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HIMollie emptybox Hicky,hope you are all ok .mixed bag of weather here to-day..rain sunshine ,funny how you can feel the seasons changing ,we havn't had that much of a summer anyhow..not in my part of the world .


To go on a sombre note I live in Yorkshire and have been listening to the Hillsborough enquiry at last the people of Liverpool have been vindicated and my heart goes out to them .


So hello with a happier message tried to post but there is something wrong with my Sky connection it keeps going off and the posts are going kaput ,something to do with the phone connection, or so the lady said.



Mollie emptybox Hickey hi ..made some bread to-day crispy rolls and breadcakes they turned out really good .


Got your girl then emptybox she deserves marks for the costume lol got to give the girl marks for trying ,I'm like you three I hate pulling people to pieces for the sake of it  I think that's  why I'm tiring of reality shows like this .


If celebs tear each other to pieces thats their problem roll on* I'm a Celeb *


                                    night all xxxx





No wonder you are busy with being in such demand with these customers, but I can see how difficult it it to plan your time, when you don't know what work is going arise. How has your work day gone today?


I remember the girl singer on X factor now I have seen the pic of her. Believe it or not I had not noticed that she had fish net tights on.   I thought you might like Alex Jones.. she looked very attractive when I saw her on stage.



work today? Or nice day off? Is your son still around?



yes feels quite autumnal now, but weather forecast says it is going to get warm again , hope they are right.


Do you realise we haven't discussed food today?

I am off to tescos tomorrow, so I am sure food will be on the menu again for me then.


took poor doggie to vets, she has  a sore ear.   Vet has given her ear drops, that hopefully should clear it up quickly. She has refused to eat today too.


Dallas time, I really enjoyed it last week.   So full of scheming it is, I find my dizzy mind has to concentrate hard on the story line.


have a good evening all xxx


Fredo... our posts crossed, and i see you mentioned food. That is good,..

I love home cooked bread/rolls.   Bet you enjoyed them  I have just had a sessame bagel toasted with some Phily and marmite. Yummy..


I love IAC, but do like X factor too, especially when we see some good singers, and there does seem to be quite a few good ones so far this year.


goodnight all xxx


mollie  you are a marmite too lol ..thought I was the only one ,I love those cheese triangles with it,just had a crispy roll with lettuce ,tomatoes .watercress the 

the peppery sort with olives .


I love to put a tray in the oven with potatoes sweet peppers onions any veg with olive oil garlic and rosemary,there are so many meat substitutes if you need them 


I also love pulses lentils butter beans ,three bean salad with dressing ,beetroot 


don't start me off I'll go on forever night to you and you emptybox and Hicky


      take care xxx 



Bit wet again here, so I didn't get much done.


Hi Mollie, hope your dog's ear gets better.

Couldn't be bothered to watch Dallas again, so watched a nice thing on BBC2 about funerals.


Hi Frodo. Still having problems with your connection? I bet your house is as spotless as mine.

Sounds like you are a much more inventive cook than me? I'm very basic.


Not much on tonight, so I watched Celebrity Salon on Youtube. Nikki is doing it this year. I watched last year when Ash did it.

Of course it's not as good this year, but still entertaining. I think the contestants are wilder this year, and not taking it as seriously.

You can find the episodes (3 so far) on this link.

Last edited by emptybox

Good afternoon all


A nice day here today, mainly sunny, but a nice refreshing breeze.

No HIcky yesterday, hope that means he has been too busy enjoying himself whilst his son is still here.



So you deflected from Dallas to a funeral programme.   Think I will stick with  Dallas, because I enjoyed seeing JR becoming the prominent character last night, along with a few shots of Jesse with not much clothing on. 

Is that the Celeb Salon that was on in Ireland, but not on tv here?

I like Nikki.

Hope it is drier today, so you don't get too behind at work.



Sounds, like HIcky, you enjoy your cooking. My daughter and I cook most nights, but get a bit fed up of trying to think of menus that everyone likes, so it is a nice treat to go out for a meal now and again. Yes I too love veg done in the oven, so much choice. Butternut squash is one of my faves, and potatoes too.


Managed to get dog's ear drops in ok, will take her a walk down the seafront soon, then off to get some food shopping at Asda tonight, whilst son at guitar lesson.

Not sure what is on tv tonight.


have a good day all xxx


Hi Mollie.

It was dry but windy this morning, but rain again this afternoon. I got a bit done this morning, but it was body-warmer weather. Very autumnal.


Hicky's busy playing with his new phone.


Yes Celebrity Salon is on TV3 in Ireland. Not on over here except on the internet.

This year they've got two young lads on. Someone from Geordie Shore, and someone from Brookside, and they do nothing but mess around. Rather tedious to watch.

But Nikki is good on it. Last night's episode was the one where she broke her arm and then carried on partying for another 4 hours before she went to hospital (Episode 3).


Location Location is on tonighg at 8pm CH4. I'll definitely watch that.


Hello Mollie emptybox Hicky.

its been a lot cooler here to-day and the nights are drawing in , still some hope of a few warm days yet tho'.


Mollie no I'm no where near in Hickys class for cooking .tea time and I have had

spaghetti hoops with melted cheese on toast, I do make bread as its so easy and freeze it to use as I need it ,I just like easy things anything to put in the oven and then forget about it.


Its sort of restless when BB ends cos we've sort of had three in a row , otherwise I rarely watch Channel 5 .I hate wildlife programmes that show the killings ..and I know it's only nature but that's how I feel .


I don't mind a good detective mystery ,but I cant see much on the telly  to-night


I hope your little dogs ears get better what is he/she called and that you enjoy your walk xx


Hello emptybox I have watched some of the salon with Nikki I like her, is the one with Aisleyne in still around ,she was my fav in that series ,have you read her book ?.Shorter working days for you now emptybox is that good ? do you like a rest 

or are you up earlier on catchup. Bet hicky is having the time of his life with the new phone .xx




                                 bye for now

ps emptybox thanks for the link really grateful ,something to watch

Last edited by Former Member

Hi Frodo.

I watched Location, Location and then The Audience, which was quite good.

I don't often watch CH5 either apart from BB, but they do have The Gadget Show and Fifth Gear etc.


We have all 6 episodes of Aisleyne's Celeb Salon in the Video section at aisleyne dot com, along with Celebrity Coach Trip and just about everything else she has done. You have to register on the site, but it's worth it for the media stuff alone.

 And yep, I've read her autobiography.


I'm fundementally lazy, so I quite like the fact that my work slows down towards the end of the year.

Last edited by emptybox

Morning Mollie emptybox Hicky

hope you are all ok and my ramblings havn't put Hicky off  


Emptybox I watched Location etc last night I like those two to-gether then I watched  The Bletchley Circle on ITV1. I like to watch Sky Arts and they have some really good things on there,not snobby or highbrow at all .Bank Holidays and week-ends they show some films of Cirque du Soliel and I think they are fabulous a taste of Solstrum .just click it off if its not your cup of tea




Alegria is one of my favs,yes I think I will join in on Aisleyenes page may watch the old BBs again as I have a good idea where to go to watch them. 


Hello Mollie can't remember if you said Thursday was your shopping day or you where going to-day,don't blame you in the least for eating out when you can seems to me you need that break.Is it ear mites your little dog is suffering from or just itchy ears ,hope they are getting better anyhow.


Don't think it knows what to do to-day  weather wise jut one of those awkward days 

bit like me sometimes

                                                  may see you later xxxx


Good Morning Everyone.


Lost track of time with my lad being here.

He stayed an extra week instead of going to the stag do abroad.


Been sorting my new phone out.

He bought 5 in all, and O/H a iPad which she loves.


Been working in the garden, am a bit lost with no BB but have been going out to various places to eat.


We bought a new Dish Washer & Washing Machine, they are both Bosch


It's getting cooler at night, we had the heating on for a couple of days, my lad was feeling cold.


Am learning to tweet pictures.

Thought i had sent one to twitter and it went to Facebook.,


Hello Hicky missed you how about sending some of those photo's this way

I'm so glad you got extra time with your son was he sad to go back ?

did you really put the heating on ,this is an old house thick walls the heat upstairs

is something else lovely of your son to treat you all to phones ,would't know how to work one myself .of course I'm not thick but a lot of this internet stuff goes over my head..that is why I'm so cautious .I like to get to know people.


Don't own a dishwasher but sounds lovely new washer too good for you ,garden's winding down now Hicky ,nearly going to sleep time





pain in the butt for leaves byee for now 




Evening Frodo.


He would have been sad to leave, but you don't make money being on holiday.

He gave his brother over ÂĢ8k & my O/H ÂĢ10k to get a few bits.

He's on such a good wage he doesn't know what to do with his money.

Thats why he wants to buy our house for cash.


I'm getting used to the phone, still got to read the book, but at 93 pages.omg.

I have replied to a few tweets, but it will take time.


The leaves are falling now, just starting, i keep picking them up.


I'm going to swap some of the vines around, some better suited to a trellis.


Haven't seen the TV today yet.




Actually not a bad day here. Windy, but sunny and warm. Worked up a sweat weeding, grass and hedge cutting.


Hi Frodo.

Thanks for the Cirque du Soleil clip. I don't have Sky so I've never seen that.

I liked the one you posted, but I then went on to watch one of Elena Lev, the hula-hoop girl. Fantastic.


Hi Hicky. That was great that your son stayed an extra week.

I followed your picture posting exploits on Facebook and Twitter with interest.


Eddie Stobbart then Million Pound Drop and now Alan Carr. Not really missing BB yet.


Haven't put my central heating on yet, but I've needed an electric heater on for an hour or so in the lounge late at night, plus my electric blanket on for an hour before bed. Haven't needed that tonight though.


Evening All.


And it's hello to Emptybox.


Wind has died down a lot, thank heavens, my Gazebo survived.


Have re-potted one of the new vines as the pot was too big and awkward.

Am going to swap places for 3 vines in the spring but need to change the vine tubs for ones with handles which make it easier to move.


It's great being able to post to twitter and Facebook and send emails. but at the moment i'm trying to download a black & white theme but don't know where they are stored in the phones queue system, on line it tells me they are in the download queue but haven't found it yet, there's thousands of settings and menu's.


Watched XFactor missed most of SCD but it was only introductions anyway.


Missing my Lad all ready, bet my O/H is as well, greatly, they are very close.


Hi Hicky.

Work today. Started off sunny warm and calm, but the wind increased and it ended up quite chilly. But it was dry anyway, so good for cutting grass.


It's good that you are getting used to your phone,  but I can quite understand that you are missing your lad.

Not sure if you'd class my old Blackberry as a proper smart phone? It does do emails and twitter and Facebook etc, but it's screen is too small to post stuff. I think of it as "half-witted" .


Watched X-Factor and now Million Pound Drop.

Aisleyne's great pal Bianca Gascoigne on X-Factor. She wasn't too bad actually, but wouldn't have got much further anyway. I knew she didn't get through because she's been in Australia for the last few weeks.


Hope Mollie and Frodo are having good weather?




  at you saying you are fundamentally lazy. Good for you to do a bit of hibernating in the winter, I say, because you work hard all spring/summer. Hope you enjoyed your Saturday sphag bol.



I too like easy cooking, especially at weekends.

And I also hate to see wildlife killing programes,

Doggie's ear seems a lot better thankfully, It was not ear mites, but an infection, which the vet said was quite common in dogs with long hair like ours. The trouble was she kept scratching it, and ,making it worse, but thankfully ear drops done her good.Do you have any pets? I too am no good with mobile phones, don't even know how to text.



So pleased to hear your lad got to stay the extra week.

I am not surprised though to hear you and your OH are missing your lad now he has left. But you must be proud of the fact that he is such a good sort, in that he has enjoyed the gift of sharing the money he has earnt with his family.   I think it is lovely how thoughtful he has been like that. 

Glad you are enjoying your new phone. I saw your garden pic on Twitter.

I too am noticing the leaves are changing colour now, such a beautiful season is the British autumn.I missed it so much when we lived abroad.

Getting cooler gradually here too, but no need for heating yet.


Had a busy few days again.

yesterday went to Open Day at Cardiff Uni with one of the kids, They have to view a whole year before they intend to go. Will visit some more Unis soon. Today we had tea in Morrisons... very nice I had a kids meal of macoroni cheese and salad, and a small bag of fruit. I had kids meal because it was less calories.. but it was good value and plenty for me. 

We went to Asda this morning and I bought a dress reduced from ÂĢ16 to 50p, and a blouse reduced from ÂĢ14 to 50p. OH got some shorts and jeans, both reduced to 50p each, and a pair of shoes reduced from ÂĢ18 to ÂĢ3.

I also bought some stilletto black shoes, for when we go to son's formal thing at the threatre. Not reduced though, but not expensive in Asda.   All I have to do is practice walking in them now.


Enjoyed X factor, but I too am missing my regular BB in the evenings now.


have a good evening all xxx


Good morning all

Looking grey and autumnal here today...

but at least it is dry.


OH has gone to the tip with the garden rubbish, and then has to get 2 new tyres for the front of the car, because he said they are starting to split.

I have a feeling this is going to give the credit card a bit of a shock.


Anyone watching Downtown Abbey tonight?  I am looking forward to watching X factor then Downtown tonight.


have a good day all, hoping it stays dry, so we can take dog down seafront and grab a latte on seafront cafe. 


Hello Mollie emptybox  Hickey

feels like autumn here to-day tooAngels glitter graphics

I love this time of year ,not so keen on the nights closing in ,but its cosy with the curtains drawn .


Watching *Anne Of Green Gables * It's on nearly all day on True Movies.


Yes Mollie can't wait for Downton Abbey have recorded all the episodes you got some fabulous bargains at Asda lol about you having to practice in your high heels.

Watched my detective story last night but this series doesn't seem to be that good.I think I would have to have the larger portion of macaroni cheese it's one of my favourites


HI emptybox quite a good few things to watch on the box lately .I was thinking yesterday it was your Spag Bol day ,going to make that this week think I'll try It your way for a change but use quorn ,got some red wine to put in it too,may have to try a glass or two to see if it sort of goes with it lol ,well they say a glass is good for you  hope you are keeping up with your work ,you'll soon be able to slow down and have a good.I'm missing not shouting at the telly now BB  has finished.


Hicky missing your son already,he sounds a lovely lad and kind ,do you Skype him?

the phone sounds fantastic ,and you seem to be enjoying it ,send a few pictures our way ,I hope I't wont be too long before you see your son again.


                    see you soon xxxxxx 


Evening Mollie, Frodo & Emptybox.


A couple of pics before i forget.

A couple of Grand Sons.


My Lad from Pz with O/H's Mother.


Sidd, a Grandson


My lad from Oz after shooting an Uzi 9mm, not a bad shot.

Mind you, he did go into the Marines but didn't fancy it.



Not been a nice day really.


Been watching XFactor.


Getting a lot cooler, buying stuff in to keep the plants warm over winter.


Bought some Figs and Mangoes from Costco.

Had a Fig of a tree, it really was sweet, hope for a load next year.

There's quite a few growing but with the weather like it is can't see them ripening, although a had a lot late last year.


Work tomorrow.

Last edited by Hicky

Hi Mollie, Hicky, Frodo.

Not bad here today, apart from a stray shower.

Watched X-Factor then Downton.


Hi Mollie, glad your dog's ear is clearing up.

My Brother's dog always seems to have something wrong with it's ears or it's toes. She's a martyr to 'em.

Hope the tyres weren't too costly? But if your OH waited till they were splitting, sounds like new ones were overdue?


Hi Frodo. I'm a fan of red wine with bolognese as well. Behind beer of course.


Hi Hicky, thanks for the photos.

I think you posted the same one twice, so we missed out on the one of your lad with an uzi?




Flower pot men little weed is missing


HI Mollie emptybox Hicky hope you are all ok ,its been a glorious day here sun sun all day, a bit nippy inthe shade tho'


Mollie !! Downton Abbey last night,thought she was going to back out again Mary is stubborn,silly girl nearly married Matthew myself LOL.

Shirley Maclaine, scared me to death havn't seen her for ages,I love her and her work but sheesh ,why do these Hollywood types get that much plastic surgery,


Hope you got your car fixed ,done anymore shopping ? there seems to be bargains galore at the moment.Do you know Mollie *Anne Of Green Gables * was on from 900am until 1100pm on true movies ...had to leave it  tata for nowxx


Emptybox  just cant seem to get into X Factor probably me it just feels jaded or maybe I am been watching celebrity masterchef ,three left and the final Friday I think.What has the weather been like your way any chance of showing the scenery

without giving your location away ? anyhow take carex


Hello Hicky your photo's were good although ,you showed one twice ,still enjoying your phone ,must be lovely to be good on the internet ..if anything goes wrong with mine and they try and help online I go to pieces,and I'm quite strong otherwise .x


                                                see you soon xx 


Evening Frodo & Emptybox.


Didn't realise he was using a load of different guns.

Have put the correct picture in that post, plus an extra one.


Wasn't too busy at work.


Some of those with the plastic surgery on their face are going to look awful as they get older, they are so stupid.


Had a letter to make an appointment for the Flu jab.

Will have to sort that out.


Got the school run in the morning.

Taking my car in tomorrow, feeling a slight wobble on front wheels, getting a pair of winter tyres put back on as 1 tyre isn't up to my standard.


Just had a curried chicken & fried rice, very tasty.


Good evening all



what lovely pics... aaaww at those littlies, so cute, I love kiddies. Looks like your lad enjoyed himself. Has he got back to Oz now? Where is he working next?

Magoes, is that a new one for you to grow? Or did you mean you got some to eat?



was it dry today for you to get some gardens done?

I was a bit surprised Bianca didn't get through on X factor, because I have seen worse. She is a very pretty girl, I wonder if you noticed that?

It cost ÂĢ300 for OH to replace the front two tyres.

How is your Jag running now?

Are you watching Masters of Money now, about Keynesian? I reckon  you will be liking Stephanie Flanders on it??  

All these monetary theories and they still messed up big time by letting the banks do what they want, then shoving them all our tax money to bail them out.



Yes, don't know why Mary had to think twice about marrying that gorgeous Matthew. thanks for the pic of him. Really good episode last night, how lovely was that 20's style wedding dress? I do not like these wedding dresses now that are in fashion, with the no shoulders on them. They all seem to look the same, but of course they do save the manufacturers money because they need less material.    I will take a look at your video now.


Took doggie a walk today, and it was very blowy. She likes the wind though, rather than getting over heated, all her thick fur keeps her warm.

Goodnight all xxx


Not too bad today until we had a very heavy shower at about 5pm. I got absolutely soaked trying to finish off a job.

Those were expensive tyres Mollie?
My Jag is running fine thanks.
Yeah Bianca's quite good looking. I think if she had been an unknown they might have put her through a bit further, but she wasn't really good enough for the live shows IMO.

Didn't see that Masters of Money thing. Watched 'Leaving' on ITV, now I'm watching the movie 'Space Cowboys'.

Hi Hicky.
Thanks for the new pics.
Winter tyres already? Mind you, I suppose it's a good opportunity to put them on.

Hi Frodo. I didn't even know Celebrity Masterchef was on. I'll have to peruse the papers more closely. You just get used to watching only Big Brother when it's on.
Here's a pic I took a short walk from my front door. It's about 3 years old, from Winter 09/10.


Hello Mollie emptybox  Hiicky 

tears shed to-day from me over those two brave police officers ,the news conference was humbling.


emptybox that photo was beautiful ,honestly  didn't realise that in stark winter scenery could look so magical ,lucky lucky you , going to watch *The Great Brititsh

Bake Off* soon


Hello Mollie hope are well simply can't find a joke to-day ,hope your little dog is ok one of these days Mollie will have a chat and tell more about myself .


Hicky the photos where great you have some cute kids and wonderful sons,loved a glimpse into your life 

                                    may speak later take care three amigos xxxx


PS Emptybox why does your photo  keep disappearing that made me smile 


Evening Mollie Frodo & Emptybox.


My lad was on his way back to work in Sumatra.

He may be there now.


I got the Mango's from Costco, they are massive, pretty cheap as well.

Such a wonderful fruit.

I gave 2 to my friend over the back, his Mrs loves fruit, gave them some Figs as well.


Cost me ÂĢ60 to get the tyres changed, they said one of the front wheels wouldn't balance and it may be damaged, they are Alloys so not sure whats up, they used the spare Alloy on the front.


Thats a nice picture of the snow, when i get used to this phone being a good camera as well i will be ok.


Watching the Great British Bakeoff.


weather been awful all day, rain & Wind.

I'll take a picture of the tree/branch my neighbour at the back wants me to cut down for him.

It's not a problem, have the ladders in the garage and the saws needed anyway.


Work tomorrow.


For Emptybox.

Danica & Rhian in Loaded this week

On the source link go to the first picture of the set that says loaded, click on it then use you right/left curser keys to move through the big pictures.




A sample.

Danica & Rhian

Last edited by Hicky

Wasn't going to be tickled to-day but this made me laugh ,typical men  LOL

enjoy, if you have it flaunt it ,not really keen on nude women ,but let me say this

It's never offended me seeing naked people, prefer a little imagination myself where men are concerned , looks never came into it for me,attraction a must

have men never heard of mutual attraction ,the eyes say a lot .

Who can ignore beauty some men can't not all tho'...... have fun you two xxxx


both of them are lovely enjoy you two



Nice day here but chilly. Might even get a touch of frost tonight.


Terrible about those 2 policewomen.


Not sure why the pic is disappearing for you Frodo, it's fine for me. Perhaps you have a slow connection still? The pic's hosted on my photobucket, so when you refresh the page it's got to look up photobucket every time.


Watched Vikings on BBC2. Really good documentary.


Hi Hicky, pity about your wheel. Alloys can be quite easily damaged. But at least you've got your tyres, and the bad one should be OK as a spare?

Thanks for the loaded pics. Stunning girls. I see there's a photoshoot with Danica and Prince Lorenzo in OK this week. But I prefer the Loaded ones.


I've got no problem with nudity Frodo, especially if it's female.

We've got a strange attitude in this country. Look at the Naked Rambler. He's spent most of the last 6 years in prison, off and on, simply because he refuses to put his trousers on.


Can't get your Internet Explorer link to work Hicky, but I never use it anyway. I've used Chrome (or it's variants) for a few years.

I've heard there is a problem with Java though, and we've been advised to disable it till it's fixed. I haven't done anything about it yet.


Hi all x

hope you are all well

quick post from me..hectic day yesterday out a few times, sorting college and post office things out...


lovely to see that nice wntery pic again Emptybox, but I will pass comment on the nekked girl one...


Glad I gave up using IE Hicky, it kept crashing my pc.. use firefox and chrome now.


Us car owners seem to be permanentely paying out lately, don't we?


am off to London on the train soon with one of the lads and daughter, to see Michael Ball in Sweeny Todd. Son really keen to see the London production of it, as his drama group did it couple of years ago.  At first I told him we couldn't go as too expensive, but at least minute they halved price of tickets, and we got cheap train tickets too. 

Cold up there today Freddo?

It is 3 degrees here this morning.

so have a good day all. xx


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