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Good morning all. wavey
Hi Hicky... I can guess it is a work day today for you, going on the time you posted. Hope they don't work you too hard today, and that they supply you with your usual yummy brekkie. Thank you for that link, I will mark it, and have a play with it. Smiler

Hi Suzy. wavey It is lovely and sunny here too today. Smiler And I hope it stays nice for your week off. Do you have anything planned, or just a nice take it easy week?
Good Morning Ladies.Wave

Hope you can sort out the text thingy, it's something to pass the time anyway.

My Brekkie will be early today, it's a down week in the factory so only 1 canteen open instead of 3, and Brekkie finishes at 9.30 in this one, only problem is it's about a half mile walk inside the factory to reach it.Big Grin
Bit i'll make it i'm sure.

Have a nice day anyway, i'll be around all day, have a few jobs to do though.
Originally posted by Hicky:
Good Morning Ladies.Wave

Hope you can sort out the text thingy, it's something to pass the time anyway.

My Brekkie will be early today, it's a down week in the factory so only 1 canteen open instead of 3, and Brekkie finishes at 9.30 in this one, only problem is it's about a half mile walk inside the factory to reach it.Big Grin
Bit i'll make it i'm sure.

Have a nice day anyway, i'll be around all day, have a few jobs to do though.

Hicky, if it is a half mile walk, I think your brekkie will be well deserved, and you will be well ready to enjoy it, by the time you get there. Smiler
Originally posted by Hicky:
Good Morning Ladies.Wave

Hope you can sort out the text thingy, it's something to pass the time anyway.

My Brekkie will be early today, it's a down week in the factory so only 1 canteen open instead of 3, and Brekkie finishes at 9.30 in this one, only problem is it's about a half mile walk inside the factory to reach it.Big Grin
Bit i'll make it i'm sure.

Have a nice day anyway, i'll be around all day, have a few jobs to do though.

Morning Hicky Hug

Well at least you can work up your appetite before you get there Laugh

Don't work too hard Big Grin
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Originally posted by Hicky:
Good Morning Ladies.Wave

Hope you can sort out the text thingy, it's something to pass the time anyway.

My Brekkie will be early today, it's a down week in the factory so only 1 canteen open instead of 3, and Brekkie finishes at 9.30 in this one, only problem is it's about a half mile walk inside the factory to reach it.Big Grin
Bit i'll make it i'm sure.

Have a nice day anyway, i'll be around all day, have a few jobs to do though.

Hicky, if it is a half mile walk, I think your brekkie will be well deserved, and you will be well ready to enjoy it, by the time you get there. Smiler

It's only a half mile walk, wonder how far it is if I run.Big Grin
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
Originally posted by Hicky:
Good Morning Ladies.Wave

Hope you can sort out the text thingy, it's something to pass the time anyway.

My Brekkie will be early today, it's a down week in the factory so only 1 canteen open instead of 3, and Brekkie finishes at 9.30 in this one, only problem is it's about a half mile walk inside the factory to reach it.Big Grin
Bit i'll make it i'm sure.

Have a nice day anyway, i'll be around all day, have a few jobs to do though.

Morning Hicky Hug

Well at least you can work up your appetite before you get there Laugh

Don't work too hard Big Grin

It's only a little bit further than the canteen I usually go to, just a different direction I suppose.
But it will make a change, not sure what i'll have yet.
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Suzy.. HugSorry to hear you didn't sleep too good last night. Were you feeling off, or just restless? Good job you are able to take it easy today.
I am going to do a bit of now while the weather is good.

No worries Big Grin
Just restless will shake it off hopefully Big Grin
Taking it easy I'm not even dressed yet Eeker I suppose I should get my bum into gear and get on with it Laugh but there again I might not Laugh
If this sun lasts til lunch time I'll be getting in the car and going to Looe hopefully
Originally posted by King Kev:
Morning Suzie, Mollie and Hicky. wavey
Got the day off today. Might even ask for the whole week off, I'm feeling lazy with all this sun. Laugh
Bet it starts raining soon though. I like rain too. Smiler

Morning Kev Hug

Good to have time off isn't it Big Grin
Have you anything planned for today or are you just going to chill out Big Grin
Originally posted by King Kev:
I might just chill out, maybe have a little shop too.
Hope you both have a good day.
Bet Hicky's mouth is watering now, he'll be running I bet. Laugh

That sounds like a good day for you Big Grin
Are you going to shop for anything nice or is it just for essentials Laugh

I'm sure he's going to look forward to his brekky this morning with that walk to the canteen Laugh
Originally posted by King Kev:
I might just chill out, maybe have a little shop too.
Hope you both have a good day.
Bet Hicky's mouth is watering now, he'll be running I bet. Laugh

Good Morning Kev.Wave
A little time off never did any harm, if you can afford it then go for it.

I'm just getting ready for my little walkies, I can smell the sausages now, only joking it's the Bacon.Big Grin
And Eggs and brown sauce and toast, musy I go on, ok I won't.
See you after Brekkie.Wave
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Hicky... hope you enjoyed your brekkie, did you walk, jog or run? Big Grin I enjoyed by brekkie, cheese and tomato on toast and a capaccino. Smiler

KingKev... hope you enjoy your chill out and shop. Wonder if you will buy anything nice?

I decided to walk, save the puffing and panting that would happen if I jogged.Big Grin

I just had Saus, Bacon, Black Pudding, Beans and 2 toast, it was ok anyway.
And the walk back probably burned the added calories off.Big Grin

Oh well, back to work.Big Grin
Mike Tysons Daughter on life support machine after accident at home. Eeker

(CNN) -- The four-year-old daughter of boxing legend Mike Tyson was in "extremely critical condition" after she was injured in a treadmill accident at her home in Phoenix, Arizona, police said.

Former world boxing champion Tyson traveled from Las Vegas to Phoenix to be at his daughter's bedside.
The girl was found by her seven-year-old brother on a treadmill "with her neck on ... a cable" attached to the machine, police said in a statement.

The mother "took her daughter off the cable" and called authorities, according to police.

The girl was on life support in critical condition on Monday, police said.

Former world heavyweight champion Tyson traveled from Las Vegas to Phoenix where his daughter was on life support in critical condition on Monday, police said.

The family issued a statement through New York city public relations firm 42West.

"The Tyson family would like to extend our deepest and most heartfelt thanks for all your prayers and support, and we ask that we be allowed our privacy at this difficult time," it read
Originally posted by King Kev:
I wish Tyson's daughter luck, sounds a bit of a weird accident.
Just watching Benjamin Button now, about an hour into it, it's a great film.
I'll just have a wander round the shops later and see if there's anything I fancy, it has to be a bargain too. Smiler

It sounds as though she was on her own and started the machine up and got some of her clothing caught in the working parts doen't it.

Think the machine has strangled her, doesn't sound too hope if she's on life support though.

Poor Family they must be going nuts.
Well it's time for some Soduko, did an hours work before so my day hasn't been wasted really.

I see Jordan says she's more hated than Mucca!.
Wonder why?, have no idea how Peter put up with her so long.
She treated him like a beermat/doormat.
But she knows there's more money in for her if she has a feller in tow.

But he better keep out of the way of flying handbags as she isn't one to be toyed with, and she doesn't make a very nice enemy either.
Originally posted by King Kev:
I've never liked Jordan, Hicky, she's always been one of those fame hungry z-list celebs. She was one of the top earning British Authors last year too. Eeker

Just finished watching The Curious Case of Benjamin Buttonand it was fantastic. Not one moment was I bored in that film, it last for 2 hours 40 minutes too.
Off out now. Wave

Glad to enjoyed your film KingKev. Smiler

Do you watch a lot of films?
Originally posted by Hicky:
Well it's time for some Soduko, did an hours work before so my day hasn't been wasted really.

I see Jordan says she's more hated than Mucca!.
Wonder why?, have no idea how Peter put up with her so long.
She treated him like a beermat/doormat.
But she knows there's more money in for her if she has a feller in tow.

But he better keep out of the way of flying handbags as she isn't one to be toyed with, and she doesn't make a very nice enemy either.

Glad to hear they are not overworking you today Hicky, and you managed to get some of your suduko done. Smiler

I never realised how nasty Jordan was in the manner she treated Peter, until I saw their fly on the wall show. Poor fella, he obviously adored her and the kids, but that was not enough for somone as self centred as her.
Kev lad
Brads a very fit lad in that Im straight but ...oh well lol
Roll Eyes
did I just write that Laugh Crazy

It was a cracking good film ..I enjoy quirky films like that ..

I think Jordans a horrible person too ...Frowner
spiteful an self centred ... Ninja

I hope you are fit and gorgeous as ever today babes ..?

Hi Hicky Wave

Im ok off to see my counsellor in a bit ... Thumbs Up
Mike Strutter
Originally posted by Mike Strutter:
Kev lad
Brads a very fit lad in that Im straight but ...oh well lol
Roll Eyes
did I just write that Laugh Crazy

It was a cracking good film ..I enjoy quirky films like that ..

I think Jordans a horrible person too ...Frowner
spiteful an self centred ... Ninja

I hope you are fit and gorgeous as ever today babes ..?

Hi Hicky Wave

Im ok off to see my counsellor in a bit ... Thumbs Up

Hi Mike.Wave

Are you at work this week, or are you off?
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Hi Wave. Agree about Jordan she's a bitter and jealous horrible person, but she is a good mother. Peter is better off without her.

Well I don't know how good a mother Jordan is, I don't see how she can spend much time with the kids when she is so busy all the time, I wonder when she sees them, probably when they go on Holiday then.
Originally posted by Hicky:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Hi Wave. Agree about Jordan she's a bitter and jealous horrible person, but she is a good mother. Peter is better off without her.

Well I don't know how good a mother Jordan is, I don't see how she can spend much time with the kids when she is so busy all the time, I wonder when she sees them, probably when they go on Holiday then.

She's done a great job with Harvey with all his difficulties, despite what people think no-one can say that she isn't a good mother. She's too busy with trying to hog the publicity Roll Eyes.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Hi guys.
I used to watch loads of films Mollie, not so much now, but I enjoy an original story, and the daft ones too lol.
Have a good day mike.
darloboy I heard Jordan wasn't such a great mother from someone on a forum. Dont know if it was here or not.
Apparantly on her documentary her and Peter's son was playing with an insect or similar and he saw it as a pet. She started to pretend to eat it, continuing even after the lad started crying. I thought that was cruel.
I've never seen the documentary and never want to lol.
Originally posted by darloboy07:
People are always quick to judge though thats the thing though Kev, they don't see what she does day in day out behind close doors. I don't like her but I think she is a good mother despite what anyone says, maybe she is too focused on her career which I hope she takes a backseat and focuses more on her children which looks unlikely Roll Eyes.

She just wants to be in the limelight and she can't do that while she's being a model/business woman/horseriding champion you name it and I can't see where she finds time to be with the children, that's why whenever she sees them she makes sure that pictures are taken of her with them.
Because I don't think it's very often, she is far too busy for things like that.

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