag!! I bet that was a shock to you, hope they don't come back and keep well away from your house. Let's hope your phone line stays in order now. Sounds like you are well set for all your hedge cutting jobs now, hope you are pleased with your purchases.

I felt sorry poor Carolynne.   Awful way to throw her out, make it sound like she was saved, then crush her hopes. Looks like some fiddle went on, and Louis got confused what the show bosses wanted him to do, when that producer guy whispered to him.



glad to see despite lappy problems you are still able to post here.

thanks for the recipes, will take a look at them. I hate spiders!  I think I will get OH to take me to the forest to get some pine cones, they reckon if you put them in your house, the spiders stay out. The rest of my family say that is rubbish, but I reckon its worth a try.   We got none in the house when I last placed cones in our rooms in our house.


We went to see Mousetrap last night, it is on tour for the first time ever as its the 60th Anniversary. It has been a sell out, and was really good. At the end of the show, we are asked by the cast not to let on to others "who done it".



Evening All.


Good to see you all able to post.


Not a bad day here really, temperature dropped to 7deg C when i came in from the garden.


Last night i had a Cottage Pie, then a Jalfrezi & Rice.

Had a lovely bacon sandwich for brekkie, the Sainsbury's basic bacon is great, some thick pieces of back, can't complain for 99p a pack.


Had Fillet Steak & onions/mushrooms with thin French fries, same as KFC ones.


Had another Mango today, opened the stone and have it in some water, the embryo is massive.

Opened one for my neighbour as well, as she wasn't sure how to open it even after i had showed her.


Have had a delivery from the US, an 8oz of a fungicide and a 16oz of a broad spectrum fungicide, these add to my Bordeaux mixture & phosphoric acid that are needed to treat certain fruit trees during winter and again just before bud break in the spring.

I need a spray program and record of dates of spraying.

I messed up this year so will have to be more careful next time.


Have ordered a new section for one of my vine trellises, it needs another section.

The garden centre i got the original sections from have none left till the spring/summer but i want to get it sorted before then.


It does seem as though we may be getting an early winter as the leaves are falling at quite a rate,

I've taken the last 4 coxes apples off the tree as i wanted to spray it and if we get frost it may ruin the apples.

I've taken up the beetroot, didn't do very well this year, just had some in a big tub.


Work tomorrow anyway, may be able to get on at work, if i'm not too busy.


Bad news about you lappy Mollie, they don't half give problems, thats why i don't use them, everything is a miniature version of a real one.



Another frosty start, another sunny day.


Tried out both of my hedgecutters at different places.

Very impressed with the rechargeable one. Does just what I need .

Not quite so keen on the petrol one. It's a better starter than the previous one, which is a plus, but just seems more difficult to handle. Not easy to explain it, but doesn't seem to make as good a job. Still it cuts through the thicker stems, so a combination of the two should work fine for all the hedges that I cut.


Glad you enjoyed The Mousetrap Mollie. I don't know what it's about, so you wouldn't be giving anything away.

Pity about your poorly lappy.


Hi Hicky.

Sounds like you have your work cut out, working out a spraying program for your fruit trees?

Also got your work cut out getting through all that grub.


Hi Frodo. Hope you aren't having more problems with your laptop?


Not much on telly tonight?


Evening All.


Was pretty busy at work today.


Yes Emptybox, i get all this food in but O/H had bought a load as well so i'm struggling to eat the food i got.

She had made mince today, so put some curry powder into that and boiled some vegetable  rice.

Just had half a big trifle and a quarter of a cream cake.


I'm thinking of cutting down, going to take smaller bites.




hooray, lappy working today, it seems to like the new extra strong selotape.



Sounds like some nice meals and treats there. I will have to get the family some of that basic bacon. Food has gone up so much in price now, I have to look around for bargains with the amount of food my big family get through.... one loaf a day..Hovis gone up to ÂĢ1.35 now, so changed to Asda's own at ÂĢ1, just as nice... and the family get through 6 pints of milk a day, so I get the big bottles of supermarkets own. I like mangos, but do find them really hard to peel, and pull back, so usually end up with a banana instead.

Gosh your fruit tree programme does sound complicated, but worth it to get your own fruit.

I like your method of cutting down on the food intake.   My excuse is that we need more food in cold weather to keep us warm.



gosh frost again already... as Hicky says, winter seems to of set in early this year. It was so cold when we took dog walk on seafront last night, said to hubby, we need to dig out wooly hats and gloves already. Are you still managing without turning your heating on? I have had to put ours on for a couple of hours tonight and last night. Interesting that you prefer the non petrol hedge cutter, but sounds like you can at least make good use of both of them. Are you still busy, or is the grass cutting slowing down now?


poor Chantelle seems to be making the news quite a lot lately. Feel sorry for her, she looks so sad, has a lot to cope with during the Alex problems and having to bring up the babe on her own.


Couldn't find anything decent on tv to watch last night, but am looking foward to watching Dynasty tonight.


Hope Freddo's pc is working ok today.


have a good evening all xxx



Hello Mollie Hicky emptybox

  I hope you are all well.I know what you mean Mollie about having an awkward laptop.a few smacks  to-gether with some swear words do not help  and as you say It's an expense at this time of year,at the moment I'm buying all little kinds of treats for Halloween I always sort of get a little goody bag together.It used to be a small amount of money but the same people kept coming back and

puffing away at the end of the road as my neighbour gave money too.


The Mousetrap... Mollie now you are talking Agatha Christie I would love to see that  I have read most of her books ..I could be wrong but I don't think that is allowed to be one ..lucky you.


Its funny cos I have ordered some shoes a sort of gold coloured mule type and the ad keeps following me .Ging to make some of these to-morrow     I do have disasters but I love these I think they are a Scottish 

thing emptybox should know.speak soon


Hello emptybox  I've got the heating on at the moment its cold at night.

sorry your petrol hedge cutter isn't as you hoped ,won't I't be the last cut soon 

I'ts the clearing up that's the pain ? I can't find anything to watch to-night when does I'm a celeb start ?Got really annoyed on Twitter the other night a children's charity that ought to have had more sense ..said the most insensitive thing about mums..I stuck my nose in where I shouldn't but I thought I was a dig at a recent and my big mouth I did delete tho..speak soon.


Hicky if ever a person could make me laugh and bring a little joy into life Its you

the food what you eat makes my day are you 20 stone your stories have hollow legs to be sure   take care xxx


Evening Again.


There's always something to watch on TV, well with so many channels you can't go wrong really.

Good to see Frodo and Mollie on, these laptops are sure a pain.


I used to eat quite a bit when younger, stayed the same weight for about 40 years, just got a bit of a belly now but have no weight on arms or legs.


Mollie. you don't Peel Mango's, you slice like this (||), the Mango stone is about 4" high, 2" across and 15mm thick, you slice through the skin on the narrow side about 1cm from the centre line, each side of the narrow side of the stone.

You can then either slice through or just score the flesh both ways, dice, then push the skin inside out and cut the segments off.

You need to wait till the Mango feels ripe, you can tell by the give when you press the outside of the Mango.


It's such a shame about Chantelle, a lovely girl, but i do believe whatever she says, and she'll do whatever is best for her girl.


Louise is nice as well.

Jay is a very lucky feller.







Alright folks?

Another frosty start, another lovely day. I think it's the last for a while though, as rain is supposed to be on the way.


Some grass cutting, strimming and hedge cutting today.

The grass here seems to have stopped growing, but I've still got quite a few to get round, plus there's hedges to cut and cutting back etc.


I've had the central heating on for 4 hours in the evenings since the weekend. I think I'll soon have to have it on in the mornings as well, because it's freezing when I get out of bed.


Hi Mollie. I buy Hovis Seed Sensations at ÂĢ1.45 in Sainsburys. Mind you, one loaf does me a week.

Chantelle looks very young in those pics of her without makeup.

Did you mean 'Dallas' on TV? I watched DCI Banks. Very good.


Hi Frodo.  

'Tattie scones' are Scottish, if that's what those are? Not keen on them meself.

Very cute pics of the kitten and the puppy.


Hi Hicky. Well I suppose if you are doing the shopping, and your OH is doing the shopping as well, then it's no surprise that your larder is over-stocked?




Oh boy has it rained here again today... where on earth is it all coming from?



thanks for the news story, what cute pics those are.

here is another interesting tale I saw about Black Rock Billie...

I am confused, why do you have to keep to yourself about your animals? Does that mean you have a big spider?   and it's because I said I didn't like them..have to admit I don't like lizards either...they used to run across our lounge floor in Australia and I used to have to ask the odd job man from the complex to put them out. my son and the other children used to love those rhino beetles, huge things and he used to play with them on his hand, then carefully put them back in the bushes. They could sometimes scratch you accidently though as their claws were so long and sharp... and as for the spiders there... huntsmen ones petrified me. .. and as for that night a cockroach ran across my face in bed.. ...but having said that, loved the kangaroos and koalas. Bet you haven't got one of them.   (neither of I though) 

I love potato recipes.



hope the rain keeps off a while longer so you can get up to date workwise. I like seeded bread too, and of course seeds are supposed to be good for you, the rest of the family just have the wholemeal one though.

Oooopppss, yet again another    

Yes I did mean Dallas.

I really enjoyed it again last night, but I do have trouble working out the complicated plotting and scheming.

I like that name "tattie scones"..

always enjoy it when we get a bit of Scots talk from you.



thanks for the mango peeling info. I read somewhere that a bit of extra weight is good as you get older, that undeweight is worse, so nothing wrong with a bit of a belly, as you do eat lots of vitamins and fresh stuff.   (and I will keep quiet about my jelly belly!) My excuse is that it just expanding a bit every time I had another baby and never went back again.

I can see why you like Louise...   very photo genic she is.

Yes I too believe Chantelle will do whatever is best for her baby now. It is a good job Chantelle's mother seems to be supportive with her.


I have ordered shopping from Asda, as they are offering free delivery for a month, so tonight will just have a browse round shops whilst son does guitar lesson, and don't have to rush around getting weeks shopping.


I am looking forward to watching The Choir on bbc2 tonight, Gareth is forming a choir from the water workers tonight


have a good evening all.





back again..thanks for the tale of Black Rock Billie love to hear stories with a happy ending..I love animals.

Its cold to-night heating on time and an extra blanket on the bed over the duvet.


How do you go on Mollie catering for your family all wanting different things ?

It must be a pain at times or is it just one set meal and that's It? hope your mum is eating well and that your getting all the washing done (how do you cope)

nightmare getting things washed dried and aired..nothing like sweet smelling fresh bedding Shoes came to-day really pretty take care Mollie

ps didn't know you lived in Australia do you miss it ..more tales about It please without of course anything private sonds wonderfulx



Hello emptybox cold to-night speak to you and Hicky later xx



Not bad this morning. No frost and a bit of sun, but the rain came on this afternoon, so curtailed my work. Not as cold here tonight though.


I'm not usually bothered by spiders or other creepy crawlies etc, but I'm not sure I would like all those creatures in Australia Mollie?

Those recuers must have known that goats are good at climbing rocks etc.


Hi Frodo.

Two small dogs eh? Would one larger dog not be more economical ?


Watched Location... then 'Making Faces' on 5. I recorded the prog about crashing the plane and I'll watch that later.


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