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shame you got those showers today, but pleased you did manage to get some things done in the garden anyway. Thanks for all those Deana pics, she is a very attractive lady. I did like her on BB.




thanks for the link I don't normally watch that show, but as it is Ken from Corrie, I will.   I met him too a couple of years ago when he came to our local theatre.   Good job you are well stocked with oil as it has gone up. Hopefully you won't need to use it for a little while.


Done lots of washing today, so I could dry it outside, as it was at last a nice day, although very windy, which is good for drying my washing though.

Got some food shopping from Asda, and they had lots of sledges for sale by the entrance.


Watched Gareth Malone on bbc2 forming a choir from the Bristol postman, and other staff, very interesting. Poor posties not happy with the way they have been treated lately, and with the threat of prvatisiation over them. But they enjoyed forming this choir.


goodnight both


wonder if Fredo will come back?


Hello all

I thought I would be hunting for a laptop to-day,yesterday morning when I tried to post ,the screen went blank it wouldn't switch of so I just let it be, someone advised me to take out the battery but I hadn't a clue,so I just closed the lid and left it as you can see it's working again,what a relief .


I have just seen the link emptybox so I will take a look at that thanks

yesterday was really sunny here and to-day apart from a brief shower its more of the same.


Thanks for the photo's Hicky going to have a good browse at them,I'm going to read the newspapers on  line see you later though 



Dry this morning, so I got a bit done, but then we had heavy rain around lunchtime/early afternoon, which put a dampner on proceedings.


I'm still breaking my new boots in. They are a bit heavy and clumpy compared to my last pair, which were wonderfully light, so driving in them is a bit difficult at the mo. No doubt they'll be better when they've bedded in a bit.


Hi Frodo.

Sounds like you are having lappy problems as well as connection problems?

Probably as a consequence of dropping it unfortunately? Might just be a matter of reseating power cables on the motherboard or something minor?

You'll maybe need to have it looked at if the problem continues?


Hi Mollie. I didn't see the choir programme last night. I was watching something on CH5 at the time.


Beer graphicsFriday feeing hello allmight have a takeaway later and hope I'ts better than the last one sweet and sour King Prawns with batter on them as big as tennis balls really thick with a pot of something bright red called sweet and sour sauce.Had a good look through those photo's Hicky they will fill a gap until January until the next CBB starts.


Hope Its been a good drying day for you Mollie  Its been fine here too,I hate complaining after seeing all the flooding ,It's pretty hilly around here so there isn't any chance of flooding.Those flats where the foundations have been washed away look scary .  meant to ask what you thought of The Paradise I  quite enjoyed it,It took me a while to get into it though,think I'm going to watch Alan Carr chatty man later.


I've not looked at your link yet emtybox ,but I will later as there doesn't seem to be much on the Television .It felt unreal without the laptop yesterday I couldn't believe It when It started up this morning,I mean bad connection Is one thing beind cut off completely Is another,anyhow all's well that ends well


nearly white rabbits time ...speak soon x  






Good evening all



good to see you back, but sorry to hear you have lappy, as well as connection problems now. My dropped lappy also plays up a bit now, but a good chunk of selotape on it, does seem to hold it together. I too on occasions have had to take the battery out and put it back in again, but good job yours just started working ok again.Yes those poor people in those floods, it is a good advantage to live in a hill at the moment.



Good job you managed to get a dry morning to do some work.

that is the trouble with new shoes/boots, they do take some time to wear in. Is your car running ok now, I know you had been having trouble with it some time ago.



hope you weren't too busy at work today,

fingers crossed for some dry weather over the weekend so you can get in the garden.


Been quite a nice day today, so good for the washing again, and good for a nice walk on the seafront. It is the big Elvis festival in Porthcawl this weekend. So lots of visitors, field down the road full of caravans. We are going to see the final of the hunt for the best Elvis tomorrow. I saw a few Elvis's wondering around already today..  and some women wearing those Hawiian flowers round their necks.


Am going to watch Denise Welch on Piers Morgan tonight.

Looking forward to X factor at judges houses over the weekend.


have a good evening all


Evening All.


Not too bad a day.


Had brekkie at the garden centre, very tasty.


Picked up my new glasses as they were ready, had to get them fitted, but they are fine, with the extra of Transitions and anti-glare glass they darken in bright light.

Never had that before.

Also got a pair of sunglasses thrown in, just with the distance settings of the varifocals.


Ordered more spray for the fruit tree's, there's even at least 13 diseases that attack vines alone, but any one spray only helps with a few of them.


It's very important to spray all the tree's before leaf-fall to stop some of the overwintering creatures, also to pick up all fallen leaves.


Not good about your lappy Frodo, i don't use lappies, hate them, O/H has a Dell, i just use Desktop models, used to use lappies at work when i was on the software design but the programs i worked on were mainly American and they used used the function keys to follow the on screen key selection, so didn't use a mouse.


Haven't been at work Mollie, been off since Wednesday, till Monday.

Been watching the X Factor, some good singers anyway.


An Elvis Festival, can't take them serious, so few look anything like him and sing even less like him, should be a laugh though.



Hi Hicky.

Glad you're pleased with your new specs.

You'll have to tell us how you get on with the react to light feature.

I only wear sunglasses when I absolutely have to, so I think I'd get annoyed by them, if they darkened in ordinary daylight.


Rachel Rice has given birth to a son, and she and the baby are doing fine. He was a week and a half early.

They've called him 'Lachlan' which is really a Scottish/Irish name, rather than Welsh, which is a bit surprising, but I guess it's still Celtic.


afternoon all

so far everything is working ok with the laptop and internet,this recipe is in this months good food guide Mollie ,I thought of you straight away seen as you are veggie there is a recipe for caramel and walnut tart in there too 


That sounds good fun Mollie an Elvis day ,I would love that hope the weather stays fine for you.Its been sunny again here to-day Its always cold first thing and Its put the heating on weather at teatime,this house seems to hold the heat though.


The glasses sound smart Hicky wont tey take some getting used too though?,yes leaf fall time soon this road is lined with trees so Its a pain when It rains as well.


Spag Bol day for you epmtybox  think I may have some pasta myself, I have been trying for ages to find the letter in one of those codeword things Its nearly drove me daffy, I've had to leave It for now.


Hope all is well with you all ...speak soon xx


Evening All.


Weather not too bad, not as nice as i'd like.


The glasses only change in the Sun, i hadn't noticed they had changed till O/H said look in the mirror, wow, they had turned into Sun glasses.


I read that about Rachel having a baby, good on her, hope tthey are all over the moon, imagine they are anyway.


Hope you can sort your lappy out Frodo, so annoying.


I see IE is ok now as long as your system has installed the patch KB2744842.

It came out on Friday 21st so would have been installed when you last updated.


Been watching X Factor


Hi all.


Lovely day here. Quite warm this afternoon. I got some grass cutting done, and found I was wearing too many layers (4 including a body warmer).

Do your glasses turn a fancy shade in the light Hicky? Purple perhaps, like Ozzy Osbourne? (mind you, you havnae got the hair for Ozzy )

Sad day on Dr Who. No more Amy Pond.
Enjoyed X-Factor. Liking Ella Henderson for the girls, and Melanie for the Overs.

I enjoyed my spag bol Frodo. I tried a new beer called 'Joker IPA' tonight. Not bad at all.
Pity your laptop is playing up again.

Hope you enjoyed your Elvis day Mollie? I saw a pic of it somewhere on my internet travels today.


Good afternoon all



good to hear you have had a nice long break from work. You sound a real expert on the fruit trees now,   there seems so much to learn.Glad you are pleased with your smart new glasses.



thanks for the veggie recipe, it sound really yummy.

Sorry to hear about your continuing lappy problem, sounds like, you too need a new one. OH has seen one for ÂĢ275 in tescos for me, still expensive though, aren't they? I think we may be able to use some vouchers towards it though. Rachel looks really good in that piccie.



I keep forgetting to watch Eddie Stobart, Fiona looks like a nice girl in that piccie. That's nice that Rachel has had a baby, yes, unusual for a Welsh mum to call her babe a Scottish name I would of thought.

Thanks for the Elvis link, how clever of you to find that.   I did wonder if they had broken the record for Elvises, and at 800, they certainly have.   Porthcawl was full of Elvis lookalikes all this weekend.   And women walking round with Hawiian floral necklaces and skirts. OH bought me a floral necklace, the guy selling them for a pound a piece was doing well.   We enjoyed watching the competition, it lasted for 4 and half hours, with some breaks. They were really excellent singers and some sounded exactly like Elvis. I think most of them are professional, and come from all over the country. All ages too.


Fortunately it was a lovely day yesterday, but not so good today, started drizzling this afternoon.


hope you are all having a good Sunday.

X factor again tonight.

I like Ella and Melanie too Emptybox.





Evening All.


Lousy weather still.


A pic of Imogen's 5 month scan of baby.


These new glasses Emptybox have a gold rim, the side bars are mostly plastic, spring loaded, they turn a nice shade when the sun strikes them.

I'm going to have to stop using tissue paper to clean them as it scratches them.


Glad you enjoyed your Elvis show Mollie, 800 is sure a lot, not sure how you pick a winner from all those.


It looks like X Factor & Dragons Den tonight.


Hi Hicky

thanks for the piccy of the Immogen's babe, fascinating.

there seems to be lots of BB babies lately. I love babies, always have to say HI to them and their mums when I see them out.

I didn't know tissue paper scratced glasses, will you get a cloth now?



you are even cleverer than I first thought in finding that BBC link... because how exciting is this???  I am actually  in the piccie (with my family)... can you spot me?  bit blurred though... clue, I am upstairs on balcony,front row....




Wet overnight here, but turned into a lovely sunny day.

That's exciting Mollie, that you are in one of the Elvis pics.
I'd need a few more clues as to where you are, in order to pick you out. You are too fuzzy.

Hicky, I'll see your photo of Imogen's scan, and I'll raise you this pic of Rachel's son.

He's a natty dresser, I'll give him that.


X-Factor was good, with Ella and Melanie both getting through.


Hi Frodo. Hope your lappy is OK today?


Good morning all


I am loving the baby pics competition.



Aaaww how cute is that baby of Rachel's? Thanks for the piccy Emtybox.


Yes you need to use zoom to make me out in the theatre piccie, I am the female clapping on far left of the balcony, you can just make out the blonde hair and dark top.

Yes thought you would be pleased with the X factor result, I was too.


Weather not too bad so far today, which is good because I am meeting a friend who I used to work with in Somerset, and haven't met up with her for 19 years. I was her bridesmaid years ago. Her hubbie has meeting in Swansea today, so can drop her off on seafront for us to meet for coffee and cake.


is it work today Hicky?


have a good day all xxx



Sunshine and showers today.

I managed to dodge the showers to get some work done, but it wasn't ideal.


Hope you enjoy catching up with your friend Mollie.

Ah yes, I think I've pin-pointed you on the photo now.


Going to watch Classic Car Rescue on 5 at 8pm.

Not sure what to watch at 9pm? There's 'Monroe' on ITV, but I didn't watch the previous series of that. Or there's this new thing called 'Hotel GB' on CH4?


Hi Emptybox

Lucky you got some work done inbetween the showers. Are you busy leaf clearing now? Had a nice time with my friend, we too managed to squeeze a walk on the cliffs in inbetween the showers, and then a nice coffee and cake.

Glad to hear you spotted me, so got to appreciate my fame.
I really like those real old classic cars, I saw one the other day like they had on Downtown Abbey. One of those would suit me because you don't have to drive fast in them.
Hard choice for tv tonight. Monroe was a really good series last time round, so I am looking forward to it. Worth your recording it to watch later, perhaps ?  As a recent patient I think it gave an accurate portrayal of the nhs, even the surgeon reminded me of my surgeon. But as I have said before, they were all really nice to me whilst I was in hospital, even though they were run off their feet.

Hotel GB might be good to, however I do not like Gordon Ramsay, so might give it a miss if he is one of the main ones on it.

The resident smilies seemed to of vanished for me tonight, so have had to find my own.


Hello all

still the same laptop,a week or so ago I changed the settings on the battery from balanced to high performance could that make a difference?that and a few toast crumbs don't help.I'm keeping my fingers crossed that It lasts out for a while as Halloween, Christmas and all  coming up .


Emptybox how sweet is that photo of Rachels baby thanks of my favourite people is Rachel I thought she handled herself brilliantly against Rex and his mates.Rex was one of my favs too until his treatment of her ,love the name she has chosen Lachlan ,good luck to her.


Its been fine again here to-day bought some Pomegranates they are fiddly but I love them,hope the weather is holding out for you emptybox so that you can get your work done and then have a good rest in the winter


Hope you have a good time with your friend Mollie sounds great meeting on the sea front (sighs green monster of envy creeping in about the sea)


What about Edith's wedding dress in Downton Abbey Mollie?.... I thought It was stunning,poor girl she got left at the alter LOL THO' at the dramatics... so Mathew saved the day coming up with the money .. knew he would (swoons) lol


Hicky thanks for the scan photo's of Imogen's baby I'm glad she has found some-one I used to love her and Glyn to-gether speaking Welsh sort of a lilting language.

Can't you get special cloths for your glassess?and do they take some getting used too?


Hope the weather lets you get your work done in the garden .


PS Hicky you havn't mentioned food lately hope you are OK

                                                       See you later xx


Evening All.


Work today, pretty busy as it's the start of the 4th vat qtr.

Had to reset all the vat figures, we only owe 498k, wow.


I thought paper might be scratching my glasses as i didn't know what else could be doing it.

My DIL bought me a box of 30 optical lens wipes so that should help.


Rachels baby looks lovely, she's a lucky girl.


You be careful walking on the cliffs Mollie, 1 gust and your walking on the beach.


Hope your Lappy holds up Frodo.

They say with Pomegranates you cut them in half across the midle then hold the half and bang the top so the seeds drop out below into a bowl.

Haven't tried it though myself.


Isn't Louise a darling?, wow, phew



Jay & Louise

Last edited by Hicky


Watched Monroe in the end. Had a look at Hotel GB, but as you say Mollie, Gordon Ramsey is a no no.


The classic car this week was a Porche 911. That would just suit you Mollie.


Thanks for the spag bol pic Frodo.

Altering the power settings on your lappy to 'performance' might mean the battery runs down quicker, but it shouldn't stop it from turning off. Could be something like a Windows Update playing up, I suppose?


Aaron and Faye seem very happy together, as far as I can see. They haven't been on twitter much lately, but Faye popped up this evening. Seemed chipper enough.


Pity you were busy at work today Hicky.

Louise? She's the one on the right, yes?

Just joking. She looks like Angelina Jolie in that pic.


Afternoon All.


Jay & Louise are very happy at the mo, not sure about Faye, she stopped tweeting but tweeted last night i think.

Strange though, unless she has been away.


You can't beat a good flavoured sauce for your spag bol, I had one in an Italian Restaurant in Germany and it was so good,


Did the school run this morning and O/H's car is getting an MOT & service so will have to do the school run again soon.


Doing a bit of work in the garden, got to prepare for winter.


hello all

just a short post I've watched quite a few things to-night,but can't seem to concentrate ...thinking about the little girl Alice Jones and hoping she will be found safe and well ,hope you are all well .

                                                           night all   




hope it stayed dry for you to do your autumn jobs in the garden. Hope your OH's car gets through the MOT.



how is the gardens going? our gardener told me the ground here was still soaking. We had a thunderstorm last night, with lots of rain in the middle of the night.

I enjoyed Monroe. When I heard him say "we have a bleeder, and the blood pressure is dropping" took me back to when they said that about me in a panic and the surgeon and co had to run me down those corridors on a trolley and back into theatre... I have never been so scared in my life, but hey I made it through. 

Shame that Gordon Ramsay is on that hotel show, because that means I won't be watching it. I will look up a Porsch 911.. think it sounds like it is too fast for me though.



I like the cute cat piccie.   and the veggie sphag bol looks good. I am having a quorn cottage pie and veg for tea tonight. Yes  i loved the fashions on Downtown. The wedding dress was lovely, but poor Edith, and I also really liked Mary's blue lace dress. And as you say matthew was looking especially gorgeous. He looked like he had hair highlighted this week?

Hope your lappy is ok today, mine too has its shares of crumbs stuck in it.


Yes, that poor, poor little April and her family. Still no sign of her.


Feeling tired this afternoon, the storm at 4.30am was so noisy, and woke me up.


My OH worried about his job again... supposed to have contract till end of year, however seems the money is drying up due to recession, so the contractors could be out of work as soon as next week. So here we go again.


have a good day all, quite dry today, so hope to take doggie walk soon.


Hello Mollie 

I got the kitten from here don't you like Gordon Ramsay?join the club .

April Jones family have been on making an appeal It was tear jerking to watch 

hope there is still a sort of miracle that she will be found well and safe.


I am on Twitter not very good... but I had a DM saying that someone was saying awful things about me,so I tried the link they had said ,but I was stopped by my 

security thing saying It was a malware site..It unsettled me as I never ever say bad things on there from now on i'm protecting my tweets


Sorry to hear about your health Mollie,hope you are well now It sounds as though you were really ill.


hope you are well Hicky and that your getting things ship shape in the garden

apart from the odd shower Its been sunny here..miss your anecdotes about food are you on a diet


Nothing much on the telly emptybox not that I can see anyhow,whats for tea to-night, hope your managing to plod thro' all these leaves..

  see you later

  bye for now



Evening All.


Arrived home from work to rain again.


Terrible about the little girl, hope she's ok, thought they had a suspect, is he not speaking, don't understand.


O/H's car was fine no problems, hasn't needed new tyres or brakes, she's had it 4yrs since new as well, so they changed the plugs.


Enjoying Hotel GB, Gordon doesn't bother me at all.


O/H has got a Lamb Shank dinner in the oven but it's not ready yet.


I made a stew the other day, mighty tasty as well.


Yes Frodo, you have to be very careful these days with fake sites and malware, it's quite worrying.


I should be off now till Monday, all being well.


Pic of lovely Deana again, wow, what a girl.



On this link she is talking about BB.



Last edited by Hicky

just read the link on Deana.. Hicky very interesting the things she has to say and you can bet all of them true.I can't understand either why Conor walked away with ÂĢ50k he was an awful person, I can't see Ch5 altering their tactics tho' one of the worst decisions ever the White Room ,why he(Conor)walked away with all that money beggars belief.Looks as tho' Deana has lost weight she sure is stunning.

 Good to hear you speaking about food it's a sign all is well in your world


Sorry to hear about emptybox I hope he's reconnected soon Its so frustrating when you are cut off and Its not the same with one amigo missing


Still no news of April the little missing girl its terrible her poor mum .


Sorry to hear about your OH's job Mollie I hope things work out for him


night all x 



Morning Everyone.


Prince Lorenzo's book, before i forget.


Awful about the little girl, what on earth has happened to her, if thats the feller that took her why isn't he talking?

Too long has passed now for good news i fear.


Never understood that Conor thing, allowed to stay in the house and walk away with 50k, would love to hear the explanation.


Deana is doing very well now, very popular and in demand i imagine.


Hope your O/H can get sorted Mollie, such a worry.


Emptybox should be back at the weekend sometime, so awful when you are cut off like this.


Done the school run, had bacon & egg on a big bap thing for brekkie.

Have been trying the Sainsbury's Basic Bacon, love it, i think it beats the expensive stuff.


Off to B&Q, need a new mitre block, can't find my old one, must have thrown it away.

Need more 68mm black plastic pipe as well, for the new Fig Tubs i'm working on.


Hi guys, I'm back.

Phone and internet were back on when I got home tonight.


I think the phone has probably been off since the middle of last week, although I only noticed it last Sunday, but the internet stayed on till Tuesday.

I phoned Orange on Monday about the phone, and he said it would be fixed by 4 working days, so for once they were true to their word.


I should think it was some damage caused by the floods last week? We never used to get these problems when the phone was carried by pole, but since they sunk it underground it seems to get cut off every few months due to water ingress. Progress eh?


I can actually do a lot with my old Blackberry mobile, even though it's only got a small screen and is 2G only. I get my emails, and can get on Twitter and Facebook no bother. And even most of the forums I visit are not too bad, but for some reason I couldn't get it to work here. It wouldn't let me go into the threads to read or post. However I'm back now.


Sorry to hear your OH's contract is in danger Mollie. Hope it turns out OK.


Great pictures of Deana and Chantelle Hicky. Chantelle isn't overweight at all. Mind you, I can't make my mind up about her now? Difficult to tell what is real, and what's just for publicity?


Really sad about the wee girl April. Seems the police have decided it's probably a murder case now?

Hi Frodo. Pity you've been having bother with malware on twitter. I haven't had any dodgy DMs, but I'm always wary about that sort of thing.


Been not a bad week workwise. Most days have been dry, with just a few showers, so I've been making good progress.

Unfortunately my hedgecutter has finally packed up, so I'll have to get a new one, as I've quite a lot of hedges to do at this time of year.

The leaves haven't been too bad around here yet. Most trees still have their leaves.


Eddie Stobbart then Strictly tonight I think? I don't usually bother with Strictly, but it's on a Friday for a change.


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