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Morning All.


It was 5C outside at 6pm last night, not sure about overnight.

This link explains the IE problem.

Have changed other post to suit.


Nekked rambler has probably got a mental issue but you can't just put someone away.

Not sure what the answer is, maybe some therapy.


Enjoy Michael Ball Mollie, glad you got a good deal on the tickets and fares.


A bit busy at work today i reckon.

But brekkie in 40 minutes.


Have a nice day everyone.



After a cold start it was a lovely day, so got a lot of work done. Mostly hedgecutting.

The repair I did on my hedgecutter a while back is begining to break down, so I need a screwdriver with me every time I start it, to stop it falling to pieces.


Watched the Funeral prog again, then the film Full Metal Jacket.


Hope you didn't have too busy a day at work Hicky?


Hope you enjoyed your day in London Mollie, and Sweeney Todd?


Hope you aren't having connection problems again Frodo?


Full of hope tonight, ain't I?


hi  hoping to get a post in before it goes dodgy again.

I rang Sky they checked the line or whatever they do,and there is a fault they sent another connection socket,but it's still playing up,no use getting stressed

worst things in life than a faulty connection.


Hope you three amigo's are fine...lovely photo of Aisleyne she seems to look younger , so thanks emptybox .


Going to watch Location x3 to-night ,Bletchley Circle and then mums having babies on CH 4 .


Hope you are having a lovely time Mollie and enjoyed Sweeny Todd is that the musical version with Michael Ball .


Hello Hicky it's been quite warm here rained a little this morning and of course its nippy first thing and last thing at night,brought a couple of plants in I want to save.

                     going to sign off not going to push my luck may see you later xxxxx

take care.!........silly man LOL


Hello again for a short while ...Hicky will find this funny one of the plants I have brought indoors is a mint ,everyone tells you how it spreads It's easy to grow not me ,treasured this tiny straggly little thing ,and now It's lovely ,I have got a special place for It ,and I,ve been told off *oh leave it outside *..*are you silly*

mint grows anywhere ,so its in an outhouse ,so I can smother anything I want in

mint ..on to The Bletchley Circle 


Hi guys.

Raining here all day.

Got some accounts done, and some ironing.


Watched Location then The Audience.


I hope you eventually get your connection sorted Frodo. Very frustrating for you.

I agree with you about Aisleyne. She's the oldest one of that trio by nearly 3 years, but she doesn't look it.


You have to be really skilful to kill off mint Frodo. As others have said, it spreads very easily.

Mind you, there are different types of mint. I've got loads of the bog standard stuff in a bed by the back door. You just hack it back in late autumn, and it grows again in the Spring.


Not sure about Clegg? I used to vote Liberal, but don't think I would while he's in charge?





hope your connnection is ok today, My lappy played up yesterday, think I need stronger selotape. I love the smell of mint plants. So what is your fave food with mint? (note I bought the food subject up again)



another busy work day for you today? Hopefully we will get nice weather if forecasters have it right, so you can get in your garden tomororw.



you were right about the pics.   Yes I do like the colourful outfits.. the lovely red lace dress is a winner for me. Glad you got some dry weather, are you up to date now?

I too voted lib dems, wouldn't now though..they said no Uni fees, but now Uni fees that have just been introduced are ridiculous, one of my kids wanted to go to Uni, but it would mean huge debts now.   Perhpas we should all up sticks to scotland now? (free there).

think I would go for Nigel and his UKIp..because EU beaurocracy  is costing us a fortune, but looks like he too will just join up with the cons if they see him as a threat.


had a good day in London, nice train journey, free dvd tvs in back of seat now. So being onboard for a round 5 hours went very quick..I watched Idiot Abroad on hightway 66, Outnumbered (several episodes), A wedding show, Inpsector Morse, Faulty Towers, and listened to some modern and some old poetry, and a relaxation meditation audio.   So a nice variety of stuff. The lady in front of us was singing along to Dolly Parton rather loudly, but I didn't mind. 

Micael Ball and Imelda Staunton great in their parts, we went to Covent Garden to watch street performers. We saw a band with a cellos and violins, a magciain, an escpaologist, and street dancers.   On way back we walked over 4 miles to station, so stopped at Trafalgar Square, went round the National museum, and walked past Buck Palace, then through St James park, where the squirrels were so tame,they eat out of your hand, and Hyde Park.


OH's half day today, so off to Cardiff now.


have a good day all, hope the weather is as good for you, as it is here.



Hi Mollie. Glad you had a great time in London.

You seem to have walked round the whole city?

Quite a while since I was last on a train. It's good that they now have entertainment system, like on a plane.


I'm glad there were no uni tuition fees when I went. I actually managed to save money at uni, because my Dad gave me the equivalent of the full grant, and I didn't spend all of it.

(I'm that sort of a bloke)

Mind you, as you say, we don't have tuition fees up here for Scottish students, but students from elsewhere in the UK do have to pay, if they attend a Scottish university, I think?
God knows what would happen if Scotland votes for independence in 2014?

I think I would make sure I had dual nationality, so I had the option of emigrating to England, if it all went pear shaped.  


Very wet overnight and early morning, but it started to dry up from 10am, so I got some work done this afternoon.

I wouldn't say I was "caught up", but I'm not too far behind. I'll have to work tomorrow though.


Eddie Stobbart then The Million Pound Drop tonight.


Evening All.


Not been at work since Wednesday.

Was cutting a neighbours tree down for him yesterday.

Got my 3piece ladders from the garage and lashed them to the fence posts and the tree, cut off the top branches, about 8 x 5cm thick.

Then cut the trunk, probably 20cm thick.

Cut it all up and it filled the wheelie bin.

Job done.


O'h bought me a new beard trimmer, a Remington Groom Innovation.

Touch control screen with auto electric comb setting.


Went to opticians for eye test, ordered new glasses,

The Elite set Varifocus with auto sunlight control etc, ÂĢ445 with a free set of sun glasses.


Went to B&Q for some wood, i want to bring the support wires for the vines 9cm further away from where they are now so am ging to try and add the wood at the ends where the wires are attached, could be quite a job in some places as i have got 4 vines.


Weather closing in.:horror look:





Robbie Williams baby 2 day old Theodora Rose.

Theodora Rose


Hi Hicky.

Well done on your tree felling.

My public liability insurance doesn't cover me for working up trees. It's a good excuse that I've used often. Not much the customer can say to that.

Suppose I could increase the premium to cover it? But it suits me as is.


The beard trimmer sounds great. I've got a phillishave one, but I tend to mostly just use the same trimmer that I use on my hair.

For ÂĢ445 you'd want a free pair of sunglasses?


That weather warning sounds a bit alarmist? We might get slight frosts, but I doubt it'll be too bad.


Hello all

Googled your  Sweeny Todd ..Mollie It sounds good I'm glad you enjoyed your trip ,felt as tho' I was there ..the bus ride and all it so thanks for that .


The weather here has been cold ,I was just going to say I can't believe how it changes but it has It has been cold here .


Back to the mint It was from the supermarket .a tiny pot so I repotted it and it has become really pretty ,I cut It back so not to let it flower.I like it on peas ,potatoes,pies (veggie pies are good with it on ) of course I know It will survive 

outside ,but Its in a place where I can keep an eye on it .


NO disrespect to anyone who voted Liberal silly man was meant for the way he said sorry,good on him for allowing It to be shown this way.


Do you know I never noticed the lace on Aisleyne's dress. I just thought she had a rough deal on her series, the look on Richards face when he went before her was fantastic.


Had some trees in my garden pruned ,they really need  doing again,I cant believe

how quick they grow .I missed the last instalment of Celebrity Master Chef 

to-night so I will have to watch It on the iPlayer 


so night all Frodo


Evening All.)))))))))))))))

And of course Frodo & Emptybox.


Next door have moved in at last so they have been pretty busy today.


It's been a super day, got loads done in the garden, been bringing the vine wires out by 9cm from original position.

Awkward to do with the vines on, but i did it, 3 anyway, 1 more vine to do.


I love cutting down tree's or pruning them.

Got the Apple & Pear to do in the winter, then as spring approaches i'll do the vines, i'm going to re-pot them as well so they are in pots with handles,


Then i'll be re-potting the 3 Fig trees into the new pots with the water reservoir inside the bottom section.


I'm so chuffed with this new tree grown from a Mango stone, it's only about 8cm high at the mo.


O/H picked an apple off the Cox's tree this morning, very nice too, gave a couple to my neighbour at the back, with a few big toms from the beefsteak plant.


Hope Molly is having a good weekend.

It looks rather cloudy for here tomorrow.



Well it was frosty here first thing. Ice on the windscreen and white on the grass. But it very quickly turned into a lovely sunny day. Quite warm as well.


Was cutting a hedge this afternoon, and had to take my sweatshirt off, as I was sweating. They wanted quite a lot off, so had to use my loppers, and had two full van loads to take away.


It's good that you had the good weather too Hicky, and sounds like you got a lot done in your garden as well.

I don't mind pruning fruit trees, or anything I can reach with a step ladder, but as I said, my insurance doesn't cover me for working up a long ladder, or using chainsaws etc.


Watched X-Factor. Why has Tulisa gone blonde? She looked gorgeous as a brunette, but doesn't really suit blonde.

Now watching Million Pound Drop. Nobody is doing well tonight.


Evening Emptybox.


It's been cloudy here all day, cool as well, got a lot of work done in the garden, have now got the vine trellis wires standing out from the backdrop by 140mm which gives them more room for the leaves and less chance of mildew from humidity.


I need more straining cord, it's 3mm plastic but not very expensive.

Will order more 80lt pots next week.


Been reading more vine pruning sites and watching vids, they sure tell you  a lot.

Will have to sort mine out again, they get pruned 1 month before bud burst so you can see anny wood that has been harmed over winter.


I've got some lovely Lettuce ready, but who wants Lettuce when the weather is like this?


There's a few programs on tonight to watch so it's not too bad.

Will watch X Factor anyway.


hello Mollie emptybox Hicky

I'm still having connection problems ,but I'm wondering is it my provider or the laptop(I dropped It on the floor the other day .

Saturday was quite warm here ,to-day It's been rain from lunchtime,no change there then, It just seems more of the same ; on a lighter note Downton Abbey Its up for an Emmy I really hope It wins .


The gardens seem more like a jungle pretty hard keeping It in check with all this watery weather ,Sycamore Trees seem to be rife round here ,its a nightmare with the seeds and sticky stuff they give off ,one near me is a pain.


                                       speak soon 

Hi Hicky, Frodo and Mollie.
Nice weather here today. Supermarket as usual.

You spend a lot of time with your vines Hicky. Hope they appreciate it.

Hi Frodo.
If you haven't got any other computers in the house to test your connection, try connecting your laptop directly to your router with an ethernet cable, rather than wirelessly. If this gives no problems, then you know there's something wrong with the wireless adaptor in the laptop.
You almost certainly got an ethernet cable supplied with your router, but if not they are very cheap from the likes of Amazon (or any of the Comet, Currys etc)

X-Factor then Downton tonight.
I saw that in the paper Frodo, about Downton being nominated for the Emmys.

hello emptybox


I know what you mean by the ethernet cable , I have one and I will try it ,somehow

I think It's down to the provider...been with a few... and for a while .it works almost a routine is I scan the newspapers in a morning and then browse.


Really It is up  to Sky I have Multi-Room  telly ,broadband ,phone ,you would think they would put their finger out far no .but I'm getting angry .sweet talk is not working ..believe me I will blow ..but  I prefer the gentle tactics for now ...

    any tips ..would be welcome

I suppose it depends on exactly what's happening with your connection?
But a useful thing to do might be to connect with the ethernet cable and take speed tests at various times of the day, to determine if your download speed varies widely at times.
And note down any times your connection fails completely.
It's always ammunition when you have to phone them up.

Good Afternoon All.


And it's hello to Mollie, Frodo & Emptybox.


Before i forget, a link with some OK pics, Danica & Prince L, mockup wedding, nice pics though.

Has she given her BF the Brush, think not.

Read on after Picture.

Danica gets thje Brush


More pics from OK Mag


Very wet here, lots of water expected, 37mm for all day total.


Came through a lot of water on the way to work, no problem though.


Frodo, most dropped connections on your broadband are caused by a bad phone line.

The digital broadband is a communication system between 2 devices, same as in the old days but then it was analogue, if anything disrupts the comms then the sync is lost and then the 2 devices have to re-sync again.

Dropping the laptop doesn't help, it could move an internal micro-plug which could cause problems.

Do as Emptybox suggested and connect a network cable into the modem direct and see what the comms is like.

Run this to see what speed you are getting.


Yes Emptybox.

It takes years to decipher all the information available regarding plants, tree etc.

I was reading/watching all these vine programs about training the vine along the top 6ft wire until i found out it is for certain types of vines that the growth grows down.

Mine grow up.


Also you get some mistyped words etc which can put you off.

But the more you read & watch the more tips you pick up.

I now realise i didn't prune them last year as well as i should have.


We have ordered Blinds for the front windows, instead of curtains, O/H wants them for some reason.

We don't usually close the curtains, i have them open n the bedroom, don't like to be shut in.


Not too busy today, was going to be but boss wants these invoices leaving till next month now as we would have to pay the vat on them.

We owe about 500k this quarter.

Last edited by Hicky

Good afternoon all


Glad you all too got that nice weather on Saturday, we needed it because we have certainly had some rain since Saturday, and it is cold and windy too.



glad you are not too busy at work today. Your company certainly deals with some large figures financially. I guess blinds can be useful if you need to adjust the amount of sunlight coming in on a bright day. We have them in the lounge in this house, but I don't bother with them because the dog keeps getting stuck in them.   Is your lad back at work again now? And if so, where is he work based now?  It sounds like you learn and learn as far as plants/trees are concerned, but it is always best to be able to grow your own with all the chemical stuff the spray now.



Frost already, that is early this year. It is cold down here too, but not quite enough for frost. I agree about Tulisia. It is far too harsh for her and she looked so much better before she bleached her hair. I really do not like that very bleached look on a lot of women, because it gives that zebra like stripe on their scalp. I liked the American judge, forget her name last night. She was very nice with Asda guy when he was upset. Glad Asda boy did well second time around.


Fredo... as E and H say, good idea to plug the cable right into the modem, this worked for us when we were having problems. In the end we did buy a really good modem, and that fixed things for us though. What a pair me and you are, because I too have problems with my lappy since I dropped it, and have to use selotape to keep it plugged in now.  It does not help our pc problems by dropping our machines,does it?   Yes gardens are growing quickly with all thise rain recently. But we are lucky in that our current LL seems keen to pay for gardeners herself to come out, despite the fact my OH has tidied it already. She is a bit of a fuss pot. I tell the kids not to answer the door if she knocks when we are out, she always likes to call and have a nose otherwise.

Yes, well done to Downtown.  I am enjoying this series so far.


Hicky..Thanks for the Robbie baby piccie, so cute.

Wonder if Express will be right about the weather, it certainly feels very cold here today for September.


We took advantage of the nice weather on Saturday and all went out with a picnic lunch to a local open farm, because we love to see the animals. The giant bunnies they had were lovely. There was 2 mother pics, one had 8 piglets suckling like mad, and the other had 10 !!!   Imagine that, I found it hard enough feeding one babe at a time.


Have a good day all. x



Evening All.


Hello Mollie.


We have blinds in the back room downstairs, the double French window thingy, i quite like them,, they are the vertical strip ones in a lovely Champagne cplour.


My lad will be back in Sumatra now, he will be doing 28 days on and 12 hrs a day.

It's a massive complex and very dangerous.

They throw away loads of gold as it takes too long to get it out of the ground, they are only after the high quality gold.


His Office is in Austalia but he doesn't get back much, he's bought some shares in the company as he thinks they will do ok.

He said he gets 29,000 Oz dollars after tax.


I'm using the TP-Link TL-PA511Kit instead of cable or wireless for my Puter.

It's the AV500 Gigabit Powerline Adapter Starter Kit.

Very simple to set up, just press a button on each unit, sorted.


It's so strange having no BB to watch.


Had so much rain today, my garden was fine as the water goes through to next door, but their garden is flooded.

Came through some flooding this morning and tonight but it didn't bother the Land Rover.


This was posted on Facebook by Luke Marsden.

Someone on Facebook just posted this, I'd give the big shop a miss tonight....

Last edited by Hicky


Wet here all day, and windy too.


I went into town to do some banking and post some letters. I also bought a new pair of safety boots, as the old ones are beginning to fall apart.

Unfortunately Lidl didn't have any (that's where I got the last ones), but I got a pair at The Factory Shop for ÂĢ28.


The roads round here aren't flooded...yet, but more rain is on the way.
Pity about your neighbour's garden Hicky. 


Watched Classic Car Rescue on Five, about an E-Type Jag. Then watched 'Leaving' on ITV1.


Lovely pic of Danica Hicky.

Your lad certainly works hard. But for good rewards.
My Brother uses powerline adaptors in his house, but I'm still wireless at the moment.

Hi Mollie.

Glad you enjoyed the great weather on Saturday, for your picnic at the farm.
Not sure I'm keen on the American judge on X-Factor? Haven't decided yet. She's better than last year's one though, that's for sure.  

Hi Frodo. Hope you are getting to grips with Sky?  


Well there was more heavy rain overnight, and now there is flooding on some of the roads around.

The road to the village is flooded, and I took a pic with my phone (sorry about the bad quality)

It's from a similar place to the snow pics (not exactly the same, as the water would be up to my waist at that point )

The bit in the foreground and to the right is the road, and the rest id flooded fields. 


hello all 

I keep having to look back to see what everyone's been up too.that's a lot of rain

emptybox,Its been the same here Saturday it was sunny but Its never stopped since then.

There are some photo's of Aisleyne in the  The Mail to-day with her pal Nicola Mclean.

Thanks for all your help re the lap-top ,think you are probably right it seems to be

something to do with the phone line .


I'm going to watch The Great British Bake Off on BBC2,  and then try the new series that's starting on BBC1 The Paradise ,Its a costume drama about a large store. Its got a good write up so I'll give It a try.


That's a pretty photo of Danica she looks like a wood nymph all autumn'y,Its more like winter here really cold,but then we havn't had much of summer either


Your blinds sound nice Hicky the colour sounds great,not keen on Champgne to

drink .but then again never tried the really expensive brands.sorry if Its a bit disjointed but I 've missed a few posts I'm going to read back





Evening Emptybox & Frodo.


Still raining, will do until Thursday.


Some area's have it really bad, houses flooded again.


You're right to get safety boots Emptybox, can't beat them for working.


The Powerline adaptors seem fine, so simple to install as well.


That picture of the floods really brings to life what the rain can do.


Thats a nice picture of Aisleyne & Nicola.


I think you have to drink water along with Wine & Champaign as with a  lot of drinks you lose more liwuid than you drink and if you don't drink lots of water you will get a head ache later because you are dehydrated and your brain is starved of water.


A few things to watch on tv tonight.




Thanks for the Ash & Nic pic Frodo.

They were in Manchester for the opening of a complementary medicine clinic at the Bridgewater Hospital.

Not sold on Aisleyne's legwear.


Hope your line gets fixed pronto.


Hi Hicky. I considered powerline adaptors, and may well get some in the future. But they are more expensive than wireless adaptors, and some say they can interfere with the likes of shortwave radio (not that I've got any shortwave radios). But as you say, they are much easier to configure than wireless.


It's still raining here just now, but I think it's supposed to be better towards the end of the week?


A lot on at 9pm. I'm going to record that new Paradise thing that you mentioned Frodo, and also record Vikings on BBC2, and I'm think I'll watch 'The Boy Who Can't Forget'. That's if I remember.





Your blinds sound really nice.

Very interesting to hear about your lad in Sumatra. With currency devaluing all the time, it certainly makes it worthwhile working in gold mining right now. And of course, not bad wages for 12 weeks work. (spot the understatement there).

Good job your garden is not the one that gets flooded with all that work you have put into it.



wow, what a picture that is by you. Thanks for posting. This rain is certainly becoming a problem for many now unfortunately. Has your garden work come to a standstill now? 



hope you manage to sort your connection ok.

Yes you are right, plenty on tv tonight. Watched the memory boy, very interesting, how weird too.


Am going to watch the Valleys now.

Having lived in the Valleys, and knowing their reputation, I can just imagine how cringeworthy it is going to be.   So can't see me watching all of it. 


been showery here today, but rain not too bad.




  well I was right about the Valleys, what a horrible tasteless programme, turned it off after a few minutes.


going to bed to read my fashion mag now.


meant to say, not keen on Ais legware in that pic, much prefer the nice red lace dress.

I have a red lace blouse but not a dress. 


look at the photos of the floods, feels so sorry for these people living with this.

look at the block of flats, left with no foundations... lucky no one was injured there though.


goodnight all xxx


Hi Mollie.

Yes, the floods have caused chaos all over.


I'm glad my house is relatively high up. Although I'm not at the very top of the hill, and water from the farm does flow down the road past me at times like this, but the contours mean it doesn't come down the lane to my house, but flows safely into a large gully. At least it always has in the 20 years I've lived here.


Haven't done any work the last couple of days, but I'm hoping it'll be dry enough tomorrow to do something, even if the ground is too waterlogged to cut grass.


What's this 'Valley' programme? I don't see it on my schedules?


Good Afternoon Molly, Frodo & Emptybox.


Some pics Scott posted from BB.

Just use the right arrow by the picture to step through them.


Jay & Louise.

Jay & Louise


Molly, those wages of my lad is every six weeks, thats 4 working and 2 off.


I saw that program last night, the lad with the good memory, 'The Boy Who Can't Forget'.

He has the same memory as everyone else really, it's just that he can recall it.

Whats your brain hears & sees every day is stored in everyones brain, always has been.


Just realised after i'd redone all the vine support wires that i have the spacing wron, i watched another video and it showed you the spacing, i will have to start again, when the weather is better.

Forecast says it's not wet Thursday, goody.


I've tweeted that link of the floods so ignore if you get it.

Some f those pics are incredible.


Not busy at work, waiting for end of month.


Hope you can get some work done soon Emptybox, think rain is moving away south.


Last edited by Hicky

Good evening all



thanks for posting Scott's BB piccies.   Quite a few BB people were at that party. that is some good wage for that short time period, no wonder he is willing to work away at the moment whilst good jobs over here are scarce. Shame about your mistake on the vine spacing, but at least you realised it now before the vines grew wrongly. At least the weather sounds hopeful for you to be able to get outside soon and correct it soon.



I bet you are relieved your house is quite high up now we seem to get a lot of flooding problems. How is your oil supply, are you well stocked up for winter, and if so, did you manage to buy on a dip? (if there was one!)

Hope it was dry enough for you to get out and catch up a little work wise today.

The Valleys is like that Geordie shore show (never saw it myself , but read they are in similiar style), will not be tuning into at all though, a few minutes of it was enough for me. It is on MTV, so that is probably why you hadn't noticed it.


Am watching Dallas now, do enjoy it, but find it hard to follow all the cross dealings.


Went to Cardiff with son and daughter today , because they wanted to see 42nd Street.... very good, lots of 30's style costumes, razzle and tap dancing.
Naughty me miles behind with paperwork and housework now, must put an extra effort in tomororw.

Hope Fredo's connection is working ok today.

have a good evening all xxx




Hi Mollie, Hicky, Frodo.

Wet here again, so I didn't get out.


Hi Mollie. Glad you enjoyed your musical. I'm sure you'll knuckle down tomorrow.

Got plenty of oil at the mo. I haven't put my central heating on yet, but I think I'll start for a few hours a day from the beginning of October. I didn't manage to buy at the very lowest price, but it's certainly gone up a lot since I bought in June.

I'm using electric heaters just now.


Hi Hicky. Pity you have to redo some work on your vines. But I bet you will enjoy doing it.

Yeah it seemed those memory people weren't any better than us at remembering things, they just weren't as good as us at forgetting.


Watched Watchdog, then Antiques to the Rescue on BBC2, about a house in Selkirk, which isn't far from me.

No I don't get MTV Mollie, so couldn't have watched that 'Valleys' prog.


Good Afternoon.


What i thought would be dry day hasn't worked out.


Had some rain showers all day.

Got a lot of work done on the trellis vine wire moving anyway, all done except for 1 trellis which i need to add another 3ft section as it's too narrow.

Will get the section from the garden centre tomorrow.


Will have to see about tea and whats on tv tonight.


I'm working out a spraying program for the tree, need to sprays as they go into winter and as they come out as well.

Just finding out whats needed, got most of the stuff needed but keep coming across new idea's.


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