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 Hello Mollie emptybox Hickey


just a quick post as it seems to be acting up to-night or is it my broadband again.


Hope that Hickey is having a lovely time with his family (save some turkey dinner for us) will post more to-morrow ,I bought some aero ice cream to-day not tried it yet


Mollie emptybox as I have said its playing up to-night,     so take care you two 

and I hope Hicky is enjoying himself xxxxx sees you


Hello Mollie emptybox Hickey my broadband has been playing up again I rang Sky a

few moments ago to see when my contract ends, 2nd of September so I'm out of contract.


Hicky     your Christmas wish,you wanted a cracker here she is


seriously I hope you are having a great time with your son.Looking forward to hearing about it .


I havn't watched  last nights CBB yet Mollie I just can't stand all that booing and chanting, probably I'm in the minority but I can't stand Brian Dowling never liked him as a housemate either I know most people will disagree with me so sorry for that xxlol


Emptybox are you freezing your tomatoes after cooking them for your Spag Bol ? I love

them fried as well with bacon ,only one more night then it's over ,we will have to talk about food lol but yummy ,when does I.A.A.C. get me out of here start ? love that x


                                Take care you three .



 ps Julian to win for me     



Mollie this is why I loathe Harvey watch CBB  or any of the series you have to be broad minded,and I am,it takes a lot to shock me .


Here's Harvey with his double standards i.e one rule for his crudeness and another for anyone else ...the gist is he got drunk and proceeded to show ,well the video speaks volumes ,hope it works ..what a nasty piece of work he is



Dry again but much more autumnal. Overcast and blowing a gale at times. Still I got a lot done.

If it would only stay dry on Friday and Saturday I would be up to date, but I think there's rain forecast.


Hi Frodo.

Sorry to hear you are still having problems with your broadband. Hope the fact that you are out of contract gives some leverage with Sky.

I haven't frozen any tomatoes, but I like fried toms as well, and I'm having tomato sandwiches every couple of days.


I quite liked Brian Dowling as a BB contestant, but he's rubbish as a presenter.


I guess it must be Boxing Day for the Hicky family?


ETA: Watched a couple of great wins for British athletes in the Paralympics.

David Weir in the wheelchair and Jamie Peacock in the 100m.

Last edited by emptybox

emptybox  your weather sounds grim ,checked you live in Scotland ,never been there

wonderful place from what I've seen and heard ,hope your not one of those dour 

scots (now that was a joke)


The weather here has been glorious no kidding, like a summers day not a breeze ..still have a fan on cooling the air down .


Love fresh ripe tomatoes with olive oil and cheese ,good with fish and garlic roasted in the oven.

                  off now night to you Mollie Hickey xx anyons else around x




glad you had a lovely Christmas dinner with the family.   ... and also that your lad liked the garden and got to enjoy the plums. I bet you were pleased with your gift from him.



it was warm here today,but getting cool at nights already. Was it autumnal enough for you to dig out your wooly hat yet?  Glad the weather meant you managed to get your work done. Hope it stays dry enough for you to catch up.



how annoying to lose your connection again. Good job you have finished your contract now. Who are you moving to next?


Had a busy day, helping sort son's college finance forms, taking mum to surgery to complete yet more forms, and catching up with accounts, plus the usual washloads..., oh and a weeks grocery shopping in Tescos. I have bought a bag of Galaxy counters to enjoy for the final tomorrow.   Freddo.. will you get a choccy treat for the final?


Like Emptybox, I too really liked Brian as a HM. Agree with Emptybox, am not too sure about him as a presenter though.


Wonder who win CBB?  Think it could be close between Martin, Michael, Coleen, Julian. 


Goodnight all xxx


Good Evening All.


Had a great day,, my lad had brekkie about 7.30 went with another of my lads to Liverpool for clothes as he didn't bring any with him as he came here from work.


Then he went for a hair cut, O/H took him to Parkgate for fish and chips.


This evening we all went to the Casino in New Brighton for a meal then a little gamble, the meal was beautiful.

Had an hour on the Roulette table, held my own for an hour the cashed in, started with 20 x ÂĢ1 chips and ended up with ÂĢ35, but it was fun.


We are all having Brekki at Sainsbury's in the morning at 9am when O/H finishes work.


It's going to be a busy day tomorrow with all the family round after school hrs.

We are having most of the food made by Sainsbury's so we can collect it then probably.


Sorry to hear about your broadband Frodo, love the Christmas Cracker.


Saw 2 more Crackers yesterday as well.

Danica & Rhian topless in the Nuts Mag, had to buy it of course.


Must go and fill the dishwasher & tidy the kitchen.


Nighty night all.


Evening Mollie emptybox Hicky

just renewed my contract with Sky ,they gave me six months line rental free ,I'm happy with that ,so lets see how things go.


Mollie got my chocolates,crisps and wine at the ready I may have a takeaway to-night havn't decided yet . Once again its been a lovely hot day here ,it may change soon but who cares ? I'm making the most of it ,those aero ice creams aren't that good sort of in a plastic cone prefer the fudge and caramel ones ,lol  but I love Ice cream  x speak later.



Hello emptybox excited for to-night? I am, my first out would be Harvey. then Ashley


not sure about the others but Julian to win.That's what I like... on here we all have our own opinions but stay calm about it . do you grow your own veg ? or are you busy looking after other peoples gardens you don't have time ,


Hickey cant wait to here about your son it must be lovely for you after all this time 

would love to know what he thought about your garden, the computer watering system etc.    


                                  will speak later frodo xx




 Ps Hicky food made by Sainsbury's you need to tell ,I keep a watch on my weight but


do I indulge and have a blast you betcha ..nothing beats it so I cut down and then 

have a takeaway , some people are lucky I say food and put a pound on , not to worry    its the Final



Last edited by Former Member

Good evening all



so glad to hear you and the family are having such a good time with your lad being home again. Lucky that the weather has been good too. Great idea for Sainburys to prepare the food for you. Hope you enjoy it all.



Are you having an extra treat with your sphag bol for finals night?  A nice beer perhaps?

Gardens or day off today?



I like the food pic. I too only need to think about food and the pounds pile on. So annoying, isn't it?

Friday eviction nights are treat nights though.

Glad you have all your treats ready and waiting.

Cheese and onion crisps and a bag of Galaxy Counters await me,


Must say I don't mind who wins, as long as it is not Harvey or Ashley. I am just looking forward to enjoying the show and my nibbles now.


Hope you all enjoy the show.


It was a nice day here too today. Long may it continue.

dog had nice walk on seafront and we went to Bristol this afternoon for a change.


Evening All.


Been a busy day, great though.


What a day, weather perfect.
A load of us had brekkie in Sainsbury's.

Picked up my parcel from GPO parcel's office.

Started getting tables in position for when the food arrived

Put the new Oilcloth on the tables outside.

My lad picked up about 15 food trays or more, lovely trays with great stiff covers.

Guests started arriving at 4pm i went to pick up 3 children to come to the party.
The garden was full of children by 5pm, they loved the plums picked while passing the tree.
The noise level was off the scale

I was giving guided tours of the garden.
Had a great day.

Just watching the Final.


We are all meeting here for brekkie it's Saltfish, but it smelled a bit strong, hope it's ok.


Hi Mollie Hicky and Frodo.


So Julian wins. I was voting all the way for Colleen, but at least she came second.


A much nicer day here. Much warmer and calmer with a bit of sunshine.

Apart from a couple of jobs I'm more or less caught up, so I'll award myself a day off tomorrow.


Have you got your days mixed up Mollie? Saturday is spag bol night. This is only Friday.

I had a Birds-Eye boil in the bag King Prawns in sweet chilli sauce, with the last of my own potatoes and my own tomatoes. I threw the toms in with the potatoes towards the end, so they were lightly boiled.


I just grow potatoes and tomatoes Frodo. As you said, I don't really have time for more with all the other gardens I look after.

I probably do come across as "dour" Frodo. I prefer to think I have a dry sense of humour.

I'm a bit of a mixture, as I was born in Norfolk to an English Mother, but my Father was Scottish and I've lived in Scotland since I was seven. I think you'd be hard pressed to place my speaking accent, but I do like to occasionally write in Scots dialect, just to confuse people.


That looks lovely grub Frodo. Apart from the dish with the fish head and tail. I'm one of those annoying people who have been the same weight all their adult life, never varying by more than a few pounds either side (11 stone)


Hi Hicky. Glad your lad is having a good time, and the whole family are enjoying his visit.

Sounds like you were a high roller at the casino?


Hi all



So pleased to hear you have had such a good day with the family. It is so nice to have a house/garden full of noisy children, and plenty of good food too, plus the sunshine.I am sure you lad is so glad to be home again with you all.   Hope the saltfish is ok for brekkie.



ooopppss, silly me I do know that Saturday is sphag bol night but just had another blond moment.   I am tired tonight after a busy day out, so even more easily confused than normal. 

Glad you are up to date work wise and can award yourself with a day off at last.


I didn't notice the head on the fish in the piccie till you told me. I hate to see that in shops/resterants, like I used to hate the smell in the butchers as a child. Still can't stand looking at meat, especially red uncooked stuff. Think I would get on well with Chantelle.   I hear poor Chantelle has been having real problems between her and Alex, and that he had been arrested for criminal damage, and violent entry to the house. And their baby is so young. Can't be easy for her.


Well can't say I am disappointed with tonight's CBB. 

Like Emptybox I was pleased to see Coleen at least got 2nd, and I did not dislike Julian.



glad you enjoyed the CBB show, and was happy with the winner, hope you also enjoyed your treats.


I see Eddy Stobart starts next week, I will look forward to that. Enjoyed last series, fascinating how much of a following these trucks have.   I watch out for them now when we are out, and see if I can see the name of the lorry.


I was surprised to hear CBB is back as soon as its January slot again, so we won't have too long to wait, just the autumn. And as well as X factor, we should have our old fave IACGMOOH to discuss soon.


We bought a box of Krispy Cremes in Bristol today, Too yummy to resist, so only ate a few of my galaxy chocs.


goodnight all xxx


Hello Mollie  emptybox  Hicky,


seems funny no BB to-night ,I'm sure we'll soon get used to it I looked forward to it 

never mind there are plenty of other things coming up .


Inspector Montalbano for me its Italian with English sub-titles so it's not everyones cup of tea.


Emptybox  funny about you meal with the prawns I had a takeaway last night King Prawns in sweet chilli sauce ,had a portion of chips with it tho'.


Only joking about a dour Scot I can tell you have a dry sense of humour .must try the Birdseye meal sounds easy,sorry for you Colleen came second but happy Julian won.


For once Brian didn't do too badly last night his interviews make me cringe sometimes.


Mollie what are those treats you where speaking about never heard of them and this reply part is covering them up.


Sorry about the fish head never noticed that .I very rarely eat red meat more of a fish and chicken person,I like Quorn things i.e sausages and beefburgers.


Chantelle hasn't had it easy to be honest I dont think she has ever gotten over Preston

that was not easy viewing  on C.B.B   hope thing work out for her.



Hello Hicky hope you are having a lovely time with your family ,cant wait to hear all the news I'm pleased that people where taken with your garden ,and the weather is as good for you as it is here.


                                         take care you three amigos sees you soonxxxxxxxx



Krispy Cremes!!! Mollie  what are they?   

Last edited by Former Member

Evening All.

It'd been a beautiful day, brekkie was a disaster, well the Saltfish was.

After soaking it it felt slimy and not as i expected it to be, having handled a lot of Saltfish i decided to get rid.

We all went to the Carr Farm garden centre for brekkie, fantastic.


Is this what you want Frodo?

I will tell you how, i'm using html.









[color:redx][bx]BOLD & RED[/bx][/colorx]

(delete the x's




I was happy that Julian won, wasn't bothered about the others.


Went to Gordale for an ice cream, got 3 x 50L bags of Organic Manure to mulch the tree pots, will be re-mulching and feeding with the 6 month feed in March.

Last edited by Hicky

Evening guys.

A nice day here. I just had a lazy day, but I cut my own grass this afternoon.


Managed to survive without BB. X-Factor, Red or Black, Jonathon Ross, now James Bond.


That was a co-incidence Frodo, you having a similar meal to me Yesterday. Of course it wouldn't be difficult today, as I'm entirely predictable on a Saturday.


Hi Mollie. I like the Eddie Stobbart programme as well.

Seems silly having another CBB so soon? Julian only his title for a few months.


Hi Hicky. Pity your saltfish let you down, but glad it was a lovely day for you. The forecast for next week isn't as good 


Good afternoon all



what a shame about the saltfish, especially as it is usually ok when you do it for yourself. But glad you managed to find somewhere else to get a nice brekkie. We did Asda again for brekkie.

Am pleased the weather has been good so far for your lads visit.



to do colours I just press that down arrow next to the big blue A in the column , right under "Your Rply"...where you choose stuff. . then click on the colour I fancy.   I didn't know about Hicky's method.For bold you , just press the B button in same place, on far left of the same column.


Perhaps you shouldn't ask about abut my fave junk food I mention incase I tempt you too much.   But Galaxy Counters are like Minstrels but without the crunchy outsides.  And Krispy Kreme are those American do-nut places they recently opened in big cities. And they are fresh daily and lots of yummy flavours which are dead yummy, but very fattening, so I don't dare call in there too often.

that is a nicer pic of fish , love mushy peas and a squeeze of lemon on the fish. I too love quorn, my fave is the Quorn Cottage pie. I never eat any kind of meat, but do eat fish sometimes, so am not a vegetarian.



glad to hear you got to enjoy that well deserved relaxing day. How was the sphag bol?


We went out last night, you might guess if I say, I had to wear warm clothes, and take portable chairs with us.

Photos to follow when someone helps me with them.


Been a nice day here today, hope it has where you are too. Went walk down new seafront boardwalk with my friend, because she hadn't seen it before. They recently completed the footpaths all round Wales, and this was part of it. Really nice coastal walk. There are 850 miles altogether, so I have quite a lot more walking to do if I want to complete it.


Have a good evening all.


Anyone watching X factor?  I am still enjoying it, and we have another show tonight.


Hello Mollie emptybox Hicky

   yeah thanks tried it the way Hicky explained and thought I'd brought the thread down so thanks Mollie  and Hicky .

Mollie going to watch X Factor to-night ,feels a little bit funny without any kind of BB

though.Those treats sound lovely Krispy Kreme do-nuts here I come 





Mollie just put this up school recipes ,the cheese and potatoe pie is yummy with salad or tomatoes,I make quite a few of these ,brings back memories


Hi emptybox coincidence with the prawns ,any kind of fish seafood I like... the king size ones are on offer most of the time at Tesco's  either raw or cooked they seem to alternate.Saturday your Spag Bol day enjoy speak soon.


Hello Hicky will your son have travelled back now .hope to hear all the news; sorry your saltfish went wrong ,but I'm sure you had a great time 

                     bye for now xx


Evening All.


My Lad is still here, not sure why?, the wedding he is going to is on Saturday, think something has gone wrong with the details of the stag do with those that were going.


He's just bought a new iPad 4 and 4 Nokia 610's, one for O/H, one for His Brother, & wife and daughter.

The didn't get me one as O/H thought i might not want one.

Hope they get me one tomorrow.


About the colour, I didn't even know it was part of the Post Reply box.



I assumed we had to do the same as we did on the BB Forum years ago.


Work tomorrow.


Night All, watching The Dragons, watched Richard Hammond, then China.





Not bad day here, but it's raining now.

Went to the supermarket today, but haven't done much else.

Pity you missed out on a free phone Hicky, but at least you've still got your lad there, if the stag night has been delayed or something.

Frodo I love King prawns. In fact I had a King Prawn Balti tonight  (mainly because I forgot I just had them on Friday ). I always buy the raw ones if possible.

Hi Mollie. You're lucky to have all those walks near you.

I can't guess where you were yesterday, but it was obviously outside.

Watched X-Factor. There were some good singers on today. .........and the girl in the fishnet.

Now watching the Paralympic closing ceremony.

Never tried a Krispy Kreme Do-nut. The name has always put me off. I would have thought if your doughnut was crispy, then it had probably gone a bit stale?

I remember when I was at school, at break time there was a van at the gate that sold all sorts of treats, and I used to buy a jam doughnut. . Wouldn't be allowed nowadays I suppose?

Last edited by emptybox

Good afternoon Everyone.


And it's Hello o Frodo & Emptybox.


Mollie is missing i see, hope she's not doing the 950 mile walk.



I'm hoping i'll still get a new phone, the Nokia 610 is a beauty, never had a good phone.


The best prawns are those still in shells with the head on, they are the most tasty, they are already cooked but the flavour is under the shell and hasn't been washed out.


Haven't been too busy today.


My lad is still at home, not sure what happened to the stag party in London, Bangkok & Prague.


We had fish and chips last night in New Brighton, they must have been very busy all day as they had smallish fish by night time, we got 3 fish each.

I could only eat 2.


 Hello Mollie emptybox Hicky.

The weather is still holding out here it's been a lovely warm day again,found those do-nuts Mollie ,I Googled them they look delicious I was going to put a picture up but the name was all over the box so I didn't know if that was allowed on here.  


 The plumber has just arrived to mend the loo he's been putting it off for the last three days its been a nightmare ,he is here now so not to worry.


Your walks sound lovely (good for walking those Krispy Kreme do-nuts of lol, thanks for the tips on colour and bold that was a great help.


Still feeling the withdrawal from C.BB BUT I'm sure it wont last long .


emptybox hyah Prawn Balti sounds good ,busy time of year now for you ? do you have any awkward customers or do you know them all well.


I watched X factor didn't notice the fishnet tights tho' lol ,can't beat a jam do-nut or a large slice of chocolate cake


Hicky three fish with your chips no wonder you left one ,hope you do get a new phone as well  .


I thought your son would have been going back to-day ,perhaps he's realised no place like home  


                                 sees you soon xxxx



Raining most of today, sometimes very heavy, so no work.

Watched some of the Olympic parade.


Hi Frodo.

Hope the plumber sorted your problem?

I've certainly had some awkward customers in the past, but they kind of weed themselves out. Either because they are reluctant to pay, or because they are never satisfied with what you do, and get someone else instead.

At the moment most of my customers are OK.


Hi Hicky.

I've never had a good phone either, mainly because it would be easy for it to get dusty and ruined through my work. Just got an old Blackberry at the mo (on PAYG).

Never tried the prawns in their shells. The raw ones are nice and juicy when cooked, but right enough they sometimes don't have that lovely earthy flavour. (not earthy, but you know what I mean).


Evening Frodo & Emptybox.


I got my new phone, it's a white one, have set it up for Facebook, Twitter, Email.

Windows ID.

Want to put my old sim in it with my number but will have to get the sim cut as the new ones are smaller.


Whats a good vodafone package for the PAYG? any idea.


Going to the vodafone shop in the morning after the school run, need more saltfish as well.


My O/H has got an ipad now as well, my lad had bought 2.

Only ÂĢ499 each.


My Lad is still here Emptybox, sounds like the stag do isn't happening as planned.

Meant to ask what the problem was.


Hi Hicky.

That phone sounds grand. I presume it's running Windows Phone 7 (or something)?


I'm on Vodafone PAYG, but I'm afraid I haven't looked into the packages, so couldn't really advise.


Because I've got a Blackberry I have to pay ÂĢ5 per month for Blackberry internet, which covers the emails etc but not other websites, so I usually buy a ÂĢ5 web pack each month for checking twitter and Facebook at lunchtimes.


Calls and text are over and above that, but I rarely call or text anyone anyway.

I  suppose I should call some of my customers to tell them I'm coming, but I'm more of a 'just turning up' kind of a guy.


Morning Mollie emptybox Hicky

had a hiccup there something went wrong  and I lost my post .    thought you may like this Mollie

I think it's cute ,it's been raining here although it seems to be clearing up now.


Glad you got your Phone Hicky  takes me all my time to use the PC ,although I may change my mind and indulge in one ,the cheapest of course.


Good that you have your son for longer .are you back at work yet ?


Hi emptybox bit difficult to get prawns in their shells here cos I'm sure Hicky means the large ones ,I prefer the raw ones and I would imagine they are frozen pronto so they keep their flavour.You may think this is a bit silly but frozen garden peas seem to taste sweeter than fresh to me.


Here I go again on about food .


                                                               bye for now xx




Good evening all



Aaawww how sweet is your lad treating all the family.   I am so pleased you got your new phone, sounds like you are going to get good use from it. I am like Freddo, using my lappy is enough for me....(although I do have a cheap mobile for if I am out.... but don't know how to text or do complicated stuff like that.

3 pieces of fish.. you did well, you'll have to call in late again.   So pleased though to hear your lad has stayed on a while later.

Have you tried Asda or Tescos for PAYG packages? I think they are quite cheap.



Probably a good thing you have not tried Krispy Kreme, so you don't know how good they are.   I reckon kids eat more and more junk now these schools are trying to ban them.   When my kids went to school in Ireland, they were only allowed junk on Fridays and then of course the kids just overindulged all they could then. My gardener is a turn up guy too, think of the time and money it saves you in phone calls, especially as you are relaint on weather, If you phoned, by the time  you got there, you might of changed your mind because it starts to rain.



what a lovely UTUBE of the cat and bird. What an easy going cat that one is.

Don't worry about talking about food, it had always been one of our fave subjects on here.  

In your do-nut pic is one of my fave Krispy Kremes, the apple and cinnamon one.

I didn't notice the X factor fish nets either. Emptybox must be very observant as far as young women go then.

Yes weird without CBB, will give me chance to catch up on stuff I recorded though. And there is a baby programme on C4 at 9pm tonight about twins and triplets. I love watching the baby programmes.


Yes Hicky, I was missing for a while, but have not yet completed that full walk round Wales yet.   Had a franctic few days... been out all over the weekend, as well as Bristol on Friday.... college starting back, so had forms to sort out, daughter had to get passport piccie done, we fancy a few days in Paris, but because she was under 18, her passport has run sooner than mine, and it was my mums birthday over the weekend too.


Saturday night you were right Emptybox, we were outdoors, will put up piccies in a mo if I can.

Sunday night we were also out, took my mum with us for her birthday treat. We went to see a big screen production of shots from Planet Earth, and it was set to live music from the UK Philharmonic Orchestra. The guy conducting had written all of it himself, appartently he has written a lot of scores for films. Huge orchestra, nearly 70 of them.  However I didn't like the bits when the animals were chasing other animals. But as daughter said the rare snow tiger would not survive if it didn't chase goats, it can't go to tescos like me for vegetarian food. . I closed my eyes for those bits though, because I wanted the goat to escape.


And yesterday my friend asked to come over for an hour, she said, However after over 2 hours, I wondered when she was going to leave, because I was so behind, and had to go out to get someone to verify forms.She is lovely but does like to chat.

So house still a mess, but managed 6 washloads today whilst sun was out.


what days you working this week Hicky?


is it cooler up there Emptybox, feels a bit cooler here tonight.


son at drama tonight, rehearsing for Tommy, their next production early next year.


have a good evening all xxx


Sorry, a bit of woffly post for me as I have not been around for a few days.





here is where we were on Saturday night... outside Caerphilly castle for Last night of the Proms. Part of it was on BBC1, the cameras were filming close to us. And even though it was a warm day, it felt very cold sitting outside when it got late, but I felt ok well prepared with my coat and hat. The fireworks were great, and were set off from the castle. Some of the singing/music a bit heavy for me, but parts also good, and a great experience to see all these musicians in the outdoors. We took our picnic chairs we borrowed fro a friend, some had taken tables, and one next to us, even had candles lit. And loads of food. We only took sandwiches.

This is a pic of the stage, the lady presenter was Alex Jones from the One Show. She looked very elegant in her dress, and said her shoes were killing her and covered in mud.   The man is the choir leader for Only Men Aloud who we saw a few weeks ago.





thanks for the lovely long post Mollie I enjoyed all your news and the fireworks look glorious,I'm like you can't bear to watch wildlife films,of couse we know it happens doesn't make it any easier tho'.I'm watching Channel 4 with the twins etc .but I missed some so will watch it on the +i thingy


               Last Night of the Proms !!!! wonderful ,only a short post so hello to emptybox and Hicky xxx

                                                           night all xx                                             


Hi Mollie, Frodo and Hicky.

Not too bad here today, mostly dry with some sunshine, but much chillier than last week.


I know I said I didn't have any awkward customers left, but I had an awkward job today.

I have a long standing customer in a row of farm cotteges. She is fine in herself, but she has got me cutting two of her neighbours, and every time I go there I get some of the other neighbours saying "Oh, could you just cut our grass this time as well?". That's all well and good, but it means I never know how long I'm going to be there. Also one guy only asks me every few weeks, but doesn't cut his grass inbetween, with the result that his grass is always a nightmare to cut.It took me 2 hours longer than I'd planned, and meant another of my regulars missed out. Trouble is, they are all friendly on that row, so I don't like to say no.


Hi Mollie, you've certainly been busy, and you seem to have over-dosed on orchestral music this weekend? Glad you enjoyed it though.


Hi Frodo. Glad that Youtube of the cat and bird finished when it did. I could feel the cat gradually losing patience with the annoying little bird, pecking at it's paws.


Really enjoyed the BBC2 series on the Vikings tonight, with Neil Oliver. Just my sort of thing.


Hi Hicky.

Hope you managed to get a good package for your new phone?


Don't know how you guys missed the girl wearing the fishnet on Sunday's X-Factor? She was hardly wearing anything else. She clamped herself around Louis Walsh, and Gary Barlow had to make a run for it, before he got similar treatment. She was supposed to be a Britney impersonator, but she couldnae sing for toffee.


ETA: Oh I forgot to say thanks for the photos Mollie.

I like Alex Jones.

Last edited by emptybox

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